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Durham Review (1897), 2 Mar 1899, p. 1

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ls to effect a should have from Britain. greatest wood be” Harry, u p well for him It McCaunel'l cc. we nrc r brother Mr. England ; her better, and . Sheath in in ttle, Horses, 1pplicatioms . “LEVI. . .ittrrr SCHAIttg. Dim BOOKS "is-1n: Calvert drove l' Sunday, on. ail McFadden ie home. " present in 1Will not have [van Donald. Fryers " Mr. car k ad ready istFoodss gi I clerk won: loan 'ttto, Art Ind said three Us rig. Jack th again. "3! now, be nrd. Priceville lam ls weigh beam it.. ”round but he enjoys the sleigh drives 'efern caumry In WM . tr summing. 3 doing but. He told Mr. mower, they m a business his wife 9". I Ion. JIritstprt, ENCY Isstoy ’URHAM RED my mg Hum" ther min old PATENT FIUF. Est-3H; Lust week's scientific Atucvican has the t1rllowinw mfonnation tram-ding the invention recently patented by Mr. Roht. Watson Vaummm. sou of the well known lt. tWatson. now in Rainy River District: . "The ttre-escape is of that class in which _I Holley mil is fixed and supported near the top of " building in a hoiizont- nt position. and in arranged to tamper. ate with n trolley hung thereupon and , arrying a basket. which may be shifted ',aidewitre on the troller-rails and raised and lowered. This invention provides, chiefly a detachable section for the it whey-rail, which section may he mised And lowered and adjusted to alinement with one or more thed trolley-rails arranged” different levels. The ad- justable section is provided with a; “new brake-mechanism and may be Agsednodiowered, itsucent or descent being Wed either from below a" M a -rearried on the section. A Goon LtterrmE.--On Monday night. Her. ltr. Panton, of F4tratford, gave a lecture in the Prrshytetian church un- Jar the auspices of the W. F. M. N. " wasn very high order. the speaker gimvmg the power of verbal word-pic. ,turing in marked degree. He took his hearers on a " ip through England and south at Scotland. ending up in Edin. burgh. describing vividly and in a .manm-r intensely iutereeting, notable places, works. cities and set-nay. all intermixed with sttfticient humor and "riotrrtsphical ruerence to make it de- cidetlly instructive. What a pity the e-bnrch wasn't crowded.' Get. Mr. Pan- lon again ladies and thoroughly work it up. Cream separators-MII interested in .lairying will he pleased to know that wrenm separators, so essential to sur- cesafuldairying,can be seen in oper- ation at the Mckechnie Mill office, al- most any day. The name of the machine is the "De Laval“ reckoned their host in the market. and farmers. their wives pnd daughters would find it very profit- able to investigate the possuhilities and the work of thes semlntor. Mr. Mc- Kechnie will have pleasure at any time in explain its working. "ov-Crisco;. A As thealrove busy time is about. with us. I wish to annuun' n- to the ladies of Durham and vicinity that, I mu prepared to do Painting. Palm-hanging. Alahastininm Knlsomin- inst and whitening. Work trusted to me done with neutness and despatch orders left at McFarlane', dung store or at my residence, opposite Bttrnet's sun-e upper town. will receive my pmmp at- tention.-Oiff Elvidge. 'haw Saturday and Sunday kept up as character for severity by Mastering snow storms on Monday and Tuesday. uni the roads are ice-coated in many places. \me. - Will those ot' our suhscrilm's who have promised wood on sulvscrip~ 1H)". oblige by rushing " in at tirst op- portunity. Brings; good load, if more thattsruMctent fur the paper. we will pay the difference in cash. A "ARI! wrsTr:rt. Old King Burma has stiffened up the backbone of winter nut-e more. and after giving us n short WAts PoItcursteir.. At, Hon-lung’s Mills Coeoner's Jury last week decided that aMrs. Williamson who recently died there was poisoned. The Pint says ulspirinn attaches to her hushaud, and " trial may result. As will be seen in another column. an I addition has been made to the Review i ntatt this week. The little "devil" has) m amrvemiivr. way with him for a new f hand. i LrEstgr: t'oatMts4tssosrmte.---Tuesrday's mum announces the appointment of the following license eotntuissioners for A. Grey: Patrick Phelan, Thus. Puebl- "tan, Wm, Caldwell. " as one of the best buyers at Durham i Mr. John Moore, of N. Egremnnt. is and other fairs died in Toronto lastfatlnout to move into town, and is enun- 'week from blood poisoning. i ed we believe. topush Mr. C. McKinnoQ’n Nun”; _ Parties ingrhtmi to wmi' business this summer. We welcome Black. hardware merchant will confer a our old "eighhor as n. townsnmn. _ favorif they will and settle as their) OP'rrcn.---R. MeFaplane Je. has ittat .wcottttts ateall made out, JV. BLM‘K. :9""’Pl"ted ll course in Optics at the . [Canadian Optbalmic College, Toronto. LIPEXBl-I I'"'""".",""""""-.-')""""?":?,"; is now prepared to fit glasses on) 1ihrire announces the appoitttrntent of "seientitfc principles, satisfaction gnumn-‘ she following liceteus "otsunisriionets for teed. I Patrick Kinnear, well known former- ty as one of the best, buyers at Durham and other fairs died m Toronto last 'week from blood poisoning. Remember the League next Monday night. Topic. The Gates of Zion, to he taken by Rev. Mr. Femuson. Con. qecrntion meeting. The best way to avoid sickness is to In” yourself healthy by taking Hood's Sasrsaparilla, the. great blood purifier. Mr. Wes. Witruunn left Tursday morning for Portage La Prairie. Mam, when he intends to remain for some time. Mr. and Mrs. J. McKinnon, Chaney, , hinted their daughter Mrs. J. A. Black the heginninttof the week, Mi? Grace Gilmour, of Hmupden, is visiting Mrs. B. Moore. _ TOWN & DISTRICT NEWS. "iimL.--XXI, N 0 9. The annual soivee of the St. ('olunllnt l Presbyterian church which was held) on Weduesda.v night, 22nd Felnuary, Wits' a success in every respect. The evening turned out most gloriously tine and afforded ample opportunity to all those who had a desire and the privilege to be there with their wives and children, and those that hadn't either of the former had what might prove to he in future the means of mak- ing their lives happy and prosperous. Baskets began to come in sharp at shortly after four o'clock, and those most faithful of all mankind, "the ladies," were in attendance in due time, so were also the young gentlemen who were appointed to assist them, so that when the tables were set at 6.3) noth- I \VIIAT AN [murmur DoEs.---The U. Sound Sun of last week has an article misting to the visit of a Mr. Tye, from Australia. He is interested in chairs and furniture and is commissioned to secure large shipments of these at regular intervals to the antipodean colonies He was disappointed to find the chair. factory in ruins, hut learning that they intend at once to rebuild, he has placed an extensive order for chairs, Here is foreign money seeking an article which Durham and B. Grey could well furnish, had we the industrial establish- ment tosupply it. We trust the effort being made in this direction at present may be crowned with success. Scum". EsmmrsrsstEsr.-on Tues. day evening next, March 7, S. s. No. o, Miss Large, teacher. intends to have another of their annual entertainments. The children are being thoroughly train. ed. and Miss Large assures us it will be better than last. year. which is very high praise. Trustee T. McFadden will occupy the chair and Inspector Camp- hell, Mr. Allan and others will deliver Irtteraddpesses. Teams will he at Mac, FarlaneU Drug Store at 7 p, m. forthe accommodation to and from of Durham visitors. Admission 17w., per couple lltiEtuEsv-in the legal columns of the Mail and Empire of Saturday last, aDIu-ham enquirer asks several ques- tions relating to certain acts of our council as in relation to their treat- ment of the granolithic pavement tinanciul account. and also whether they should not publish "in extenso " the auditors' report. The answers are complimentary to the council and not comforting to the querist, who is; evidently "after" our town fathers.‘ Hall and see them. 1 AUPTIUN bio: --Auetionetw MacKay will offer for sale on Wednesday, Mar. 15, at Lot 18, Con. 3, W. G R., Ben- tinck, the Farm Stock, Implements, & Household Furniture of M r. Fred Bray j See Bills for particulars. , Fxmrnxu THE l young.» Rev. P. , Robertson. pastor of the church that lwns destroyed by last year's cyclone, _ will lecture to-nighl in the Pres. church. c, Ilis lecture is illustrated with lime-light ( views, and as the admission Is only 10c. l l and the. proceeds are intended for at new (church, there should be. a large attend-1 lance. Doors open at 7.30. SCHOOL CoscErtT.--on Friday, the 10th inst., there will he a concert held in Clark's School House, Bentinck. Mr. A. Galbraith, teacher. With suchan organizer and talented perfornwr as Mr. Galbraith, this should he a success- fulatfnir. Thereis to be an attractive mixture of vocal and instrumental and machine music, with dancing em. in: character. Admission 10 cts. See hills. Assessor Vollett is getting well thto' with his work and predicts that the tax rate this year will be reduced seeing that he has trained on last year’s assem- ment. We congratulate our townsman Mr. R. MacFarlane, J r., on his enterprise in titting himself successtully to Bt spot to eyes defective in vision, The skating carnival last night was well attended and some of the "Ret- ups" were very good. A couple of loads from Walkerton were over. Amongst, the many sick in town last week, Mr. Gorsline and Mr. Hugh Rose had it hard. Glad to know they are recovering. Special meeting of Ben Nevis (Sampling was found wanting. Shortly after on Friday. March 3. Organizer' Nimtno six o'clock the door-keepers planted will be present. I ', themselves one on each side of the door Amongst. the many sick in town [atltllot outside) so that it was impossible week, Mr. Gorsline and Mr. Hugh Roseifol' anyone to get admission without had it hard. Glad to know they iiiltheir notice, and were kept busy till recovering. Pine when .it was considered that any The skating carnival last night was'per'?" coming t?.er tty". hour had the well attended and some of the ..Ret_‘prtv1lege of .getting m free. After all " being done in the basement and that ups were very good. A couple of . loads from Walkerton were over. [part of the program being faithfully attended to, all went up to the main We congratulate mtr town'lnan Mr. part of the building which was in a R. MacFarlane, J r., on his enterprise ht short time full to the doors. After all htting himself successfully to fit spot to being nested and quieted down Mr. Pyes defective in vision, John McArthur. Reeve of Artemesia, Assessor Vollett is ttetttntt well thto' was pluod in the chair. Here We may with his work and predicts that the say that very few have the command. tax rate this year will be reduced seeing in! War that John h” in f11ilng the that he has gained on last year’s assem- duties of chairman " he has always atent. enough of wit and good humor about Mr. John Moore, of N. Egremont. is him to keep the audience under his um: to more into town, and is engqg. 'iT,'gre; . After the chairman: beau“: sdwe helieve.topushMr.esrcrrituteia can mum to order Dr. Mellon te, o tusiness this summer. We welcome Shelbumie, led m pray er. The Pur- tttr old neighbor as a. towusman. ham choir, who always led." all times so freely favor us with their noble tal. Orvrrcm---R. MeFarlane Je. has ittat ent, being next called upon for music mupleted a course in Optics at the which they did at intervals. After )anadian Opthalmic College, Toronto, which the chairman gave his opening "'.d 'I now prepared to fit glasses on address in a appropriate manner, the cteutitic principles. satirifactionguavan. committee having secured the service iuul. l of that talented lady, Mes. wriotl Ac""Tios'sAro:-Auetioneer5raeKay cheered the audience with her sweet l rill oft'er forsale on Wednesday, Mar. solos, accompanied by Mrs. Lucas on I 5, at Lot 18, Con. 3, w. G' It., Ben- the organ. 'lhehext on the. program :' nck, the Farm Stock, Implements, & Pm} our old .ffqend‘. Mr. DUgaId BIC-“i , . , Jean, " ho was not In as good humm t lousehold li urniture at Mr. Fred Bray as on forum. occasions, but “an. an, ce Hills for particulars good sound address lteedleus. of adher- i Frorrsr,rrurr: lhutoxE.--1tev. P. ing to grmuumtical rules. The well l “ht-rim“ pastor of the church that known Mr. J. A. Hunter, of Durham, ll as destroyed by last, year's cyclone, gave an excellent solo which was fol- ill lectureto-nighl in the Pres. church. lowed by an address by Me. A. Mc- . is lecture is illustrated with lime-light c".t.ay.i, who delivered it with much I ewe, and M the admission " only 10c. solidity and drew the attention of the. l "l the proceeds are intended fora new chairman io call the audience to 0|:derl c "trch, there should be a large attend- as he wanted a thorough healing ll we. Doors open at 7.30. No sooner demanded. and the request I , _ . being complied with, Archie spoke on J School. Cost'Ewr.--On h-ulay, the the necessity of the general support of l th met... there will he a concert held the church and urged on those more f.lay's.t).choy House,Bentinek, Mr. particularly interested in the plos- t 'Galbraith, teachee. With such an perity of the church to he liberal in ‘: gamzer .and talented performer as giving of their "loans. Solo by Miss r. Galbraith, this should be a success- Black, of Durham, daughter of Mr. lafraiv. Therein tn ha "" nnifmnl-Q:-‘- --- --- _ - w Priceville. in good circumstances hut through neglect or some other cause she did not receive much of her huaband's property after his death, consequently she was thrown to the mercy of the Death claimed during the last week another two of cur old residents. Mrs. Dugald McMillan died 0 nSunday, 19th February. at the age of 88 years. She was an old resident of the town. ship of Artemesia, and for the last few years was kept by Artemesia council. She was buried beside her husband in the Priceville cemetery on Tuesday of last week. She was at one tune r w. Black, hardware merchant, whose ' voice corresponded with the sweetness , of her face and received cncores. A speech by Mr. Jno. Nichol, Sr. who , said he wtum't much of a speaker but if he was called upon to singaScotch _ song he could do it better. Next was . Me. M. Reily he hadn't much to say nayther. He hardly expected to be there that evening as he met with an laccident on Irish waters coming from Markdale (Irish Lake) that evening but was privileged to be present after all the delays. The next speech was that of Dr. McRobbie. of ts'hellrurne. He said he hardly knew what to speak about as the good people of Priceville heard him so often before on former occasions. but nevertheless he in his usual good way kept the crowd in good cheer for a good half hour. The Dr. said he had the grippe but before he. got through his address he apparently i forgot all about the grippe as he seem- ed to have his whole soul and body in in the stirring address he was deliver. ing. The last speaker was the pastor. iRev. Mr. Matheson, who spoke on church matters generally and the " solute. necessity of attending to the various duties of the congregation hy l way of the support of gospel ordinance. On account of so many weddings that 'day a number of the speakers could mot attend. Rev. Mr. Campbell. of I Dromore, was to be there but could not come on account of having to make two into one. that evening, and the Editor of THE REVIEW was asked to two weddings, therefore he could not positively come. We did not hear what, was wrong with Rev. Mr. Dar- roch for he did not, put in an appear» ance. Rev. Mr. Humphreys had the grippe and that was certainly excuse enough for him not to be present. We feel like returning our thanks in behalf of the congregation for the manner in which the good people of Durham and other places patronized us with their presence on the occasion. After a vote of thanks being tendered to Durham chow and all concerned the meeting was dismissed after singing the national anthem and pronouncing the benediction by Rev. Dr. McRoithie. Amount realized $65.35. DURHAM, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1899. ii3trt Subscribe for The REVIEW. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of joy, Bnokleu's Arman Salve cures them ; also on. running and Fever tiores, Ulcers, Bails, Felons. Corns. Warts, Cate, Bruises. Burns, Scnlds. chapped Hands. Chilbltrins, Best Pile cure on earth. drives oat Paine and aches. Only 25 eta a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all draught. 2 -- --i-. - --- ---- BORN. Mcb‘umrmln Glenelg. on Tuesday, Feb. 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thus. McGirr. a daughter. Dnvsr,-At Dromore. tttt the 19m Feb, to Mr. and Mrs. Drum, a daughter. WI-2LsH.---In Bentinek, on the 19th the wife of Jas. Welsh of a sun. Brsuop.---In Bentinck on the 22nd, the wife of Jas, Bishop. of a sun, ELLtsos.---In Glenelz. on titW'irls inst.. the wife of Alex. Ellison,| of a daugh- tel. RAMMuc-ln Durham, on Monday, 27th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. c. Haulage, a sun. Hood's Pills cureall lwer ills. Easy to take, easy to operate, reliable, sure. 250, Sous LEFT IiEn.---"l was taken with a. swelling in my Veet and limbs. I was notable to walk for four months. I read about Hoods Snrsnparilla and pro- curedalmttle, Betorel had taken it all the swelling left me. I took three bottles of Hood’s and have not been txoubled wtth swelling since." Rebecca Seevers. Uhatham, Ont. Assessor Jan. Swanstm was in the village part of last week attending to bis duties. 'i: No Right To 1lgliness. , The woman who is lovely in face, form ', and temper will always have friends, but I one who would be attractive must keep l her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she Will be nervous and irritable. If she has constipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched l complexxon. Electric Bitters is the best l medicine in the world to regulate stomach, _ liver and kidneys and to parity the blood. It gives strong nerves. bright eyes, smooth ( velvety skin, rieh complexion. It will make a good-looking, charming women I of a ruirdown invalid. Only 50 cents I!" I our drug stores. 2 Wm. i'uttigrew and wife vituUsd friends at Iliyerview on Sabbath. Mr. and Mrs, Marshall Burrows, of 1tivtsrview, visited at the former', mother, Mrs, Wm. Burrows and other relatwes over Friday am! Saturday lust. On Saturday last " Reeve Peter Dick- son was in tho act of grooming one of " homes, iteaught him by the arm With it. teeth, luceruting the muscle in a terrible manner. Dr. Brown being It once called dressed the wound, putting in some twelv- x-titcbos. The horse was one that Mr. Dickson had only bought a few days before. Robert. Main, son of Wm. Main, was leading a colt. to water the other day and in a. playful not kicked the boy in the face causing a large out just above the eye, Dr, Brown being called. put in four stitch. es. The boy is how doing nicely. The weather for the past few days but been quite changuble, as we are writing it has almost turned to a blizzard. A large crowd chiefly from the locality of Priceville surprised Mr. Dan. McKinnon, of Fairwell. the other night and deprived him of his night's slumbers. We did not ascertain the ohjectof the meeting, whether it was a " Christian Endeavor " gathering or some other amusement which might be more. palatable to human nature. However. we heard they kept Dan. out of bed till 5 o'clock next nun-ning. Mr. Norman McIntyre and his sister, Sarah, spent a few days enjoying them. selves amongst friends in Bentinck. Rain and sleet on Saturday night and Sunday morning muted some hunches to break " fruit, trees but no serious damages done. Mrs. Hugh McDonald. who we made reference to in last week's paper, died on Tuesday last. She and her husband were chiefly supported by the Glenelg council for the last fifteen years. Hav. ing no family and no one in particular to take care of them and being not fit subjects by way of supporting them- selves they were cast on the care and the mercy of the liberality of Glenelg council. Mrs. McDonald was s resident cf Glenelg for upwards of fortr-tl" yours and was 83 year- of use at the! time of her death. She was buried. in Priceville cemetery. l public. tttt 27 -_. A. ..-.o 51-0. Holstein. .0- We take this opportunity of thanking our customres for past patronage, and we are conVinced that the new system W111 merit, a continuance of F the same. “Large Sales & Small Profits." 'The Cash {5373136111 . " ',, Stoves Durluuu. Aug. 91h. . Pureit tones. H “w Do WI vyant tl Sewing Machine? It the New Williams-r-- Highest frice pai for Wood 1n exchange for goo s. Gutte rs AT At prices that will surprise. "Wie, beg to inform our Custom- _ ers and the Public generally ' that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be Our Piano and Organ trade is .y established. Best makes. UPPER TOWN IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS. filtoittt) With the Tea you are drinking ? If you are not CALL AT GRANTS and get your Tea from him and you will be. R U Pleased R U Satisfied ' MCKINN ON 'fl ADOPTED BY With the Boots you arc wearing ? Are they comfortable? or do they give you earns? If you are not, then call call and get your footwear from Grant and you will be pleased. TORONTO " G. 85 J. McKECHNIE. c. MCKINNON. of all kinds, L GRAN T Cutters and Sleighs of the best quality and at prices away down. COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES, BOX STOVES . McKechnie. ‘M "as-ea-L-., ' ----l,,--- WHOLE NO. 1094. H

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