West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Mar 1899, p. 4

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g iiltt "ihttltam 21mm --The majority given for Holmes in West Huron last week was over 100 not 7.", as our first despatches gave. -Whilc we have been shivering at 30 deg. below zero, our Australian cousins have suffered ruinously from drought and thousands of sheep and cattle have died. -Tise Ontario Government is going to introduce some important legisla- tion to supplement the loss of revenue caused by recent restricting timber Ic,r,rislation. l. Brewers and distiller- in: are to betaxed. P.. Banks, Loan 4'ompaniey, Trust Companies, Rail. ways and such like corporations are -.n be asked to contribute. lineal House should get" through be- f, me that time, tor with both Houses m session at once it receives scant attention from the public, and legisla- tLott we believe, Is more apt to lag. (me at a time, please. - -Kipling, "The poet Lau‘eate of the Anirlo4iaxon, race," has lor 8 days been ot the point of' death in New York. An intense interest centres in him and fervent wishes for his re covery are being expressed over the world. His poetry has stirred the English speaking heart in a way no poet has ever done, and his death at the early age of 3t would be mourned as a national calamity. w'l'he Dominion House, it is report- m. is to meet on March It;, much quicker than was expected. The - . .. ,L4_.i,l --- o.--,.', Ln -A bill to abolish tax exemptions is Iseiore the Legislature, and meetings rd clerical and educational bodies are being held to plan for its defeat. There is always "much to be said an both sides" on such questions. but tho tendencv of the times, and above 3:, the principle of separation of urch and State calls for abolition of exemptions. Baptist churches have taken the lead in demanding no ex- emptions, but the other bodies are divided. --rh.. Jamieson, 'M. P. P., is father- n bill before the Legislature having for its object the prohibiting of boys carrying tireapms under the age of 16. This is good in itself, and if our legis lators could go a step further. and prohibit the sale or purchase of toy pistols and guns try loving parents and friends and arrest old Santa Claus himself when found dealing oat these articles. they would strike at the root of the evil. A boy who has worn out two toy pistols, will generally yearn for the genuine. -Canadian public opinion seems highlv gratified the Commissioners are home without a treaty. Some Conservative papers here and there denounce them for coming home emptv. and it is safe to saw thee would have been denounced had thev hmnghtone home. Mr. Bertram, M. P. in n recent speech savs that after an interview with Sir Wilfrid Laur- ier since he came home, he is con. vineed the country's interests are safe. in the hands ot the distingnshed statesman. Thursday, March 2, 1899. --h curious and degrading sight was seen in Montreal last week. 200 Chinamen, enroute tor Mexico, had to be detained for inspection by U. S. oftieers in Montreal. A rebellious spirit broke. out amongst them. and a force of police had to be employed to watch them like beasts. They crouch- ed and moaned in terror, and as Mon. treal Chinese did not understand their dialect, no explanation could be given. Like cattle. a few at a time, is human freight was inspected and went to practical slavery on Mexican railways. - __ ‘44-..» A, ---- ya-.. A u-.. 0-0 Pretty Weddings. LOVE AND ORANGE BLOSSOMS DonnallyLFerguson l Last wednesday' at the residence of Me. James Ferguson, lot 12, con. 3, Normnnhy. the nuptials of his eldest daughter. Lizzie. were celebrated. The man of her choice is one of Bentinck's stalwart sons. ‘Mr. Moses Donnelly, of Allan Park, and quite anumher of old friends and neighbors gathered at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson to wish the young couple "Godspeed." The house is not a large one, but it was a ease of "a little house well filled," and the entertainment of the guests was all that could be desired. Rev. D. L. Catupbell, pastor of Knox church, was the affirming minister, and at 4.30p. m. the handsome bride, supported hy her father, came in and took their place beside the bridegroom. She was supported by her sister, Miss Bertha. while Mr. James Donelly saw his brother tht ough the ceremony. The bride was hecomingly attired in a brown velvet dress trimmed with cream colored silk, lace and ribbon, while the In ulesmaid appeared to much advantage in a Joveco1ored Henrietta, trimmed similarly to the bride's. The vows havmg been plighted and congratulations over the wedding dinner was partake" of, and of this tt is high praise to say it was of Mrs. Ferguson's best. and its abundance was character- istic of the hosts. Before. during and after dinner', the hours were pleasantly spent with music, vocal and instrumental, song and chat, which the young people kept up on into the night. and each as they left wished all good thing: to Mr. and Mrs. Donnelly who are about to take up theirhome in Bentinek. Beside Immediate relatives and neigh- bors there were present from Durham, Mr. and Mia. J. P. Hunter. Mnand Mrs. Wm. Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Walls. Mr. c, anage. and tho list following speaks eloquently to the esteem in which the bride is held. Dinner and tea set, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ferguson l ten set. Mr. and Mrs. D. Donnelly l silver butter dish, Dr. and M rs. Jamieson l crystal set. Mr, and Mrs H. Caldwell; carving knife and fork, Mr. Sam Caldwell; 1 doa. silver desert knives. Mrs. E. Lochead. Detroit; par- l lorlnmp, Mr. and Mrs. W. Caldwell“ Durham ', pepper and salccruet. & syrup _ pitcher. with Durham Review for one year, Mr. and Nts. C, Romaine; sil- ver pickle castor. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hoy; eight day clock, Mr, Jas. Donnelly; 2 pr, lace curtains. parlor lamp. silver butter dish, Miss Bertha Ferguson; lady's companion, Mr. Jas. Sripps; white bed spread, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hunter; parlor lamp, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Walls: silver pickle castor, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McCalmon; 2 dessert spoons. sugar spoon. butter knife. and mirror, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. McCahnon l s,ide.hoard, Mr. Colin Blyth, and Miss J. McVaue. l set irons, Mr. and Mrs. w. C. Caldwell l vinegar bottle, Miss Myrtle Caldwell; parlor lamp, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Watson; cheese dish, Misses M. & Hannah Fee; crystal set, Mr. J Mon-ice; adoz desert dishes, Mr. D. and Miss _ . _ I." "r-, 'd -__.. ~~»-v~~ - . Mellvride ' silver pickle caster, Mr. Wm McCalmun. Jr.; syrup pitcher, Mr, and Miss Marshall t pepper and salt, cruet, Messrs. J. and J. Moore; set irons, Mr. and Miss Thompson l card receiver and 1 pair towels, Mr. A. and Miss J. Marshall carving knife. and fork, Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall; 1 pr lace curtains, Miss- es M. and N. Wallace; silver salt and pepper shaker, Mr. E, and Miss L. Hor, lemonade set, Mrs. and Miss Blyth l white table spread, Miss M. McNiece; fruit bowl, Mr, and Miss Gadd: lady's and gem's cup and saucer. Master Wal- ter F erguson. The same evening the home of Mr. Wut. Johnston. Durham, was the scene of a Ray and lniiliant gathering assem- bled for the marriage ot his daughter Lizzie to Mr. John Austin. formeily of Durham, now of Reynolds, N. D. Promptly at 7 p. m. Rev. Mr Jansen was ready and as Prof. Peel played the wedding march the bride came in lean- ing on the arm of her father, and again "this man" and "this woman" pledged themselves for mutual fidelity, for better for worse. The bride and groom were supported respectively by Miss Hattie Watt, a cousin, and Mr. T. Storey, now ot Chatsworth, but an old and warm companion of Mr. Austin. The bride looked lovely in a happy combination of women's "ftxins." and we might stop here and have said much, but our lady leaders must and shall have it more in detail. The dress WM of cream serge, trimmed with brocaded silk, pearl trimming, silk lace and satin ribbon. She wore a beautiful bridal veil and orange blossoms, and carried a bonqnet. composed of pink and white carnation: and maiden hair term tied with satin streamers, She subsequent- ly appeared in an elegant evening dress of bright scarlet. trimmed with velvet and cream cashmere, with a pretty spray and star ornament in her hair. 'Tbc bridesmaid, Miss Hattie Watt, was dressed like a poem in a pale blue lustre, trimmed with turquoise gimp, white insertion and ribbon. with a lore. I Austin-Johnston, ly spray ornamentin her hair, She al- so cmried a bouquet of pale pink car- nations and fern with satin streamers, The dinner followed and several tables of guests partook of the abund- ance of good things provided for the feast, A lovely 6 story wedding cake, the work of Mrs, J ohnston, adorned the table. gratified the eye, and pleased the palate. It was trimmed with silver leaves and roses and crowned with orange blossoms. Hood’s Pills Tonight Several hours were subsequently spent socially and very enjoyahly. In a family every one of whose members I: welling over with music, who are skilled performers on various instru- ments. it “doesn't take long to spend an hour," Mr, and Mrs. Austin left Ihiday morn- ing to visit relatives in Fergus, Gait and elsewhere, and will leave for their \Vesteru home. about March 10. The travelling dress of the bride was of blue cerisse cloth. velvet bodice, trimmed with gimp and large white. pearl buttons slurred cream Silk yoke and collar. Miss Alice Johnston, who arrived from Tor. onto theday before intends to accomo pally them west. The heat wishes of the community go with them. Mr. Austin is a most esti- mable young man doing a. thrivmg blacksniithing business in Reynolds, N. D., and takes with him in his fair Can. adian bride an accomplished and cultur- ed young lady. Following are the presents, yahnhle and useful. Some of them it will be seen are from Huntsville friends, where Mrs. Austin spent the last two years and made many friends. Silver Pickle Cruet, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Robertson; Biscuit Jar, Mr. and Mrs. T, Brosyn; Silver Fruit Dish. Mr. and Mrs. N. McIntyre; k dozen Table Spoons, Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Greenwood, Edge Hill; Silver Butter Knife, Mr. W. J. Morgan, Huntsville; , dozen Sterling Silver Spoons Mrs. F. w. Clearwater, Huntsville ; Bread Trench- er and Knife, Mr. J. Rose; Silver Butter Knife, Miss Mary Watt. Sault Ste. Marie; 1 dozen Silver Tea Spoons, Mr. and Mrs. w. CaldWell. Varney; Silver Butter Knife, Miss Minnie Fox; Carving Knife and Fork, Mr. and Mrs. w. Caldwell. Durham: Bronze Clock. Mr. and Mrs. w. B. b'trachon. Hunts- ville ', ..h dozen Silver Knives and Forks', Mes, J. Jamieson, Kirkwall; Linen Table Cloth, Miss Janet Johnston; Linen Table Cloth, Mrs. J. Webber; Celluloid Collur and Cuif Box, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ramage: Hem Stitched Table Cloth, Mrs. Neil MeKechnie: Bed) Spread. Mr. and Mrs. H. 1. Storey; ‘Bed Spread, Mr. and Mrs. Wiggins; Pair Blankets, v. E. Tanner. Mount Forest; Towel, Mrs. Geo. Watt; Sett Towels, Mr. Neil McKeehnie; Sett Doylies, Mrs. Jas. Park l Sett Doylies, Mrs. Snyder, Fergus ', Pair Doylies, w. J. Morgan. Huntsville; Fancy Tray Cloth. Mrs. T. W. Milne, Fergus; Smoked Silver Butter Dish, Mr. T. H. Storey; Silver Butter Dish, Mr. and Mus. G. Moore; Silver Sugar Bowl and Spoon. Mr, and Mrs. T. Allan; Silver Pickle Crnet. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Law. .son; China Lamp, Mr. R. MacFarlane, on: Glass Fruit Dish, Mr. A. McDon- ald l Vase, Master Delbert Moore; idol. Servers. Miss T. Byers; 4 pieces Glass- ware, Mr. and Mrs. P. Reid. Dromore: Cheese Dish, Miss Lottie Beaton; Pa. per Knife and Weight, Miss H. E. Watt, Toronto; Fancy Cake Plate, Mr. A. Bell: China Lamp, Mr. and Mrs. E. Milligan; Fancy Cake Plate, Miss May Saunders ', Large Silver Tray, Mr. Jno. McKechnie; Silver Mustard Pot, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston; Photo. If your liver is out of order, causing Biliousnessts, Sick Headache, Heart- burn, or Constipation, take a dose of On retiring, and tomorrow your di- gestive organs will be regulated and {on will be bright, active and ready or uni; kind of work. This bu been t e experience of others; it will be yours. “GOD'S PILLS are Iold by all medicine dealerl. 26 cu. To Manitoba and Canadian North-west will leave Toronto ever TUESDAY during Match and 1"Ji7. leaving Toronto at 9.00 p. m. Passen en's travelling WITHOUT LIVE STOC‘ii should take train leav- ing Toronto at 3.15 p. m. Passe!) ers travelling WITH LIVE 2'flllyil should take train Colonist Sleepers will he attach- ed to each train. For full pat1it1llats and copy of $6 tiettier's Guide " apply to any Can. Pac. agent, or to Settlers’ One-Way Excursions th E. HePKERSON. Assistant General Passenger Agent, 1 King St. East, Toronto. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharmacy Calder's Block. Residence first door west of the . Post OMee, Durham. Furniture and RST,t,abi,','li, Basins-is can!» “shed by her father in Dur mm in I." bid will ondeuvor to [he .11 old “d new cunt cm on the some entire .atutaotiort. Would 1ntirntptttttyrt thy wiye.oP_t1et.tA, OFFI CE~Mclnlyre Blek, hmitm of the Best Make ALWAYS ON HAND. PIBTURE FRAMING A SPINAL" NOATRV PUBLIC, connnucln. 4c. omee----cL0WER TOWN. DURHAI. Undertaking and Embalming on latest prin- ciples at reasonable -qteE.r GT1" only Int-clunlllurn In Iowa iiii,re,iriit,iiy,r?/dSi,ed," Esau.“ of damned persons looks after. ‘aud Execgton‘d and Ad- . . _ _ __, 1--....“ - w-IN.,.." an ns--, Collections and Agency promptly attended to. Pills, Deeds. Mnrtguges. Lemma. Agreements, Am, correctlv “tenured. Esta“. of accessed PEI-Una lVV-v‘l _.--.. __M_-ee --e-"' __ - iuittisttatora' Accounts prepared and pulled. Surrogate Court Business. Probuo of mm, Letters of Admiuiarmtion and Gutrdiunnhi Obtained. Benches made in Registry one. 'IRI Titles reported on. - Comimny Ind private Funds to Loan on Mortgages " low, at. rates of interest. Vulultionl made By a. competent and caretul Vuluutor. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT. NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSIONER, ETC. BARRISTER. OfBee, over Gmnt’s store. Lower Town, DURHAM. MONEY TO LOAN LUCAS, WRIGHT ' BATSON. OFFICES-at Owen Sound. meo Durham. At Durham Offices, Mondays and Court Days BURMA" OFFICE. CALDE'I BLOCK. Eutnnee next door to Holt'l Dental OtBce) MISS SHEWELL arrister, Jroear , Gan F vegancer, etc” te..... Money to Loan at reasonable rates and on terms to suit borrower. MONEY TO LOAN-cow nAvn’EASY TERMS Remember the "and-opposites the Market. Durham. All Charges Moderate. J. P. TELFO RD, Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. 8. G. LEFROY McCAUL. DENTISTRY. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Ill, l DAVIDSON. .ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. NOTARIES. CONVEY‘NCERS. dc. A member of the firm will attend MISS SHEWEL.L (Ot/er the Ba nk. 'on- Ind My W arerooms are now fully stocked with all kinds of Winter Goods.....Call without delay and get your pick of choice goods and secure bargains. . . . Without doubt the largest Mot-k Pt'er xhottm in IIm-hum.~ Lulu! Fancy Colors, Beat Trmmu-d and at prices from $3.1m; twtctti'tls,r- ' once and secure bargains. Full tio/ur of fur orerrottfs ond Null“ ' prices that will surprise you. Cutters a, Robes GREAT Our Show Cases are once more "Ce..'..'..:.'..'..:.'....'..'.......) filled with hand- , some SILVERWARE, suitable for WEDDING PRESENT“ Being sole agent for that firm. We are opening at present a very large assortment of Granite. Steel, Em and 'nnware. Pu LPERS A lurgr stat-I: of ."lmm'y-llurms Roller and Ball Bearing Pulprru. Prirett A'rtrxo"trl,lt. Sewing Machincu and Organs the C')":'; In sf Hm. ; Organ or Scaring Machine in jun! before " 'mm. To demand I will reduce pricett ftt per N'nffnr thr m .11 , Money fo Loan at f, per amt on Good Securily. lyyrur.aauw of all kinds promptly attended fo, Marriage Liceowes issued either during day or turning. RAZORS AND SCISSORS siNaiasiaitlBsaliltuairlBsatlibsaitliltuatilrtaitibaieeSvs:. iill That Touches the 8po-------q , Come in and see our Goods when in Town. GALLONS 0F PRIME WHITE SARNIA OIL FOR 80 CENTS. winter Geode 'i'ii' Bargains 'ts. co ' W.e.r:et:r:rt.dut:e.rte.rd tet"'"'"?""'), WM. BLACK Another stock of IANURE FORKS just arrived. which are worthy of inspection. WM. CALDER: Just received an immense shi ' t . F plum of CLA0S (the only reliable; Lulu! rifle» t.---- ! 'ul a! io ""dthir I J" days. " f tt Mac Meat est l,

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