West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Feb 1899, p. 8

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Look out tor our pie and box socinl on the 21th. A com] program mll be pro- vided for at the school. Tlv, mnrried aisle won in the, debate, married y. situle life After such brilliant arguments Wt? will look far wedding he'll mm in. Next debate on "Wotue"'t, Rights} “rap is " work around the Rocky. Quite a number laid up. Mr. John McKinron has been improv- mg Ins house in the way olstorm sash, W. Middleton doing tt e carpentel work. The home of John Veuio was brighton- ed by the nrrivul of a son last week. Mounts. S. and D. Wade and their two sisters wanted " Mr. Ewen's on Sunday last. They enjoyed a. drive to town " night. A sleigh-load from Aberdeen passed through here one night hurt weak. They were enjoying the owing. We also heard that a bicunphy of Sir Colin Campbell “as in count. of propu- uion by u “not! descendant of that gou- Lleumn. wlm lives in this vicinity. (homo Lewis has engaged with Mr. Peters for a your. and had a bee hauling wood, last Week. Dune tumor lays that the chief bu bun “upended indtrMiulr. Mr. Drummit of G'riemft1U called hero on In- vny to visit friends in Normauhy last Sunday. Mr. Geo. Schram hat, launched out into the butchering basin.” and now suppli- es both ment and drink to the public. Miss Meredith visited in Durham on Saturday Inst. on. mm aunt“. "'"'"-teiitird2e""uui"iiuc-i on. “I." mu m. ATtaP8'ato,-. N- Mrtttt -gt89itn, m Tho recent cold weather has left as im- prus in almost every family, in Incl. coldu and La Grippe are quite lurhionnble now. SKIN-DEEP BEAU I tft I |'@\£%&$Lfi~5gmsz9m - 1 i, \ , I “I" In“)! I erysipe1as, Iz,',':,.',',, mm 1 T, Cm, eruptions. t s in-one sp- I l ' ii; .[AUT' n t s plication alleys the irritation. ) l l - * and perseverance in its use I I tf,",! "lt SKIN results inaspeedy cure. For r I t ‘ ' blind, bleeding, itching, and _-_ -- ’ a .- ulcerating piles it's a. angled balm; one application gives comfort and relief in an instant, and in from three te five nights the trouble disappears. Price, 35 cu. A London led! had - " yesrs so A Toronto gentleman. living on Dem badly, her been: noel were so auiured she Road, spent s small Mane to "ma sad -. aTaaaaE "éi'w' ii"rba"oTiii't". E'W'Wm' iiahi --. aaa; GiiiaiGU ig2e,iiiii,P,etF2ee mot = has thallium? aii'iifi'-h1'k"ii','i'a'hl In In and thtt'tfrd2tf,TpS"d'ttS,Y"i'""" ted-yuan“ awed-(mo! Ss%"tfl'drfml'lrd't m. . “'1 mnmm $r.aarY-8tattr-y-h-tAaekaand, A a A (ltlrgut,"d,"tta',tt'ltut1t',tttut I. W” CATMIIAL "'"""h'lehardted""""" in... Cu- In] x’ffi’fififi§§§§§§WE EWWWW badly. her bee and neck was. so WIN due vent Into a " of salmon; and the stinging mo“: wt: so was: that. to us. her on was. the " ”I. next thing tonal." She tried my ','t'gg'.'er2r, sod washes-m treated by Wan-Q Itute'i.eetrttret 'efthtte -----ie+ _.-,‘ Orchardvllle. ROCKY. A Toronto gentleman. living on 00an Road, spent a small fortune In treatments and remedies for piles In their very worst form, was treated lg, electricity with temporary relief only and had underlain on the operatlgf table In! 2,at,path', can, tion perform ' but was "tat " try DI. Aauw‘n Ointment- Indian. The“ milestknolltnilud the lam fg'gtta",tttttd in In use all to!“ In rewarded a we as M cl Miss M. K, Orchard of Durham, visited a number of her J‘Igremont friends and was heartily weleomud by all. Come again. Mrs. B. Queen and Mrs. A. Allan went up to Markdale last week to see Mn, J. Chapman who hue been eontiued to her room with a severe attaek of congeshon of the lungs. Mrs. Chapman: " still in poor heauhund will be unable to leave her room until spring. Mrs. D. and Mr. J. Sharp took a trip to Dumlalk a week ago Saturday. Mrs. Sharp remnined to make I visit with her son Geo. of that. village. bat w. are sorry to report that she is at present in a poor state of health, Died on Sunday night. Feb, 5th Mr. Geo, Campbell, one of the first settlers in Proton, Ha WM :5 hard working honest. man, and leaves his family in good circum- rtaucu. The family eomrists of three dnugliwra; two married and one single, He runs buried the Tuuduy following at the Methodist. grave yard, near by where his wife and son was P buried. Jter. Mr. Morrison and Rev Mr McDonald, otfieint- ed It the house and an“. In public life he was a cansisunt Reformer and,' shy-ya stood true to his party. though who was honert enough to oppose their notion when they made the post. ottim, change a year ago. 7 A number from here went to the Funer- al of Mrs. Samuel McDunald near Dundalk. Slle leaves a husband and two young children. The funeral was yery large, the Rey Mr Harri-"or. oftieiatmr. She was an attendant nfthe Tentry church and WM a sister to Mr. Thos, Lunchlin, Tp. clerk. --q-l-. la few weeks With Ins many friends return- Mr, McLeach arrived here on Sundnyled to Elgin Co. this morning. He Jen 5th and held services in their hall l some sad hearts behind him. A number from here went to the Funer- A number at the youth and beauty were al of Mrs. Samuel McDunald near Dumlalk. invited to Mr. S. T. Orchmd'n n few cm... tnh, leaves a husband and two young mge ago and having Miss M E Orchard nl children. The funeral was yery large, the Durham in their midst and listening to Rey Mr Harri-"or. oftieiatmr. She was an n nuinbei of selections how the gramm- attendant nfthe Tentry church and Will a phone in ad'iition to a general “and time. sister to Mr. Thos, Lunchlin, Tp. clerk. I A Very enjoyable evening was spent. pensate for a skin that in disused and whose appear- ance is distasteful to all who see it. and the torment of the patient whose daily burden it is to bear it about. DR. Aaxnw's Ginsu“: is n won. derful cure for all sorts of Skin Diseases-itching, burn- ing, stinging sensations which are aecompaniments-tetter. nit rheum, scald head. ring " Handsome is that hand- some does." is the old theoreti- cat adage. but aitee all it's the skin-dew Monty that's attrac- tive. It would take a big lot ot handsome doing to com- HOPEVILLE. MURDOCH. Nursery Stuck Agents! Bunk Agents I Agricultural lmplsmnut Agants I Or tnyono desiring to better their position and lacrosse their income Ibonld write ul. The de- mlvd for home-ttroms Numrv Stock in on the iacnuo. We no“! more men. It you wnnt steady, plying work. write us. We fur-lull all nupplln free. Lv,': have the large-I Nun-cric- In the non- . on. We pay both all” and conclusion. BWe ewe caliber whole or part “use In". We ”urn-loo all our .toeh. We III-hi patch-acr- wlth err-“lento In- '4-r-ea" Inspector. an un our stock I. tree (to. “. Jo“! Hello. Our Nannies compriu our 700terem, 5nd growing stock in [are quatstitr ottablett, us to soil " the clonal noun) a ttgum. In. Cum "hh, F wk, have lulled Subscribe for The REVIEW. " noun in this state to mango our busing-n in their own Ind nearby counties. It in mainly once work conducted " ham“. Sultry ntniuht 0900syur and trxPettBrm--defttustr. bottntlde, no more, no 1m "Jury. Monthl: BTS. Retention. Eamon self-alarmed stumped onvol we. [Herbert E. Hols, Frost... Dept. M. Chicago. Someties are sometimes aftiicted with a disease akin to the grip. they are weak and disinclined to work. The best known remedy is a generous por- tion of prayer and Bible study daily, followed by faithful exercise in doing We1T?r/i,'te5hN TRUSTWORTHY PER- ann- (n Okla I...‘ On .w.-.s-e- A..- '-t.-- '.. Don't, be afraid of getting into the world. that is where you should lw. The only thing to be afraid of is that, the world may get into you. Your society needs several things, no doubt; but its greatest need just now is spiritual life. A speaker said recently, "Christian Endeavor's name is nntJncoh, but Ones- imm. It is nota supplanter, Hunt, a help- In reaching others, it. is perseverance that counts. Be like a. postage stamp-- STICK TILL Yor' GET THERE. Vulcan you nothing tm [an wine we can do toe you. The best method of bible study is that which leads you to make use of all you learn. DOTS AND JOTB. In the work of your society, he as vii. igentns a. bicyclist in looking out for rum. Evangelist Delaney has taken change of the service in the school house for two Seblmth evenings and expects to be pront- ont next Sabbath evening also. Rey Mr Campbell of Dromom will preach in the school house two weeku from last Snbbath evening Feb 19. M r. Camp- bell is always warmly welcomed. M, Jun. Allan G. C. ulna treated the young people to a social gathering. and all report luring bad R good time. Mr. Bert Budd who has began Klmulhllu Stone & Wellington TORONTO. ._- ---- or. C. E Column. Hug. “a 3;. s', W ', ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO M r. McDonald and family made their home for fitteen years on lot 20, can. 21, Egremont, now the property of Mr. Allan MeKinnon, of Durham. He came to the place where he ended his career nineteen years ago, being lot w, con. 4, SD.R.. Glen'elg. in politics Mr. McDonald was a staunch Liberal. and in religion a Presbyterian. By his death a second break was made in the family since Inst, November, when his brother Charles died, after a brief ill- ness of two weeks. Being possessed of a. patient nature he bore his illness with calmness and patience, always realizing the fact that his jmirney’s end was not, far off, foe although the nature of his disease caused his mind to wander at times, yet his whole affections were centred on his future welfare, for oft l Mr. McDonald was married on the ‘19th June, 1865, to Miss Ann Graham. To lhetn were born tige sons and three daughters. Three of the sons died in childhood and one of the daughters died on the. 19th April, 1893, aged 21 years. Those that. are living are Archi- bald, late from the Klondike but now of Oregon ; Angus in the gold mines of Alaska, at Douglass City,. two daugh- ters at. home, Christina. and Mary Ann, and a lonesome mother which are all hat constitutes the family at present. Mr. McDonald's ailment, spinal dis- ease, commenced years ago, but was not disabled till the 15th of September last when he became almost completely paralyzed. He received the. best of at.- tention and care from his beloved partner-and his ever faithful daughters during his illness, but "friends nor physician could not save this mortal body from the grave.” We find it main our painful duty to chronicle the death of number'nmand. dear friend in the person of Neil Med, Donald, who departed this life on Sun- day night, 5th inst. at ten o'clock. aged 61 years and 5 months. use the axe with much freedmn At as sisling his father in hewing out a home in the forest fur a. helpless family. Born on the 8th concession. township of Vaughan. on the 15th September. 1837. he cattle to the township of Glenelg on the lst May, 1851, being three months later than the rest of the family. Being the. oldest of the family the lot fell on him to remain to feed and take care of the stock till spring. when with his father, the late Arch’d McDonald, who went back In the spring to undertake the task of moving the live stock and such implements as were in use at the time. They started the journey on Monday morning enroute by way of Fergus with a yoke ot oxen and wagon loaded with implements. etc., atriving at Durham about dark on Saturday night, leaving the wagon and load in Hunter’s stables. which etood exactly where the large land roml medians REVIEW omce now stands, and unyoking the oxen drove to their home in the woods on lot 41, Durham Road, (Henelg, arriving about twelve o'clock at, night footsove, want-y and hungry where they found the family patiently awaiting their arrival to their humble dwelling. The subject of our sketch, who was entering on his fourteenth year', found it no trouble to BY PRICEYILLB‘ UottruraPoNDEsr. THE LATE NEIL IcDONALD. 313;? 1e,t,'gi,,, I W H 7 ms seen o ti . ttt 'Ah'h'U'..%"i'lo' " appt ca ton W. T. COOK. The undersigned will keep for service on Lot 32. Con. 9. Bentinck a thorough- bred ImerpItd_yykthityr Boar for, the IMPROVED YORKSHIRE The undersigned will keep for ser- vice, season 18iB4l9on Lot, 23, Con. I, N, D. R., Glenelg. a Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar, Obtained from the "Gold Modal Herd" of J. G. Snell. Edmonton. TERMS: 41.00 Pedigree may be seen an application. DON. MPARTHL'R. Bunessan. Nov. mth, Rositlcnvv HO PE I' I LLE. Terms mudemto'. Avtuvtgetuents fur sales. as to dates. &c. must, he made at The Review office, Durham. (‘orrus- pondeuce addressed there or to Hope- ville P. o, will be prmuptly attended In. Terms on applications to D. lcPHAlL, Hopeville P. U. or to C. RAIAGE, Durham. Tile Nationul Advertiser tells it story i": DUSHwSh' Induutlon. 3;“ of an old bachelor who bouqht a pair of! if; x’ / f , " --e N ' woke. and found attached to one of: Pk?“ 'ssc-r--" / "ctr' them a slip of paper and these words: i - 3’ (inf, / 5y”/ “I Inn at young lady of 20, and would l f yo v iketo correspond with a. lmchelor with I . K" a view to matrituotty." Name and ad. I , f 7 A "T-T.." dress were given. The bachelor wrote Pull particulars m College Announce- and in a few days got this letter, 1 ment nod Journal. Free to any ad- "annm was married twenty years dress. Bend for one to-day, to ago. The merchant you got those socks [ . from evidently did not advertise. or he A C. h. FLEMING. Principal would have sold them long ngo. MMII- I A W --- -. um handed me your letter, and with I HE G LOBE posalhly I might suit vou. l um 18 yre At "WM . ‘orext Cott ed. [ "ld. t l 't 7 TORONTO, CANADA. The fttnetnl which tank place on Wednearday, 8th inst. to Priceville cemetery WM the hum-st seen for. " long (mm ttotnvitltstandittg the Inclem- envy of the weather. The Rev. Mr. Mathewson in his usual manner preached a. very Arective Met'tttott from the words. W[have fought " good fight," ete., and again omciated at the grave- Thus ended the earthly career of am- other husband. father and brother. during the silent hours of the night he would be singing the praises of Him he had to appear before In " slit-rt while. His favorite. [mum was the 103111 and his favorite tune was the old tune. "Coleshill." Two or three nigh tu before he died he was heard singing that, beautiful hymn. "I‘m Going Home. to Die no More." his voice dy- lug away while singing the, chorus, and when asked by his Wife if he was afraid to die he said, " No, not now, I used to be, but all fears and doubts are gone," so that, in the hour of sorrow the bereaved friends have. the comfort- ing assurance of all being well with the soul of the departed. DRUtataiSTaSEEDSMAN - - - - DURHAM WWW around Oil-Cake in I00 lb. Bags, thM. W Import of Field and Garden Seeds to arrive in March from Britain BRITISH fli)llSll d CATTLE SPICE-- MORTON'S WORM POWDERS d; CAPSULES. THE PARASITE P0Wmia---for Lice on Cattle, Horses, --Sheep, Pigs, and Poultry. One or two applications ---has the desired effect. Onlz at Parker's Drugstore. --A Condition Powder of First Class merit.... --A Good Tonic and Appetizer.... w Compounded from Concentrated F lesh-forming Foods and ingredients. is; g; tii gi.' Morton’s Dry Murrain Powders“ soul! n 'tep fol-our Kama! WE "Mow to get A Patent' ," “It swam}. to invent."uud 'l'rizeson mu' " vice (no. Foe-mount. MARION d MARI ON. Bluffs Temp]. Building, as tit June. a. Monttuf. The only t1rt1s,ot (ind-nu Barium In the Domi- nion “tanning ”was but}... “than“ BERKSHIRE BOAR. -t'htBPTLWSEtMtTt --For Chronic" Indigestion in Cattle. Never Fails to effect a --cure when given in time. Every Stock-raiser should have --a package on hand. . McPHA IL 1titltMR from the famous V GAi --Easy to give and very effective. BOAR. Licensed Auctioneer. fur the 1'ouuty of Gtey. H. PARKER, “YORKSIIII BOA." for season 1m. The undesssitroed will keep for as.» vice at Lot lo, Con. I, R. D. R. Glenda Roh Roy Hotel) I. thorough-hood The Saturday Illustrated Rae lud seven! now fmttuem, added. has m the new- of the .. k In entrain form, and lunar invader-in clone touch with every put ot t o world, and more alminlly our own count". With its 24 or Q [-1100 every Saturday. ttw, iiltttrtrated supplement. in [may special featuru -btort Stones um] Sketchy Articles-. beside-n having the cumin mum of the day, mu become 1 strong rival to the but monthly mnguxiuu. IT " DANA TA * GRQTEOT NEWOPAPIR. Subscription was and full yurtioulnru can ho- und a tho oattso ot thin piper. my mu‘udular ur IM_I\l-n.-m -. --- A )1 7 _ _ You can hu- rut: orkiiiE iii,rFii,. Mad SATUIIDA! luvs-mum) for about candy-um {mac " you tmtres to pay tor many of tho and!" (In lieu The undersigned will keep for m-n-viw " Lot IT, Con. 2, Non-umnhy. season of IKE-W. the thamughvlwed Berkshire. "North Star." Alum thnmugh-hrvd Tamworth Boar. _ -ee -_r-e_- "-e'. I Imbmuurmr and direct to THE WEEKLY GLOBE..... THE DAILY Kee It " the very best. place In ":53 Tdig" Canada; to get. n Thorough _51 ki" Business Education. .31 Iva/gt ":" c)" . ia'l'rit-ffl)Ciiiij),i-, " ee -TtItttttmittLy ael2,.yeys, Lythased froty the herd The under-Signed will keep for service, SHIN)" 1318. at Iot49, con. 2. 8. D. R.. a thoroughirred 1Atthetttt, By". of H. Puree/nh/viii/G." radium; iris: be seen u mu application. Terms Tlietr. payable 'Cl,'. Isl. I”. THE COitBETT FARM. and containing 93 acres. For particu hrs "nauire of Being East and West Parts cf Lot number Five (IL, in the 2nd CONCER- sion, W. G. It, of the Tp. of Ben- tsnek, known as Tttratlrhtil Boar. r- PHIL The Leading Newspaper of the Dominion. --Htia over [2,000 MORE rennin: "ircuht --tiott EVERYDAYchuu illnul in 12497. and Inn” 4.000 mom than one )enr lg". IT aluminium» " yuan-:5. IT HAS ALL THH. NEWS EVERY DAY. THOROBRED DURHAI BULL. Nlll6llllllaa RIMES. OWEN SOUND. Ont. {mes may he Been on tspphrat inn. 'IL‘RHS :-I.m JOHN MARSHA LL Je.. FARM FOR SALE. TERWet--m.oo. cm. RYAN, ALFRED HINIB, Prop. H. PARKER. Durham. THE GLOBE. Totem. ('ASADA Itry Iii"! lttN 'In A I uf I'H'I-lnl 'int,. imd I I‘IN'I‘ In " minister. mltort tio. in I'm-m keen the. “jun-r. “IN. A. L. Mattson his rrtitwtuetrt {ml 1Uletta and Flet Churches was gin-n} in the- Vale-UH (1mm In the mun-cw of uni he “Tu pteaierttaad u himself 1nd wife, ' Endenvoeeru also li non mm a guld chat rongtetro ion peeem( a pair of fur ttaturathi tions: were All moon: inn address. a. eqteem in which Kr, during his all yard - It " - " " ostda-hk “1 " spinal. he elegant My use all gun-Id: Inn-m! wrwu- n! In ct-amos, Iu-ImIm-d In and previous to th fbtv. Mr. "yuu (-0 I‘lnghmd service. (ended the IPIIIMiIII More in the-(1mm wry. on! in [11:th duvted Uteit sqreeo'U. Ari lwhind his w with mum-n "I'll by. ll Tun. Lyn: E. T. Thursday 'noamittt mun passed over In her.” "ter mmw y! with u Hum-rim: fortitude Mid rests') long time idetttid wht.ve he and his I Mummit My in Darla consul-l0. Apply l or to . ti. David Aunts Bums" P Cortu"mtl. lie pm from ummim- A... ft. Mt-(inwun. Anom- . 'ATAttgtt cold or sum-mid with impure blond pain in the head, "one. ringing unis: NIH-d by Howl's "mills-u und u-nrivh and rehuilds the W the dimnhla- u! Hood's Pills t Feoot u lean a I mew-l) from 1 9a.. who with hi mom Hula. We that their home h the hirth of , d. magma-la 6mm, a kind words about [cl-HAnvmm W for the In: abundant ttupplie Kuw- all btrtoev, " they ought I: Nauru. - ~Pau1i Black. hudwnw I furor if they call mun Me all ttl WEDIIINH ”ELI day. ”In Lilzivl is luring united in nelly. Beutittck, Johnston is mm Mr. Jun. Anslun next week. (”manna PI The undersigned and ' new lot. Mr. Ruin. Gra limoiltnu, was couple of dnyn an and friendu in tot Additional Inca Glover and Tim uoeu "rupture, The nqm‘nhle cl Int week gave an “M had hetNtt" to the extmue m a little mon- hr, hunk-up wou‘d cu Thin wet-k": Hr An amount of w heme. nnd Ed w lien and 32 mind the effects of La 6 died Int July and " the mother nu Jno. Egan. Certo spread sympmhy at the heavy Imp loss [or summer mm The Minding of I "cable. and in h l If TOWN & 1r0L.---/ by l chief " N ward

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