West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Feb 1899, p. 1

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Vol VII! f exist _ cum mucus. . acid ily n gt:- YJ,t loud rough nicks ttation b clog nestin- Inc: to Bat few I made with its Fuer F? by mi ) In an but. ns .1. I hold hand. rent- a in . asc-. rule - Interest. exposure And sell de. M uh MOI ealthful and g County in a! information l7. to URE my " Durham re " re. t the Jox REVIEW bimiwrurmoss.-We have; not. given a word of general thanks this 1 year!” the large number who have 51011 freely come forward with renewals gen- i erally accompanied with kind words. l We do so now. It is impossih e to par-l ticularize, but the stedlastness shown l by our many friends in renewmg for the Review has been extremely gratifying. We hope the good work will be kept up! .dming February. We are endeavoring to get our list on a cash basis as rapidly as possible, and we are nearer it today than we have ever been, though too many are lagging behind still. We took upon our readers as friends and trust they will soon attend to the utter. I The Annual Meeting of the S. S. of the Methodist Church was held last Wedneulny night when. after reports front the otticers showing the school to he in a ttouvisltmst condition. the follow- ing Micers and teachers were appoint- ed for this your: Slum. Dr. Wolfe. Ass't. Supt” ll. w. Jones. 80032. w. J. McFarlane. Trend” J. Livingstone. Lib- rnrian. Hurry Benton. Ass't. Librarian. Melvnlle Stony. Teachers, Mesdames Wolfe. Kinnee and Everitt, Misses Fox, Large, Culbertson. Wright. Meenngh and Orchard. Messrs. Jones and Living- stone. result lrom this practice. PROPERTY Uosue,--Mr, Jacob Ktvut. has bought a building lot from Mayor Calder between the present "Calder Block" and tho river and next summer will lmild Ilium-If n husinvss utzmtl and residence. Mr. Calder will also ere-ft one next to Morlock's store, so that with Mr. McCvacken's purchase a- cross the sum-t. we are promised some building activity next. sumIm-r. May these t-Iltt-rprieiug movements ho follow, ed with the success they deserve. F'Rynouyo AT THE HATE.“ We have been informed that with the thermome- tet below zero. some of these mornings children have been compelled to shiver. at the school Rate till a quarter to nine.' In such weather or in rainy weather this rule of the School hoard vefustng admission till that hour would be more honored in the breach than in the oh- servnnce. Give the tots the "open door" if they are " little early. Home one will be culpable should illness or mqu y result from this practice. out. For 4 or 5 weeks Lark the Saturday: have brought a storm. and the tempera- ture, for several days past has been running away below the zero mark. as low as 20" uome say. \Vtxxlpiles have grown distressingly smaller while the price goes up. " is said that the soldiers who had taken Hood's Sarmparilla stood the long marches in Cuba much better than the others. Serms Wrp.ATHr:rt.--Thit, winter will be Im-nmrnhle for the severity of the weather as well as for its sudden chang- H.oovErt.--The County council has taken the necessary steps to make the Bentinck portion of Hanover an incor- porated village. This once done, the Brant portion will likely petition to he annexedool a compact town will he the result. We notice Editor Mitchell and Mr. H. H. Miller laid their claims} and desires before the County parlia-l men! and they have been successful. The Conservative Convention was held Tuesday in inclement weather con- ditions. Dr. Sproulo. M. P. and I, B. Lucas. M. P. P., did not get over. the only light from a distance being Co. 1'oumtissitoner, M. Rirhmdson. The president elect is ".r_6_--- Wilson, of Louise, while Mr. wut. Laidlaw is honored with Vice presidency. The attendance was not ltuve. DESIRABLE PROPERTY mm SALE.-- The undersigned offer for sale the house and , acre lot. known as the Austin property in Durham. Terms very rea- emmhlv. Apply at once to H. Sturrey, ur to W. M. Davidson. McIntyre Block. Atrrrris Buns” Proprietors 3 Owen Sound's great chair factory em- ploying 280 hands was destroyed by tire Tuesday morning, (musing a loss of over $100,000 there being only $25,011) insur- ance. Mr. J on. A. Black on his way to work saw the fire from Lauder's hill. What about your hens now, with eggs ak. a dozen ? Try these 3 very necessary aids-Poultry Food and Egg Producer. Hem' house Killer, and Crushed Oyster Shell. MacFarlane'" Drugstore. FOR 8ats.---s'evertu good, new, home- made cutters. Will be sold cheap. Ap- ply to R. 1GcFnrlane. Sr. Carrh: I‘onuh Cure will cute your cold. At MacFarlzuw’s Drug Store. §LOCAL ---' V0L.---XX1. NO, 5. GENERAL? AND M iiititittrtt BAPTIST RALLY. " combined meet- ing of Grey and Bruce Young People's Buptist Unions met. in Walkerton on Thuvsda.vof last Week. and had most sttctvisful sessions. The attendance of dell-gulc“ was nhout 200 and the interest in the work was greater than ever. Among: the speakers were. Chairman" Lochie McNeil, Paisley, and Miss Mc- Neil. Miss Eherle, o, Sound. Rev. Dr. Chivers, Chicago, who took the Ques- tion Drawer. In the cveninga, pleasing song service was led by Mr. Button, 1Valkerton. and a presentation made of a banner for proficiency in the Christian Culture course. which went to Paisley. Dr. Chivers' address which followed was the chief feature of the evening and was greatly enjoyed. Over mwent ‘ from Durham in two sleigh loads, the' morning promising well for a good day, humans! the afternoon blizzard made home coming conditions most disagree- able,and a chilly drive home In the morning hours took the cream of a tine day's outing. BORN. KRAt-eE.--In \Villiamaford. on the 15th Inst., the wife of Moses Krauae Jr. of a daughter. Hood's Pills curv all hver Ills. Mailed for 250. by C. l. Hood & Co., Lowell, M What She Believes. "I believe Hood's Snrsnpnriliu IS a {mod medicine, because I have seen its good elm-rs in the case of my mother. Shohus taken it, when she was weak and her health was poor and she "r't.Y.'g she knows of nothing hotter to build her up and make her feel strong." BESSIE M. KNO‘VLEH. I'pper Wood Harhov, A. CHALK TALKs.---Rev. Mr. Hill, under _ the auspices of Trinity Sabbath School gave mine of his interesting "Chalk lTnlks"to a fair sized audience in the Town Hall. Friday last. Dr. Jaunieson. M. P. P., was in the chair, and near the close presented a large number of vuln- ahle hooks to the children. Me. Hill, handles the chalk (a la Bengough) very 1 Clos "rty,thousrh he does not attempt lc I reproduce local residents in character and. color as the. famous caricaturist does. He is a pleasing speaker, at home. with children, who thoroughly enjoy his stories and sketches. The Misses Mere. dith, and Mr. J. P. Telford assisted rut-ally at this very very nice entertain ment. We did not learn the proceeds, but they must have been very satisfac- tory. I THREE Rorttmes,--Last Wednesday, Hampden and Knox church, Normanhy and Rev. Mr. Burns' chlnch, Glenelg had Soirees. The last named was the IIIIOSL successful financially, over 800 being netted. Hear. Mr, McGregor from ylown was present and gave an address. Our Hampden correspondence does that place justice. At Knox success also crowned their efforts, and their shed fund is ltenefitted Ivy ovev841. Rev. Mr. Mngwood, Holstein made the ad- dress of the evening, and in addition to the music of the local choir. Miss in!) Renwick. Dromore and Mr. Wm. Ram. age, contributed some musical twhrctions, This was Miss Renwick's first appear- ance here, and she has won golden opinions. " is Mr. Wm. Black sold a very fine horse last week to Mr. Gen. McCornmck of London. for 8125. The animal was rais- ed by Mr. Jas. Allan, Egleumnt. and purchased by Mr. Black at tInit sight. Mr, B. appears to he as well posted on horses as in hardware. Mr. G. Bparling, always in touch ivith the times. has blossomed out into a horse buyer, and has rented the British Hotel stahles to accommodate his pur- chases, while waiting for shipment. The Manitoba demand has added to the valneof every old plug in the district. and no good animal need now he sacri- flced. Rev. Mr. Vining, Superintendent of Baptist North WetttMitmiorvs, will speak on Manitoba and N. w. Missions on Friday evening Feh.3 in the Baptist, church Durham at 8 p.111. All welqome. Lotrr.--A vol-y Iilverul reward will be given for the rocovory of a. letter, in- closed in blue envelope, and addressed to Mrs. J. H. Hunter. Apply to Mrs. Hunter, or at the Big Store. We are pleased to hear that Mr. Hart’s commercial class is proving very successful. over 20 of our young men and women taking advantage of the. course. Dr. Herod, physician in Guelph, tor owr 50 years died last week in that vity. Corn Meal, 85 eta " cwt. at the People‘s; Mill. R. McGowan. , 1 ' S Try pure American Coal Oil at Mac. ; Parlane's Drug Store. 2 Town Council next Monday evening. As the days lengthen the cold streng- them. In politics, Mr. Campbell was a Liber- l al, but seldom took any active part ex- l cepting exercising his franchise. We extend our sympathies to the bereaved. I He was " member of the Presbyterian Church. The funeral services was con- ducted at the home by Mr, William Young. and at the grave by Rev. Mr, Jensen, of Durham. Mr. Campbell was a man of sterling character and worthy to be relied upon, ever hospitable. kindly and obliging. Un Monday, of last week. death again visited our neighborhood, and called a- way from our midst one of our oldest pioneers, m the person of Mr. Alexand- er (‘muphellof Lot 10, Con, 2, N, D. It., Glenelg, at the ripe age of 81 years. Deceased was a native of Ross Mull, Argylshire, Scotland, and emigrated to America. in 1860, with his wife and one son, "another son dying on the voyage" and settled on the above farm, which they hewed out of the forest, and made into a comfortable home for themselves and have lived there until separated by death. “The Birds ofOntario in 1telation in: month advertisement it few months in Agriculture" is the title of an interest-; dull season, It never pays to tear opt ing pamphlet just issued by the Ontario C a dam because the water is low. Ex. Dept. of Agriculture. Ive have not, yet I - {nulltinie to liter-use it fulfly. It e’nfiiugl; _ --The House of Refuge question was o 5 low C I", "In." 0 " ' " ., , friends receive too liyitle coiii-uévl :itetliii‘r Shelv‘id last week by our new .County hands for their usefulness. . It has , Council, by, we understand, atie vote. numerous fine plates of Canadian birds. (4 divisions gave a majority for it, and -_eet-_.-__- - . - ---._- " against it, so it would seem that the OBITUARY. councillors followed instructions. It - i was largely a, case of South against Un Monday, of last week. death again i North, and we regret the delay, for visited our neighborhood, and called it- ldelay it can only be. The principle way from our midst one of our oldest f of humanity implied in itsEconstruction pioneers, in the person of Mr. Alexnnd- l mast prevail before long over cansider. f‘fl 2ey."tiu 0; Lor. 10, Can, 2, N, D. It., i ation of expense. The Markdale l Beilisi'd ld l thiélggfoiigis Ieillit jStandard last week voices the claim l Argylshire, Scotland, and emigrated to of “it“ Pur.er.and if Durham 18 PM to America. in 1859. with his wife and one get n the ehoiee should surely lie be. 'on, "another son dying on the voyage" tween Markdale and Ceylon,the latter and settled on the above farm, which place having the advantage of rail 'hey hewed out of the forest, and made and junction (or nearly) of' two gravel into a comfortable home for themselves roads. o. Sound may put this sugges Ind have lived there until separated by tion in its waste basket, bat it is all Ieath. the same, in the line of fairness. I m: Jane'z'dnnks left Inst week after spending a. few weeks with town friends and intended to spend " day with nn old friend Mr. H. Tucker. Ceylon, before visiting other relatives between there and his home in North Bay. He has left with us a copy of a-famous histor- icaldocument fouud by Dr, Malian in the Vatican Library and purporting to give a detailed account of the interview between Christ and Pilate, and We in- tend before lung to give our quiet studi- nus reudeis the gist of this document which rrented no small stir but year and even yet is causing regent-ch by Biblical studvuts. Rev. Mr. Jansen left, for Toronto an Monday and will attend post-graduate lectures at Knox College. While in Toronto belectures in Bloor St. Pres. Church (W'allnce's) on Friday evening, undon Monday evening in Parkdule. His pulpit will be supplied by a student on Sunday next. Miss Adulina Burgess returned from a month's visit last week to her father and other relatives in Southampton, Port Elgin. etc. She and her cousin Miss May Hopkins leave Friday for Toronto for a. few weeks, Mr. T. Lauder, J I'., Mrs. Lauder and Miss M, Buchan visited Walkeeton friends last Thursday, and took in the ctsrling match. Mes. Lauder remained over to visit her parents for a. time. Mr. Findlay Graham. who has been engaged in the drug business for the past six months in Toronto. is home on a couple of week's holidays. Welcome home J ig. A very successful social was held at Mr. T. McComh‘s. Tuesday night. with a large attendance from Durham. More. next week. _ n um." ()1 W). tttut UN Mr. and Mrs. Walls Orehardvillc, and Terrain conditions, I sister-in-law Mrs. McDonald. Toronto claped a non-suit. b Junction. visited Berkely friends last ', Lucas fur Defendant. \IIDDII week. I Miss antrice McIntyre returned , . yIyrPrMtA.tth.ey--duputed aec't, l home after spenditg a month with Lis- I judgment for plaintiff. towel friends. . tuuith--_Ryan, disputed ncc't, judg- The Curlers met with defeat in Walk- I went for Ihitendent. ertnn hut have evened up by defeating; Jruttieson--Finniwan. a note in qttes- Meaford in o. Sound. tion. judgment for Plaintiff. Mr. Hugh and Miss Anna McI’lmil ofi tl,f,ttl'dt,t't,n t, J':e,tt1"tdlt/g,iwtg,t , ' , ... . . casen Ispn e w ween um _ Tiverton, B,ruce(10... are b' isltmg at, Mr. tenant Involvmp: distrnint for rents. J. A. Black's, of this town. ;jndggment for plaintiff of 880, offset. Miss L. Lauder. who has been visir/disutused with costs. ing friends in Toronto for the paint tew ( Kppyld--Meirat,yre--Thist was a. claim weeks, returned home on Saturday Inst. _.r,t?fltle1y,,rts,, At,waa shown. tbnt or?lr . Miss Marian Elvidge has gone to Lon- don to attend the wholesale Millinery Openings Mr. and Miss Williams of Hnrriaton visited at Mr. B. Mrillituns'a part of last week. Miss Orchard spent. the first part of the week with Egremont and Holstein friends. - - k4- - ___ 7 ----tr_ui-- Dr. Park spent part of last week in DIVISION COURT. _ Toronto. -- j M t' Pat Darcy took a trip to Markdale Judge. Morrison held levee my; Wed. last week. nesday m the Town Hall, and disposed l, . . . ofa number of cases. The legalfrl- l Mr. Ir.ot Burnet visited friends ttt ternily were in force, of course, among- . Honevnllolast week. st, the number present, being McKay.‘ 3 Miss Dorothy Bums leaves this week Owen Sound, Lucas. M. P. P. Mnrkdale. I for Cleveland, Ohio. Kingston, Mt. Forest and our own legal I Mr. Robe. Lawson and Miss Della talent. Some of the cases were dispoog ‘Burgess were in Walker-ton the other ed of thus: l Miss May Carson and Mr. A. w, Lauder visited Clifford friemis Mr. Robe. Lawson and Miss Della Burgess were in Walkerwn the other day. DURHAM, THURéBAEEEITREAE?§Hé3é Improvements made and being made enable us to execute all kinds of custom work with satisfaction. The undersigned are prepared to pay the highest cash price for good Soft Elm, Birch and Maple. 10, 12, and 14 ft. long. For farther particulars apply at the Mill to Fairwell. Dec. '27 T8. '; cost, the company three times that i amount to get the product in its origin- ( al channels iwain. This is a pretty good I pointer t l those business men who ', inmgine they saw making a great saving ( when they discontinue a 81 or a $041- : month advertisement a few months in idull season. It never pays to teat. opt , a dam because the water is low. Ex. I t costs the Royal Baking Powder CIO. something like 8600,000 annually for ad- vertising. Someone suggested to the company that it discontinue advertitr ing one yo 1r the baking owder so well known and advertised, and place that amount, 8500.000 in the msofits, The answer was that it, would undoubtedly 7. Realize that, it has never done, l and never can do. the least good. ltd wastes vitality and impairs the mental I faculties. I 8. Help and comfort your' neighbour. ( o. Forgive your enemies and conquerl yom nversions. 10. Induce others to join the "non't Wot vy" movement. G. Realize that it can be caved by persistent habit. o. Attack irde0itely as something to he nvm't'ome. 3. Cultivate a spirit. of gratitude for daily mercies. 4. Realize worrying as an enemy which destroys your happiness. 2. Memorize some of the Scripture promises and recall them when the temptation to worry returns. I. Consider what must be involved in the truth, that God is infinite and that you are a part cf his plan. "Don't Worry " Circles are being formed in the United States. with the following "Rules foe conquering the Worry Habitz" for 800 wages. “was shown that only n loan of $60. hm] been promised under certain conditions, and the judge de- t,'laved a neysyit: McKay for Phuntitt Gadd v. Gadd, case was finally settled Judgment to be given on Jan. Si, final order Feb. 7th. etc., the numuiit Aiaili "aG'i'rtit"tiii"ii" words and every blank space. filled out or erased. Standard BanV-+impson---A clue of alleged raising the face value of n note from $12 to 842. Judgment for the Bank who received the note from a. third party. whereabouts unknown. This ease teaches that in flllitw up notes Neilson --Bnelt - Another case of damages for non-fuoment of contract. Plaintiff non-suited. Liberty to remove wood cut and done within a month. LOGS WANTED AT FAIRWELL mum CONTINUOUS ADVERTISING. THE DON'T WORRY CLUBS. C. & G. WATSON. M' am“ W" We take this opportunity ot thanking our customres for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit, a continuance of the same. "Large Sales & Small Profits." I --"""'"""---r-----a---. Siiiiiibarrsisasesram, . E Stoves Dlu'hamn. Aug. 9th. q Our Piano and Organ trade is trmly established. Best makes. Purest tones. Do yon want tt Sewing Machine? 2r the New Will.itmse- Highest Juice pm for Wood m exchange for goo s. Gutters AT At prices that will surprise. UPPER TOWN IMPLEMENI' WAREROOMS We beg to inform our Custom.. ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be ohtthri"ii"5 AFCTJ TORONTO With the Tea you are drinking ? If you are not CALL AT GRANT'S and get your Tea from him and you will be. R, U Pleased m p U Satisfied ' nifdKItiltil0lg'8, ADOPTED BY With the Boots you are wearing ? Are they comfortable? or do they give you cams? If you are not, then call call and get your footwear from Grant and you will be pleased. " G. d; J. McKECHNIE. C. McKINNON. L. GRANT of all kinds, COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES, BOX STOVES Cutters and Sleighs of the best quality and at prices away down. . McKechnie. IJittt). WHOLE No. 1090, w Yi)

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