West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Mar 1899, p. 3

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ISO Hearse. 'tt now prepared PTLY. ity of Sash, l the differ- de sheeting. unlit Chem $IVIg. bum nun not In. " an, Into the out» 1%'7CJ2'.'. Peo- we. n or, manna! t - in" bo- ( it tom, every- hr It. n “no. [mt arts": curin- h-th Century. Why " Murals "a Ilcko med-. as BraestMitr actory. p. loath Am“ FD. org-us. sad Ugg- 'ta aux-MN. power. ho. from which tho Ewe!” their nupply " Ir;’VO centre. county the out. q can” evidence t Is hence. Ind!- n, impovmshsd my ah 0'. their on! of the nerve M. bear testimony you cated ot (hrs. h they have beeornq I baMe the skill of L1 hyacims. Menus. Promptly attended b. JAKE “I“. E9 y ill!) ftN '. l IN ‘6 I' u "cci " . ‘ ('at a W t) "te, he; " k -.. - l '.T2'.'t', m rly al moduli-:00. tq t '"tfreat tho out. and in bid Old 8.... Durham Bauer. Inciples. that Fe"' gl IT BURKS KRESS I Discovery th always that all ordon iture my has [one to Ameri. (lf1ll .3% CHNIE VA". The Prince of Wnlos bu promised to attend the show in Edinburgh thia you of the Highland and Agricultur- ll Society, sud it is proposed to at him than to accept the Royal Order of hunk Prunuoary. md became a recognized leader of English fashion. His real name was Gout-30 Bryan Brnmmel. and he was born in 1778. He became the intimate companion of the Prince of Walee, who urns himself a noted spendthrilt and sandy. Brummel kept up a magni- ficent establishment in London until his fortune we: gone, when all hi: friends deserted him. He gradually tell into iii-gees, and. fineur died in lap-sure While It in Inn... on on Att.tetg " Sciatic. Which fanned [It lieu liner-elect" Age-y. Mr. Geo. W. Show, of Sandford, N.S., follows the occupation of a fisherman. and like all who pursue this arduous ceiling is exposed frequently to incle- ment weather. Some years ago. Is a result of exposure, Mr. Show was at- tacked by sciatica, and for months suffered intensely. He says the pain he endured was something agonizing, end he was not able to do any work for some months. His hip was drawn out of shape by the trouble, end the doctor who nttended him said that it had also affected the spine. After be- ing under the core of a doctor for level-oi months without getting re- lief. Mr. Shaw discontinued medical treatment. and resorted to the use of lasters and liniments. but with no getter results. He won advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and finally decided to do so. After using them for a couple of weeks, he found a de-) aided relief. and in about two month's‘ time every tracn of the trouble had disappeared. and he has not since been troubled with any illness. Mr. Shaw says he occasionally takes a box of pills to ward off any possible recur- renee of the trouble. Those attacked with sciatica. rheu- matism, and kindred troubles, “ill! "old much suffering and save money by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at the outset of the trouble. Sold by all dealers or sent postpaid at 500. a box or six boxes for 82.50. by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brook- ville, Ont. The splendid speudthrift known in the latter part of his lite as "Bean" Drama]. was at one time a man of wealth. who dressed in exquisite taste be avoided by the other denizens of tho deep. As many as twenty fishes have been counted swimming within the fringed margin of one of those trimming umbrellas. The sea cucum- rs are another lowly group of marine forms which afford shelter to fishes. Other instances might be given, such an that of the little pea crab, found in mussels end other bivalve shells, which In return for the protection [lven them by the molluskan shell gives its host e share of the food it cap! lifel- It is among marine enimls. how- ever. that the most striking examples " eommenaalinm have been observed. A feeble fish celled the remora owes its success in life to the powerful " liances it forms. One of its tins has been tranntormed into a sucker plao- ed right on top of its head, by means of which it attaches itself firmly to any passing shark, whale or even ship, no doubt mistaking the letter for some‘ huge sea monster. By these it is transported without any exertion on its own part over great distances, meanwhile picking up such food as may come in its way. Several small fishea have been found also, to habitually lodge in the mouth cavity of a Brazilian catfish, sharing such food In the latter succeeds in cup- tlrnlng. The enemies of the smaller fishes are so numerous that it is only by retreating to places inaccessible to their toes that they have a chance of survival. A tsvorite shelter for many small fishes is the round disk of the larger sea jellies, the stinging proper- ties ofsvhich pr_obably cause them to one time supposed to form s "happy family," but considerable doubt he been cast on the point by the discovery of young prairie dogs in the stomach ot tho rattlesnake, which seems to in- dicate that commenssHsm in this per- ticular case has been s one-sided " lair so far as the benefits were con- corned. on oppodte side- of the chamber, the lizard nimoet invariably choosing the left had the petrol the yacht side. The [turd feeds partly on worms end beet- le. and partir on the remnants of fish- en brought to their common table by the petrol, both Animal: being thus benefited by the partnership. This is probably more than can be said of the prairie dog, whose underground home u frequently Ihnred by the rattleehnke end the burrowing owl. These were nti burrows, apparently on tho beat of term In no. use. the burrow. which consist: of a passage two or three foot long, ending in n chamber c foot and n half long. one foot broad old six inch” high, in the work of the bud. Al a rule, however, the Iinrd In the oxenntor. Each builds its neat t wretchedn'on In, -iGGerii', ital for mndioanta. in 1840. In fen-on Quarters. An intimate connection subsisting between different animals is known In eoenatentralism, eonmeneale being cree- turee which my be mid to lit " the lame table, but which do not prey up- on one another. Of lute yearn natur- eliets have become translated with numerous examples of this form of animal partnership. In one of the Chicken Islands, of! the New Zealnnd count, a curious liznrd known " the tuatarn and certnin species at the petrale were found inhabiting the name Unlike Croat-n: that Gel “on. Very We“ firm A FISHEREJAN'S TRIALS. ao BER ANIMAL AGREEMENTS. BEA U BRUMMEL. The Empress Frederick is noted for the lainneee of her costumes. while a didaction of the present Empre- at Germany is just the opposite. At a meeting of the board, held aub- aoquently, Hon. Geo. A. Cox wu elect- ed President and Mr. J. ir. Kenny mee-President. Surplus to policyholders .81,&1.011.88 The following gentlemen were elected to serve as directgrsjor the, egluing year.-in. Geo. A. Cox, J. J. Kenny. Hon. S C. Wood, & F. McKinnon, Thou. Long, John Hoskin, 0.0., LL.D.; B. M. Pellatt. R. Jain-5n F: A. M19". - Total assets , Total liabilities The directors feel that there is cause for congratulation in the fact that the company has pasud through a year which, in many respects. has been a trying one to those engaged in fire and marine, insurance business, and paid its usual dividened to sherw holders without making any material reduction in its reserve fund. Balance. . . Dividends declared. Summary of financial statements- Total cash income. .. . ' 1,472,W7.86 Total expenditure, in- eluding appropriation for losses under ndjust- . meat . . . . 1.442.112.“ new, to observe that the heavy losses incurred during the past year, coupled with the unprofitable results of some preceding years, have led to a general movement among marine underwriters for materially advancing rates and bringing about other reforms which the, directors feel assured will place the businews onamuch more satisfac- tory footing than for, several years past. The closing months of the year were marked by a succession of exception- ally disastrous storms, both on the ocean and on the great lakes, which resulted in an unprecedented loss of life and property. Asaconsequenco all companies engaged in the business of marine insurance show a heavy loss on the transactiuns of the year, and in its comparatively limited operations in this branch this company has shared in tir. general unfavorable experience. It is encouraging. however, in consider- ing the. future prospects of this busi- In the fire branch, while there has been a slight reduction in the prom‘ ium income, the results as a whole have been fairly satisfactory, showing a moderate margin of profit, notwith- standing the fact that there were some serious conflagrations during the year in which the company was involved for considerable tut10uuts--norabiy, the al- moat total destruction of the City of New Westminster in September last. '1 he President, Hon. Geo. A. Cox, oc- cupied the chair, and Mr. P. H. Sims, who was appointed to act as Secretary. read the following. ANNUAL REPORT. The directors beg to submit the sixty-fifth annual report of the com- pany, embracing the transactions for the year ending 8lat December last. and a statement of the assets and lia- bilitiea 'st.the. close. of the your. The tsixty-fifth annual meeting of the uhareholders of Luis company was held at its ottioes in this city " noon yes- terday. British American 1ssamm TTIE KING OF THE BELGIANS. The King of the Belgians takes s great deal of outdoor exercise. and particularly so when at Ostend, his favorite resort. and when he ha I charming summer pence. Although he suffers from lameness arising from a stift knee, he usually walks fully JwenV miles a day. The cause of his lameness occurred many years ago, when hewas quite a young man and Queen Victoria was visiting Brus- sels. Prince Leopold, as he was then was in command of Her Majesty's escort, necessitating his being in the saddle for many hours duringaheavy downpour, from which he caught a chill, it settling in his knee, causing permanent lameness. Had some flour to-day; Some apples, too, and toilet soap. But I don't believe hill par, 253d. (This booking work will drive me mad When I think of folks like they.) The lines in brackets are suggestive. if not grammatical. and their eenti- ment is likely to be appreciated by shopkeepers the world over. It Mr. Smith buys . pound of sugar, two pounds of rice and a Dutch cheese, the entry will be, under Smith's name: A pound of moist Lug". And two of but rice, With four pounds of Dutch cheese. Which I hope will be nice, 13.111-2d. And an on through the book. In some cases the verse: express doubt an to the customer's intention or ability to pay for the goods ordered. Thus: Lizzie Barber for her father iLegi' iifiWiWCy ACCOUNT-BOOK POETRY. ANNQAL MEETING. dune t'ithtNtgit'l'i'f,1 . . . $1,519,164.18 . . . 198,152.” . 1,442,412.84 ' 29,894 " 52,500 oo TORONTO comm: sonool. am: 'rc1tlt'fa"d.'iMi'fg'tL' and WI 'Mnttt9-ar.. GLaa In”! haunt Anal ood- ,"t'lArPi'iiii TlsMhtttaUItttft. " --""' -.." " new ospecn%s, um by mail on receipt of '1. DR. ROUBY, P.0. Box 366, Neutral. 'tttttttmation----: “thong Dlelnfootunu. Coupe, 0an- ment, Tooth Pandora, “on have been 3'"de 100 medal. and diplomas for superior excellence. Their regular use prevent infecti- on: dine-eon. Ark zom- deeler to obtain e In"), List. mello- (no on Implication. l "Nraix%uGGGierlii [In , CATALOGUE mm: . " a. u. cam, my, a... mum-u: GUTTING 80M0i.-/ In 1888 Wisconsin had a population of 2.333. To-day it is about '2,000,000. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to baton me Ind subscribed in my presence, m. In: an of nooembor A. D. 1886. (riiii, A. w. (muscle. EAL Notary Public- Hnll'u Catarrh Cure 1. taken irttarauulr, and acts {larceny on the blood 3nd muconu surflooo of the 'ttohtu8?ttifyttttiypet1Nchre, __ "I. " BalmoFii;*“?r30 Bus gums: an“: or OHIO. CITY or Touoo. u " Luca COUNTY, l . I‘luxx J. CHENEY makes oath t st he is the denim- partner ot the tirm of P. J. CHENIY a to. doing business in the City of Tonedo. (‘ounty and tBates, atom-Jud. and that: said tirm will pay the mm or ONE HUNDRED DOL. LARS for ouch and every use of Orr-nun! that. unnoc be cured by the use of HALL'I C'Arantug Oval. ___ - in London, in Whig-is Graiaairill; necessity for agitating for a Catholic university in Ireland. in v v T."""".?" ... - I" “I.“ U“. Thko Lax-nu Hromo Quiuino Tnblou. All um.- reluud the mono] I! it full to can. Mo. The workable area of coal beds in Colorado is 18,100 square miles. Cardinal Vaughan has addressed a }etter to “go 3911.18.13 Cath9lio_ clergy Utah tuyfittirisati%'iiri, iiiii"G' and Territories. RELIANCE CIGAR la Tosoana, too. FACTORY'MMML BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE COMPANY. Attention is directed to the report which appears elsewhere of the sixty- fifth annual meeting of the British America Assurance Company, which took place on the 16th inst. The fire branch shows a moderate margin of profit, despite serious tires entailing considerable amounts which occurred during the year. The financial sur- plus shows a balance of $29,894.52 and a el818rplus to policy-holders of 81,321,- 011. . Sold by DrdaiitUiii;." - - - m.., " " Ftunirr Pills no the but Catarrhozone is a liquid, fragrant; and cleansing, which rapidly volatilize: when inhaled. What is it fort It is an absolute, 'tever-failing cure for catarrh of the throat or nasal passages. la this truet We are so sure that it will cure you thate We will send you, prepaid, a free sample of Catarrhozonis and an inhaler " you send Four ad- drgssnwilhin one week. _Writo us. .- "-""-9rr'"q- -. “U’Bmulu, employs 9. Swan woman doctor. who lives in his palace and acts as medical adviser to his lame household. Argyle. The new Duke of Northumberland is I very quiet man ot " a familiar fig- ure in society, tall, thin, with red- dish hair and side whiskers. The ?eyer is a daughter of the Duke of There ttabout f200,000 Mormons Wmm: d'tL, 4u,t,,,dil,, git}: Monelik rot Abyssfinlg, employs F. c. GAlVERT I M., Inventor-n. . . ENGLAND. :MW$W MMJM ‘. c. Poison a; tiinriisiriid7nr6nt. Tf? you; A can an on: on CALV E RTS large iGiGhirid."' But for insomnia or sleepless- ness, and that unnatural weak- ness and weariness of mind, body, nerve and muscle, a reliable tonic is needed, like Hood's Sarsaparilla, which gives sweet, refreshing sleep and overcomes that tired feel- ing. It has the endorsement of millions as the best medicine money can buy. Take only Hood's. Labor Bays the Sweetest Sleep " "f"""""Grag.r, send toiiG. c. a o. saloon. co., Manual. I. send for "Ramon“! tree. F. yogpNEY & 88.N2ho. a MONTREAL What Is It , Cure named in 34 hours. Ts ilun Ind Dau- Aa,k WW’ 51.702"; Dru: HEALTH RESTORED J) Ihicll Save. ruruiru and Chiidlon. Mu! Also Bun nuc- eeulullf luhnu who» Aliment. uni Inability In" re. Iiih-d I l "the" tveumenu‘ lt due-u when ml other Food In "jawed. nun 50 limo- its an! In medicine. , [mm-bl. Buatse,a, 100.001 5 ears Annual Hum of Counting- Mon, Pl-tulobey. hump-it. $rtditmptotp3ousuaotion mum... Munchkin. Iniiu gnu. oogt" Asthma, (hunk. Phlogm. ”human. Sen-om Dummy. Slooylruuou. Dam-don”. - - -- I J - 'v" strut,' London W ' III" in Putin. 14 Rue do Mignon. M " " Grocers. opp-mm. and mom "canton. in “I! h, 8s, it. 00.. bib., .ur. that _ (no. Alla De - Raul-nu Mu. In tins. " " and " . mi glib “Rift-m g'rte,",e,tg ot thanking the mung doom" who are spoken to favor- Ihlv of t a modicum. Cure All forms of Nashua h c ither sex aria- Intt trom impure blood, diseased bone, or im. po_iirdted brain. W. tinn r.." thi- nnnnrtunlrv " Hunk-(n:- Du Barry ik 00., London. W ' shy; in Putin. " Rue do Out! - FG%aiUiiriirriG;i, $3.31? 113333;: last health by thin Great English Prozcrlp' ion, Ell-orders we nuke you this unbiased mural:- Bend "so for 6 Boxes IOLII'I IUILDIII, the now only rocnxnizod ”Item Insulator and II.“ Tome. and we will mril you a gunman" to "fund the mom] for my use of Gonorsl [Equity n'tt cu_rod§fter akin; the medicine. A Cure Guaranteed Iold'l Blood, Bone and Brain Duncan. carmanla Oil tht., no Bay St., Toronto THE MOST NUTRmotm. (jillWy ENDING hultt Wlat Boiler Makers. WATEROUS, lrantford, cannda. POULTRY Ramsay: Poultgorlt The but Dieter in the tnurket, u n canal-a HRH Oxide of Iron, Lime tn 1 Milnelit. which no All - "rr '.ttrehrtU1yyylpryttuytiryey.t #3391311- Vise Hands. m LAUREN [IAN BAN" I UHA V by ‘19., 13 tit. John Bt., Mullen“. Only mums». In em.“ for the can ad twig pin. Ire, ole-fut. Imblhhd o to. r. " mood. 035mg; AUTO-V00! G'GA'fh%, VARIOUS, Brantford, can“. and HAY FEVER Pbrlnllontly Cured by Medic-Md Va r Inhalltion- I miracle of wee-u. to Dan"!!! Wd Bond 15¢ tor oxprm on oatitt. Br. PC, tumult may 00.,Toronto. Ont. Dr. ail AauyAtaatipatiou' PM. alwu- on". London. n3. Mulbourno. Ann. Toronto. On. "_----"--"-.-)--""'-"", COCOA CATARRH A determined bridnl put, at Strood. near Rochester. England, on reach- lng the church found that the build- ing was on fire. It waited around till the tire was put out 3nd made tho pagtor perform the ceremony in the The BOLD PIMBIAOAI. 00.. 458 King an, Wat, Toronto. EPPS'S CiirE GRAXErUL-coM FORTING. steady employment, warm shop, all modern conveniences. First-class, steady employment, warm shop, all modern con- veniences. a the hell h 'r","ltri'dtcr1'rttt of Paulté$ LAURENTIA. SARI) h 9ttAyRk, q BREAKirAs'r-SUPPttR. Only hilt-Ma In On“. for the an at a? plug Ire, drtmt. Imam-id . n. " " I . cagmgé‘ AUTO-'99! 5951.435; _ MARRIED IN THE RUINS. OILS Roblot #53: 'ltt.'r 933.2 The OFFICE uncut" UFO-Go. ”NIH”. 1fttMit.t. Telephone You.“ and Now-the. on. ill! AUI'U'VW. Ann: Hutu. I ”mun“ It, Toronto. - without modicum or "you“ to m irst-class, 801% mm IliMht, GUSIOI It. ' " M Halli... I l, all: a 4eitiil, in,» ill (a. (w Tlt' tall'" mm I Vntoomn.‘ .. loot-nun.“ t','mttL1tl'a"tlrlttlt for t Kim on . o eat can. t $gtul can. itttt,Eiirty,til “words Mb: to ital-w. m. A “amnion ml] -l'|u0 on“. t hand Oath. “out - 'iil'g'iidi' wording to ftm‘un 'oe Lull t',',g,r,grptl.r. ij',,,,",' 'ddfftN'he,C'gld'l tbt.. Ito-ml." ROYAL MAIL Dominion [Ina "an..." J.2e2ch.eSereyer.e.aut.te.tet New Tires 'jiri)" WM. B, NORTHAM, - TORONTO EITHER SINGLE or DOUBLE TUBE. Only » few lrft. Moner and accompany order. We send you our regular 50c. boxes to be sold at 35c. as trial boxes. All our premiums are free. To - safe dellvery send all money " Postal Note, P. o. Honey Or. in at Remand Letter, addressed BRITISH CHEMISTS CO. o $25,000 o 525.000 0 $25,000 All our remlmnlsre III nufsctured b tim" whose usmel at: kno u in eve hotness the beat in their line. , w I, W. havo oxerclsod srsstest our. to msko our offers plain to under- stand so that no corrospondonco ls necessary to oxplsln s slnglo dot-u We refer you to the Imperial Bank of ands. or the mere-nah nudes of l. G. Dun t Co. sud nuance“, u to our reliability. Me Llst of awards for tho on. day. Thursday. Fob. l6. Full list on appuesuos Geo. H. ledwin, Aurora. Ort., anhophone T. Vickers, N. Begum. " " tr. a. Talking Machlhes w. tl. Birth. Betwood. " t F D. Pepin. Algon- Wits. " . O. A. null WI rkwonh. Ortt., il, a. nuMouun. Hamilton. " " li H, iFiiilGi, Wiarton bt IlllsA. Less, Csnnington " " ichsel Brady. BtocFlie, " P. Million, Winthrop", f. " Ethel Covert, Bath. " It. Fisher. Prescott. " R, Dnvisou, lamina. W. G. Noe, Itsgeraoti, " " May Pelloll, South Cover. " R. White, Altons. " " ti. W. Smith. Chatham, " G, Philip. In. Brougham. " " Y. I. Barb", ulna...“ " fsli.itlll,t,.1Jir'hrl'e1it" w. Lidei,' bunbmo'h. T. Alien. Bogart, K. Niehouon7 wisitechureh," We ere giving free, without any out whtever genome of freight Ind crate In delivery] hue Crescent bicycle: to our Ina-nest 't,ttrtth We will publish I list " award.- of our premlunn every 1 week. A ROquoss. Would you please send Il‘the lune tet.11rttt of every peroou - A...- P-..... --- t_.._, - Crescent Bloyclo- This machine win be tent fro. to etch and every penal: who all. " boxes of Nervo-Heu} Pin. ind returns to In the amount $4.20. or! on went the Talking Machine at once and ul £4.00 only WIN! kr'.' order. and we will ship it end “no match ot two-oxen: mu. innedlctely. NO TEA so fragrant and comforting: second our? to the Graphophoue in reproduc- In. clever no en. lolly. band and Bolo manic. The record- for this muchme ue made of vulcanized "but. one-d3)!“ of an Inch thick Ind leve- inches its diameter tad Are pradiully indentin- tbte. Ttis tumbled ttt . beluliful polished hard. wood qua “gym 13513 lifetime. The u. B .Tnlklns Machine Tho "lmprovod" Benton graphe- phon. will be out fro. to ear old Ga peer Ion who oelll " boxoe of Nerve-Bout tdt return. to us the amount $0.10. or if on the anhophone " once on In .8.60 only. with your order, and we will ohlp you the Graph. phone and $8.40 worth of median inn-camel Don't mloo thin: we give the lender“ l5 $8oo order we receive each morning 0 ad 9ratpttophone record. (longs. in“ ”do ml free. To the senderof the oocond I... oedae we receive each morning 6 records fr... “I to the sender ofthe third 88.0. out.” redwood homing 8 recon!- free. Bo if you are can! It will get u hi h on 04.60 We!“ mun“ tom anhophone free of on y goon. ' Ll,,lirtii L LA "NI 1 . ' Dr. H I into a I choc at it. Th phon Ion III Mural u thiehGn 1 w t rt ilk; phone; \ V cm wtt-' " De wa r " " no or I F' = L', an" Graph: ‘ I 7 - from c". , we rem ”a. “n . o W"...- . ' As to the flciemey of the Specific we could wrne pages laudatory ofits cuntlvo audition. When we were done you would kuovnu more of it w... yuudu now. to w. ”I? uy if you an trouhlod with Communion. Indigestion. Liver or Rah-9y trnuhlc, " my Mr meat arming tron Idllordemd Worn-ch. and will an one nu;qu of Dr Growl Mouth amino, Ind thd full no not. delighted with the run"... "ate ch. (not. to thin Comp-h] mud to till - full refund your money. Used as n but": it [In no you. and when truer um! wrll m-rer be db curled for my other remedy. Hand your order direct to this Curry-any. (melt-Mm: m Ceuta (no " Inn-l. Ind In will mull you one not? of the gpecilitr. To the 7mm of the fitst letter norm-d enolmi Bftrttqptafor on. We oft a renal] we will remit ton dull": in mull. Mid to tho g'l't','l"lfl'lll; new load. theriartor, ouch-la an: ovntn, until 200,000 own-r new". n. n. oeived. '0 willnmlt In mount. unlln: from .5. to 5,000 00. um tots! of our DMD“ In all 'u wanting 35.000» Writ. quiet and encla- thin adrertisatment, Adam: I SNAPS for yyIgrflsf'!ljjiiiiizil" on rho”- Edd on avian In Lou! 'taeskalotr-- $25,000. The Sanford Ear Drum Co., OF TORONTO, LIMITED, Boom E, Confederation Life 1Lt1l.t.thttr,_rorrtrtto. $25,000 0 $25,000 CASH GIVEN AWAY Edison Graphophono Him to Naipaul. all: u an... ml. can ”was. Mun-m- " I' Inn-gnu I $575" FREE. an that Beet - Wm lot GGaii ettar OKAY”. m. V“ n - '0.” Proper], pro rod tor MAI- ne-lih; greRueto. MC.” nwmlul. e.", my".an Input-nu; bond on»; “min-cu can mm 951 “pm,- m... m In - You want a -Griophone, a Talking Incl-0.. Neocric Coal Oil Stove or I Crescent Blade. w. want to introduce a... "in! has tt Pr. Hummond Hull'o Nona-Hurt Ptt 0 mo u Inlay ttymeisthrudrait Canada. Tie. 3.130” which you want and mu help you TORONTO . . “but; thrmuhont (‘MMI M0,tttt0 pack- - of Dr. Gnu-'1 Ihtl,td?tN: To I.- oomvlinh this we have Jeri to 599mm M,000 don»: t, be distributed mm on wrong _ . mrdloimt in one (mu-m. (run I ”a” Uh; In turn the round, ad it. been BIKI- FITI'ZD. AS tn Introduction we wish to diy V. II- Dllll WIIKWUT‘I'I, li H, iFiiiGia, Whrton ichnel Brady, BtocFlie, Ethel Covert, Bath. R, bud-on, Belleville, tN Pencil, South Gown. fi. . Smith. Chatham, T, B. Barber. Rosstuore, Cheater Brferty, Port Don: Geo, If Fawcett, Lindsey. THE. has} advertjstment tor I!!! tasooo O vézgpoo The "Neotric" dove will be cent to " and - potion who sell. " bores Nervo-Henrt mu- lnd return. to III the t'e'rWrteec',ecogit you went the stove delireré to you " once send m Innn t'e'rWkfi'g',ec'M you wagtt the no" dellvere to you " once tend no 06.00 only with rout ordcrnnd we will 22 the stove and ‘5.25 worth of Nervo-Be- pull oven attached will Inhale gerfmbn. tt will boil I kettle of water or r011 I Rock In xinlnutu. It f. worth twice the price (at t o lick room ' one. "it in perfectly Mode- nnd dent, It cannot be exploded by II, - The "mtorRrc" no" gout-tea ht own nu from ("dill-ll coal oil. It burn with a blue Mme of t e - new but A two-burner no" at full power out. I): one-half cent per hon: to operate with oil at 15 cum per gallon. You can do an won: on It that can be done by coat or was more. Potlronin; it bu no equal. VI heat large ITftt My.“ water, as}! with The Nootrlo 0n Stove THE BEST 113‘." TORONTO. CAN, and It..- "ra to, “I o $15,000 0 " awh'o . ff td','.' ','."alr"ll.' I a , wish to du. © " ammo m. 3 Met To .0. to Ippruprlug " mm on o duory of in tdo not. no we " hu', th', ht v a . l we “35°C.; . ill never be db- t in M cram (no q lrtttsr norm-d sh. uni to tho 12"". no re- mueuu I. an. O q a Ah, ' “A l .n m“- (Giana on as; N

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