West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Mar 1899, p. 5

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Lmeu- 7 in the. rgest m we value hens our then we mow that " better In. Our Lees right, a purchas ugh the strictly and the ith all kinds of when in Town. x. We are openingFt nf Granite, Steel, Ell“ 'IANURE FORKS Just unvoi- y of inspection. ke this gains "il".-",, ods Rest Jiseatre8, Jaints, b: th C-ttttttttdp mm 'INC, PRESENTS.. Jil)llMr)ll ‘l a "tf d an immense shipment the only reliable) M aeLEOD, G oderieh , Ont tet rottr ic"""""')',, mm MI) .80 ALDER: - ’s'Jl) RS Jf a " LACK A max. for the n! lu’o-ummnhll " "I u. "a rrix (Irml ham! and a! IU'HI'C Inc ‘I limo? Io'bu '0' Y. To ",S'h'lr. " "In!" .3" dents. Lulu! #qu L--- Cal at Cures Golds MacFARLANE t ti) 1 C. P, R, and Ocean btcamship tickets at Low- est Rates l t. ! (i.f'r'tr',trt1'd't v-),.;,'.':,)))),),?,')? $5: 3% syilt' iii.! BOOTS & sttoEs And all affections of the Throat and Lungs follow- ng La Grippe. mm mm“ ASD snamusx, Carr's Heavy Double Fold Dress "‘ Goods, 18e, 2Ce and 2.Ns a 6 yard. 6 Fancy Figured DRESS g, goods, to-in wide, P.5e a 6 _)',':" BEANcecoE qi'pssasreroscere"'? I “I I. 1- M--' We have a good line from Sc up to 100. For a very heavy twill, 32-in wide, our Te fiiunelette is a bargain. LADIES’ BLACK WOOL MITTS er, CTS. A PAIR Best Table OIL CLOTH. 45in wide, 200 a yard. SHELF 01L CLOTH So a yard. Toilet SOAPS from 2e a cake up. We always carry occur ing Bros. handmade boots and shoes for Men, Women. Boys and girls, They ean't be beat 1n quality or price. Dov't forget to start the year right by using SALADA -.. “-m A" mixed year ll Ivy nun-5 mum--- "CEYLO TEA. black or mixed at mc, Soc, 400 " 1h. and half - " mu " We ttt “3 .M. .v- .. - lh packets. We Hell it. We 13’ also sell the best 25c JAPAN ’g, l TEA in town. 4), I DON'T FORGET TO CALL l g, i, MacFARLANE, Jr. Agent, DURHAM. COUGH CURE BIG TOWN DURHAM Durham, Ont. UPPER iiiiii Lus- carry 1'sterl: Lustres, CH. 1%: Fl Sc iii, P.e a 6 6 IE: Sterl. boots 4), men. 4% can’t ice. t .t the Yee', t lan d h If ' are 6 1PAN ie, iii 'C, ciii 6 of Z ae, Cale (i") [il"', g; :06:1 iii, (ll 6 ' hc l? g) llsh 4%, .con ae, 1'e, 6 .33.“ t in: , l a 6 om M 6 if f l S] The one-time popular music-hall ditty, "Bcts Up Severely" is forcibly brought to mind by the utterances of Sir Charles Tapper during the past few days. During the months that the Joint High Commission was pursuing its deliberations with excellent pros-l pects of a successful issue, the worth y baronet discreetly kept silence tor it would have been a fatal mistake to denounce a policy that there appeared so much probability of bringing to a successful issue. It is true that, while keeping quiet himself, he allowed his 1 party newspapers to do everything in ltheir power to discredit and embarrass the British Commissioners, but for this l he could easily deny personal respon- sibility. He Can Resist No Longer. Tho temporary hitch that has 00 cured in the deliberations however presents an opportunity which the veteran lender cannot resist. and utter- ly regardless of the Met that the disagreement is upon an Imperial issue, and one that Crnad‘ans have inever had a word to say in hitherto, and equally regardless of the other fact that it is an issue that Sir Charles and his party have never looked upon as a probable cause ot disruption, but had on the contrary selected the trade question as their piece de resistance, he gives the rein to his pent up energies l that have been so heroically restrained “or the past few months and proceeds lto handle the Government without gloves. Such marvellous mental anu Puy" sieal vigor in the veteran leader must compel admiration, though the too obvious political bias and tsitaraeteris. A . sr ___--" te,' iii, year ago, and (5) the total emigru- been so sly about it. lg) tion of Britishers is given at 5,060 this Something more than pies enticed some l I 6 ‘January as against 6,639 for the first of our young fellows out to the social at l se, month last year. All of which goes to the Rocky last week, and by the hours J se, llshow that there has been a decrease in when they arrived back next day we be. ( g) |every direction except Canadawards have they had a good time. or they would I se, .and this daring the month in all the have been home earlier. £5 iyear when 'Our Lady ofthe Snows" _.---.---------"" 4%, imlght be expected to offer less at- Hampden. 3;. l traction .tlle ally of her competitors to Intended for last week. 6 Y"' British emigrant. Me. Fiddes. of Malcolm, spent part I It Pays ToBecareiill. of last week with his daughter, Mrs. q The unfortunate faux pass made by Thos. Young. 6 Miss Flora Shaw when she gave so s,j,e.'Jis,i'stJt1'vl lift for her home in . . or , In is wee . t mms? (',)1'ltJ','l Ito, . ep, animation}? Rev. gDuff. of Malcolm, occupied the stories o 0 cm f"? e ness int c pulpit here Sunday. 6 Yukon. is developing an unexpected Mr. Thos. Young met with a nasty , 6 result in the Old Country, for now that aecident while telling a lodged tree one i 6 lit is thoroughly realized how little day last week, He is again able tobe l 4% Esubstantial toundation there was t.j"'a"/',.(' . I g, her statements, the newspapers are Mrs. Jets: Springsteel left for bee i a, wondering whether her estimates of 'TI,'.', St 1i.1tto,nd1es,tg,' ed t H a; the permanent Value of the gold fields l 'ltl'll'l " r utn o ep- late equally reliable, "Land and wort u: my. _ 6 i. "t instance calls to mind her The Misses hicCrounel were the , 6 let,.', or . guests of the Muses Henderson this exploits m South Africa a couple of week. 6 "yeara irxandirrAuttralit1h, 1892 and Mr. and Mrs. L. Waggoner. of Als- 456$ memarks “In her hurried visit to I feldt. called on friends here this week. OUR OTTAWA LETTER. “foreign 406"is read "466" but pm)- lished as they were, without note or comment, the very obvious deduction intended robe drawn by the reader was that the improved immigration outkok which is iesuiting from the ‘changes in the methods now employed kin that branch of the service is frizziing A “-4-” n "n A Ill mun: _....---" our. A fair statement Would h.ve added the following facts which are all taken from the same original return from which the Citizen got its figttre8t (1) The total of 825 given above as Canada's returns tor the month is 1 against 695 for January of '98; (2) the 717 destined tor Australia was 846 a year ago; (3) the 1,459 that went to the Cape corresponds to 1,700 that pre- ceeded them in January '08; (4) only 2380 Bgitishers started for United States ports last month as against 2698 a year ago, and (5) the total emigra- tion of Britishers is given at 5,969 this l - __----. “a nominal: 6.639 for the first marvellous mental any! phy- an Klondike, Miss Shaw has repeated herself. It remains with the public now to decide, whether or not they will accept her views as worthy of all eredenee." "The Saturday Review" observes, “Miss Shaw bears testimony to the auriferous character ot these regions, and we hope her testimony is more reliable than her charges a- gainst the Canadian Civil Serviee." It evidently does not pav to attempt to load up the hard headed Britishers even for the satisfaction of creating a i nine days' sensation. A tea party was hell here on the 2lst of Feb., that was acknowledged by all to be a grand success. The weather which for a few days we star vions had been most stormy and cold. chu calmed downa day or two before the ant event, so that it was every thing that could be desired in that reepcct. This is nonlehlllllg out of the ordinary. asit is near- ly always been stormy.wlieii there was any- Flo thing to do here. The ladies of the sec- Oat Bra tion had prepared for a large crowd, and Si" people that are well capable of jad;',iug, Fa] said that the cakes, pies, buns and other Ba good staff, were the mostdmnty. delicious, Pet and tempting that eVer they tasted at a t , like gathering. and such a quantity of it m that it was like the five loaves and fishea La ol olden time. it never seem to grow less. Ta To get rid of route of the surplus however Bu the committee thought it advisable to hold Es 8 social on the following night. This was Ct time and an enjoyable evening spent, but DI still there was lots lelt. (its too bad yon I", were not there Mr. Editor.) (Yes it is, I' We hate to miss good tuingc--Edl Mr. J. th Staples, held the post of honor and in tul. Sl dition to giving out an interesting and a lengthy program, gave quite a few little p, jokes and speeches in the intervallo- A Most of the music part was supplied by the choir, who you may he sure did their L very beat. Mr.J. Bowling. of Markdale . also ssnuaconple of pieces, with marked , "ect, the chairman stating that " waa , t the heat singing he had ever heard. Misa tl t Murial Davenport also sang a few pieces l: most charmingly. Reeitattons Were given " t by Mr.J.Cook. Miss Robinson. Missin- n dine and others, one by Miss Hunt being t g exceptionly good. A speech by Rev. t e Kitcliing on 'An aim in Life' was rery ' l good imtneeded more time. Another by l ‘3 Rev. MeGregor on "Undeveloped rcaonrc~ , d on of christian lite was good. Mr. Sparling Mr, Wolfe, and several others were called to the platform. but thought there was k. uothiugleft to any, so out down again. gi. Several pieces onthe mouth organ were rt- given by Mr. Herbert Burnet, very well. ee Quite acrowd gathered to the social on .m; the second night when songs. reeitatioua, ch music and speeches were given, and all w“ appeared to have a. good time. Mr, w Jet' Banks gave the speech of the cwcsuiue' to however and made a good attempt tor the sh first time. The receipts ofthe two nights on. amounted to $47.70 which go to defray cur- :m" rent expenses of the church. school and " league. We forgot to any that Mr. Irwin “I: of the Durham Chronicle also gave a t if mam-1. .m the first niulit. Mr, Irwin gave league. We forgot to say that Mr. Irwin l of the Durham Chronicle also gave " l speech on the tirst night. Mr, Irwin gave us plainly to understand why he had made such an attempt to get there. That nasty old La anpe is still round here, mu] it in wouderlul how hard he gripps. This time he hasiu bis embrace nearly all of Mr. W. ureesnwood's family, Mr. W, Kenny, Mr. John Colbert and R. lTimmius. Surely be will be content this time and leave us for good, Some of our bachelors are in the em. brace of another kind of grip, and one by l one they are dropping out of the holy bachelors club to join a better one. One I received a large valentines on the " of _ Feb, and it looks as though others would follow in his footsteps. Mr. Nueill Falkinghmu was married to Mus Maggie Hopkins on the 14th of Feb. Miss H. is well known in Durham and v cinity, and all Join in wishing them ( Bloch hapliness, long life and prosperity. l But some of the boys my N. need not have been so sly about it. of last week with his daugmer, mm. Thus. Young. Mrs. Jno. Flow. left for her home in Port Elgin this week. Rev. Duff, of Malcolm, occupied the pulpit here Sunday. Mr. Thos. Young met with a nasty aecident while telling a lodged tree one . Aoar last week, He is again able to be Something more than pies enticed some of our young fellows out to the social at the Rocky last week. and by the hours when they arrived back next day we be. lieve they had a good time. or they would have been home earlier. Intended for last week. Me. Fiddes. of Malcolm, spent part of last week with his daughter, Mrs. Thus. Young. Zion. in the em- nud one by of the holy Mr. Geo. Young took a "usuwsa my to Owen Sound Saturday. Mrs. H. Byers is very sick at present. Mr. J. and Miss H. Byers returned from wetland Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. w. Davidson left for their home in London Tuesday. Mrs. Wilton and Miss Dickinson. of Garrick, spent part of last. week the guests of Mes. Thos. Geddes. Mr. W. Crowthers, of \Vellnud. is visiting relatives here at present. - --. A. _____, Mr. and Mrs. James Watt passed away last week. They had reached the patriarchal age of 87 and 81 respective- ly. Mr. and Mrs. Watt celebrated their golden wedding three years ago. They immigrated to this country from their native land, Aberdeenshire. Scotland. in 18.30. In 1874 they moved to the 18th con., Iiorinnnhy, where they spent the. remainder of their lives. They were staunch members of the Presbyterian church and Were highly respected by i ail who knew them. A600. DURHAM MARKET. Flour per bbl ......'..... S 3 50 to " 80 Carmen. per sack ...... ... 1 80 to 2 00 l Bran per cwt ... ... ... 63 to 76: Shorts per cwt ... ... ~75 to 89 Fall Wltottt per bushel ... 68 to 66 Barley, $4 ... 0 M u 0 42 Peas, b6 ... 0 65 to 65 Oats, tk ... 0 28 to 28 Dr'd Hugs. per cm ... ti 00 to h 00 Hugs, live weight ... ... 4 10 to 00 Lard per lt, ... ... 10 to 10 ‘Tnllow' per lt, ... ... 04 to 04 Butter per m. Int, ... ... 0 12 to 0 18 - .. In .- IQ Eggs. per dor. ... .. Chickens. for pair Dunks " Turkeys, per lb ... Geese. per lb ... Hides. par cm ... Calfskins ... ... Sheepskins ... ... Hay. per ton ... Straw. " ... .. Potatoes, per bag [ Apples. per bag .. Live Stock Hut-ken. TORONTO. Fortrdlve loads of nut! all told were on the Western came yard: this morn- ing, Including close on 1,500 hogs, 400 lambs and sheep, 50 calves. and If) milkers. Today was really a duplicate ot yes- terday's market, as far as the prices of cattle were concerned. but husiness was more brisk, and all the stuff sold at more UI'IBI. mu- cu- u... .....-- ---" pr.trett which were well maintained and steady. Shipping cattle sold at from 4h to Me. and for choice seleetod lots be per pound was paid. ' Butcher cattle was steady. and chmce stuff was firm and in active demand at l from 4 to 41c per pound, and for butcher cattle good enough for export prices were up to tl and 430 per lb. Good butcher cattle sold at Ti to Tic. in loads, medium around 350. and common down l to 30, there was nothing worth mention- ing which sold at less than Bc per pound I toabty. There wasn good clearance of all offerings by 11 o'clock in the morning. l Catt le. Shipping, per own. . . . . . Art 50 Butcher. choice do. . . . . ., 3 50 Butcher. medium to good 3 12!, .Bulcheru. interiov. . . . . . .. 2 'm Ewes, per cwt., Lambs, per cwt Bucks, per cwt. Cows, ouch . . Calves, each . Hogs. Choice hogs, per cwt .... Light Hogs. per cwt .... Heavy hogs, pet ch. . .. In the matter of the Clark Moody, late, of t Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of of Ontario 1897 notice is hereby given that all person or' persons having claims or accounts against the said Peter Clark Moody are to send hy nuil postage pie- paid or to deliver it, to Robert Ornuston Kilgour. at his office in the town of Mt. Forest, in the County of Wellington, Solicitor for Colin McMillan of said Township of Egremont the Executor of the said deceased. on or before the Notice to Creditors. I5th Day of MARCH, A. D., l899. their Christian names. surlmmes. aa- dresses. and description, and particulars with proof of their claims, statements, and accounts and the natuie of the se- curity (if any) held by them. And fur- ther take notice that after the said lath day of March A. D. 1899 the said Ex- ecutor of the said Estate will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate _ _ among the persons entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to such claims of which notice has been received, and the said Executor will not be responsible for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of such distribution. Dated at Mount Forest, the 6th day of February A. D. 1809. R. o. KILGIOUR. . Solicitor for the Executor. r. Young took a business trip Egrcmont. i Roll Milkers and Calves. Set-0p and Lambs. Itter of the Esiale of Peter dy, late of the Township of of, in the Coumtg of Grey, Yeoman, Dreamed. ... 5 00 to ... 0 00 to ... MI to 0 12 to 12 to 14 to M to 40 to 8 to 0 05 to T 00 to " to $450 $500 ,350 4121 3 25 skiiiiidrii6k', _ 2ittti"o 0 18 18 15 " TO 275 tgald 4371! 3 75 There are a great mumber of 1 people who are suffering from tt CHIL- _ sums" and who do not know that we have a 'Hraaranteed" cure for that complaint, but we want every- one to know it. Don't think that because you may have already tried a number of other preparations, and they have failed to cure, that cans will. (We have never had a complaint from any i of those who have used it). Give our a trial and if it does not do what we claim, we will glaglly r_efun_d yet} your Vlulul' vvv v- --- n._ "‘J v - money. This is just the time. of year they are the most troublesome, so get a bottle at once. PRICE 25e. Pat up only by JAS. DRUGGIST Caldera Block, DURHAM moience--HoPEviLLE. Terms moderate. Avrnutgettteutf for sales. as to dates. &c. must. be made at The Review omee, Dulham. Curran- pondence addressed there or to Haw- ville P. o. will be promptly mum ed to. Terms on applications to D. IcPHAIL. How-me P. o. up to C. RAIAGE, Dulham. F AR-SEEING people, are the most suecessiul. They look ahead and plan what is best for their future, with this object in view get a AT--- ONTARIO. Tins institution is the lending school of its kind in the Dominion. The busi- ness course is by tar the most thorough and comprehensive in Canada. It has also an unequalled Shorthand course. Send fot Anna} 4nnounoemem con- INFALLIBLE CHILBLAIN CURE i"i'/iiV/raCrurtieuhus. G. T. R. Ticket Agent and Can. EQpross Money Order Agent. l Quite u number from our burg. “tended t the pie nocial " the Rocky and had, and no doubt helped to make a. good time. [ID-lu- Mrs. Thos. Bell, we are glad to but is recovering from 3 severe attack of La anpe. She has been under Dr. Smith‘: can. Mrs. McDonald, niece. and dmgmer ot N, Bradley, Mich. who hue been visit- ing Mr. Duncan McArthur"' left lssl. week for homo. Mr. McAllln. C. P. B. engineer in tho USEFUL ANO MONEY. MAKING EDUCATION. OWEN SOUND l: Licensed Auctioneer fat the County of Grey. PHAIL WWII)?! .. FLEMING. Principal, Owen Sound, Ont. . GUN Latent. TORONTO niece. and dmghaer of MtFarlane's The Wheels it?"au.s, of I." Time. ft Go Round "I cr'"e'?s'SoCii'is' call "s,2virtime and worry by buying one. We Sell all kinds at all prices. Also a Full Line of “'ATCHES. J EWELRY. SILVERWARE. and STERLING SILVER NOVELTII‘B. “Call and see for yourself. “Prices are tight. The THE. ONLY ABRULI‘ PREPARATIOXS oN PLEAS‘NT. PURI Dinner 'ttttapt)? Mad-- Servant irl Ugly. The ancient clock did its best-It is old enough wrest. Its gonng qualities have gone you want a. Good Clock & Temper Saver. We have then} nlllllBulifl Rheumatic 1lytilit lwufuctu‘d on [tonal-It Sold on lot-ll. . , For sale by H. PARKER, Durham. I ' Will now buy a Seven Jeweled Wnithtttn or Elgiu Watch in Nickhr_t4cretcttt. We have Seven- Icc____, "' "vii-m 'd'eT'uriiiu -- "Walthams never offered before. very long. Lawn; Tuws. We Handle everything in the Barnes: line, " right prices. CALL d; SEE OUR l Collars, Pads. 4lit (i, Bites, Whips, 3': &c.. &c. Heavy d Light Harness TO SUIT YOU. Workmanship Unsurpassed Fine Choiee in Vulisos. Grips, Home Blankets. are. be. We do the made in Raw Furs. Highest Price Paid. C. LEAVENS Intended for Int week. A week ago Sunday the wife of J. McQueen presented a young mu to her husband. All are well. Mr. and Mrs. U. McQueen can very well boast of their grandchildren. since hurt Sept. ttve little grandchildren made their up- penance on the scene of life and att nrerdniquicely. " - . I .._" " “It “Us". u|\\l’. Miss Wilcock. of Plenum-ton. visited Inendl in and around ovr town. Miss Eva Booth had I. quilting hee, the work was well done. Ono of the Hitcher-s was willing to t.ottut the ditches if mmeom- would volunteer to taitie for her. Miss Mclivride, of Normanhy. in compeny with her white headed boy of Guelph. called on Mr. and Mrs. Mar- shall. They were on their way for the former’s bent her of Proton Station. We are pleased to see Mes. George Haw, I r. Mile to take a drive again. last Saturday we bad a short call from Mr. N. Calder. Manitoba, accom- tsnted try his sister. Martha. who we Were glad to see around and gaining in health and strength all the time. Nell is the some as of yore. can make morn fun than you can shake a. slick at. We would like to see Mrs. cnideraaweit. They are to leave for their home n Week from Monday. We do wish him and his newly married bride a. long life with health and wealth and . happy home. Nnglii)ldlill $5 BILL; . McFA RLANE Medicines ABtsoLUrKLY RELIABLE 0N8 ON THE HARRIET PURE IND HEALTNFUL Next to Bank. I Guaranteed to cure i, Rheunmt ism. I Sciulirn. Lumlmgo, i Gout and l Neurulgin. i A sure cure for l, Headnche,nizzineyy ,', (hummipnliun. Indi~ i south-n. Bilinmmm ’1 Bright" Disease. ', Diabetes Paralysis l, cottvubuottts, Hen" Boothville. l, GORDON, DURHAM. ONT. 5";- g? will not last " prim

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