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Durham Review (1897), 26 Jan 1899, p. 5

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to ermiek:, Ont t Town. best time to buy"ar meets. To meet this the next 30 days, ham.â€"â€"Latest dfk’ uprcards.â€"â€"Catl at s and Robes and at ent kinds of ur pick for us to take s were getting l to lay in anâ€" goods. We ou some great ied Mitts and Sleigh Bells, and Granite= asonable yâ€"Harrig VATOR ASCS, LtS, &c EOD, TS sale a24900 C 15¢ g EEAN & CO § K4 *X ppy ppALAALSE C‘ Psilet SOAPSâ€" fr 2C a %& cake ap. 4 o o dae * BQNTs & SHOES 4. FLANNELETTES 3 oo ho ohs ohe ofe ofe ofe ofecfecte cbegs, o h opofecie #> MacFARLANE & 00 If taken in time will check that much dreaded complaint. Kee a box in the house. X stitch in time saves nime," the. stitch will cost _ you but 25c. We have a specially preâ€" pared Babys COUGH CURE, a safe and reliable specific for Croup, Bronchitis or Whoopâ€" ing Coughâ€"at 25¢ a bottle. 4 i 1% t» DoN‘T FORGET TO CALL ! For the Little Folks a varnd We have a good line from be up to 10c. For a very heavy twill, 32â€"in wide, our 7¢ flanncelette is a bargain. Best Tabl » OlIz CLOTH. 4b in wide, 20c a yard. _ The best, at $1.25 and $1 50. _ They will keep you warmer than Sealskin Sacque. If you have already got a cold, CARKS COUGH CURE, 50e a bottle will break it up and make you right within a tew days. Every bottle fully guaranteed by us. Heavy Plain Black Lusâ€" tre, 50e a yard. â€" Black Figured Luastres, 30¢ and 35¢ a yard. _ prevent a dangerous cold setâ€" tling on your lungs, or it may prevent you catching a cold at all. _ It is a good life insurâ€" ance at a low rate. Heavy Double Fold Drcss % (Goods, 18e, 20e and 25¢ a yard. *§> Fancy Figured DRESS «$ goods, 40â€"in wide, 25¢ a % yard. Â¥ hok r often a life m Chest Protector m FEEECEEECEC sSHELF OIL CLOTH 8e W «t s pige bv usingy SALADA ‘LON TEA, black or mixed 5c. 70e, 40e a Ib, and bhaif packets. _ We sell it., We . | he best 2:)(' JAPAN A FEW OF OUR LAâ€"GRIPPE PILLS w GOL MITTS 23 CPS~. A PAIK LADIE®‘ BLACK ilwarys carry Sterlâ€" ros. _ hand made boots w»s for Men, Women. ind girls. _ They can‘t / in quality or price WE HAVE CHAMOIS JACKETS DRUGGISTS AND BOCKSELLERS W rgel <to start the DURHAM UPPER TOW N chest protector is ‘eseérver. .IE may Durham, Out. Another of Glenelg‘s pioneers passed pencefully away in the person of Mr. Alexander Campbell of the North Line after a brief illness. He died on Monâ€" day and was buried on Wednesdaa; the fnneral being largely attended. e exâ€" tend our sincere sympathy to the beâ€" reaved family. Miss Eliza McCormick who has been away visiting friends returned home last week. Mrs. Alex Beatonspent a short time visiting her mother Mrs. Ritchie of Edge Hill A Social will be held at the home of Mr. Thos, McComb of Bunessan, on Tuesday. Jan. 31st. A grand time is exâ€" pected, and all are invited. _ Admisâ€" s.on 15c. Messrs, Archie Little and G. Sparling were through here buying horses the oiher day. Mr. Alex Beaton who has been laid up with a sore eye is all right again we are glad to relate. Rev, Mr. McGregor of your town spent a few days visiting around here recently. While the idea of establishing a | steamâ€"buat route to Europe through those Arctic waters appears to be impracticable, there is much to be said in favorof some such scheme as the construction of a good wagon road, or even possibly a spur line of rail from the nearest point on the C. P. R , say Missanabie, back towards the Bay, which would give transportation facilâ€" ities for those by no means inconsiderâ€" able, products of the fisheries, forests and mines awaiting development there In this same connection it is interesting to note that the Georgian Bay Canal scheme is being industriously talked un here just now. The good people of the Ottawa Valley are tremendously in earnest in their support, and if hailf that is claimed for it is true, the carrying out of the project wouid be an immense boon for the whole Dominion, . and would go far towards solving the problem of providing an adequate outlet for the products of the West to the markets of the world. That Ten Per Cent Royalty. One of the latest arriyals from Dawson city, Mr. W. C. Gates is authority ftor the statement that Commissioner Ogilvie has recommendâ€" ed a reduction of the gold royalty to 24 or 3 per cent on the net out put, adding that, ‘"the pe%ple of the disâ€" trict bad such confidence in Mr. Ogilvie, that much extra work will be é done this winter and spring and many | claims, that have not been considered j worth working while the 10 per cent royalty was in force, wi‘ll now be opened up." All that the Government | has been waiting for is reliable data |{ from an unprejudiced source, and if| the Commissioner declares, for the reâ€"| duction, action will quickly be taken. li The latest reports upon the condiâ€" tions prevailing in the Hudson Bay District are not encouraging to the promoters of the steamship route in that far northern territory. _ ~Official and unofficial reports rre practica)ly unanimous in declaring that the iceâ€" king has so firm a grip in those wacers that no human devices can conquer him. « Referring to the butter and bacon trade, Mr Fisher spoke in very op timistic terms, declaring that there was a splendid market for both these staples in the British market, and that both had already secured a high repuâ€" tation there. IPWTT CE EECC OO TR NUR WUERVEEE C Hon. Sidney Fisher has been talking to the tarmers of Western Ontario upon the importance ot care and knowletfze in the matter of stock raising, discussâ€" ing the latest improvements in butter and cheese making, and posting them in the details of the requirements of the British market. The Butter and Cheese Trade. As he told the Western Ontario Cheese and Buttermakers‘ Association ‘‘The importance of butter and cheese could not be overâ€"estimated, as was evidenced by the fact that during the past year some $17,500,000 worth of cheese had been exported to England, ‘The present was & critical time for this industry, and while in the old country last year he was startled at some things he heard. _ Canadian cheese was being criticised, and old country _ cheese was commanding higher prices, and what was worse the criticism was merrited, for the quality of the Uanadian cheese was not up to the standard. The Canadian cheese appeared to have been heated, and from examination it was evidently not entirely done in transit but in curing rooms of the factory." Continuâ€" ing the Minister described the sters that had been taken to perfect cold storage facilities on the cars ana vessels, concluding with the remark that he hoped they would soon overâ€" come this slur on the Canadian cheese, and again occupy the proud position they should have in the markets of the world The great secret ofthesneeeuwhiehl Officers Elected. has attended the administration of thel inbnmmmnene Agricultural Department both in the The Annual Meeting of this body took Federal and Ontariv Government i# / place on Wednesday of last week, and that the Ministers in charge are in officers and directors for the various every sense of t!le word, practical municipalities were elected. men,. . This is being constantly de. o inonstrated, not only in the high state| Afnin the members have elec!e-d Mr. of efficiency to which the departments|Jas. Edge to the honored position of bhave been brought, but aiso in the up. | President which he has held for over a toâ€"date policy that is being pursued | quarter of a century, and if bodily he is and the excellent results coming | not quite so active as when first elected, therefrom. It is also made manifest | his interest in the Society is as active as :fim the tmequent occasions w?e't) the | ovep, l nisters appear on the public platform, A * 3 and diwus‘;mpmctiwl I;ueamres with| _ A change in the Secretaryship how l ractical men. This week for example | *Ver was forced on the meeting since Eon- Sidl)ev Kigchnr hoo hooan tubbL.._lthn mubenniles Lmgo o c w Alternative Propositions. The Hudson Bay Route. 120 eremeennin s mmntmmmennmmmmnnenmmtememeny OUR OTTAWA LETTER. [ s.c. AGRICULTURAL socIETr. | ROB ROY. Prof. Peel on short notice was seâ€" cured as an accompanist and considerâ€" ing the time he had, und the difficult The combination singing was pleasâ€" ing and harmonious. _ _Fax is a host in himself, and at this, his first appearance in Durham, he baus sustained the wide reputation he bhas as a singer and humor.:st. Not the least amongst the factors of his success is his clear enunciation every word being heard distinctly. _ In some proâ€" tessionals the lack of this is a serious defect. In ‘‘Hooligan‘s Mule" and in ‘"One of his legs was longer, etc., he tairly convulsed the audience. His other pieces were all good, but *"Ycu can‘t think of everything." Miss McNichol has left a fine imâ€" pression both ’Ipersonally and professâ€" ionally. 0 an attractive stage presence she brings a cultivated yoice of great power and sweetness and one will not soon forget her rendering of ‘‘The Bonnie Bonnie Bank O‘ Loch Lomond" and ‘"Robin Adair," while her part of Jamie and Jeanie was rendered perfectly. Mr. Grant‘s songs were in execution of a high order, ‘"‘Afton Water" being generally thought his best, He has a voice of excellent calibre, and his inâ€" terpretation of Scottish sentiment is of a genuine kind. _ While Fax was the Drawing Card, the other performers were also first in their line. _ Master J. S. Galbraith as a dancer gave excellent satisfaction, and he will yet be much in demand. Piper McDonald played for Mr. Galâ€" braith and gave a selection or two beâ€" sides, which were enjoyed and but for the crowded state of the program, should have been heard oftener. "‘One of the best if not the best conâ€" certs ever held in Durham" was a common remark at the close of the Sons of Seotiand affair on Friday night last. _ Not only was the attendance larget than ever before seen, the hall being crowded to the dooâ€" and beyond it ana many (some say over 100) turnâ€" ed away, but the receipts ecligsed all records, no less a sum than $127 being taken at the door and by ticket sale. Ticket sellers, G. Binnie and R. Macâ€" Farlane Jr. were kept busy outside the door, A. Galbraith ccllected the ‘checks," and never was packing better done than by ushers Jno. H. Hunter, R. Morice, T. C. Morton and Thos. Black. \ Ben Nevis Camp Concert The following are the Officers and Directors for 18909 : PRESIDENT, Jas. Edge, 1st Vioe PrE8., H. Parker. 2ND VICE PREs.., Wim. Smith. SECRETARY. Arch. Davidson. TREASURER, W m. Calder. Directors, GLRNELG, Geo. Binnie, C. Firth Hon., D. Edge., EaRrEMoNT, Jas. Matthews, T. Caldwell. Hon., Jas. Allan. BENTINCK, Win. Lawson, Wm Scart. Hon., H, Brigham. NoRMAxXBY, R. Morice, Thomas Gadd. Hon., R. Barber, DURHRAM, Wm. Calder. _ Hon. Jno. H. Hunter, ' Auditors : T. Holt and 0. Ramage. Another change and a popular one it will be, is that a public andit of the acâ€" counts is to be made. _ This has always taken place and open to the members of the society but has not heretofore been published, It is to be hoped that thus taking the public into fullest confidence our fine fall show will be more liberally patronized than ever. There were four applicants for the vacant position of Secy. and the choice of the Directors fell upon Mr. Arch. Davidson, whose affability, experience and tastes will make him an efficient Secy. The office of Treasurer has been dissociated from thai of Secy. and to Mr. Win, Calder was given in charge the shekels of the society. ’ A change in the Secretaryship howâ€" ever was forced on the meeting since the resignation of Secy McKenzie was before them. He has held the office for twenty years exactly, and his time and health are such as to forbid him continuâ€" ing in an office whose duiies are very exacting. As a small testimony to past services, the Society in addition to warm expressions of thanks made a grant of $25 to their retiring Secy,, whom everyâ€" one would rejoice to see restored to perâ€" fect health in the near future. Jas. Edge to the honored position of President which he has held for over a quarter of a century, and if bodily he 1s not quite so active as when first elected, his interest in the Society is as active as ever. P AN IMMENSE SUCCESS | McARTHRUR.â€"In Bentinck on Tuesd uy | Jan. 23, Mrs. Jno. McArthur. aged 7 ‘\_ _ yrs. 5 inos, BORN. YouUunG.â€"In Normanby, on Jan. 7th. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Young, a son. Butchers‘ carttle Were slow, owing to the large run. and the supply was in excess of the demand. Prices for all kinds were decidedly off, ranging cn an average 25¢ below yesterday‘s market. A number of export bulls were offerâ€" ed and the nmrmt cleared of theim early, prices ranging from 34 tn4c. with an extra 12%¢ per100 pounds for picked. . Stockers and feeders were aci ive and in good demand. Stockers ranged from 3 to 3kc. with an extra 10c for choice Feeders sold as high as $3.80 per 100 Ibs, Milkers were unchanged. ; ed since yesterday‘s market, extra choice stuff bringing $4.70 per 100 Ihs. We had 84 loads at the Western cattle market this morning, including 12 sheep and lambs, 15 calves and 2500 bogs. The market for export cattle was fairly good, but there wes an overplus of butchers‘ cattie ard trading was on the dull side. There was a goed deal of inferior stock offered and prices were a little off,. The trade in export cattle was fairly good. prices being practically unchangâ€" uCns al0u y & L Eggs, per doz ... . Chickens. per paur Ducks *4 Turkeys, per lb .. Geese, per lb vs Hides, per ewt _ .. Calfskins ... .. Sheepskins ... .. Hay, per ton Btraw, * iss ++ Potatoes, per bag Apples, per bag .. Flour per bbl .......... Oatmea per sack ...... Bran per ecwt ... ... Shorts per ewt Fall Wheat per bushel Barley, ** Peas, +* Oats, +* Dr‘d Hogs, per cwt Hogs, live weight ... Lard per lb Tallow* per Ib Butter per Ib, Tob ... hh Roll ' One thing is proved to a certainty, that we have no hall to accommodate a firstâ€"class concert. Elsewhere will be found the mittee‘s card of thanks. From Priceville, Dromore way, and Normanby, they were out. The roads were good, the weather superb, and but one opinion prevailed, that the Concert was a good one. The chair was worthily occupied by Dr. Jamieson, whose opening speech was approupriate and pithily expressed. The merits of the £cot and Scottish societies were duly pointed out character of the music filled the bill all right. * .....DRUGGIST CALDERS BLOCK DURHAM «. T. R. Ticket Agent and Can. Express Money Order Agent. Another troublesome complaint, but our lntfallable Chilblain Remedy will cure the worst case known. If after a fair trial it won‘t do what we claim, we will refund your money. ‘These preparations are put up only by Jas. R. CGun any symptons of these complaints take " Gun‘s gl?i';) Capsulas " at once and do not waste vime and money en unâ€" known Preparation. Get a box of them at once as LaGripRe is very prevalent just now and the merit of our Grip Capsulas as a cure is unâ€" questionable. Make countless thousands suffer. Bat t hese complaints can be cured by ‘"Gun‘s Grip Capsules." If you have any symptons of these complaints take LAâ€"GRIPPE COLDS, NEURALGIA, Etc. PAINS AND ACHES Live Stock Markets. CHILBLAINS DURKHAM MARKET. TORONTO, DIED. ......... $ 3 50 to $4 00 ssl ONTARIO ARCHIVI 1 80 to 2 00 63 to 15 7O Also a Full Line of » WA TCHtS. JEWELRY SILVEREWARE, and STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES. M<Farlane‘s Th: Whees 22**, o Round WOOD Dinnuer Spoiledâ€" Hagband Madâ€" Sâ€"rvant (Girl Uglyv. The ancient clock did its best â€"It is old enongh to rest. Its gomg qualities have <on», you want a Good Clock & vemper Saver. _ We have them or s ) _ Yan can save time and worry by buving onre @Call and see for yourself. >>Prices are 1i0ht. REVIEW OFFICE . A. MceF ARLANE Next to Bank. all kinds at all prices. of & Time: TORONTO Wanted on Subâ€" scription at the I{» If.. Y uer. The J{anover Gonveyancer, The Hanover Conveyancer offers the following bargains : TEAsDALE FarM ; lot 30, con. 2, W.G. R. Bentinck. Will sell this fine 100 acresfor but little more than was }'):;id a few years ago betore Mr. easdale built on it a large brick dwelling which he says cost $1000. HosBack FarRM ; at Lamlash, about _ 97 acres, good building, close to Post _ Office, Store, Church and School. Will sell at a great bargain or trade. ..EwIs ErpE Farx, township of Holland good form in German settlement. Will sell cheap or exchange. Conâ€" tains 100 acres. well improvea. A 100 Acre Fara in Bentinck, pretty good lot, at say $850 should bring £$1200. Who speaks first ? House axp Lot at Allan Park, to be given away, comfortable dwelling, good stable Money to loan at 5 per cert. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance, Ocean Tickets for sale. Debts collected, all business attended to quickly and promptly. At each others throats would probabl raise the prices, ®ut!»the England & Russia . H. MILLER

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