West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Jan 1899, p. 3

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DOSE L we are now prepared ROMPTLY. antity of Bash, and the dint. outside, sheeting. " tqtte Ht; KE CHNIE U10 d. Mgr dies! DZscovary All]. $1888 Principloo. that ibis. TUA Factory. Mam W we 1 romptrv “his: nu ma- rnituré 3.3121] I'? cm 1am tjlji' so that all onion 3 Ameri- ath always t " ad in his itht I Jurbnm 3.3.". KRESS 6,: m " '.l Whinh th o their sun’s ., we can" 'Y the or“. AZWJTG .VICODOC mined. Ind!- :r' mover-ll... all owe the, _. of the not". b u- tes’ImhI' dad of Kb... " the boom. "e the skill a. ' want. hm v. ttto 3 the O. t '. an not been .\ “to the In. I{-.J'Vone~ P..- t '.ts “and thrv knowg " do“ BN r it " “I. «Hun on” [ P1 wry. ' p" . 3.6 Bi 0 ., “a.“ % MMOIC " rn.rdieigteq, end! the on" .'tt Americll _ ms. and In, his" powort SA Hearse. it Cheap" 1t no that, although quite tall, she weighnd only about. tht ponds. After taking the slightest food shv felt such distress that she “as compAled to lie down for hairs, bring so 'reak 1114 she. was unihle to sit up. At last she thought she must have New attacked by cancer of the stomach, Bo violent were the pains that constantly haras- sed her. She consulted the bust phy- IlCians and spam mare than a hundred dollars in trtuttnent and medicine, in Idditiun to u. hirh she spew nine weeks in the hupiml at Pembroke. But gtatred of ever being well. Finally. sh, decided to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial, and avma'dinitly she pro- cured six boxes. Although ihvy bene- fited her almost from the time she began taking them. she kept on taking the pills until she had taken sixteen boxes, and then felt that she was calm lately cured, the pill accomplishing in {hm months what four years of medical treatment had failed to do. From that time, nearly three years ago. Mrs. Brunette has been in good health, needing no medicine. "You can see," said Mrs. Brunette, as the reporter was departing, "that I am in rtect health, I attend to all my houses rid work, and the dairy and poultry, 'potl, have a large number of cows to: m. I never fail to my a good word fl) Dr. Williams' Pink Pills when '/ it" " opportunity. for they did won-) "rhst things for me." Mrs. Brunette) ll . atrerll educated lady, speaking _rr-tt and English fluently. Aiuto--1y.tttt has caused the chango In Major sum: appearance of late! no “a to look like one born to com- mand. - - . . _ "RfrTmstrw--Pe is married now, and has made a discovery that he wasn't Itora for An' such purpov, From the Pembroke Observer THE EXPERIENCE OF A LADY WHO HAD GIVEN UP HOPE. during their hard school life. A nation cannot flourish long when its working class is not thoroughly able, and the suicides of school children referred to above should be awarning note both to Germany and other na- tions eager to imitate her educational "stem. , Out of Death’s Shadow This shuws that the ordinary working man is very poor, and as meat of all kinds is terribly dear in Prussia, it is evident that the pupils of elementary schouls cannot. as a rule, receive the nourishment necessary to sustain them Bd. Whether the present generation can stand it, seems. to a foreign ob- perv", doubtful. The pate faces and generally wealrlr-hodies of the youth of Berlin, for example, I refer entirely to the working classes. are not wholly ncgeunted for by town life. T40,000 heads of families and persons with an independent existence, with their fumil.es. representing nearly 70 per cent. of the population, do not earn " per annum. in an article in the current number of the German .. Imperial Ga aette,” on " National Economics." it is stated that in Prussia, out of a total popu- lation of nearly thirty-two millions, 8.- attained During the ten year: ending in 1896, 407 school children, 88t boys and 76 girls in Prussia alone, succumbed un- der the strain of education, and took their own Aves before they had ar- rived at the age of fifteen. It is ex- treuitslrpsitrnificant that without asin- gin exceptwn the children were pupils of elementary schools and schools where training for a particular profession " Increase " Suicide Anon. Ger-en kneel fillin- A Berlin correspondent writes: The Intensity of the struggle for existence in which Germany is at present en- gaged is sadly illustrated by the eta- tisticai report of the Education lhe partment. rim-ed Will! Pate, In the Namath mr I‘M"- Ivar-rhino“ um! llmplt..l Tum-lent "tteat In llrlp 'rt-" Mer Extremity Br. “Ilium" "ink fills Inn-1mm! "or " lie-Inn. ALL WORK AND NO PLAY. THE CAUSE, y l was, touring tent pls out of the 'lgiuund, one begin to realize how "fl-igllu was the roof overhaul, and to be even tiruriful that it was not more leullstantiul. the sand devil raged for lh.lf an hour without uumuge, save to with”. pegs, which flew about rather tidatngerously. Every moment I expect- ;ted the tent to collapse and go scud- _ic'ing from the storm. But it held in)!" and, covering my head with a _ blinket, I Ly down. smothered in ‘dust, while the struggle between cun- ivus and sand went on with growing fit-t't'enees. 'lhe. servants, who lay :on th, Stud, clust undisturbed until aroused by thtir masters. l then active operations began andthe i~hirp click of mullets falling on tent {p gs was heard throughout the storm. l the tent next to mine was the first l:o go. It fell or rather, glided to the} (ground, and presently there emerged burn the wreckage three figurt-s.’ lb'ind ng the po:it.on untenable lmude ill. vittue. of necessity and struck my 1tent before further damage could be :done. Having made fast the canvas lover my baggage and furniture I drew i'.,",?. bad into the, open, and wrapping! (myself in a blaneet, lily sweltering; land choking until the Storm abated. [At dawn We were able to remove the' ltmces of this experience. The tents (iii' won pth d, furniture, clothes. and boxes were dug out of the sand, ’und presently Abdul Hassan, Mahomet and the other servants were "making kitchen" and lighting fires under i"" er of some dead bushes. l POETESS ON BEAUTY. A Poetess of passion has written an article on the art of keeping young- She does not call it that and she de- votes nearly all her space to complex- ions. of figures, or hair, or dress, or ideas she says not a word. She says women do not paint or ealeimims their faces in this enlightened age, but they do work over them and think about them and spend money on them. They do not tell the men of their acquaint- ance the brand of cold cream or the make of loolah they employ, because men are prejudiced beings and cannot conceive of virtue and pearl powder in the same person. Man thinks soap and water sufficient cosmetics for any woman. The poetese of passion “cut: him; she says there are scores of ex- cellent persons of the feminine per- suasion who never use soap on their faces. One of the most beautiful wom- en she knew " Iixty had e pink and I THE SCENE WAS CHANGED. (h breath of hot wind astromu fur- nace, brought every tented sleeper to his feet wuh a gasp. instantly the camp was alive with sound and mo- tion. The rush of the menu mingled with the neighing of horses, the gunning of camels, tho blunting of gods and the flapping of canvas. The mom was h.ddun brh.nd a cloud of mun. Sand Lllud the air - awhhi, lug, rushing h.il of alums. An it swirled arounJ and Above the tturs, summing lupus, clashing against cun- 3 "At first one sighs for a breath of twind to cool the burning air. When F, comes the effect is disastrous. A iblinding, suffocating cloud of dust {Springs from the earth, sweeps over the camp and searches out every nook and cranny in hut and tent. It pene- trates the most secret recesses of trunks and boxes, mingles with food and drink, and makes a sticky com- pound of sweat and mud under which the skin smarts and stings. Even- Cing and morning are numbered among the delights of the desert. Under, normal conditions they are pleasant} enough, but. unhappily. they are too often attached in these parts with vio-l lent storms of wind and sand .devils. These "devils" are whirlwinds of dust that gather volume and force as they sweep along, cutting fresh particles fromthu matrix of sandstone rock and driving their myraids of atoms to swellthe dust of the desert. During the list few days we have had several opportunities of otrerving this pro-e33 of natures. Last night my blankets were spread under the veranda of the tent. It was a beautiful night. The air was calm, the sky was clear and' the moon cast dark shadows of palm ( and m.mosa on the white plain. Under,' these tofLen'ng intluen es of light and sound the desert lost its terrors, and 00:! looked dre'lmlly on. the picture until a solemn silent-e fell upon the camp and slecp sealed the eyelids. A mount Lter and i [Graphic Description of a Home liner! tbtmoon 1. mp3. l "Sand, sand. Band. Band everywhere." writes a correspondent from the scene of theBritish operations on the Nile, "Beating down upon this arid pink) is the fierce sun, who): gives a. temperature of 120 degrees in the shade. The heat and glare are into- lerable. At midday one lies swelter- ing and gaping undera coating of tiweat and sand, eyes, ears and nose choked with dust, while. flies, gums; and ants seek outthe tenderest parts. Three is no escape from these condi- tions. low. Arop, oitda,, 75%, (224/. Fairuhtor uh. " per acre cash.” f'"" plld._ ."u"o"iositLif, A SANDSTORM. 1 SPECIAL FROM KINGSTON. Mr. Ediiorr- Please inform your readers that we wish to place in their hands, pre-paid, a free sample of an absolute cure for Catarrh, Bmm-hilis, Irritable Throat, &e. It is neither a snuff, nor a wash, nor an ointment, but a pleasant re- ,medy which is carried by atmospheric iair to every part of the throat, lungs land nasal passages. For trial bottle lot this famous preparation and in- ,huler. Address, N. C. Poison & Co., [Kingston Ont. The estimated value of the Sultan‘s jewels is 840,000,000. It His Majesty has any hobby at all, it may be said to be the purchasing of jewels and witness- ing private theatricals. No profes- sional of note-be he actor, singer or conjuror-paaaea through Constanti- nople without an invitation from the Sultan. He always pays for these per- formances in Bank of England notes. Lord Rosebery went to Eton to wit- ness a football match in which his eld- est son was playing. Miss Cutting-Well, they didn't in your case, at least. Sortleigh-So 'ou-aw, don't the Homes make the man, Miss my LIFE OI? WHALES. Whales from 200 to 400 years old are sometimes met with. The age is ascer- tained by the size and number of lay- ers of the whalebune, which increases yearly. Dodd's 1ruiLa" Pills cost only fifty cents a box, 82.50 for six bores, can be got at all drug stores, or by sending the price to The Dodds Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto. I "[pvrsevered in the use of Dodd's Kirin-y Pills, and to-duy I am sound um] well--lrave not an ache or a pain, though the doctors had utterly failed to relieve me." Mr. Stewart tells the result of his action in the following words: “I had taken nuiy a fvw doses of Dodd's Kid- n y Pills when I began to feel better. My urine grew more natural in color, and became normal in quantigy; 7 About this time he bought abox of Dodd's Kidney Bills. and began using them, taking no more of the doctor's inedicines, which had proved BO user ass. Time passed; the medical men were constant in their attendance and un- remitting in their care. But no bone- fit resulted. On the contrary Mr. Stewart's condition grew steadily worse. The symptoms became more and more pronounced, and the patient's sufferings were, at last, almost un- bearable. itrlcken by Kidney Dlncane- llo Ind Treatment From the Mon Skill“! ”odors-All Failed to Help Him - "will" KIdm-y PM“ Int-ml "1m. Ingersoll, Jan. 16.-tknue time ago Mi. Francis Stewart, one of the well- to-do tailors of this town, had the mis- fortune to fall, and injure his kidneys severely. Soon after the accident symptoms of Kidney Disease made their appearance and Mr .Slewurt at, once placed him- self under the care of a competent phy- sician. ---H'_ 'Vu‘uLuA uuu‘ylhllUuS la a fallacy. Love and sorrow intensify hr. stead of spoiling beauty, she says. It is only the lower and meaner passnons like envy and spite, and ill temper, which mar the face beyond repair. And the poeLess believes in skin tonics and skin food, massage and all the other scientific aids to beauty. " --_ ----. le Canada's Granted Modinh a for rheuma- tism. 5011!); all druzglqtn. Price " Jow Mr. Francis Stewart Baffled Relentless Enemy. Hood’ Pills {N INGERSOLL CASE. _ w. -. awn. nu tut' blood settling in the joints. Hood's Sarmparilla neutralizes this acid and rurea' itvumatism, as the oxperlnnm of mu " ude, 11:5 prawn. Wil iam ll Le '- Lat. w, Leonard Street, Fall River, 3tams., trtyyc--"I suffered a severe at.. tar-k of rlreumttism, and decided to try Howl's tiarsciparilla. After taking it a short time I Was entirelv cur-Ari" ililood's Sate? Whatever its whenever felt agonizing. It blood Settling Rheumatism NOT AN EXCEPTION. Sciatic. 't"lammatorv, Acute, Chronic. 101 uuuuuau women alone can youthful complexions Is a name, wherever and i, is painful. irritating, is cancer! by acid in the ' in the joints. Hood's are the only pills to mks with Hood‘s Sarsspurllm. reu a severe at- ad decided to try After taking it entirely eared". don't think parllia Cut- ONTARIO ARCHIVE TORONTO th c. BENNETT, Vancouver, B.C., This Compony is mentally formed to acquire the “but Ghnnoe" and “Flying Dutchman” Mineral Currtta in Cir! x. M :c-‘mwy. in ii a nine range so the Ont-limo claims. The Lost Chmco being a tlr sem'n'ed from the L'ariboo clowns by the Wiarton Fromm”. Tou, Lari. Chan q adjoins tho Waterloo on one wide. end on the other side we Fenian or. There In no ”(termite-mom In em. Iolloney today than that Mutt our to than who teko nook In um company. Options were secured on those claims from Mr. Staphen Manson before the full merit: o? the Comp were known to the puhlir, " o rice which would notbo occepted to-dey. Bharehntde" in the Company net the full benetit of the options, th " wen: we rui at $000 in can end 880.000 in stock for the two claim) The are: tonne of ”not, oonouting of 200.000 uhnrea (par vnlna 850.000). in offered for ale at FIFTEEN CENTS PER riff {it I, wi; h out deduction for oommiaoionn. no on to realize 830.000. Tue Cornpnny can. from the ale of this 'took, make all phylum“. Ol botn m " "rttotr, end [cove nearly $10,000 in the 'l‘reiuury to atrur “chm" Y_ to development Fork. After the oolo of thin issue of Itock 250.000 shares in 'r “'06 " 011», will "tall! in the Trouury for further development trn.t equipment of the mine. The low capitalization " the Company. coupled with the grand character of the Own end the L. Alien ot them ttuirtt ', in We the the but prospective mining invntment in Britinh Columbia t ut " ttranrd to the public to-doy. Prospec n1 (ontnziin; fu.i Inf. cal. on and minim report urn the" property will be furnished upon npgllcntion. All Inbecriptionl or stock. oeoomnanied by marked cheque. raft, or troloMoe order. ehonld be nddreaaod to the nndcrsi 3101. who ere authorized to give interim receipt; pending the permanent argon notion ot the company. try, I have spent, 40 yem' "udr on leiiP,it'iiittip,,t? Como and mm, younelveo. No rue. W. K. B TE. Swami-0. 392 Collegu Bt., Toronto. In. Oomom tktloQ -urltieVrGmm.. enter - gun. It... W. J ELLIOTT. frriGiiu". t glam Consul. . tfetli.udttrtg?ld"t,'r,t, who vu lul - I hth"l “meta. n- huourod many who ml. ed 0100' on Wm.» W. J. Amen, I D., Bulb. Opt. E V e r y nnmmern tam merersm. tusd mu m it (he! will mum- and in I have loan! 40 veurd “nth rm this r inmuinl Intuit. 89¢th lmpedlmanto lit' - H cMamggmrgrs of gum; ., r "‘7 .mn. me. tore, In it“: a... - _'. Ind Hotel “mural. Jew- an?) Piuuilau‘i‘lnd til at I tt later mun. Brftish Pm. mum. " " to 23 we. at .gorénm. magma comm: scum. Write for tilt) terms f?'iM January February. .CORRIGAN.113 'ongo So. Write for a Ono-belle Dl-Infootnnto. Soaps. onu- mont, Tooth Pandora, otet., have been awarded 100 medals and diplomas for uupoaior audience. Thrir regular use prove rt Infecti- one diseases. Auk JrJJ, dea'er to chain 1 lupply. Liam mails, free on application. . You can sell dozens to our I newsman crttate" sulfur P., "LAN h I T “mm In any huum-hul-I Imp-"ion. to cold. nu tire ueeded. To nutm- duco tIll arm] nmplr for 25c prepaid n.-n..........-___ --v _ 4Wl,'.'J,e, ttMttmb..,.tte,, Imponulonl nun Infill unlAm no 11 - li bl 0 dot mum uni. 'rsya%"rr, 'llle 1230:... lookblndln' Bond mum "inet, bus them ulna, "Influx, 1tiiiiiiiiiji, !itl'il,',lii'iut'iiiit',si'tr'i'e', like: at " Ctnstoc um war er, in: AM," not“ 200 uni r who post '1 cnuuu-r daybook 'it , fLqth.1ffgeeitgeA G. Aatefaa_ulf-hcyytet ..1.1i_sseltPn “FBI!" '""r"""""'" l. . u c oaafull, "and. Qqngult u qualitUd pflotllxoug. who ree' If you I." In: APPLM, BttTTMt, was or FOUL“! to Ihlp. ship them to The Damon Commitslon th., Limited, Toronto. galvanic a cusps, 65111.12 I'm “noon. B. F. McKINNON. BSU.. Whololnle Merchant. Toronto. JOHN FLETI‘. ESQ. Whole-ole Merchant. Toronto. MENRY hOWNDEs. Whales-.10 Merchant. Toronto. HARTLEY H. DIWAB'I‘. wut ' Toronto. R. s1','r'i,'llP""'r ISO. Mattugnoturesr and Merchant. oronto. The following gentlemen, who have already subscribed for stock of the Company _ irrsear, 5331333; gar-£29.. London. I I n Inn-nu Reed--Don't you wish you could write like Kipling? There is meat in his stuff. Wright-Bread and meat. l ~NON-PERSONAI. lMBr irr.--- Authorized Capital Stock, $153,000 divided into 600,000 shares of a par value of A 25 cents each. First issue 200,000 shares at 15 Cents each. A large pro- portion of these are already subscribed for. BEING INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. PROVISIONAL TDtEtiB3C3Cr?CDEtE3.., We will give One Hundred Dollnrl for any one of Brahmas tcauaed by catarrh) that can. not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circnlm ', free. r . J. CHENEY a CG, Tolerdo, o. to%ttprtyprittk,' 75e, THE MCKINNEY REEF MILD WNW} 69., by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness. and that is by constitu- tional remedies. Denim»: is caused by an in- flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube in inRanterd you have a rambling s 'und or imperfect heu- ine, and when it is entirely cloned. Deafness is the result, and unless the inittummition con be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition. hearing will be destrodyed forever; nine cases outof ten are must,- by Camrrh, which is nothing bur. an inflamed condition of tte.mueutr surfaces. I wonder why that ridiculous Miss Skinner wears such awfully low-neck- ed dresses. I have pondered on the subject my- self, and I can't tell why, unless she wishes to show her age. 1tui'i"rGiiTr"rii'iUia the but, The " itjiiiiiiiai.',U'ii 'l,'i'ii','orn. " Toronto F. th CALVERT a M., MANOHIOTIR. . . ENGLAND. 0362151? uirN viRii 1iWfifih., . Pembroke In. “route. “and: TMMlllii8lli88, CALVFtp's RILATM Locum " List Ctwttig- Deafness Cannot be Cured POSSIBLY THE REASON. A SHILLING A WORD, m quo Durcumu cum: WM‘KINNEY. B.C. Only Immnuon In Ouud- tor the we of "my pine nbapogh dam Enublhhd In Tomato t uro tttrr,,t,vJt,e',i,,- "Duly: A171” vnnr nun" "um.- Central main] terms f?'iM January I. CORRIGAN. 113 'ongo so. manning. our. Wm. Mlllar& M. W. P. C 954 a! nu - .u Bar ik so ;!.l;;llle‘1l l Egrh ry " sun-l. Loudon, W . thin in Pssris, " Rue de Crs"rgl_ ue. A: d " all Gnu‘rlk. l'hu-vmsu. Ind Mun-A In"; "tu-re, m Lo F., 35,61 , (is ' (hu, "It Hen: murmu- her Allu D,, Barry a Beulah“ Biscuits, m tum, u. " and u 50 Years' é I Ito nrlnhiv 'iuvrr te. loo," 50 Years Ammsl Cures of Ihsursto Urn. Fitstultrtrcr, hyq-rpu. an'geanu l' Itsuutptiun, "mm-kn ' him-ch11 a, In" Prim, C'Wél Asthma. ('aruvlz. Phlexvn, Hinnmu. Nrrvous Dulniliby. Sleeplruueu, Drapwudrncy. \- trch Saves luv did. and Chi, hen. hurl a artful]? Infants than Al'ust nu mu] lrt Dish-d A I "tro., treMauertta. it (lip ' " " Food is rejected, saves 5" time: it, amt m Kn "an Inn, ["‘~"""" Nu" HEALTH BESTOR?!) 33‘1“; nu)“ dun! loud stomach, Luno, Nr., was. I Brunei. kidueyw, Bruin Ind “rm h " Du Barry's t---Prrat Pi1uett "cond Cnbln. W., 1rhTl 022.60 on qunrdu wool-ding to steamer un berth. For a lintormation u lr to [no.1 Agenu. or DAVID Toxmnc: £83.. Gon'l Agents. tt so. Sacrament tA.. Menu-n]. Montreu.ud aebmygoLimr ol In lummmn I." a and {an twin Screw 2lltWlfl 'Ubrtsdor.' Cf,', oolnr.’ 'Dominion ' 'Bcotamtut,' ' Yorkshire: Susarior GaiiiiiiiatiGi tor Piet Cubin, Sea on Cnbln_sm} ttt,er.HrS..ry.,temerc Bum of R o o r I u a 5tMttNIttt! Pgtt Dominion Llno Steamshlgs. 2eoetAeefitetytith1ttreol/rntuuu.s"tr, ertrr Baker's Adjustable Bedside Table WHEN YOU ARE BUYING TEA' Unequalled for purity and honest " - . I " " 300nm HLX'EE HEY; ludrun. BLATI BLACKBOARDS (We eprrl, g Ind High M0013. Tummn) Ro, In. Pott, PM; 1}." m 2,21','2,ffg,'l 'f ll'tt F3! Ion] Build.' one o m o . oi t 0. Eli' S'ti'i'li that)? Jr, work siieiiitirl a . . .o n! gr (1 t " country. and g'Al1ra"rdl/i", raia'i INN!!!" mama. COCOA EPPS'S GRATErUL-COM FORTING. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. BREAKPAST-sUPPER. l.t.t' the Illijiihiiiriit co.. iii' Yonge Bt., Toronto. f,'atat To be had only from I. no»: I". M ngen at. E., Torraro Bend stamp for circular and “mm. of cloth before buying eluwhero. Superior 53,3}; Four Dollars cent to guy Address on receipt of ctr-mp. Menu" “helium"! and Vaporizer Compton. “nu Wanted for But Sol“ ... Bath In menu. I. Hagan Vapor Buff: FREE BOOKLET. GUIDE To HEALTH. NEVILLE & M., Tclep' mo 21% Mining Brokers, 71 Bay Street, Toronto. “which sud Samples ot dtarial of our Steal Ftatne LUDELLA cm“ Universal” lndoned sud “(My mommendod , the Medic ll ‘roteesion. Fume of “bl. in c mum 0d of steel Tublu, ant-bod either in Black or White Enamel Nickel or Antique Casper Hun but ll at Selected Oak nicely polished. who and our bod, loan”. chair, “a A tomato“ "Male cl mu merit Ind uti-ity, Domini" 01ml“ tad price list In! free upon ispplioattoti. Cone-pondum Invited. Tho W. B. OAUPIILL 00., General “out. for Can-dc. I “nah, on. Designed mteoinitr for Home 0 szort. . . lo "t"s"tatpete!tyrttam , eon-plot. with“! Revalenta Arabian Fo P. n FEARMAN, ESQ, Manufacturer. 3mm"; GEORGE H. MARIE. ESQ. runlew. 8.0. G. G BENNETT. use. Vancouver. gt C. MAJOR c. GRIVXLLE HARSTON. Toronto ARTHUR. Jun: JOHNSON. £80. M. n. "ron. ur. 9.- '2terSr,1hNhru1e.T.9suynsqr, “Jul"; Tm To cl) others. Germ-proof doth them. tttoiia, __ in Gui. he lt modlcim be to Na Food value - Lead packages - M, Jo, 40. so and 6oe. he on: , are proposed as Provisional Directors qlNlgrlt Bungle ttnr,asritivr'.'intiurii'ri' uni _ - ON 0... " MON“ " I. "rout, Swiss Darner. . . BARN A HOLE In Three III-mt». 1llf ODORlESS (lllfllllMIf (HUSH 00.. Tire only required on. in two _ For dronin- write " of then Closet. Ire now The! In Ask your grocer for If Gate [ASN.1 BI DONE WITH THE Absolutely Odorless. Hamilton. Ont. Hundreds Attor . limo pr _ “on we on India y . week an»; . o h“. te sed m In. con. “mien“; Ct Imam uh Ill emu Dunn ma " our 'Mteatw nnd m Instruct when In their Inc-My, W. Immu- thuunudr " 'ti', 110 dunlulu tor Vt hum- mu. mud é'i, .ud wummvhk. “on”! BN1.- Datum can qwaitr on (mm (A to .9 new In cumin; gnu-pl. for in TM. III-o Dunn IQ an I huh has! or M . mm m m nil-Ina. It new “In. olotha, curt“: loam sud . Mm with otuat MM','.', M “I . on. ownu- I. u - u a at“: Bunny. Tmt in" 'cr man, and: ho. D /, a N no“); ho '/ir1iflta,'lrl/ii 'at inuhwtTaituuina-. NI. on ' “at to ”I, tddroso 9- as!“ , Limited, m "

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