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Durham Review (1897), 23 Feb 1899, p. 3

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IRE AIR FOR BLEEPWt& nlt of fresh " in th h Will be felt in various m eter nerves. greater at.” tar eyes and clear" It.“ n. And though the It” h mas-d it is worthy at I“. we realize benefits. a several points to m il.u.ng sleeping apart-m gs important that th. .h pure, and the Villa at M med. Then the Nqaimt of the sleeper nttoaMd h _ Thes same amount " m the ammo tumult. rnllulrd due by wagon. vs lmpprlu that the III-i. n-au "tr during the “I. tu, sleep rs uncomlonabl, a this as tho 't-btAn - open window or It“ defeated. w raised a wry little at I. lsbc‘ior thuunwidem up mug upon a ventilate. cellcnt tor delicato 'tear'. L bearadireet current. lath. wanton. It is a well-known I animals must be with], mg!“ m order to thin 3. mar. The tagrt in no» the [human beings. 2ttttt; {ellignnt 'houtrht--n- It PNEUMONIA. ia, or inflammation " m me of the scourge- at our ditwa.se Gr note (an) to the North than you!” I hurdenu the camphor will srhly incorporated. K009 h tt-rntuthed bottle or in I“. When needed for cold h m 249mm, an. rub tho te-teq, hrom, palms of the - d tte feet thoroughly. Ptlltt ( nel'essu'y. apply on I 1 or lungs. This is iat,Slt Mod for infants, " it is the first one given. the North than Jon-- the tnhabitants at Rio do Havana. " claim it. do- tteasuns. but prevail. - ter and spring. , several terms (Jinn-n..- lungs. One, called “initial attacks chit“, the vary the very old, although llilldlt' use are by no nonn- mtt. It often orcurn in tho atttt‘l't‘ bronchial cold and i. ttatt-ttsou of the will!“ ..u from the bronchial tuben‘ termitrations within the t the lungs. It inthinhtem eraal when it in said that maternal with pneumonia.” wt threatened with the , want-d croupous pnemlil. irEteuunont'a - it strike. like without warning. column!) belie! that tho [0' hubby are cumin“, 1iatN ted by this form at pun- ut did in only apparent]! tttutnt ts one of the vary 3 from whirl: one hitherto but] h can die so quickly. await-In are the more notice- he fact is that it in much " to aunt-k those who no physically: and the pro- I rule for ventilating " m lowed on all occasion “to. 5 ventilation than oxen-iv. , misery “Lends. Wm) an rombmo-d inhale 0" lp;. a round, t km ‘--m.£nbor that. lull] one!“ itt spent in ther M“ lady says: "Sleep in so m l mum perfect who]: in.“ l fresh airin thas - " tte dull-nag worn during the llwuyw be placed " m ts Mr wnll find it, and tho tht; worn at night. Dub. 'cus nit wril lburoughl’ "r- if In" rule of fresh " 1. |g as well as for the too. i. :hera will be even grout" “VI-l Hutu" REMEDIES. i-xm-ii m cough medicine le D'IIMHJ a heaping tlblom nun-Ii in a pint and I "tf . ter Hm“ slowly and W " 'IUH‘H Strain, add (h. - 'cr. ..r tun small lemo- uni t, taste. A :ablespoonlil - if tup "ill soon relievo - r-ugh, If the iuastrs in m n-ra'hing difficult it ll welt m.- (ollmving ointment: ht. i-nful of fresh. js,?,','.'?,',',',':"';?, ttul of turpentine. r mnkla it with salt and - D the lungs, covering with}? lb to protect the Gm as quickly, and il.flll! " m any of the high-pm}! ilt, ' important matters Jig-id; and brighter he”. good mntment: Buten . (mun lard and add quid spirits of ramphot. Sn! nolmg the Urd nuieh1' A: fort n EALTH. u " IDS h hys n SI lon u: lur “la-I'll. '7" - , he drug store for .- pneumonia, like typ- ttrttt. and the like. I. ' s.if-limited dim”: , .t is a disease for cci IDS believe there h "ly Acting on that not attempt to all” my to keep tho pat. br. as po-Iible III” h unlillbe dine... in il-ally; and a man has a nu: rover]. - __ n d an muck of plou- rig so severe tbat non of seif-nreatgnent. an is called in .alt n. was the practice ly and to forbid tho At the present day just the opposito, but is not much - with a hard chill wid breathing. . psi. flushed an. n of thiek mucus blood. In favor- r (ails suddenly b. ninth day ---trr A tumor lays Pnrliunont will be ullod for March 16. The Quebec budget ahon a great uduction h the defieit. The Ballhx citadel wu seriously damaged by tire on Friday. The G.T.R. in building 500 box can at its work. at Point St. Charles. It h'remrted that platinum is being found In large quantities in the Klon- dike. The Grand Trunk is building six ten- wheel pane-Men engines an six Ino- [uh for freight eervice. It is feared that the peach trees have been seriously injured by the recent cold snap. The Montreal Medical Health Officer favors a law making vaccination omn- pulnory in that city. Aid. Laurin ham resigned from the Council Board of Butt to boom-e a Policeman st .500 per year. The National Council of Women at Ottawa will petition the city council to establish a public library. The Waterworks Committee of Mont- real is asking for nearly tb million doll": to spend in improving the "stem. There were 1.232 deaths; 498 mar- riagrss, and 1,849 births in Ottawa, in 1898 During January. 1899, there were 96 deaths from all causes as compared with 84 for the same month last rear. Joey]: Bailey, a patient from Mar- mon. fell down u an.“ at the Rock- wood Asylum for the Insane on Friday and was killed. The Imnnelly Salvage & Wrecking Company has purchased the steamer Eurydice and will use her in connection with their wrecking operations. Burglar» entered the residence of Mr. Alphonse Lapierro. Montreal, chloro- formed the inmates of the house and robbed them of their valuables. The magnificent residence of than“ Sir John Abbott at Montreal. has bean purchased try B nyndiotte of wealthy (outlaw-n. and will be used as apoli- tical club. The price paid was 340- tit. John's Presbyterian Church, Brockville. w” destroyed by tire, on Sunday, only tho bare walls remain- ing standing. Drs. D. C. Maclaron and A. Qucck- onbuuh. two Ottawa homeopathiatu, have issued . circular setting forth their objections to vaccination. Dr. Leuiuoo and J. A. Bouaoquet. clviv' officials at Montreal. have been ounpandrd. charged with attempting to bribe an alderman with C600. to mute Dr. Loduca's appointment as milk in- Iver-tor. Dr. D. V. lanes. Canadian Immigra- tion agent in the United sates. os- timutos that fully Moo persons will rumovu from that country to make their humus in the Canadian North- west this your. on the shoals southwest of the island. The work is under the supervision of Mr. W. H. Nubia. at the Marina De- pmnnn-m, Ottawa, The Masttsr in Ordinary has decid- ed that Hm American receivers of the Massachusetts Life Association are no: entitled to rank as creditors on the dapusit of 0112.000 made by the associ- nion with the Canadian Government, The lirockville Peat Company has bum granted exemption from taxation by the Elizabethtown Council on the bulls, buildings and mwhinery hereu- eviry for the carrying on " peat manu- facturing on a large seat" in that town- Ihip. __ Tho lighthouse on Sink. Inland. Kunguun. is being remortd to appoint ber, an on strike because tho Police Commissioners prohibited empty cabs standing on the Strand. Picadilly and any! street. The hotels and that»: are. hit hard. Dr. E. Pelletier, secret”)! of the Quebec Board. has issued a bulletin to Hm Board of 1103th regarding the present status of smallpox in that pro- vinve. There have been ll 0mm; in all mince the outbreak. all in Sunlangu County. Tho trawler Neptune has landed at Grlmby n singular catch. consisting of In out: of butter, which were picked up In the North Sea, 25 miles to the north of Hartlepool. The skipper tound the sea almost covered with nuts ot butter. The oabbiu od, London, 7.00! in non. Mr. Sexton declines the Irish loadern ship. It mar so to Sir Thomas Henry Eamrmde. The wife of Mr. Jnhu Putt, farmer. Purley Farm. ('hudleigh. England. gave birth last week to H-hildren. 8 girls and 1 boy. Moth-r and babies are doing welt. The Committee of Lloyds have given silver medals to otfieers of the Am- oriest lino steamer Paris for bravery In rescuing the crew of the British mummy Vindobala in mid-Atlantic. William Laird, of the famous ship- building firm ot Laird Brom, at Birk- onhmd. England. died on Tuesday. Cnnlerhury Town Council has deeid.. ed that the presentation of the honor- ary freedom of the city to Mr. H. Hea- ton, M. P., will take place on March urn Hunter. of the Egyptian army, has been presented at Glasgow with a "word " honor. ti. A. Spottiswuode, head of the- noted firm of Eyre & t'spottiswoode, parlia- mvnury and general printers. is dead at built)“. Among the Ian-st contributions Lotho Prince M Wales' Hospital fund for Lon- don we the following: The Fishrnong- ors' Company, £1,000; Lord Grirmhorpe, £100. It is calculated that some 10.ooo,oooi phmngmphs of Queen Victoria and of. tho Prince and Princess of Wales are; prmiuoed annually, which find ready] uh ail over the world. I The appeal for 8H,,5tJ0,000 in connec. lion with the Chinese Imperial Rail- way Spercontuge gold loan in London In: been a phenomenal raccoss. It was applied for five times over. Lord Mnumstuphv-n has sent Et,000 to the Prince of Wales' Hospital fund, and says he intends to contribute a like Nutu annually. CANADA. . $1.11on In unnamed with "mod Right Hon. Sir Ham; Cnmpboluhn- was Summary. G BEAT "RITA IN. tlt Recent Happenings Briefly Told. human. formerly Chief Secretary fer War, has been elected to succeed Bir William Vernon Harcourt IS leader of the Liberal party. The British soldier is the beat fed individual of his class in Europe. He receive. for his daily rations " oz._of bread, 12 of meat. 2 od rice, 8 of dried vegetables, 16 of potatoes, and once a week he receives g oa. of salt. 4 of col- feo. and 9 of sugar. Cot. John Morgan, Mayor of Brecon. Wales. has signified his intention of laying down at his own cost plant for the oleetrie lighting of the town. It is estimated that this will practically mean a gift of S5,000. In connection with the Patti wedding, the Mayor will also bear the cost of the street decorations. The number of women employed in the English post office at the present time is over 80,000, or about one-fifth of the whole of the vast army of work- ers in that huge department. Of that number 1,320 are employed on clerical work of a. high order, and with great success. Mrs. Spurgeon. wife of the pastor of the Metropolitan tabernacle. London, held a reception Wednesday in aid of the fund for the rebuilding of the edi... fiee, which was destroyed by fire on April 20. 1898. Within an hour she collected Eli,000, she herself oontribat- ing £250. The Gas World declares that there are now in use throughout Great Bu. tain no fewer than 500,000 country penny-in-the-slot meters. These con- sume 7,000,000 cubic feet of gas. or as much as is sold in Birmingham and Lelcaster combined. to all classes of Consumers. In recent years the out- put of copper coin has greatly increas- ed from this cause. The Drapers' Co., of London. Eng., have offered to make a contribution of £800 a year for ten years towards the development of facilities for agricul- tural education at an important seat of learning. The only condition tile ttompanr make in connection with their offer is that the Board of Agriculture shall give the scheme the benefit of its support. lt in proposed to raise £20,000 to pro- ride a stipend and expenses of a bis- hop. wh oshall undertake the oversight of the whole work of the church of England in Egypt and the Soudan. At present this region is included in the jurisdiction assigned to tho Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem; and the bishoprie es allow of a division in that jurisdic- glpn. be in the relation of assistance to tm. The pmplo at the United States can- sume about 4.000.000 bottles of pickles every week. Mina Lena Gordon, of Cornwall. Conn., is stuttering intensely from wisdom teeth which grow sideways. The Electric Boat Co., New York, has been organized to build boats and IPA.:? steamship line. Capital 810,- The American Steel & Wire Co.. of Chicago has decided to advance the wages of its 36,000 employee from 5 to 10 per cent. Two thousand men are engaged in pushing [he work of the Simplon tun- asl. twelve mile: long. through the Swiss mountains. Cortsidesrsbiq Australian gold, ro- minted It San Francisco, is coming to New York by mustered mall. A Buffalo delegation in Washington an- spending their days and nights with grout diligence. asking members to support a bill granting '500,000 tor ttro Pam-American Exposition in that city in IBM. Th" mu investigating cummisaiun at Waslsirwton bat, puparvd its report. The ma summed to the Cuban ex. peditiott i, manned Lo be good enough for an mun-gum: when. and the slut- Cass whichl “and“ the American arms seems to have decided the oom- mission in finding g.-uerully that the cullduct oe the war was all right. GENERAL. The Sultan of Turkey is ill. He has a varicry otdeamious andis in con- sum Cur of “animation. Six can of yellow [ever have devo- lvqud mucus the soldiers of the New Yurk lu-gnum-L at Gwnujay, Cuba. Poet oltim have been established at F'ats'uoda, Sobat. Samar. Duem. Atm Ham: and Waled Madih it) in the Soudan. A consolidation at all the tin-plate and steel interests in the United State.» is registered at Chicago, with $300,000,000. A member of the Japanese Diet has accused the Government of paying him for his vote onthe land tax bill, recently passed. ' , The new car manufacturing com- bine {primed in the United States in- volves a capital of 860,000,000. Ti)» State Department at Washing- ton has declined to recognize the claim of tlie Austro-Huncarian Government for indemnity on account of the Hun- garian strikers killed by Sheriff Mar- tin's posse. at Haaelton, Pu. The cereal food companies of the United States are combining. Thu disappearance ot the Chinese who were admirted to the United States to take part in the Trans-Mis- sissippi Expoailion at Omaha is still " mystery, and there is truuble ahead for all the Chimunun in the United States. A banana trust is talked of in New York, a candy trust. in Chicago, in Boston a ronsolidation of thy print works, in tir. limp-d States. and at Providence, R. i., a consolidation of all [be large steam engine building companies, The imports at the port at Buffalo tor the past year totalled $3,513,000. ot this 83,2'P2,705 mm from Canada. Th" chief items in the Canadian list were came, 8851.530; horses, 830,374; sheep, 8398.115, and lumber, 8359.- Mg. Thousands of slump have perished in Nt‘hl'uskil as a result of the late sov- Nebraska as a result at the late sav- ere weather. They were mostly sheep that were brought from the South and not yet accustomed to the rigourous climate. Italian newapapon any that Italy in occupction of a Chinese port. and that “I the. no [1"an. to the UNITED STATES, Aa an indication ot the canon! de Prension in the Cape, the railway ro- venue show: a weekly reduction of 8100.!!!) u compared withlaet you. ' British soldier ands KUtir bade prize fight in Cape Town, at which the native was territioally beaten, dying from his injuries o few hours later. Central China is aegthiug with dis- feet.. Robe! Yu-Mgn-sz is report- ed to be on the road again. Grd, bye captured two French mission- urns. The British military authorities in India and elsewhere hare at their com- man 25,000 camels. Thousands of these useful but ugly animals are used in India to carry stores of all kinds when troops change quarters by line of march. Electrical weaving machines are in use in Germny. Seamless stockings, with double heels. are rattled out of each machine at the rate of 11 pairs an hour. ‘ While there are 125,000,000 people whore everyday language is English, there are only 90,000,000 who speak Russian, 75,000,000 who speak German. awo‘ooo wh? speak. _Frenqh.i 45.000.- 000 who speak épanish; -aafiaiiii,isiio wig; speak Italian. The Norwegian Army has a highly trained corps of skaters armed with repeating rifles, These men can be maoeuvred on - ice with a rapidity equal to the beat trained cavalry. According to the St. Petersburg Noroati, two new steamshipe of the Russian Volunteer Fleet will be order- ed In England. The Russian naval tsdminiatriition will complete the con- struction during the present year or 2 tint-class ironclad; 4 cruisers and 2 torpedo boats, Next year , first-class lronolada will be begun. To add to the horrors ot civil war- fare, it is now reported from Bolivia that the Indiana have risen and are plundering and murdering every- where. They attacked aCbilian min- ing 'ustablishrmsrtt at Coroooro. and the manager. to avoid falling into the mttt1raudera' hands, killed his wife and suicidod. Memento-soaking visitors to Bevan have robbed the graves of the sailors of the battleship Maine of all the flow- ers and plants provided by Commodore Cromwell. Dunc-nun!- Believe That the kimono Between Inneo and Britain are Severe- ly Mailed. A dospatch from London, nub-Lord Salisbury has sent a formal protest to the French and Italian Governments against the agreement whereby italy ceded a part of the Roberta scant in East Africa to France. A despatch from Ottawa, an: - A new Knapp roller boat will probably be constructed in Toronto during the coming season. Mr. George Goodwin, of this city. who is interested in the project. states that I company isnow being formed in Chicago for the pur- pose of again constructing . boat ac- o_ording to the Invention of Mr. It had been supposed that the rtsitr. Hons between England and France, which were strained by the Fashoda incident and other matters of terri.. torial dispute in various parts of the world were rapidly being settled in the must amicable manner. RELATIONS' AGAIN STRAINED. The summer “ermnnlr Potluck-n " New York Harbor. A dwpatch from New York. says: - The White Star line steamer Germanic sank at tter pier on Monday evening. and is now lying par- tially suhnwrged. The necident is said to have been due. to the heavy coat- ing of ice whieh formed on the sides of the steamer. The continued loading of coal combined with the heavy weight of the ice caused the summer to list, out] slowly sink to the bottom. It in said no lives were lost. Uner the Anglo-Egyptian conven- tion of 1883 Italy was forbidden to tor- tify that part of the African coast. France asserts that she is not bound by the terms of this convention. and now proposes to raise earthworks and fortifications to counter-check the British forth on tho Island of Peron. The latest protest from Lord Salis- bury shows that affairs between the two countries an again strained to a very serious point. The constant ag- gressions of France toward what the English Government Consider its ter- ritorial rights are amusing renewed hostility toward France. among the English people. _ when asked later if he thought sul- eide justifiable, Magistrate Wentworth said :--" That is not the question. I believe in suicide. Tlrat is all." New York Bhutan" surtln the Coqrq Alto-dank. A despueh from New York Barb.'-- When auryear-rdd boy. charged with attempting to take his own life, was arraigned before Magistrate Went- worth in Harlem Polite" Court on Tues- day, the magistrate startled the court attendants and the few .sp60ttV tors by declaring himself in favour of suicide. Magistrate Wentworth said: " This is a. sad case, I believe; in sui- cide, and I think everyone has aright to shuffle off when he has nothing in lit" left for him. When I get so that there is nothing left in life for me, I think that is “hat I shall do." The magistrate then turned theboy over to his sister who took him home with her. In diplomatic circles the reports of better relations between the two coun- tries are now discredited. It would not be surprising it there wasarenewal of the active military preparations, which both nations made with so much display last fall. Great Britain has not relaxed her work on her fleet, and. the dock-yards and naval stations were never so busy as now. NEW KNAPP ROLLER BOAT. HE BELIEVES IN SUICIDE. 'it' THE WAR CLOUD AGAIN. SINKS AT HER PIER. MARKETS UP THE WORLD Prices of Gran. Cattle. Cheese. M m the Leading lam Very little export cattle came in, and prices were, while not quotnhly changed, weaker, ranging from 4 to 45-80. and for choice 43-40 per pound. Like shipping stuff butcher cattle was easy, and tgaleg were few and in no sense representative. The price. of Tuesday nominally prevailed. but trading was slow and altogether un- "titstaotorr. . Toronto, Feb. 17.-At the western nettle yards to-dny we had about 86 loads in, ell told, including 1,800 how. ttttt sheep and lambs. a few calves. and less than I dozen milkerl. Trade was quiet; the market was dull, and prices were weaker; there was considerable of the stuff here no- Stookera were dull at from 88.40 to 83.60 per ttwt. Bulls were worth, tor export. from 81-4 ta 40 per pound. Feeders are worth from 314 to b per pound. We received 1,800 hogs. and prices were unchanged. but it is only fair to say that much dissatisfaction is being expressed at the grading of hogs. Prim ticully a monopoly exists in part of the trade; it is not necessary to-day to mention the name of the firm ex- ercising the monopoly, but it a let-up does not at once occur some very plain truths can be told. Prices are un- changed. - C A few choice milkeu an wnntod " trom 840 to 050 each; (hm hero sold from 025 ta 840 each. Sheep were quio't at from I to 'I-4o per pound. t 41-at por pound. 3 Calves are minted at about 5 1-209“ poyyd foryuty Ivan“!- . -e--- -rdrGAmr is the range of _ current quotations:-- . Shipping, par ch. .0 425 I Butcher, choice. do. .. 860 Butcher, med. to good. 325 Butcher, inferior. . 275 t SHEEP AND LAMBS. Cows, each. Calves, each. Ewes. per owt. . . Lambs. per owt. .. Bucks, per owt. . . Choice hogs, per cwt.. . 425 4 50 Light hogs. per owt. . 400 425 Heavy hogs, pot cwt. . 876 3871-2 PRODUCE. "Eggs--hUrket steady and unchang- ed. Choice boiling stock 30118 at 20 to Me ; hold fr'esh my! fungi. " toye. , Quotations are an follows-Dry salt- ed shoulders. Te; lung. clear bacon, our lots, Te; ton lots and rule lots, Ti-t to TI-V; and backs, ilto 81-40. Smoked meats-Hams, heavy, 91-2 to lot", medium. 10 to 101-2e; light, Ile; breakfast bacon, 101-2 to Ile; picnic bums. 71-2 to 73-40; roll bacon. 81-4 lo ttl-ge. All meats out of pickle le, less than prices quoted for smoked meats. - 1'otntoear-AmNe in for the demand. Cur Iota, on track, are quoted at about 006 per bag; dealers sell out of store at 65 to Toe; farmera' loads sell at around 60 to Too. matter-Demand active and market well deanad up. Prices steady 1o firm. Thu quotations are as followss-lbiry, tub. poor to medium, 11 to lee; choice. ll to 150; larget rolls. IS, to 16e; small dairy, lb. prints, about we; crvamery. tubs and boxes, 19to LO", Ihs., 20 to ele, "Cheese-Prices Choice stuck sells 1-2c. Not much change in the market for dressed hogs. Prim-s steady. 0n the street farmers' lunds were quoted lo- day at around 85.25 for choice lots. A few our lots changed bands, on track at " mixed weights. delivered, and about 85.10 for selects. _ No change in pork pruglucts. v Lard-Tierees, Te; tubs, TI-t to7l-2c; pails, 71-2 to Ts-ict compound. 51-2 to "'fsi:a/iuriiuriiuji. Choice hand- pieked beans sell at 81.10 to $1.25; and common st 60 to 751r. per bath.. - . " with an ovcusional ages. DRESSED 310135 AND PROVISIONS. Pouitrr-Reipta light and a good demand for turkeys. Quotations are: Chickens, per pair, 2.") to 40e.; ducks, 40 to 600; geese, per lb., 6 to To; tur- Dried appieo-Deaters pay 5 to 51-2 for dried stock, delivered hero, and small lulu resell at 5 1-2 to 53-4; evap- orated. 8 to 90 for small lots. ._.. Buffalo. Feb. 17. - Spring wheat-- Strong; higher; No. 1 hard, " 3-8e; No 1 Northern, " 3-80.. Winter wheat-No offerings; No. 2 red quot- ed at 76 l-2c; No. 1 white, 76 1-2 bid. Corm-Dull; No. , yellow. 88 1-20; No. 4 yellow, 88e; No. 2 corn, 88 1-4c; No. , corn, 380. oats-Strong; high- er; No g white. 350; No. a white, Me; No. 4 white, 380. Barley - Steady; sale. of Western at 53 to 56c. 1tye- Nominal; No. 2, on track, 64c. Flour --Unehanged. 1anroit,iiett. Feb. 17.-Whettt-Closw ed-No. 1 white, cash, T8t-K. No. 2 M. cash. 731.20; Mir, Rev, my, ”use. Milwaukee. Wis. Feb. 17.--Wheat-- No. l Northern, Tto; No. 2 Northern, Toi-it to Tio; No. I, 661-2 to We. Bar- larr-No. 2, .S.1 P. !uHoi.e.m8s, ee. keys per'36._11 " 13c. Honey-Round lots of choice. deliv- ered here. wih’bring about 51-2 to 6e.; demure quote from 6 to Te. per lb. tor 10 to 60-11). tins 'and in comb at around $1.25 to 81.50 per dozen aeo- ""iiiifea har-Dull and easy. Strictly choice .cur lots is quoted at 86.50 to .7550 per Ion; ued Eo. 2 at H: vv-vv r‘~ -"-. -e-_eee" - Btraw-Dermutd nil. Care lots are quoted at 84 to 84.50, on track. 1roptr--Uuehruwsd. Dealers here sell at 16 to We. and are paying holders. outside. about ll to 18e. . DAIRY PRODUCE. tions Lambs are unchanged. st from {to mum-951i; Fob. 17.4mm}: L. Petr. MILKERS AND CALVES. CATTLE. HOUS. 1'.2ts, for select pack- well maintained. nt from 98-h to 10 H75 4121-: 4500 600 3121-2 Dun. unu. ”all. may. “.18 1-2. PRESIDENT OF FRANCE. SUDDEN DEIISE OF I. FELIX FAURE ON THURSDAY NIGHT. The new; of the death of the Presl- dont did not reach the public tor more than an hour after it had occurred. It la impoeelble to describe the first u.. feat ot the intelligence upon the pub- tie, mind. The announcement which fUw through the boulevard: wee elm- ply that M. Faun was dead. It was reoelved with general incredulity. Con- firmation of the new followed swift- ir, and dUbeiiof (ave place to ex- citement. almost terror, for nobody be- lined the statement that his death had resulted from natural causes. The pub- lio quickly leaped to the conclusion that another Preeidenl had fallen the victim of an main. and a majority behaved that the coup d'etat which tor weeke has been dreaded had fallen. on... muo- n hula-Lulu - the um CPI-In. A despntch from Paris, “ya :--M. Fo- lix “are. ninth President of the third French Republic. died suddenly from npoplexy a ton o'clock on Thursday night. He had been 'slightly indiapos. ed for . day or two, but he did not oonaidor himself u really ill. It must be admitted that the per- sonal feature of the calamny is sub- ordinated in moat minds; according to the comments everywhere heard on the boulevuds. which were still througod at midnight to-night, to the political situation, which it terribly complicates. This argues no lack of sympathy or respect for the dead President. uu-q. no; any. at 0-5 to TI 1-30; July. 7134 to 717-803 No. 1 hard, TAs; No. 1 Norman. tle; No. 8 Northern. 0c. Plour-rirst when“. 08.70 to 88.80; mud patella. '8.50 to 88.60; first clear. "as to 02.75. Duluth. Minn, Feb. W.--Wheat-so. 1 hard cub. Tttt bid; February Tge bid; May " 1-20 bid; July 75c bid; No. 1 Northern, cub. l bid; February, 70c bid. Mar 721-24: bid; July, 730 bid. Toledo. o., Feb. IT-Wheat, No. P., can, " 1-80; May 760 bid. Rre--No. S, cub, 1570. bid. Cioverseedd-Prime cub. oitl, t8.A; new. cash. and Feb- It in no exaggeration to any that for an hour Peril believed that Fri- day'a nun would rise upon some form of dietatorahip in France preliminary to the restoretion of a monarchicnl Government. The official news that the head of the State had been strick- en with epoplexy finally gained cred- ence end then the alarm, which “as It most openic. subsided, and the crowds. which had been momentarily expecting the trampling of the horses of the canny. and tho I'nlre Preparing For I "(It VIII Ill;- I-ud “only. The Toulon correspondent of the London Daily Mail. remarking upon the extraordinary aciiviiy at the tirtF enal there. and generally in French naval works, 'tatt.:--.-"" is believed that M. Lockroy. Minister ot Marine, expects war witty Great Britain within two years. and it II. notorious that a war with England II being preached in official circles in Paris. Troops are being pouredinto Tunis Caucuin. end Algeria. and war material is being de- spatoh to all tho colonies. French officers openly trout they will "reap the British fleet out of the Mediter- RATTLING Oh' SABRI‘B. been to discuss the effect at the sud- den tngedy in the midst a the grout national crinis. in a value way, of aspiring to greater. power than attaches to the office of President, under the present consti- tation, but nobody seriously believed that he was smoking to overthrow the Republican Government. Thursday night, however, Frenchmen are asking each other with enhanced anxiety what is going to happan. The ques- tion most frequently asked is, "Who will be the next President?" and the name most often suggested by the questioners themselvel ia that of Senator Waldetrk-Hounteyau. The Fronch people did not regard M. Fuure as a great figure in their na- tional history. He was no popular hero. Perhaps he was not appreciuted at his true worth, but he commandod the confidence and respect of all parties and all classes. He was mmarkahly auccmssful in the dififcult and delicate task of keeping clear of all the compli- cations ofthe terrible scandal which now blights the national lifo, al- though it was well known that: his sympathies were on the aide of those who oppose a revision of the Dreyfus one. He had sometimes been accused. It was burned only In hour heron M. Faure's death that one of 1hr. pretenders to thy French throne. "ho is credited with activity against the Government ,hus decided not to make a wave until Dreyfus should tut brought back to France. It is un- possiltle that he, will raise his hand against. the Republic while the l'wsi- dent is lying unburied. In the mean- time, another man wilLbe install~d in the. palace of Elysee. who, perhaps, will be. even a strong” defender of the Republic than he who died on Thursday night. AN EXTENSIVE PLOT. to overthrow the Republic, it in diffi- cult to sew how tit-night's tragedy will do othernisn than embarrass it. The constitutional machinery for dealing with an o-mergrnt‘y like the pres-em fortunately acls quickly. The National Asm-mbly. Comprising the Senate and Chamber of Deputies, will mum git Varsuilh-s Saturday or Monday, and will sit until the Presidency is till-d. But another quesiion, ominous in its importance is asked many times in- night. It is, "Wilt there he allulh'l President'" None but hopeless petsaim- iut~2 give a negative amuwr to this query. and they are few in number. Even assuming that there exists EXPECT WAR IN TWO YEARS. 118 .to It bttr, {all of Apoplexy- TORONTO he; n bill which he will introduoo .ho.tly in the Lgi inure. It provide: that any perron beginning I suit. " dance uglinet the municipality she“ first put up the money net-emery foe the costs. The idea ofthe bill in (I prevent tho e petple whohtve nothing and begin hulls aninst munivipel cor- porations horn entering into litigation and then forcing the payment at the t‘oms an the corporation, whet he: liable or not. It will also provide the. any one commencing suit end not de- positing the costs will be required to appear before a judge. and it will he left for the mutt to decide who her the cue shall go on. VETERINARY SURGEONS The Ontario Veterinary Anaocintion. through William German. M.P.P., tor Welland. will eel: for an amendment to the Ontario Veterinary Act, penned in 1870. The amendment will make it illegnl for my one to premise veterin- ery or nurciul operation" on eninnle who in not 3 regulerly registered vet- erinnry. Many cut-u hue been re- ported throughout the province. where met. hove prutiaed u veterinarian when they have not been bone tide greduatee of any recognized college, The nmendment provide. that eny Per- son found guilty of prectlsing uhall be linble to e fine of not more then .5 or lens than '5. THE HIGH SCHOOL ACT. .. The bill which the Government In: tends to introduce amending the Hill School Act in to prevent any muni- cipality withdrawing its support of the High school in the district. Many ”was have otwurred in the provinM whorotho whole support ofthe school ha: been left to tho villas. in which it is situated. SAN JOfW. SCALE BILL. Hon. John Dryden introduced the. bill to Inland the Sun Jun Sell. Act. Tho bill has three important paragraphs The fimt of these provides that in my "um"! where the scale is dismvered the Department of Agriculture muat be notified. After this notification (haa been sent; to the Dopsrtmont od Agriculture tho numrymon con-o! dispose of any of his stock until tho authority of the department bu bum received. The second Mouse givmthl Government s greater scope. than they had in tho previous mt. It sun that a clump of trees may he destror ad in an orchard "here the post is die covered. Formerly only the infoeted tree could be dostruyod. The third claust- of the bill provides for the tum. [cation of all nursnry stock by hr. drorysnic acid where the tstork h“ been grown in than provinvo or un- ported. GOOD ROAIH. Petitions taking that the Govern- lnent spend more money on the ini- provement of roads have been naked hy several plaou in tin province These FIDO“ complain that u they have to keep up county buildi I and bridge. that the province than help to keep the roads good. They point out tint Mamehuuettl pun out 0600,0041“!- nunliy for reeds, while New York State contribute. go per cent. and (‘unnwo- ticut 8314 per cent. EXPORT Oh' FRUIT PULP, The Ontario Department of Agriculo titre hal issued e pamphlet on fruit pulp, giving correspondence relating to the polsibility of shipping fruit PM) from Ontarion to Great Britain. Thin pulp is used in Great Britain for mut- In“r pm. . “HI 11-0 " In: Orr-ml In Two-I, I". In". Nous of Proceedings In the he: Pullunem. ABOUT DAMAGE CASE. " C. Ant-33pm:2 .M_.P..P.. ttr_rsyst, Aieia A desputch from Niagara Fain. NY aarsr--ifor the first timeinZ'Jynrn the Nisan. river, from Lewiulon " Young-tum. is {romeo over. An um jam formed along the river on Monday and next morning not it frozen mum No reports have been had of anybody crooning us yet. The river. from an tune of tho (all. to9bt Ontario, , at»! :E';ZTQV i'iih than "eeption of tbs "pith. It is . no“ unusun.‘ “If!“ Went MIKII'I In. In“. "o, It: “at" - [mil-z II. lone. A detspatets from Winnipetr, 'sm.V'c- News has been rowrivvd from L-do Winnipeg of the death by freezing n! W. Scott, of “out Selkirk. He “'81 .1; gaged in drawing fish from Rahhit' puinl, when on! of his harms got into the water. He auce,eeded in grunt. the animal out, but m doing so felt in himself. Ile got out and made his way to shore. Than "r" itsdicaiioats "tat he attempted to link? a fire, but tha mutvitert, being wet, he [and in tin" and slowly (rate to death. no III-Hun!- at \ew 1"... torn! Mia-u. A damn-h from Port Townsend. Wn., satus:-Tite steamer Olympia had “rived from the Orient bringing the latr ndvices as followtr.--Ttte vamcc of New (‘hwang is in n suite of terror, condoned by the aluminum of I.“ mounted bandits. Numerous out. rages have been miuuiiuod on rui- dtnu. The merchants have moved their goods to a lrnaiy port, (may miles south of the invaded distrintl. Grave fears are etttertainerd that the bundits contemplate I raid on the lulu-r place, which is being rorti. tied. Br braking of ire an 1 river lead- ing to Tien-Tsin 200 people ware pro- cipiuled in me water. Our hundred and six were drowned. A upon has reached otfici,tl cut-vim at Pekin titat an await: was de- spulched to Japan to take me life. at the Emperor " Japan. Great emig- ment was caused by me rumour. and . thorough investigation ham bean ur- dered 'em, ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. NIAGARA RIVER FROZEN OVER. SLOWLY FROZEN TO DEATH. MOUNTED CHINESE BANDITS. a??? a; u ' D

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