West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Feb 1899, p. 8

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Fr' a} 'te Miss Carrie Greenwood spent. a few days of last week with Durham friends. Mr. John (‘nlhert is making the chips tty this winter. having purchased a large strip of hush from Mr. Tom Slurrmm. Miss Eliza McDonald of your town is "taying at the Timmins' homestead thew days. Miss Ida May Whirlmg or Vandeleur is passing any the time at her sister's Mrs. w. Timmins'. A meeting if to be held on the eigth of Feh. in the church, to consult with one another ahmn a tea party to be held here below long. Norry to say that Mr, Tom Smith does not. get any better. the cold stormy weather appears to be too much for him. The last remains of Miss Townsend of Townsend’s Lake was interred in the cemetery here to day 6th. We ioin with the whole district in ”Ranging sympathy to the surrowing parents and friends. wt. understand that word hes arrived i From an moasional Corcrspondent. from Mr. Tom Blair. who is in Minneso-i ----r. ta, stating that he will start for home' Mr 1),." Ferguso has left for Vantry you”: of these days. . Tom says Mm. I where he is goitrtt to pile cedar Imuuhs for th' a ftwe couttlrv. but like all other parts i a while. There will he n. fair one miss him has its draw backs, amongst others he a MavN no fruit, no fuel and two much i JO. - . . takes. "ell. "" taxes and lots of fruit] Mr Oscar Ronald " working for Jia: Me.. and wood Would sound better. l Donnld. Oscar is n. hustler. A owe-ting if to be held on the eigth We would like to know what wings that of Felt. in the church, to consult with 3 boy from Search Town so often here. Per- onr 1"/:1"T,jlyt " tea party to be held ( laps it is to show the new cutter. _ Mr. Geo. Blair is slick these days with a huue tsack and takes it hard an their is lots of work to do. Mr Nevin Falkmgham has also had his shareof LaGrippe as he had two weeks under that grim monster's (mo. Mr. w. Timmins has been in the house this last two weeks, held (as! hy Mr. Grip. Lucky that our friend has a. good nurse. Our usuallyhealthy district appears to he fast losing its good mun» those days as we have scarcely A family without one or two under the weather. We've all aorta but. to-day we'll speak of the cheapest, not the best though. We paid 33k y. more for them than we ask for Tuesday next........ They're last year's fruit-ttood for cooking-ttsink 28 lb Box for " cts. 'iei't?cbsiFsjieiceiesi? iriisie.seeeeivie We probably sell more soaps than all the other; Why ? The price must. do it -- we won't handle poor tsoap-only the best - our Bargain Day Are the hes' thing in the won Id for "Grippe" our phy- siriur. told us so yesterday. We sell them, var) largpunes at 24 on u doa. ORA JOE‘S frum [lets a doe. "P-k varieties. iaeeiFsbreeeirag? ,iis.eeieiiqi)psiFiF* LEMONS. it? "/itieiiecieaeilegi? ite-sir-iii/tiii? 7 " Bars for 25¢. IS A leader. Dr. Agnew! Cure for the Heart cures all was of organic and pathetic disuse of the heart. Relieves in 3ominutes. Dr. Agnew's Liver“: no " once a mild cathartic and an invigorator, system mentor And blood maker and purifier. soc. for 40 doses. Dr. Agnew's Qintment reliuain tt day Ind cut. -e-a,tatterandaitshindis- Cumspilesitsstosnights 35c. I lathe most wonderfully effective td V NCtitN remrdy ever compounded. It re- 'sri. heves the most severe case in from lo to be mmutes ; it effects a full curem a short time. The most ck, x emment mm- and throat special- ists in the worm have gwen it their unquahncd endorsement. In all cases of catarrh, colds. sore throat. asthma. hay fever and influenza it acts like magic. It is easy and plats“ to use. It never fads to do precisely what is claimed foe it. In less than an hour it will prove its worth if you will but giveit a chance. A prominent evangelist g'.vestestimony : Rev. Warren /e'g"deggt'1trertr,i'A'e,'lr, Newark, N. Joet?nthsetin religious ser- vices. t wu troubled wit eatarrtt um! and Dr. Agnew's Catmhal Forget. It gave no cat relic! and I have reeommeaded it to many among whom I ban labored." Hon. gum Milk, Minister of Justice of Canada. has and an. tuned] and many recon- nendsu over " own signature. At all mm No matter what our upsi- cncc has been wit; mulled alarm to remedies. " your ulti- mate. complete re can surely and 'jl,es'i1'idfft'l,%fdl'. Don’t suffer any longer. Don‘t tride with a distressing and dan- gerous disease when a sure cure is within your grasp. Thousands of “fetus whose condition was Nathan yours have hemmed 1nd are now in perfect health. Their enthusiastic and unsolicited testimonies show beyond the shadow of a doubt that A SURE GATABBII CUBE. luknded for last week. , t % ts" Dr. Agnew s rl))' \ Catawba! Powder k' N "h "s, he most wonderfully effective cs Nd. ardy ever compounded. lt re- 'Ns, es the most severe case in (ton; to be minutes ; it effects a ful em a short tame. The most cus., 2 ment new and throat special- RAISINS. SOA PS. ZION. , Departmental Store. - - - DURHAM, ONT. at. We pay cash for produce. Always give bargains. Dont give credit iii, " You are lucky in that 'haraa:saa:sa:ssaaaas:s:sa:ssa:saa.s--a This week we shall have a Special Bargain Table of Ribbons, Lanes, Braids, de. Former Prices as high as Me. While they last, from 20 to 90. Also BIO REMNANT SALE Mr Charles ergusrm dispppenrs from hem on a certain afternoon remlarly. Mrs McIntyre is very syck at present but we hope she will m-ou recover. Klondike is getting ready for tt new house. Mr Dan McKecbnic is cutting wood for John Wilson. Dan Hiya they can cut. wood with anything that ever walked, Iulked, wore hair. wool, feathers, or dia. mono, excht Huffman. Dan rays ho hum: stood time around Bnulhvillo every night like a wedding only nobody getting married. Several loads of Zinnites accompanied hy the choir. attended the tea. meeting at the Baptist church on the 10t h can. They all report having a quad time. Smm- any they were a. little crowded, hula" know that (MY3 will he there next year. The genial _ oh Edwards of Zion held the chiiirman's [gust of honor and they say he handled t e wand with great, skill. Miss Pearl Wilson, Egremont is visit- ing for a couple of weeks at the falls, Miss P. is making many friends around Zion. and we believe Mr. Wilson is like- ly to have lots of company after this. Mrs. Graham Timmms has been the guano! Mrs. Dodd's, Berkel ' the last two weeks. We 'l1'u"/','t1',",7 that this in the longest time Mrs, Timmins has ever spent away from hume. But Mattie is a great favorite and that ex- plains it. likely to remain so," said one of our patrons the other day. There-i351} 1);sz elEment of luck in it. We believe, how. ever, that it is more largely due to the fact the we never re- gard the t Bresent transaction with any one as the t last' one we are likely to have with him, but rather regard it as a preliminary to t future' business with him. We believe that this ha more to do with the fact that our custemers of 50 years ago are our customers to-day. your Customers stick to you, that once customers theELe For Bargain Day, Feb M, and while they last: hose: Balsam Valley. u, A. HUNTER'S Kid and Dongola Buttoned and Laced Ladies' Boots Sizes 3, 3i and 4. Formerly 81.75 to $3.50, now 6 Pairs only, Men’s 4-bnckle Felt-lined Boots. Sizes 7, 8 and li. Regularly, $2.50. To clear " Patent Tip Dongola Oxford Shoes. Formerly up to 82 per pair, sizes 2k & 3 only Now only 'r-r-tP-e-Nr-ee-e-e-e-q- I Rav. was". Bishop Mills preached fSNmath hurt to a large nnngrogntion, iSacrnment of the Lord's Summ- will buy .dianented at 11 a. m,. Sunday nut. ISarvicon rm Fridav and Flafmrrttu, at 2:80 , p. m. Rev. Mr. Mndill will Mieiue. Mr. Trnnx. lekorton. is gaming a. large piln of log: at the river. Mr. Craw- ford is hnlding hist own as he 1an started to hnv 109s at the river toe. We prefer home industry. _ _ " mm in this am. to annals onr businem in and: own um! non!" coun'iea. It in mninly can. work conduct“ a homo. an." Imam "oo . you sad qxttetne-dMtmtes. bounds. no more. no loan may. Hannah .75. Edam. Eamon loll-“m "any“! ounlope. Hahn 3.30". m.. Dept. M. Chicago. Mr. Hugh MncKeclmio is taking the lead at framing this war as he has alum-1y secured r, large Ivarnsaurl drividg sin-d. We extend to Mr. and Mrs. Thou. Morrison the best WIQhP' of this commun- itv on uniting their fnrtnnm m wndded Mira. We expect now that the ICP, in broken to see some of our bachelors follow suit. Mr. Jan. Bankn visited with the Middle. ton family om eve'nm: last week. Menard. Alex. and Jno. MoGiilivruv are home for a month wgrking In T. o. Mr. Alex Morton had 'a hsw of I119 boys one dav Inst week helping: him repair his barn. Alex is starting all right. Sépwnrt's swamp for Messré. Kinnio& Sparling. WhE.ry..T.re.'..5W.N TRUST‘VORTHY PE R- unn- in thin IOAO‘ In mun-n. An- luau“.-- .-_ The subject. for debate next Thursday is which is the most preferable married at angle life. The home of Mr. Hugh McKechmo was brightened bv the arrival of a bouncing baby boy last week. Mr. Hugh and Miss Anna. McPhail. Tiverton,visited at Mr. A. McLenu hurt week ard took in our debate. Miss Jennie Newell who has been visit. ing friends in Hamilton and Daudas re- turned home on Monday, Mr. and Mrs, Hewitt, oi the Aveuue were laid up last week with bad colds. but glad to hear they are recovering. Miss Millie Eeror, who has been teach. ing an. Lacomhe. N. W. T., for 9 months back. returns to-dev, Wednerdny to the Avenue. We understand she will return to the same school for another term. The beef-Hug: negotiations are progress- ing lavomhly. Mr. T. Turnbull IN to he butcher. Mrs. McDonald, daughter of Mr. Jas. Ector, Glenelg, has been lying tsrelt at Ibo home trf her sister Mrs. Itobt. Edge, bat is recovering. Mr. Geo, Kmnedy. Lvurberry, Man, who was visiting " aunt and cousin Mrs. H. and John H. McFadden tor a week or so left last Week for his ltome, Miss Anna Mcthl and brother Hugh ofTivertnu visiting the Manydcn's on thenyeune on Monday lust. Miss Ile, Fhml is an accomplished musician both instrumental and vocal. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Swim, Balaclauce was Visiting at Mr, D. Greenwood'" for a few days. Messrs. Jos. Firth and Wm. Edge each lost " cow last week. The former is busy hauling brick. lumber &e tor his new dwelling house, which he Intends to erect. in the spring. Mr. Wm. Edge was laid up with IA Grimm bust Week, but is recover-m2. Hits father. the "Laird" has also been laid up. but lxnppily is also recovered. Edge Hill people are progressive for a country community. Their fine summer picnic proceeds are being devoted in part to the erection of weigh scales. winch under the present system of buying cattle will be useful to the neighborhood. EDGE HILL. ROCKY. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 98c 1.23 1.78 Do not forget. Mina Doty's concert. Fri- day evening 10th mat. Admission. adults Me, and children lbcta. Quite a number in our village have Ls anpr. Some think it grips pretty hard. but we hope warm weather will soon com- pel it to leave. - Mr and Mrs Th): HI" and children of Guelph spent a few days this Week with Mrs Hill's brother, Bee Mr Haywood. Miss Mary Cunningham of Shell. 6 is visiting her cousin Rev Mr Lt,',',','.".,')')!'."' Miss E E Rawn Spent sabbath with her sister Mrs W b' Hamburg. Mr. Geo. Wright. conucxllor, In“ M»- piied in the Duuduik Herald tu RuLepnyers article, and the editor takes B haud in it. Mr. Joseph MeArdle's name is [neu- tiuned in it, out this limo the editor is not throwing any dirt at him, but “the: praising him up as a good luau. - On Feb. 8rd some of our people here took in the orange concert at Proton Station. Tom. Mr. and Mrs. Glenesler has had u nephuw and ueice here from 1oronto, but they have now returned to their home. On our sick list here we have Mr. ll. Allan, Mr. S. McLean and Mr. and Mrs. A. McEachnie who is getting better. Arrival-Miss Annie Dezell came home to day. Mr. Mal. Rolls has menus hora trout Peel " The Espliu church, I iorgot in my last report to mention the gutuf u beautiful bible given to the church by the Rev. Mrs. Morrison. onewry sunnblo for die place and a. tine lump chair for the pulpit the gift of Mr David Creighton of Fergus, formerly of Proton. All receive the hearty and unanimous llmuka at “In con- “reunions. The votw,regauonal meeting was held in the church on Tuerday the Blur, and all the bllslneas done up well wntn the Ne- cuuuts of the church building settled, and the congregation stands on good fiuatunal looting. A lew tausseripiions to pny which are cood uud the cash on hand pays all church debt and over $100 tn Spare. On Friday evening last a jolly party consisting of the members and adherents of Knox Church assembled at the residence of Mr and Mrs Jit- Watson to spend a socialeveniug with that eetimaole couple. After some time hurl been spent in puns. iint converaatiou the real object. of the gathering beeunre apparent. when two handsome chairs were plaevil hefore that utouiehed couple, and Mrs It Morrice stepped forward and proceeded to read a very titxttering address letting forth the deep sense of appreciation Knox congrega- tion felt for the invaluable services Mr an I 'iMrs Watson had so long and. cheerfully rendered in the musical part of the wor- ship of that congregation and expreeeing the pleasure they had in presenting them with the chairs mentioned as a slight tok- en of their appreciation. Here Mr and MI! Wat.on Were installed in their respec- tive chairs by Mrs Stewart. The address, concluded by wishing the worthy couple inatiyyears of future usefulness. In a few well cho-en chosen words Mr Watson then thanked the members of the congre- Luttion for their splendid presents and con- cluded try inviting the visitors to enjoy themselves to their hearts content. which they proceeded to do right royally with guinea. innate and song until lunch. '-unch over another pleuvant hour was apeut and then after owning "Anld Lam: 3 Syne" and "Gcd b'ase The Queen" the; purzy dispersed every one feeling they had .pent an evening long to he remembered. Following is the address t DEAR, Mn. & Mus. \VATBON. --The members and frlerrds of Knox Church Notattanbylravebeen long desirous of showing their appreciation of your ser- 1 vices in connection with the musical part. cfour church worship. and your unfailing goodness and Willingness in. helping along any good cause or work in the church. Your help has been. much appreciated and has aided us in enjoying church worship much moral than we might ottierwisc have done. We trust in the futurc we may still haye your valued aid. and We sincerely l wish you hoth many years of life to en- joy these two easy chairs and other" to tens of our affection and appreciation. and hope you will live to he a blessing to yourselves. and to us tll and the church you have helped so much. Signed on i behalf of the Congregation. i f Mus. Roar. MORICE. r, IM as. SAMUEL STEWART. i The coming spring willt,ee n number of chumps in this neighborhood. Mr Wm Carson will lake up lauulug hymn, and Jas Morice und lumlly \ull wow; ou lo the Durguvel farm in Beutiuek which he has just purchased. On the 161.11 con Adulph Blasme took persuasion ot the Mnlnr farm last Week. while the Bull family moved on to the John Ball farm. Region hum it that a Reciprocity Treaty wili a only be concluded in this neighbor. hood, (Ring out ye bells). Quite a number autumn] the Farmers' luv-mute at As an on Tuesday 8ist uh, but} report it a great succeu. Lari! week Mrs Dickluman received word tUt her youngest son. John McMiwhell. had died at Detroit on J an 18th front con- “cation of the image. The deceued “I much respected in thin neighborhood. The bereaved mother and friend: of de, ceuued hue the sincere aympathy ot the entire community. Rev. Mr Miller at Holstein occupud Knox church puipit on Sunday Jan 29th, aI-u Rev Mr ”atheism. of Prim-ville on the Sunday previous. Esme, the little duughtrr of Mr and Mrs R Petty In an present. suffering from a uevene attack of Brunchitia. Mrs A Marshall and daughter Mary visited Mr a Mrs Bert Marshall last week. Miss Mack was rtayiug with Mrs J Wat. son for a few days last week, Mr It Noble ot Guelph is visiting at. the home of Mr A Mchvride. Mrs Ferguson visited Mrs Moore last Wednesday. NORTH EAST NORIANBY. M‘ HOPEVILLE. HOLSTEIN. f???- The undersigned will keep for service on Lot w, Con. 9. Bentinrk a thorough- bred Improved Yorkshire Boar for the Mason of lM-w. from the famous herd of dat; Bentham.” igre may .5991: on a licatio . TERMS 941.00 pp " W. T. COOK. The undersigned will keep for ser- vice, season Him-99 on Lot 23, Con. I, S. D. R., Glenelg. a Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar. Obtained from the "Gold Medal Herd" of J. G. Snell. Edmonton. TERM S 541.00 Perhgrve may he seen on application, DON. MCARTHUR. Bunmsan. Nov. 18th, IMPROVED YORKSHIRE Terms moderate. Atttutgetuentti for sales. as to dates. (we. Hunt he made at The Review office, Dmhum. Corres- pondetuv addressed [hero or to ITS- ville P. U. will he prmnplly atten ed In. Turms‘ on applitratirms to D. MePHML, Hopeville P. o. 0r to C. RAIAGE. Dullmm. Residence- H OPE VI LLE. Itey Mr h'inclurof Toronto occupied the pulpit last Sabbath and also game an tul. dress at the Y P S C E on Wednnsnluy. D. Humor an lrrmnrur gave tho report for j the managing bnnnl which :.ltowc.d the l mammalian to be in yery :4“er standing. , J. G. Randall. has b. b'., reputed shuw-: iug a balance on hand. The Mmainn hast 1 no report, as they acknowledged they had l done nothing there-fore could not brine in l a report The "mlit,ora were then al" pointed. Thus. Gordon and W Watson I lillrug that ottiee for the mulling Tear. ' The managing board are nx follows: I’rterl Mclmyle; J Roland. W Rea-veg ll A f Fraser, J Humor, J Cunlliel-l, It McPlwe,l It A Fraser treasurer. J E ltulmul WAS I appointed superintendent and A Murdm-ln Rem-Hens. Alter Mruitemn; up some uld semen tttrl othet hulllllle Inumne’u, the meeting was brought to a do!" by stinging i, the 'iurology, 1 The aununl lure-ting of \Voodlnud con- gregation took place hot Tuamlay at 1,'30 o'eloek p. n'. Mr. Hannah of Mt. Forest was unnamed to Ire [mam-M, but nwnu: to m: nttuelt of L, Utimm Wax Hum-Ion. to be theru. Mr. w. \‘yhthl'n we»: Hume-n l-hair- man ; All =rew Frarct See. what: Hm lol- lnwing wmmiuet- gave in their upon. UK I. - The loo Hurveut lmu commenced tnd it " of a fair quality ulmul 22 incheu chick. The Sulvntmu Army (a trawlliug troupe) gave a concert. in tlie Temperance lull on Thursday evening last. Ynur humble ner- vum not being pro-nut. cannot give details but we presume the audience Wu small. The Lndleu' hid of the methodiut church held a very tsueeewsfttlsoeial in the bau- meut of the church on Tuesday evening of last week. Mr um] Mrs Bert Buitwu of Waverley are spending a few days with M rs Brilton's mother Mrs Robt Barney. Mist Jeanne Donne spent Inhbnth with her friend Mm Maggie Sim, Yew“. DRUGGIST a SEEDSMAN - - - f DURHAM WWW Ground Oil-Cake in :00 lb. Bags, tl.M. m Import of Field and Garden Seeds to arrive in March from Britain, THE PARASITF: POWDER BRITISH HORSE & CATTLE fPl(lli--s MORTOIj'S WORM POWDERS & CAPSULES. ---A Condition Powder of First Class merit.... ---A Good Tonic and Appetizer.... Wars Compounded from Conceptrated F lesh-forming Foods and ingredients. 3, tri) Ilia] g; Morton’s Dry Murrain Powers“ 15qu n DWI)? 'tiF6urSauVfmiikt"hTiFi?i get 3 Patent' ." Win: profttatrttr to innur."and 'l'melon PmmahAdvice tree. Fees moan-ma MARION d MARI ON, EXPERTS 1‘0qu Bylaw; “.3 tif 9"qu Bt.., 19°11th c....‘,uu. , "up. nwwulwwunvrul. lulu Yk"dGi' 'euGiit'."iliri'irdrr'G. 2'tesmoaerat. HM 11nd seven] mn- fruluren mam. I... m MARION a MARION, Exrcnrs t.lte “""Ube wqtrk lit mum’s term. and Locum mung]. Building, " St Jame. Bt., 'AWd'tl It rower-m clone laugh mm "(1.5. mm of ”A. Theonly ttrm.ot crumb [rd-m huh: Dom. woHd,aud mttt'c "PL-Hum our Mm country, um mun: noun: bums-I admin); --.-- BERKSHIRE BOAR. ---For Chronié Indigestion in Cattle. Never Fails to effect a --cure when given in time. Every Stock-raiser should have --a package on hand. . McPHAIL Intended for Met week. PARASITE- P0WDM--for Lice on Cattle, Horses, --tlheep, Pigs, and Poultry. One or two applications .-has the desired 1effect, 01111 " Parker's Druggtgrg. ---Easy to give and (rier'yTiriictTve." Licensed Auctioneer for the (‘onuly of Grey. ROBB. til, J?ARKER, IRAiFuII put-Icahn in College Announce- we , mg: menu. and Journal. Free to any ad- ll', dress. Semi for (me to-Gy, to n -. .I for season 1m. The undersigned will keep for. hl'l vice at Lot IO, (Ion. l, S. D, R. Glenda Rob Roy Hotel) n thorough-bred “YORKSHIRE UOAR" With in 24 or 28 plan ovary Running it~ {Haunted 2'tet','rt it: mnuy tspecitO mature: --ehort Sta cl ind Sketchy Artietei- besides having the nun-cm no" of the day, bu become anti-om: rival to the bost munch” umwziues. You an have In": GmnE may; an, " ud SATURDAY "aaargtawcD tor about Indium! price n you have to pay tormatt, of the unnuar dailie- The Saturda; lllunl rated Sulucripuou um and lull [nrticullrn can l had ut the cilia of thin paper. any nutmlealor l voinustter,or and direct to The undersigned will keep for m-rviu- " Lot 17, Con. 2, Nun-manhy, sonsnn of 183-99.: ht thymugh-hrefd THE WEEKLY 0LOBE., THE DAILY THE GLOBE, OWEN SOUND. Ons. Kis" It Is Lin: very best plum m (5:1 Kik" Cnmula tit gr-t a Thorough Jr-" tat' Ruskin-SA Edmund”. :51 ---rmtESrutt-- aged 2 yams. purchased from the heed of H. Parker. Durham. Pedimw may be seen 'lg?,'. application. Terms 750m. payable eh. ISL, 1m. The undersigned will keep for serving season 1813, at, Int“), con. 2. S. D. It., A thoroughbred I.1tyihttt_t mil, THE CORBETT FARM, and containing 98 acres. For partie" lars 'ttattire of Being East nnd West Purina of Lot number Five (5). in the Sud Concen- sion, W. G. It., of the Tp. of Ben. tmek, known as Thorough-bred Boar. Berkshire, 'Tiioiitii-star." Alma thoroutrhmved Tamworth Bur. Pediprvees may he seem an application. TERMS r-hoo JOHN MARSH A LL J r.. VP v',". _e' "c-r, : -rjve x l ’Qova/i/ The Leading Newspaper at the Dominiun. --mu, over [8.000 "o'" rennin: circulu --tion -- nun ithnd in "W. Anal -nenrl) 4.000 more than one year ugn. " anoquzmuu: " PlJJxEI. [T RAF ALLTHI: NEW» LVENY DAY. IT " DANA OA'S GREATEST NEWSPAPER. 'rlllllllMlNBU BHABS. THOROBRED DU RHAI BULL. TORONTO, CANADA. FARM FOR SALE. TERMS t--81.oo. GEO. hymn . h. FLriMih'G,Prine,ipal .IYJIIWIA’A ALFRED ”was. Prop. H. PARKER. Durham. THE GLOBE. Tonal", (any; by/ 5,3 " _ F once ttl Atthur vil, "ftivets wrt" I Vurnmnlvy. an \llun. Mt. Fore \Vilmm. Durhl \ndorson. Dal Ritchie. Vane, .ou. San-why. Samuel M I ' "roetr. do“! hum The annual "rtustte Indus in Mt. Foeext, and promahle oaxily Int found upper luruln. while helping t the uchnul in rousing the dee publiv etttetiaig Library A Goo" lull trintion In mm m-xl cancer! " this winter in I new." in In .Ind xiv") by "alum-ms of d an- always an: feartt and ttow Hut, the teat: which will hr: at Mrs. Hale-n of vaim-iul cured for thit 'ith Modu- tstttN' of IV musing INWI lem ot Ule d and w“ rent Ind." gum sznu Tu lllin. collect" Hunk some ("I "I!" "ver are rand They Mk. the gin": “was 4 Mitoi l ‘ullu- tut. " forttti (in Iu-r way I two weeks In of ideas fur " ul' L: IV. ti. " .\l'u‘r|.\' "new Our ohttu minded the II] We ttive t *olrh Tron: _ his family. h few "maths I the sewn-lama mud s.vt"patti' I New u A "LI-1 The undo-mix and A new I Draper! y in " aounhio. Attt ”an!" In has waved 1 Alongside hiw mug uml law tte may lung 3 ttur/ttteros as e' vwlm umpuml up their :II'I'HI an. now ask.- fun her deiay Ills Inuit" my w The Euro" "nRing tho l ltginlu'mv " permits or HM ly A "All PM "" foe the am» this will at twindor. not already d Nauru: {I In“. Inn!” favor if ”an mum“! a M c Mr T " bi Mat-[autumn one day "ttr Miss Polly spam Sundry Ihnir unch- LOCAL A int-mugs. rm Iv w tsMtVtewi ol 'r D h I h e t Mr. Spun-Hm t'H n hold dow 1 "'tt 1 Hug "ville hurt tttu ttod falls In H our»! VOL wiil t tto u pun their m ltr Hrs

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