West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Feb 1899, p. 7

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aus-Hams, heavy, 91-2 u m. lit to 101-2c; light, Hg on. 10 1-2 to no; picnic o 7 3-1:;tullbacou. 81-4 ' menu out of Put" In as quoted for mat“ lid land for Inland. Provision - Brain. Cattle. Cheese. to he Loading Mam bland nat. Holden! Iii td white when. noth and mutter: bu] tite. No. 1 rd. sold at " I-as, North New om Kingston. Jamaioa. nun first-class butt].- flagship of the North Cii'i)'i Indies Ttfat to return to In“. Fob. Mh--Or.ssed he. juries only fair. On ti. ' farmers loads were loll 525 for choice iota, And I '0! for heavy weights. m mm sold at 84.85 to .5 ht». delivered. and if!» ' firm rel. Ter, lab. 71-4 toT1A T THit BRITISH NAVY e of uking on bottd' lr John A. Haber. who owi‘g to skins. and a, on. than to vo- ritiatt a." " tho up review in I” mm 3003 AND PROVISIONS N. at ed, at " ate Br, Ttt ", on track. No. 1 hard. Northern. ar Me; Na. B-be. Flour-First pat- 3.70; second. do., ”.4. rlerars. .180 to .2.” .1023 to 810.75. "h-wueat-NS thard, 'ebruary. 70 1-21:; Mar. 3 1-2.2 No I Northern. ry, tY l-2c. May 71 " ll OF THE WURLll arcs; mm lots of bran " s are quuLed at .14. and eat lots. middle height; 813.50 for bran and Ill ly PROD! MUFFS, ETC. Chicago market cloud . and cables won a]. '0 was I rather better r. Offerings. of Ontario spud flat. Holden Ink at our Thu market without y “twice. on lots iq to t7.50 per ton; and 'eb If.“ N I tor 2 yellow “d. , r held any r firmer. Car lots. north wanted at titie, and not r. Car his an quoted n truck. demand. Deatesrs hem "r. and are paying about ltto 180. ad , m t “H an IAe In and can low. at; 8 to B 1-4. It; a: " “U " it I Mh--9pr Dull Exporter. quote " at. to wood, middle (or local and Ombeo " W heat W hi Iota " tio h tb nu md lors, ofehoie bting about 'ra ‘um 15 to 7e per lb, and in comb " par dozen aeo- " ll , i my ' 8the; No. 8 yel- low. Me; No. ' and easier; No. ho. 3 'ttite, SI 2ct; No. 1 mixed, e "arlesr--Uo. '. Sales of cool Western, MI-N at 38c to arrivo ‘rm! on track nt OI! lite oats. north s, are quoted " the”) at 80 I-a. No. 1 hard, lhmn on my, 72140 east w he 70 News '-Drr ult- rieur bacon. a! ‘ing wheat 1 hard, 81 " u. .’ Northern. .No. offering. 2 red. Corn -Clo-r.-No. 2 rod. cash. "" i. Prices to. lh non h Ind a t 55c. Men dy . m. im activo K aells at I. out an " to "at- Febn. Iri'a' ; Auir. It have. and "A. Chow. here. The hairy. tub. twice, 13 to mall dairy. creamy, uund. 5 " n bid. ttrd a stool Me Bid; ed at 4205 dealers farmers' Iota " I " to t pal. price. , It. Ti-4 to oe.. to no Queue- of Their Imam 0-0 “I Ink. The monkey slaughter question has, It appears, assumed a serious aspect just now. It has cauud considerable excitement among orthodox Hindus not only in Orissa and Bengal, but as far as the news has travelled. We sexiously warn the authorities against this injudicious proposal of the Puri city fathers, lest the question should load to some serious consequences. The religious feelings ot orthodox Hindus. who form the majority in India, can- not be tritled with in this matter, and the lessons of the Benares riots should not be thrown away. We are against this slaughter more for the mainten- ance of peace and order than tor any- thing else. lhe massacre of the qua- diumana itsel! in s tar uglier nuis- ance than all the mischiel committed by monkeys put together. It may be, however, that these so-called ancestors of humanity are giving a good deal of trouble " Puri; but where do they not: Most ot the principal seats of Hindu pilgrimage are literally colon- ized by these restless brutes. but have they not been tolerated trom timeim- memorial, and has there ever been such a crusade against them? " it is so difficult to put up with any long- er at Puri, cannot they be banished from the town rather than killed! There are villages at Bengal where these wicked creams-ea sometimes do considerable harm to villagers, who, by the way. instead of having them swept out of existence catch the lead- er of the party, with A process known to every child in Bengal, and, painting his face hideously, hold I mirror be- fore his eyes-thes village chapsmade a scaring noise, WWII tuaromptustmentts ot dhols, and cgusuaur-with the result that, followed preoipately by the wuule party, the heroic captain beats a hunt, retreat, never to return to the willigc again in his life. _ - It would be tar better to have these mischief makers deported to some dis. tant parts than endangering public peace by shocking the religious feelings of the pilgmms by such an, in their view, inhuman action. As many as 15 out of 2l Pundits consulted at Puri are adverse to slaughter, and the re- maining six dwindle down to a micro- scopic minority against the mass of Pundit opinion supporting orthodoxy in this country. On the other hand, " moot all the English and vernacular newspapers in Bengal, Behar and or- issa are strongly protesting. As to the Puri commissioners and their "airs of absolutism." the Indian Mirror in a leading article. invites the im- mediate interference of Government. "It is," says our contemporary, "the orthodox Hindus that have made Puri, and as they have made it, so they mar it. . . . The time may have come for the intervention of Sir John Wood... burn in settlement of this question of monkey slaughter at Purl." And surely the time has come. A Few Puma-pi» whirl no, Provo Won-II Beading. Wonderful marksmanship is displayr ed by a young than of Austin, Texa‘ named Petmecky. One of his feats is! to was a brick in the air, and with, a riile shot. break it m two; then.‘ beiure they drop to the ground. he; bunks each ot the two pieces in thel lame manner. A laughing fit attacked Miss Sallie Bolling. ot Sun Joaquin, Tear., and for three days she laughed hysterically, with only brief intermissions. Local physicians failed to cure her, and her father decided to take her to Galveston for treatment. As they were crossing the San Joaquin River the boat cap- Iizod. and the sudden plunge cured the girl. The British Museum contains the complete manuscripts of Pope‘s trans- lations of the .. Iliad." and "Odyssey." Much of the copy is written on the backs of ‘eLLel's, and among them are epistles from Steele, Addison, Rowe, houng and other celebrities. A Loper. in Colby, Kan., was a very forgequl man. He came home tight the Other night, stumbled imo bed, and on the following morning he and his who were found dead. It is believed. as the room was full of gas. that the toper had turned it on and forgot to light. it. It haw been practically demonstrated by Dr. Wollutg, of Munich, that pota- toes, tomatoes, corn and other plants thrive best when planted in rows run- ning north and south. The shading of not: other is thus reduced to a mini- mum. In 1868, during the civil war, Wm. B Smallridgo. of Jackson County, Va., was wounded in battle. a bullet lodg- ing in his heart. There it remained for thirtr-tive years. until his death, two weeks ago. when an autopsy re- vealed it. nry meal for George Washington Walk- er, oi Argos, Ind. His food seems to rapidly assimilate, as he is constantly gaining flesh, His height is 5 feet 10 inches. he measures 78 inches around the waist, and his weight is 510 pounds. J. Franklin Brown, a mind reader and hypnotist tried to hypnotize a lion in San Francisco. The beast viewed his gestures with a sort ofsleepy wonder, end then ended the tableau by biting his hand. Although the wound was in- flicted months ago. it never healed. Mr. Brown scratched it a short time lime, blood poisoning resulted, and and death. A subterranean lake of hot water exists near Boise City. Idaho. The tem- perature is 170 degrees, the water has pressure enough to force it to the top tioors ot must of the houses, and it is to be uaed tor heating than and for washing purposes. Four pounds of steak, with the et- ;oteras in proportion. make an ordin- PLAGUE or IONKEYS. ll EMS or ITEMS. A Speck] Act of the num- farming-It Arrange- That latter. l Jack has the proud distinction of hav- ing had an Act of Parliament passed for the express purpose of deciding the way in which he must make his will,so that while all other Britons are lump- ed together in this matter under the Wills Act for 1888. sailors‘ testamentary documents are made under the Naval Wills Act of 1866. The moat important Proviso of this Act is that all wills made by sailors or marines. must be witnessed 'and attested by the chap- lain or some other officer it they are actually made on board ship, and this is somewhat curious. It a sailor likes to make his will on shore anyone can witness it for him. but on board ship the case is different. Needless to say they almost all to a man choose the latter course. as they know that things will be straighter for bearing an officer‘s signature. It, how- ever. supposing that the vessel was in action and a man was to be struck down who had not previously made a will, it he had to do so before ho died, even it it were not attested by an of- ficer. the Admiralty have full power to act on the merits ot the case and to dispense with that or any other formality that it was impossible to com- ply with. Another thing--a sailor shares with a soldier the privilege of, when on active service, being the only man who can dispense with awritten will and make a verbal one. A - _ In former times anyone could make their will verbally if they so desired, but this, as may be supposed, opened the door to no end of fraud, and it was consequently repealed in the 1838 Act, except in the case mentioned above. On the night before a ship or a regiment goes into action there is no more pathetic sight than to see the men, young and old, laboriously writ- ing their wills in case to-morrow should be their last day in this world, and what with witnessing wills and mak- ing them on the forms issued by the authorities for those who cannot write -and this class has now almost en- tirely disappeared from both the navy and the "rmy-the officers haven very busy time. _ A Well Known Cut-Inc I'm-mel- Bum-red [Incl-l "Isa-y for Thu. Year. Before lle Found I( lief. THE AFTER EFFECTS MORE DAN- GEROUS THAN THE DISEASE. The epidemic otlu grippe which has swept over Canada likeascourge this winter, has left thousands of weak and despairing sufferers in all parts of the land. Grippe is atreacherous disease. You think you are cured, yet the slightest cold brings an a relapse. It: victims are left in a weakened condi- tion and fall an easy prey to its mani- fold complications. The blood is left impure and impoverished; the nerves shattered, and heart trouble and nerv- ourprotrr1ttiop are too often the result. La Grippe’s Victims. The following statement made by Mr. Daniel Clossey, a well known farmer living near West Brome, Que., indicates the ravages made by the after effects of this scourge. Mr. Closeey tsays-tsome five years ago I had an attack of la grippe. The ear- lier symptoms passed away, yetlcon- tinned to fail in health, and suffered intense pain in my head. I was sub- ject to attacks of dizziness, and unless I would grasp something would fall. I gradually grew so weak as to be unable to do any work. My legs and feet were as cold as ice even in the summer months. If I attempted the least exertion my heart would beat violently. For three years I was in this helpless condition. and although during that time I was attended by three different doctors, their treat- ment produced not the slightest bene- fit. At this time 1 read the statement of one who had suffered from similar trouble. who was cured by the use of Dr. Williams "Pink Pills and Idecided to try them. The result was simply marvellous. A dozen boxes did what three years of expensive medical treat- ment failed to aveompiisur-- restored me to full health and vigor, and I am again able to do my work about the farm. I honestly believe Dr. Wil- liums’ Pink Pills saved my life and I am glad to make this statement for the _benefit it may bring to others:I on Are Ill-kl lip at livery Tttrn In Sully “My. ' The destitution of the Italian poor is not to be matched outside of Ireland. and the sufferers bear it with the same sweet resignation, pathetically grate- ful for the smallest contribution, writes I. Zangwill. Beggars, blind, crippled, or with hideous growths. placed at every point of vantage along the grand tourist highway, undo much of the good the sight of the beautiful works upon the spirit. After an attack of la grippe Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is the only medi- cine that can promptly restore you to health. They drive every trace of the poisoaous germs from the system. build up and enrich the.blood and strengthen the nerves. Sold by all dealers or sent post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by address- ing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., Always refuse imita- tions or substitutes. In the more paying situations there is keen competition. Nowhere are de- formed beggars more numerous and in- aistent than at Assist, with it. touch- ing reminiscences of St. Francis. preacher to the birds, whose humble shrine naturally tends to soften the purse Itringe. The Italian beggar holds out or pushes forward his deformity as if it were for sale. At any rate, it is on " JACK " AND HIS WILL. A LAND OF BEGGARS. F 'uw-tst 3 tea. " we Julian Govern- ment, which owes so much of its scanty revenue to its American. English, and German visitors. had any consideration for their feelings, it would pension off its beggars, even if it bad to charge the stranger a pauper-tux on entry which would cover all claims. The human misfits are not the only beggars. It might be roughls said that all Italy lives on tips. Even the comparatively respectable classes have become corrupted by the tourists . quite a well-drtusaed young lady. conning her prayer book in St. Peter's, suddenly startled me by demanding an alms. There is no possible thing that can be done for you which you are allowed to do for yourself, and nothing which can be divided into two duties is " lowed to be done in one. Woe to the Italian who by doing too much inter- fzres ‘with tip the second or tip the t ird mummy} The Pittsburg Despatch places tho annual cost of smoke in that city at 35.000300, to say nothing of the dia- comfort. Boston Bill-Please, mum, kin you gimmio tsomethin' to 'sat-just the meat the dog left Will do. Mrs. Migglea-We haven't any dog? Oh. you ain't? Den you git to work an' cook me a plate o' ham an’ eggs an' a fl"' o' coffee, 'tore I kick ye in the jot Is at present being directed to Cat- arrhozone, and much interead has been aroused by its marvellous effect upon disease germs. Catarrh, bronchitis, irritable throat, and such maladies in- stantly disappear when this apparently mild pine-scented gas is inhaled. It '01! two no .1949;qu unnamed Messrs. N. C. Polson & Co., Kingston. Ont., have generously intimated that sample outfits of catarrhozone' will be given our readers tree, for a short time, if sent for immediately. The various one} and wire Interests of the country, it is announced from New York, are to be combined into tlt company having 890,000,000 capi- a . b The late Robert R. MeBarner, of New York, was known as "Father of the Young Men's Christian Associa tion," from the active part he took in building it up as a national and: in- ternational organization. At Fall River, Mam. a list of divi- dends paid by the local miles last your shows an average of 2.22 per cent. on a capital of $23,493,000. _ Prof. Josiah Royce, of Harvard. he: eliled for England, to deliver the Git- ford lecturers on the "Philosophy of Religion," at the University of Aber- deen. Many noted men have heretofore been asked, but Prof. Royce is the first American.to receive the honour. 'Hdsrulhorrh Cure in taken internally, and ttcts dummy on the blood and mucous surfaces of the "itimut'entttttt:tyytytiyetres, A Tue isaiGErGtoNa%ihiitreus. . All Drur Um.- relund the money .1 it. Lulu to an”. Tat, LUCAS CnUN'I'Y. i'"" husk J. CHENEY makes oath that he in the senior P" rtner of the than of P. J. CHENEY & Co.. do UK businese in rhe City of 'l‘uzrdq. ' ‘onnmy and tit we. aforesaid. and that said ttrm will pay the sum o oNr, HUNDRED DOL. LABS In: each und every who ot Gunmen than mung» be cured by the use of HALLS CATAHRH Cunt. FRANK J. CHENEY. tewornto before me and subscribed in my run-owned. this 6th day of I 'occmber. A. D. 1886. (irriiii) A. W. GLEASON. P", Notary Public. STAT: " omo,f'atr or 'rouroo, Sold by DrairiitUisU.T - T - V Hull's Family Pius are the best. TO con: A com m on: DA! $2.41,. 'lid-,:,',;;,,,,,:,';,';'-:,-,,?,, C,',:;,):,',,; it,i.i,jf,,), mi, BEE-5&5." in" "i." iiifiiiirWir"iiC"' T31330. a Publlo Attention DIPLOMACY. . a Jr.'t. 3.3:. DO! .‘701 to". " " Wife-tth, a letter from mother. Butrbarttl-Am1 what does she say? Wife-Oh, not much of anything. Erusband--You are trying to deceive me. It's a cold day when Four mother hasn’t anything much to any. Io was Allied " nodd‘e Kidney nu. Cured III- " Kidney lineage, “I Do elated They Did After In - and - Idlcllu Ind Filled. London, Feb. 6.-The publication a few days ago. in the press of this, and other cities, of the statement that Mr. Charles Dean, of the City Hotel, had been cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills, of a disease that every other remedy he had used, failed to even relieve, creat- ed wide-spread comment and discus- Mr. Charles Dean, on Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. The majority of the citizens agreed that the~case was not a remarkable one for Dodd'e Kidney Pills, which, they said, cure every case at Kidney Disease for which they are used: . _ iii'"iiiiiiii"uii; Ga-tai,- Enos for ali, we interviewed Mr. Dean, and asked him if the_ pr_e_se report_s wefe tyne.k "%i'iii7 .1; "iiirTiG/"t'uGivir,- doubted the accumcypf the ygport. " " "Certainly they are true," said he. "The only fault they have is that they ere not strong enough. "I used to Butter so much that I had to lie down to get relief. My doctor said my Kidneys were “looted. He gave me medicine. but it didn't help me. -. " . n " :1va have "One day I met Mr. M. L. Duffy. architect. who was cured of Kidney Disease by Dodd’e Kidney Pills. He advised me to try them, and I did Bo. When I had taken four doses I was relieved. One box made me a new man. I have taken three boxes, and am completely cured. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me. They are worth their weight in gold." This certainly settles the question. Nothing further can be said. Dodd's Kidney Pills Cure Kidney Disease-- that is proved. . - . "u Fx-Senator Manderson of Nebraska began life asapoor boy, going to work at the age of 15. Those who require Dodd's Kidney Pills can get them at all drug stores for fifty cents a bar, six boxes tar 82.50, or by sending the price to The Dodd's Medicine Co., Limited, To- ronto. Ten United States Senators have passed the three score and ten mark, and Senator Pettus, of Alabama. who is 78, is the patriarch of that body now that Senator Merrill is dead. catholic Disinfectants. 30.90. 0|!"- mont. Tooth Powders, tto., have been uni-dad 100 medal: 3nd diplomas for ouperlor excollonoo. The” regular nae prevent in'act‘i- nus (it-onus. Auk sour donor to obtain a sunny. Lieu maile (no on application. c" -iiiGTiG7ra%; 'iil7aTrr'.1i1't1r.'la'l ' m o -re I. . o ',Tpstgt,t' mu. 't'li'ahtth; oo., “a... mou diwrde'vrd Stomach, Lun 6, Nereea, Liver, Blood, Rudder. Kidney». Brain sad that!!! h: HEALTH RESTORE!) Ihich Sal-u Mum‘s avd f'hildwm . ml tsl 9 Run we cw-l-Iliy lnhnu whose “murmur”! Dvhdity have re Mind all "tho" trertturcttta, it digest. when ml othr': Food in rejected. are: 50 times It. can! in medicine. 810ml 6Mttttte-rt.. Importation "est lulu] ' “All AMm In. Din-Inn, .-I;-L|- - A Du Barry's 50 Years’ 11:43.95! :09, con-Illumionx buieté. fl iiraistfiG7 ithiii" an“, (2- "nth Asthma. (alum. Phiegrn, HinrhuA ttrrcoua Doilitr, Sleepleuuon. livspundency. RIYURNS IN ONE WIEK. We WIDE good Butter. 13‘s, Poultry, ow. Ship to m. ',"',hpg", will have your each .n a week or less T y, AIKENHEAD PRODUCE co., 88 Front Bt., I. Toronto. -- III". I l I” -'I’ strrA, London, W ' all” in Par'tts, u Ru. de thsstiglira"s. And " all Grum'lu. Chvnmu. and Mun" F'rry'hete. tn tin: b., 3r, ld., 6y. 561,. IO. “an! ourinqe free. Alt; 1')..- n touch you BY HAIL in a few weeks I bunch of Art that will t.pytti.tr, you tor profusion that in not overcrowd- od or protitasble home work. Particular: nee. The Con- marcinl School of Punnimre, Toronto Junction. Ont. tor you. Write for terms or cull for "aiGaiiriiiiiCi"i'i "loo-o. W.K. Bate. Spocialiat. An 1Joii--trt.,Toronto.' "e'""'""Nr, Benn 'rrur In nun”. "IVE mun ll"), Printing, fiiii'i( dill ifiilitiiiiiiiii [4:de . n 5.":- 0c or or. n M Bttqite. 20; an! "com 'i?iiit counter when Hummus- rum all“ Wan, Ilprtet, III-amen Eff-J84; 6-237 " .I '14}? Tia 353%; 'ti-Céfmk'li Bauy'l chlonu Biscuits. in tins. 3; " and " The " Bnimohii,'"riU Bus 1't IN Barry . , tht., r,' 8tttmnterertA, 'etttlt.tlymwn shad rou.tyer"lrtete" was???“ IT WASN'T LIKE BER. 1r!rsband-What'ts that you no read- THIS SETTLES IT. " You "TT0rt0ALLV IMLIIID t If lo. we an EPPS'S GRATErUL-CoM FORTING. F. th CALVERT a Mk, undercut-n, . . “cusp. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. CALVERT's BREAiarAST-SUPPER. MONTREAL [audible Suede-.1. 100,00t AnnuMl "u"! of Constlpw tin": 1riatufntsr, - lunacy-m. Revalonta Arabian Food W. P. C. 958 " rue I. grid ioii in" fond freedom After _ 40 [an of without medicine or anyone to the mini-Mini ydmitedl t Ream Am. Flu 01.501119 candy n shoppinmseone to “uunoou.” Enter now; board choup; b It business oohool in DOminion. Circulars free. F w. J. ELLIOTT. Princlp-l. _ v _ â€"â€"--â€" ----" --" -IIII’I "UNIV.“ “one. c. a D. swoon. co., Mound. Swiss burner. . . CUTTING SCHOOL»; DON'T BE IDLE I WHOM). tmy. I (young men ma woman Thousands haw found our court. ot Price. " cum Sung]: turuietars, -Giriatiuaiiad The lam am a... " mud. St. In Toronto. L COFFEE & 60., eee cum MID cumulus: DARN A HOLE In Three mum“. Pure Tea, Good Value, Low Price, mum”... s, mhm 10. '.m- Authorized Capital. . . 01.000900 Dominion Government Deposit. 01.000 Bonds haunt! Covering county. town "td town- thin trensureri, divixinn court. Merits', bsilitN', on). Also persoms1 weident policies. HEAD OFFICE, - . . TORONTO, ONT. INIBI GIODERIIAH. J. I. ROBERTO, President. Gen. Mun-(er. The Dominion of Canada Guarantee LUDIElLLA Cen r w--""'" r- and Accidvnt Insurance Comp'y - IEIINIAITI. “a... 0-1 a m on... " CAN KAI-ll I UF. DUNE WIT" TIHC airshow- Lead traeea--. 35.30.“. “was. PREPARE FOR A FIRST. CLASS SITUATIONI Central win M """l?dttt,'Mr.'. "m- m magma I000! m. so. mm Vapor Bath FREE BOOKLET. GUIDE TO HEALTH. In: Metal and kl: Ru ot it"s-id clout J't'l'llRu'l son to a) mum: on not!” data-u. " You. St., "than. motor “mum“ on Um Compton. rattan . 250. After I mu. who tioe we my India no . week ‘ntuy who hue hum-:1 to he 90!” r""','.';,.':,',")'; 'cout wit" u: fawn-u [human mam an our “gunk urn! to ins-Iran "the" in thrir locality We rumm- thounuodb of Mn ple (liming: for mu Dmi- neu, and irln and women who I',".',', Till Bwisq Dunn! cl" amu- t-un trom .3 to .9 WITH, in durum. ample. or nu. Tun 8mm Dunn will tut A from honor to. m I necking in two minute; " mvndu “bx-”mm. curtain-i undcncu Ind :1 fabric: with can-l nice" and upped. and new on our“: it u and]: u s new: thTh Tu: an» AINII. neatly bu- " camping with mil initruotioets.ksu- Us m ' um. to a] wire- on my. 9' J'tulortr Md Dro- Ijlkuh, send tor M TORONTO TORONTO CUTTING Writs tor Tily term. durlm I'm. . OOBIUGAN. Ill Kttprueiullr LING who nun tuned [om 'aurq6el.o. when. um. " Dr Arno“, Dunn. Ibo will common you Lu an can " (‘oloniel has L d tr, the marketing of ”LT. BEIJIIATII PRESCRIPTION, the nnw only rs m.- niwd germ do-troyer and pr: vents! We lamina. Fever: and Agile. Pamimlot, ard medloinl madlod from the (Knodtun Agency. than. . Farr-fr "seed" " 5112". The Hon. 1%. Chamberlain'. r. em. Appeal to the British pubiio to In": nights the me: on. ed dew-90pm " of inbsetimt dun-e in 24 Cttee:.. hm l:yCteu1te murkocing of I.“ tr ”chum!“ "Ton, “was"! " lb. IND an. in The Danni Committing 00.. Umitod. M John. M.B., “I 'INT k; Linwml. ttdf,',, cl Dilution] hu- n-d at orttt un- numn A "handball” "Vtmouvsm' "800nm”. Burrlor wwv-nmodnuou tor nut. C.triu 300- on can: sud Ste-rue tp-tue. Rum ot ”mango-fl": Cafdrt, [55.00; form-d gubln, be; ileifii on so and “word. mooning " “all" on berth. For I inform-non 'ptt,t m [and Aunt- or DAVID Tallulah .0. oath “an. " in. Gunmen tht.. Montreal. Domlnlon Llne an... ""m . " LAW ',"ge'.t'g"itagt? a: o ., In“ KU'. 19m and HAY FEVER Perla-emu Cured " Iodiouod Vapor ttsht0tion- I miche of moon... gt Isn‘l’rju Ir“: Hand 15c {mourn-M on ”mm. Br. lip Wu My 00.3mm", iii. Dr. ly'l AntH‘onnipm ion PM: alma- cure De. h?, AsuHeonkiuioinriiii isirCiGv'iisr “on. It. “albumin. Au. Toronto.0gn. or gents‘ CATARRH a high-clue "ttf oe 'tet Sim? troua" iGiiii2TLiied doc-001m." in no. summat- Induction. Mimi-cairn mm no thwml- 9m. thorn, tor_ttioe the; ONE Thy on banal in C9.ttttr.AttiearBiRoom. " a] 91w- whoro there a . tttMt at My. #tee "(11M only one. In two mots. For clrcuur sud new. wriu HIE ODURHSS (lililllMIf MOSH Ill) " Th0 BOLD PIMRIACAL 00., Tom”. Watch, with bun! Hui FREE GIFT your choice of TNllllllEllfi88. - L - _ ggwnng-rwmm: and??? 136'} WWM O rm I... _ Lu. Metalllq Togophono Tablet J -. pair of Embroia- 31.50. - _ - - - '"' the 0mm snow." In“. ullm. {iron-onto. Ton-u and New”. on. Hundreds My": 'Yeh. "Jo. it do" now. Prim. tl Juan: and h"htttttil ROYAL MAtt ' . Pi -1

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