West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 26 Jan 1899, p. 4

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â€"â€"The Doukhobors. Last week 2,» CDO of these Russian quakers arrived in Canada and are being torwarded at government expense to the cities of Manitoba where they will be mainâ€" tained till spring opens, and then placed in communities and left to work the soil. To the surprise and gratification of the authorities no sickâ€" nes#s, except a case of measles was on board, and this testimony to their bealth and sanitary condition is a very good recommendation of them as future citizens. As they neared the shore they joined in a hymn which translated, meant ‘‘God is with us, be has brought us through." Two thousand more of these interesting people are on there way here, forced tfrom their cuum.l;r by a harsh military government, and though they had an offer of free transportation to a French eplony they decided on the B:itish offer as presenting the most freedom. Like the Menonites, these people deâ€" sire complete exclusion, and excepting for the taxâ€"coliector will likely get it for a while, but one generation will not pass before they will awake to the privileges of freemen. This is a notable addition to Canada‘s populâ€" ation, and some say the most notable influx of population since America beâ€" gan to be peopled from Europe. â€"British Liberalism seems sadly out of joint since the retirement of (Gladstone from active politics. Sever al anxious nnsettletfo years were followed by the retivrement of Sir Wm. Harcourt from the leadership owing to differences of opinion with his colleag ues which were rather felt than exâ€" pressed. Now John Morley, on whom more than any the mantle of Gladâ€" stone seems to rest, bas retired also and will help Liberalism all he can without entering into the formal counâ€" sels of the party. _ Lord Roscbery has now a chance to prove his statesmanâ€" ship by some constructive policy that will reunite cordially all British Liberâ€" als. â€"By a "convention" signed at Cairo, Egypt, last week, united Egyptian »nd British control, (which means British) was formally assumed over an immense district of Central Africa estimated at 2.000,000 square miles and containing 90,000, 000 populâ€" ation. To raise this mass with the leaven of civilization will require a generation or two, but in no way could it be better done than under British control. _ From ‘‘Cape to Cairo " will not . be longmerely a dream of Cecil Rhodes. _ Thus the ‘‘vaster Enpire than has been" conâ€" tinues to grow. â€"â€"â€"â€"+# 44â€" â€"The attention of British Statesmen is being more and more directed to French claims in Newfoundland, and the more these are examined the conâ€" vieticn grows that France has been exâ€" ceeding her rights and will befor long have to yield up what she never right fally owned _ The way will then be smoothed for the admission of the proâ€" vince into the Dominion. Tenth, to icéei)_tâ€";f;e principle of mediation and arbitration in such cases as lend themselves thereto. Ninth, to revise the declarations concerning the laws and customs of war elaborated at Brussels in 1874. â€"The Ontario House meets on Wedâ€" nesday next, and the government is making every exertion we are told to have the estimates ready almost as soon as the House opens. Fourth, to restrict the use of the most terrible of existing explosives and to forbid the throwing of any exâ€" plosives from balioons or similarly. Fitth, to forbid the employment of submarine torpedoes and similar conâ€" trivances. Sixth, to undertake not to construct vesseis with rams. Seventh, toai)ply the (Geneva conâ€" vention to naval wartare. Eighth, to neutralize vessels saving those wrecked in naval battles. Third, to interdict the use of any new weapon or explosive of a power fuller than now made. Second, to endeavor to find means of reducing the forces and budgets in the future. £0% & EO PPCAATTZ M FZACCSUAY IRBI, The Czar‘s Minister of Fore)gn Af. M]u M.ry Scott and Agnes Renwiol fairs has sent a circular to the powers lvinted Mount Forest friends * together ‘ P s ; ; ast week. intending to ta'ke part in the gommg Mr. James Leask, who has been suf confererce setting forth ten points on fering with a sore face, we regret to re which an understanding might be | port is worse and left Tuesday morning arrived at. The cireular suggests | for Toronto to get treated. _ _ f be held ith Mr. Thos. Hevderson visited Protor that the conference at either | pronds last Sunday. Brussels or Copenbhagen. Meanwhile . Mrs. Alex. Gilles, who has boen visitâ€" warship building, manufacture ot exâ€" | ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jobn plosives, &c. was never more active llf:x::::: fl‘;;fl.‘ .!':" weeks returned to her than at present. The proposals are | y Thos. Atchison was working in the we think moderate and feasible, and if | bush oneb;lly last week and ciuu bhome P y with two black eyes and a broken nose. half (.t then} could’bel;gr(;:d upo(x; * Tom says he looks bad enough, but you step in advance wou madeâ€" | qught to seo the other fellow. Here they are : Mr. Geo. Atch1son, who returced home First, to agree not to increase naval ’ from Minnesota wnltb aifrozen toe, had to & rags et it amputated last Friday. or military forces and the corresâ€" ‘ & Nrc. 30s. Bnoll, "of \Vin’;on. SE Foâ€" f’«‘"de*it budgets for a fix perm(l. turned to the home of har fathaw M ®he Burham Review, Editorial Note and Comment Thursday, January 26, THE CZAR‘s PLANY To Protmote Peace. W uie Nez w 222222200 N n anevnctceniew. ce ho ces irvui . Seeiner e aemence on Monday following there will be a teaâ€" meeting wheu addresses will be viven by liev. Mr. Emory and others. _ The choir of the church will furtish choice selections of music led by Dr. Brown. Mrs, Herry Hiscock who has been visiting friends in Mich, returned home last week. The Rev. V. H Emory of Shelbourn will preach avniyersary sermons in the Methodist church on Subbath Inth a.«1 The Misses Kem)e(‘i}; of T. been the gnests of Mrs. W. T the past few days. Mrs. Thos, Burton, of Brandan Man., has been visiting ber counsin W, S. Horsâ€" burg and other relatiyes and friends in this viemity for the past week, Afive time at the debate this week. Miss Via Nester gave some fine singing. Come again Via, Miss Middleton is spending a few days with town friends. h e mmmm m 1MOS N UUR. Mr Willie and Dollie Ewen spent a day with the Wade family of Welbeck. Lfrri ie es atin Gandants ic sc aich iss t t : In : A . s day last. The Misses Ada and Vic. Banks visited at Middleton s one day last week. Mr James Wilsun arrived bome from N. D. Jim thinks the West is the place for a young man,. Mr W Wilkie visited at Hasiip‘s on Sunâ€" K. _ s.‘% Wonder if the young lady intends ing for breach of promise, Miss Lizzie Ferguson spent Sunday with her fmends in Orchardville. Mr. Sam Petty has been making prepâ€" arations for the spring work on his own farm in Egremont by the purchase of a fine team of horses, Mr. and Mrs. R. Tanner avd Master Wilfrid of Paisley, visited a few days lateâ€" ly at their cousin‘s Miss Maggie McNeice. Mrs. Radburn and Miss Mary Watt of Fergus are spending a fow weeks with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G, Watt. Mr. Wallace sold one of bis horses for a very handsome sum the other day. Mr. G. Fetty is at present on tho sick list, Hope to see him around soon. On Wednesday last Mr, and Mrs. Redâ€" ford attended the funeral of the latter‘s cousin at Lamlasb. No end to fun this week, Knox church soiree on Wednesday night promisus to be the best ever held. _ The pie social too will eclipse anything of the kind ever held in this section, The programme is a good one. Hear our glee club, Miss Jane Marshall visited over the week end with friends in Boothville. While spliting wool in the Monday of last waek, Mr. Jos, the misfortane to shorten the of lns right hand, carying the third fingers, ing another meeting BhOl'tl_V,m-_â€"“ Mr, W. Thompson is uow gumming it, having paid a visit to one of the Mt. Forest dentists last week. Owing to the bad weather an4 conseâ€" quent small attendance, Dr. Duncan Marâ€" shall‘s temperance meeting in the school hbouse Saturday proved a failure. Mr Marshall who was on hand intends callâ€" Mr. Wim. Moore of Flesherton, visited his friends in the neighborhood Sunâ€" day the 15th, Mr. Wi, Allan brought oyer a load of youug people from the #2nd eon. of Egreâ€" mont to atteod our prayer meeting last week,. _ Come again. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Marnbnllflvisited their son John, foreman of the model farm one day last week. Mrs. G. Moore returned to her home in Teeswater after spending a week with triends in this vicinity, Her mother, Mrs. Jno. Morrice accompanied her. Sunday night drives, though not orâ€" thodox, are just lovely Jack thinks, but Art thinks six in a cutter are too many while Jim says four is just right, but Billy says that he picks his company, Lothian Bros. have added to their fine stock of thorougbbreds another fine Tamâ€" worth pig bougit of Caldwell Bros., Orchardville. Mrs. Jos. Snell, of Wiarton, bhas reâ€" turned to the home of her father, Mr. Jas. Leask, to accompany him to Woâ€" ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spell, we regret to learn, are very ill with La Grippe. We would like to warn the young lady that is in the habit of going driving afâ€" ter church Sunday evening to be very c«reful of her health so as she will not bave to visit our M. D, on ber return home, Mr. Thos. Atchison was working in the bush one day last week and came home with two black eyes and a broken nose. Tom says he looks bad enough, but you ought to seo the other fellow. Mr. Geo. Atchison, who returced home Mr. Thos. Hevderson visited Proton friends last Sunduy. Mrs. Alex. Gilles, who has boeen visitâ€" ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson, for a few weeks returned to her home in Buffalo. Mr. James Leask, who has been sufâ€" fering with a sore face, we regret to reâ€" port is worse and left Tuesday morning for Toronto to get treated. Miss Mary Scott fi;;dwâ€"A;;nos Renwick visited Mount Forest frends * together " last week. Rev. Mr. Matheson, of Pricevilie, and Rev. Mr. Campbell, exchauged puipits last Sanday. Mr. John Smith, student of Kuoz College, now occupying Proton Station ulpit visited his cousin, Mrs. John Findâ€" rsy, last week. Miss Mary Aun Isasc, who has been laid up with a sore ankle for apwards of {our mMonthe, We are glad to see is able to walk agaitg. Sga: o act Miss Ray Adatt§;, who hus been vicitin= at ber hotne here for two weeks, returned to Torohio Wednesday last. NORTH EAST NORMANBY. HOLSTEIN, ROCKY. Sa brath 29!H and oo1 in the bush on , Mr. Jos, Moove bad of Toronto hnve . T. B:â€"own for 2nd finger first and sueâ€" Slankets, &ec., &c. We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest Price Paig. Workmanship Uns=urpassed Fize Choice in Valises, Grips. Horse %':;% !, Bites, Whips, ; &c., &o. Heavy & Light Rarness CALL & SEE OUR We Handle everything in the Harness line, at right prices. DON. McARTHUR, Bunessan, Noy. 18ih, The undersigned will keep for serâ€" yice, season 1898â€"99 on Lot 23, Con. 1, S, D. R., Glenelg. a Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar. Obtain@®@ fron the "Gold Medal Herd" of J. G. Snell, Edmonton. TERM S :â€"$81.00 Pedigree may be seen on application, The undersigned will keep for service on Lot 32, Con. 9, Bentinck a thoroughâ€" bred Improved Yorkshire Bor for the season of 1898â€"990, from the famous herd of J, E. Bethour. Pedigree may be seen on application. TERMS :â€"$1.00 IMPROVED YORKSHIRE "YORKSHIRE BOAR" for season 1898â€"00. The undersigned will keep for ser yice at Lot 10, Con. 1, 8. D. R. Glenelg Rob Roy Hotel) a thoroughâ€"bred That desirable residence property on Lambton Street, near the Station, lately occupied by the undersigned. _8 acres of land in connection. For further inâ€" formation apply io GEO. RUSSELL, Prop. Agents for the range home comfort staves nre now scouring our district, and are endncing many to make their siguaturâ€" es on presented documents to the tune oi about $70, for a stove, Lut it is a dandv. and a great coutrast to the ones our mothers used to bake the golden loaf in a bahke pot covered with live corls in the fire place by the end of the old cot. A grieyance is now pending batween two of our neighbors which may lead to court, Settle it quietlvy gentlemen, would be the sectiments of many, Mr. Harry Foster, of Ma:kda o pised through here this week on Ins way to visit friends at Chesley, Wm. and Thos. Brodie are engaged in moking square timber for Mr. Hartâ€" ford out in Enphrasia Tp., but were both home to poll their vote. Mrs. James Gill of Ho:land Centre enâ€" joyed a two weeks vieit at the parental home, Mr. A. Ditner‘s. J. I.. Collinson who wields the birch in our school room, has changed his boardâ€" mg house. He now takes board and lodging with Mr. Geo, Henderson. For the past three weeks the Lo«pitable homeof Mr. Thos Moran has been fillea with youth and merryment, as a numler of their cousins and friepds gre up from: Guelph on an extended visit, Mr. Wro. Ritchie of E.ge Hill with enâ€" gaged assistance, is now busy cu‘tiny air and drawing into Beard‘s mills, hi vrother John‘s pine being un jot 12 con 13 and will pan out, we are told, aiout 50.000 feot. Qaite a contract Wi‘l. He niakes his headquarters and lodging with bis old chum Geo. Lamb. Elections are now over, and mrny exâ€" press themselves as beirg satisfied with the result, although one of our wouldâ€"+e energelic workers, his iabors hnying little effect we understand, losi all tns votes, and bas since, judciog from Ins actions, been in rather a deplorsble conditicn, Thoroughâ€"bred Boar. Changeable weather, the excessive cold snap of list week, bas passed away, and we are now enjoying much milder weathâ€" er, and considerable rain has fallen, roads are in rather a bad state for trafic. BERKSHIRE BOAR. While they rouse the liver, restore full, regular action of the bow:a they do not gripe or pain, do irritate or inflame the internal organs, wae uave & pus...ve tonic Eut at all druggists or by mail of Is often a warning that the liver is torpid or inactive. More serious ce m S Teedcas tsR liver troubles, take Hood‘s Pillis TO SUIT YOU. House and Lot to Rent. C. LEAYENS TERMS :â€"$1.00, Intended for last week. BOA R. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Collars, Pads, GLASCOTT. GEO. RYAN, Proprietor. WwW. T. COOK. ( )Fl-‘ll'l'} FIRST DOOR EAST CF the Duarham â€" Pharmacy Calder‘s Block, â€" Residence first door west of the lf{ost OfMice, Durham. d At Durham Offices, Mondays and Court Days DURHAM OFFICE, Caiper‘s Brock, Entisnce next «oor to Heit‘s Dental Office ) OFFiICESâ€"at Owen Soun«, Markdale Durhnw. LUCAS, WRIGHT & BATSON. Office, over Grant‘s store, Lower Town, DURHAM. SOLICITOR IN SuPREME court, NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, ETc. BARRISTER. MONEY TO LOAN Company and private Funds to Loan on Mortgag»s at low st raves of interest. Valuations made y a competent and careful Valuator. Collections and Agency promptly attended to. Vills, Deeds, Mortgages, Leass, Agreements, &c, correctly prepared. _ Estates of decearsed versous looked after, and Executors‘ and Adâ€" ministrators‘ Accounts prepared and passed. Surrogate Court Business, Probme of Wills, Letters of Administration aud Guardiunshi Obtained. Searches made in Registry Ofhce uns Titles reported on. MONEY TO LOANâ€"Low rares=~ EASY TERMS BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOATRY PUBLIC, CONYEYANCER, ac. Officeâ€"â€"LOWER TOWN. DURHAM. DENTISTRY, Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. 8. OFFICEâ€"Mclntyre Block, J. P. TELFORD, £2 The only Arsvelass.Hearse in town Undertaking and Embalming on latest prinâ€" ciples at reasonable "«tos. arrister, Notary, Gonâ€" ud veyancer, Qtc., Qtc..... Money to Loan at reasonable rates and on terms to suit borrower. Would intimate that she will continue the Furniture and Undertaking Business estabâ€" lished by her father in Durham in 1858 and will endeavor to give all old and new curtcm ers the same entire satiafaction. Furniture of the Best Make TORONTO BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES, CONVEYANCERS, &¢ Remember the standâ€"opposite the Market. Durham, MISS SHEWELL ALWAYS ON HANXND. PICTURE FRAMINC A SPECIALTY W. S. DAVIDSON. . LEFROY McCAUL. ember of the firm will attend Charges Moderate. MISS SHEWEL L â€"FULL LINE OFâ€" (Over the Bank. 4c. and Lamp Chimneys. Scrub Brushes. ... Screw Drivers.... Machine Drivers.. Horse Brushes ... . PVHIPS.::..::..:4.s. & v-vv\â€"fl, Whips, Axes, Silverware of ware of the latest designs. HARDWARE PULPERS A large stock of Masseyâ€"Harris Roller and Ball Bearing Pulpers. Prices Reasonable. Sewing Machines and Organs the a best time to bmj Organ or Sewing Machine is just before %’man. To meet demand I will reduce prices 10 per cent for the next 80 deys Money to Loan at 5 per cent onâ€"Good Security, Insurance of all kinds promptly attended to. Marriage Licenses issued either during day or evening. Without doubt the la Fancy Colors, Best Trimme once and secure bargains. prices that will surprise you My Warerooms are Winter Goods.....Cal of choice goods and CUTTERS & ROBES Bargains for This Week : ‘/:.&S:. 2e efresecfrsefresefrscrsefreett, / 2t ns es & 2 l x CS w As it is too early | r._\ stock, and some of our 1i low, we have been oblig \2 , other large shipment c 'r‘\ are now prepared to offer barcoains in limai asd __ Come in and see our Goods FIVE GALLONS CcoAL OIL FOR 80 CENTS __e (Z)inter Qoodse WM. BLACK e now fully stocked with all kinds of all without delay and get your pick d secure bargains. s s § y voy. Ccomeig . VA KUG LV LA stock, and some of our lines were getting low, we have been obliged to lay in anâ€" other large shipment of goods. We are now prepared to offer you some great bargains in lined and unlined Mitts and Gloves, Horse Blanketse" CGlelast n i. largest stock ever shown WM. CALDER. and at praces{fmm Full lines of Fur O in lined and unlined Mitts and Horse Blankets, Sleigh Bells, every description, and Granite Bottle Leather Cement . Clothes Brushes, .. . . . . . Butter Dishes...., ... +4 Gallon Measures . . . . . Granite Tea Pots.... ... Lined WMiths, :.:« t°c° ear‘I.y for us to take evening, own in _ Durham.â€"â€"Latest atyles rt'rom $25.00 upmwards.â€"Call at ur QOvercoats and Robes and at when in Town. h'm:_ to buy"an To meet this ASbe 5e Mc 4y K >A MacF 3# oyn im If taken in t We I pared Bal a safe an Croup, B ing Coupg For t Little The best, a wi often a li prevent | tling on prevent 1 all. â€" It ance at a ® Ch LA â€"G WE CHA 8t itc F9 dre ni da at W U &

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