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Durham Review (1897), 16 Feb 1899, p. 1

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‘ICEM tr Fails to effect a aiser should have m Cattle, Horses, I two applications ktl..3. pr11gttprt. storming Foods (It; (It DURHAM BULL II West P. rt, fl), run. g." ham Bull s merit w / M417; ' WSF’A PER 1mm; "mus. Pump Illustrated 150- WWW arch from Britain. Ik orootth PM”. n Boar VII/Z " -/ //// r Newspaper "ttittiost. red Boar. '1. mass. ESTUN If MORE on}: Star will k I N. D, ULES. i" keep man by 011 SALE. will ketpptserpriee. E BOAR - DURHAM m I f Ll PARKER. Durban" MW from the head I"). Pedigree may ntiort. Terms tarts'. LUBE, Jlll WARS. SE’I‘T FA " ' " UND .OBE..... has! CANADA. n {SIINLL Jr Proprietor D R. G bred p for ser 2nd (Vance. Principal r trereice wagon of Gienelg 0n HIV IDOUDCQ Ame Rr.iet at "ai I to: ttt " trv any: ASADA NF, f Ben ti n “We. amides "mien h " at The annual muting of the county "range Lodge for South Grey was' held in Mt. Fm est on Tuesday. Thus, McFad- den. of Glertelg, county master. presid. rd and reports were tead from the diff- vrent lodges in the district. It was de. rided to celehratv next twelfth of July in Arthur village. The following amoers were elected: Rom. Shields. Normanhy. county master; Dr. G. P. Allen. Mt. Forest. denuty master: Jas. Griuon, Durham. secretary; Wm. Andersen. Durham. tun-mu; Wm. mums. Varner, chaphin; w. 8teren. so». Normanby. director ot ceremonies; Sumac! Robb. Hmong lecturer t Jas. Eden. Yum. and W. Adair, Drew. “at! mum A GOOD 1nEA.--lt is under. contem- plation to make. a new facture at the next concert of the series being held thin winter in aid of the Public Library. The plan is to have. readings selected and given by pupils in the senior de- partments of the Public. School There are always some ttood readers in the upper forms. and this opportunity, while helping the Library. will react on the school in exciting emulation and rousing the desire to excel in a pleasing and profitable exercise. Material can easilyhe found in our school hooks for public entertainment.and We trust a. rousing house maygreet the first School~ LiitrarrHome Concert. Watch for it. Pt.iceville Ppesh.vleviaus have posters out for their grunt, annual Fioieee on 1Vtuhtesulay "veiling next. tlut 22nd inst. In :ulditiun to slum-chow by eminent. vlericos there 'N to ln- music by Durham Proshytrrinn choir. Reeve MoArthm' is to hold down the chan. and from c, to s there will he the usual sumptuous toast and ttow of mm! in the lnnsmnent. Hut, the feature of the evening, one which will he sure to draw. is the name of Mrs. Helen Wright, a sweet vocalist of Pmyincial fame. who has been se- cured for this meeting. 25c and 1lic, Make sure of a seat. KINDLY Tuuvun'rsr Last. week and this, collectors in town and country made some calls on the charimhly dis- powul to receive contributions either in money or provisions for a few of our deserving poor. on whom the severe season falls heavily. They wore- gener- ally well veeewed, and the heart of the vecipivnb4 no doubt were made glad. The Eyre-mom township council is walling the attention of the Ontario Legislature!” the but that all male wrmns of twenty-one years of use and over are required to do “unto labor. They ask. therefore. that all much he given “new at. municipal elections. Ottr nlmnnry columns last wool: rc- corded the death of Mr. Neil McDonald. We give this week an appreciative sketch from a loving brother. who with hie: faumy, have for the 2nd time in a few months been called upon to Innurn the severance of a family tie. We ex- tend sympathy. "Foure.trrt.tp, PROPERTY mm HALE.- The "ttdetsigned offer for sale the house and .5 acre lot. known as the Austin property in Durham. Tetuns very rem <onahle, Apply Mom-e- to H. Stormy, rot. to W. S. Davidson. McIntyre Block. \l'HTIN Bram. Proprietors. 3 Miss Cttlhertson left, Friday morning for a fortnight‘s visit, In Sumlwlnnd. 0n her way Ilium-she will spend another two weelos Ill Toronto at, the Millinery awnings. coming home with n headfull at ideas fur the spring trade. Mr. ‘s‘parling ctm'etttplat.es I-lming up his hil-dlwss hero shortly, and tmnpurm- ily we hope, lu-fnrv leaving rm P North West trip. He will likely take with him a car-load of horses he 'vs gathering. NurrlrE. -Mttny' thanks to all those who responded to mar call in squaring up theiraccoimts. All those who didn't are now asked tn settle at our without firrtherdelay. C. Necuthur. Mirna) Is.--). Alex. MeLachlan has moved into his, new stun-v. junt alongside his old stand. and a handsome snug and tasteful place it is. We trust. mummy lung he "vaulted lo do such a business as will reward his vnterprise. No'rtcE.--Parties indebted to Wm Black. hardware "terehattt will confer n. favor if they call and settle as their accounts are all made out,-W. BLACK. A 'l.00 POSTAL NOTE --eogt 2 cts-will pay fol the Review 12 months. To same this will tre a suggestion to others a reminder. Renew to-day, if you have not already done so. Miss Polly and Master Goo. Wright spent Sunday in Hanover the guests of their uncle Mr. Geo. Cooper. Mr T P Swill). Optician. will be al Maerarlaneu drug store on Fem nary 22, Una day only, LOCAL AND GENERAL News! 1mL.----XXI, NO, (E E1 " .'ll For over two weeks now the ther- "m monieter has been playing round and ex- below zero. over the greater part of the continent, making a new record ",d‘linth as to intensity of cold and for try 3 long continuance. Many district-5_ ll) dis. 3 the States. not in the habit of receivmg in pinch chilly embraces are suffering odi.ltnuch. In Pittsburg, business was al prolllldst suspended for a few days and IPP- lit-hook. were closed. In Georginimd tlu,':oiht't' Southern States, peach trees have been ruined. Cattle in Texas have died by hundreds, and discomfort “""fand sometime death to human beings on Elms resulted. "LI "Our Lady of the Snou’s." is never rut; caught napping however, and no anusm'ious casualties are reported except Htt. We reckon large. fives in many places. to notably in \Vinnipeg and Toronto, ms which may have resulted from extra‘ nt. efforts to "keep warm." Readings,' me j ranging from zero to tio degrees below i ttte are reported from many places, and it? list i is feared, that, owing to heavy snow-3 59-; falls in many places, should a suddenl 'ic/thaw come before ice-hound rivers! open, much flooding may result. , at CAatEnos.--At the residence of her’healthinsurauce, by keeping the blood mother Mrs. May Cameron, Euclid pule with Hood's Sampsulla. is still Avenue. Toronto, on Jan 30. I”, better. Mise Flora Cameron. formerly of o. i' """Cr-""-rtt-------r-r----rr- The railways here and there hate 2 during the yeat 83,808.081, 3" that we suffered severely. and delays of a day in drew on our cash balance during the some cases have occurred. Our own year to the extent of 3155528. In WP line has been fortunate in this respect. , timating for the year we kept in mind, Conductor Lavelle and his gang having ; of course, the pleasing fact that we had succeeded in making regular trips, and ; this catrh balance exceeding 8600,000 on on one occasion at least running to 1 which in CNN) of emegency. we might Stratford in place of the Wiarton train. , draw. It tnuire, very gratifyingto the On our northern lines in such weather. 1 whole House to know that " closed the work of train hands is of a. decided. i the year with a credit cavrh balance in ly sewn, character and should be our banks amounting to 34mm. specially vewarded. '; Leaving out of consideration our __,-H-.,~ __.. future railway obligations. the present BORN. 'value of which is shown In the public Dorarws.--in Berkely, on January 29, to accounts.it will be seen that our SUP. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dodds, a. daughter. plus of assets at the .end of the year vEssrE'--mene1sr, on Feb. 6th. 1899, to over all our liabilities amounted to Mr. and Mrs, lnhn \r...-:.. .. m... 34,38,079, BORN. Domws.--in Berkely, on January 29, to Mr. and Mrs. wut. Dodds, a. daughter. vEssrE'--mene1sr, on Feb. 6th. 1899, to Mr. and Mrs. John Vessie, a sun. To-dny. Monday. the frost-king has yielded a little, hut the way the wood piles have come down for a week back, has .. been " caution." as the boys say. Dr. Gun, who has kept the meteor-f ological station since its institution] never before recorded 30 degrees below; zero. and on several days even at 2; p. m., his instruments read zero orl below ir. A FitmsTANTIAr.GAIN. ‘l was very weak and hardly nhlv to walk, My hlnml was thin and I was as pale as death. Being told about Hood's, Samp- m-illn l hegan taking it and III a few mnnths I had gained twenty pounds in Weight. [kept on with it untill I was as well as ever." ArthuvNills. Bree. don. Ont. Hood’s Pills cure nausea. headache, Mr. J. A. Wilson of Droumre is in town this week seeking to arrange for the erection of a cremnery here, and has called a. meeting of farmers for Friday night of this week. 7 o'clock. in the town hall. All farmers at. all interested in their own welfare should attend to heat. the matter discutmed.--Flesher ton Adv. Mr. ll. Nilmno, J. P.. ovganizer for the Suns of 's'eothutd Sm-iety, is expect- ed in town next, Monday to do gome miwsiunm'y work ill the intervut of the Sucioty which is at, present in a ttourishiug state. He purposes spend- ing most, of the week. _ Miss Nellie Swallow returned to Tor. onto last week, after spending a month or two at her home here. Rev. Joseph Stewart, Rocltestee, son of Rev. Alex. Stewart of this town, vimvd his father and other friends last week. He was billed to pveach in Ittun. iltun nu Sunday. MISS Emma Slatcher left Saturday fur London to attend the millinery openings. Miss Ada Horn, of London, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. John Darling. Muss Ferguson, of Proton, was the guest of Miss Jessie Burnet, last week. Messrs. G. Hughes and C. Lavelle. drove to Markdale carnival night and had quite an experience getting back In zero weather. Mas“. J. A. Hunter. Davidson. IV. Lauder and Dr. Park attended the As. sembly in Cbesley last, week. Messrs. Jun, Vollett and Ewing Buch- an visited Owen Sound last week. MissJonttie Newell and Miss M. E. Turnhull, of Rocky Saugeen. visinted friends in Priceville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brown are visit. ine friends in Hopeville this week. I. Where her rennin: Gen in. So Degrees below Zero. THE COLD WAVE. -..- We commenced the year With a credit cash balance amounting to $605,849. Our total reserve for the year was i$3.647.353. We expended altogether iduring the yea: 83,808.081, so that we 'drew on our cash balance during the year tothe extent of $155,723, Ines. timating for the year we kept in mind, (, of course, the pleasing fact that we had [ this cash balance exceeding 8600,000 on (which in case of emegency. we might , draw. It mustbe very gratifyingto the Emmont minutes ctowded oat this week. Will appear next way. _ New Legislation is promised to pro- vide increased revenue to take the place of the reduction from crown lands, which is to be “fair and equitable." The expenditure is largely for Edu- cation, which no one asks to have weak. ened for agricultural advancement, for Public Institutions, which are much more economically managed that al- most anywhere else, 87,500 were grant- ed to sufferers by the in various locali- ties, .nd the cost ot legislation and some minor items make up the bill. We append n. paragraph from the Prov. Ttensurer's summing up '. However regrettable this may appear to our Conservative friends, it is but an incident in business, and when It is renm-mhcred that, during the year two extra expenditures, one ot 87fi,000 for revision of the statutes, (done only once in 10 years) and 880,000 for general electionstouce in fnnr years) came to- gethev, it will be seen that the slim-Luge is more than wiped out and eoniirtns one in the conviction that the Pruvinrv is in good hands. l While the receipljof the your exceed. icd the estimate the fell below 1897 by 8492,Wi,butin one department, alone. ’(h‘own Lands, the falling " was 84%.- nos. Thus the total difrtitstre is more than accounted for by this one Item, and the rvduction here is caused by 'recent legislntinn to safeguard "ur timber interests and was expected. Where did all this money go? The total veceiprs were $3,647,353, the total expenditure 83,tO2,9t1. Are we in debt then ? By nu means. Ontario has " comfortable hank account, and it has been drawn upon for difference. I From the sale of annuities 8P28,t17, a lless amount than on any previous I oceasion. This is a special receipt, ap- plied to a special purpose. the petite. 1' Inth of a railway aid cvttiticate Inatul - {ling last year. This feature of shifting l obligations is attacked by the opposition wand certainly, where possilsl" to meet 1 the vailway aid payments out, of ordin- [ ary revenue is a very desirable course. l This has been done in 5 yrs. since 1881, and the justification of the system is found in the fact that, while since 1884 the sale of Annuities has netted the government over 82,000.000. the aid to railways in the same tintel has been over 3,000,000 and forl much needed public buildings over 8lr,760,000, The railways and the buildings are a benefit to posterity. M well as ourselves and the postponement of these debts fora few years enables the burden to be Cui/tli: distributed. Casual revenimin .mmounted to Lifts insurance is a. good thing but $116111). From succession dunes there was re- ceived 8206.011), Liquor Licenses produced *276,000, a. decrease cf 813,000, which is explained by the fact that fewer licenses are now being issued, about 100 less in 1898 than in 1897. The Crown Lands gave a. revenue of ! $1,112,582, $102,000 beyond the estimate. _ The Dominion subsidy, over a million dollars is the same of course, Interest dining 185.8 amounted to owr 3304.000, neatly $60,000 more than last year. The great bulk of this if from monies held in trust by the Dominion for Ontario. The receipts ot the year exceeded the estimates by 8tB8,000, and this is a. con- stantly recurring experience. and a. gratifying one, DURHAM, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16. 1899. This, the most interesting feature of provincial sessions, was “brought down ' last week, and Treas. Harcourt has madea showing of which no Treasurer need be ashamed, -. THE BUDGET. t --Wetgt Huron, toulay, Tuesday, nominates candidates for the Commons ivacancy. Mr. Robt. Holmes of the >Clinton News:Erais the Liberal can: didate and while able on his own lbehalftoput up agood fight, he is to be assisted by Ministers Patterson and Forte. Onthe other hand, the re: doubtable leader of the opposition, Sir Curie, Tapper, has promised to assist the Conservative aspirant. JV B. MoCellnmof Peieley, is also in thd thiekofthe fight for.Bbltmm end " eloquence willbee teeter leading tb" " --The Queen is being petitioned by the English National Protestant Union _itoadopt measures to "preserve the .‘nation" from falling back into what . is alleged to be the practices of the ' Church of Rome. The High Church ', party have without doubt been de. parting from the lines laid down by F the national establishment to such an lextcnt as to cause a distinct cleavage , ' in the church. This cleavage is bound l to appear in parliament, as long as i the church is state supported, and the gravity of the situation lies in this fact. It is felt by many that the present agitation is the beginning of the end, tlze end being the complete separation ot'ehurch and state. it is bound to [come betorc long. With a great body (of nonconformists in both England and l Scotland. giving evidence of progress and spiritual life without the buttress‘ of State support, it is impossible butI that the spilit ot British fair play should assert itself, and put upon an equality all forms of religious belief or practice. The church of England is a' venerableinstitution. Giving it con-l tinuity beyond the Reformation, it is older than even the Monarchy of England itself. More than once or‘ twice in the "island story" it has stood for freedom against the tvranny ot rulers. and its ministrations have in past times been often national bene. factors. Notsoelways, however, and notso now, exclusively. The time is ripe fora change, and the twentieth century will not be very old before all religiousbodies in the British empire will stand tree from the state, and will not be less so but rather more so, workers for Him who said ' 'My King- dom is not of this world. " The Government is torn between love and duty. It does not want. to turn down the tobacco growers of Essex county, who last year produced 88,000- 000 pounds of tobacco, nor does it want to lose the ten-cent duty on unmann- factured leaf imported, or the 25-eent duty per pound additional on the manufactured article. Yet one the. other it must. do. The \Vestern grow- ers have asked for a. til-cent: per pound duty on foreign, and the Government fears to grant it, thinking it will in- crease smuggling and knowing it will seriously cmbnrms the manufacturers. _Ex. - Dated at Mount F orest, the mu day of February A. D. 1899. R. O. KILCAMHt, Solicitor for the Executor. Executor Will not he responsible for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received at, the time of such dcstrilsution. their Christian names. surnames. ad- dresses, and deacription. and particulars with proof of their claims, statements. and accounts and the natule of the se- curity (if any) held by them. And fur- ther take notice that after the said 15th day of March A. D. 1899 the said Ex- ecutor of the said Estate will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the persons entitled thereto. hav- ing regal-d only to such claims of which notice has been received, and the said 15th Day of MARCH, A. o., IS”. Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of of Ontario 1897 notice is hereby given that all person or persons having claims or accounts against the said Peter Clark Moody are to send by ttrail postage ple- p dd or to deliver it to Robert Ommton Kulgour. at his ofhee in the town of Mt, Forest, in the County of Wellington, Solicitor for Colin McMillan of said Township of IilRretuont the Executor of i the said deceased, on or before the t In the matter of the Estate of Petri- Clark Moody, late of the Township of Egromont, in the County of Greg, Ymman. Deceased. Notice to Creditors. O0. no-.. We take this opportunity of thanking our customres for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system vull merit, a continuance of the Fame. i'llillili'nllxes Cash Aiiiiiiibsrsisterxxn, " "Large Sales & Small Profits." , Cutters; ) Stoves Dun-haul. Aug. 9th. " Our Piano and Organ trade is fjrmly established. Best makes. Purest tones. Do you. vymt 9. Sewing Machine? at? the New Will.isotte-- Highest rice , . for Wood an exchange for g o. -UcKIIIOI. AT At prices that will surprise. ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be UPPER TOWN IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS. _lii1re betttpfntorm our Custom.. CI L GRAN T C. gdlUNNON'f1 iltgiittt). R U Pleased R U Satisfied ADOPTED BY TORONTO With the Boots you are wearing ? Are they comfortable? or do they give you cams? If you are not. then call call and get your footwear from Grant and you will be pleased. With the Tea you are drinking ? If you are not CALL AT GRANTS and get your Tea from him and you will be. " G. & J. McKECHNIE. of all kinds, Cutters and Sleighs of the best quality and at prices away down. COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES, BOX STOVES . McKechnie. WHOLE N0. 1092. D

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