West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Mar 1899, p. 2

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The revenue for Spirits, Malt, Li. quor, Cigars, Inspection ot Petroleum, Manufactures in Bond “are greater than Jan. '98, while revenue trom Malt, Tobacco, Seizure was less. On Abe whole, however, a gain $63,000 was made. The article appears among leading trade articles on the editorial page and appears to be treated in dead earnest, and we cannot bat think if the trade articles in the Trade Bulletin are of no more reliability than this, its value to trade must be seriously questioned. He says "the timt year of the first cen turv ended its journey on Dee. 31, 0, the zero year, the succeeding 90mak ing the loo." Why, it it was the "tirst year" it surer must have been the year I. The difference between one degree above zero and one degree below is surely only 2 degrees, but according to this the difference be. tween the beginning of the yearl B. C. and the close of the year 1, A. D. is three years not 2, since this lamous "zero year" comes between. The Revenues from Customs, Ex. cise and “miscellaneous " are greater than in January, 1898, while Post atiee revenue, as might be expected is $70,000 less. From Public Works there is over $100,000 less. Summing all together however the figures show 1898: iG,512,140.19. 1899: S3 550,- 102.68. So there is a net increase. We have received a copy of "The trade Bulletin," published in Montreal, having a marked article on the. ques. tion, (which some call "vexed") as to the lst day of next century. The bulletin, with great and sublime courage, (what some will call crass stupidity) aftirms that We are now in the last year oi the century, that Jan I, 1900 will open the new century that the present era did not begin with the year l, but with the year 0? that a parallel exists with the zero mark on the thermometers from which degrees are reckoned both way and our years, &t., bt. The values of the exports showed an increase in produce of the Fisher- ies, the Forest, Manufactures, and a decrease in produce of the Mine, Animus and their produce, Agricul- tural products. Values on the whole dbowingn decrease of '2,173,000, or nearly 25 per Cent. The editorof the Bulletin must have some bet made, and rather than lose has invented this "zero year" to help him out. It is positively grotesque to (ind this idea presented in all serious- ness on the editorial page of the Trade Bulletin. Nineteen centuries of our era will surely be completed on Dec. 31, 1900, the first day of the 20th cen- tury being Jan. I, 190i. The imports and exports of Britain fora month amount to over 324 mil. lions, of the Sines to about 192 mil. lions of Rani: to 88 millions, France to 120 millions, of Italy to 42 mlllions, and of Austria Hungary to 66 million. I The January Report of the Depart- ment of Trade and Commerce is before us in its homely blue cover. It is a mass of statistics, and on the whole is very flattering to the progress of the country. Just a tew snatches: The exports of the U. States to all countries was over 137 millions of dollars. Britain and her colonies re- ceiving over " millions of this, 3 very practical illustration of the value of the British empire to the U. States. Canada tallies o'er 5 ot the 74 millions, while Britain herself takes over " As we went to press last week the sorrowlnl news came that Lord Her. schell. the lisitish representative on the Joint High Commission had died suddenly. A few weeks ago a fall on the ice broke his thigh bone, bat he wan: thought to be recovering nicely when he was suddenly stricken with heart failure and died in 30 minutes. His death is tie second that hasoc curred on the Commission, the Ameri- cans losing one of their loremost men in Nelson Dingley. The press of Britain, the States and Canada are one in expressing sympathy and re- gret at the loss to the Commission of so valaablea member, and to his com: try of a diplomat oi the highest order. Although a Liberal and a member of tiludstonc‘s cabinet he was selected tor this Commission by lord Salisbury. ccrminly a great tribute to his worth. gltt _"itttltitm iicrimx SNATCHES FROM A BLUE BOOK Thursday, March 9, 1899. LORD HERSCHELL DEAD ---, -0-.. JAN. l, 190? -The United States have done a generous thing in offering a warship to convey the remains of Lord Her- sehell to England. This will be, if accepted, the first time a distingushed man's remains is returned eastward with national honors. Britain has done it twice, the first in honor of the States with the body of Peabody, a great benefactor of English and Am. eriean working men, and second in honor of Canada with the remains of Sir John Thompson. It will likely be accepted. -Spain has imprisoned, pending trial, Admiral Montitto, who surren dered his fleet to Dewey, and Gen. Linares, who commanded the Spanish forces at Santiago. If' she follows this with dire punishment she will be fol. lowing the example of Britain in the reign of Geo. II, who shot Admiral Byng for surrendering, causing a cynic to remark that "England had to shoot a general or two to keep the rest in order." Sagasta, premier of Spain throughout the war, has also been compelled to resign, Senor Sil- s-la, the Conservative leader, having b en called upon to form a Ministry. Spain will still play at Statecraft, but her world's work is done unless by snne mighty change in the people ot the fertile peninsula. Mr. and Mrs. John Lunny and family who have resided in the neighborhood for the last two years, leaves Tuesday to take up their residence In Bentinck. They leave with the best. wishes of their many Murdoch friends. Mrs I). Sharpe. who has been ill for tho last few weeks, is still in a very low state of health. Mrs. George Pollock, Jr., was siezed with an atmok of La grippe, and Dr. Brown of Holstein was called in at.- tendanee. She 18 now able to be around again. Mr. J. Stinaon went a. couple of days last week visiting in the neighborhood his ttutererst friends. Miss Mary A. Gordon is tailoring for a counts of Meek: in Hoistein. Mrs. Pollock. Sn. accompanied by her son Thorium and grand-daughter Lizzie, left last Wednesday to take up their residence in Henfryn. Their "our friends wish them every happi- nvss in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. w. J. Sharpe, of Hot. stein, We up 399mg the former's mother one evening last week. ---rYeneh papers are almost threat- ening outrages against the Queen on her projected annual visit to the Scuth of France. A report that her visit was to be "ealled oif" on account ol these threats has been contradicted, and the London Times says gravely that “should outrages occur, England will know where to plaee the birme." The most rabid of Frenchmen might travel Britain through, unattended, without insult if he behaved himself as the Queen intends doing. Mr. Will and Miss Selina. Coleridge were glxmtsmt Mrs. D. Mharpe's one afternoon recently. Bria-s. has. Beit., Felons. Corns, Skin Imp“; no. Bert Pile our. on earth. Sluts boa. Cure man-now. sun by m ("mi-6|. 8 Red Hat From The Gun. Was tho Ian that hit G. B. 8:“de of Newark. Mich" in the Civil War. lt eBnseit humble Ulna- that no treatment hotped for D ”an. Thou Bucklon'a Ar- u-ion an!» and him. Cure-I Cuts. Subscribe for The REVIEW. 7:05" AiiaGdLGU,,,U, --The South Perth election last week was won by the Conservatives. lip. Mnntuitl) winning by only 7 votes according to latest reports. The closeness of the vote may lead to ye. counts and protests. Mr. Valentine Stock was the Liberal candidate, and it is claimed that poor organization was the cause of his defeat. -tiow Italy has demanded a slice of China, with a sphere ot infiuemee, and the Chinese think Britain is de. serting her "open door " policy, and hacking Italy ttp. Watch --ln spite of French warning the Queen is going to France. This matter is being pushed tron) the British side in a spirit of daring, and any insult offered or injury done the Queen would be almost savagely avenged. s Torpedo hoat destroyers will convoy her across the channel. --Britain for once in many years has a deficit to face, and a suggestion by the Times looking to the imposition of wheat duties is rousing the old Cobden spirit, whose followers wouldjust like to tight. “a .00 --e---M. -r- _ -0. Murdoch. #09 .0. 0.. ---_-__ Mr. game, A. Wilsou intends to leave home in two weeks for Regina, Man. He was "way visiting last week. Jumps will be missed at. and around hotnrs. Mrs. Pater Moody and {molly have moved into Mrs. liiusumn's house. Mrs. Moody has 'uved (In thts farm for 40 years. Mr. and Mrs. Moody were among the first settlers in this part. We wel. come our new neighbor, Mr. Peter Dal lay, who tnkes charge M the Moody tarm for the next five wars. A week ago Friday our teacher. Mr. Graham. caller] the school to order and tso czutaius were ehoscrt by the school, Misa Tenn Moody and Manner John Fer- guson, excl: side to 'ry who could have the largest pro'crtuu. Each side worked hard and " took then, in ur evenings to got thrcuglu With it, one side had 1,705 and the other silo 1,400. Mr. Graham was well pleased with tlw scllnol. lost Sunday‘s storm tilled in the roads. Tney were hardly passable on Monday. Mr. John McDongall enjoyed driving his guests mound. Last Wlek he drove to Priceville and took in the sights at night. We were plowed to 590 Mr. McQunrrie, of Melancthon, formerly of this plate. About 30 teams went through here in rout" for Durham last Tuesday, all for implements sold by Mr. Dun. Ferguson. He has a free dinner for all who buy from him that an". Mr. John Garson, of Osprey. was again in our midst last week. We are glad to learn that Mrs. Garson is im- proving in health. _ We think wedding bells will Koon he ringing. It. is a good thing hays, so on- courage it along. The preacher is near. Quite " nmnlwr of our young men are, going out west this spring as pros- pecte are promising this year'. We are glad to see that Miss Mary Isaac is again able to walk about with- out the aid of a crutch. Mt. Wilham Lester " been laid up with a sore hand. He has not been in the mill for " week or so. Mr. James and Miss Ada Brown, " Durham, are visiting at Mr. Alexander McLean's. The hopes of spring are again blight- ed and stormy weather again prevails. Miss Jean Renwick. of Toronto, is visiting her part-ms at pix-sent. Mr. Rom-rt, Rmnvick has an order for two car-loads bicycle rims. He is do. ing quite a rushing business at present. The collectors fur the Biivle society are going their rounds at [MT-sum. We hope they will meet with success. Mr. John Wilson has been land off with La gI-ippe top the lust week, Dr. s'ueath is improving and the lwpe prevails that he will soon he able to routine his duties. We think it. would he a good plan if that young man would join the Proton Orange Lodge as he would have a good excuse for going up there so often them It is the same with larger children that are delicate. Scott's Emulsion seems to be the element lacking in their food. Dortotkiltotryitif your children do not thrive. It is as useful for them in summer as in winter. Ask your doctor ' this ir not true. We have had aburidant proof that they will thrive on this emulsion when other food fails to nourish them. If your baby is delicate and sickly and its food does not nourish it, put fifteen or twenty drops of Scott's Emulsion in its bottle three or four times a day and you will see a marked change. Does Baby Thrive? A a“ ..-'c Brownsville. Boothville. Dromore. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO tRtJe kt' Post OMce. Duriuiiid At Durham Offices, Mondays and Court Days DURH‘M OFFICI. ell-DB" BLOCK. Entrance next door to an!“ Dental ottice) SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT: NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSIONER. ETC. omce, over Giant’s store. Lower Town, DURHAM. OFP1CEB-" Owen Sound. Mnrkdalo And Durham. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF . the Durham Pharmacy CtUderN your; _Res1d_em-_e flrst door west. of the OFFI Cui'-- Meltt tyre Blek, Collections and Agency promptly Attended to. Villa. Deeds, Mortgages. Lens 3, Agreements. &c. correctly prepared. Flames of dweaned pol-mm! looked utter. and Executors" and Ad- ministrntom‘ Accrmnts prepared and paused. Surrogate Court Business, Pro‘nue of Willa, Letters of Administration and Gttardittmtttip Obtained. Searches made It: Registry Otttety and Titles reported ma. BARRISTER. Company and prints Funds to Loan on Mortgagds at low " rates of interest. anuutious made ' y acompetent and careful anuator. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. "can" Puauc. coursnucsn, cc. omee-- -LOWER TOWN. DURHAM. LUCAS, WRIGHT ' BATSON. MONEY TO LOAN Would intimate that she will continue. the Furniture and Undertaking Bunim-n. 03ml:- lished by her tumor in Durham in "" and will andravor to give all old and new cum t w era the name entire nautismction. ”The only Inn-clan unru- in lawn Furniture of the [Best Make ALWAYS ON HAND. PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIAL" Undertaking and Embalming on latest prin- ciples It reasonable "ntem, MONEY TO LOAN-cow luau-EASY TERMS arrister, JYotar , Gnu , vegancer, etc” to..... Money to Loan at reasonable rates an on terms to suit borrower. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. MISS SHEWELL All Charges Mcderate. J. P. TELFO RD, DENTISTRY. Remember the stand-opposite the Market. Durham,' G. LEFROY McCAUL. E l DAVIDSON. BARRISTBRS. SOLICITORS: NOTARIES. CONVEVANCERS. Ac. A member of the arm will attend MISS SHE WE Ll --ro LL LINE or-- qrtrNr?rytttNr?rtt?tNr?rNr?rNr?Ne?Neyyy,i,i, (Over the Bank. A few more X-Cut-Saws which will be sold at a bargain We have undoubtedly the but COAL OIL In town. Call and inspect our stock, and -"""ii/ "'iki"/" we will satisfy you as to price and article. JUST RECEIVED a very large stock of Granite and Tinware. All the latest designs] Part of which is PRESENTS oil'.), WEDDINGS My Warerooms are now fully stocked with all kinds of Winter Goods.....Call without delay and get your pick of choice goods and secure bargains. . . . Without doubt the Mr. est Mock over shown in D"rhttttt.----htttest My!” Fancy Colors, Bent Trivium? and at prirm from $35.00 "ptcttvdrc----roll u/ once and emu-c bargains. Full Hum: of Fur Own-unis and Hahn.- ond n! prices that will surprise you. Cutters a Robes PULPERS A large glow]: of Mutowy-Huvris Roller and Ball Bearing Pttlpere. Prices Rmxuuulllr. Sewing Machine“ and f9r.ttatte Hm FNK I’m! Him ( Organ or Sowing Jfarhine is just lu-fon- " 'mcm To demand I will rrdm'cpriom In per mm! for thr tlt JI ", Money lo Loon at 5 par can! on Good Security. Insurmwc of all kinds prumplly attended to, Marriage Licmwm ismwd either during day or (roving. Come in and see our Goods when in Town. my»: a»: an: an: tSiN* in: n:1. rm. Mttjltr, gil That Touches the Sspot------" ti; t it , , 1.41.1 u l A N UL) of . ' $5333 :a:S:aa:a:a:aa:aa.saa.s:a:a.a.sa' Li .. )winéer Gocds (IALLONS 0F PRIME WHITE SARNIA OIL FOR 80 CENTS. Are the order of the day, and we have a large assortment of Articles that are suitable for WM. BLACK WM. CALDER 3000 SAP FAILS ”warm-1 best ling io I, "llP." To o"xithits f 2t7 days. lu PK One bottle ll and make yr old self agair MY', TONI ferim: from colds VINO]. ltALtcAM CURE, both (-xvq relieve them. Wing and weul people, “at dunk wwm There is moth suited foe -- 1hldlh'ih', Write 'atrnt: if x: “ SHELF l t a yard. Trim so ' cake up. ft BOOTS a: "Ir' Fur right it GE. EYLON TE 0, ht Wm', Zik'. d is BEA ' $$$$¥k (it/{IQ i /u" _ I " 19:13»: l .. EY BS Sch glasses free he or Ct it guilt DRESS Cy Jue and Heavy tre, 500 5e up to Uh. heavy twill, 7c fiatmelctt We alwa inc Bron. h: and shoes tut Boys and gir be beat In qn lb "admin. also 'seil the h TEA in towtt FLANNlil goods yard. um Goods yard. DON'T FORM Dot, l f m1: w, tright, Ity The childl 1%. l HI Best Tab] riu wide, ll DRUM” A Kit sill tttCY er, I..\I)l woo ICK Th of t " ut I 1tt Pl

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