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Durham Review (1897), 23 Feb 1899, p. 1

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Ittle, Horses, Ippl Ications in NJ m rated VAX. Propriewt “spam-I ttion. 10A R Is to effect should ha keep for set I). R. (“om-lg th-bred 013E, IIIIUI from Britain. NA OA. " BULL PAPER 'rllpty " "l‘is. I RIMES. 't for set-vim! by. season " " all D. On; SALE Star.' n 1bj1gsAprt, " URHAM Lppln Boar. "e/ " I ' and Jan“ {the mun a. lion lo ml, has " and My. m " mv N " In" h (‘AhAln my. its manta. beniden )unce Me he H" um Y RHcm-me TIt A I-xs'rmt. Tho Glolre uf recent date had the following refer- ence to a minister. who lnlmrul for a short time in Doritoch and Rocky Sou- geen this winter. "Tilbury, Felt. 9.- Rev. A. L. Manson on the nix-Minn ot his retirement from the pastorate of Vtsletta and Fletcher Presbyterian Churches was given a rousing reception in the Valettn church on Monday night. In the course of an interesting program he was pl esented with gold watches for himself and wife, The Valetta Christian Endeavorers also presented Mrs. Man- .on With a gold chain. while the Stewart congregation presented them each with a psir of fur gauntlets. The presenta- tions were sll accompanied With flatter. ing addresses. expressing the high oqteem in which Mr. Manson was held during his ten yeard' pastors“ here and regret " his Ware, as well as that " his sstilnsblo My. Mr, Manson free. I, mrhed. The lags stteodsnce wss elegant testimony of their populsrlty has sud [spud - is "re-it " WEDDING BELLS. --Terda.v, Wednes- day, Miss Lizzie Ferguson. Norumnhy, is being united in umrriuge to Mr. Don. nelly. Bentiuck, while Miss E. Bell Johnston is uniting her fortunes with Mr. Jno. Anslon. Much joy. More next week. Tm: LATE E. T. MeCLtrcriLIx. Last Thursday mnrning the above gentle- man [unwed over to "the greater num- her," after mine years of delicate health with a lingering illness. borne with fortitude and resignation. He was a long time identified with the town, where he and his family are much re- spected. As chief nmmncrs he leaves behind his wife, 4 suns und 2 daughters. with numernus telatives in town and mm: by. He was a member of the \lasnnic order, and the bretrhen turned nut in regaliu at the funeral and enn- dncted their beautiful and impressive burial service at home and grave. lfe. reused belonged to the Episcopal Church and previous to the Masonic ceremony Rev. Mr. Ryan conducted the church of England service. A large number at tended the remains to their last resting place in the Church of England Ceme- tery. Amrt"rCaTareRH.---ltis caused by a void or succession of colds combined with impure blood. Its symptmns are pain in the head. discharge from the muse. ringing noises in the ours. It is cured by Hood's Sarsapmilln which purims and enriches the Mood. soothes and rebuilds the tissues and relieves all the disagreeable sensations. Hood's Pills unreal] liver ills. Mailed for 25c by C. I. Hood&Co., Lowell, Mass. Mr. Rom. Gray. Station Master at Hamilton, was up last, week for a couple of days on a visit. to his mother and friends in town, NerrtrE.--Parties indebted to Wm Black, hardware merchant will confer a favor if they call and settle as their “counts me all made oqtc-W. BLACK. Doc-gunman: PROPERTY mu BAgat.-. The undersigned other for sale the home and l acre lot. known as the Austin property in Durham. Terms very rea- sonable. Apply at. once to H. Stormy. or to W. B. Dan-Mum. McIntyre Block. Aunts Enos" Proprietors. 3 Thin week; Hopeviile news contains m account nf the lamented death of lame and Edward Egan two yuung managed 32 and 21 respectively from the effects of La Grippe. Their father died last July and these were the stay at the mother and the old home. . Mr. Jim. Egan. Ceylon, in a blather. Wide. <prend sympathy in felt. and expressed at the heavy hereavement. (‘nrmnenL ttik per hundred lbs, made from Retsttine Amoricam yellow Uorn.- R. McGowan. From a letter received hut. week (with a renewal) from Mr. Wm. Scatter. N, Duh. who with his wife are both Eg- remont birds. we are pleased to learn that their home has been brightened ly the birth of a daughter. We extend congratulations, and return thanks tor kind words tsbout the Review. Icar-H-'rvso.--Haa been in prov gnu for the but week or two and abundant supplies have been uvcurod. Hnve nll farmers been as plugI-essive as they might be in securing a supply for summer use in home and dairy I" The building of an ice-house is no great trouhie, and its benefit. is very marked. a little more freely, though an early break-up would cause trouble yet. The agreeable change in the weather un week gave an impetus to business which had become very lethargic owing to the extreme cold. Wood is coming in Additional locals on page Glover and Timothy seed lane’s Drugstore. TOWN & DISTRICT NEWS. 1r0h.--XXI. N0 8 "Mtr.tggtt ham «Em il?tittf"litttt "."'. at MacF'tus "m." some or the mrmers 00y! went; M of IN head on Ging Elocuic amissing. Having the appearance of Bitters. America" (“that Blood “a theft the wires were used and Turner um. Remedy. Bil pd]: goon left him. was arrested in London and brought m 3,. this mud modicino in qr1tat hi. back. He pleaded not guilty and way pantry goods. All America know. an: released on bail, to stand his trial to- it com lirer Ind he”, tronblo. pin-mu da Tuuda in W k on The tho Macadam up Ibo_ltonnch, mug- y. y. at ert . MvaapIt-vun “gonad now Tole-cope lay: Turner is a. gendemnly lib into - much. iiia' and m a young man and has been a. pottutat “nobody. Inna. ttmd or My“ teacher. Bog-sod oyutmmntricdygn It. Em bottle manual. only torhidden. with. "cum DIVINE HeALErts.--They have a smhulitan in North Brant. A new sect, calling themielves "The ('hristian Ca- tholic Church." with a Dr. Dowie, of Chicago. at their head, are denouncing drugs, doctors and divines as humhugs and trusting only in faith cures as well for the body as the soul. Two young ladies, Misses Legget, of North Brant, went to Chicago. (a necessary trip) to get cured of pronounced ailments. In a few days they were home in robust health and at once became a focus of missionary effort in the new cause. Neighbors and relatives have become converts. church memberships have been broken. insurance policies given up, and slaughtering of hogs (possessed of the devil) commenced! The son of a farmer named Fiddle with one Turner left for Chicago, and about the some time some of the farmers boys went amissing. Having the appeal-once of theft the wires were used and Turner was arrested in London and brought back. He pleaded not guilty and was LOSEH AN Artsr.--The unfortunate conductor mentioned below is a brother of Mrs. Alex. McComb, lower town. The despatch is ftotn the Mail and Empire of Saturday last: " Guelph. Feb. 16.--Mr. S. McComb. of Palmer- ston. met with no accident, at, Elam, in which he had his left arm taken off near the shoulder. The. unfortunate man has been a freight, conductor for a number of yearn, and yesterday after. noon left Guelph at 3.2) in charge at the mixed train going north. The ac- cident happened at Elem at 5.3). A special engine and car brought him back to the city about 7 o'cloek. He Was then nemoved in the ambulance to the General lNNpilill. and is getting along nicely." T As 1svExToit,--We were pleased to learn the other day from Mr. R. Watson Sv,, Nornmnhy. grandfather of Mr. Robert Watson (tertins) now of Na. nnimo. B. C., that the latter, who is a thinker. as well as worker has had patented in the U. States. Britain. France and Germany some device of a life saving character for use at fires. ‘Boh” who learned the Foundry hosi- ness in the old Cochrane Foundry here. has he”) markedly successful in the Piwifir. Province and his many friends and relatives here will not grudge him the honors and emoluments which may come to him as arewnrd of hisinventive skill..-- ( Later, We notice in the entrant number of the Scientific American. the formal Announcement of the issuing of the Patent which is Jescvibedas a "Fiee Escape," Say "No" when n dealer offers you it substitute for Hood's Salsaparilla. There is nothing "just as gmd.". Get only Hood's, Jr'orrce.--Matsy thanks to all those who tesponded to our call in squaring up their accounts. All those who didn't are. nnw asked to settle at 01119 without further delay.- 1‘. 1lcArthur. (Vassar an PatRtgtDrrsr.--Mr. and tim. Allan McDougall, whose home in m North Dakota, are visiting Bentinck friends. They will not return home until March. Allan is an old Bentinck boy and has been a citizen of the United States about. four years. Allan has been made. it proud and happy nun since. his return to Ontario. some three weeks ne-ttit' Wife presented him with a handsome baby buy two weeks ago. Mr. McDougall has only one regret. only one, and that, is that the boy was not horn under the stalsund stripes-~he cannot be the President no matter how worthy he may l)e.-~Post.. F nu: AND Fnotrr.---A friend und- up nasopy of the Manitoba Freak-m ot Feb. 9. which might be called one and Front. number. It contains mphic ac- countaotthe destruction ortho Man- itohu Hotel which was such a serious blow to the city, and has a column or two devoted to Jack Frost. Prom Feb, I to Feb 8, inclusive the readings wee 33, so, 39, so, MI, 40, 40, 47 deg. below zero, and the highest mark reached since Jan. 25 was trdett, below. On Sahlmth next Rev. Mr. Punton. of Stratford, will occupy the. Presbyterian pulpi. here. Mr. Jansen taking his place. On Monday evening Mr. Pan. ton will give a. lecture under the auspices of the W. F. M. B. Mr. Pan- ton is very highly spoken of " n lecturer, and no doubt a treat is in store. Admission Irw forndults, 101: for children. . BATTALIUN BAYD.--0wen Sounders are jubilant over securing the band and though refused help by the county council the town has subscribed liber- ally, new instruments procured. and abundance of musical talent. otfered. Prof. Heinicke i; the leader. Owen Sounders \ news?” We stated last week on what up- ristian Ca- peared to be good authority that Mr. Dowie, of Sparling intended closing up business enouncing here shortly on account of a. North 4 humhugs West trip. This we are glad to hear is resns well not quite correct. Mr. Swirling will .'wo young take the trip west. but he has no in- rth Brant, _ tention of severing his connection with y trip) to Durham where his provision store, nents. In grain buying and timber interests , in robust have been extending of late, giving ' focus of employment ton large number of men. ew cause The . innocent paragraph. howerer, . udglug by the queries Mr. Spat-1mg re income has receiVed. pl oves thata line or two hips have in THE REVIEW has a. far-reaching nine aivpn effect. LIME LIGHT LECTURE.~0I) Thurs. 'dayofnext week, March 2, Rev. Mr. Robertson, of Merritton. will give " llecture in the Ptatslryteriran church, illustrated with lime light views, all descriptive of Scottish life and scenery. Admission by a silver collection. As the proceeds are to go towards defray- ing the cost of the church blown down ' by the cyclone in Merritton, an appor- ‘tunity will be given to aid in a good 'wmk, and at the same time enjoy it [ first class entertainment. Spain's Greatest Need. Mr, B. P, Olivia, of Bunions. Spain, spends but winters " Aiken, S. C. Weak nerves Ind etued aware prints _iy the THROWN Otrr.---on Monday afternoon a; Mr. Jno. Pickcn was entering his trate his cutter upset and he WM flung against the post. receiving injuries tutmciently serious " to warrant calling In medical help. We “not. he may he nil right soon. 1htev--We Jearn that a collar bone is broken, and Mr. Picken will have to endure pain and enforced idleness for a time t the latter almost, as had as the former. They have wood thieves in Hanover and one of them having removed a part of the Post's scanty pile the editor points out. his reward ", "Poor fellow I he is more to he pitied than we are, for while we may he forced to go around with the cold chills chasing up and down our spinal column for a few days in consequence of the theft, he is but adding fuel to the fhuue in which he will wallow all down through the com- ing centuries." Mr. J. w. Crawford was a. delegate from the local lodge of the A. o. U. w. to the Grand Lodge meeting in Tur- onto last “eek. Over 400 delegates Were in attendance. A motion to ad- mit wumen was voted down, but several useful steps were taken. The order is flourishing. Mr. Gilrhy. a recently elected member of the Co, Council has tesiRned " position owing to a question of dis. qualification, A new election will thus be held and " pretty fhrht " promised to electanmn in favor of the Home of Refuge. As Mr. Gilrtsy was Opposed to it, a new man in fewer would Rive a majority for the scheme. ~Tnpvnuc Btaorma.-ah.ant council advertise in the Ihutoeer Post, taking sup. tin-lose up a dgviation so that the road may tie forced on to the county tine, than. tselntrintt Urey and Bruce in for building a new bridge, the " Uri-pin Bridge " so much talked of at the re- cent county nominations. Prom their aetiorruse Post thinks their will be trouble. Samoan AcctmtNr.-urt week as Mr. Robe. Haalip wee endeuoring to keep I. load of loge from upsetting he was hoisted by the pry-pole and felling on the manual the sleigh which Wu .upeet, rec-dud painful Internal injuries. He has been eince triate " the Midday}: Home under Dr. Jamiewn'e attendance and we ere glad to know he is programL ins favorably-a . PURHAM, THURSDAY, 1i'1ilBlWARY M, 1899. Mrs. And. Fogarty of 4th con, N. Glen- elg, died on Sunday Inst after u linger- ing illness of two months, She leaves behind as chief mourners, Andtisw, in Markdale, Patrick at home, and t daughters, Mrs. J no. MeAuiitte, Mm. mm MeAtuiffe, Mrs. John Maher, and one " thtalt Ste. Malia. Her husband died two years NIO. Dundnlk. Orangeville and Berkely we all talking up Pork-packing establish- meme. f, Weto ttse minim. A SUDDEN CArt.---Last Saturday morning, Mr. Jon. L'hittick. Lemlneh, and family took breakfast in the usual way, little dreaming the hand of death was so near them. But shortly after Mr. Chittick felt a fainting eensetion and to the consternation end grief of his family soon hreethed hie lest. Mr. Chittick was . men highly respected and of an amiable disposition, and his sudden removal in the midst of e life of usefulness. " e eomparatiretr early ege (almost 45). hes cost it gloom over the community. Hie tether, mother, e brother and two sisters reside in w. Forest, where they moved eboot five yen-s ego. tn his on home he iel mourned by hie wife. g eons and' demure. He was e member of the? Me, Fred Leeson, formerly of Van-ney went to Indiana last. December, engug' mg himself with u drungist to learn the business. With a go-ahead-ness, popul- arly believed to belong only to the Yankees, he has bought out the business in company with his brother Ernest, a. pushing M. D. in that locality. The Leeson colony of four brothers now in Indiana. Rev. Chas” G. Mansfield and Ernest. M. D's and apothecaty Fred, will he increased soon by their sister, Miss Edith, who is going on an extend- ed visit and may engage in teaching, We wishtbem allsnccels in their ad- opted homes, but regret that-that-- Canadu doesn't own Indiana. ( A SUCCESSFUL O. A. C. GttADUATE.--- Mr. Thus. Gadd,_ Jr., well known in Nummnhy, went to the Narth West last year and um a cremuery success- fully. During the winter. he has been engaged Itt a furniture factory. and this smmnm he is to mm the same Cleamery getting 800 a month, $10 more than last your. We congratulate ouvold pupil on his success "out. west." Mr. and Mrs. Adam Cram-ton were visiting " his sister's. Mrs. Binnie "ttil, other Gleueig relatives last week, before leaving for the North west where tpro of his sum are located. l Mr, Jas, Morice and family moved last Friday to the farm he has ptu'chas- ed in Bentinck known as the Dargavel farm. We wish Mr. Morice and family success and prosperity in their new surroundings. Last, Saturday being mild quite a number of the teaching fraternity mov- ed around town, among the number we 31w were Miss Lena Wolfe and Messrs. J. Redford, J, A. Graham. w. K. Reid and F. Grunt. Miss Kate Dickson, near Dromore. visited her relative Mr, Wm. Cannon, near Dornoch, and intended to visit Mr. and Mrs. Adam Cranston at Peabody before returning. Dr. Lander-kin, M. P., has donned the harness again in the w. Huron political campaign, and has been doing some ef- fective speaking in the interest of the Liberal candidate, H. Holmes. ‘gf‘the Queen’s Park W with him. Miss Hattie Watt and Miss Alice Johnston came home from Toronto to attend the wedding of the latter‘s sister. Reeve Dickson, of Bentinck, has been seriously ill, but according to an item in last week's Hanover Post is rapidly recovering to the gratification of his Immy friends. Miss Hazel McGregor and Miss Ehbio Hughes attended service in the Glenelg Baptist church Sunday last. Mr. David Allan, of Hopevllle. accom- panied by tus daughter and son visited friends in Glenelg lately. Mics Nellie Morton, left hut. Saturday for Hamilton on a. visit mmusina in that city. and may make a lengthened stay, “in Belle Manama.“ in visiting her timer. Mrs. J. New. near Pricevillo. Reeve J no. MeArthar Artemis. and Mr. Don. McMilbm of the "me town- dup were in town )1”. Min B. R. J. McKinnon arrived fentggt Baltic on Saturday and will Again brighten up the parental home. Messrs. John 3nd Neil Inbound. of Owen Round, spent Sunday " their home here. returning Hominy. Dr. Jamiescn. V, P, P., mu home ovo-r the week end. looking no If the air Ram Mr. Ferguson is under the in- fluence of las Grlppe thin week. . Mr. James Carson. of Hamilton. w” in town last week. Miss Mabel Swallow is in Toronto attending the minim-1y openings. Miss Marian Morton. Mt. Forest. Visib- ed her parents for a few days last watt. Mr. Richard Ward. of Shallow Lake, was in town for a. few days Inst week. g Pai,!):,?,,?,!.)!.),!,.; MENTION Wt, take this opportunity of thaplring our customres for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system wap merit, a continuance of the same. " 'Slllltllnlltxees Cash , System . " ', Durham. Aug. 9th. I 'g §toves Gutters $3; Our Piano and Organ trade is fjrm1y established. Best makes. Purest tones. N you Irant 9. Sewing Whine? I the New '111itttiiraglitg2?" we?!” Wood . .', 0c 'MIIIOI. ', AT ,rge Bales & Small Profits." At prices that will surprise. We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generallg that we have adopted the Gas _t"?5rstern, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be UPPER TOWN IMPLEMENi' WAREROOMS. tiibtgit CI L GRANT C. JIGKINNON’S. R U Pleased R U Satisfied ADOPTED BY TORONTO With the Boots you are wearing ? Are they comfortable? or do they give you corns? If you are not, then call call and get your footwear from Grant and you will be pleased. With the Tea you are drinking ? If you are not CALL AT GRANTS and get your Tea from him and yon will be. " G. d; J. McKECI-INIE. If. of all kinds, Cuttzers and Sleighs of the best quality and at prices away down. . McKechnie. COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES, BOX STOVES WHOLE N0. 1093. .-w ’1 -Irei..e- m N

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