West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Feb 1899, p. 4

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Dr. Spronle. M. P. foe Bust Gui. III granted. hearing, and mute I oniblo <peech in favor of the council going on with the erection of the house of refuge. They had referred the matter to the people. and now when the people to the {mm of 1440 majority had said they wanted the house of refuge there was nothing left lor the eouneilto do but grant their request, As a medical man he knew that the sauna granted for honey- ulent purposes in the townships did not nearly unert all the need. Che gurham s:i:,,ttttitttsl. Mr, MeColman was in favor ot emting the poorhouae. hecamo the pom-lo wore m favor of it. He did out think the noun- ment would uowrn in the matter. It would not he the poor of Owen Sound who went oat and voted for it in the town-him. The majority should rule. The legnlmcn wont changes in the court room and mili- tary men want grants of money, but he believed the foremost duty ot the council was to make provxuion for the poor, Ind “tend to these other matters afterwardu. Mr. Frost said that it was urged that there would be an outlay in establishing the home, and that therefore it could not he done. If this were an argument .gainst it, it might also he urgel against every It-elul and health] tu-titutton. (,hnrches and schools. hospitals and asy- luins would be done away wuts, There "su" be a necessity tor the house of reluge. tor Judges year by your had reterreu this tuatter to Grand Jones, who Were men Jeweled for their status in the community who were free to recommend as they saw 1 tit, and they invariatJy declared the necessity for a poor house. They did not do this to please thejntlges. It the ar- gument that people often brim: poverty on theusselres is allowed mt reason why they should not he helped, the name reasoning Would prevent anything being done lot the help .4 tlw soldier wlm volunteers to go out In the service of his country to tight her battles, and receives Wounds and con- truet- drsease----Lt, brought it on himself. for he might have plated at home. He claimed that the house of refuge would empty jam of tramps, because tramps were kept up by the libernltty of the pub lie. to whom they represented that they were deserving ol assistance. It there wasa poorhousc in the county it would place the rea-itlents in this position. that they could say to a trump coming to their doors that their was a place when he could get assistance if he was worthy of it, and he had no light to apply to them, It was will that the poor were not herded mth criminals, but how could it he other wise when the gaol has at prc"ut " in- mates and only accommodation for 828 The evil which we have to remedy can only be remedied by the erection of a house of refuge. When in 1864 he took a tour through the States and new great houses with "Home tor Aged Men and Women" inscribed on the tronts of them he concluded that that country was a hundred years in advance ol this as re- gards caring for the poor and needy. The council are bound to act on the demand made by the plcoineite. We were not to be governed in this matter by dollars and cents. but by humanity. W. Allan had been opposed to the poor house for years. He and those who thought with him comented to a plebtte rite being taken, and in the taking of this plebiscite they had taken no manure: to usfluenee the wins to oppose It. The other side had and every means at their coanuaud--the prom. the pulpit, hesldos meetings he'd iu manv places, and the nu suit was that only 12,096 Votes had been polled out of a total in the county at ahuut 231,000, Owen Swim] had a fhrtsttutt popu- latinu. a meat many of whom did not my hues, sud these treoplr Inning dinned into their on“ the "estrabiltty of building it your home had mane up the umjoruy along with the villages. which also gave majorities for it. Thursday, February 23, 1899 Mr. Richardson. wuo had spoken briefly at tirst “an; spoke ot the part which sentimenthud to do with the question. Me tout how some you. ago the British empire equipped Ill army to rescue one man who had tallen Into the hand: ot a batbaric nee. omphumng the {not that it was the sentimeni ot she'Eughsh movie which led to this great outlay on half of on. man and caused junkies to be done him. The warden, who also spoke briay in {nor of amendtng the report. said the ablest arguments that had ever been made against the house of refuge had been made by Mr. McDonald, but they had been overdone. It those opposed to the house of retnge had made arguments against it he felt sure the majority would have been greater for, became nothing tends to bung iorth support not any cause more than adverse criticism. He took the ground that the muutetiptuitietts from which the opposition bed come had been educated to do so by their 'xtprertsetetbstty6tr, but Wen in the face of thUiMuerneo some ot them had favored it. He urged that the principles which govern C'hrttstittnity demanded that a house of retuge be es- “hushed. Mr. McDonald again pointed out that as this question was of vho nature of n bonus by-law, for which the nume- made proper- ty the basis he was right in contending that the assessment should goyern. The vote wax taken in committee oi the whole. and Wind eight to seven in favor of Mr. Frost's amendment. Mr. McKinnon not Voting. On the committee rising and the Warden taking the chair the vote Wm- again taken. and was the reverse of what it had been before. and the Warden voting mm. it a tie. The you Ind nan being khan stood " follows, that in. yo. mean- those who were in favor of erection the boom of why. Nay.--Brsgham, MoKinnon, McDonAld, Alla-n. Schmuck, Wstlisorott, Guny and Wion-8. - _ Yetc--Froet, Pringle, Totten, McCol- man. Preston. Brown, Richudaon and H iiii, leaves the nutter in such shape " that nothing ml! be done " protein, and this muehurtseuatsod and vexing quution COUNTY COUNCIL Flu» u Annnxoox. In yet unsettled. Alter some further minor buainm "nonunion: than council fdjourued until 9 o'clock tsaturday morn- mg. When business resumed the Warden real it communication from the clerk. Hating that the tenders for uuol supplies' had been awarded the Invent tenders: .. Priest & Sprauge for groceries, McLuuch- Ian & Sous fur bread. Wilkinson a Co. for meat. and Geo. Sergeant for milk. Mr. Preston presented report of Finance Committee, which was considered in Com- mittee of the whole. Mr, Gilt” In the clmir. Its recommendations _were pey- went ot e few “counts; that the appli- cation ot Governor Miller of the pol for increase of salary be laid over for further consideration, and the County Clerk's re- quest for increase of salary from' Moo to 9900 be granted l lint nominating oftieers be paid the loliowing man for expense} in their divisions :--Div. I, $1964; Div. 2, $25.04; Div. 8, 818 66; Div 4, $26; Div. ii, $25; DIV. 6, $22; Div. T, $21,64; Div. 8. 820,24; also that E. Rorke be paid $15.85 for election expenses at Thornburg", that clerks " municipalities he paid " each for extra seryicesiu connection With taking plebiscite vote ', but no remunera- tion be paid deputy-returning offieerq; tlmt no grant he made to the Ontario Ruth: Ls0eiation; that a grant of Moo be pan] to the 31st Battalion to supplement. the meu's pay If they go into camp. but that no gun” he made for regimental band "I OWN) SPli. The discussion which was provoked, by tlus report was that Mr Allan moved tr dispense- with the messenger. no the Coun- cil wan so small now his services would nut be required; and Mr. Williscroft ol" posed the increase of sunny to the clerk as there was the opinion prevaleut in thi, disirici that eomtty offleols were ovcipui-l. When the grant to the Battalion came up Mr, Allin) proposed leaving it over till June. which led Messrs Rieharoon, Frost, McDonald and Brown (who Swill he. would like to see the grunt. $1000 instead of $500) to speak in favor of the grant, being made. while Merrs, McKinuon and Mchlinuii Opposed it. Six members voted against the grant. The repoit was adopted without any change being iiiiulu. The messenger will not. be paid in future. pouncutt otsome accounts. anal thut no “MIND be taken with reference to request of Bruce: Council, that they act in conjun- ction re the Crispin bridge. The report Wus adopted. Mr. Watson presented report of Educa- tion, wlnch recmnmemlel that the appli- cation ol the Owen Sound Board of Edn _ cation for n grant of $982.72. for additional maintenance M pupils, he laid over and that ther he paul 3900 on account. The I't-pult was adopted. Mr. McKimmn presented report of lhads sud Bridges, which recommended Mr. Sclwnck [nannies] report, ot Print- ing Commutee, “commending pavmem of some accounts. and aeeeptanee of s.Y M, 1tutlierford's tender for printing, wluciu wst,tho Invest receive}. Tenders had been asked tor from fourteen oifiees and mines were tieeived--two from Owen Suuml and oue from Bleafurd. The teu- der wlnch it was proposed to accept was 48 counts per page for [tinting 1250'copies uf minnaes ol connc'l three times a year. Ile, per line for advertising, and ttther mus in proportion. The reprqu adopted. Mr. McCulumn presented report of Com . tuit,tecott memorials, ree,oauucuading that the Government be metuoratized, as peri- tioned for by the Beet. Sugar Um, to allow machinery nut. manufactured in Canada to he admitted free of charge; and that urtiuu be taken with relorence to the resol- ution from Kepple Council In favor of passing a by-law under which every sale ol real estate within a municipality would be registered with the clerk thereon The report was adopted. Tr.ree hy-lawa Were introduced and put through the various stages. One was for increase of elerk's salarv. another to ratify Mid eontirttt by-law No. T of 1868 of the township of Bentinck. while the third was to repeal by-law 363 respecting dis- tnbutiug of monies Luck to the municipal- ities. On motion of Messrs. Totten and Me.. Donald the warden and Mr. Frost were appointed a committee to visit the Method- ist Conference to be held in Owen Suuud In June and tender them the greetings of the canoe“. On motion of Messrs. Wil1uerott and Schenk the Auditors will be instructed to prepare the abstract statement. so as to show the actual receipts and expenditures. 0000000000 . on... on. 999....-.----9. "es :"""""""""""'6 "d ROME persons, say F. M it is natyraLftr tt Cauncil adjourned until 19 Junoat7 SATURDAY Momma, M. Loubet. President at the French Senate, was elected last week Presi- dent of the'Republie. The procedure is in marked contrast to the states, where the people vote ior special electors, and the result is in the bal- ance for mdnths before hand. In France when the Presidency be- comes vacant, the Senate and the deputies on the day following the vacancy proceed at once to ballot for his successor and this is to be done without debate. Thus time is not al. lowed for upportunists or revolutionists to plot or organize. The whole thing was done in an hour anda halt, M. Loubet securing a majority on the first ballot.' T your tel'ht,',"t',','t Purely "static. in! an be an: lr, hildm or delicate m.- Price. Mc. a I medicine anion or by mail of C. 1. Boot a Co., Iowa“. Hm. Woman. lick hudacho. Jinnah. -. India. mac. M an try. valubl. to mount I cold or brat up I fever. mm. mug. eertnin,ther no work) [lie opponent, Melinc, was the army candidate, and the choice of Loubet has given trreat'oeenee to army sym- pathizers. Loubet stands for revision of the Dreyfus sentence for all that Anglo-Saxons would consider just and reasonable but in the present temper of the French. the release of Dreyfus (though few now doubt his innocence) would be taken as a reflection on the army, and this irritating complication may cause Loubet trouble. Mobs and streets crowds have al- ready shown bitter anotipathy to him, and he spoke the truth when he said, “Our quiet life is ended." --hyanee has no end to troubles. The Fashodu affair humiliated her. The Dreyfus scandal has set the milit. ary and civil power at loggerheads. Orleunist and Bonapartist agitators threaten the Republic, and now her President is dead, there is feartimt some revolution or convulsion may take place. The opportunity is there, the Man may be wanting. Death in high places urreszs atten- tion everywhere, and the reading world were surprised to learn last FH- day that the head of the French nation had died very suddenly the night previous, though he had attended to his usual duties during the day. The cause of death is given " an apoplectic stroke. The calamity is mitigated by it: very suddenness, for agitators for the restoration of an Orleanist or Bonapar. tist regime, will not be ready for such an emergency, and a new President is, we believe elected by the Senate and the deputies combined. The late president began life in a humble way as a tanner, entered into business and was brilliantly successful. His memory will no doubt be honored, some slight touches of vanity in his make up. with a predilection for dis. play, being points easily overlooked. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than our druggietl who spare no pains to secure the best of every- thutg m their line for their many custom- ers. They now have the Agency for Dr. King's New Discovery. which surely cures Consuuwtion, Coughs and Colds, This is the wonderful remedy that is now pro- ducing so much excitement all over the cilantry, hyits many startling cures. It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis. Nausea. and all affections of the Threat, Cheat and Lnnga, You can test it before buying by calling: at the Drug Store and get a trial bottle Free, or regular size for 50e andtl,00, Guaranteed to cure. or price refunded. A NEW FRENCH PRESIDENT. To Manitoba and Canadian North-west will leave Toronto everr TUESDAY during Much nnrlrt'l. CANADIAN ....PACIFIC fhrail"i,'l ti-uvelling WITHOUT LIVE STOC should who train lent, ing Toronto at 3.15 p. m. Co-Ionist Sleepers will he attach- ed to each train. .. Pstair" travelling WITH LIVE ST E should hike train leaving Toronto " 9.01lp, m. For full Erticulars and copy of " Settler's aide " apply to my Can. Pac. agent. or to Settlers' One-Way Excursions C. E. IcPHBBSON. Assistant General Passenger Agent, 1 King St. East, Toronto. DEATH OF PRES. FAURE. An Enterprising Firm. ILLS ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 'i))),,,. ttllrsfl,,tti5')si' " I)!!!“ Illvllllutll tI-Uv I-uv -._.. -_-" V7,,, Furniture and Undertaking Business camb- lished by her father in Durham in "" and will endeavor to give " old and new cuuum are the same entire satisfaction. Would intitmptp.ttyst 1ts.e tilltoPfi'y1t Furniture 0f the Best Make mun-v ruluc. cournnucln, " omee--LOWER TOWN. BUREAU. Collections and Agency promptly Attended to. Villa. Deeds, Mortgages. MIMI. Agreements, to. correctly vrepared. Estate- 0 deceased persons looked after. and Executon‘ and Ad- iuinigtratom' Aconunts prepared Ind puud. Surrogute Court Business. Probno ot Wills. Letters of Admittiistratiort Ind Guardlunahip Obtained. Satchel made in Registry 031cc 3nd Titles reported on. OFFIC E--Mertttgre Blpgk. ”Cbméany and prints Funds to Loan on Mortgages st low' It raw-a of interest. Valuations made "y a competent and careful Valuawr. Undertaking and Embalming on latest prin- ciples at reasonable "nter. WTIIQ only 'trto-rTnrn9tenr" " [nun BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT. NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSIONER. ere. office, over Giant’s store. LywerTown, DURHAM. MONEY TO LOAN MISS SHEWELL OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharmacy Calder'. Block, dReeulenqe first door west of the LUCAS, WRIGHT ' BATSON. oPFIt3EB--trt Owen Bound, Maid“. sud Durham. A member of the tirm will “and At Durham Offices, Mondays and Court Days DURHAM OFFICE. Cunt-c BLOCK. Entrance next door to EOH'I Dotttat one.) arrister, JYotar , en vegancer, ate” tc..'... Mon? to Loan at reasonable rates an on terms to suit borrower. MONEY TO LOAN-u", "rss-EAST TERMS All Charges Moderate. Remember the stand-Opposite Market. Durham, ALWAYS ON HAND. PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIALTY Yila"i Dr. I. G. HOLT u D. S. DENTISTRY. BA RRISTER, SOLICITOR. W. S, DAVIDSON. . P. TELFO RD, . LEFROY McCAUL. BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS- NOTARIES. CONVEYANCERS. dc. MISS SHEWEL.L --pu LL LINE or- (bier the Bank. the CR" the 'ieitt'dh't My Warerooms are now fully stocked with all kinds of Winter Goods.....Call without delay and get your pick of choice goods and secure bargains. . . . Great BARGAINS Without doubt the lar est stock ever shown in Durham.----- Lulu! sly/re Fancy Colors, Beat Trimmer? and at prices from $35.00 upwards. VII/1 ttf once and secure bargains. Full lines of Fur Overroots and Ruins and at prices that will surprise you. Gutters a Robes FOR ONE MORE WEEK we will continue to sell some of our goods at " Knock-down Prices ,, to make room for the immense stock that has been ordered for maxi season's trade, such as Also a fine assortment of LAMPS. Have a LOOK thnmg our show Tse? for Wedding Presents. . . .Don't forget that w 1tt1ayde"ived another car-load of the best Coal Oil refiucd i ana . Pu LPERS A large Mark of Mammy-Harri. F Roller and Ball Bearing Pulpcrn. Prices Rtztxotttrhlr. Sewing Mackinaw and Organu the f,1',rl, luvs! Iimr In (my up Organ or Sewing Machine in jusl before " 'muk. Tu nu .1 this demand I will reducr prices 10 per Nu! for thr and ,u dug/m Money to Loan at ,5 per cent on Good Securily. [murmurs of all kinds promptly attended fo. Marriage Licenses issued caller during day or eretti ng. 1dtiBtiit " 'iillhiltk RlltRk LOB; miBl : Mh'MAl 'i' Simi arsh -, ' JW, c", iill That Touches the Spam». li, Come in and see our Goods when in Town. winter (herds All-Wool Horse Blankets. Surcingles. Sleigh Bells. Halters. Whips. Cloves. X Gut-Saws. Axes. Etc. WM. CALDER. we m MacFARL (hired est gtéamship 1i Waen'r ' It 'i, PLANNED ittsta.rtt DRESS Funcy I goods. 4- M; ynrd. 7 _ lleuv y Goods, l 31:11. Black F 80e and 34'! Heavy " tre, " a I tte SHE” a. yard. Toilet aka up. BOOTS & We nlw ing Bros. and shoes t Boys and g be beat In (4 bands T at 2V. .Te. l II. [nu-km n. m wll the) TEA in to"! Don 't fo your (589111 7C DON'T FOR! Lates We lm And ' of the and I ng La up l mum]:- AND sill-2 my 1w”: tUnnele H er, I..\nl “mm w ide

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