West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Mar 1899, p. 8

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Mia S. tiearlett has gone to Toronto to see and attend a untried sister who In» that Ind is now sick. on Sunday 19th Mr. Pike of Mt. Forest preached to the Nolan]: followers in Allen‘s Ball. Taxes on Roll of 180tt at Dec. 31, 'oft (not collected). Non-resident Taxes tunpaid). . . . i . F . ' i .. 'mr...... Cash in Bank....,.. . . ... T . """.rr........ Town Hall. estimated value. .. . . . . . _ . 315(1) 00 Market Building. estimated value. .. ... 1000 oo Sch'l Buildings and Site, estimated value. an) oo F. Engine & Appliances, estimated value. 40]) oo Excess of Liabilities ovor Assets .. .. , . . . . . . At tho funeral of Mr. Geo. Campbell SalariesandAllowmces..................... Printing. Advertising and Stationery. . . . . .. tnt-e............................:...... Fire. Water and Lights.............. ...... LawCosts.................................... lloadsandBI-idges......,. ...'r............. nehenture.uunder Brlawtrt...,. ...F.r .... "ttert"st1'oupons...... _... ..r... '"'B.mFr.. lntorvstnnNutosin Bank.,... _..'......... County Rates... ......... ""'-'...rs..., SchoolAccount.....‘....................... Royal Art Paving Company. .qrrp. _ T ' Grant to Hand..... ""'t"'m.-......,.. ..g. Miscellaneous.........,,. .. _-- Balanceonhand last audit................... Taxes collected fromRates of ttM............ TaxescollectedfromRatesoflm............ NorvresidentTaxes collected in mam”... Arrears of Taxes collected in 1808... ...... .. Rent ofTown Hall ..'.'...........r......... Market fees from Dec. lst, 18W to Dec. Ist, 18 Ltcensea-..........,.............,............ County gram. Roads and Bridges Equivalent Dehentures.............. ..o..........r...... ' onNotes................................ Loan notspecified.-.................... Mngutrnte'sFines.............,,...... '.....t Everything in TRUNKS & VALISES. Lower prices than ever. ALL LANGMI'IR'S BEST MAKE. We pay cash tor PRODI'CE. We don't give credit. Retailers of Everything. Departmental Store, DI'RHAM, ONT. i"jpseraet Statement Receipts and Expenditure of the Town of Durham Ham and Caps. Positively the largest shipment, direct from England. that ever came into Durham. Prices down-Quality the best. SEE THEM. Fine Oranges, lc each. Choice Lemons. 2c each. Extra Boneless Codtish, new brand, regular 8e fo.r Be pound. BEST MATCHES, t boxes for 2.5c.. Damned. Previously sold " from 81.25 G Jiizo prim- gm; srr, 3 There never was a bigger snap. COME. ' Showing: the ASSETS and LIABILITIES of the TOWN l4 again. . . ”Hake me utmost ot thls chance. . . .There is sio " possible"' competition with these, and m fact the great 111Norlty of all prices asked here, you see the enormous turn-over makes this possible. . . . We " create " bargains. . . m's easv. like the (Where in "follow ". . . . But thatrs not our " way." EQUAL BARGAINS haven't been offered in Durham for years.. . .May _ - - again. "f v1iaye tht utmost of thisrchance. . . .There is no " possible tt Balance- in Hank "I! NEW BAMBOO HANDLE CORN [ROOMS-"REGULAR 35 CENTS AT 25 CENTS EACH is manufacturing " expressly " for Us "SMALL TABLE CHEESE "--very 1mioiir'"'iUt"i"ii'ii' in 2 weeks. The nicest thing for the table. 25e each. Another Big Departmental Store Clearing at Unusual Prices Hopeville. EXPENDITURE RECEIPTS ASSETS 3615.. J,.::.f/.?,,l.Effi?.',, BOQTS a SHOES. 'mmot collected). a: 3-52 07 For the Year Ending Dee. 31st, 1808, 'two weeks ugo,I forgot to mention the name of Rev. Mr. Humphreys. who was fin attendance with the other ministers. l This gontleman is very good to go among lather congregations In use of sickness or death. buried on Thursday ami at venuyii,di'i'", Died on Tuesday let Mrs. Andrew Crunch] In her Nth year. She was Abstract Statement $11351!) 35 ..$4572 65 12100 00 883 17 102 78 $510 ot 2rh3 14 . A. HUNTERS an ot Amount of balance last audit... ....... . .. . .. 71 m From Township of Bentinck.. . . . . . . . .. ..... 302 23 From Township of Glenelg.......... ...... .. 35 (B Amount of estimate from Town. . . . . . .. . . . ' .. 18777 oo Provincial grant to Public School. . . . . . .. . ' .. 1000 oo Provincial grant to Model School. . .. . . . . . . ' .. 144 oo Provincial grant. to Continuation Classes . . 23 00 County grant to Model School................ --- Non-resident, Pupils fees for Public School.. 'd43t'2 40 Model School fees from Pupils................ High School Examination tees ....... ' . . . . . .. 1553 83 5100 create " bdrgains. . . m's calls}; -1iiii, the others, to L2 10 N of DURHAM for the Year Ending Dec. 31st, 1898 LIABILITIES We re Salaries of 1898 (unpaid) Treasurer, $85 00. . . . 1Jebrutture Doht under H Loan on Notes in Bank.. ....... . . . . . . .. Loan on 1'mwent Account (not s'-4pecified) Teachet's'Balat'yduefor l$7..... .................82iot Teachers’Salaryduefor 189ft....................... 228147 Caretaker Salary balance for 1897.................. 10 Kl Caretaker's Salary for MMI............,............ 13000 SchoolSnpplivs............................... ..__. 4701] Heating Buildings................_................ (1948 Printing...........,,........................, P200 Gravelling walks...............,.................,. 1075 Sundries..........................., ............... 95 Debentures Redeemed under By-law 208. .3181 (In 66 " under By-law283. 102 3lf 28631 Interest (humans under By-law 7208. .834 851 .. 6t under By-law 283 . 10 ti)) Abstract Statement Showing RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the TOWN of DURHAM on Account of PUBLIC and MODEL Schools for Year Ending Dee. 3lst, 1898. Balance in Bank. ' ' wrtify that the above Statements are correct Big shi ment received of TIN and GRANITE- WARE." 'kt/IIT/ie/i'.' you want. Tin Dippers, 4c. Some very Stylish Men's Snitings just in, in suit lengths. Exceptional prices too. LOOK IN. 15c English PRINTS. 2 cases at. 7c yard. Fearman's " Star " Hams. , a SHOES. Laced and r. 3, " and 4. 75e to 99c. No higher. EXPENDITURE There ion report here that our Village containsa Divine Healer, and cures by faith, but as I am not a firm believer in this system of caring, I cannot vouch for the correctness. I intend to inquire more fully into it. yard. The Rev. Mr, Harrison offieiated. She was one of the old settlers here. She leaves a husband an] large fami'y all married. The funeral was large. RECEIPTS .... . . .Clerk for Dec. 817 NJ. .$ 102 50 'f Hy-law 80, Railroad . . , . _ . . 1000 00 150. Consolidated.. 17350 00 270. Fire Engine 'F. 3178 60 art. School. . . . ' . . . .. ar, Mt 283, School... . . . . . i . 107 45 A. l?Avrut4trs, l " N. W. ('.\MPBELI.. f _ s. . . .May never come possible " - competition A great big Choice. Cheese Factory Exclusive idea. The VARNEY Ad vertiscrs of FACTS. l uditurs. .. 3 2166 .. 228147 .. 1083 .. 13000 .. 4700 . “948 .. 1200 .. 1075 ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 83100 ili) 331% 99 8748 m 35 72 l44 ou 1553 Kt 159 (K) 150 00 100 oo 191 rt 10500 43 31 1_vtt't?tce1Riit,hlMtt!Bttil ‘.4'-~'s*--A'”a- " EF. '8t' Tr, CTW ."2PC"utp, Honor Roll for February of U. N. hi. No. 3, Bentinck and Glenelg. T Class-Mary Cameron. IV Class- Lizzie Smith, w. Dargavel. III Class --Jane Smith, Mary Cameron. Sr. ll Class-Albert Twauilef, Lavina Sim - son. Jr. II cuss-a aggie Murdoch, Robbie Smith, Neil Campbell. eq. Pt. II Class-Della McAllan. Willie' Bell. I Class-idle Simpson, John Smith. J. F. Gum, teacher. Council adjourned to meet at. Allan Park on 25thMay next, as a Court " Revision and for general business. ---- "V - q----------- Wm mwtteou, Alex McGregor, Jame; Milne, Alex Crawford, John Anderson. Alex Taylor, John Schil'ing, Fred Shewell. I'vundkeepers--Johu McCallum, Alex Lediughum, Geo Shane, Andrew Limp: atom, Thus Hutton, A Zimmerman, A Hassenhutcr, 11ugil Tyreman, Jas Perk, John Dodsworth, John Leeson, Henry Geisel. Feneeviewera--Neil McLean. Rom Ledingham. John W Smith. Matthew Campbell, Wm Hunt, Jan Park, Geo Pnrvis. John Patterson, Tlun H Francis, Wm Irvine, Robb Lmdlaw. Sr., and Thea. Clark. I By-lnw Na. 2 for 1898, appointing the frllowiug persons as ptstltmastort;, pound. heaven, and fencevieweru, was duly passed. viz: Garafrnxe Road. Wm. Smith Jr., Geo. Shane, Jr,, Wm. Cameron. Roht. Marshall. John Ewen, Alex Ferguson. Geo Newell, James Burt Con 2 and 8, W G R, John Corlett. James Lediugltam, Robert Wade. Donald McDonald, Alex Fletcher John Dnlgliah, Neil McLean, John Clark, Nell Clerk. Elias Edge. Wm Lnnney. John Cuff, McKill Grierson, David Don- nelly, Wm Petty, Valentine Bauer. Dru- _ hem Road, Gotleib b'lotahatusr, Thou I Seymour. June- Mnrahell. John Perks. Thou Bailey, T H Lawrence. Con 2 and 8 S D B, Ed Rowland. John Devin. John Wylie. Edvard Pan-is, Wm Willie. Alex. Archibald, Jamel Mather, John Milligan. ) Con 2 and 8 N D It, Jen Green, John C Schnfer. August Pokrendt. Wm Smith. Wm T Hazlett, Geo Alexander, James Turnbull. Con 4 and .5, Fred Prion, Jae Park. Henry Brown, Frank Schinitt, Robt Crawford, Geo Henry, Neil McLear. Con 6 and 7.. Wm Dobney. Geo Ities, Fred I Boti, Henry Redford, John Forster, Mal. . colui MoEachern. Con blend 9 James! Boulden. John Block. Louis Long. lim- ost Weidendnrf. Herman Sohreinert. Wm Boyde, Wm Boxce. John McDougnll, Itoht Twamley. Con 10& 11, Henry Geisel, Adam Diehel. James Tnlloch. John Sachs, i Henry Cooke, John Henderson, Alex Me. Donald, Alex Campbell. Con 12 and 13 I Rob! Gillies, John Dodsworth. Pat Me I Kenna. Henry Cross, Jmncs Walker, Geo [ Fischer. Wm McIntosh. Con 14 , lf C ', Helbcrg, Jae Anderson, John thununec, l The following nccuuuts were (indexed to be paid: Committee on lrcnmrer‘s sur» ties, 81.50 each: Reglslru‘ SI a search re 'ruqsuier's snrties: 619.42, being Men- tinck . share in settlement of Bryden‘s 0. .nm for damage to horse in culvert on towuliue Boutinck and Brant; Shaw & Shaw $12.17, account for legal advices re tire protection for Hmwyer ; Jacob Krerss $12 for coffin and digging grave fer John Johnston. an indigent; IN. G. & J, Mc- Kechme M,40 for flour lurnished John. stone and widow Fossill; The Reeve and councillor Ail-m 91.50 each for 1 day on bridge inspection: Cheques issued for " etch to James Smith and John Prke., in. digeuts. The collector was tofuuded $19.98 over- paid on roll of 1897 and was authorized to amend 1898 roll where errors in assess- ment. occurred. The men was uullntiz- ed to sign deed to Francis Cronin for clot-ted roadway on 14th con. Taxes for 1838 on lute 1 of 1 G. 12, and Dart of 6]. con l, south, were ordered to be exempt. to build. he puts “in: a $575113}: and tackle. it “was trouble Ind avoid- tocidentn. Geo. in a pusher. Continued from lust, week. Henry Urstadt was allowed his statute labor for [his year for making road. Adam tiearlett ls mowing back into Hopeyille. Considonblo grain is going out now to market. the prices are fair and the roads are good, Ton. Mr. W. W. Hall has got his olaeksmittt shop opened again, this is the shop than was so much law about between him and a. M '. McArthur. The shop was locked up and he had to get a judges order to open it. . Tavern Inspector Harris has been vistt- ing the Hotels througb here. I oxpoct be found everything o, K. There is to be considonble building piggy!) barging: 39mm". Some houses to brick, and MnGoo. Shane our the villlgeia building a solid brick house. Mr. Wm. Glonatet In: the court-ct. Our fnene G_eo. Deans. Ins five frame buns The parties we lunutioned an sick are all getting better. but others are on the sick list, and all 15 put down for La Grimm. As some call it the grip. one man here was asked as to what ailcd him and as he was trying to get out the word grip, but forget it ior the moment, he but]. Ity “lithe DENY. I hue got the Jnseosi, "the catch." he thought he bad it all o. K Our auctioneer D, Mcthl is about selling outhis farm. He wilt likely at- toud more to business now. BENTINCK COUNCIL. Honor Rolls. DO-.. WANTEI» bHVElMl. Tul'BTWORTHY new low: in this at“. to mung. our buliuon in their own and nelrhy common. It in mainly otBoa work conducted u ttttttte. Salary “mum ”no. ynrmld "Pt-r-det/to, bun-nae, no woman: In: sultry. Momma O75. “staunch. Encmu ult-nddmuod lump. on“! 'pe, Kerb-n EJlo-s, Prat. Dept. M. Flair-go. again. On Friday last while Dr. Sheath was drivink through Suiail's field his horse took fright at a load of pigs which he met and ran away throwing him out. The unfortunate man got his arm broken in two Gees, both above and below the elhow and the elbow joint dislocated. Our much es- teemed Dr. has the sympathy oi'all. Mr. Peter Master, of Kincardine, spent a tew days with his cousins. the Lttpian_tiatnily. _ Mr. Wm. Adams, who has been lame for a week with a sore knee, we are pleased to say is able to be out Miss Agnes and Master James Reu- wick visited their uncle. Mr. William Hastie at Conn this week. Mr. Boyce Stone is at present sick with the La-gripue. We hope soon to seghiul out again. The home at Mr. Drum was bright- ened by the arrival of a little daugh- ter on the 10th. We regret to rewrt. that Mrs. Drum is very ill with La grippc It. tune of writing. Mr. Frank hdatus leit this week for Manitoba. Mr. John Gtuaon paid Dromore friends a visit lately. We are sorrv to hear that Mrs. (iarson has been ill for some time. wt gis, Jos. Snell has Fetumcd to her home in Wiartou. The om'eet's elected fur the Bible Society for the ensuing year are as tollows: Presidents, John Snell, Rom. Renwick, Andrew Hunter, William Moore, William Ramage. Alf. Tucker, Rev. Campbell, Alex. Henderson; Secretary, Geo. Lothian; Treasurer and Depositor, John Findlay. my Ground Oil-Cake in no lb. Bags, 9.50. W Import of Field and Garden Seeds to arrive in March from Britain DRUGGIST¢£ SEEDSMAN - - - L" DURHAM ---Easy to give and very effective." ___ - - --.- v THE PARASITE POWDER-for Lice on Cattle, Horses, ---8heep, Pig, and Poultry. One or two applications -has the desired effect. Onlz at Parker's Druggtgrg. BRITISH HORSE 81 CATTLE SPERM MORTOIj’S WORM POWDERS ' CAPSULES. Morton’s Dry Murrain h)gdtrr---- ---For Chronie Indigestion in Cattle. Never Fails to effect a --cure when given in time. Every Stock-raiser should have --a package on hand. --A Condition owder of First Class merit.... --A Good Tonic and Appetizer.... .ymTout.p.ledfro,m. Concentratmi Fle'sh-fqrmin" Yards and ingredients. iy ti/ 6J.' is: Sold by MacI-‘ARLANE Dromore. H. PARKER, Fun tiALrr.---Severtu good, new. Lottie. mude cutters. Wilt be sold clump. Ap- ply to R. MacFarlane. Sr. l His Life was Saved. Mr. J. E. lely. a. prominent cuizon ol ’I'Innnjl-ul. Mu. 11$er had a wonderful Idoliurnuce tron a frightful death. In Welling ot it he any: "1 Wu taken with 'l':',',,"]),',.) Fever,that run into Pneumoni- lMy lungs lwcame hardened, I was so weak I couldn't (even an up 'in bed. Nothing helped me. I oxprcled to noon die olt‘ummnplinn. when I hand of Dr. Kin-4'. New “hooray. One lmnlo an Te grcah reliet. I (-nnliuleul to we it, lml now am “all uni tstrorw, I eeu't say too much In its 9min." Thin mnvelloua medicine is the quickest nod our.“ cur. in the world for all Threat bud Lung Trouble. Rogulu size: 5Oeta 3nd 01.00. Trial b-tolu free at our drug 1mm. eyery bottle guaranteed. tl ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Moses Donnelly Were ivisiting at Mr. Wm. MeCalmon's on ‘Sunday last. _ Miss Edith Leeson leit on Wednes. day last for Indiana, where she in tends to remain for some time. The Rev. Mr. Mattwood, of Holstein, will conduct the services here on tian. day morning next. Look out for the Orange Conn-rt and Pie Social in the Orange hull, Thurs. day, March 9th. All ladies that bring a pie get in free. 7 Mr. William Gordon and Miss Jane Gordon Were the guests of their sister, MES; It. J, Eden, on Sunday last. Mrs. John Home is on the nick list at present. We hope to hear of her speedy recovery. We are glad to titty that Mrs. Zenus Clerk is able to be out, again. Mm. McLean, of j/k/Gtr/int, is aa- sisting .htrs. _Bt_lglc_ during her illness. MryItietuwd fiiieGii'i' busy draw. ing timber home for his new barn last week. l. Durham, Ont. ‘99... --------- Varney. 0.- illuminant fur a ieutchets and solid had tea "mother i; the hsct ure, and 84 trunnion: mound sum of 321. whid uninin "MIMI-I K fill: old I" ' "unnum- Mr. Gull" ful ntfair, Sc ‘llm " "Ill Bust- in , ‘lurk'r " awful "onion Matvh " in The a-n-o-Iletm [(201qu by th, a largo- amend. '.mtwtt.s. Ontario Fruit give a {we loo Islu's'rmm this week sh being (ah-u I "ttutown. M tow this latest the et"'ttetit M of our [om-mu my they desee Iixlm Aswan I qhde: of F dllMI‘r in fi) and a Inns! 4 speech and " given lit-Kl 1 Mr. Wm. I Mr. Jun. Mud with his M While [W citizen and " for the burn-q gem-ml. Mn is quite mum " l’mxmm Big Don-nut a (hull Car stylt. He I the [hymn Stu-mun y al h'ociety n {Mending u Premium: a closed by (In MI. McNei Linn it this Pcmhm. with the i IVA" in tow Jew fur " vi nun-mm Nona-:4 Hlawk, hut-d fawn- if elm nrmunl s m thtesda N Sugar l “nun, “m by ti. Am um. Priu Te he Pl Md wins deal. and I rows. At "tur or y et ylen 'ritls. ti Attend this woe! [In Nb. T Illa-aim Mr. N. I the (in-and Firubcl for sale. Mr. " visiting P Miss [an Wa STE. It qt It ther u

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