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Durham Review (1897), 2 Mar 1899, p. 9

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" ltr, "in. mum. 1112 a'"oe K15 Me, Horses, tsPplications 3 her illness s busy draw. its new barn Billie. ' ot Holstein Cd. nu citizen ot u ,eomlerrut let ha al ml Mi»; Jane rf their sister, by last. Donnelly were cCalmon‘s on s to effect a should have , our»: cur. In ud Long eta Ind 01.00. drue alone. 11ipgspu1rtr. ite ll octe URHAM ch to ge s marvellou- bere on Sun on Wednca here she m Comm and hall. Thurs "s that brine t ht up in bed IIO‘W Pneumonia Jon-uh. I. taken with lk Britain. " to it l .00” k list of her IS an n Wm Ap was Dr Mt scd I'tcTvrtesuvEsiorrosu,., but Thurs day night Rev. F. Robertson. pastor of the church in Merlitton. which was cle- strnyed by the cyclone. lectured in the Pres. Church. The rhurch was well filled with a tine mixture of young and old. and had " [rent M the lecturer in a racy trimmer took then. through and "round the "Land of brown heath and shaggy oood." lie had views of many.‘ historical and pit‘HH't'sqm' plm'es rune" sentative of all [but in of Scotland from; Kirkwnll to Solwny. The artist or the) collector must have taken special delight I in water-falls or lions. 'iturdy (-nstles.f sea-trin rocks, lovely cities, were alli pourtra.ved and vividly described. He; uses acetylene gas. which he praises) very highly as a cheap and desirable' illuminant for such purposes. The teaehers and scholars of the S. School had tea together in the basement before! the lecture, and Schocl and general con- tributions wounded to the handsome tramod a]. which goes to o fund to -tsth"etntiuintrthed-tgoreaehmets. _ 'NoiktLurriso.-Mv. A. Pat tuln. tumu- lwr of the Legislature for N. Oxford hue a hill before the Logislature intended to prohihit voting by ballot in local or county councils. The principle involved ia a good one. Viz : that ratepayers have a right to know how each member votes on all questionw and appointments, com- ing beforethetu. The ballot for electors but not fut adurinimtvators. l, Scnmm CoxrERT.- On Friday, the toth inst., there will he a concert held in Clark's Selma! Home. Bentinck. Mr. A. Galbraith, teacher. With such an organizer and talented pen-torim-r as Mr. Galbraith. this shnuhl he a sun-cess- ful affair. There is to be an attractive mixture of rural and instrumental and mat-him- music. with dancing etc.. in rharartt-r. Admission ll! ('ts. See hills. Mr. McNeil] a delegate from Ontario Fruit Growers' Assm-iutim give N free lecture on some Popular useful Horticultural topic. on M0 March 13. in the town lmllnt8 The excellence and worth of fo lectures by this gentleman will el " large attendance of fruit and ft grmwrs. Isuorrruv.s.--Town council minutire this week show that steps are again being taken to secure an industry for thi, town. We trust success may fol- low this latest Him-l. Those who know the earnest effort, being made hy a few of our townslnen in this math-r will any they deserve 'utCCe,r's. given next week. Mr. Wm. Kenton has sold his house to Mr.Jno. Moore, and intends a: move with his funnily to the Notthwest. While regretting to lose Mr, R. as a citizen and business man. good wishes forthe sun-mu of him and hufamily are general. Mrs. Kenn)" we regret, to hear is quite unwell at present. . l ASP‘VAL BAsqtrrrr.. -The Canadian 0an ot Foresters held their annual supper in Knapp’s hotel Tuesday night, and u must delightful time was spent in irreech and some. of which nun-u mm 1.. PRoorusss.-Mv. J. A. Hunter, of the Big Departmental Store. is putting in " (huh Carrier Nyr1tet" of the latest "tyu. He has also purchased n set, of the Dayton Self C'ornruttina Scales. Secrelmy (inrsliue cf the Horticultur- al Sm-iety requests members and those intending to became such to select their Premiums at. ("we as the lists must he clotwd by the 15th inst. Miss Large; school entertainment on 't'uesday night, “us again ttowned with mccesu. We cannot do mor" than men- t.ion it thin week. 'Ntrrrce.--tutiet, indrhteU to Wm. Black. hardware mmchmit will confer a. favor if they call and settle as their accounts aw all made ottt,-W. BLACK, Pnntnn, 50 well known in commotion with the Nupauee Bunk mhIwI-y case was in town last week. He is a unvelg Jer fur " cigar house. l 8am" Cured, Smoked and Dried Hams. Bacon and Shoulders. for sale hr S. Arrowsmith. upper town, Dur- ham. Prices reasonable. - . _ J" V -w-.. Arrange to hear Craig's lecture in the! Mr. Con. Km), urchins cl.'; ttt at“: Mm; It: Br I'.""' a”(1:0va Hall on the lath install Nothingl Working team 'll' 'l','),',',',',', mg T' n nent a t. Is wee . like it ever m Durham. only ih, I Wright, Orange Valley. w tsit/C,;';..))";.?',,,'.,':.,:.",)."':,':.',::,",; The rt',",2r:1trt1"eti,t?ty,;'ftt ,'."'22g,',Tuet W? Harms, T. (In I dwell. ' modern topic. will be dealt m by Mr. , We " e Tl', aed t: in? ' ho entirely relieved of the aches Craig in “81¢?th on the Mth inet m LU'."'" Piett ave And palm of rheumatism means a great Town Hall. Highly spoken of. only toe. Mr h . . . ill .clml. and Hood'u Snrsaparilla does it. To ttBsr.--The 'dtit'eNt',t and t? 'r"lholl,rfl,te,'11 Viv: WANTID.--To purchase a good farm tooU, vice. drill. anvil and low. in Tl "31:11:: '2.ot'o"'d'tli, team, harness. "can. plow and har. Upper Town, mm '"YY! “a paint to: tie 'll'l'l'2,1'u'c out rows. Apply to J. Ritchie, Port Ar- .hopabove,iatelroccupied brP.Nester, ho the will come re I thur or w. Ritchie Ed 0 Hill. Terms, "rr ret-onthe. AP"! to P,ti' Pt y . p Pl . ' tt Sharp Administrator. A mm. in mom” any difference of c Sugar Cured. Smoked and Dried Jiiiiie%f, if required I may arise. come prepare Hams, Bacon and Shoulders, for sale . counsel where they may a hr S. Arrowsmith. upper town, Dur. A Lmvng Ttttrar Goartso.r-Hr. s, I help where they can. The ham. Prices reasonable. ls. Craig, an nth roronto géitleman, I - afford a free site and J 'Norrce.--Partiet, indebted to Ivm. lwill lecture in the Town Hall " Thurs-l caption. We believe there Black, hardware mmclmnt will confee a I day evening, 16th March. "ttder the:' citizens who wottld give th; favor. iftlwy call and settle as their auspices of the Public Library. His long pull and the 1tont.rpu1) qr-cmmls mo- all Imulo- ottt,- W. BLACK. topic is "The Social Prtmlemi' of the) all the pull all logetherls wt Ponton, so well knnwn in vonuection Dav." This was recently give. in ML! be needed at thisjunctute. 7 with the Napalm-c- Hunk “Mum-v ose,!Forest, and has aroused. profdund at? IHPLEMENT DELIVI “W in town last work. Ile is u 'thu.(_l_'telltir1n and much discussion, and ever-vi Mr. S. F. Morlock is at 0. Sound on the Grand jury this week, First-chum Farm Heme. G Fears old for sale. Apply at thUottice. Mr. Jaw. and Miss Ada Browneare visiting Proton friend,, this week. TOWN & DISTRICT NEWS. 1mh.-tH. nriif t Growers' Association will mire on some popular and gentleman will ensure .l topic. on Monday town hall at 8 p. m. luv places repre- f Scotland from The artist or the Pit special delight fruit and ftowee of former the Tm: ('()l’.\'TRY BunMINu. -- Butler limu< are no doubt, prevailing in the nrighhorhood of Durham. As an evid. mu'enfthis we have only to refer, in addition to the Livingston affair, to the consignment, of seven cat. loads of machines, vehicles &c toMr. \V.C:Ilder. this week, " large amount of which have already been sold, and we under- slam] will Ire delivered on Friday. The goods are as follows t---2 car loads of Massey-Harris Binders, 1 car load of Massey-Harris Drill, l car load of Mas- sey Harris Mowers. Rakes, to, 2 car loads of Tndbope Buggies and Demo-) crats. 1 car load of Adams wagons. We understand the value of this lame ship. ment is over 814.5(1). Who will any our country is not weapon-ins. \VEATHER: This never-failing Anglo. Snxmi mph Will neyet' wear threadbare. Lust week hrouwht thoughts ot spring. and sumo» even heard the robin sing, (that's poetry by jing,) hut Sunday last dispelled all these illusions by giving us avequlue 1899 snowstorm, and that is guing to menu a good deal in the future, At o. Sound 4 feet of snow fell, Trains “'01? IIIOCknll for more than a lay, and the b'hshepton stagedid notget through on Monday. Our streets have once more the appearance Man arctic village, l but C'onductor Lavelle has succeeded in l getting us our mail-hag anyway. and for that We are duly thankful. Since“ writing the foregoing we are informed l that. groundlmgs have been seen, so spring may be coming after all. I A SCHOOL 1l'crr1crst---utsrtrovua.v ’Mr. Charter Smith installed one of his Ifnrnnres in the public school here. It t is intended to heat two rooms. and has :been placed in the south West lower joom, heat being conveyed above by register. The furnace is of Mr. Smith’s own make and the Board are to be con- iitt'atulated on being able to secure this much needed improvement, in our own town Mr. Aljoe. Stu, the caretaker, will appreciate the saving of labor in. volved in lugging wood up-stairs. It m-mns to In that the time is opportune for our council to secure one of these at the eavhest possible moment for our Town Hull. so very defectively heated; at present. I f, Ktrtrso's Lexus --Alt the reading world fora few days were. looking at I Kipling’s lungs. and the experhuents l i being made thereon with oxygen. , The experiments have been successful and I Kipling is now reading the many turn) things said about him as he lay at Ideuth's door. We rejoice at. this. but; henveaaigh to think that editor until ; readers of the Review would just have l to die in a similar situation. I l! Mr, A. McMillan, representing the! ' Globe Printing Co. was in town on Tues- , day in the interest of the Daily editions. l ( He is meeting with good success. The. ' ‘Globe, Daily nnd Weekly has no equal in its own field. Review and Weekly', $1.50. Review and Morning Daily $4.50. I Review and Evening edition $3.25. 3 Review and Saturday Illustrated Ed-l ition 82.30. All for one year. Review , alone to Jan 1, 1900 only 750. Combine»? tions for the some period at proportion- ' 1 ate rates. i at my residence, opposite Burnet's store upper town, will receive my promp at- tention.-Clitt Elvidgo. ( HovsECcEssrsc..-at,. the above bus)" time is about, with us, I Wish to “noun-,1 ce to the ladies of Durham and vicinity; that, I am prepared to do Paintmpz, 5 Paperhaniring, AlaGstininm Kalsomin- l ine and whitening. Work trusted to me done with neatnese and despatch I orders left at McFarlane's drug store or I a? _ ittitit tentmn and much discussion, and every thinking man and woman slumld be present. Admission only 10 cents. ' A mishap Loour press has'dnlayed " Mr. Jno. Pirken. who got his collar few of mu. mails this week ,' f.r bone broken recently by an upset has , . i been 90 fixed up by Dr. Jamieson as to Fon SALE-59"?“ S',t'a',.ho'g,': -,' get onto his feet again, though it will be made cutters. Will besold , l . All" weeks before he will be able to use ply to R. MacFarlane, Sr. his arm. 3 Arrange to hear C'raig's lecture in the‘! Mr. Con. Knapp purchased It splendid l, Town Hall on the 16th ismt.S Nothing Working team of horses from Mr. R. F like it ever m Durham. only “I. I Wright, Orange Valley. while in Marlo I m..- I --" ----- _-, ' i. A Ts' - n... ., ..... r~*-~---‘- "W WM" """"esuar I will move int Mth inst, In We were pleased to have a cull from ', house banal of. ottty toe. them. l reunion“. D tlt 'hor, and We; hope our citizens will rally to the _ Icon, and Che 1 hue" in meeting in the Town Hall tonight, call-, Mr. John l a ma paint " by the Mayor to consider a scheme mg 60 mm by P. Nut". for the establishment of a factorv. Wu ', ...-.:--» ,7 ,7 . IV Clamanulcolm McKechnie. H. Snyder. Sr. III Class-Peter Meailliv. my. May Young, Lizzie Wilson. Jr. III ClassU-Rosie Ewen, Annie ML-Gilliv- my, Agnes Vessie. Willie Newell. II Class-Alfred Mc-Kechnie. Aggie Ewen. Tenn Newell, James Veggie. Sr. Pt. II Claas--Mmnii, Vessm, Ella Edge. Frank Collmson. Jr. Pt. II Clei-Athnny Newell, Neil McGillivray. Br. I Class- Elias Edge, Smith Ewen. Rillie Duns- moor. " I Clye-Madtri, Morton, A. Vessie. C. FLETCHER, teacher. Report of U. s. 3. NT). 2, Bentinck and Glenvlg for month of February. - Com, on Auditors’ Rep, recommended that uniform blank ttec'ts be furnished all parties havmg acct's to present and (2) that all arrems of taxes be tilled out In triplicate. with interest at 10 per ct. and (3) that all lots should be assessed separately as furns possuue.--t',avricd. Acc'ts passed as follows l-- Supplies for clerk $10.55; C. Ramage Priming. $9.45: Clerk‘s Salary. $17.50: Fence posts, $1. Total $38 50 I Sparling--- Goesliue- That fire and light Com. be. instincted to put a Gal.. , vanized iron roof on Fire Hall. soon as convenientand procure. suitable hooks and raising apparatus for hose in Fire Hall, Report of Com, appointed to investi- gate new system of rimming Public Llhl'ai y .. "From all information we can gather we believe it is better in the interests of the Library that it should remain under, the control of a separate and independ- ent board. That' the finances of the board will be kept in a better shape and in everyway for the interests of the town will he better to remain as at, pr'esent.-Careied, a E Meetin held on Monday Marchti. ; Pres. Mayor Calder, Councillors. Spur- lin ' Huntirr, Gorsline. Livingston. 'lrfin'll'e of Inst meeting read and adapted. Mayor rend a cn'culm'fronv. the Mayor of Brantford reassessment. of Railway and other lar e companies. . 'iii/il/if/e/Riff/v"-'-??:' our member __ - -.4...,......w. qorsuiieLuhiniirriiiiiit our member in local house be requested to support the hilt introduced for the amendment of the assessment of the prupm-ty of R'ys. Telegmphs, Telephoneis and other companies at a valuarion of their real worth and not as at, present valued.~ (in If: ied. i They also do business in Maniwhr. and , Quebec and hare this year made a ship- l ment of 70 mowers to Germany, with ' a. promise of an order for 2000 of satis- factory. an, about 60 of ti,hom were out fot their purchases and were entertained to dinner in the two hotels hy the firm. They make harvesting machinery only at pr'esent, but are planning to branch oubin otherlines. Mr. L's order was for over 100 pieces Lualmut 75 farm. ' i Tuesday last wusa Frost& Wood day. i (Come to think of it we have had a num- ( her of frost and wood days this winter, " frost getting deeper and wood dearer " then ever before.) But of course We f mean the great implement men of , Smith’s Falls and Toronto, whose agent i here, Mr. John Livingston, has evidently (not been idle, Judging by the display‘ I made. which far excelled anything ever secured in this district by the same firm. While the delivery was quite represen~ :tative in character. a large quantity I went east, and south east, and such a. I wide spreading of this flrtn's goods, {should if they prove acceptable. be a [ good advertisement tor another year. ' The firm was represented by Manager l H. Horwnan, and traveller J no. Allison, two wide awake business men. We learn that it is only since 1891 they did i a Western Ontario business. doing in I that year I 030.0(1) huniness west of I Toronto, this year 3255.000. never be- fore having sold so many machines or I having so many orders. l I We hope our citizens will rally to the r meeting in the Town Hall tonight, call. . " by the Mayor to consider a scheme ' for the establishment of a factory. We hope they will come prepared to har. l monize any (inference of opinion that, may arise, come prepared to givel Icounsel where they may and material I help where they can. The town can I I easily afford a free site and 10 years ex- lemption. We believe there are private! 3 citizens who would give the site. TheI ' long pull and the strong pull, and above all the pull all together is what seems to I f be needed at thisjnncture. 7:30 to-night. DURHAM, THURSDAY, MARCH , TOWN COUNCIL. xeu up by Dr. Jamieson as to Your southern renders. Mr. Editor, will lis feet again, though in will be know this locality. For than who don't, fore he will be able to use! In any any it in on the 19th concession 'Egroznont. and the heading may include u Knapp purchased a splendid , nu iruUiinite dutanee cut and woo-t, or] team of horses tram Mr. R. 1 north nnd south. children) prelerred, experi- eneed in farm and dairy work to work farm in Holland townphip. F'air gal. ary. Free house and valuable pri- vileges allowed to the right parties. Duties commence figgt of April. State experience and salary expected. WANTED PETTY --CoveLAsn.-At Guelph, on Wednesday March l, Mr. Samuel Petty, Egremonl. to Miss Copeland, Guelph. Prrr"rv---MomcE.--rn Durham. on \Ved- nosduy. March 8th, by Rev. A. G, Jansen. Mr. Wm, Perry, Bentinck, to Muss Mary MOI-ice. youngest daughter of Me. John Morice, Normanhy. Auctioneer Carson will sell the house- hold tuvniture. horse, vehicles (tr. of Mr. Wm. Renton on Thursday May JO. 8 months credit. See bill. Auctioneer. Nackay will sell Farm Stock and Implements of Me. Jae. Watt, near Dm'nuch on Thursday March 23. 'W. Sale at, 10 o'cloek, 10mos. credit. 7 per can! disrvount, tiee hills. IV L'hum--Georste Reid. Sr. III Class [-.,sllrnt, Patterson, Arthur Lawrence. Robert Reid. Jr. III Cl.vas-C,hwtie lReid, Mary Patterson. Willie McFad- lien. Sr. I I Class-Do-d Henry, Bella Patterson, Joseph Nelson. Jr. II Class -Maud Hamilton, Sarah Brown.‘ Annie Nelson. Sr. Pt. II Clttss--Mtuy Brown, Grace Held, Palmer Patterson: Jr. Pt. II Class-liars Wilson, Herbert, Lawrence, Hugo Patterson. I Mmmxlmr SCOTT, (out/her. Adm-es, J. RITCHIE. Port Arthur. Honor Roll of S. B. No. 12, Eglemont. for the month of February. Inteimtediaie Class-nah, Knisley. Annie Aljoe. Jr. (A) Chawr--John Vollet, Mabel Payne.' Jr. (B)CUss--Lott Lavelle, F. Torry. Sr; l ci/dis-T-iii")"", lath, Melbourne McKay, Ttytrmr Halt. Jr. Pt. II (B) Clash-Cecil Wolfe Lil. lie Harris, Anna Kilmer, Bertie Saun- dots, Percy Daniels. t 1txl.f,ohir1---rianiei Kinney: James Vol- *’r"""'h’ " ax“ ululul, "Pvt."'"' “Glue. Fir. Pf. II Chtss--Pear1 Warner, Effie Barclay, Alfred McClorklin, Allan Robertson. Inlay Cmnpbell and Willie Lawrence Req. Jr. Pt. II (A) Chvm--Fnnnie Moran, Eme Hunter, Edith Allan, Bessie Tel. ford, glarksm} MeCaul. Jr. II Class-John Renhon, John Dnrling and Eddie Inna neq., Bertha Spat-ling, Fred Smith. Arthur Noble. uSr. Pf. II 1,Pyr,--eeyT! Warner, Effie .n...|..n I In») .. "' . .- - - --.'" --... ., uulult“. " lulu nucnln. _ Jr. m Chttsir-aotm Gray. Thomas Barclay. Harry Vollett, Hugh McCrie. Mamie Munro. Br. " Clner--ArUute Kninley, Willie Laidlaw. Charlie Moore, John Lloyd, John Wall. Jr. rii"tjitard-Artiu,,. McCI-ie, Sharp. Allie Gun, Eudon Wolfe, Alimi. Sr. III qhyttr--Nrrtte Sibley. Willie McKay and Llowyin Moran sunk. Mary Me,5timre,t:ir Bu'rqet, Willie Johan. m. It. Henry. Jr ' took in the ttomtert in Miss Large's school Tuesday night. Miss .198le Henry but] experience lately, an upset severe cm. on the lip. Mr. and Mrs. P. Wilder, we hear are going to keep home for Mr. Peter Duly. ou the Moody farm. Mrs. Mather, of Boutinckxavud NW daughter were visiting her pnrenu last week. [an 60 mm of the Dely homeeued which temeine rented under Mr. Del}. Mr. Ami. Home: had the miuiortnne to l eprein hie wide the other day, which " ’keep him in enforced idleneee for I line. Mr. John Henry too ha been laid " et e time when his servicee are much re- quired in connection: With the barn hie father in putting up this summer. While} working u the timber he got e eevere cut in the foot from " exe. The wound] and the detention Will be both painful. l J p, Mr. John Moore, a lone ' Sale Register. MARRIED. Honor Roll. Henry's Corner. ' 1899. w, Hazel thth'rig. _---mthy Knisley. Married ' Couple ! (without a disagreeable resulting in a 35m '. Torry. 3 Mary ', Clam t', Stoves _ Our Piano and Organ trade is , fjrmly established. Best makes. , Purest tones. , Do you want 9. Sewing Machine? if? the New I 7 Williams.---. Highest t?"' pa: for Wood in exchange for goo s. {We take this opportunity of thanking our oustomres for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit, a ttntafiitnoerAr,e, NP Gutters Durham. Aug [The Cash system . iliiltoittt; AT 'ti,?,, R Il" Pleased At prices that will surprise- UPPER TOWN IMPLEMENI' WAREROOMS ers and the Public generallg that we have adopted the Gas System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our We beg to inform our Custom- nna run-3 LL _ - -.- ' JIOKIN N ON 'fl R U Satisfied . L GRANT man line pew system a contlnnance of the same. TORONTO With the Boots you are wearing ? Are they comfortable? or do they give you corms? If you are not, then call call and get your footwear from Grant and you will be pleased. ADOPTED BY With the Tea you are drinking ? I f you are not CALL AT GRANTS and get your Tea from him and you will be. of all kinds, COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES, .. _ BOX STOVES Cutters and Sleighs of the best quality and at prices away down. ., G. d; J. McKECHNIE . McKlNION. . 9th. '96. . McKechnie. WHOLE N0. 1095. it“ tru

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