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Durham Review (1897), 19 Jan 1899, p. 8

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wro o. no nocky some yeauts ngo, gok warmed in Taunton, Maes., to Miss Flora Carpenter of that place. We all wish Dugald many bappy years, Rev. Mr. Graham, Bayfield, paeached to a large congregation at Rocky Saugeen on sunday, and will dispeose Sacrament at Dornoch next Sun lay at 11 a. m., and 11 hold service at the Rocky at 3 p. m. W he Are You >z Easily Tired? W1 Nn Mr. James R. Wilson spent Sunday at his father‘s and has risen another step, he is now foreman of his gang. Miss Mary Wilson is gaining well Miss Mary Ann McFarlane and the Misses _ McConnel from â€" Collingwood visited â€" Boothville friends Thursday last. now Mr. and Mrs, Angus McCannel spent Sunday at their respective parents. We are sorry to hear of )rm. MceDonâ€" ald‘s illness, We hope she will soon be around as usual. We are pleased to hear that Mrs. George Haw is a little better. Glad to see Mr. J. McQueen on the warpath again, after an enforeed rest of three or four weeks. Mrs. D. McCannel rres«'nted bher husâ€" band with a fine baby on Monday morning. We with others sympathize with the McDonald ‘amily of Pomona in their sad bereavement, in theloss of a kind wother, whose death was published in last weeks Review. Mr. Duncan McArthur has moved into his new residence which is a credit to himself as well as the builders, Now Duncan we hope it won‘t be long before you perform the other duty. Mi We are informed that Messrs, Alex, and Malcolm McMillan will leave this week for Traves City, Mich, to continue timber making for Mr. N. McIntyre of Durham. These are a pair of our jolly boys and will be much missed from our midst,. We wish them success and a safe return. Mr. John G. Beaton dealt one of his Indians for a handsome gray one day last week in the village of Markdale,. Mr. B, is satisfied this time. Sunday last was a beauty, while Satâ€" urday was the reverse, Warden Murchison from Bachelor‘s Corners was & welcome caller on friends in our town on Sunday last. Mr. John Murchison is back to this vicimty again after spending the last ten months around Burlington Plains. A fow sleigh loads from your town and vicinity, rang the floor of one of our worthy bachelors, one evening reâ€" cently. _ A few of the neighbor boys enjoyed themselves with the crowd, while one or two more of the perfect ones descried the scenes from outside. the windows, and no doubt couid tell J the tale with satisfaction. _ (If the cap don‘t fit don‘t wear it. | M H nC more sJane Lwen Aberdeéen visited »el« Johu‘s of this place. Willie Ewen attended a wedding last Wedunesday. ti t t t1 irn that «_ The d McKechnie id H. MeK Cnus Mi ad Mris. Ja lkea of the Re igbt. _ Afte iz the habt f te enfruo off last Thursday ‘he debaters were A. McLean echnie against M, D. MceCorâ€" . McKechnie of the 2ad. It ‘aw, â€" Next Thursday "which lestructive, Whiskey or War‘ cold it «c Fulgrare Du BOOTHVILLE. Mr. Dugaid MeKechnie. sCOTCH TOWN. ROCKY. + 0 & * w in a + L7 Aberdeen visited Watson gave the y a party on Wedâ€" spending the night tastic, all deparied Watson a happy at at Mr. and Mrs. John Hunt and family of Chicago areespending the winter amonget relatiyes. They are at present on a visit to friends in Mt, Forest. Chatsworth ofiicintifi;i aEâ€"L‘ogtl;_.t’b;"honse and graye,. his sixtieth year. AMr. Murry bad been atiing for a number of years with that much dreaded disease consumption, _ A widow and five children mourn the loss of a kind husband and tender father, and to whom much sympathy is expressed. The remains were interred on Saturday in the Latona cemetery, Rev. Mr, Little of m ETT ECTLT UR | Canadian soil, when the lecturer described | minutely and in detail the rigour and severity of courtship‘s etiquette in the the land of canals and dikes. Proâ€" ‘ ‘I ceeds to be devoted to the building fand Mr. R Truax M. P. P. Kast Bruce acâ€" [ companied by his foreman, Mr. D. FErocter | spent a conple of days through here the last otf the week, They were on the quest of timber, of which every year Mr. Truax buys an enormouns quantity for his wmill is Walkerton, On Thursday the 12th inst, another of the old pioneers crossed the bourne from which no traveller retutns, in the person of Mr, Alex, Murry of Sullivan, in about his sixtieth year. â€" Mr. Murry had haan‘l omm aitenwe e bennather On the 12th inst Rev. Mr. Jansen of Durbam gave his second cdition of his lecture entitled "The life and customs of Holland." A weil filled church grecled. The Itey, genileman who described ITolâ€" laud geographically, the customsâ€" and manners of the town people and lastly Holiand conrtship, which made many thank fortune that they were born on Mr A. MceKinnoun and Miss J, Morrison of Queen Hili Bruce Co., are this week honoring and enlivening this vicinity by their presence on a visit to their wany friends here, Mr. John A, McDonald leaves today (Monday) for ‘Toronto where he has secnred a situation. We wish bim health and success. Miss Mary Vasey returned some time ago from Sadlbury where she has spent the last couple of years. Our sociable shoemaker Mr. E, Malâ€" doon visited friends in Markdxle last week returning by way of Durlhnm. â€" From his kumwing of love ditties azd his pleased looks, we would infer that he had a pleasant time, vot well attended, and@ no decision could be arrived at, as they were far from being unammous in their choice. _ Mr. Graham filled the pulpit last Sabbuath and seems to meet the ideal of the people better than any heretofore. Mr. and Mrs, Commors of Brant Tp. were on Sunday guests of Mrs. J. Sulliyar. Comimunton services are to be condunctâ€" ed here next Sabbath. Preparatory serâ€" vices Friday and Satorday. A congregational meeting was held here an Tuesday of last week t> decide on the choice of a minister, but on account of the inclemeney of the weather it was We congratulate our former schoolmate Mr, Alex. Watt on his good fortune and prosperity in far away Seattle Washingâ€" ton Territory. It is but another examnle of the push and perseverance of all true Dorgochers. Mr. Watt intends to remain till spring around the parental carcle and with other friends ere be returns. Mr. Henry Boree of Crawford Sunday ed very pleasantly in the sulurbs. Miss Sallivan is enliveniag up the home hearth after a long stay in Bruce‘s Co. capitai. Sawmiller Dargavyel now boasts of baying the largest log in his mill yard that has ever been there, it is 12 it. long and measures 1800 ft. It is a soft elm and is perfectly sound. Miss Jennie Little of Chatsworth was the quest of her friend Miss Elsie Smith for a couple of days the beginning of this week, Handsome John Katen of the Reyual city is the guest of the Duggan family during the last week. We regret to anuounce that Mr. A. G. Smith who was so severely injure t by falling off a load ot hbay is still in a eritical condition. We hope to soon hear of his complete recovery. Mr, Robt. Hay visited Hanover friends the laiter part of last week, Mr. Tracy of Woodford is a gnest at present in the village, Mr. P, McAllan, engineer of the C. R. line. Fort William, is a present on two month‘s visit to his family here. Mrs. Daniel Campbell retarned last Saturday to her lonely spouse and family after a six weeks yisit with friends in the vicinity of Milton. Miss O‘Hara of Brampton is winning many friends by her pleasing manners and address doring her stay with friends here. Is the bestâ€"in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Sold by «ll druggists. $1; six for §5. Hood‘s Sarsaparilla is prepared by exâ€" perienced pharmacists of today, who have brought to the production of this great medicine the best results of medical reâ€" search. Hood‘s Sarsaparilia is a modern medicine, containing just those vegetable ingredients which were seemingly inâ€" tended by Nature herself for the alleviaâ€" tion of human ills. It purifies and enâ€" riches the blood, tones the stomach and digestive organs and creates an appetite; it absolutely cures all scrofula eruptions boils, Pimples, sores, salt rheum, and every form of skin disease; cures liver comglaint, kidney troubles, strengthens and builds up the nervous s'yltem. It enâ€" tirely overcomes that tired feeling, giving strength and energy in place of weakness aad languor. It wards off malaria, tyâ€" hoid fever, and by purifying the blood it Ecepo the whole system healthy. Hood‘s Pills gurt sil Liver Hood‘s Makes Well Well Made DORNOCH. and cure all Liver I!!s and Sarsa=â€" parilia Died at Owen Sound on Saturday the 14th inst . Miss Mary MecPhail, daughter | _ Died at his resideiwe on the North Line | Artemesia, on Sunday morning the 8h !mst., Mr, Augus McLeod aged about 48 ,)cal's. Mr. MeLood has been miling for i:\ number of mouths from iiver trouble | which terminated hbis life on the avove | date. _ He came to Artemesia with his i father, the late Roderick McLeod, about | 30 years ago, He was of a quiet nature ! and bore his illness patiently, trusting in j his diyime master, he was a faithful atâ€" tendent in the Preshyterian charch while | \health permitted him. _ fHe leaves o wife | and seven of a family to mourn the loss of & kind husband and dear father. He carried a heavy life insurance which will add greatly to the comforts of the bereayâ€" ed family in providing them with the necessities of life after being bereft of him who was their chief support in life. The funeral on Tnuesday 10th was one of the largest seen for some time., â€" Rev. Mr, Matheson preached a yery effective serâ€" mou at the house and again offlciated at the grave. It is neeliess to say that we are all pleased to find the permy posiage taken effect, being some of the results of good Government, We are sorry to bear thas Jobhuuy Cockburn is not in the best of health for some time, but hope that through iune hs will be all right again. Mr. Colin McLean rented Mr. Joln McLachlan‘s farm, (John Banvn) for a nuwmâ€" ver of years, Mr, MelLachian being in poor health, wishes to rest from the duties of farm life and is to take up his residence with his family in Owen Sound for a few years at least, A young; missionary arrived at the Methodist parsonage on Sunday night the 8th iust, :« grand reception awaited him on is awriyal. _ Happy to fhear that both mother and son me doing well. Mrs. James Stonehouse of Durham is spending a few Gays amongst friends on the south line and D, R. Glenelg this week. The Waboo Medicine Co. of London exhibited t Watson‘s Hall a few nighits last week and left for other places a few days ago. We are sorry to say that Miss Ethel Hogarth is confined to her room and bed for the laâ€"t few days from the effect of a severe co‘d, but nnder the treatment of a food physician, we bope to see her avain attending to hber duties bekind the counter. The elections are all over and everyâ€" body has quited down, In Artemesia the well known Mr. Johno McArthur holds the reins, as President over the Artemesia Council for 1899 _ Being an old aund exâ€" perierced haud at the business, Jolin knows exactly all that is required to fill the position which he is placed in, A good man has fallen in the person of Mr, Donald McMillav, an old and experienced Councillor. OUne shot too much way laid him. Mr, Alex. Muir left sight of all his comrades and would require a good spying glass to view them all so far behind him in the race, he headed the poll away np high. In Gienelg we find Mr, James Staples again in the President‘s cbair, without any opposition, which speaks well of his ability of filling the office. Mr. Lamb who, it will be remembered, was left out last year by some one omiiting to give him another vote stands high this year, and is just in the proper place to represent the north part of the Tp _ Gec,. is a good offlcer, John A. MceMillan, of course was sure to got there, and *there he got too without any strugale, for he hs friends to the right ind left and all over, Mr. Neil MeCanmnel, a new man did well to get a seat nmwongst the oflicers is a member of the council. _ We have no hesitation mm saying that Neil will prove to be a gooad councilman,. â€" Mr. J. Wi/iams in his asual manver headed the poll although only two ahead of John A., showâ€" ing the confidence his supporters _ are placing in him year after year. Two good men bave fallen by the keen edge of the sword, Messrs. McFadden and Firth, but the race is not for the swilt mor the battle for the stronce. Mre. Hopkins, who lived in part of Mr. Gin‘s bouse, died, and was buried on Saturday last. _ She has ouly been bere for a little while. Mr. ard Mrs, Hose and family, of the township of Biuce, are at present visiting at Mrs, Rose‘s mother, Mrs, Melutyre of the South Line, Gienelg, and are to leave for their bome again this week. Cold, rain, frost and thaw and all kinds of weather this last few weeks, so we me beginning to get so used to it that we don‘t mind it mneh uow. y PRICEvVILLE. porters _ are _ Two good edge of the l Firth, but ilt nmor the ar L and xmiss J Hutton visited Allan Park friends a few days ago. arr H Aldred intends taking up a busi. ness course in Durham. ars J Noble is suffering from inflamatory rheumatist this wiuter. mr J Wright Sundayed at home. xr aud urs R Lawson visited Hutton Hill friends on Sunday. Mrs, J. Thompson of Manitoba is spend. ing a short time with her brother Mr, E. Armstrong. Miss A Lawrence of Glenelg was the gn>t of iss H. Lawrence receatly. ar J Campbelt of tho Nowth West i« paying a visit to his many friend: n relatives here. Mr, W. Picken apparently enjoys the Western climate, as be intends remaining theve dnring the winter month‘s. Alfred Noble is snff this week. List week a happy number of young people gathered at the home of Mr. J, Dansmore, where a pleasant evening was shent. A number of our men are Mrs. R. Atrtmstrong 1s, we regret to re port, ill at present, * Mr. A, Alexander was a guest at Mr. 8. Lawrence‘s of Glenelg, on Sunday. Mr. W. Hopkius yisited Walkerton friends lately, Mrs, Alex, Bell of liob Roy Comer‘s hus been yisiting her daughter who resid es in Torouto for the last three weeks. She returns this week, Mr. T. McComb vwere taken byâ€" storm last Frday eyening, the young poople of this line met together and surprised them, _ All were bent on avn evening‘s +nâ€" joytwent which they did have, with music, singing and playiog games. _ "he hour was then getting late and tho merry ecrowd yery reluciantly pomited for their bomes well satisfied with the nighy‘s enâ€" foyment, The heme of Mr, Sanm Linwrenc of the corners was theâ€"scene of a [ event last Thursday evening. _ Se l the youth and beanty from sromr and other places gathored there to ! a social time together. The q | spod quickly and belo e i. any wer ’ it was in the wee sma‘ hours wl separated to their homes, well ; with the cvenings amusemeot and they come" tospend a lew bappy on the south line. Mrs. Ginn bad ber annval woodâ€"Lbee luâ€"t Monday. ‘The neighbors turned or t well and a large pile of wood was sawed. Miss Emma Swallow of your tfown is spending a few days in the country reâ€" newing old aequaivtances. _ \Wo presume Miss Swallow prelers conntry life to town life for the prerent time : ny way. _ What do yon thinx C 9 Mr. Alex. Beatou, we are soiry to say is at present under the weathor with a very sore eye. Mope he‘ll be better soon, DEAR SIR.â€")n the issue of the Dunâ€" dalk Herald of the 5th instant, the editâ€" or stated in reference to the complexion of the Proton Council elect, that Joseph McArdle, Esq., ‘will be a safety yalve" for the council of 1899, We must conâ€" gratulate the Herald on the possesslon of prophetic vision of the capable and incapable, for at first meeting, on Monâ€" day the Oth inst, when it came to apâ€" pointment of Assessor for the current year, there were two applications brought before the council for considerâ€" ation, one fitteen dollars higher than the other, Mr. George Wiight, with New Light economy in his eye, movyed that â€" â€" be appointed assessor at the huf)her figure and was seconded by Mr. John Cooper, Messrs. Wilson and ifc¢â€" Ardle moved and seconded that the lower tender be accepted and this was carried by the casting vote of our worâ€" thy reeve McKenzie who appears to be actuated by true economical principles. Hoping you will give this trifling testiâ€" monial to municipal integrityspace in pyman% Pss Mrs. D. Muir and Flesherton Station, the Kennedy family Two euttle buyers fron: the city of Gueiph were through our burg buying sattle a few days ago. _ RATEPAYER. Proton, Jan. 12, 1809 There is a lot of sickness in the locality and a great number of deaths. _ Rev. Mr. Matheson averages a funeral a week for the last 2 or 3 months, next issue, of the late Arch MePbail of Artemesia. The funeral took place on Monday mornâ€" ing the 16th inst. from Fiesherton Station immedistely after the corpse arrived on the morning train, to Priceville cemetery. Miss McPhail was an old resicent of Artemesia, coming there some 45 years ago. _ She was a member of the old Presbyterian chburch during its existence. She left considerabie property _ which probably will be divided awongst her two sisters, Mrs. McPhatter, of Owen Sound, and Mrs. Neil McPhee of Collingwood. Rev. Matheson officiated at the funeral â€" LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. am respectfully your nsc n n h 4 se & â€" HUTTON HILL Opinicn Reversed. TORONTO ant BUNESSAN. Miss Swlie Muir, of were the gvests <f ene day last week. lrauiing posts i well pleased rence south 1 a pleasont Several of round here e to spend e rmirutes en 1V hours iWure 68 Miss Wulliams of Chesley, was Vll;e guest of xre T E Hution last week, Mr W Wright is spending a few weeks with his brother xr S Wright ot Henfryn, and tres from »hove Aberdeen i being employed by atr Sparling Fall particalars in Coliege Announet ment and Journal, _ Free to any adâ€" dress. _ Send for one toâ€"day, to | aged 2 years, purchased from the herd ; of H. Parker, Durbam. _ Pedigree may | be seen upon application. Ferms T5cts, ‘ payable Feb, Ist, 18099. FS" 1i is the vory best place in IKS" Canada to get a Thorough * Business Eduâ€"ation, \‘T,\.\' PEDâ€"SEVERAL TRUSTWORTHY PEp sous in this state to maunge our business in their own and nearby counties. It is mainly oflice work conducted at bom». Salary strnight $900 a yearand expensesâ€"defiunte, bonafide, no more, no less salary. Monthls #75. References, Enc.ose seltâ€"addressed stamped en yel wpe, Herbort E.Hess, Prest., Dept. M. Chicago, Crperrry veme omuies cati ind ner 4s hLe C s LAUDERIALL USRANIMLANN LA Sige 4 The undersigned will keep for servics season 1898, at lot 49, con, 2, 8. D. R.. . thoroughtred Darbham Bull, and contain ts3 n qnire number sion, W tmek, I / p A valuable remedy for the diseases off the Kidney and Liver. : Many testimonials in its favor. In large bottles, $1.00, PARKER‘S DRUG STORK If taken early enough these pills seldom fail In cases of recent Cold, Epidemic, Catarrh or best results they should be taken within twelve the cold. For sale at 7 NPR . TPHRINRL!! * AWEN SOUND. Oni. th wus Reusulll l 222 0g20 IIVT NDCe CSR TEPTE UCAICL, â€" CuUFES “Ni!:.’('sli‘)” al which are forerunners of nervous collapses. soUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATHC CURBEâ€"Has lifted mon of a bed o use, who have not been free from suffering for years. DR. AGNEW‘S OINTMENT cures blind, bleeding, itching or ulcerating five nights. 35 cts. THOROBRED DURHAM BULL eDC 1 TBE | TV C APACâ€" Aupretlas, rritilicacth s1 s A / A ~ U U m ‘hnuo-hnlumm .{’t'n‘:r m?.. 4 :/ ( _/ .72 _ _ | SeENTRIR N Hert Sm ie t m te t // // L pZ. ZZ Por Sale !y L/7.‘ t ~ wot Ei "/' = «~ SOu / | _ MACFARLANE &co., 1 TL e ~CC US 10 96 no moreâ€"it has been tested by eminent medical authorities on kidney diseases, and proved and testified to by them as the surest and safest cure for all diseases of the kidneys and bladder. It‘s a purifierâ€"a healerâ€"a health builderâ€"efficacious alike to man or woman. Good News from the North Countryâ€" _ began to realize for himself that his case was A young machinist in a large manufacturing conâ€" hopeless he took his case in his own hands, deâ€" cern in Northern Ontario, fell a victim to the _ termined to fight for his life. He cx{)er'unemed dropsical form of kidney ‘disease through atâ€" _ with many soâ€"called cures without re icf, South mospheric changes in following his daily laborsâ€" American Kidney Cure was brought to his notice, he continued bis work until almost commanded _ and like everything else, he tried itâ€"to his to quit by the physician from whom he had been astonishment he began to feel better under its receiving treatment, He visited Toronto and use. He continued to gain strengthâ€"he took six consulted an eiminent authority on kidney disâ€" _ bottles â€"and toâ€"day that same young man can be eases. The doctorsent him home with ashopeful _ found at that same lathe, working for that same a story of himself as he could give, but wrote concern, hale and hearty as the first day he went privately to the young man‘s piysiclan that it _ thore. He givesall the creditto South American was onl{ a matter of time with him until death Kidney Cure, would claim another kidney victim. When he Laâ€"Grippe KIDNEYâ€"SICK PEOPLE:! ffere © . army of in th I1d _ Piesoraan d itie: ar se Sn t uneever goet ’ _ 5. Bright‘s disease. Cures mtol. Cures .u";l‘:d dopn.n .::: FARM kvAÂ¥L soUTH AMERICAN NERvVINE C. A, FLEMING, Prinâ€"inal THF CORBETT THRESTON and (5), ONLY AT Aurr®Ep» HixKs, Proj O KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE W es Ay aPa i) bhe ‘.;,Ht] is ALCAOIMIIT, lacrease theis imegore shoul i marnd tor bhomeâ€"wrown Nargeq â€"â€"â€"â€"worziâ€"~â€" id¢re486,. Woueer inorscane M BULL paying work, write n=, We facnâ€"b att supplies 1+« rep for service, "". .c;::nn- thhe Inrgest Nuiss 2. 8. D. R.. 2@ We pay bothser‘as d o ull, Woengageoither csbhoie oâ€" [â€" We ginaraentoe adl ons «te . 1 e ihe i i We iarnist prxsesasorse o rom the betd grom tGevers went oueqiar; Pedigree may Stort is freo fom "ut Bs to Duarkam PARKER‘ 1) ARM, ‘or DaAFL t1 Lonces of Ben Jane is sB ic EZUIVOm, BIVOR <â€"~f | Figorand size to ehrunken organs, : d quickly but «*A | ..Er:l.{lm..dlfdlcuhud"inold::; yoo;n“nu Pre | carried in vest pocket. Price #1. age, «1| ggjg?”.pwqm guarantee '-.p:::_ Is a nerve healer, Cures indigestion and all stomach troubles nfitcediinnt itc h A.. 2. 4 s" 29 ‘_Fairwell, Dec. 27 ‘Q8, * _ The Mill is now mnning and custom sawing will be carefuily attended to, | _ The undersigned aro pr {the highest cash price 1 Elim. Birch and Maple, 10 long. _ For further particr the Mill to LAâ€"GRIPPE PITMLS >.. .. M Dou‘*t write unless profitable emy it th Or Nursey Stock igrats ! Book Agents ! Agncuiturs) Implement Agonis | "oen Sae Our is seldom fail to effect a cure. mic, Catarrh or Influenza, to get the in within twelve hours after exposure to will 11 LOGS WANTELD _3 . _ ~ 60Pd are prenared 1. ighest cash price for #ood t %. W _ Drug Store AT FAIRWELL MILLs stone & Waellin TORONT0. solventâ€"it is a kidney specificâ€" claims to be no moreâ€"it has been ravages. South American Kidney Cure has proved rich in healing power, and every day testimony is piled u&{‘or its great curative qualiâ€" ties. ere kidney disease exists it is generally indicated by certain changes in the urine, such as mucus, sediment, albumen, brick dust, acid and bloodâ€"pain is not necessarily an 3accomfianiment, which only aggraâ€" vates the insidious nature ofit. Testâ€" ing and experimenting has disclosed the fact that the passing through these organs of the solid particles in the ordinary course of circulation do in a remarkably short while clog up, grind out and impair them so that the functions of these organs are not gcrformed and disease lays hold on the patient with a ruthless hand. Kidney discases require a solventâ€" South American Kidney Cure is a ‘¢ eimploywent Kidney diseases are t sidious of all diseases . humanity ; within the years medical science wonderful strides in copi ravages. South Americs DrUC ‘. & G. Warsox, ilth 1« wheo bave Fa o with oiteers,. you mean business an is mad rcomucissios,. r ovhaile 0~ nanet nre min. coate «ie . Bs claesore w oith e»tiGente 60 meqperior, stating our S o es a = zi . . 4 1~0xL 10 npay price for good Soft ple, 10, 12, and 14 ft. particulars apply ar Durhkam, Ont strides in coping with its o No Aiveie maet n t w learn what diseases common to i‘ y en piles in from three to pain after a few day £ 2¢+% e mcaie, 700 c .orn Lles us to cure or the most inâ€" the Bs We past few as made a box 11 do it Doanan. J, MH. HMunter R, Cochrane, A, V., Hamilton W, Calder, skip 25. CrRLIING.â€"T wo rinks . Markdale on Thursday 1. ogur local curlers in a f1 the "romin game," first blood for Durham a mdpre shows :â€" Thos Thos Thos Thos. #Aty. It will be remen pegent issue of this pag work of the Hospital w gether with an apy tees, asking that the pay off $25,000 of the They had agreed to of the mortgage. A has been made, but t needed to complete the over $22,000 has hbeen came from the read The Charity is provin Mick children from ev ner of the Proyince are Chairman of the Hospit Kobertson, M. P., To there another man in will help the helpless dollar ?" Mr. Robertsc gift to a worthy charic for the donor. _ Three dollare will do the work one ? A Goop Move, â€"T heing asked for for t ber and debris fron near the Cemetery, â€" action will be followe fying to all loyers « and that careful fore given to the matter, impression that a st and islands during the special committee mi Jf what would be mo Durnuax. s, Whelan, s, Lauder, s, A. Harris, s, Molt, skip 29 Miss Li M jable young lady, Thomas MceComb, widely related in â€" few weeks ago at i Bhe was only four premature demise | spread feeling of evinced by the ve Rev, Mr. Little co services, and she v Williamsford cemet« A Uservr Dia due to the Northe Owen Sound, C, A for a copy otf their is a most useful. a+ Fleming‘s College «ne of our educati« his printing estab some fine work. necessary aidsâ€"J Producer, Hess‘ Crushed Oyster Drugstore, \ Don‘t fail to att arlar iNustrated evening in the 'Ili seeds will be in w Sunday School, _A overflowing halls troit, and should h Durham _ The ca the admission onl y lMr, Mutch an from Lumsden, visiting friends. ing to sell his far ing West. _ They and speak highly What about y eggs 20c a dozen Nose and Thro glasses should c Dr. Park 1s nc found at his of consulted on ail . amade cutters, ply to R. lnd"q Mr. Sparling / Toronto last wee One of M.cq every two hour of lLaGrippe in 1 in the house, 250 For Saue. Rink No Rink No. LOC VOL. R. 8t B (6 w

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