West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Feb 1899, p. 5

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{inf/é 'lt Town. le balance of ', suitab'e for ook into this ods at such TS es, 't &c TOR .I!!!\E3 INS! Black's Gloves, (hiya " buy m: "wet th io (tttes H at (I at m c-n, Of iit BEAN a cog: , (;'jrrrtr.tctcegeeirsgseasiyhgsi"i'e , MacFARLANE t Ci) For Lice on Cattle is a Sy.re killer. Cue applica- tion will kill both lice and nets. - - - 25c. a Package. Besides These we always keep- (fang/r Powders, Worm Pouvlers, Horse Balls, L i tt i men ts dc. , dc. a: x? it ' $$€$$$$$$$ exceZsz'or (Sondeion powder American Horse & Cattle Food for fattening cattle has proved to bu all we claimed for it, viz.: the feeders best assistant. It is a pure food, free from any injurious drug, it aids digestion, tones the system and purifies the blood and kidneys. Large package 25c.----TRY IT. 1 TO STOCKMEN ll Fur humus is still a great hum-nu. It is over 10 yruit'S since we tVst Intro- (luccd this powder, and today We are selling more than ever. no better proof as to its ettieaey could we subnm. A teaspoontul once or twice a week is ollthat is necessary tIn- less your horse is in Dad condition. Interest hurt forget, to start the yvnr righl by using SALADA CEYLON TEA. black or mixed at "Ir. 3Oc. toe " th. and half lh packets. We w" it. We al,u, sell the hest 2ik JAPAN TEA in town. True: SOAPS from 20 a cake up. We alway s carry Sterl- ing Bros. hand made boots and.shoes tor Men, Women. Boys and girls. They can't be beat m quality or price. DON'T FORGET TO CALL '. " have a good line from 50 up to lite. For a very heavy twill, 32-in wide, our 7e ilannelette is a bargain. r'aney Figured DRESS goods, td-in wide, 250 a yard. Black Figured Luatres, 30c and 35e a yard. Heavy Plain Black Lus- tn-, 50e a yard. . BIG Hem-y Double Fold Dress (nu-(ls, 18e, 206 and 25c a mud. JG VBBMIN Jlflnil)rflfl smzuv "OIL cLyrH Sc Best Tabla. OIL CLOTH. LADIES" BLACK ll OOL MITTS ‘55 (TS. A PAIR DR 0001311» A ND REEDSMKN, 573% DURHAM UPPER TOWN 5‘16 " Durham, Ont While the exi,steneics of party war- fare are poor ex-:use for such deliber- ate mendaeity there is still less exten- uatiun for belittling the terrible o-x- periences of these unfortunate peop e during the last decade. in their native land as shown in detail in a recent publicatim entitled "Christian Martyr- (dom in Russia," written by Vladimir Tehertkott', one ot'their number. which has very opportunely appeared at this juncture. As Imrt of the great Anglo-Saxon empire and the lymstt-d home of "bsolute religious freedom, Curadn must at necessity thrust out a willing hand to their relief, undete-rr- ed by peurilo charges of “nmudlin sentimentalism,"and in this case since can claim bat little. credit. for the addition of 6,000 or 8.000 industrious. thrifty. intelligent, "iw-tthiding people to her citizenship, isa gain, the value of which will become more apparent as the years go by. Getting Along Nicely. The figures to which our national trade is mounting are Manning [nu large toennvey the full force of their tremendous import to the nrdinn v mind, but an easy wav to uppl't‘t'inlt- the improvement is to note th. increase by percentages. Thus the iuetvrust' trom 1896 to l898, in the export -'i pork, bacon and ham, is 8e per cent poultry and game 430 per cent; .fryr 655 per Cent; and so on. Not had for the first two years of a b'overnmtmt which W13 going to run Mary busi- neu interest in the country. With ptrl'l'rct truth and unusual intuition. the Quebec Chronicle (ultra Cmtserva- tive) observes "Canada is all right." of philantlwopy and with no ex peetation of personal advantage or reward. This isa Concise general statement of the Federal Immigration rrgula tions " many years back. The only way in which thev have been modified in the case of the Dunk hobors is that the $5 bonus has been paid to a responsible, and ably ollieeivtl, otT,rani.zutiim, which has been formed to Carry out this unusually extensive emigration Scheme, an arrangement which not only ensures a la ying out ot the money to the best possible advantage, but also the expenditure of it, right llt'l't'. in Canada. It is perfectly true that the Government's loed immigration agents havo purchased large quanti tiosofsupplics to teed the newcomers for the few weeks that intervene before. spring opens hutevery cent that is thus expended is taken out of the aforesaid grant. which remains in the hands of a local Committee in Winnipeg for that purp.:se. It should he added that theiik5 bonus is in this instance paid on every mun, Woman and child which is itsottt man! man additional bonus on the adults alone ofiy.50, but thisis an exceeding- ly reasonable price to pay fur the immense nnmum. of labor which has been undertakun by the organizers of the movement, entirely t'rmn motives Considerable interest has been ar- onset] in the Capitalahis week by the arrival ot the tits contingent of the much diseased Ihmkhotkms. While ithe announcement that they had started produced a brief spasm of re- peWed energy in the amia le work of irresponsible criticism so treely indie. ed id bya portion of the Opposition |press. the actual appearance of these I peoplein our midst has entirely chang- Hed the tone of these papers indeed the liiiini"p'i'ei'C'n'Ctl', of the " is ludicrous. I We hear no more of their being "the (,.ritr'-rirftorthe old wo/ld," the "scour. mg of the back concessions of Europe, " ‘and so forth ; but in place thereof they l [are admitted to be equal to any, and ‘ 'tvastly superior to most foreigners that a have come into the Dominion. f Driven To Their Last Ditch. I Compelled by force of circumstances, ’though most unwillingly, to swallow I the calunmies with which they have I [so recklessly libellcd the newcomers, ( the oppos"Itiouists still endeavor to hold ittheir last trench by persisting in a Liaise emaneiation of the Policy of the ,iGovernmcnt in dealing with these people. The Ottawa Citizen for in l stance states this morning that “the Government has gone into the high ways and bwways of Europe. paid a bot-us of (fl" a piece for emigrants, brought them over here and shipped them to the Northwest to support them there loMive or six months at the public expense; providing them with tarms and Setting than up in lite"; adding that, "the average C nadian, irrespective ot politics, naturally teels irritated at the idea. of the public. money being squandered in such an outrageous tashion." “The average I Canadian. irrespective it politics, l Itmturally feels irritated." that a news l paper which is apt to be regarded by 'in'angcrs as a representative Canadian Journal, should so deliberately falsity l PM: record, and stoop with such un I blushing ofi'rontery to a misstatement l hri‘tacts, " the sake it a supposed f politician advantage. No Change In Policy. I As the Citizen and other journals l are well aware. the Government is l doing but little more for the Doukho t burs than it has done for other immi. grants undcr the policy inaugurated hr Sir John Macdonald and Continued by bis successors. Under that policy t steamship agents reached :55 a head a on every adult emigrant shipped to Canada interpreters and other' necess ll ary oilicials have been provided; e spacious sheds, sulriciently heated, n have been erected at principal points, l and regulations have been drafted hy l which free hmm-siends Could he socur g ed by those who Were willing to work i; them, or choiccr lands purchased at e very low figures. b 'sit9', OUR OTTAWA LETTER. tt'i'sr'fi.tg'tgi" 'tii g'ij.74i)7iiii'iiiii?'gii N. 'p, rdttitt ’ w“ _ - Bun-k9 (Yuchrnn is willing that tlw Tum-d Stuns slunld relieve Grout Britain ot Canada, and can New York triluum- Ma s to (in likewise “in! the West. Indies. American gratitude " British friendship in the Uulmn War runny knnws no buunds. ---G'lobe. --Huelph Young Liberals had a big (my Ins! week and banquet in the even Eng. Addresses were deliwred by Hun. Clms Fitzpatrick. G. H. Bertram, M, P, Just. MeMullen, M. P., and min-rs. The Mercury tlvscribvs it In a ' Magnifieeut Slice 3" and the spuccht-s Wt re tine "frorts. - One for Canada. Hunter's Island On the Minnesota boundary line, is 800 3:]. miles in extentand contains 31,000,- 0 '0 worth of Pine and valuable miner. als. The possession of this tract has long been disputed, bat the Canadian Commissioners have succeeded in con- vincing the. Americans that by the Trvaty uthent it is Canadian terri- tory. If the same eommissmnevs could have Sat in 1842, the State of Maine might now have been part of Canada, --The second ship-load ot Doukho- bars arrived at Halifax a few daysago, but, unlike the first, have to be quar- antinvd for at least 3 Weeks as they haw: had one death from small pox. The hist lot are now in Winnipeg, and by their appearance and manners have impressed observers very favorably. The} will be kept at Manitoban points till spring opens. As an instance of their c’ennly habits, an unheard ct thing took place: the women must have been shocked at the state of the car floors, for they organized and washed them from end to end on their journey west!! Wouldn't the railway men rub their eyes? m: uruugnt nemre the public again in a very distasteful way. It will be re- memberrd that the expense of the lun- eral was $25,000 of public money, mere than was spent on Sir John A. 11cDonaldoran.v other great leader. A bill of over Poco, (with interest now Wei- $1100) " a floral offering prucur- ed by Sir MacKenzie Bowel] and a. hunt a dozen ol his colleagues as "a tri. bate to the memory ol their lamented friend" has not been paid. The ilorist claims that he gm. the order from an agent of Sir MacKenzie, and Was to haw: the best of everything, expense not to be considered. and is according ly sucing the Knight for the amount, since, parliament will not recognize it. A nice thing this, to get a .1590) bouquet to express persunal grief at public, ex- pense! It is but lair to say that some of the (1.20.11 wanted to settle it, about 574') each. but Sir Maclienzie it seems is obdurate." - .--lur. John Thompson’s to be brought before the public tanner by culture, by colleges. by ex; periments, by lectures and in other ways: these and many more, are worthy matters to discuss and on which to found progressive legislation. We trust then that this session will see both parties in loyal rivalry. with- out party mucor, striving to legislate in the best interests of the Province. To Safeguard our Educational inter. ests, to induce population tc our yet unoccupied areas; to promote every means These, even had they been proved, were minor incidents which migin have had weight along side of eri deuce of unworthy Ste-tcsnmnship, but alone. and improved they have given the impression ofa party not able to rise above paltry things. Wasted effort as a party in 1uuiiguihid byways of attack such as the effort on a technicality to disquality the const- able vote, not tomemiun the domestic, Iuenagerie of reasons where iigared the cult and the ram and the Humbu- pig. Premier Hardy meets the House to. ,day, Wednesday and after a year's rtnnnoil, uncertainly, and bitter and i, biting attacks he must feel relieved to find himself with a majority of is, hav. ing won two seats in the by-eleetions, and lost none. Moreover wherever a Liberal has presented himself his ma- jority has been increased, and in the 3 electiuns yet to he held, 2 Conserva. tives and 1 Return): South Perth. North Waterloo and East Elgin, there is a) tttopal certainty efholding his own, and a strong probability of winning all. If the Conservative party is ever to occupy the Treasury benches in (in turio, it ll ill have to tind Some con- structive policy on which to build pru- vineial prctperity, better than any the Liberals have yet given. They have THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. --~~ - "------- -.4 .ompson’s funeral is to to nwintain and us of aiding the $1.25. Sheepand LamUs--The offerings were moderate and 'he demand very slow. [he- peices for shot-r and lambs were a ltttle (hanged. the nr'lnerheing quoted at 100 Pet' ewt, and the latter 5r per cm lower. sheep for export and hulchers' {he fen-had 83to $3.25 per cwt. Lambs, We‘re in liberal supply at. $4 2.5 to $4.35 Imrcwt. Bucks Were quiet at 82.50 to itil 75 Pet' ('wt. He-Choice were quoted al 84.38 cwt Light fetched $4.25 per cwt. Thick fat “HT? ip. tnoderate sum)” tt ' 83.ral, pe Calves-The light found ready sale at ti, m prices or83 to $6 per head, Smokers and Feeders-Stocker:, for Buffalo were in moderate supnly an” In-nught steady prices or $3.35 to 83.00. There Wereuuly a few feeders offered mud they were easily disposed of at firtn prices or $3550 to 33.75. Mslch Cows-The offerings were equal [tt the demand. Choice fetched 830to AO each. Hulls--The offerings were light and the demand only moderate. Prices re- nmined unchanged. Heavy exporters fetched $3.25 to 88.75 per own. Light were in moderate supply and brought steady prices at 82.25 to $3 per cwt. Butchers’ Cattle-The few that were "ttered found a ready sale at firm prices. Choice fetched $3.25 to " per cwt. The tutpply of common met with " little Itetteedetuand than usual. the bulk of the offerings being disposed of early III the morning at steady prices at $2.50 to $2.75 per cwt. Export Cattle.-The offerings were moderate and the demand good. The prices remained unchanged from last. day. Heavy exporters fetched $4.25 to $4.65 per cwt. There were only a. few hunches of light exporters offered. which brought steady prices. Live Stock Markets. TORONTO. The supply of cattle at, the Western Cattle Markerto-dav was equal to the denmntl. The demand for heavy ex- porters and hulchers’ choice cattle was exceptionally heavy and what few off- ered were quickly disposed of at, fhnn prices. The receipts were 40 carloads, im-lnding almut200 sheep and lamb: and 1000 hogs. The. pens were all pretty well cleaned out at the close. f'h,rs,rs.per doz .-. . Ciirketts. rer patr Mums 66 'urkeys. per li, ... drone. per lb .. MIPS. per cwt ..1 Calfskius ... ... Sheepskins ... ... Hay, per ton ... :hraw. " ... .. “.mtoes. per bag Apples. per bag .. Lard per ll, ... l'allow' per ll! ... Butter per tty, TO ... " Roll Flour per bbl .., Jo.ttrtm per sac irnn per cwb ... Marts pm- cwc CALDER'S BLOCK DURHA M G. r. R. Ticket; Agent and lan Express Money Otaler \gent. Mm. .. his. " tv'd ”was. per cwt Lu». live weight . “:1“ Wheat. per bushel inr‘ey. " Another troublesome complaint, but our lutallable Chilblain Remedy will cure the was! case known. If after a fair trial it won't do what we claim, J,s,i:._,,,S. R. Gun u ._... ...... ... nu" u "u VV may no null-II, we will refund your money. These preparations are put up onlv by Make countless thousands suffer. Bat, these complaints can be cured by "Gun’s Grip Capsules.” If you have any symptons ot these complaints take ' Uun's Grip Capsulns " at once and do not waste time and money on un- known Preparation. Get a box of them at once as LaGrippe is very prevalent just new and the merit of our Grip Capsnlns as a cure is un questionable. LA=GRIPPE COLDS, NEURALGIA, Etc. Saws were quoiirtf quiet in Vid, PAINS AND ACRES 9 CHILBLAINS DURHAM MARKET. DRUGGIST ', 3 50 to " 00 4 an to 10 to 08 to o 12 to 12 to 14 to M to 40 to 7 to U (),5 to 6 50 to " to 40 to 5 00 to 0 00to 60 to 50 to 28 to 25 to Ili) to 0 05 7 w M 65 6 00 o 18 13 15 30 EU i'ei 0 42 65 2 on 75 75 CA) 2H 3i ) iy 10 , WATCH F S. JEWELRY, . 8ILVE'RWARE, and STERLING SILVER NOVELTIFB. “Call and see for yourself. “Prices are sight. We Sell all kinds at all prices. Also a Pull Line of Go Round ‘99., M irarlane's The Wheels .st'sual, of J.' Tint. ' WOOD gone, you want a Good Clock & Temper Saver. We have them "or $1 50. You can save time and worry by buying one. Dinner spoiled-Hound Mad--. Servant Girl Ugly. The ancient clock did its beat-lt is old enough turret. Its gmng qualitigs have 5;; "phat . we I. ever . had. 7 H ET; Il, AEDB,QQ~NL;.:_:-~.._LQWE. R TOW N 1PM "“.T'"'RT' RTP' 'rr "if" Rer Ty W. '3". "if. - Prer RTN' . I L. Aid-ad. l JALLJJ.‘ C1,0dd.10Jd2C'AL! \&}‘&L.§,L}¢".,JA}J .L; .J‘.. '. c' ‘93.)“. 1.2.}, _, REVIEW OFFICE W. A. McFA PLANE YOU CAN SAVE MONEY Holiday Purchases... FLATWARE NOV ELTIEF. Dueber-Hampden, Hampden, and SI altham WATCHES, in Ladies', Gents' & Youths' sizes. We have the Largest and most complete Stock of FLAT NN ARE, SILVER \\ ARE, CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, JE W E LR Y, STERLING SILVER, ONTARI6 ARCH TORONTO Next to Bank. Wanted on Sub. seription " the - ON YOI‘R - .. BY BUYING FROM " 3 GORDON 'ir,-] The Haunwr Couveyaueer offers the following bargains: Tampa”: Faun; Int 30, cnn. 2, W.G. R. Benrinek. Wilt sell this tine 100 acres for but little more than was Paid a few years ago betore Mr. I'etusdalelrnilt on it a large hrick dwelling which he says cast. Hill). HOSBACK FARM; at lminlash, alnont 97 acres. amid building. chm to Post Offiee, Stare Church and Schml. Will sell at a great bargainurtradc. gEWIS Elm: Faint, towtsshipofHollaud good form in German mulvnu-nt. Will sell cheap or exchange. Con. tainq 100 acres well impenvea. A 100 ACRE PARK in Brniinek, pretty good lot, at say 9850 shuuld bring 81200. Who spe..ks first? Hons: AND Lor at Allan Park, to be given away, mmfortnble dwelling, ttood stable Money to loan " 5 per cert. Fire. Life and Accident Insurance. 00mm Tickets for sale Debts eolleeted, all business attendrd to quickly and promptly. Jht. .724. may». 951:9 Jinnover Gonvayamr, England d; Russia At each others throats would probahl raise the prices, b",',,',',;,',,',: . H. MILLER ".. 5N1 ","tt"TvYt TY”. F."")" \.,'9- m." .y i V 'f !, Alala'uA'iiauuuY2oipAta's Ll t. "e. Q.

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