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Durham Review (1897), 26 Jan 1899, p. 8

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The wnitors proved most capable and the" duties were not light. They strove to make every one new] and luceeeded. (u for u men would allow,) mad . word of” mid also be given to the The benediction pronounced. Mole were again paused around. and every one went home dismantling untetnlly the suc- ceee of the meetings and church opening. There we; no hitch. no unpleasant word to we: the hnppv nccneion. everything we: a its best, even the weather. Votes of thunk: were cordially punt! so the speaker.- of both meetingi---io the Dnndalk choir,--" the lolios whc mun- aged the musical part t Mrs. Rev. Morrison and Mina Plibel’wn. daughter oer. E. Patterson. cmureille,--TG Mr. Konnody foe use of the ork'tut.--to Mr. J, M. Find. loy' Drown" for his donation at tour Nominal Imaging hunptt,---to the Indie. for their nbnmlnnt Nip” of good thing. and "rviee,-andtoi a managing oom- mittee for Ibo" faithful work. The receipts mounted t18 and " from two parties made $20, mini total of 9204. The Wedneadey meeting our the church only lees crowded than at the previous meeting. Provision still in plen- ty. Mr. McDonalJ again in the chair, uni again choice mncic from the singers. The {allowing weaken addressed the meeting refenmu to early times in church work. Rev. Mr, Morrison the old and re- apected pastor " the congregation. Mr. _ Duncan McMillan. lormerly a member and elder from it: earliest days until he left a few years Mo in his old one to jam the new Swinton Park congregation which wns nearer to him, also Mr. Joseph Me. Attila. The meeting wu called horde: by the new Minister Ber. Mr. McDoneld who oftuated u chairman. and tho above mentioned mini-tern and Mr. P. McGreg- or, Dominik. made speech". The Meth- odistehoir, Dnndelk, and other singer. {no some select music between the speech». When all wee over the committee re l ported the proceed: from tickets and two Sunday offering. to be .184. and fully one In" of the provisions on bend you I The oom. ”tinged for n free children‘s meeting on Wednesday mth I heewill caning Alter the benediction In: pro- nounced and this pin [no general util- faetn n, Tee over the beecment we: vac-led for tho chureh. and before long " we. found that even standing room could scarcely be had. Extra seet- lied been and in the “tern; on at the ordusatton but every corner It night Wu eo Jemmed that sing- ers and ape-here could burdly move unund. Even the min " we: crowded, and about GO in the basement could not get up. I gathering "or hold both had trats/LG more ubundnm provision for the inner to . lat. hour. IGji gathering our held here The tea. Minister: and other" from 1 distance who intended to etny till omn- ing were entermined by neighbors. Tho-e who could not any were refreshed in the basement. thou living near by went home. At ebont six o'clock, the hue- ment was opened end it had been tem- porarily tixed up. Furnace nnd store were kept dome “and service, tables and delivered. The ordination wee very solemn and imptaaeive and the people reputed the: the Rev. Mr. Hannah had to leave as they expected ho would aid something more to, the ebb dweuuione the! were part but his place wig of the others. The ministers in attendance were the Rev. Mr. Campbell. of Dromore, the Moderator who was the presiding min- ister ', the “or. Mr. Reid. of Normanhy; the Rev. Mr. Jansen, of Durham; the Rev. Mr. Miller, of Holstein; the Rev. Mr. Morrison. Codsrnllo. Rev. Mr. Hunnah was to be present but was taken tll on Sunday evening alter union and bad to no to hja homo. m was to take On Mondny. the 16th " 2 p. m. was the limo appointed for the Scranton Pres. bytery to meet. sad " 2.30 p. m. the Ordination ot Mr. N, A. McDonald to take place, " mininter in chug. ot the congrcg-trena of Explin and Cad-"ills. when: he is to be stationed for " last two yuan-1. Mr. McDonald him been preaching to these congregation“ for near three months aud in their choice. Many [ of tho Elders, Mummers and members of the Cedarville congregation were present. The church in aim-tad on. and . quarter mile south of the will-go. nod Int week I vent you n Atort report of the opening "ereiee. on Sand-y Mth by the Rev. Mr. Hannah, of Mount Forest. who patched two very solo Ind fooling setmons. but perbnpu the report did not reach you in time for pttblitmtiom Thin week I drop I" other new- around our will.” ml “(or my bad.“ of no" to tho Esplin church owning. oedmntiott uni two to. aeolian. Eoplin church in ttalUd so, on" the lot. Mr. John Etrplin, who lived and owned tho form which the church to built an. He won on. of the only union here and won a very con-intent number of the Proohytcrnn church. I A son and doughtorol MrAudrow Dunl- moor. Owen Sound. u horn visiting with than aioter In J moo Fm. Om nick list now ie. It Wm. Hills. on old man. John MeArthur Inn of D, It. will) a role log. and Miss Den" who in handing horn “tending to tho Help“): ehareh mutton. alao Joooph Samara a young man " yn of an who got hit log broke by n tron hitting him Ion» days Mo. A. I write the Presbyterian church peo- ple are making a tinmh. The church op- ening wan hold on Sunday tho mu when um excellent muons worn “bod by tho Rev Mr. Hannah of Mt, Wdt Or- din-uon and tea pony on Monday will m- port next time. Eldor new" of tho Loner Day Saints. now living at Arthur, had a child dud and buried hora at tho 15th oou., in . ..-...,, any“ au.ku, nun-8 In“ order my tgn‘wrved from them 1ntendedfortaattrseek. It is just 939;; Tull}: Ind $1 each L making a "applied by on. _ The annual meeting of Glenelg Agri- i cultural Society was held in Haakett's f hall on \Veunesday of last week when the usual business was transacted. The finances were found to be in a healthy condition with some $31, on hand. The following omce, tr were elected for 1809t President. J. E. Marsh; lat Vice Pres., Thomas J. Coleman; 2nd Vice President, I Geo. Lamb: Secretary. Geo. B. Holmes; Treasurer, Wm. N. Haakett. Direct- ors: Thus. Cook, Jos. Richardson, J. S.‘ Lyons, Thos. Elliott, Arthur Johnston. Hugh Mercer. Geo. B. Holmes, C. W. Rutledge. Wm, N. Beckett. Auditors: Walter Turner, James S. Rowe.--Stnn. l Cooper-wilt-That this oounil do now adjourn to meet " Queen's hotel, Dundalk, on Saturday Feb. 11, “the hour of ten o'elook a. m. from Co: No. g, for On motion of wpson--wrioius, routine by-luws for the pay of council Ind oftieerts he. was disposed of. A motion to increase the Clerk's salary .25 was passed. 1vitson--wtiot--Timt the treasurer rcceive the sum of MO. unexpendedi acetate money of Proton Station for 1898.1 from Corbett. commissioner of division hr, M I-.. qe._e'. wryhr-wiuon-rutue collect time be extended until Feb. 11th 1890, Cooper-Wilson-Tut John M cQuarrie be paid tor work on division 4, " and Robert Mackenzie for work on the 37th sideread, $10. Grant of '98. M.unlu--wiuon-rut this council bowing learned that children tram the township of Proton have been treated free of clause In the “Lakeside Home for Sick Children" And that an urgent request irvr been made for help, make a grant of $5. I 1vilson-wright--rut the collector be mnborizod to not collect. the taxes again" out half of lotgi. con. 6, and that they be "and trom the roll. 1t'iltoe-wriru--Tut the commission- " of division No. 4, be empowered to sell the timber on road nllownnce between lots 27 and 28, con. 7 and 8. The pro- ceeds to be applied to said road. Cooper-Mears-Tut Henry Bird re- ceive 03 weekly for keep of Whittle until further errnngementn are made, and 840 be pieced in care of Geo. Wright to be given In needed maintenance of Whittle until further arrnngemeuts are made by tbelconncil. Glenelg Agricultural Society. Writrht-Wiiaotr-Tut subscription to Municipnl World be renewed, and copy procured of the Consolidated Municipnl and Asses het of 1897. Wright-Nestle-aus Dmid Allen he paid 82.50 for use of hall fur nomin- "ion. Wriitt--Woon.--Tbat . the clerk be instructed to draft a by-law to append puthunstera to keep the wads oven in winter lame and to give eertitUtstets to per. sons so employed for the nmoum of days' Work done, such work to he allowed on non season's shunts labor. Wright-Wilson-Tut the rave Councillor Cooper be a commute. to 1mm. into tho treasurers securities. cooper-maria-rut each commis- sioner receive the mm of 8225.00.3H gravel to be counted as grant. iyty)rdler-qroper--.rruat J. C. Conan and Alex. Gillespxe be auditors on behalf of council. C'ooper-Wiuon-aut tho divisions be represented as totlowrs: No I,D. Wil- son, 2 D. 1tekenme, 8, G. Wright, 4, Jan. A, Cooper, 6, Jos. McArdle. On motion of Viltron--wrieut-..tbl, shove compriu the board ot health excopt thnt Thou Laughlin lake: the place of J no. A. Cooper. Dr. Mitchell to be Medical Health officer. Wilson-aria-rut Thus. McAuley be appoiuted assessor at a. salary of Mo. Me! tor organization Jan. 9th 1899. Members.. Duncan McKenzie. Reeve: Daniel Wilscn. J. A. Cooper, Jos. McArd- le, Geo, Wright, Councillors. Communications re Hospital tor Sick Children and from Manager of Molaon's bank giving an account of money deposit- ed as sinking fund to tho credit of the township were laid before council. [We oongntulnto the good poop Euplin on their grand Inccess, We web-alum) than. Ed.Reviow.] - --'-""""-------rr- mother: who worked and kept I witch-I TME LATE pm CHINIQUY. ful eye that ovorylhing won iutrt lo. We no Informed "not the receipts with . some few Iubscriptions yet to Collect, wil I Our reference to the death of this fun. poy otf all debts and leave a hula to upon one man last week was necessarily brief. Ton. , At his funeral. which was largely and “Na mnar-lnlnh M.- -n--‘ ----' . In well settled i1iatricts--Prices from $2 to $10 per regarding the " Northern Pacific Country" call on .Untp1esti?naVy the best invigorating, and where t the World-C-These lam For Sale at Lower Prices Ttrms. LAUGHLXN, Clerk cc--- -- PROTON COUNCIL. .N. ORTH CROP PAYMENT. PLAN f (For Next Two Weeks Only). vy the best opportunity now and where there are Railways --These lands are owned by, I the collector's the _ rum and pood trttrple of as the stars for ever and ever.., Amen; " [Notify that I have seen. I have been with him in the solitude of his l' chamber. when he prayed for them _)')';)) _ an earnestneus which reminded me of M il C what is recorded of Knox, the great, a ontract y Scottish Reformer, when he cried to rlGod. 'O give me, give me Scotland or ll --- a die.' IPSEALED remain, rt.'//tte.t,y, to ht l ' . t . . {h t th ,' ostnmster renem. wi ereceivu at I Finally. I rv,','.'.")',',,",, lo think 'll'd'lCs',ii'i'r"Jl' until Noon, on Friday. the 3rd memory of Dr: t “molly. as a. . . lFebruary. 1899. for the conveyance of) minded, far-seeing Christian patriot will Her Majesty’s Mails. on " proposed Con- , haveapermnncnt place in the history 2li,t for four CII,',"")','.,),?,,",",', yam" the ' , - . . . . eac way letween ur an) an J ats~ , of Canada, and prove an inspiration to worth. from the first of April next. thousandsof his countrymen to cling to Pri t d ti e t . . f tt . " in e no " econ inning ur ier m- the truthrimd the Saviour hesofervent- formation as to conditions of pro ted l ly proclaimed. That truth he ever Contract may he seen an d blank mu“ sought. to put into the hands of every of Tender may he obtained at. the Post man as his birth-right. To its supreme 9lricry of Durham and Chatsworth and and infallible authority alone, and not M this office. , . J. HENDERbON I to any man or counsel. he 'dit',',? :1:- Post Otfiee Inspectorl questioning Slllmlissmn. I") y "f POST OFFICE Lysuureron's OFFICE preaching of his blessed Snylorr, who In Toronto. 18th Jhnuary. 1899. ' l 'the way. the truth, and life, he was honored of God in bringing many thou- "r'-------------------------:---"---"-)"..'.'., sands from darkness to light. These .STRA.YED. . i shall he his icy and crown of glorying From the premises of the undersign- [ before our Lord Jesus at his coming l ed, Lot 1. Con. 14, Egremont, a yearling and then it willoppear thatthe struggles brindle heifer, white spot, on forehead and sorrows of life. however painfulnnd and on each hip, white tip on tail and prolonged. are not worthy to be com. white underneath belly. Had belt on i pared with the glory that shall be re- when she left home. Any information , vealed. for 'they that he rueshautainelliG will lead to her recovery will be : as the brightness of the tlrmament,. and l suitably rewarded. l ' they that turn many to righteousness Jonx Rum" . ex- with It is no exaggeration to any that the strongest wish of De. Chiniquy's heart through life was that his countrymen, whom he passionatelyloved. might ac- cept this glorious message. _ , I venture to think, further, that be will be remembered as a. true patriot. The the of loyalty to our sovereign and country burns with ardor in thé breasts of his fellow-countrymen. but in none with greater intensity than was felt by the heart of hint whose remains lie sil- ent before us. H is wusa patriotism. at love of country, which was thoroughly 1 outspoken. based upon Christian princi- I pleas. and therefore united with u cath- olicity of spirit which enabled him to rejoice in the good and prosperity of the many other countries that enjoyed "i labors. _ - - --V ' i. The air brake was invented hv West. He will be remembered as an enthusi- Inghouse 1874; the torpedo by Buslinell asiic reformer. In trtrUmanhood.and, 1777: Yang-h lg, grilling“? I1477: st,'";,',': . . . . mmne or ' re l e escape by indeed, tothe end of his long life. this Lippemheim 1608; priming by Guns- wat his pPopet role, not an Prwy one "'9 ttehih 1438; micmurope by Jansen 1509; proven by the experience of all true re- cotton gin by Eli Whitineyg lithography formers; religions, social, and scientific. LL." 1gtht,fg' 17%: ',ilfetgstij'e it!" . ' . ha. ran m ';gnn pow or: c wnrz pe. lytll?ty'ttui.red for such It mix 132); balloon by Montgnl 'i'i7f'42.,' bar. ;llon BPe of the highest order-Faith ttt ometer hv Toriicelmtiid (t)ornmunica. God and man. courage. patient-e. gentle. ”inn from Messrs. Marion & Marion. solo new. love, indmnitable perseverance. a Iii‘wli‘ngf all?!“ Td expflts. New. spirit of selr-mtrwitice and Willingness to, m ' e u: ding, ontrea " 'i work and suffer and die for the truth -"--------.---.-, -- --- and the vindication of human rights. l t2sattttrtenatk wCryo" His missionary labors, were not con- fined to one country or continent. His apostolic zeal in disseminating the truth carried him through Canada, the United States. Britain, Australia, Tasmania, » the Sandwich Islands, New Zealand and portions of Europe; and by means of his printed works, brilliant and fasci- nating in style, he has been heard and will continue to be a powerful factor in the thought and life of regions upon which his eyes never rested. 'He being“ dead yet spenketh .’ l " He was a distinguished man, of un- ique personality and mission, who will not soon be forgotten. In many re- spects he stood alone, a. commanding figure in our country and century. His ancestry and education I need not trace. l This has been done by hm own pen, and l his exceptionally high endowments, his} literary, theological and dmletic skill and genius have been sufficiently dwelt i upon by the press. His numerous pub- lications, translated into many langu- ages. and widely circulated in many parts of the world. are a lasting monu- ment to his ability and industry. repreetsnttttively attended. eloquent. tri- butes to his memory were paid, and We cop: from the Witness a part of the ad- dless of Rev. Principal McVicar on the deceased t The r existing to acquire Rich Farmin; rs, Towns, Schools, Churches ant ', and situated along the line of Ever Before. Northern Pacific Railway T' acre. 3 TW,,. m“- “.1 - ' .. . I ' From the premises of the undersign- ed, Lot 1. Con. u, Egremont, a. yearlingr brindle heifer, white spot, on forehead and on each hip, white tip on tail and white underneath belly. Had bell on when she left home. Any information [that will lead to her recovery will bei I suitably rewarded. i. "P 624’ :I k Cfg-r,-r-(cs'fet1?'iy' I Full particular: in College Announce- ment md Journal, Free to any ad- dress. Send for one to-day, to I The" GG 6th at 10 a. fl” _ . . "urn-Jo IUI' IN The clerk was inateuc tenders for printing an fo,r,,,the office .9f Assessor. "a. acuunnel top No. l, J. A. Mc. Millan for No. 2, Geo. Lunhtor No.3 and Jun. Williams for No. 4. The clerk was instructed to ask for radars En- printing and applications nu I A A --- " _ m... mm ucuannel, E tr., Councillors. - l Each member made mfg sulm-rihed the , Declarations of Qualification and of . office, and took their seats. The Reeve . in the chair. Minutes of last meeting . tend and confirmed. After reading of ’ several accounts and commnmmtiom, the Reeve and John Willuuus were. in. I.'",)",",,'?',',',! to examine as to the 'riftciency ' of the Treasurer’s securities and report. By-law 382 appointing:r R. T. Edwards and E. w. Hunt as auditors was passed, and also by-law No. 383 re-n pointing James Edge to the Local gourd of Health, and Dr. Gun as Medical Health Omcer. Cheques were issued as follows t The Reeve. re McCormick deviation. $1.00; the Reeve, Iertius,r and inspecting Baird's hill, $2.40: John McKechnie, flour for James Dillon, 81.80; J. A. Hunter, lock for Halt stable. 40c; J. P. lTelford, turidavit 1e McCormick devi- ation. tioe,. Malcolm McCormick, Imi- ance on deviation. $55.00; Election ex- penses. $5011); Hu in Baird. lumber for culverts, 82.00.. film McLean. con- tract on Baird’s hill, $30.65; the Clerk on salary. 830.00. Ward Cctutniruoneva Were appointed as follows t Neil McCunnel for No. l, J. A. Mc. Milllp for No. 2. Geo. [JIIII|\ (an WT. " 's.,41b,,,,e,ill)3tit'_artrBaiis W M The newly elected council of Township " Glenelg. met on Jaw 9th, pursuant to statute. Pres James Staples, E " Reeve ; John _ Hams. Johu A. tt'sli'fut,", Geo. L tg,t1iPei1 MCCnnnel. liuaL (‘nnnnn It is the very best place in Canada to get a Thorough Business Education, W For DATES OF BIG INVENTIONS. ' mr pruning and applications otNe of Assessor. council adjourned to February 10 a. m. cmur. Minutes of last meeting Mid confirmed. After reading of LI accounts and commummtiom, :evennd John Williams were in- ed to examine as to the 'rificiency Treasurer’s securities and report. v 382 appointingr R. T. Edwards w. Hunt tts auditors was passed, s0 hy-law Nu, 3W re-nwminting Edna tn .hu T___, _ - JOHN BROOKS. Holstein. TORONTO (fi-if:'"?,?) 'Urehel 1009; telescope by t 1608; priming by Guns- micmsmpe by Jansen 1509; , Eli Whitney: lithom-nnhv , FLEMING. Principll GLENELG cannon. --- -..i.- l, will be received at ' on Friday. the 3rd ' the conveyance of L. on " proposed Con- six times per week Dughumjmd Chatty maps and publications Lands-81 ready for the plow, i good Markets close" at hand.' TI L BLACK, Clerk. . A. HUNTER . 5 and 10 Years m JunuiF): Present, John Wil.' l. Lani it in}? Giiafruira'a .3111; m I m on 2.11.... Pmet., Dept. M. Chieaqo. -__" 7â€" ---"'"""-- We1TPzqmTpug, TRUSTWOBTHY PER- Bot" in this "no to manage our bum”. in their own and nearby couniiu. It is mainly tttBees work conducted a hour. Sal-w nmkht ONO-year And "ttern-r-destitute. bounds. no more.” lo- usury. Month" 375. References. Enema. .iaa..-...uA a-.. ----I --__. - - ‘0;- anyone desiring to better their Position nu! - -------- v ----- -------------- . moaned f .ultig moon: sign“ 7t'cir, The t': . V a or tttner- to n anew I t THOROBRED DURHA' BULL ,gcém. ',i'iiiili'e'?u22". rtra"hrtd'iUl'y'.' --- . u u war .wn us. The undersigned will Ie'i5t"iteai.et ivy [a u “I” ntlot49 con.‘ b . . .. It a ant-l.- " I'm. gag-234mm iiiiriiU/ Bull. i tgat'.'" Ihr 1mm Sumo-Ir- In In Do.- -a'maSroN..- I t... pay but all" all con-It'd... aged 2 ems. purchased from the heed ', We "an dum- whole or ”a up”... MH 'd','tg': Durham. Pedigree “my L'.uuryfiiriaieGai our no“: . ' li . ti Terms 75cts We In.“ pun-hm with unite-u- be seen u nnpp ll“- ton. ' In. norm-rm III-pm". Incl-g our payable BPS), 131., 1899. I mod; " Inc In. In. Jou- “It. ALFRED Risks, Prop. - -- Being East and West Parts of Lot number Five (6), in the 2nd Concei- sien. W. G. tl.. of tl.te Tp. of Ben. tmck. known as THE CORBETT FARM. and containing 93 new. For partietr hm, i n quire of the a"... .uuucy but. " . c: _ solvettt-it is a kidney- 'pecifie-- "<eelll> ',"c"'xrrr-u-te; 5ie"eetttrntniGiir'-'it'ilir'i,"ii'r, tested by eminent medical authorities on kidney dimes, ed proved and testitied to by than u the nurat and safest cure foe all discus of the kidneys Ind bladder. It's a purifier-a healer-a health builder-e-GG Mike to man or woman. flrtdre.rs.trrart- F-r-. “and! lulu-alumina. Anunm-du’nmtn-lergemubctmn‘m- iiiiiii'iElitfh1titil'kt2tetre m In Northern Dunno. felt I viettenii, the “Nannie: Us We. H. 'dlllrtg,tet the her! “if of thttg ht dam L'lll/dWa".t Cm t New 3 I In We ' muting; “fem-k :1an 1"or',,'2'l'l'lii end It. mam. Ola, he ttlN't'd " 'dest'.',.!?'??,'?.?..-;?.-;.."';.;';;,';;]".";".':','.':,", .e'eetrttr"iiua'"'sa better-adult- ream "cement. He visited Toronto and I... H. 2tetfttqAGiaiaCu; took-l: manta an eminent authority on kidney dtw beetheddiid Myth: an. an an be ”can. Sttd.tt'ieeityjikiia.GiirGh'h" hunch-me Ink. 7G'dlt"lt'a'i an. ktvre',r'r1tl't'ptfot,liieiiii,"i,ii' but wrote 'le'9ettdfytiiTGrtiTi%"L' _ ml, to the young man's ”so!” that It them. He .VOII" the cream: South Meat wuonl “new! of time with hm untlldeath MCI": ,Tttli"lMg mother “an. -da.oa, “A“ . A valuable remedy for and Liver. Mam tgtRtintnr,iuts, PARKER’S DRUG STORE KiDNEY-SICK PEOPLE I "Atetptr,Nr,,tnivg' w'&%m?m '""'vi'i'ii2'iiiiti'iii"tE' 'atMritP2aiiiiiiiiitiii'EhiiEe If taken early enough these In ".w.--- ' -- FARM For; SALE La=Grippe (which will be furnished free) 4 ,,,-‘-°.. unnyah In“: a In cases oi recent Cold, Epidemic, best results they should .be taken wi the cold. For sale at 1ble remedy for the diseases '. Many testimonials in its favor. In . Pusan. Durban. ONLY AT CROP , KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE Low, in a district where the climate i The most tetnarlrshU “71...... "ML- -___ -'~"'°w-- tttrel 'pe, Herbert At the office of PARKER' of Ben. ', Nursery Stack Agents ! idiom M Agents I rum. /eria1lhinl ["111]?th igais I a uMruucT wnere the climate is healthful and most remarkable Wheat producing County in ___. v... ,u.. new": In loan tint V; I: do for you. Don't "in unloc- yon no“ ham and want moat-bl. anemone. an: 1ut','tpt, t'l'l,'i'he,1tt not" 700 Ion-I. tif, rowuanock n In: 1%!"qu fl the clonal Dustbin azure. 1" PI “and with wm'e m you nothing t , -- -_-~‘n. u hutc- ipidemic, Catarrh or Infiuenza, to get the taken within twelve hours alter exposure to LA-GRIPPE PILLS . . . . ills seldom fail to effect a cure a-ta, n,_.‘__,. - - mod an 01ngan dot-had”.- '"taitteoeuuee-. pug. “MM. a Stone d; Wellington TORONTO. South' v ,fi - - can “a“ in the ordinary ,"f,',"2f, of if?” feirttrtmaratsFic,i; w’ dug up. grind out and input them no that the functions of the% m In t','ftt:rtgt,t,', and (has. by: hold on Patient with n run-I... K-, " on the prion: with i ie,ahii,,iiiiii Kidney but! ttim I so vent-- South A "-.'.-. t3 , - Drug Store of] " and ex . . "i%riiieto7ii a: tict '.iiiiCt't1'itl'lsr,t; my: “if?“ ttd thd 'ttlt' .M In t ..-- M“... W": - tux! tt " mean indicated by an“. all“! in 'll'. urine. and: a mucus. 'edierieast. albumen, brick dust. add Ht1bioodr-sniiriGii"i; ilynn mommnimo ...|..|-|. --- . Cure' m‘bw‘ wan: a". w. - med LTI' n. 'tftett,itntmi Cum" Whey discuss an the mim' 'idiom of all din-nu com to htnttotitr; with!!! the peat g" r.." Mal Idem. bu nude "MW 'tride in 0011-; with m 6 Per Cent. es of: the Kidney In large bottles, $111). ,_ -7MT"'" - "h"wmi-. Ire? Kidney Cure j. I __36 - - L11 u- x, ‘m on! - than: quay “it. tfdt I. In; any other information "h " " In!“ F“. nouns of eu%iGiii' tttrf Ity do: em»; abox " MRP"""-' iwi‘i ”' _-..-------- We do so now. I ticulnrim. but u try our army {rig Review has III-en We hope the goo during February to get our list rapidly u posit-I today than we u too many are - took upon nur , tuna-L they will mum. _ REVIEW Sr!!! not. given a wad yen to the late freely come (on: puny t"'toeup.N Melvullv Mun-y. Wolfe. Kinnee I Luge, t'ttitrertt and Orduhd. '" stotte, i, build t hese The Ann: the Met ho, Wedneeday from tho of Ir in n flow Melvd .‘It'l om- tMutt that with M cm» the m PMDPER'I'Y Ca has lumght a In Calder hetweet Block" and (Incl Will build himm "atiidettee M r Funerals“ A Ireen intovo"d tet below In childmu have at the school In such want this rule of th admission titt bonon-d in the oerwmce. Giv if they am- a will he mllpuhl result {mm thi ('0. For 4 or a luve Err-might l (are. for an! cunning "w'tr tow M an an: grown disttwm price goes up. " is said ttt taken Hand's l nunn'hvs in (M others. hm rut: d with tl HAIIDVEK. M taken tite (we Bentinck pun panned villa Brant, portim muexod and l the result. ll aod Mr. ll. H and dosim h men! and the! 8331an W he meetsotatt4 weather as w‘ (unanimity-":1 "with"! ol white Mr. IV Vice [In-side! not. have. Lucas. M. P. only light, fr Dun-mum The under-36' and l new I t'htperty in I 'tottattle. Ap or on W. N. ll Ava-rm "qu The House held Tuesday diliunn. Dr. Owen Sow playing an II Tuesday moi 31ml!” the" lace. Mr. .H wonk- snw (In Crushed " Drugstore. neon-my " Producer. I PM: 6ALE, made alum-c ply to It. I: CartG Cot, At MM‘I’urh a ftou like“ w thi, . Supt Mane Whttt aha ll tit V0 n tit

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