West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Feb 1899, p. 5

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t sale Hunk“? mt the balance of tides suitable .fttr 'to look into this ,f goods at such 'eases, nts, &c obe g t them filled Canada, for we Jertri. ' Ont LEOO GAINS! y Ila-sf time tobu Para. Xmas. To med thim or the "our! .','tt days. I W. Black's hips, Gloves, in Town. YATOR kinds of mt pm IDEHR. y-llm "able (I ffobese and at Lain! a?!" '.---Cot at m MacFARLANE 81 Ci) Besides These we always keep--- Hwy/1 Powders, Worm Powders, Horse halls, 1. in inteut,t tec. , lr. For Lice on Cattle is a s:-;re killer. Cue applica- tion will kill both lice and nets. - - - 25c. a Package. co,,xeelsior (9ortditiort powder (r,iiir. BEAN a 00 t: ‘33?”136956 ‘37: 1'sr I'. 3§5$5g¢ le $38 American Horse & Cattle Food for fattening cattle has proved to be all we claimed for it, viz.: the feeders best assistant. It is a pure food, free from any injurious drug, it aids digestion, tones the system and purifies the blood and kidneys. Large package 2 5c.----TRY IT. TO STOCKMEN Il ' a: 3: as}: IK'Y&§FY$¥% w. ska! t a ’23: '. ', 1+: . 'i'l, ___".r,,(i""'" BIG ',ifi, Of 33‘! Interest For horses is still a great favorite. It is over 10 ynu's since We tirst Intro- duced this powder, and to-day We are selling more than ever, no better proof as to its ettieaey could we submit. A teaspooniai ohm- or twice as week is all that is necessary nn~ less yuurhorse is in nad condition. We. have a good line from a up to loc. For a very heavy twill. Tbin wide, our 7e iiannelette is a bargain. Fancy Figured DRESS 6 goods, 4uuin wide, 250 a 4% yard. ' Black Figured Ipttstres, 'ie, 30e and Me a yard. oi?, Heavy Plain Black Ltt+ 6 tre, 50e a yard. dl, We always carry Stanl- ing Bros. handmade boots and shoes " Men, Women. Boy 5 and girls. They can't be heat m quality or price -siiiyi'F'oYL" "chum So in ya oi. _ Don"! forget to Mar! the ywnr right Irv using SALADA CEYLON TEA. Mark or toixed nt 2.5c. 30v. 40v a II). and half l" packets. We "ell it. We als, "ell the host 25e JAPAN Tbht in totvtt. DON'T FORGET TO CALL I Ileavy Double Fold Dnss Goods, 18e, 2te and 25c a yard. _ “hm." illll VBBMIN llllilll'tllmlfl Best Table OIL CLOTH. 1ntUGGHri'P.4 A hHt assaults. LADIES" BLACK " 00L hurrah. TOWN )URHAM UPPER A PAIR Durham, Ont j:.:, one of the greatest blots on the record of the old administration, and iin the second place its present success (toects the greatest credit upon the Minister ot the Interior and his Depart ment, and it is heresy oi the hinckcst kind to utter one word in commends- tion oi'cither. Still the tact remains,and it is even chronicled in someoi'the less prejudiced opposition journals, that ‘according to Imperial emigration Statistics. Canada is the only country that has received an increase oi British settlers over the previous year, and that increase is not ineonsiderahle. The total exodus of English, Scotch and Irish in 1898 was 140.630 as against 1413.460 oi the previous year. Of these Canada received 17,665 as against 15571 in 1897, while every Other part of the globe showed a decrease ol from 1 to 15 per cent. The Turn of the Tide. There is every indiertion that this is but the commencement ofa remark. ahle turn in the direction of emigration from the Motherland. and within the next few years, thanks to the systema tie efforts put iorward by the Govern- mom. hundreds oi thousands ofBritish- as will turn their faces Westwards, and find homes in the hospitable and ten tile provinces of the great Dominion. Now that these facts are finding their own reputation tor common sense and veracity. that a change will come over the spirit of the editorial columns also. The Ontario Legislature. The second session of the Ontario L-zisluture opened on Thursday and in view ofthe tact that the preliminaries had been disposed ot in the August 3 ssion anticipation was high in the hope that both sides now mean business. T as Government program, as fore. ah Mowed in the Speech from the Tutone, was concise and business like to the Proyircial Government for present use. The excuse made at the time for thus arbitrarily overriding the action of the representatives cf the people in the Lower House was that the money was not wanted for school pulposes, bat to assist the Local 1e,',eyyyt out of alleged flnameial 1iPc"Itieis. Not only was there an i utter absence of even apparent ground in this assertion but. on the contrary. the finanees of the Province were never in better shape. It is no exag- geration to say that, whereas ten years ago when Mr. Greenway took over the I reins of Government from Mr. Norquay 7 and his colleagues, the Province was on the vrrge of bankruptcy and her credit at zero, while urda y she stands A. l in the markets of the world. i Right and Reasmi in the Demand. _ The monies belong to the Province and are simply held in trust by the Dominion. This fact cannot be ques tinned, for it is distinctly set forth in the Dominion Lands Aer, and is further proved by the fact that the Federal treasury is paying the Provinee interest thereon That the need is pressing and the demand top the im mediate useol'a portion of the lunds legitimate and reasonable, may b, gathered from the fact that new schools are being erected through a spared). settlul country at the rate wt about " hundrtd a your. and each new school means an increase in expeutlitun. without any eot'retsponding increase in the income This Iear Considerabl) over $200,000 will be required for school grantsalom-, which it is needless to point out Isa very bean burden on the slenoer resources of a young Province like Manitoba. Moreover the granting of the money asked for Could not possibly cripple the fund, for only 84.500 acres have been sold out of the 2,777,900 acres ol the School reserves, and the value ot the reserve at current. prices would be somewhere in the neiglmorhood of $15,(XX),()00 upon which the annual interest alone would amount tor37h0, oth). It is not surIwisiik4he1zf'oiw that the province, irrespeetivc of party is daily becoming more insistent in its demands that simple justice should be done, in spite of the irresponsible and obstructive Senate. Light is Breaking in Upon Them. It is an unusual experience to tind oppnsitiun papers giving prominence, to news items that Intimated in any prosperity and progress in the country. Particularly is this the case with re- gard to immigration tor, in the first plaeethe niitunamur.cment and com- plete failure of this important work l An Incident of the last. parliamentary session which is likely to come up attain when the Home meets, was a refusal of the senate to pass the bill sent up from the Commons granting 3300.0000f the Manitoba School Fund OUR OTTAWA LETTER. Mm: Maud Lhemeus of Nemmu’t Wttr vismog friends in lhla vicinity tor the la»: two weeks, taking in all the cum-num- meats going. Mm: Aggie Clark paid a thiu,ar visit tn mum ltere. Her but uppmxruum- War, at her cancelt here when lyre-rum Wet"' “changed between pupils and lam-her. Fair exchange is no roblrery. Mlh- Sum Milligau of Lamluhh in visit-' in: at Mr Neil McD-ugrti'a. Neil ts gum; to have " lurue nuclum style um February 7m prior to naming to Dakota. The yunng folks that ware injured in tlu. upset on Silver creek hill are nun . .- ing rupldly. Mr,. Lung null Mlss “My AlcUullinn visited thetr "ister Mrs ll Putnam“. Lu phrasia, lust week. ---The pt'oet'edings at the opening of Parliament will be found on our in: side pages. --Gomea, the Cuban leader, has ac: eepted $3,000,UOO from the American government with which to pay his suldicrs but clings to the idea of an independent Cuba. --frwChas. Tapper is renewing his Youth judging by his aetivitv. He is organizing the Quehee wing ohm-Cm:- Scrvatlvc Party, and Mr. Dalby, editor ot'the Montreal Star. is placed at the head The next move will likely be on Toronto. The severe weather this winter tttttst le tlw came of a uuunlu-I at am bnchelur taking partners. Mr Jan Charla-n wu- tin- la-t one. to tlo the trick. Knocmrl‘h trams of Hmover, pa». wrench nut bun: daily drum“: hum-r. from Klondike mills. A yrry end-"yublr- o-vmnng mu. ppm; at the hmue ol Mr Jun Potent" r... p... 191;. um by ma yuunu peuple ot uur to» n. Uncle Sun will learn to appreciate British colonial sentiment before he is tlwough, and he will also have a mag: nilieent pension list. Miss Kntie McCallnm mum.» Hum ing to Own: Sound my work we” numb; slay a! bane, Alarm; number anemivd slr. tea ttotit- mg m Uleusig nu “lean-win}. uizhn Ail r-port a good now lhtu.r-ed, {-68.54}. Oar dr.lewote" can“! Incum- ul all Lwnh, some nut. cunning tot twmtav- What a national misfortune it appears to be that the interests ot Canada and the Liupire, in the negotiations now in progress at Wash: ington are not in the hands of the editorial sages oi the Montreal Gazette, the Toronto Mail and a few others of that ilk. Not a day passes bat they inform their team-rs ut the lrightlul blunders the British Commissioners are making, that Uauada's deacestinteri1itti are beingremorselessly suwiticed, and that all this might easily be otherwise, the Yankee whipped and brought to his knees in huinbe supplicauon, if only their advice was taken and their policy pursued. But there’s the tab, their 'pohey' is so hard to pursue, tor it is never the some two days in succession, and so the poor old Empire nus to Worn along its best it may, handicapped by the incapacity and supinem-ss of such numskulls as Messrs ilu‘sehell, Laurier, Charlton, Davies and Winder. However Uncle Sam has a work cut out. for him that will last many months. Conquest is, by this hasty action, bound to come and our neighbom. have before them a disagreeable war, conducted at long distance range, in a swampy unhealthy Country, wilh nine milliws ofsemi:eivilized people, who are fighting " that Liberty which their conquerors gltwitied so much. The American Senate on Monday ratified the Treaty of Peace with Spain by one majority. This gratifying re suit was hastened some say "ecomplislv. ed by news received on Sunday that a battle bad been fought near Manilla in which dozens of Americans and thousands of ehilippinos had been slain. It seems almost certain that Again: aldo expected to sunrise the Ameri: cans on Saturday nig It, as perhaps he had utten done the Spaniards, but the Americans are a dift'erent lot and they were ready. Land and sea forces made terrible havoc, and the natives fought as gallnntly as the Dervishes in the Sundan, and with the same im: mediate result. I though it does not purpose any startling legislation. It is disappointing however, after all the noise that has been made by the opposition leader and his followers on the public plutlerm and in newspaper interviews, to find ‘the opposition strengthened as it is in numbers and debating power, as entirely without a policy as .t has bet u in the past, except that ol'uunless and [ purposeless criticism. There is not eVen anything new in the line of criticism bat simply the hairy old charges of incapacity. extraftimutce and corruption. With no initliel' evidene,t in support of these charges. and with no alternative policy to otter, the outlook tor the Opposition would not appeartobe very much brighter than it was during the last quarter of a century. It Is Our country's Loss. Peace and War MULOCK. Mug-.. There is little enquiry for milk cows. and uuly a few came in; prices are weak, Export bulls are worth from $3,50 to 8% per an; and are wanted. Cows are fetching from 83 to $330 pvr lb. Smokers sold at from 83 to $3.50 on i for choice selections $3.75 to $3.80 Wu pad. and all cumiuue to be paid next week. Good slackers are in request. Sheep me easy at from 3 to Ble lb fox ewes ', bucks are worth 2he. Lambs are tirut at from 4 In Hc. per lie, a 1m 1e. umre was paid to-day, as lambs are scarce, but. lie is about. what may he reckoned for next week, though ten arms more wus several times paid to-day. Burchevcatrle was worth from $3.50 to 84 per owl for choice at utr; a few lots said at an eighth hotter. but. ic was the. real Lop tigure: but prices were very s mug and proapects are encotwttgitte fur good cattle. Mediums sold m 85.3% to $3.50 per' cwl; and inferim down tu$3per own. A little common. slut! fetched around $2.75 and $2.8. per cwt. Hogs we steady and uncmmged. For the best $4.62; was paid. hut they had itt be uncommonly good to fetch this figure. A York shilling less was alumt. tle range. Light hogs we worth $4.25: hut llnck fat bugs are. worth at. the nut- sxde $3 75 per cwt, and are not, much wanted at this fignve. Saws me worth $3. and stagt' Mt per cwt . Calves are may and price. nominal, hut good veal calves will sell. CALDER‘S BLOCK DURHAM G. A'. It. Ticket Agent and (“an Express Money Order tgent. Flour per Dbl q.......... than”. per sack ...... 'lrutt per cwt ... ... iltorts per cwt ... Full Wheat per bushel Harley, " ”ens, " his. " Hr'd Hugs. per cwt ilote, live weight ... Lard per ll, ... l'allow' per II: ... i'mtter per tty, Tub ... " Roll Live Stock Markets. TORONTO. We hndatotnl here tn-day of sixty cau'londs of receipts, including 2.200 hogs and about. four hundred sheep and lambs. The market was a ttood one; buying was quick. prices fiern. and everything sold early. We had only a. few shipping cattle here, And it ranged in price from $5 to $4.59 and selections fetched $1.60 per th. Another troublesome complaint, but our lniallahle Chilblain Remedy will cure the wmst. case known. If after at fair trial it won't do what we claim, we will retand your money. Thetse preparations are put up onlv by ' Gun's Grip Capsulas " a} onoe and do not waste time and money on mt, known Preparation. Get a. box of them at. once as La Grippe is very prevalent just. now and the merit of our G'rip Capsulas as a cure is un questionable. Jas. R. Gun Eggs. per dor, .-. . Chickens rer pair Ducks " i'urkuys, per lb ... Guise. per lb .. Hides. per ewt .., Cnlfnkins ... .., Sheepskins ... ... Hay. per ton .., rurnw. .. ... .. Potatoes. per bag Apples, per bag .. Make countless thousands tmeer. Bat these complaints can be cured by "G'nn's Grip Capsules." If you have an! symptom gt these cqmplaints take LA-GRIPPE COLDS. NEURALGIA, Etc. PAINS AND ASHES OHILBLAINS DURHAM MARKET. ............ 9 " wk ...... ... l r o,ii,1n .. " ... 0 t6 ... 0 " ... 0 er cwt ... r, glib ... ... 4 TO .".." '.'.'. 0 Roll ... a, ... b ... ... ... ... Cl , ... ... 6 . I. ... Ir .4-.. DRUGGIST ... 14 to ... M to '.. 40 to ... 7 to ... It 05 to ... 6 60 to ... " to ... 40 to ... r, 00 to ... 0 00to ... GO to ... 50 to 6 3 50 to l 80 to " to 75 to 68 to o M u 0 65 to r, 25 to 4 ()0 ta 10 to 03 to 0 12 12 14 25 28 to to $4 o 2 (It 0 12$ 18 lf, & Crt " 0 42 5 ly fit ll 60t Til 31 When the. Improvements on the Al; legheny Connty roads. " uhieh no; msion has been made. sum oomph: d, he mummy will hu w. some oftluo tinet roadsin the wuntry. 0n the AlGarl4 any river it is etst.itnored that. were are , 1,u00,00a000 mus "ford awaiting de; i, veloymenr, bat owing to the poor ua Vi; More rye whiskey is produced here than any place in the U. s. The city has one of the greatest cork manufac- turies in the country. Nearly 18,00 eoal miners are employed in the Pitts. hurg district. Of tliege prob My 12, uUU are in railroad mines. The annual product of manufactured material in the three cities in Allegh- eny County, that is Pittman-g. connect. ed with Allegheny and McKcesp-n is valued at $17!.0mJXX). The name bur of manufacturing esmblislzumnu is 2213 which have a capital of 8141,Wi, 8 Cd and employ 75,793 people, exclu- ttirrt of clerks. More than one-halt the out put of Bessemer steel, rolled won and steel, armor plate, glee! rails, plates and sheets ofthe entire country ts manu- factured here. Pittsburg leads in the manufacture of flint and lime glut-s. The city produces over one halt of the total glass out. put of' the country. It's tonnage is greater than that ot unyuther city in the world. There are 62 rolling mills and blast furnaces in this district. Confmuml from hurt work. The city is also proved to be the owner of many monuments. which I may describe later, and can boast of having the finest library in the muntry in the ner- Carnegie building. There are also a large number of smaller li. braries of eonsidrrabie Worth. so that she now stands among the first cities as to her equipment in this respect. The lulluwing may he of interest to those desiring to be. informed of Pitts. bnrg's sources of wealth. Her mills emp'oy 82011) operatives. about $0,000, OOJ is iuvcsted in brewery plants. The traction lines in Pittsburg, Allegheny and Mekeespon represent an invest. ment ofover 50,000,000. The great egt pickle factory in the world, owned by Heinz & Co., is located here. Rail. mad and river tonnage is about fony million tons annually, More coffee is roasted here than any- where else in the world. and the city makes one third or the paper sacks made in the country. The city has seven inclined planes. The new rapid transit lines run by e. lectricity. cover nearly 300 miles of streets and roads and rank among the best in the world, and yet extensions and new routes are projected. The river cram represents of about 8t3,0a),a)0. The tonnage and cnpuci ty of this craft are greater than that of all the vessels of any seaport orlake harbor in the United States Pittsburg capitalists own the coke re~ gious in this vicinity noted all over the world. This district produces 65 per of all the coke and 40 per cent of all the coal in the U. s. A bituminous coal field of 10,000 acres surrtun'ls Pittsburg, and there are about 120 mines in the vicinity. Pittsburg stands tiftit in the manufacture of clothing. The tunneries of this locality produce one.halt of the out put ti the U. S. Al leg'heny countv, with Pittsburg in the main, produces about one-third of the total output of the U. s Mere than 220 passengcrtrains enter and depart from the city daily. 'Pour. teen great railway lines enter the city, and the number will soon be increased More railroad cars are handled here than in any other city of the U. S. h PEEP AT PITTSBURG. By an old Glenels. Boy. ONTArtit5 ARCH TORONTO l gmion. the fields cannot be opened Al. J24.Miller. rs Jranov" Gonvoyanur, Description, of ttttotutttetoriea. etc., and small “teaches will appear later. J No. CAMPBELL. 3t, S. 30th St... Pipiburm Pt., M tlFarlane's The Wheels 4.33%“ Statistics 'how that people and nwr; chants along the Allegheny river val; ley reeeive yearly 4,([I).(0' tum ot fuel in addition to the natural gas used. ' Money to loan at 5 per crrt. Fin. Life and Accident. Insurance. Ocean Tiekrtix for sale Debts oolleeted, all business attended to quickly and promptly. THE PHRENO LINE REMEDIES l offers the following lmrgains: ‘TEAsnALE FARM; lot 30, con. 2, W.G. R. Bentinek. Will tsell this tine too acres for bat little more than was Fluid a few years ago beiore Mr. ‘ensdnle built on it n large brick dwelling which be says cost $1000. Hosancn Fun; at Lumlasli, uhout 97 acres, good building, elotw to Post (Mice. Store. Church and School. Will sell at a great bargain or trade. “awn: Fame FARM, towuoipof'Hollod (and form in German tiettlettomt. Will sell cheap or exchange. Con. taim 100 acres well improve-u. A 100 ACRE FARM in Brminck, pretty good lot, at say 8850 should bring SIM. Who quks first ? HOUSE AND Lor at Allan Park, to he given away. comfortable dwel'ing, 2099 an: ble Go _?orxr,?d "eeed Try our Rheumatic t5petsifits or Kidney and Liver Pills. They are absolutely pure and lwulthfnl. Gunmuu-ed to cure Rhmmmumn. fKiaticn, New in Lumlmgo. and ull forms of Kidney and Liver trouble-s. ’1'"! or .FURIOU. ""ra6oms. For sale by ti. PARKER. Durham. We Sell all kinds at all prices. “Call and see for yourself. “Prices are sight, England d; Russia At each others throats would probabl raise the prices, (,t,,t,/,,,',i',": Also a Full Line of WA'NHrB, J EW ELRY, SILVERWARR, and STERLING SILVER MJVELTIr"fi, Dinner spoiled-Hound Mad-- Servant, Girl Ugly. The ancient clock did its heat-it is old annual: wrest. Its game qualities have gonv, you want a. Good Cluck & Temper Saver. We have them "or $5 50. Fott can saw: time and worry by buving one Take the lead every where. We are working day and night to supply the demand. Our correspondence shown that hundrc-du upon hundreds"! pour otteewra are being removed m bald) ttttd happim-m- daily. H. H MILLER W. A. McFARLANE Next to Bank. The ”Minn-r Column”. of It" Time iii " " h

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