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Durham Review (1897), 2 Feb 1899, p. 4

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Preston. Osprey ; and “has. Hunk». Own: Sauna. Tm. lunch. wow takers. the that. 5;“ng Heb-mam 3 Vulrs. Brown Ar'rtstoy 4, Uuniuu 7. The around and duckling ba'rot g v0 Heb-avid 4, Brow" I. Presto 3 and Guldvu B, which lust be- ing a mummy ot Use Cannon. Mr. Gordu: was declnr' d elected and took the War- den's chair. For nominttttntt, were math for War, den. namely; John MchnnhI. Chats curd]; new“. Brown, Meanyrd; D. K Preston. Osprey; and “has. Hunk». OnenSuunn. Tm. lunch. wowlakru the tun gning Heb-mam 3 Vulrs. Brow; M, Iirrstot. 4. Uuniuu 7. The around um: Wttrdetl, Biclml’almm. No object; wasngrrul sIuprI-e $1) tunse Who “now his north um the place In. brld in the esteem m Isis [rhuw members tor hr keen inane» alum) and mmnd )adgluo-u' on ad matters which came Laure the Counml Many express-mm of surprise at hmdrlmt have boo-n "warm, and " In lookul h r that Im mace--s.~or. Mr. Brig- ham will Ix. an uI-lc man. The when mun”; 'o mr Mesnrm.Gordou, Totten, Me Kmunn. Allan. biolwuk, Ilirirarusou, “an mu, Mu"- imam, Pluto". Brown and lie- Donald. Cnnnunn .mz: DOIII'd. P" isi Benton. Alla chm: mun. A deputahon trom Hanover were Iluttlll With retrreuce to its incurporntitm at a village. The wio of the Hauover people In that the village should be retained in the County of Grey, and that the whol, of the vihrv.e should he icetrrporated by this County. A committee Winn appointed With Mr, Richardson as chairman, to re port on the matter A committee to strike the handing committees foe the resent your Watt elite appointed, of which E.' McDonald was chairman. The Conv- eil udjuurue-i till Wednesday at 10 A. in. W unseen“ FORENOON. All the members pr-rut-the Warden in the chmr. A iiiiuil.er ot communion- tions and accounts were rend, union. which were the tol1trwsug:--From Cut Tellurd. inking bu. a grant at Moo to suppleiurut the pay at the “mute" and make it “.50 per day; and tuso tut agruiit of $200 to purchase tnurttment tor the Regimental Band to be establish tg in Or on Sound. H. Poehluinu's titrcotin' ha. taking the. cennus ot Hanover. 315. J. H. Little OH 07; Sun Printing Co., 3»; Mid J ll 1tuthertorA 05 76 for advertiuu; and A M i'urd.vrtl,rd's tit-count for printms in connection With taking the PIA-Insult- votn, $88 46, were referred to the Fuuur" Committee. The loliowing gentlema- were applicants for the ofrtee of Cnnut. Auditor : Memes. C A Fleming and Thm Haulmry. for re-election and Mew,r, Swaiiptuu. It Agnew. J S Black. Juliu Thompson and ll W Jenkins. The Owen, Sedan Sugar Beet Co., rustic-d the Cunn- cilsind to wenre Government help; It Henry thanked the Council tor a fre, pvdhir'slici-me which had been gunmen hm, hut tear, and asked for a renewal ot the same; A M llos- tirgh. Secretary -l the Prisniirr'u Aid Sccieti. supplied suin- "p.brtuatiott its to the work done by Mia Society: the County Council ol lIitth nskedco-opertuiott in mentorializing th Legi>lwure to vibe a metvutre muklll'. municipal clerks the legal custodians ' , vot-rs' lists. with the priVilegt- of keepin: It supply ot certihrsd copim for sale ; a res.. olution trout Krppie Council pointing: on the desirability of municipalities pausing: Iii-law requiring the registration of every sale made in the town~liip; a more corn- plete deseriprto of l'oml allowance ir Beutit-ck. the l-y-hm for which had been referred hack ut 1n,,g session in order tln-t further itsturrr,ation might be obtained; {mm "The Municipal Wald. ' St. Thoma» soliciting subscriptions; from Ontari. P.ide Association. uniting fora grant. 0 two; 'rom S S No 3 Eiiiditasin. for " gmnt ot 91260 for continuation chimes; report ot' County Clerk regarding distribu tion of toilets and other tonne require" for taking tho Ht me at Refuge Ptebiscitr. and attached to the report was the no count of A M Rutherford lor Printiuu. 988.45. 'llie clrrh reported that he hen "crrved "vernl upplicationri trout town- ship clerks for compensation for work they had performed in distributing thi- printed matter; a c-py of "mobtttoo Pat"- ed bs Sullivan Cmtuttl was road, s-ltiu; that tho III-nut) -rertnrutug ofhrors be com- pensatrd " their work in connected. with the plebiscite. Ermvne.---To Bebcuck. G Jr. chairmlu. Ion. “Mun-run, Ailau.-Wvsi. inte gunman: 3mm. MvD _ualet. m. 'l. will, B'cszy- n Fhnarr.e.---All the members of Cannon! D K I’m-tun. oimnmau Bond. Bucky-n and Barhor.--M- Ernst. Priuale, Watson, Brown. Sehem “Human“. WcKunr-n. Mccoltuaa-v. KAunon. chairman. Warden U Mun though! a special cum mmee whouldbo appointed to deal wit: thee npplncuhom for eormeutuuion, bu on [La towttestio" of Mr Richard-tun the" were referred to the Ftuance Cmumiuw. Mr. McDow- tho state of the 1899. The) are The County Communion" ”ambled on 'l'uesuhy sheruuou to tuna-ct the County businonu. F in new members took than an“. They are New“. Thus. Priuglo for DIV. 2, in place ot' James Au- dur-on; u. Bnghum for No. 8, In place of Geo. Binnie; J W Frost for DIV I, in place at W A Binlhp; - Wiliircroit for Div. No 8. in ylnce m F Quauce; Thou. blimy for Div ho T, in place of C It Sing. 11mm. Binnie um Quauca We-e detained at tlu- pulis. and tha tletw," ot tlre turmer Ina ugreat ~urpri-e to those who knew Lia “orlh uLd the pl we In, hz-ld in tue .._o....... ..: Inn XPHUW "Jemima for in First Session ofthe Second Term Since Reduction of the Body. Thursday, February 2, 1899 Founlv nv'nilun From o. COUNTY COUNCIL. ty --ibehardsou, Gilo, r. PM. ta or. Mot" I preamp-d report. wrt “Minding eulnunueea h mine v?" chm uiwnonera assembled frown. ri'tgle. - leDo" Advert I'm. M<-Klun u Brighm WM my). - Sunni: , I‘llinl vi ,,--..iD,mal Prrst n, Rich.“ locum. “an“ to RID to“ fo ”(CI-Inn l McCulmn _', chum». _ Il M) “A Mi»: M. \lonlliu-av uf1)urlmm, ,isit- ed meam here this week. Ali‘s .Unry Camrrun of Artemesia, in the gue-t ol Muss M. Whitetortt. llcc IN E Nurton, on helmlfof the Min- irlerml Assnciutiun of Owen Sound, re- quested the Council to appomt. a time when they can .1 give nudimce to a depu- (.uiuu from the (Buchanan with referem-v to the Hume of Refuge. in eounect'urn With the P.elcseite for which the Ansocm- i n In” been greatly Intereswi. The hour tixe:l was two o'eloett Wednesday uflennmn. Mr, H. Byers in very busy hauling brick this week. Mrs. F. Bradley lelt Monday for her heme In Monneal. - Mrs. Jam Watt. Sr. is very Ill at preuem nut we are pleased to lnvar I'ecoVerIug, non of any ot the c vmmmeem the chair- man bring sppomUrt durum the moment.- my \vathdnvml of the members to the Judge's chamber as their names were uml our, and announced on their return m mm- Couuetl mom. uf tlnnowr winch des In the County of Gr-y, Were: introduced and read a first llnw. _ 'l'h,, Annual tea-meeting was hold on the 25M. mat... and was a decided Ignace». Some of the speaker‘s unwed were uuablr Mr. Richnrdsou presented (upon of his 1'.ort:toittee, recommending that we Court. nl not. on their tirt" resolution with regard to he incorporation of Hanover "Hugh "t si that " Ly-law he paw-ed to this etreet. Tim- report was adopted though Mr. Min-hell " the Hanover Post and Mr. H. H Miller. who were permitted to amino-h the Cannon on thin quesuon, endeavored t, iuiluetee. the Council to a contrary Cottrre by humming: that this action Was uuueees""try, as the Hanover people were umunm u-ly m favor of being attached to (he? County. Hy-lawn for the appointment of the [nail-ml Board ofAudit, and for the In- mu'pmnzlun of that portionyt the village to be present, but muse wno wene alouuu tor Linn lawn. Alter tea was served, the lk-lluwmg program was reuuered; Rev. (Jungle, pastor, tiiled the duties of chau- man In his usual happy Mylo. Roi. Kitching of Durham was calm! on tur. guye a short but very interesting address... Mr. Kin-hing was With us lust your and in mat is becoming n favorite here. Ile was mll~weul In" Dr Jain'eaon M. P. P. Thu, was the DI"); tin-t uppoiu-anco at a meeting at this kind in Hmmpdeu, but we in” will not in his hut, Mr. Irwin of Dar- -. an, though unprepared guys it ttttttt huh " hand address nnd Was h-mrhly applaud- ed. Mr, D. Uilmuur, a local tavon e recited “The Inventor's Wile. ' in in maul pleasing manner and us an eDeot'r ‘Juhn Maynard." This was iiuehperwd with splendid "1“le by the Durhuln mmr u ho hilly sustained thr-ir reputation. its,” a song bs Mr. A. D. Galbraith Mud n Imullullu and gnimr instrumental 1-) slc,e,ts .loneu and Galbraith were well re- newed. Mr. Jones also gave a. reading uni receivod an encore Mm, McFIr um and Mr. Galbraith and Mi,..,es Nahum: a Hill Burnus rendered tlllrti in u must pie-wing umnner and retrruved [warty up- “same. Mr. A. E. Ferns, ot Hanover, gum n bass solo eutitlcd "Anehort,d," As 1 int. of proviitorvs was left over. a social was held on Friday evening. and " good program was rendered In local talent. 11r.iJam. Whvte was appmmod chairman, wangs was given by Messrs, R, and D. whiter-m. m-naiion. “The motto," by dr. D. Giltuotar followed as an encore lr.s I few lli'le roumrks on "elsuraeter" which ill would have liked to have liked to have ward at much manner length. l‘his in- :.~mpersml lw music by Miss Gilmour and Ur, Geo. Young, accompanied by Mimi Little, who were heartily applauded. M r. ins. Whyte recited his “Canada National mug." which fully sustains his reputa- ion as a writer, The meeting closed wuh quaic by quartette. Total proceeds $45, which is to be applied to roofing the --hurch. 0 much space as on prawns occasium. mwt-Vel' we wid try and collect all the Items we possmly can. As was previously announced Rev. Mr. hone" delivered his Lecture on "Holland out we Hollander." on Monday the 231d nut. toa respectable uudience. We ex- pu-Lmln good lecture from Mr. Juneau mt] we can solely any that it excelled our weetatiou. Tke Highland Hill a little west. of tho village i, again blockaded and prolrtoly .ull remain so until nature opens it Ior ratio. It. would be a. wise not. for the nuuicxgul oftieere of Gleuelg to spend " Mlle in cultiug down :hu hill on the old orud, wmcn is used as a tatrtstituta tlte oust. of this wmbr, on account of the uvintvon on the gravel road bring anoftrn mocks-led. Imxh roads could he med to ulvmntnue. straight down the old D, road On account of not being out much this week, we dort't intend to occupy 'i' .e sunural meeting ttl teh was held un (we mm um! in the Pre‘bvtenan cozu cl. was fairly attended. Mr. Nvil MoKiunun dud-[rd niw resignatinu us Irena, bat my Job mom-ted, and is ngaiu elected to that mlwrmui punitiou for 1899. and DI. Hm- ' n """."'"" The chum-h f1ttnnei"ll, uuumnm fmn-r-hly to any other in th, P-estHy of Orangeville. A large num- 1-1 ot new tueuaber. were added to the March during 1898. Another conyra I .wiouul meehmg Was held on Mrn%t b., Nnil McLeod who now lives on. half tt ure we~t m thi< yiilage da‘cended Ihe bu: In“. Wettt of the town on the old Durham -,. wmter and the G. road for summon ir, would not take much to cut the hill to .mme it pmuablv. A large quanta“ ul Inga are cumiug into all? sawmll'. the mill is running the mus-u oi [no nme with Don. Campbell as head u.iwyer. Ind mule tony years Mo With 1000 ft. ot :rm-u hemlock "In an old wag-41m drawn -y a mu- " oxen. To-day the brme b euvlswr would luvk tr the north um! muh trvinq to "cap. the descent with an emu-by angnn and a pm: of horses. Cannon] adjourned until 1.45 p m. PRICEVILLE. HAMPDEN. o‘->q 80th Jan. to consider some important mattrrtlmt wus overlooked " the tirst meeting. John MeDouahl and daughter. and sister Mrs. Cnmphell visited ax Mr. Hector Campbeli's, Yvonne, on 'I'hurly of Ia-t. week. They “Hm-m m that they had quite am ssxpetienee returning: on ttect an: "f the human! in the evening. They re gonad while on the way home. that they slid In-Laccopt of Heir'" good advice to remain Undo-r his comfortable roof maul the stun" was over, as hi, doors are uh “my 0an to shelter thr, nvedl’ul. Hex-bur wt“ the, Ilevtew and Globe, Ind no further lufonxm'inu is necewury an to his political stamutrg. Miss Hogarth who was lil up with L: Glippe for thr.htit few wreks H getting eiter and will sour) be Hill” to attend to her nuuws nunin. We were pleased to sea Mr. John Jtmplrell of the North Line out. to church .m Sunday last. after being unwell fot .umb mine. The thermometer went down on Sun- Jay [naming to 15belr w zero. Mr. Arch Butters was inwtalietl as mash -r in Pricaville lodge 140. A. o. U. W, at Its wunlur mun-ling. Dr. Boyle Twas. an J slut) A. McLeod Recorder. and Jase-vii utssum receiver. Mr. John McIntyre ofI‘wertou is spend- m: a while Ol his term with Na aunt Mrs. Mr'Inlym of the much lino. Glam-lg. We are curry tobvartlmt Johuv Cock- bur) Is not improving any in health. Neil McDonald is also in a low slate with very Ilt'lu how! of a. change for tlr, etter, Angus McKechnio. Boga-'3. i: at presen- visiting friends at OWeu Sound. That desirable residence property on Linuhton Street. near the Station, lately occupied by the nndersi ned. 8 acres of land in connection. gor further ia. formation apply .0 GEO. RUSSELL. Prop. We Handle everything in the Barnes. line, at right prices. CALL d; SEE OUR Collars, Pads, % i Bites, Whips, I dx., &c. Blankets, Ike., aw. We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest 1 Price Paid. 0 C. LEAVEN S ' gm TO SUIT YOU. Workmanship Unsurpassed Fine Choice in Vallses. Grips. Horse Iriii,gf'at Pills Heavy d Light Harness Rouse the Liver if?! a??? i, " {EURES GUARANWED Tip new and cure: EMISSIONS, VARICHCELE, SYPIIILIS, GLEET Ci"irrtAfrl'!l.ls', umqumcv. SECRM‘ “RUINS. UNNATG HAL DISCHARG- Jdei, Ki DNF,Y and BLADDER Dismal. tfThitrrn'ATIO'N mum BOOKS FLIP)“: If unable 19 call, wnto for ip.'r"i'.rl'r'rrrrc_i'-3LAN1l" for HOME Are prepared from Na, ture's mild laxatives, and while gentle are reliable and efficient. They Cure Sick Headache, Bil. iousness, Sour Stomach, and Constipation. Sold everywhere, 25c. per box. framed by C.1.Bood a; Co..l.oweu.lu|. House and Lot to Rent. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT, NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSIONER. ETC. OMce, over Giant’s store. Lower Town, DURHAM. BARRISTER. uonrnv PUBLIC. couvtnuczn. ac. omee---L0WER TOWN. DURHAM. Collections and Agency pramptly attended to. Wills. Deeds, Mortgugee. Lens tr, Agreements, he. correctly prepared. Estate‘s of deceased personal looked after, and Exeeutors' and Ad- tuinitgtrtttors' Accnunts prepared and passed. Surrogate Court Business, Pro‘yano of Wills, Letters of Administration and Guardianship Obtained. Searches made in Registry Dulce and Titles reported on. Company and private Funds to Loan on Mortgage: " low at runes ot interest. Valuations made “y incompetent and careful Valuator. OFPICEtb--trt Owen Sound. Min-hauls and Durham. MONEY TO LOAN At Durham Offices, Mondays and Court Days DURHAM cranes. CALDE’S BLOCK. Enhance next door to lion‘s Dental Ottice) l Fihe' Durham Phat-lunacy Calder-'9 Block. Remdenre first door west of the Post. omce, Durham. LUCAS, WRIGHT ' BAT SON. Would intimate that she will continue the Furniture and Undertaking Business eslnh- lluhed by her father in Durham in 1858 and will endeavor to give all old and new cunt m era the name entire satisfaction. Furniture of the Best: Make OFFI CE-M cl n! yrt' Blttk. Undertaking and Embalming on latent nin- ciples at reasonable "s.ter, ear'Whe ootr lint-rim- lunr-o in I~mn MONEY TO LOAN-um RATES- EASY TERMS arrister, A'otar , teen- vegancer, (2te., to. .. .. Mon? to Loan at reasonable rates an on terms to suit borrower. All Charges Mcdezate. MISS SHEWELL Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. J. P. TELFO RD, FFICE FIRST DOOR EAST CF DENTISTRY. Remember the stand-opposite the Market. Durham. G. LEFROY McCAUL. ALWAYS ON HAND. PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIAHY BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, W. S, DAVIDSON. TORONTO BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS- NOT‘RIES. CONVEYANCERS. act. A mambo: of the firm will attend MISS SHEWE L L --ruLL LINE OF-- (Over the Ba nk. Great reduction sale now going on at W. Black's in Horse Blankets, Sircingles, Sleigh Bells, Whips, Gloves, X Cut Saws, A xes, etc. ASILVERWARE = For two weeks we are going to clean out the bala of our “ilverwarc. We have a great manv articles vtf1'tirif Wedding Presents. It is worth your while to look into' this matter. You cannot see such a fine lot of goods at such reasonable prices every day. My Warerooms are now fully stocked with all kinds of Winter Goods.....Call without delay and get your pick of choice goods and secure bargains. . . . Without doubt the largest stock ever shown at rhwhrxttt..-.-.-Lotev,t sir,', Fancy Colors, Best Tmmn and at et-r-Sr-Nettie/ct',',",','",',::-,--: 1'yi' . once and secure bargains. .Full line: of " 01mm“ and Robot mu! _ prices that will surprise you. HARDWARE PULPERS A large stock of Ifaatreg-Harwix Itoller and Ball Bearing Pulpcrs. Primm Roammuhlc. Sewing Machines and Organs the var: beat time to buy (In Organ or Sewing Machine in just before Ig',",,'. To nm-I th is (Impound I will reduce prices 10 per cent for the mar! 30 dug/N. Money to Loan at or per can on Good Security. Insurance of all kinds promptly attendtd. to. Marriage Licenses itmued either during day or evening. CUTTERS d! ROBES ", . , " l 'a' i& if}: taih 5W 0" Fg%" Fi' MXtdlliNat ' ' EDS. Akin .- v y 7 Come in and see our Goods when in Town. ..-.r-t.- OF------ Weak & Impure Blood, Liver & Kidney Diseases, Female Complaints, &c That Touches the Span 1llttl,li()l)'S SYSTEM Rfili()llMr)ll Ask Drnggism. or write direct to J. M. MacLEOD. Sold by GcderteL, Out ll. PARKER. Dun-hum. FIVE GALLONS COAL OIL FOR 80 CENTS ENNSE BARGAINS! winter Goods WM. BLACK WM. CALDER. gun "I at: BEA ' . Sttlytarrrx "rrr CA", righl lu' g. anon TEA. F at Wrt.. Ilka m f'Boors & 'sgpitt i5rsb $93?! a' ' ae 'Y W, nets. HacFAi-iL Besides These thuuruier do: American ti for fattening to be all we c the feeders l is a pure M injurious dru tones the 5y the blood 11m package 2 5c." Int TO ST 0f For [whims i., at. hvoriw. I years since ducal this today We than et vr as m its Cattl, killer. tion will 1 Co toh th lb packets. also "ell the I TEA in town . “ml. Tone: so cake up. We alwa: lug Bros. hr undahms Int Boys and gm be beat m qu, DON'T FORG DRESS (i Wo ht: ve lie up to loc. heavy twill, 7e funnelett Heavy Pl tre, hoc a 5 FLANNIiLEl gtottdti, ylnd. Black 300 and Best Tat " in wide. SHELF Hen vy U Goods, Ite, “rd. Dov , f: "1: lavish, 9w 'ijllll HEM tttICS 'tttty 25 I..\I)ll " (DUI Dit l suhm Hum OI' "

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