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Durham Review (1897), 16 Feb 1899, p. 6

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a tl Wm .. _ a----------.--, --_- Thar Earl of Elgin, former Viceroy nf India. ha. been appointed aKnight Ths, Duke of York will command the British squadron which will receive the American ships in June. Preparations are being and. in Eng- land for the 300th anniversary of the birth of Cromwell, which occurs on April M. GREAT BRITAIN. The Earl of Lindsey In dead. Lord Hallam Tennyson. son of the [no poet, has been appointed Gonnor d South Australia. The return: of British imports of dairy produce last you show that out of a total of 2.287.166 curt. of cheese imported, Canada sent 1,481,781 ewt., the United States 474.995 ewt., and Holllnd 292.825 cwt. On all qualities Canadian cheese rules from 2 to 8 shill~ Inga higher than American. Our exports of butter to the British market for the year were 150,865 cwt.. as against 100.402 cwt. in 1897. and 88.357 in Pam Railway in bond. Trains are now running from Skagway to nearly the Canadian Border, and as soon as the line reaches Canadian Torritory a neaIAd. car will he placed. on the route to carry Canadian bonded shipments from Skagway some. the disputed trip. Seventeen of the convict: concerned in the recent mutiny at the Kings- ton Penitentiary have bean com- mitted to the prison of isolation tor can you. and fifteen of them have had their light: taken trom them tor one mouth. It is also said that all the Convicts concerned in the revolt will lose their rtaniaaion " trood-eonduet time. The custom department la com- pleung arrangements tor the 'att,', at trotda..to my Yukon our the Wit to Several deaths have occurred re- cently in Kingston Penitentiary from epinal meningitis. Medical authorities have recently discovered that the dis.. eaue frequently originates from a germ inoculated into the' system through imperfect Ventilation or the unsani- tary condition of public institutions. Mental worry is frequently the cause of the complaint. mm a recent appointment by sending to his house twelve promissory notes for 3.30 each. and requesting him to no- cept the money tor his vole. New Westminster has a balance of 051,000 on hand of charitable funds u- ter all distress occasioned by the great fire has been relieved. and the city now has a bill before the Legislature of British Columbia to empower the cor- poratlon to spend the money in public works and thus provide work for the needy. Mr. George Hague, who has managed the affairs ot the Merchants' Bank for twemy-two years. has handed over his duties to the joint manager. Mr. Fyshe. Mr. Hague is still attached to the bank in an advisory capacity. Aid. may of Momma] declares that an attempt was made by two civic snafu-yea» to brilehiru in connection Owing to the grippe epidemic, the Kingston penitentiary hospital is so overcrowded the new south wing had to be turned into service to accommo- date the convict patients. The Cataract Power Company has declined to fix the price for power for Hamilton. but otters to give cheaper electric. light if a ten years' contract is signed. The proposal to establish a military organization at McUlll University. is again being discussed, and it now looks as it the scheme would be " accom- plis’hed tact before very long. '1'. G. Owen. a young Ottawan, 22 "an: of age and son at Mr. Owen, uccoumum of the Marine Department. is reported to have made a fortune in the Yukon. to the Yukon. -Tho oiiaGCGiisd.ii- ties are lamina the issue of permits to the Territorial authorities. J. E. Burden. master mechanic at the Trail, B.C., smultpr, has been kill- ed by an electric shock. while repair- ing the switchboard. Complaints have reached Ottawa of the extensive impggtation of liquor in- Henderson’s directory for Winnipeg places Aha population of Winnipeg at ”.000, an increase of 4000 or 5000 over last year. Hon. Col. McMillan. Provincial Tram! nuror of Manitoba. has returned to) Winnipeg from the Southern States.[ restored to health. I The Council of Arts and Industries at Quebec, has opened a night class for the making of patterns of boots And shoes. Mr. NN illiam Webb of Binbrook wal thrown out of his waggon and killed while driving to Hamilton with a load of “cod. Winnipeg dread: has signs or grant activity in building circles and real oatatts during the coming anmmet. The temperance people of Hamilton will petition the City Council to reduce _tttntunrossr of tavern licenses from 75 The outlook for the lumbering busi- ness in the Ottawa valley next season In promising. They have already begun to teach the Doukhobors English at Winnipeg. A largo vein of hematite iron has been discovered to the north of Wabi- There will not be any military tour- nament in Toronto this year. The twentieth century begin. Jun» Iry l, 1901. Vancouver Cutholica will build a $60,000 church. Sanford offers 895,000 for the local water-works plant. J. T. Middleton has been uppointedl mum at Wentworth. It wilt cost $157,000 to run the thun- Hton schools this your. m WORLI'I """ OF INTEREST bureaus; Happenings ot Ron-t Bqte--Th. Low! New: " Our Own Co-trr-oo) In the Mother I-d-What Is Going on I. the United states-Notes Pro- a. Wall The News Briefly Told CANADA. The first seals of the season have been observed off Cape Bonnviata, Newfoundland. The sealing steamer- are preparing tar their annual hunt. A civic employe at Paris named Otr. ina found a package of 't00,000 worth of securities in the main sewer, and gave it up to the authorities. There are 40,000 beggars. 10,000 of whom no soldiers, in: the City of Ma.. drid, and the authorities tear an out- break of lawlessness and crime. Rioting is resulting from widespread distress among the native: of Bae- badoea. Owing to famine in Persia, murder and highway robbery is frequent, and the Shah has had his body guard in- creased. There has been a recurrence of land- slides at Airolo in the Alps, and the St. Gotham tunnel is threatened with destruction. A plot tor the wholesale murder of policemen has been discovered at Leg- horn, near Florence. Many Anarch- ists have been arrested. Twenty children are reported to have been drowned by anice disaster at the Village of Warpuhnen-Boirhein, East Prussia. l, At a meeting of the Liverpool branch ;of the Royal National Lifeboat Insti- tution, it was announced that the exe- , cutors of the late Mr. E. C. Baines, of ', Liverpool and Cairo, had given £10,000 ito the institution. l There is talk in London of putting ! the practice of spiritualism on a simi- flar footing with the practice of medi- ( vine, and to provide for the fermal In- ', Bl ruction and licensing of mediums cap- ;able of conducting orthodox seancea. Snow is reported us general through- out Central and Southern 2r"/t,a, and Alabama. In Atlanta near y tour in.. Chess tell on Saturday. The. inche- has fallen at Columbus and other points in South Georgia, and about two inches u Macon and Montgomery, Ala. Tom Salmon, former prealdent of Red Lodge Miners' Lnlon, who killed Superintendent Connor, of the Rocky Fork coal mine, for discharging him, was hanged at Red Lodge, Mont., on Friday. Salmon was 3 well known labour leader in several North-Weat- ern States. Because of continued failing health Mrs. J. Myers, a wealthy visitor from Pittsburg, aged about fifty, commit- ted suicide by jumping into the ocean from the and of Young's pier. Atlantic City, on Monday. The Medico-Legal Society of New York has adopted resolutions urging the release of Mrs. Maybrick trom prison in England. and has appointed a committee to memorialize the A trained bird belonging to the singer, the late Miss Emma Thursby, New York, and valued at 810,000. is the latest victim of the grip in Goth- am It spoke in five languages. The West Shore Railway is to be absorbed by the New York Central sys- tem. Rev. Dr. Charles Seymour Robinson, the Presbyterian divine and well- knnwn writer of hymns, is dead at New York. Sixty-seven cadets " Chester, Pa., were poisoned, presumably from eat- ing badly preserved oold-atoraga turkey. Twenty thousand pounds has been subscribed during the past year for the East London Church fund. The Bishop Stepuea, speaking at a meet- ing at Bourneouth, sand that this was a record sum for one year's col- lectian. A party of German settlers, number- ing 100, will leave Indiana to settle in the North-went Territories in April. Thomas Sprague is dead at Rossville, Staten Island, of hydrophobia, He was bitten by a dog a month ago. The North-western Chronicle, of St. Paul, says Archbishop Ireland, now in Rome, is to be made a cardinal. UNITED STATES. Electricity will take the place of steam on the Manhattan Elevated Railroad, New York. The North Dakota law now requires a residence of one year before a " vorce can be secured. The employers in the cotton trade throughout Lancashire, excepting the Bolton district, have received applies- tions for an advance of wages varying from 6 to 10 per cent. Sir T. F. Buxton, Bart., G. q. M. G., has accepted the office of preeideut of the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, vacant since the death of the late Mr. Arthur Pease, M. P. Hornser District Council has resolv- ed to build tio houses at Hitthgats, Ie', London, at a cost of £15,500. lbs rents are to run from 55 (id to 8a 6d a weak, and each house wiil have 50 [eat of garden. Cambridge University greatly lacks funds, and an assocmtion has been formed to aid it. The Duke of Devon- shire has Riven 850.000 and the Roths- child's firm 850,000, A number of Montreal capitalist- havo Icquirod n tyufrinttrts.t. In the gold properties of the Bullion Gold Mining Company of the Lake of the Woods district. The will of the late Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild left 825,000 to "my .fraeyd Herbert Wilson." There are two in London , & quandary. The Duke of Devonshire and Baron Nathaniel Meyer de Rothschild have subscriber] £10,000 each to the Cam- bridge Endowment University fund. 1.t in announced in London that u 031mm 5 per cent. nilway loan of 897,500,000 has been arranged, IDO- onally secured on Chinese railways. The strike of the Clyde seamen ha- collapeed. the Ihipownera having been alglo to find crew: for their vessels without difficulty " current rates. What would unarmed eiyiuyuion do against armed barbarism? Is one of Lord Roberta' comments on the Guys disarmament proposal. The appointment of Lieutenant- General Sir Francis W. Brenton to ho a Renard on the staff to command the troops in Malta. in gazetted. of the Garter in place of the late Duke of A'orthurnberuitd. Several tine elm trees in the colo- brated Long Walk at Windsor have been condemned as numb. and are coming under the an. GENERAL. executors are in l The Ontario Government lhas decid- ged upon re-arranging the system of ( payment of fees of some of the Surro- gate Court officers, and in the fol- _ lowing way, annually: Judge Hughes, . Elgin, 8681 ; Judge Barron, Perth, 8873; Ju-tgi- Elliot, Middlesex, 3229; Judge Doyle, Huron, 854. Judge Monck of Wentworth gets the surplus of fees over amount paid to Surrogate judge, provided that that sum does not ex- ‘cend 8666; and Judge Mosgrnve of Carleton receives a. like amount. FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB. Mr. Davis, laid on the table Inspector Chamberlain's twenty eighth annual report of the Belleville Institute tor the Deaf and Dumb, also the twenty- amventh annual report of the Brantford Institute for the Blind. The reports are. for the year ending September, 1818. In the first-named report, that of the Institute for the Deaf and Dumb, the inspector recommends the erection of an addition to the present building to meet the urgent necessity for increasing school accommodation, and for a ping-room and gymnasium. It is also recommended that the number of years for the course of tuition be in- creased, and that aoompulsory law be enacted requiring the attu1danear, of all deaf and dumb children in the pro- vince. Admission to tho institution should. he says. be free to all such children residing in the Province of Ontario. The number of pupils on the roll at the and of the year was Mo, viz., 144 boys and 118 girls. There wee only one death during the your. and the health of the pupils was uniformly good. The total cost of maintenance for the year was 844,887.22, as compared with $45,282.70 for 1897. The weekly cost per pupil in '97 was 88.M.0, and in '98 83.22; the yearly cost in '97 being “7022.6. and in '98, 8167.48.9. The av- erage attendance of pupils in T7 was 266. and in '98, 268. In the report of the Brantford In.. stitute for the Blind the inspector states that there are 126 inmates, 64 boys and 62 girls. There is urgent ne- cewsity. he states, for increased ac- oommodation especially to the girls' side of the institution. The total cost of maintenance in 1898 was 333.9915; weekly coat of each pupil per week, 6.00.7; yearly cost per pupil 0260.38. The figures for the preceding year were, total, '82,782O'r; each pupil per week, 84.925; yearly "(mt per pupil, $256.11. Detailed statements by Prin- niml Dnnond end other; dealing with the year's work. are included in the re- port. I A big grist of petitions were present-. ed during Wednesday's session of the ‘House. Among them was one from the iCounty Council of the United Counties .01 Stormont. Dundas, and Glengarry, I asking for the framing of a model and ,uniform by-law regulating the use of public thoroughfares and pathways on irural roads by wheolmen. The wheel- 'men of Ontario am watching all mat- l ters affecting them with great interest, .and will be heard when legislation as (to .the wheel is proposed. Several [petitions asking for legislation making markets all over the province free to [all farm produce were presented. A [petition from Carleton County Council asks that legislation be enacted giv- ling County Councils the power to ap- lpoint their own Constabulary. Mr. Brower, of East Elgin, has some changes to propose to the Education Act. The law provides that a Beth. ond teacher is required in schools of 50 pupils. He asks that the number he raised to 60, and that the rate- payers' permission be required before an addition is made. He also asks for amendments so that among the ten men who form the Board of Education to control the Public school examina- tion. three mast be Public school in- spectora. Hon. J. T. Garrow has given notice of a bill to amend the Assessemnt Act. The object is to require the sale of lands for taxes to be advertised for a poraod of 13 weeks, in order that ample notice may be given to everybody con- earned. One of the many railway companies which will ask for incorporation this session is the Nickel Range Railway. It will run from the Sault Ste Marie branch of the CPR. in the Town- ship of Graham, and will run northerly through the Township of Creighton, to a point at or near the main line of the C.P.R. Mr. Carnegie will make an attempt to have the Game Law amended. He will ask that settlers be allowed to shoot deer one week before and one week after the close season. , FARMS IN A TOWN. The town of Exeter is asking per- mission to assess vacant lands in the corporation as farm lands. One of the most Important of the bills which will be introduced during the present session will be one to ex- tend the operations of the San Jose Scale Act. It provides for inspection of nurseries, and a careful survey of all nursery stock. GAME LAW CHANGES. Mr: Davis-Bill Vto iunend the prison an_d_ asylum inspection act. _ Mr. iearr-Bifi to amend the registry act. FUNDS OF THE PROVINCE. Hon. Mr. Harcourf delivered his bud- Aiso-.iilil respecting voters’ lists in uqqrgapizsd territories. this Attornercrenerai-Biti respect- ing the moneys of infants and others in {he High Court. - __ - notes of Proceedings in the Local Parliament. DEBATE ON THE ADDRESS. Contrary to the practice in many previous sessions, the debate on the ad- dress only occupied one sitting of the Legislature. It began in the afternoon and ended about 9.80 at night. In ad- dition to the mover, Mr. Samuel Rus. sell, of East Hastings, and seconder Mr. F. If. Pardee, of West Lambton, of the address, Mr. Whitney and the At- torney-General were the only speak- ere. THE NICKEL RANGE RAILWAY. ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. The following notices were handed SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES. TO SAVE THE FRUIT TREES. BRANTFORD INSTITUTE NOTICES OF MOTION. THE SCHOOL ACT JUDG ES' FEES ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO t A comparative statement shows that in 1898 the expenditure was 88,808,081, as against $8,767,675 in the previous year. The receipts of 1898 were $3,647,353, as compared with 84,139,817 the previous year. The great reduc- tion was in the Crown Lands Depart- mont, where the revenue fell from 81,595,869 to 81,100,589. hd?tr01ATES FOR THE YEAR. I The estimates were also placed on 1thc table at the. Legislature yesterday A hey provide for expenditure amount- ling to 88,409,507,78. Of this amount 83,172,401.34, is on account of current expenditure; 8hl,875.39, is on refund account, and $214,231; on capital ac- count. The amount required for the different departments is as follows: A'ivii government $233,185; legislation, $103. SOO; administration of justice, 1//'ihll'.,1 education, $730,862; public 'institutions (for maintenanoeo' $805,- 782: immigration, 87,Wrr; agriculture, 4104.217; hospitals and charities. 8182,- Mli', maintenance and repairs of Gov- ornment and departmental buildings, $17,510; public buildings (repairs,, $10.- v860; public works (repairs): $21,401; charges on Crown lands, 8186.975; miscellaneous expenditure. 0127.000. and unforeseen and unprovided, 850,- ‘t000. Total, $8,172,461, CIVIL GOVERNMENT INCREASE. There is an increase in the estimates for civil government of $5,357. as com- Ipared with last year. and the follow- ling items also appear: Lieutenant- lGovernor's office, increase 8600; At- ;torney-General's Department. increase .1305; Department of Education, de icrease 82: Crown Lands, decrease .1,- -720; Public Works, decrease 88,450 l iTreasury Department. increase 8100; lProvincial Board of Health, decrease 8176; Provincial Secretary, decrease 81,225; public institutions, decrease O50; insurance branch, decrease 850; Department of Agriculture, increase .150; Department of Immigration, de-1 l crease .150; miscellaneous account. da- l lorease 860. _ l Following are the. sums asked for puhlie works:-Ahlti and Burnt River Works, $6,458; Lake of the Woods. .4.- 000; Star Lake. 8400; to remove ohatruv- tions from navigable streams, $750; maintenan'te of locks. dams, ete., at mu and Port Carling, 813.500. Re- votes were given to Otonabeo river, 8295; Talbot river, 80C0; bridge norms Mnduwaska. river at Burnstown, " ')60; Payne river, improvement of bed ot stream. 84.000; improvement of bed The newly formed Fisheries Depart- ment is estimated to cost $25,300, while for 1898 it was 86,000. A contribution to the Victorian Order of Nurses is placed It 82,500. to be expended in New Ontario, There is an increase of near- ly $10,000 asked for the maintenance of public buildings. An increase of $30,000 to repair public buildings is lsked to be thus expended :--Aarlums, at Toronto, 8535; Mimico, $2,580; Lon- don, 'TMO; Hamilton, $8.350; Kings- ton, 84,000; Brockville, $6,805; Idiots, Orilliu. 82,800, Central Prison, 85,300; Rtrfornsatory, at I‘enetanguishene. 3700; do., Females, Toronto, 88,000; Deaf and Dumb Institute, Belleville, 81,43); Blind, Brantford, 84,lLo5; Agricultural College, Guelph, 84,110; Education De- partment Toronto, 82,000; Normal whom. Ottawa, .51); Normal school. London, $16,000; School of Practical Spence. Toronto, Carr, Origami“ Hull $600; New Parliament buildings, 8'2,400. The sum at 87,000 is asked for ex- pean in the elections, and 01,000 for expenses in contested elections. Gra- tuity to the daughters of the late Alex. Grant, 1ysgoodo Hall, 825.200; gratuity to the estate of the late Principal Kirkland of the Toronto Normal school. 82,500; gratuity to the estate of the late. Prof. Panton, Agricultural College, additional, 'l,800; gratuity to C. G. Horetzeky, Public, Works Do- partment, t1,100; gratuity to S. G. ()‘Gredy. Public Works Department, 01,060; gratuity to tho widow of the late Aaron Singlet. mining inspector, In only two oaeee wee there " in- crease in revenue over 1897. These were in intéreat from all capital held and due by the. Dominion, 860,000, and in the Department at Education, 83.- 057. The net decrease amounted to $501,935. being principally in the Woods and Forests, where the falling off amounted to $315,951. The other de- Dream‘s were:-Interait on insrestmero $4,374; Crown Lands, 850.413; rent, “04,412; licenses. 812.6%; law stamps, $2,698; eucoession duly. $22,683 casual revenue, $193.76; public institutions, 88,592. York County yielded more in eucaeesion duties than any other county, contributing 069,073. the prin- oipal amounts being $23,659 from the estate of Sir Cusimir Gzowski, $21,500 from the estate of Robert Hamilton, and $12,240 fromthat ot John Akilson; John shi:Ils, 84,5CO. Thé Central; Pri- sou cost '.i89,.577,88 during the Fear, and the receipts trout that institution amounted to $100,885.15. Following are the expenditures:-. Consolidated revenue fund-Civil gov- ernment, $152,988; legislation, $165,189; administration of justice. 8486.276 gedu- cation, 8735.998; public institutions ,sintenanoe.'815.744; immigration, 87,- maintenance, .8153“; immigration, 87.- 108; agriculture, “06.688; hospitals and charities, $184,402; repairs and main- tenance. public buildings, 079,781; looks, dams, etc., 88,972; colonization roads, $107,454; surveys. inspections, etc., ”all; charges Crown Lands, .162.- 395; refunds, 827,199; statutes consoli- dated, 843,851; miscellaneous. 8218.302; gsplegs account, $349,866; total. 08.303.- _-r'""'- I Inmil. 'HIV'IUL ' Law stamps, $57,284; Education Department, 859,573; successiun duty, 8506.184; cas- ual revenue, “06,569; sale of lands, $12,290; public institutions, 894,113; Algoma taxes, $4,133; open accounts, $188,971; total, 83,647,353. THE EXPENDITURES. _ -- _-__ -- -__-- 'vv'v-‘VOVI “an Vulv.‘ 000 on a special deposit account. The receipts were as tollows--Contsolidat- ed revenue tund-Dominion of Canada, $1,196,872; interest on capital, ete., 8304.060; Crown Lands Department. 81,100,539_: licenses. $276,761; law PUBLIC WORKS EXPENDITURE get speech on Thursday. The public accounts this year consists ot a book of 497 pages. considerably larger than former years. In these extra pages is given more detail of the revenue and expenditure of the province. THE REVENUES. The revenue: from all sources dur.. ing 1898 mounted to W,6i7,858m, while the expenditure totalled 03,8u3,- 081.83, showing a deficit of $155,728.;9. At the beginning of the year the Treas- urer had on {and $95,849.54 and 8510,- FISHERIES DEPARTMENT Thr rebels, raided Kueitu. and while sea-mm] hundred children under the care of Roman Catholics were on their way down the river. thor were seized and drowned. loveml Hindi-rd 'Fed by "t'ottse V . bolus and "Howard. A deapateh from Vancouver saysz~ The Empress of China brings advicm; m the effect that Central China is tseeth- ing with discontent. Rahal Yu-Man- Tze is reported to be on the road again}, am! to have clptured two French mmnonanel. Ion-led Ponce .40qu Ibo Dangers of Tun-I " now-ml. The North-West Mounted Police have cut a road through the country a! Thirty-mile on the Yukon which makes travel to 3nd from Dawson far low dangerous than heretofore. Thirty-mile ‘ is one of the worst places: on the river, i and owing to the rapid current tlt" water seldom freezes over entirely, and several outfits have been lost at this point. The new road cuts across country and saves seven miles of bad travelling. _ pretty. She Is a descendant ofthe an- cient clan of Chisholm, which taught so gloriously " Cullodon. Th" cere- mony nu performed by the bride'. uncle, the Rev. Canon Chisholm, of Glasgow. The bridegroom is a big stern mag and looks the typical miner. The chu h was filled mostly with youngsters, who stood upon the benches with mouth. agape eyeing the Klan- diker. MacDonald, who is called the "King of the Klondike," was horn in Non Scotmfand in 45 years of age. Mao- Donald arrived in England shortly be- tore Christmas. He had never eeen the young woman he married. He spent Christmas in London, and afterwards delivered a letter of introduction which he brought with him to Miss Chie- holm's father. He immediately tell in love with the daughetr, and their mar- riage “entranced inthe quickest pol- Iible time. because of MacDonald's [mains- affairs. which necessiteted his lreturn to the Yukon almost immedia to- y. limbo-all. the lilo-all“! Ilium-ll", Well» In London. A denpatoh from London tstyFs.'-isz. MacDonald. a gold miner, of Dawson City, reported to be the possessor of a fortune of 827,000,000, was married to- day in the Roman Catholic church at Brixton to Margaret Chisholm. damfte ter of the superintendent of the Thames water police. By Instruction of the Minister of Agriculture. another such distribution is being made this season. conststtng of sampleu of oats, barley, spring wheat, field peas, Indian corn. and potatoes. These samples will be rent only to those who apply personally. Lists of names from societies or individuals cannot be considered. and only one sample in all can be sent to each up- plicant. Applications should be ad- dressed to the director of Experimental farms, and may be sent any time be- fore the 15th of March, after which date the lists will be closed. so that all mmples asked for may be sent out in good time for sowing. Parties writing will kindl mention the sort of variety they would prefer,and then, should the available stock of the sort asked for be exhausted, some other good variety will be sent in its place. ' “not" of the lxperl-eutel Per-e Send [ In. One tbt-lem. A deepetch from Ottawa, Ont., up: -For the past ten years eyeteinatio ettorte have been made to increase the - returns end to improve the quality of the cereals and other Important term crops grown in Cen- ede by on ennuel distribution tron the Experimental Farm at Ottawa of umpiee of need of the beet end moat productive eorte. These varieties hue been first tented at the Experimentel forms. and only those which have proven to be the very best heve been chosen for thin distribution. The leni- plots sent out have contained three! pounds each, and every precaution has 1 been taken to have the seed in every “ instance thoroughly clean and true to l name. and the packages have been! sent free through the mail. Those? who have received such samples and l, grown them with care have usually i had, It the end of the second year, enough seed to new a large aree, and in this manner careful farmers all over the Dominion have been groan-3 ally replacmg any interior and lerie productive sorts which they had been: growing in the. past With euperior" varieties poueeuing_ grower Vigor. A [of Moitlend river in Elms end adjoin- ing township. “ADO; dredging Cunard river. $5,000. " the above mount: 04.950 represents new votes on capi- tal amount. end 821,401 on repair Ic- count. The estimates for colonization roads are divided as follows: North division. 819,460; west division. 012,750; east division. 822.950; general purposes 826,850. There will be less extrendi- ture in the Crown uncle Department than before. In mining the reduction is $8,120. For mining roads the esti- mates are: Bel/City, and Mine Centre road, 8800; J ackfish Bay and Long Lake road, to extend towards Ursa. Major mine, 8400; mining made in vicinity of Hat Portage, $1,000; Marin-nay and Koimgaming road, conditional, 31,000; New Klondike road, extension, 8700; Lake Webigoon. mining district roads, $1,000. other mining roads, 82,009; mak- ing a total at $6,400. Tr, bride}: 20_yeara_old. 1M very MASSACRE!) THE CHILDREN. A ROAD AT THIRTY-MILES. TRE KING TAKES A WIFE. DISTRIBUTION OF SEEDS. remained there 2N to sickness. and to prooeod to Kay out. than to tNb. prcsent the Brit” a" at the up- proaching naval mvUw in than water- A despuch from Klugllon. Jartrsia, a tc-TN, "than first-class Imm- JD Renown, flagship of [hr Numb Americln And Went Indira 8 uadruu. han boon ordered to xeturn to aermuda tor the purfou of akin; on board' Woo-Admin at: John A. Fisher, wha TO REPRESENT THE BRITISH NA vy Buffalo, Feb. 10.-olpring whml At Firm; ood enqutry; No. 1 hard, til Me. No. l §ortherm 77 l-Str, No. 2 Northerax 753-40. Winter wheat-No. UffurmRO 75c bid on track for No. 2 red. Corn --Eatrier; No. 2 yellow. 89e; No, , .sr'l- low, 8fli-t'as; No. 4 yellow, Mc; No. I com. 380. Oat-Dull and easier; No g white, 84 lo 84t-4e.; No. a While. 3: 1-20; No. 4 white, 82l-2c; No. 2 mixpyk 318 ax No. I mixed, 8,'e "arley--l n changed; firmly meld; sales of Stood mulling. 53c; (lacy Western, 581720 to arrive: and clinic: " 'i8e to arrive "re-ui: No. 2 offered on Huck at tue. Flour-Weak. Detroit, Fob. M.-Wh ot-CIO-i:---) 1 white, mash, 71m; No. 2 red. can 71340; May. 741-40; July. 721-10. Duluth, Fob. Mt.-N%eat--No. lbard, cash, 70 5-80; February, 70 1-11-; May, " IAK, July, " lac; Nu. I Northern, 68 5Aks; February. ml l-2c; May 71 175 July 7] Ide.. Hops L Fair demand. Dealers here oell at 16 to 201:. and are paylng holders, outside, about Mro 18c. Ballad har-The market wilhout change. Strictly choice, cu Iota in quoted at 06.50 to 67.50 per tom and Ne, 2, at " . Minneapolis, Feb 10.--Wheat-Fvlrr) an: 69 3-4c; M31. N to 70 l-Zc. July, 70 5-8 to 70 8-4c; on track. No. 1 hard, 70 3-4.0; No. 1 Northern, 09 31-40: No. 2. Northern, 6734c. Flour-First pat- entu. $8.60 to .3.70; second, do., 83 40 to 83.50; first clean. 8S.60 lo 82va Brrytr-i, bulk. 010.25 to 010.75. 'loner-theady. Round lois, of choice, delivered here, will bring about 51-2 to lie; dealer: quote from 6 to TV per lb, for 10 Clo-lb. tins: and in comb " around 81.25 to .150 not doavn aeo- tions. Straw L. Easy. Car tots no quoted at?!“ to $4.3). on track. Toledo, Feb. 10.--wt---No. 2, cash. " I-ge, asked; Mn). 74 l-2c. bid. Nye -No. g cash. Me. Clover-i-- Prime, "art?., old, 88.60 now. $3.99 1-21: Milwaukee. Feb. 10--Wheat-No. I Northern, 72c; Nu. 2, Go., To I-gc. Ry. --Lower; No. I. tid to 50 l-ge; Barley-- Lowor, No. g, 52 lo 52 8-4c; sample. " 1-2 to Met. Potatoes-Remote fair and prices unchanged. Car lots, on track, are quuled at litrto 580, per bag; dealer. sell out otutore at 60to 700; farmers' loads Hell u Hound so to ion. -qtu--Unestumtred. Choice stock all: " Iranian: to 101-250. PRODUCE. 1s'atra-Markot unchanged. Prices lo- dar held steady. New laid in active dommd. Choice boiling stuck aelhal 19 to 20tt; held fresh 1nd lined u " to 150. Butter-Market in fair shape, and without change an to prices. Chum dairy is active and wanted here. The quotations are u tollowts:-Uairr, tub, poor to medium. 11 to IL'c; choice, 13 to Me; large rolls. " to 150; small dairy, tb. prinu. Lbout 15 to 160; crumbly. tub. and boxes. lit to we; Hrs. 20 to 210, with an occasions! 226 tor tirlect pack- "ef. - BarlesrUAbouGusadr. Ctyr Iota of No. I, outside. as quated at a to 490. Corn-America easier. Canadian yel- low, Chatham, is quoted at Mie bid; Amer-tow yellow, new. is offered at 4:0; I.n_d n_ew. mixed. " 401-20. Otsts-Wirmar. White oats. north Ind west. in on lots, as quoted at 28 1-20 bid and 29 1-20 asked. Re-Sears Car lots. Honk and mm. you " tHe.; and out at 55c. L'tiekwheat-asauoe and stéady. Ob faring. light; out Iota, outside, 48 to 490. Oatmel-8teadr. Car lots of rolled outs. in bags. on track here. are quot- ed at 03.60 per bbl; And in bbls. at 03.70. -- - Peas-ruth" firmer. Car iota, north and west. no wanted st 66o, and out ttt 67e. Millfusd-ticartm; ton lots of bun " the local mills are quoted at .14. and short! at .18; our Jota, middle freight; are quoted It ORA) for bran and 815 fir short.. Lard-Ti-seo, 7o; tubs. ' 1-4 to? r-m mill. TI-t to 28-4ci compound. tr H BREADSTUFFS. ETC. Wheat-The Chicago market clowd higher to-day, nnd cables wore also better. There was t rather better feeling locally. Otterings' of Unlul'io wheat lighgdemnd (lat. Holders uk ah, tor red and white wheat, north and west. and exporter. bid tak. No. 1 Manitoba hard, told u 88 I-as, North Bay. and No. 1 Northern at 80 1-3c. Holders ask 80c for No. 1 hard, Owen Sound and Midland. B'iour-Aéuiet. Exporter. quote " for straight roller. in wood, middle heights. Sales tor local and Quebec "ere no made n ”.10. Smoked tneius-Htuns. heavy, 9 1-2 a to 10c; medium. 10 to 10 1-2e; light, Ho. brouktut bacon, 10 " to no; picnh hams. 7 I-g to 7 M; roll bacon. UH to 8 I-N. Al. moat: out of pickle " lea than price: quoted tur smut“ Quotations no u toiiowtc--Dry sub od Bhouldem, as; long clear bacon. on iota Tc; ton iota and use lots. 71-4 u T l-2c. and back; ll to tii-M. Toronto.' Feb. Mt.-a9re-sd hug shady, Deliveries only fair. On (hi street to-dq (smart loads won troU at Hound 05.25 [or choice iota, and I traction low” for hoary weights. OI the track 0:1"de sold " “.85 to .5 mixed weights, delivered, and atmo- tion higher for select; Provision mar- kat easy. DRESED HOGS AND PROVISIONS MARKETS OF THE WORLD. Prices of Gram. Cattle. Cheese. " In the Leading, lama. iitk DAIRY PRODUCE m Qua-(Io- or 1 Our It: monkey an it appears, as“ M now. It hat ”lament “no: not only in 01in In an the now: ”than: warn u till injudicioua “I; fathers, lent bid to some uteri uligioun fdeiusgt who tom the In mot he trifled wil the lawn- of {In not In thrown a! this Ilaughwr m was of peace aw thing else. l he drama- iunrlt 1 um than all " by monkey. put' however. that ttt at humanity are trouble ll rur/ not? Most of " Hindu pilgnmud iaod by that: red the, not been " memorial, tuni) ouch a crusade [ in no difficult 104 or " Puri, ca trom the town There are ml there wicked u Considerable h by the way. in wept out of es or of the party. to every ctuld I " firm, hidwu tore In. "is-- I scaring muse. ot duolts, and " that, {oilowed Whole puny. t I but, rein-n Village again I It would be I mischief tuakot am part: th page» by aim of ttyes pimp View. iulsum out of 2l I' are. udveue manning an Iconic mins Pundit opiu: thus country most all (In “Wampum lam the all the l'uri "aim of elm in I loading In I loading at medium 'um-rl'c "It In." hays " Orthodox Bde and as (la-y tron it. . . . Tl tor the intervem burn in nettle-m monkey slaugll “rely the time Wonderful m- at by a young lanai Petmeck to Loan a brick a this shot In ”More they dr brtslra earn of HM manner. 1 A Few Par-gnu “or A tautthaut Rollins. ot San than day: Use with only brief physician. [an [ether decided (or ligament. the bun Joaqu lit“. and the 14 girl. complete m el (all Pt um n m Int' {on tw " N u “are, Dill)! a.“ dea' in fl an bl The Igriti in an) on: of t h u ll are bl n n PLAGUE as with I an ended ml. Altho w n n H EM w DWI“ In u at In I: oust Ural dwl rlly h "u Ill Duh

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