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Durham Review (1897), 23 Feb 1899, p. 8

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Our he and Box Social on the 24th inst. (Friday) promises well. A program of music and crumuphune selections ir Mr. S. T. Orchard has been "ranged. Mr. J. A. Hunter has few equals as h soloist, and Miss Via Ne~ter ls achievim fame as a singer. The" and others wil be present. Admission 10 as. birdie»- brineurg pies or buns free. Subscribe for The REVIEW Wm. Emu) was In Owen Sound on. clay last week. Mr, Walter and Miss Ada Middleton ristted on tho Avenue "canny. going over. he was thrown in the air and laudedon his nomach on the runner. He was taken to town am they are afraid to move him lent inthunmatton set. in. Messrs, S. * A. Mel Crawford on Sunday lust. The usefulness ot electricity or steam is the subject of our nut [ml-ate. Mr. Haslip met with a. annou- uccideut while taking . load of logs to town. While lidmg u!) a rail to keep the sleigh tron, Mr, John and Mm Cassi. McKechnic united Cuwford friends recvntly. Everything in TRUNKS & VALISES. Lower prices than ever. A great big Choice. ALL LANGMUIRB BEST MAKE. We pay cash for PRODUCE. We dont give credit. Retailer of Everything. Advertisers of FACTS Departmental Store, DURHAM, ONT. Hats and Caps. Positively the largest shipment. direct from England. that ever came into Durham. Prices down---otality the best. SEE THEM. Fine Oranges, lc each. Choice humans, 2e each. Extra Boneless Codfuh, new brand. regular 8e for tk pound. BEST MATCHES. S boxes for 2iie. Buttoned. Previously acid at from $1.25 to 83.50 pair. -' Stine 2; 3, ii and t." 75¢ id%s. No higher. There never was a bigger map. COME. EQUAL BARGAINS haven't been offered in Durham dor years....May never come again. . . .Make the utmost of this chance. . . .There is no " possible" competition with these, and in fact the great majority of all prices asked here, you see the enormous turn-over makes this possible. . . .We "create" bargains. . . .1t's easy, like the other, to " follow ". . . T But that not our " way." I00 NEW BAMBOO HANDLE CORN Bil00Ms-itEtiULhe 35 CENTS AT 25 CENTS EACH "V gassesaaaaaaaaaaamafiaaaaaaaaa - ___- ""' '13 - 'r'" ""'""".'"'" -ime- -- Cheese Factory is manufacturing “expressly " for us "SMALL TABLE CHEESE "--very unique. Get one-- in 2 weeks. The nicest thing for the table. 250 each. Another Big Departmental Store. Clearing. at _ _ ';ii Unusual Prices. 'tttttttttttttttttttee * A. McLean visited at so PAIR (.Ad9nSS' BOOTS dt SHOES. Laced ROCKY. lee packing was in full blast for blunt, couple of weeks au-I the number of teams hut are daily hauling sawdust fi'ulllf'WIl' Bull's mill shows the interest, thisak‘jiou Is' taking In the duirylng industry, _. _ The McDuugall funnies on the9th con. r wowed by telephone on Munday evening a message containing the dumb of Mn. anhlnn McQumrie at Shayne-r, but topm- erly of this place. The burial took place at Mucky Salxgeou (m Tuecday "fun-noon in their urriyal from Sign“. Mr. John Forster and Hills duuehterMiss Mr. Hag!) McKinuon who has been under the weather for a couple of weeks is able to be around again. V . Although lute we cuend eougratuUtions to Mr. and Mrs. Allen 1loDouvull,.teuo are on a visit from L'otriueau, N. p.nt present' They will return soon "gum to their future home, We wish them every KIICBESS. _, The La grippo whim has been so wal known in past. years in making Emily visits this Winter again. The Boyd and Smith bundles have had severe munch also Mr, John Kanhuau unol- Douahirust tie, But all are ituproyunr, ' _. I 4 t J A HUNTERS Crawford 15c English PRINTS. 2 cases at 7c yard. Fearmnn's " Star " Hams. Big shipment received of TIN and GRANITE- WARE. Everything you want. Tin Dipper-s, 4c. Some very Stylish Men's Suiting: just in, in suit lengths. Exceptional prices too. LOOK IN. Mr. D. Graham wu uveuly kicked on “no he I tow Huh no by on. of his We [can of Pomona'l inhuman“ been mom or 1m and" the westhor. Como William, Ml as how you In and report hon“. It. th in improving. Your bumbe scribe w" kept in warm blankets for a week, and is yet far from " and vigor. Mrs. Hugh McInnis was very poorly, while her mother at Pomona is danger- ously ill. The McPherson family were all under the voucher. Mr. Donald MeMillrsu,Jr. and Sr. wife and flvs, daughters were all gripped ae- verely. Mr. John McMillan and his sister, M. F., also Miss Stone had their experience. The Morrison boys have failed terribly. Donald Black, Sr. is tick at present. Mr. and Mrs, John A. McMillan and family are improvmg slowly. We extend our sympathy. Mrs. Alexander McMillan and her half dozen children were all Hick but are bet. ter now. Mr. LuGrippe has been and IN a. grip- per in our town with nu sympathy for the past few weeks. We wid briefsy mention some of his patients: Mrs. J. Grasby, Mrs. H. McLellan, Mrs. G. K. tioartwell, and Master Genuine Heart. well have been all seriously Ill. Mr. Jag. White rapidly recovered and recommends heavy doses at balling '.,'ltW,et'. . Miss Effie Morrimn. we “0 are sorry to state is under the d-mtor's care at pn- sent. Also her aunt. Miss Jessie Mom- sou, an old power who very Heldom " ' was known to be under the weather il bedfast. We trust they ouch may speedi- ly recover. Would quickly leave you, it you mad Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their atateltloss merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and bmld up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 26 cents, Money back if not cared. Sold by ail drnggistu. Mr. Richard Boyce is bury preparing to build a house next summon Fair ones look sharp. _ Maggie of Mulnck pared through town onoduy last week on the way to visit Sullivan friends. After hope silence cold weather and warm we we prepared to give a few more letters from our notable bum. Mrs. h, McDongall is visiting Lot alughtor Mrs, Nieuol in Hamilton " pronm. .Whntia the attraction of the two 9th boys in North Grey lately. Miss Mary McDonald visited Rocky Saugeen friends for a cuuple at days last week, That Throbbing Headache The VARNEY Exclusive idea. SCOTCH TOWN. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO H and Rev. Mr. and Mm, Ihgtmtod m in Woodstock this weak “and!“ the gpyogl; Lune Camden hold in Miss Mable Cameron went to Vassar Mich, on Monday on an extended visit to her sister Mm. li'. Greenougb. Cherie: Kerr, Jr. of (trttltf, Mum, in home to see " tether w o is very " Wm. Ken-of Seginew, Mich" who we: here a couple of week- Htynttirttt " thther returned home on Mood". Mr. Walter Hamburg of Mt. FJrest, visited his uncle John Hamburg on Saturday. Miss Scott of the Jr. Department of our school here visited her parents a week last Sunday near Durham The Rev. Mr. Magwood and Rev. A. E. Smith, of Clifford exchanged pulpits on Sabbath, both taking up missionary work. Mr. Smith preach ed two very instructive and helpful sermons in this place morning and evening. After service Mr. Smith. who isabeautitul singer sanga duet in the morning with Dr. Brown and in the evening with Miss Jennie Doupe. Jos. Moore spent. the past week with friends m Teen? Her. S. Petty purchased a couple of com; nearhyto lust week. Coming events cast. [Lair shadows. ' . On Sunday Rev. Mr. Jansen assisted the Rev. Mr, Campbel: in dispensing the Lord's Supper to Knox church carnmuni- calm. P Mr. and Mrs. David Leith auturtuiued a numb” rl their friends from . Prmou, Evremont Mud Normauby on Friday. Hm- iug. Mr. and Mrs. Leith made " model host.nud ho.stere, und a wry 'enjuinhie ine. was spent. On Friday Mr. Jas. Mnrrlce had u mum ltcr of his neighbors assist. him in mining his family and eifeets, to their new home in Benlinok. . On Tttes%y evomug . number of our young people visited the Rahiuaon family 15th con. and on Thursday eveuingan. oxlur party invaded the home of Mr, Q. Pettigrew, A gum] time is reported in both cases. Mr. W. Landlos of Owen Sound, and dunghtnrJnne visited minivan here the past week. Mr, S. nod lamily leave tor the West in the spring. The suddenclmnuo in the weather " quite agrouble to the most of our people after the inlenn-ly cold snap of the past two Woeks. Mrs. John Armstrong of Gravonhurnt. is -peudine a few weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jon. Corbett. Mr, Henry Edmnndu has returned from Toronto Hospital, but " not any better. his condition is thought to be rather striou‘. Mrs. Hill has leaned on. of Mr. It. Me. Fnrlane‘s farm on the 2 con W G. R, Bontinck and will take possession In a few weeks. Mr. Jns. Livingston has diapolod of In, 50 acre farm to Mr. Henry Rosy for tho mm of $1050, Mill Jennie Webber who I)" been re- newing old acquaintances for the put few Wreks has returned to Guelph m venom. her duties. Mm Janet and Joanie McRouuld of Mooresburg hpeut Inn week waiting their many friends in Normnnby and Bentlnck. A mama Blunder. Will often "tt" . horrible Burn, Seeld, Color Bruise. Buckleu'e Arnice Bel", the best in the world, will kill the pain 3nd promptly heal in. Cum Old Smell. Fever Soul, Ulcers. Bails, Felons. Corns. all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile was on our”). Only M cu. a box. Cure gnu-mt- eed, Sold by all druguists. Mm Nollie Morton left for Hamilton last. Saturday. Top Cliff Pat. informs us of the strong liquid the Pomona detectives were pur- laking of from tint flit Indy of Priceville. when he entered the room the morning of tho party. The detective: uid thanks. it's good medicine for the grippe. Mr. George Block, of Pomona, in in the employ of J. J. Block of this burg, mak. ing square timber. Did Patrick His ham run “my home since the last time? Johnnie up we found the hotness on the way out. W. H. A. knows oil about it. Menu. Julm mu] Archie Bumer. were smacked by Jack Frost durum the cold ‘spell. whiéh wai tttd ‘came of their he. looking no patchy‘fo'r a "few week. . Miss Mary L. McDonald, of Balsam Valley, visited her numercus friends here for slow (In)! Int. week. It's needless to say she Wu not welcome. Mr. John Black, ot Pomona, and Mr. Dan. McDonald, of 'ropeliir, visited our town Int week. They are a pair of jolly lads. T Another winter like the itriGnt one. we think the people of this town will take steps for the erection ole hospital, to be built close by to benetlt the sick. .1 sd? Iti! NORTH EAST NORMANBY. HOLSTEIN. VICKERS. - We are sorry to hear that Mrs. David McIntKro in not impnoving no fut u denim lo " she is Mating yet from crynipelu in the face and eyes. Mr.C. C. James is homo. that u. tending the A. o. U. W. convention in mm” t2t8d2etiu't,t,n't . n q luuuuu not: ”at. I The Rev. Humphreys and Mathe~ son exchanged puleé’m Sunday even- ine before last. e are pleased to hear that Mm Humphreyo is getting better after being unwell for some time. We hen that Mr. Humphrey: it also unwell. Min Jennet and Rue McDonald were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Kink- one evening lately. We almost feel inclined to throw out an insinuation to the members and ad herents of Si. Columba Presbyterian church in this village. In viewing " the churches in the district, and in the Dominion we may add (cities not included) we find comfortable accom- modations in the shape of sheds. for that noble animal, the horse, whose faithfu’Ilv falf.ils hi! duty, exeeptine St. Coluuiba Presbyterian: church, Priceville. We have a fine church to aeeotnmodate ottrselves and " good manse for our worthy pastor and family. “Duty done very good so far, but on the other hand we find the. poor dumb animal who cannot speak on his own behalf, neglected and has often to shelter himself tied to Duncan Me Au'ey'a ienca after the, accommodation our Hotel keeepezs so freely grant. us hashiuin full to their utmost capacity. We often feel it Iikenn net of bnwary intruding on good natured hotel keep. ers on Sunday, while during the rest of the week (as the case may be) we never cast a mite by way of support. ing their business. Ave would sug- gest, as we are to have a large soiree this week, that u out of the proceeds be laid by as nuc eus for a commence- ment of preparing for the erection of a large and oommodious shed for our animals in the near future. By so do. ing it might be truly said concerning no, " Blessed are the merciful. for they nun obtain mercy. A large quantity ot id; has been taken of the mill pond during the last Mi. Thos. Fisher is suffering with IMammetion of the eyes and is al. PM't totally blind,- but we hope to see hisireble to be around again soon. Miss _tVeir visited at her ttnele'ts, Pattrnkiter Neil Mekinuon, for a day ortwu last week and attended church on Sunday lag in this place. -. NF. MéLachlan and family nidGli to Owen Sound last week. "by. and Mrs. Colin McLean moved lo, i,9trnrtLaehlin'is farm, D. Road, Gleheig. whose place Mr. McLean's httifretahed for a number of years. We gladly welcome Mr. and Mrs. McLean ttr.ijtir locality and wish them much prog'pcrityjn Ieir future domestic life. Among the number that are sick we tind tirgt Mr. Arch. Batter, our popular grocer, who is laid up for the last few days. We hope to see him all right again. Again we go down street and come to the home ot Mr. Hector Me. Kinnon and we find there his good partner, Mr; achinnorli), laid up 'W: the suppose isease, t e grippe. Ve hope to see the good lady up before long and enjoying her usual health. We take a. walk again acroastothe North Line to see some of our friends there and here find an old couple, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDonald (little Hugh) both laid up and left to the mercy of their good neighbors to at- tend to them. M rs. McDonald cannot pass. many days as she is very low on account of old age and teebleness. Thediserse seems to take more effect oniher. "Mr. McDonald is somewhat, better and any ',t,t,flo,tyrAl right. j We ere beginning to get thewed out this week, as for the int two or three days we are having it mild and thawing. A number ot all chutes are suffering from the 1efreeta of the last two or three weeks in the shape of colds, influenza or grippe or whatever name it may “snipe. 7 DRUGGIST a SEEDSMAN - WWW Ground Oil-Cake in I00 lb. Bags, $U0. MM Import of Field and Garden Seeds to arrive in March from Britain . ,, -- __-1 "T v..- I'v-HU' Y --Easy to give and very effective. THE PARASITE P0WNat--for Lice on Cattle, Horses, ---'3heep, Egg, and Poultry. One or two applications --has the desired effect. Onlz " Parker's Drugstore. MORTOIj'S WORM PQWDERLS ' CAPSULES. WMI HORSE tl CATTLE SPICEM Morton’s Dry Murrain Powders“ --A Condition Powder of First Class merit.... --A Good Tonic and Appetizer.... w Compounded from Conceptrated Jilesh-formin Foods and ingredients. 3) {53 fir? "lb: ---For Chronic" Indigestion in Cattle. Never Fails to effect a ---cure when given 1n time. Every Stock-raiser should have -a package on hand. PRICIVILLI. til, f'ARKER, l, Jack Nelson and the clerk went Ithrough here not very long Ago, An ‘got out at Sam's gate and said three jvas too many in so small a rig. Jack I went on Jbu_t he came back again. 1 "tiijiiiii"iiiiiii'ji'ihtte i'j'i,i Mr. Saekett was out to Priceville last week with fish and got his weigh beam taken from him. This way ye cattle ayers, ugh". McDougall has neurly a car lcad ready tor the knife. Mrs. McDougall and her cousin visited Mrs. Eccles and other old neighbors. Mrs. D. McFarlane is on a business trip to her brother John, his wife pro. sented him with 1 young son. Min S. McLean is at, present in Boothville. Some lad will not have so far to an what think you Donald. - _...-.v Vic-v“ -‘ullln Ronald don't come this way now, Went west the last we heard. _lr, Nti00i1srtiriiihiivi, ti, BESérASFB ._. _; §:;1MOCURE.-Exée s _. 3' Mr. Peter and John Calvert d'r'G'e" through here a week ago Sunday, on. cf them called on Mr. Neil McFadden wlyile thgpther took Colic home. Mrs. Haw of this flue. We we pleased to my, visited Ier brother Mr. Alex. McLean at New Englmd ;ber cousin Hugh is also getting better, and Sandy is mending. Dr. Sneath in in attendance. " - Miss Haw ot Toronto is ground hem once more. She says she enjoys the fresh air and the merry sleigh drives of the country. She prefers country lifts, so tlad says, Brownsville. Mr. M. MoCnnnol hu bought bone from one of your townum Dan never have. without doing In nose with some one. He told I Clnrkutmu and wood mower, th take unload. Dan McKochnie. the ttreateat wood cutter in the world except Parry. n B. V. puts it, and just no well for' him may no, Dm is hired at MeCanneit tor half n month. mama Kama 0.3. mu m. tad my a. b'llA1ytr'%', "iiiirks'i'i", mums IXNATURAL me Es. Imps!“ “a mum)“ communion was. FREE. If mu. 3:; all. Qumran, MAM for murmur. titi m. And restore: ll parts to A normal I' ,: in than. Ambition. Info and energy Mn n- ncwcd. nnd um: tech hilmelt n my. among nu-u. livery one is "and mini vidua ly-- no orre-all--heturo nur tvondrt. ful mecca-s. No nutter whit nil! 31m. cur-salt m votttidentUtly. We ran fur nirh bank bunch to run-Intro h. mum“ mm: what we claim. 250, 000 CURED W E CORE IMPOTENCY Thunraadsd you.“ tand midd men hu c. Unit vigor and , “my by curly ttbuses. later “can”. “wry. etc. No matter the car New Method Treatment. is the M ot HAL! Bland Point.. We mliu: mos! cbstlunm cannmhl vlttltcrci, world lurn mm we men-t for [main and mum! curv. " bur tm!m-V ulocs heal. Ibo Mir cunts ttttttii,' li,'it,Tit," the, tlain bcGunrs health:- ' ma . co is possible an! "ste. .. - - DURHAM ', HIGH. TREE: WEEK'S .1 to all. write for c u; for "ONE ref tit"' " mm I r nonunion. ', doing hul- He told Mr. mower, they reateat wood hum: l t tWI ml men l tel iri Ki? “Nah-Iv section is special Make-mach raised and Inwemd, being "qrutated an try a person carried I hon wry inn”! when" ”panama. awful dait'ying. ' 41300 at the Mch" most unydny. T " the “no lava!" {he maria-t. and .und damahh-rs wo die to hives! ignt the work of thts Kwhuin will ttave 'o explain its Wot' ttttt lecture. in l Jar the on " was a w mum“ th, NM . M: 4 ‘nuuu Svpau-ulr oinirritsg will he I I'D!" dull I ma pm: "atteHutmtiettr. A in: and Whitman me done with In "New loft at Mck at my nwidem-v. u upper town. willl teatta"on.---Clifr " "tttmet "an” 'LF:A.st time is about wit m- to the ladies n A "Am- Wt.s Inns scam-um up "no! mom. and I thaw Hahn-day its character for "ttoo' 'ttot- on and the winds: II tthu'eas. "tatt win) hnve pmmiu tum. oblim- by rm ooetuttity. Brim thao numru-m " quay Ihe dim-Nam As will u addition In: M this w AUtxtttetG Jury l I Mrs. “'illinmu “0er was "aim mmpivinu m (min 1'i Urns”: um thI' iii'ii:,l:."",';'i.i (he fullnwing lie H. Grey : Pun-u- nlit“. Wm. faith} The hest way “sauna" h 'Mpul'illu. I'll hand Remember the} "id". Topic. l huh-n by 1tet aeration tum-in Norm-L Pact Burk. hardware- flmu‘ if they val nut-nun” att' all I Patrick Kimm " as one nf the l1 and other faint week from Maud Mr. Wes, th' Wing for Fur when he intend time. Mr. IIIII In. vtUtted their. (hit the hettitttsimrof, ttt a , tritU luzw “and ll ie Grace Gi which": Mrs. B. Q Goo" ll w ITA" " TOWN & " oo" VOL. in!" I. wt tl II I' mm diffetn I." Will t ttttttt Imm hi "ot'er l'hi "e" Ill tl

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