West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 26 Jan 1899, p. 1

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UTH ?bcommon‘eto \ past few bas made Eping with its feéct a cure La, to gzet the cur : Lcouts. of circulation t while clog pair them so Clist PS tore LE ney 1.44), se C ar of 1can b in CURE Irat the most in bute _ their ey Cureâ€" lay e quali~ e exists certain mucus, t if healing nony is an e 18 a are 1d Jt DCRHAM. MarKpaur®. J. H. Hunter A. Plewis, R. Cochrane. J. Benson. A. V. Hamilton _ T. Mann. JIV,. Calder, skip 25. R. Stevens, skip 18> uore shows :â€" Durnax. MarkDar Thos. Whelan. B. Rae. Thos. Lauder. G. Potts, Thos. A. Harris. W. Jackson. Thos. Holt, skip 20. J. Telford, sl CURLING.â€"Two rinks came over from Markdale on Thursday lact and engaged Jur local curlers in a friendly bout of the "roarin game," The result gives first blood for Durham as the following a ud ie sls needed to complete the fund asked for, over $22,000 has been paid in, some of it came from the readers of this paper,. The Charity is provincial and not local. Sick children from every nook and corâ€" ner of the Province are cared for, The Chairman of the Hospital Trust, J. Ross Hobertson, M. P., Toronto, writes : "Is there another man in your town who will belp the helpless children with &A dollar?" Mr. Robertson says that every . gift to a worthy charity bears interest for the donor. Three thousand single dollars will do the workâ€"will you give J one ? wor: A Goop MovE.â€"Tenders are this week being asked for for the removal of timâ€" ber and debris from Saugeen Park® near the Cemetery. . We hope that this action will be followed by results gratiâ€" fying to all loyvers of natural beauty, and that careful forethought has been given to the matter. We are under the impression that a study of the banks and islands during the spring flood by a special committee might he suggestive »f what would be most desirable as to gontrolling â€" or directing the water courses in an artistic manner. rane was only four weeks ill and her premature demise bas caused a wideâ€" spread feeling of regret, which was evinced by the very large â€"funeral. mtev. Mr, Little conducted the funeral services, and she was laid to rest in Williamsford cemetery. Durham _ The cause is nogood one, and ." the person that nccidentally put the admission only 15. 1 :‘"s fOOt.ltl.hr(;;lgh ‘lv Bllfllfk's store wine t HHetwwar s Cow, will call and settle, it will a oid l‘\ Userur I.)“RY'“O"_' “"‘"f‘s "‘¢ | considerable trouble and extra ex :l'l*. due to the Northern Business College, as he is known. â€" Wilk P | Owen Sound, C. A. Fleming Principal, v;ith Him # . snd (Mc. : wond for a copy ot their Office Dairy, which . is a most useful. and elegant affair. â€" Mr. Messrs. Alex. McMillin, Mal. Mcâ€" Fleming‘s College ranks very high as | Mi!AD, Irvine Anderson and Peter Meâ€" ane of our educational Institutions, and Arthur went Away to Michigan on his printing establishment turns out | W@4D®Sday of last week to make timâ€"}| some fine work, ber for Mr: N. Mcintyre, whose busiâ€" ‘ Mss Linume McCoxs.â€"This estimâ€" ness_:;pemtnons fre Constmfly assuming‘! able young lady, a daughter of Mr. ie Hemite. p Thomas McComb, Williamsford, and DesiraBLE Prorerty FOR SALE‘--*[‘- widely related in this district, died a | The undersigned{offer for sale the hou few weeks ago at the age of 16 years, | and } acre lot, known as the Aus'f,?:[] She was only four weeks ill and her | Property in Durham, Terms very !‘efl‘.a premature demise bas caused a wideâ€" | sonable. Apply at once to H. Storrey, |‘ spread feeling of regret, which was | 9" to W. S. Davidson. McIntyre Block. s evinced by the very â€" large funeral, | AUSTIN Bros., Proprietors, 3 n #tev. MF. LiLHIGC COMNLEESEE Li Eerrvcons y y What about your hens now, witl eggs 20c a dozen ? Try these 3 ver necessary aidsâ€"Ponltry Food and Egy Producer, Hess‘ Louse Killer, and Crushed Oyster Shell. MacFarlane‘ Drugstore. Don‘t fail to attend Rev. J. Hill‘s pop arlar iHlustrated Lecture. next Friday evening in the Town Hall. The pro. ceeds will be in ard of Trinity Church Sunday School, Mr. Hill has filled to overflowing halls in Toronto and Deâ€" troit, and should have a good house at Durham _ The cause is a good one, and the admission only 15. 1 A UsSEFUL Diary.â€"Our thanks are due to the Northern Business College, Owen Sound, C. A. Fleming Principal, for a copy ot their Office Dairy, which is a most useful. and elegant affair. Mr. Fleming‘s College ranks very high as amne of our educatrional Institutions, and his printing establishment turns out some fine work. Ur, Mutch and Mr. Jno. t from Lumsden. N. W. T. i visiting friends. _ Mr. Campbel] ing to sell his farm previous to ing West. They are both doi and speak highlyof the West, Une of MacFarlane‘s Grip tablets every two hours will check an attack of LalGrippe in 24 hours. Keep a box in the house, 25¢ a box,. Dr. Park is now at home and may be found at his office, where he may be consulted on all diseases of the Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Any one wanting glasses should call and get fitted. 1| Mr. Sparling spent a few days in "Toronto last week, FoR SALE.â€"Several good, new, homeâ€" amade cutters. _ Will be sold cheap. Apâ€" ply to R. MacFarlane, Sr. Rink No. Rink No. 2 VOLâ€"XXI. NO, 4 tend Rev,. J. Hill‘s popâ€" Lecture, next Friday Town Hall. The pro. ard of Trinity Church Mr. Hill has filled to Markoaus. your hens now, with n? Try these 3 very Ponltry Food and Egg _ Louse Killer, and Shell. _ MacFarlane‘s N. W. T. are home Mr. Campbell is tryâ€" Mr. Jno. Campbell + skip 18. to returnâ€" doing well | Late LitErary NEws.â€"The event of the literary year will be undoubtedly ; the great novel upon which Count | Tolstoy has been laboring in order that | he may devote the proceeds to the | transportation to Canada of _ three ; thousand Russian Quakers. It is genâ€" | erally believed by his friends that this | work will probably mark the conclusion | of Count Tolstoy‘s literary career. Not {merely on this account but because of! ; the subject treated, it will attract the' _ widest attention, the world over. _ It is | i a profound study of the life of man and woman and treats of the three phases of ’loveâ€"that of the "youth, that of the| young man, and that of thef\man in mature age. The Cosmopolitan Magâ€"| ; azine announces that it has secured the |1 sole right of publication. P here. This week he advertises a dissoluâ€" tion Partnership sale by which no. doubt the purchasing public will benefit. f Mr. Morlock has been in business over | 20 years, and in launching out alone we ; heartily wish him success, I Rev. Mr. Jansen surprised his conâ€" gregation on Funday last by announcâ€" ing his intention of severing his «onâ€". nection with them at next meeting of Presbytery which will be held on March | 14th next. Mr. Jansen, during his stay | in Durham has commended himself to | the whole community as a man of | eminent piety and zeal, not sparingl' himself in any cause to which he deâ€" | voted his energies. â€" The warmest | wishes for his future will go out to him / from his many friends here. | Busixrss CHArG®.â€"The firm of | Messrs. Ramsay & Morleck, which has | done business here since 1894 was disâ€"| solved last week by mutual consent. [4 Mr. S. F. Morlock has purchased his | partner‘s share in the business and IP. j tends now in his own name to conduct the growing business he has built up ; heéere. > THiH WAHEK NS AAMiraubiuaws Atucca.. :f USOReRE s2CP vICEC l to RCV. J Deâ€" preach. ig] â€" it tb ' his foot | dow, wi ""e | consider 8° | as he is * | with hir ich tp, | _ Messrs 29 Millan, | ud Arthur Wednes ut ber for | ness oper "* | a wider i OE HnmmmimnbridasBnbkBertiimeAt VCsn k AAik C c 3. _ ..\..-4 hehingd ehasld 1. Rey, Mr. McGregor, Misses Nettie.’the giving of two prices on goods, one!s?::?h:‘;g:it:?t:l:'l‘::':nT}:)IfmilnSt::s‘:ldu:s Browne, J. Stewart, I. Williams and Mr, | t shaveholders and another to the hen: :: |eSs there also, and uddili:nul seatâ€" J. L Browne are delegates to the,em' public, | It is proposed to make onellif space to the ;xtent of th'e width of | Baptist Rally in Walkerton on Thms_'iprice to all hereafter, and, instead of 'h'-" [;'wf iwht a day. Over 20 in all intend going from ’giving ower prices to shareholders, tol e[:oal S is n.ng lCC ns ! Durham and since Grey and Bruce dis. dJ¢Claire a dividend at the end of the | \Vlth.flli‘h improyements mm!e the‘ tricts joined for this occasion, there | year it possible. The directors will deal | town might with safety '"“? credit ask | will likely be a large atterdance. }With this matter at their next meeting. i‘("'(':;l:ul‘:; :‘(l)"f(s)n)I:::::;::;st(’::'edMn or | Widure «ic * iefi neniris, Gogmee ructens" 4 Q ® % | Rev. Mr. Jansen surprised his conâ€", / Anyway an entrance from the platâ€" Freg:t.tion on Funday last by announc-:D. MOPHA IL _ |form indihould at once be se(-ul'ed.p ’ ing his intention of severing his «onâ€"‘ ons ppmennermreremminst * | & & i nection with them at next meeting of | Licensed Auctioneer for | . M« have giid nothm.g About the heats * s & ts which are about as Presbytery which will be held on March | the County of Grey. ! e arf'x'a..ngem:n could well I l4th next. Mr. Jansen, during his stay | Residenceâ€"HOPEVILLE. t "n‘%e; “t-fis‘: o:i-:o" e 9e: i n Durham has commended iimSelf to | ‘Tarms maduears > L.i ral | o will m * ks se ik in L . BarPTist Soctat.â€"A social will he held at the house of Mr. Thos. McComb, Bunessan on Tuesday next Jan. 31, at 7:30 p. m. Sleighs will be at the Baptist church in town about 7 to accommoâ€" date those who wish to go from town. Admission 15¢. Proceeds in aid of Darâ€" ham Baptist church. 1 irinipiatnntieiiinticizis( Aiintint Bsc ~ Arile. 24 11 3t Desiraste Property ror Saunge.â€"â€" [ Geo. Watson, Swinton Park ; Jas. Allen The undersigned:offer for sale the houge, Varney ; Chas. MclInnis, Yeovil ; Robt. and } acre lot. known as the Anfl.?:[um'r ice, Orchard. The fees for directors property in Durham, Terms v ery rea.| *te two dollars a day while attending sonable. Apply at once to H. Storrey, | meeu.ngs and ten cents a mile one way. or to W. S. Davidson. Mc ntyre Block. IArchlbald Filshie was appointed auditâ€" AUSTIN Bros., Proprietors. q _| Or for 1869 on behalf of the shareholders The Sacrament of the Lord‘s Supper will be observed in the Presbyterian church on Sunday next. Preparatory Service on Friday at 2.30 p. m., when y TY 22 1 pathy to the mourners. A fuller will appear next week, P. Mr. John Austin, of Reynolds, N. D., formerly of Durham, was in town last week, a welcome guest with some of his old neighbors and friends. Lock! Oranges 1 cent each, and I;m- ons 2 cts each at J. A. Hunter‘s. I Just in! White P. K. 12jcents a yard. I Black brocaded Sateen l4cents, At‘ C. : L. Grant‘s, The Review office has every faci for getting out Auction Sale bills to best advantage. We will arrange di with any Auctioneer, he â€" Burh Durham Curlers are in Walkerton toâ€" day, and will come home yictoriousâ€"if they can, Fred McClocklin and family removed. on Tuesday to Durham where theginâ€" tend residing.â€"Chatsworth Bauner./ l MacFarlane‘s Pile Ointment cures Mr. iifanininiats, difineditirons irtudt "sliaila s ABB a i | / [ Matheson, Priceville willh P Milses u" 4 o o e in R torrey. | Meetings and ten cents a mile one way, :‘(;l(tfll)ng.reSt;;:;:l{: Archibald Filshie was appointed auditâ€" Mietors, g | or for 18€9 on behalf of the shureholders' it being understood that G,. L. Allen â€"A social will be ‘ shall act in case Mr, Filshie declines. to Mr. Thos. McComb, | do so. At a subsequent meeting of the i+y next Jan. 31, at | directors Jas, Staples was elected presâ€" ill be at the Baptist | ident and Geo, Watson, viceâ€"president. ut 7 to accommoâ€" ' The estimates for next year provide for to go from town. / a reduction in expenses of $1,000. _ One eeds in aid of Durâ€" ! of the difficulties that the umnugement} 1 | haye had to contend with in the past is or, Misses Nettie.’the giving of two prices on goods, one, . Williams and Mr. ! to ‘ih“"."'.‘."'de.""‘ _und another to the genâ€"| hich has| was disâ€"| consent. | ased l_)isi and 1Pâ€"| condact | built up. vhere theginâ€" | th Banner./ every fncmty ile bills to the arrange dates _ ", 7/ 720 OMIC@ Of this paper, postâ€"master, or send direct to Subscription rates -ndfilull particulars can be had ':t tl:: office of this paper, auy newsdealer or magt_waspas 22 200 § 5. ECE C THE WEEKLY GLOBE..... Has had several new features added, ha the news of the week in consise form, and k its readers in close touch with every part of world, and more espeeially our own country. °__ With its 24 or 28 pages every Saturday, its | illustrated -:‘pplemeut. its many special features | â€"tkort Stories and Sketchy Articles â€"â€" besides having the current news of the day, has become J a strong rival to the best monthly magazines. "The Saturday Illustrated IT I8 CANADA‘S GREATEST NEWSPAPER. You can have THE GLOBE eve day and SATURDAY ILLUsTRATED for about tbor&.mo {)rlcc as you have to pay for many of the smaller dailies, notice THE DAILY TE GLOBE, Terms moderate. Arrangements for sales, as to dates. &c. must be made at The Review office, Dutham. â€" Corresâ€" pondence addressed there or to H(:Pe- ville P. 0. will be promptly atsended to. Terms on applications to The Leading Newspaper of the Dominion. â€"Has over 12,000 MORE regulu circulaâ€" â€"tion EVERY DAY than it had in 1897, and â€"nearly 4,000 more than one year ago. IT GROWS[BECAUSE IT PLEAsEs. IT HAS ALL THE NEWS EVERY DAY. the DURHAM, THURSDAY, JANUARY 26 MEEUHEN CUNNINNONITeRempermmpmemmmemmmm.............____â€" y _ . , _ â€"â€"*Vre aPe iargely from this digâ€" trict we quote from the Confederate of last week an account of the meeting which was attended by 200 sharehald._ Mouxt ForeEst Woourunrx Miuus,â€" This concern had its annual meeting week before last, and as its President and Directors are largely from this disâ€" a The public will be interested in knowâ€" s ing that the publishers of that popular weekly paper, the Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, have arrangâ€" " | ed for a further supply of their famous ‘ | premium picture, "Thin RedjLine." All ] who become subscribers during January ,‘ and February can depend on getting a| copy, also renewal subscribers, We beâ€" ’ | heve the publishers of the Family Herâ€" ald and weekly Star intend "Thin Red ’ Line" to be the first of a series of these | famous pictures, and Canadians who | secure a copy this year will be fortunate ; as they will be able to get the entire set. ‘ In a few weeks the entire edition of | ‘"‘Thin Red Line" will be disposed of and | no more can be had atlany figure. This: ' is a hint for those who have not yet seâ€" ! ‘ ’cm'ed it. It is given free with a year‘s | subscription (one dollar) to that great | : paper, the Family Herald and Weekly ‘|l Star, Montreal, I TORONTO, CANADA. _ County Councit is in session at 0. Sound this week. o YoOUR LABEL.â€"Is it right? We have made all changes carefully, but will be glad to be notitied of any mistake. Have just added about 30 new names, ‘"Keep your labeJahead" is a good mattn D. MePHAIL, Hopeville P. 0. | or to C. RAMAGE, Durham. | A WELCOME ANNOUNCEMENT THE GLOBE E GLOBE, frvtatediatatect Mikedicas. ToRoxTo, Caxapa. jC. Ramage. we eb 2. l by 200 shareholdâ€" . Allan, of Varney, nfi ic lnctritiicact Th a s ) t i/ l cO'] etings from $25 to | gag ing were elected 7 ples, Edge Hill ; tur i Park ; Jas, Alien Â¥e6 1i8s, Yeovil ; Robt. Trise fees for directors suc while attending No s a mile one way, bre s appointed auditâ€" sc the shareholders, hous ONTARIO V new names, is a good motto, | __On behalf of Ben Nevis Camp, No. 45, Sons of Scotland the undersigned committee beg ieave to return thanks to the public of Durham and neighborâ€" hood for the generous support accorded them at their concert on the 19th inst., {and at the same time would call the attention of all young men of Scotch extraction to the very desirable in surance features of the Sons of Scotland Society. The Order is experiencing a healthy growth, and new memâ€" bers are at present beil'xfi1 received at sgecially low rates. ese may be obtained on application to G. Russell, Secy., or to the Committee, Robert ;l‘fogiee, Thos. C. Morton, J Geo. Binnie, Apfllicatious for the office of Assessâ€" or for the Township of Glenelg, for the year 1899, will be received bx the underâ€" signed up to noon on Mon ay the 6th of February next, J. 8. Buack, Tp. Clerk. Glenelg., January 9th, 1899. Durhara, Jan. Brd, '1&)9 Will be received by the underâ€" signed up till 1st February next, for cleating up, and removing timber from «‘Saugeen Park" near the Durham Cemâ€" etery. _ Specifications may be seen at the Office of the Town Clerk. GEORGE RUSSELL, ‘ Secy, Durham Cem, Co | , The time has come either for removal or enlargement of this building. If the conditions of lease or purchase are such that removal can not take place, then some additional space behind should be purchased witha means of ingress and egiess there also, and additional seatâ€" ing space to the extent of the width of | the platform might be secured, | With such improyements made the | ves against their}will from crowded meetings from a fear of collapse, ‘but such fears weithink are quite unfounded, ‘ No mseting with a seated audience can | be so packed or so heavy as one of men such as has occasionally been seen on election nights when the space has been jJanmmed full of standing men, How-(' everno harm could be done, if an exâ€"| pert opinion could be had as to the perâ€" / fect safety of our town Hall. i APPLICATIONS FOR ASSESSOR. There can be no doubt that some na_ turally cautious spirits absent themsel. It is very evident that if this town is to enjoy the luxury of first class conâ€" certs something will have to be done in the way of providing a more commodiâ€" i(ma Concert room. â€"The stuffing and crowding experienced on Thursday night last, in the natural desire to kear first class talent was neither dignitied nor comfortable, and some even think not safe. C1 ARCHIVES TORonto fi I Ghent, O., Janusry 17.â€"Saturday evening, January 14, was the occasion zgof a grand reception tendered to Dr. x ‘ Rotbert A. Smith, at the home of Mrs. _ | Rees, where kind friends had assisted i’ln making the occasion an enjoyable , | one, as well as a surprise to the doctor, ’Iwho is at home on sick furlough from‘\ | Porto Rico. The home was beautifully. |decorated with the stars and stripes, ' ‘,‘n.nd long before the doctor arrived tbeI |house was well filled with friends who "cmue to extend a cordial greeting. He | was completely taken by surprise, and ," when he had fully recovered, was again |surprised by the presentation of a | beautiful gold watch and chain on be-l | half of his numerous friends. | The doctor responded in a very happy manner, and, after giving a description of army life, he spoke in glowing terms of this "Gem Island," Porto Rico, and its possibilities for the future under American rule, TENDERS to his heart and must hnvâ€"; 'be tonic to his health. We extend gratulations : | _ Many in Durham and vicinity will be fdelighted to read the following item 'which we take from the Cleveland l“ News and Herald " of January 17th inst., relating to Dr. R. A. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Smith, of this town. Bob (excuse us) was away at the wars it will be seen, and his reâ€" ception as outlined below, was a tribute ] l ie AIO L & TS 7 i ___ _ SOLDIER FROM PORTO RICO. â€" CARD OF;THANKsS, Dr. R. A. Smith Honored. RE TOWN HALL. lnflnd L. 112 an â€" Review. , 1899. , Do you want a Sewing Machine? ‘ Purest tones. Stoves We take this opportunity of |thanking our customres for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system lWlll MerIb a Anntini1iahina _ «$ TCI Cutters _ a<p, / _A UV UVVUILI® l 8rs and the Public generally , that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be "Large Saies & Small Profits." (syStem & Durham. Aug of all kinds, I:oves COOKING sToOVEs, Cmm HEATING STOVES, T _0 ~ ~~~~ BOX STOVES At prices that will surprice. Our Piano and Organ trade is UPPER TOWN IMPLEMENi WAREROOMS LOILLD,~*â€" MAIG@DECSL Jur in exchange for goods. established. 6rsg We beg to i _\ â€" 2°6§ bo inform our Customâ€" . MAcKINNON‘8. . _ L GRANT ULdt LAC new system a continuance of the same. 2. 6, M.aACHInNCY 15;' thi Highest Jmce paid for e for goods. >. McKINNON. ADOPTED By Cutters and Sleighs of the best quality and at prices away down. â€", G. & J. McKECHNIE z. 9th. °96. McKechnie. wWHOLE NO. 1089. the New ‘Anthine ue ns 9t t mss

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