West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Mar 1899, p. 1

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" Ilwr sunlight s; depth of ova: l reqen Iiful Wumcn. cry Ch ' .l unr- m mar. m', b. passed by him tle. ‘ha miserable In! be pretty “all Nat l '. ry strict. re- bs " Li‘wl)‘ shall of- n' wwr)‘ year mall! hummus before ti. “on, the unbroke- ads back before the Christ. The!” MI- the richest silk ob. 1’31 of tho input-I I at. occupiod thq :h with the tat-du- hrs al th an n n n a, m Prussia. W'ar acted Al no who wet. h tti, 18503. the mperial. Cecil Mount forty ”Army. It i. Ir each ot the d ther Do met. bu rk indeed. 80 les-er-n and ‘er the father , Deck fortun- other decided establishment of Bedford. n hey can. (or- humo and " 38‘. Mn. Gul- n “riding what Ind so. amid he girl at" {was provod. Gurney WI. wrist, with the ducks. child of be! tion at cont! 1l face and er a favor“. vi after I" nchned now- hm-helor hood. ml n he downs” is consider- woxmsn in " [the old a of the six ho, Ilka lb. rune down I and took [new girl. It men. and ruus'y pro- ttut nmunial -v h st is gosh. nl the Inn. .1) with the has at tho we. in 1897. B, who had t the duke‘. an earlier. " a similar r, the other ~h'mness cl V,rruterbtlt. sa (min trod- srl ot Dud- urdly ttave P n a (‘laren n I] Llnly tho Hrilznl. times i. anothol' n havin Duke , nt of the an) oat n r, ttto y of true 11,! with Dudley. love and o has"). he bride. upon tho h "I Dud- riano o! " no the aot quite {t' Fran. unwed. a matre Ie Dub. amsabU or could an [though 'trperou* et, and noes in in spite treatent n so ' coun- 'ed tho u fond it; ll u well- tat to- " paid me tsb. :rzlnd- younl Mar In h , anal! mark bout n n njor per- tho eaqt nod: n ho Walter Rothschild has a strong re- semblance to his father, and by means ot his beard and disappearing hair on his cranium, might be taken for his brother. Hts is an enthusiastic natur- alist and owns a wonderful museum at Tring. He has also distinguished himse't by driving zebra: in har- When the new member of the A1103- bury division of Buckinghamshire takes his sat in the House of Commons I Jewish family will be repreaented in Parliament by, __boti1 father and son. . He has the names of hundreds of boys on his list, with the name and nddresa of the parents. 1nd nobody over has to bother to remember the size worn by any of tlccse boys- they are all down on the list. The boy's foot is fitted right to start with, and the size is put down with his mum, and there's nothing more to do about that until his foot has grown so that it needs to be refitted. All that it's necessary to do in ordinary shoe: tor any of them is to my send a pair of shoes for William, or John, or James, or Charles, as the case may be, not even specifying the kind unless shoes different from those ordinarily: worn an) wanted; and the same gnido‘ nerves also in the purchase of over- due: and other footwear." i "My memory is not the best ever was, and I couldn't always remember what size shoes the boy wore; so I'd have to ask his mother when I went to order a pair, but, now I don't have nny more trouble of that sort; I've had my name put down :11 the list that is kept by the salesman In charge of the department of bcys' shoes where "The boy," said the rountrster't' ta- ther," goes through a pair of shoes in two weeks; they will stand resoling once; so I have occasion to communi- cate with the store where I buy his macs twice a month; twelve times a The "of; Father tow Span-cl the Trouble or Hannah-ring “In: Mu Me Wears year to buy new shoes, and twelve tunes to carry a pair to be repaired. 2wo more LOA83 completed the cure, sud ho returned to work halo and hearty as ever. Mr. Mintie asserts that his return to health is due entirely to Dr. Ws1liams' Pink Pills, and he still oeeaacuually uses a box it he feels in any way "out of sorts." the kidneys, like other organs of the body are dependent upon rich, red blood and strong nerves for healthy action. and it is because Dr. Williams’ Pink Ptdsaupply these conditions that they cure kidney troubles, as well as other his which have their origin in watery blood, or a shattered nervous system. Sold by all dealers or sent p.mtpaid at 500. a box or six boxes for it iio by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine co., Brockville, Ont. if you mine your health do not take a sub- Minute. years ago Mr. Minna was living at bomb my”, Parry Sound District, and while there was attacked with severe pains in the back. At first he paid but little attention to them. thinking that the “(new would pass away, but as it did not he consulted a loan Irh.sAcuan and was told that his kidneys were infected. Medicine was presuibud, but betoad a trinsuit av .evmlio'i of [be paid it had no .L‘CCt. In addition to the pain in the back Mr Minna was troubled with head- arhes and a Ieeling of mealtime. He L11: ion-ed to qua work. and while in this condition, weak and deupondent, lie decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink I‘LL. He purchased a half dozen boxes and was not disappoint- ed with the result. Before they Were all used Mr. Nintse was feeling; Baum”, as well as ever he had done. Ilw, pain in his back had aimest disap- peared, the headache were gone, and he felt greatly improved in strength. so Aru hum.» ttte Brunt of hum-front "or! In: rt" mo ISM-Icy: 'I‘lu-nr can Only tt [unwell I. "w" \‘nrmnl (‘nmlluul ta a Fair lfu‘ or Dr. erlams' Pink Pllh Mr Albert Mintie, of Woodstock, OuL, now engaged in the Insurance human»), is Wed Known In that city and uunouuamg country. Sum: three to tho semblance of snow. Many beau- tiful designs have been turned out in pumuancw of this principle, and the sculptor is said to be reaping a ttold- on reward for his snow discovery. Th'u systrm, relsoned tho sculptor. might he applied to statuary. And ls, applied it. A statue of thin copper was quickly constructed and a box of lis,tv.fied carbonic acid placed in the bus.. What: this, gas evaporated the effect tat freezing was produced, the moictur.. in the air was attracted to th, Coiip"t' sides and quictrlrfroaen In- Ttr, uiwovery, which has resulted in a mass of orders reaching the sculptor and a consequent euhetantial increase in his rereuuem--tor he charges "top ntory' prices for his produetts-eame in tho nature of an accident. It was whilu the artist was being shown the method of ice making by machinery that the plan presented itself to him. Thu liquefied Ira, as, he noticed, in their trip through the copper pipes produc- ed on the outside an appearance un- mistakably that of snow. This had been canted by the disposition of the water vapor of the atmosphere on the m tal and the freezing ot it by the actmr of the, acid. we" W by a (Tc-Mum- cl than Copper in” and liq-clad Car. bonlc Acid. A Pun Icqutor. with an apprecia- tion for und the pour to satisfy the demand of the minute. has hit upon the novel scheme of turning out "snow statues" for much at his patron: an lean to the unique in art. Statues of any required shape an made and add greatly to the appearance of drawing rooms in tho French capital. To all intents and purposes these names are carved out of the compactly welded fleece. As a matter of tact, they are only coated with snow, the under part bring made up of copper pipes, thin; um light. l BUYING SHOES FOR THE BOY, PAWS IN LIE BACK STATUES or SNOW. MW ter, it! In Britain during the last ten years 38 bankers and merchants have left at their death estates aggregating £19.- 478,085, an average of £512,578 each. Coal owners, ironmasters and engineers to the number of 110 died possessed of the respectable sum of dhM0,4?'7 e piece. Money lenders run coal owners very close. for 93 of them died worth z-ollectively £19,‘4§,878, while the 193 vmnulacturers only possessed ”09,063 each. They say, ventured the young man, that it is becoming quire the thing for newly married couples to go and sue Niugura Falls in Winter. It must be a beautiful sight in Win- ter, she said. I should so like to see is next trembling it, and they are to Iowa Farm: for sale, " nor we catch, lul- anco i any) tttttit paid. J. Mulhall, Sioux city, In. A Chicago paper recently contained this advertisement: A ny Lersnn who can prove that my tapioca contains anything injurious to health, will have three boxes of it sent ta him free of charge. he “(1 Wu.) be doing a rushing buar. ness in th... munutacture of noses, earl, lips, and other articles which natUre Ins forgotten to furnish some people in proper proportion. All this comes from a man who say! he knows all about this nose that was pr? on Mr. Wade. Dr. Thoren’s i- h "drs are highly gratified at the suc- Ce. .1 N“ ‘ha operation, and predict that he. \nfl mu“ be doing a rushing husi. It is a pretty nose when the owner lies still. but it is rather "wobbly." " Momma puts it, when he starts to walk around. it hasn't acquired u mmh self-respect yet as noses have that came into the world at the same time with the wearer, and it is apt to slip out of place. But the doctor says if Herman duesn't feel of it too much While it is fresh it will soon be as solid a nuse as could be wished. If it does accidentally become disarrang- ed it can easilv ire Dressed hank- into ed it can easily bin pressed iajir"Gi'o shape with the fingers. ANO'I‘HER OPERATION was necesuu'y. Enough tleah for I good-sized Lose, was out off the chick- en's breast. Quickly it was shaped and moulded till 1t suited the doctor's artistic, eye. Then over it was put a covering of skin from the man's breast. lhe work was done. When Herman got over the effects of the chloroform there was his noue waiting for him. l, mo the doctor and the chicken and the mute were trciied with joy. '1 he operacion was long and complicated. lbis is the story of it as nearly correct as a .uymun can tell it. First Her- man Stretched himself out on his back and the doctor cut a little slit in the middle of his face where the nose ought to be and turned the skin back. the!) he took a tine young hen, peeusd it under the wing, and laid bare the flesh. Herman‘s Lace and the chicheu's breast Were put together. llundaged Lightly, the two had lo live togethei for e.even days. The chick- en gut the best things to eat which the county hospital had, and every care was taken, to prevent its dying. Be-j fore long even the doctor couldn't tell) where Human left off and the chick-l en begun. Ihen in: count never be a success either in love or in business. He despuired of even getting sympathy. Cyianu and the long nose had their De Rowland, but who wound be the poet ot the no- nosed t Human has felt himself an unfor- tunate all his me long, and if he had not tummy met Dr. Anoreu he might and Du going up and down the streets cursing ttre, Late: that made him as he was. He, was born ntmetess, not un- nosed by accident. " hen he was a thud bin condition bothered him little. As a youth he gut used to having tun posed at his imbldced appearance. But yum: he gnaw up he lest that, noaeless, er peopks busmesa. He can blow his now With remnant, roar-ye gods what Joy] Mu can my his finger on the side ol ms nose as he makes a wise observation. aul--it the nose is not Pushed out of place in the act-am one will know but his remark carries as much weight as that at any normally "le nun. And then how he. can slut-Al I He has received the sublime privilege of being abitt to pose his nose into oth- he 881’s, enough to make any may happy. It is as much superior to two little holes in the front of his face, such as he had before, as a bunch of ripe bananas in superior to a piece of potato peeling. His similes touch the highest points of his experience. He feels that now he can present himself as the EQUAL OF ms FELLOW-MEN. Herman Wade is delighted, and ex- presses his new pleasure in life in extravagant terms. A real chunk of flesh with real skin on it, sticking be- tween his eyes for him to took at when he has nothing better to do, is be men on the streets of Chicago ttl- lowing his new facial feature to lead him into mischief of all sorts. Herman has never‘been called a chicken-hearted young man by hie friends, but now he cannot deny that he is ehitslren-nosed. It was a chick on that furnished the meat out of which his new proboscis was made, Cackling and suffering, a healthy young hen gave up its innocent life that a nose might be made of it. 1houo the chicken has departed, and the part of it that is not nose long Went the way of the frying pan, the Patient is doing well, and soon will SING FLA R ADVERTISEMENT. the Tiumgm of SIB-gory I'hlch Slade 1 thing. Man 'gnrgrr. Herman Wade was once a nose!ess man, says the Chicago Times-Herald. Nowhe is the proudest Cyranoot them all. Be has had a nose put on him, and Dr. J. T. Thoma, of the county hospital, is the man who put it on. NOSE MADE FROM CHICKEN. ms HAPPY IDEA. wk“ -.---'.cci= utter start I rzxnce next set I led week. This copyright law is all bash. said the exuberant young writer. Just a scheme to make money. I thought it an s.xcellent law. Bah, it's a fraud. I ncv-lr copyright my stories, and no one steals them. t?ioteaaor-'giivin you hilf virit, ma'amf Hostess-Please play something class- ic,_ prptessor t_plar .tsyuethiry; Jortttr Dodd’s Kidney Pills, the only known unfailing cure tor Kidney Complaints, are sold by all druggists, at fifty cents a box, six boxes $2.50; or sent, on re- eeipt of price, by The Dodd's Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto. He used only four boxes, but that quantity was sufficient to clean the taint out of his blood thoroughly. To- day he is sovrnd and well in every bone, muscle, sinew, nerve and organ in the body-thanks to Dodd's Kidney Pills. Then a friend urged him to give Dodd’s Kidney Pills a trial. Half ro- luctantly he did so, and he has been thankful ever since that he did He gave fair and patient trial to a number of 'so-tsalad "Hheumatism Cures," oto., but not one of them gave guy more than even temporary ro- Mr. F. H. Cole, whose permanent residence is in Detroit. Mich, bat who is equally well-known in Windsor, Ont., had been a great sufferer from Rheu- matism and Kidney Uiseznm. Every person who suffers from Rheu- matism will rejoice to find a medicine that will positively cure it; thoroughly and permanently root. it out of the system entirely. as it has been shown thousands of times Dodd's Kidney Pills do. This being the case, the following statement given for publication must have a deep and abiding interest for the great majority of Canadians. luau" Me med nodd'u Kimmy I'IIII Incl WM Thoroughly and Permanently "tred or Rheumathmr-Dmld'n “in, Plus Alwul Cure [human-m. Windsor, Feb. 27.--Who hasn't felt the torturing twinges of Rheumatism? It is safe to say that then are not one hundred families in Canada in which Rheumatism has not been an unwel- come visitor. Mr. F. Cole, Well-Known in Wind.. SOP, Rejoice: tlllllMM1Mi [HIRED Vlfood'l PHI-3n" mi; F, Jr.- pan-37%;“)? In! all trathartitt to “to with Hood’l Susanna; A', Jiti,ufi, M, (XIVW mu,rU4 rendition from the itching ami burning of scroluloua humor. Grew worn under treatment ot several doctorl. Took Hood'l Sun-puma and Hood's, Pills. Theu cured me thoroughly.” J. J. LITTLI, Fulton, N. Y if .. ---- -..__ ~v nut]. And allthe world would seem A bridal bower of beauty, A dream within a dream. It men would cease to worry, And women cease to sigh And all be glad to bury r u hutever has to die-.. If neighbor spake to neighbor, As love demands of all, The rust would eatthe saber, The spear may on the wall; Tho every day would glisten, And every aye would shine, And God would pause lolisten, And life would be divine. ' KMrteyts-- "Mr kidneys troubled me, and on advice took Hood's Saruplrllli which gave prompt relief, better appetite. My sleep I: refreshing. It cured my wife also." chnun Bout, 3473 Denny Street. Pittsburg, PI. ScrOfquuo Humor-" I was in terriblo You are master of your health, and if you do not attend to duty, the blame is easily located. If your blood is out of order, Hood's Sar- sapart'lla will purify it; It is the 'peeitie famed; for trouble. of the blood, kidneys, bowels or liver. IF. It all who hate would love us, And all our lover were true, The stars that swing above us Would brighten in the blue; If cruel words Were kisses, And every scowl a smile, A better world than this is Would hardly be worth while. If purses would untighten To meet abrother's need. Thoload we bear would lighten Above the grave of greed. Itlhose who whine would whistle, And those who languish laugh, The rose would rout the thistle, The grain outrun the chaff; " hearts were only jolly, If grieving were forgot, And tears and melancholy Were thingathat now are not- Then love would kneel to duty, A -" .iIl A I ' , ‘ - tif/att/c 'it', tth?eit, "Na, Eye Like the Master's Eye." -hih,,,ti)i/i,,,,vauc,,,or SUPERFLUOUS LAW. TWO SORTS. m.-..--- - 8tammerers,t'r,'g, nml,uuruu.lu IUWI .l " " 070.7. Benn Mt Mk.‘ J 20c And noon. pong! saunter dam»! swamp-gum“ 0.11am“. - IL_at"eelttor Dr Arno“. Berlin, who will comma: "Gii; chill": s' Mblndlng, Sundial)! nag-linen. but: than use!) Mntln‘, lboun Bill _ “an, tantalum“, but»; Amt ”In gMILCardun "oclt 9nd an order. pend Baldness Stammerers After a yam of stam me re rs.” rum. can! mil I have fuuud freedom for you. Write for terms or call for free can-ulmtiun All we|oomo. WK. Bate. Suzanna. Site C'ulieieust.,T ammo. tta, I’m. .“l 'tttb-l 1btttt"rtiihi, tr you In" my "rt", IUTTIR, can. or nun! w III’. ship thin to The D:wson_ Commission lk., Limited, on receipt of a. DR. stomi, Rheumatism Mame Champion “on; d Imo- Poll"! Brit in the best dilute: II the market LAURENT AN BAND A GRAVEL 00.. Munlrall Beat "rtiag article on the mar N Agents bet Ktll- m "square, {to "with. tor, and house Exclusive u-rritory. HOWELL a BURY . L'tttttagc, and Montreal CUTTING SCHOOL RETURN. I“ ONI WEEK. We want good Butter. [3:0, Poultry. one. Ship to In. and on will luvs your mush In I week or less "N'd AIKENHEAD PRODUCE co., 88 Front St... R., Toronto. Who": Disinfectants. tonne. oint- nont. Too"- Powders, aux. ha" been awn-dad loo moduli Ind diploma for ouporlor excellence. Thr-lr regular use Mount infoctl. ou- dluouu. eurhr, donor to obtain O supply. Lute mail tree on walla-Hon. rho " Btumoiirf,i'"i"a In. M You can’t convince a girl with I big waist that the one with a small one doesn't lace outrageously. The world would soon cease to tr, rate it it were not for our hobbies. W. P. C. 981 with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they Carr t " reuh the rat of th discus. Caurrh in a blood or conrnutionnl diver-u. and In order to cure it you must at: Interns! rum-din. H3113 (‘amrrh Cure In tat an internally, All! not. di, rocLlyon the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall' Cniarrh Cure is not . quaok medicine. It wn proecribed by on:- of the out physician In thir, count? for you". and in I regular pro-crip lion. t in rompoued of the best, tonic-v known, mmhlnod mm the but blood puritierte. main ' tlirottly nu um m Acoua nurtures. The perfect combinntfmn of the two ingredients in what Erodut‘eu Inch wonderful results in curinu Jatarrtt. Beset' torreyhur1itlhfte, . _ __ She, bitterly-When you married no. you didn't marry a cook! He-Well, you needn’t rub it int - v T.'"".'.'" - vv-I' "v var. a... Tilt. Luau" 1Uomo Quiuino TIM“... All m:- nluud the money sf it. [ml- to an". Me. It's foolish to supply your want: with unhealthtu. supplies. RELIANPE CIGAR La Totmana, loo. FAL'IORY. Montreal. Were absurd; to praise Catarrhozone would be superfluous. But if you have catarrah and feel hopeleu about curing it, we assure you that Catttrrhozone never fails to effect a cure. It is neither ointment, wash nor snuff, but a pleasant remedy, which is carried by air directly to the diseased parts. If you send your pddrees we will send you a trial bottle and inhal- er free, knowing that a trial will give you confidence in it. l Lady of the House-You hare been out u work a long time! Tramp-Yea, mum-tor, 85 years. Why how old are you I Thirty-five, mum. It. cum and cure Send "arte _ lane’s for Dr White's”! a ”LWhiMPlcu New R rir Grower Co., M vntreynud Chicago. - vii; If" kNilk"ci5riousdo, o. Bold M,,r,trfigft; price 75o. HAITI Imily Pills no the but. Oil to calm the wuves was used on " unusually large scale during the recent sales in the English Channel. The water breaking over Folkestone pier made it difficult for steamers to enter the port till some one thought of pouring a few gallons of oil into the harbour, when the seas immediate ly became smooth, N. C. 901m &"cB.} Kingston, Ont. F. 0. CALVERT a 00.. anon-nun, . . numb. yo OUR; A GOLD IN ONE DAY "no-VII SYRUP, kiaLiii 33:: a H (mm MFG. co, “mutual. CALVE RT'S . . ....- "'.TrEL PREP. ti. k. cum, Mtg ths., Montreal. Catnrrh Cannot be Cured BAD ENOUGH ALREADY. Evaporator- n " 1'.1hir:yic'p: “can 'h'l',',2a'tg, tttere, hm lull-h 6 norm- .1 -- II bl n "In. lugkwul" "a 30: Wtgt - V'"‘"'"'_Iunh and ro/iii. " a o. fy'j1iiii11t"ll'.NC'lftr'tif. Toronto. To Paint the Rose Kvt!y.yerorts FOR MAFIA. “mun ALWAYS. .thtre insured in ’T-ilun And Dre" Etpve..sur may who hue him to b. aural e I (here. write I $33.0 ll? ed L1rrir, "LAIMDOI." "Vamunn." .. sacrum!) Qtgltr, asgsetortmtodatiesrt 'or Ptrgtt'aNn Soo- on tut" .nd Swarm Dunne“. “no. or .- Plrat fitt"M','fe/ sot-om! Cubic. Ei'riii't'i' 021.50 an “was. awarding to slut. berth. Por Huformutlon Opal: to Anna or Dunn Tamale! a Co., (lo-1 no... " it. "tseat-t Bt.. Mom-cal. Domlnlon Lino St John. M.B, no! Hulda. to Moo-will. ,tallrrm a heatetr, was?" Ie1_ytu.. 690:, WW”: 'qqtt'E_t'rrtt' on an: mm security a cum: nus-ad on fucnble condition. an to ro- paymout. . “mm- M 'tutpes.ie,ute.yeere ”she-od- pounded In" you’ll DIIENI‘IVIES issued in Oumnm of Bterlfuq with Inter.» coupon! attached. ree in Grund- or In induct Executor: and rust u an: author- tgod by law to land In the Debentura of an: Loan and Sawing: Company. 1560:! awn» 1865. rum-up Carol“! . ' .. .....1.loo.ooo loco". Fund. ......... “50.000 Head oemto---Torort" Ct., Toronto. Brunch 0mm Winning, In. Vlncouvor, " 'ieroHr)1 spy "o?ieod " interest, and or . We also Lake thin g'rrvty,'/,,tg of trunking the mung doc'ors who "a spoken so ("or Ihlv ' f t a medicine. Cure all farms of vastness in either no: ult- ine from impure blood. diseased bone, or In. poterithrd main, _ 7 CANAIM PERMANENT mum-.3; ”egg. magi; ';'.;t;;;:;;r.'.. but health by this Great Engliuh f’rmmip' ion. Ihnreloro we mute you this unbiued guaran- tee. Bud's Blood, Btttte and Brain lunldon. Sand “.50 fort, anon nun IIIILDIII. tho new onlr recognized ”can Imam and Ilood Tome. and w. will mril you u an." at“ to refund the money for . I: an of Gone“! J tatilitr trt Hyman” Akin; the medicine. A Cure Guaranteed Whole“). only lull-m CL, Toronto Long Dunno. Telephone 1719. may "o.'-. luv-ulna (on In]. on. but. In "" m. nhlpad " “OJ." " a. mun Tdl,,'.' mo .Illflllh UCLA ductile-nu “micron. HARRIS BUYS a d an R o o r I N c @3233! 3.72:5: The ban Dieter in the nuke-t: N, con" u but“. Uxida of :run. Lime snv Mllnelia. uhioh we all uno- sv-n tttlet-rits/+A-., (“by bet, [ammo comm: scum. POULTRY KEEPERS 'ille!Py,rttt.1'tr_1.t Write for arch! tera" during Janna. I'obruu'y. . CORRIGAN. 113 You“ I! Write for . MI term: during Juan; , “but". ll."'dhtii'h"a'tt 113 You“ at. of "sooo O 825.000 o $25.ooo b 325.03; The BOLD PHARMACAI. 00.. ‘58 King trt., West, Toronto. " - . . " " 300mm ILATI, In mm. tCrt ILA'I'I BLACKBO‘RDI 22 wry], I an u (ttph Turrlw) 01p. .11.? an. a. on 1100 um T we. " on, ma. one. doo- 't calla; oMl 0..qu g Cor. not, 'flee, u"iedft' nut 2C'iM.' or 'or Ill,,,,,,,),,,).')? (L, il,,,,,., Lite" La r!hY,tri,iiiit/'i't,.i'ii, Pull," in LAUREN " SA“, a muer co, 13 St. John St., lint-CL Careful attention to the smallest detai . enable uniform production of quality and flavor. Try __- _r," - ___ 7.7 . --. -..- r--- ' w- an "e'b'."W. '" an: Inn" ul me an“ - "new“: .wmi In! cont: for one puck-go air/i, rrme'iy to till remit Mn don-n in out. cud to the sandman"! 238th latter. manner, 1','il"i'l.a an own“. until new on" letter. - m and, '0 will remit an "noun: raging from .5. to {100000. the total ot our M in this “I mun; 825.0001”. Write quits and melon this Idvmmmani Adda-I TNlMlllii8li88,, (in!) MM h Guni- for the euro cl no" plan at much tut.et. [Jami-id t Tweak, “M 0 'tr,tpr'htth authors “'10 w}: wan-run. 0 ”mm“ Ct., Torn“. - . . trilumo throughout ' 110.000 -. GA“ GIVEN AWAY “on of Dr. Gree '. Hum. Dyadic Po u " . oomnlinll m. we In" decided to .ppropeute 25,000 dollars tr he distributed mom on . . patrons . AS to the tfficiency of the Specific we could write pazel laudalory of In curative autumn. When we wrre dam you wnnld knownn Ian of It tn“ yurdu now. on we -, any it you no trouNM with (‘onnnpumm irtdt-tiort, Liver or Kai-m- tmuhlc. or In) all- Int .ruintt from .dlmrrlrred Match. and will uh one plane at Dr Omen u Health Flu-ole. and Ind you are not delighted with the "mum, “we the (not. to t ll Camp-u] and we wil chur- fall refund your money. Used " n lumve it ha no Peer, 5nd when no. and will now: he du. urlod tor my othnr remedy. Send your order direct to thin Comp-u], euclunin' w an!» (no " I”), and we mll mail you on. pucktfe of the qgrersitie To the what of the tint' latte. "tNteieed allele-ill Mtr cents for one Indul- of t u. rnmmiw -. -m .....n .-., A“-.. " -- i A, ' ., _. uEYLON rtiA $25,000. Room E, Confederation Life 1t1lltfl1rtr,_rttrentn. 'asooo dms.mâ€" o' SCRAP J.otiifskiitiAg6N" -. Hamill Dir-ct". The Sanford Ear Drum Co., OF TORO NTO, LIMITED, 150 “I 25c wtth Ind“. me "no BIsttint_ty In. 00.. IN and IN - St., Toma“. [when : howmr he! LOOSE IAM [ETTEI FILES LEAD COPPER BRASS “OVAL HAIL STEAIINIPI Liutaod, "Il Lead pacing es. TORONTO nu- Ute, crud-um mu,- s-rut: but unborn but “4191144913 :2yrtrd late; angle-5| 9m 3-90! _ u; a . ... but may“: Eaarir 05“ Write he human] caning“. W. J. 8111017} Prims tea. UNIV"... m. V“ In and Wm prawn: your“ tor bid- fk- lite, “Mung: um!!!- slmulyl , beat teactterst (LI .111de u arry o 77 Ito-(out " that. London. W ' Ill-l in hm. " Run an (Eutl‘hvue. Ind " nll Groerrrs, cttemrwus, Ind awn-I -hrre, III liul G., b, ' M ' GI . but, “a Run! curl-n free Also DI luau ROVNPIIM luau"; In mm. k 6d sud h 50 HEALTH RESTOR " D I',' Tao-Au n "I L. com: a co., WM. B. NORHIAM. - TORONTO ILtTM..r, THE BEST C' Maya! --, cii)it0'tii(i, . H: t ' 3 New Tires 1lti1t' 9" EITHER 51mm: or now“. T TUBE. Only as for left. Money : Carmunia Oil 00.. 13q an n, Toronto. Home maniac [imam LAW TUBE. Only . low Ion. Honey - woo-pm] ord. ". and HAY FEVER Porn-neatly Cured by Medieated Van"! 'uttuUtott- I mimic of rum-cu Io 'hqial If... Hand 15e tun-"mm- .u outfit Br. up tum“! may co.,Yoronto. on: Dr. 'd . Ant-4‘Uuuilu' mu PM: I. . u- cute laden. .. Helium”... Au. Turunw. Us. --------c, __ CATARRH Whoa mu arm-r tour tan lap-In. win y..urcarv-Iue b under that " to in" A Kenuzne Cube uoLor 't'op, a Mulla- sro - u 1'JI'l. The Conbo Km! or To» no u I.“ no but " tv2ll'.'Jl,2,'1gd,' on In. mom. -, "cm loner to” a." not with a a «Mum. (war Wm other unnatural! on an new m 1kitsq "tNrior “Immen- at Htllingthetttenn the npu 410- th Conic] Top: luv. m: 1.. I). n at be hoodwludlz . " porn n who mummondn " Inter nut. to be just. no good. EPPS'S - amine in one will In- u when " has can: the rend; M in but. IIII FITED. AS an Introduction w! wiping!) du. THE, hes; advertisgment tor my, GRATErUL-coM FORTING. MOM-I! In“ or In“ mum... TOKUN t'o. ON r. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. GRAIN AND COMMISSION MERGIIANI’S. BR1tAKrrAST-sUP PER. onboy’s Improved arriage Tops (iyjl,S ai, 30, 40. so and Doc. IIOIIVII "I! mam? - If '" - CH. "" Mil... .CIII. & ”A... 1i,utiTGiuCririisG'a to Whip} Bid”. mot Blond m. u .. 10min. Joan L. (Jon; Inna-l MM” " upon- to no u no. " . tX IIII a wish to dis. ' I Mt0,000 pt- Idlc To n. w .9"!th L “on“ on o atory of " lo no" In to “\ ts7, tle "d " a. I u In vii TLI".': . I an" he db- 8 MI my [no . - mind a. “I lo the ml"- at n» new In thin o ' U o., tt A-‘A t " PAYS Bern-mm Wilma [tlil ICING!" (Ing g O3

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