West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Mar 1899, p. 3

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rm 'tet kinds of mr pick P PA ILS HIS in; IDEHR of Granite and .vhich is we have a large , suitable for t Town. bargain. mun“? ol, V-ll ir iii/‘4: 151533 ""-te6.t,. (lij','ii,'i, Lulu! 'de,',' :.~wf'ul a! ”have and at " buy an nu'l’l "tirs form}; from colds When a 25e bottle of PlNi)l, llAlb'AM or BABY'S UUUUII 1‘l’lll-Z, both excellent remedies, will rclieve them. A bad cough is dis- mwsing and weakening enough to old prtrplc, but (louttly so to children. In 500 and $1 bottles. One bottle will build you up, and make you feel like your old self again. Try it! 'ladWliLhli'il, 31 GO Write trl' call on us for any infurmation il going out west this spring w d. " UP] .. T0 .4. DURI /,'i." DRESS GOODS 1h iil y Double F _ tiiutls, Irut', 2(0 a Cf )HHi. :~; Fancy Figured ' :rrruls, " Lin wide ' F y,rrtl. Lt Muck Figured he I; k- ;md 3.3L- " yam .+. ”wavy Plain Blt; . try, The " yard. :4. 3, FLANNELETTES :4 " ha ve a good I , 31' up to 100. M) Pi heavy twill, 32-ini "f 7c tlaunelette is a if ies LA DIES’ Ii 5.; WOOL MM Q; 25 Ctm. A 'i.W llest Tahle on. 8'r " in wide, 20e a l " SUI-ELF OIL Cl a” a yard. ”3 Toilet SOAPS In 3); cake up. OUR Thur:- is nothing so admirably suited for this purpose as si-ii-ip-sit/Flirt', ‘7‘ a yard. 4;" Toilet SOAPS from 2e A)!» cake up. It, BOOTS & SHOES - “v n 44..-. Cts, ,r We always carry Sterl- "'r ing Bros. hand-made boots <33» and shoes for Men, Women. gs... Boys and girls. They ean't 21" be beat m quality or price. ‘H " Dnr't forget to start the "a f:.' year right by using SAMBA 6 JS' CEYLON TEA. black or mixed 6 .. at 2Ge. 30c. 40c a lh. and half ' lh packets. We wllit. We 6 ' also sell the best 250 JAPAN 6 g TEA in town. 6 = DON'T FORGET TO CALL l = -----" - Is;', BEAN a co: i'iuutsiyteaeetee4se4utse4eetsift :s (- v',. Te BIG r',yr'S' Scientifically Tested " glasses free of charge. ' Fancy Figured DRESS gumls, irin wide, 250 a yard. Black Figured _Lustres, we and 35c " yard. Heavy Plain Black Lus- tt'e, 50c a yard. Ive, have a good line from 30 up to 100. For a very heavy twill, 32-in wide, our Te tiannelette is a bargain. Ih-nvy Double Fold Dress Goods, 18e, 200 and 25e a l 7t rd. - -----_ c,ruGide," 20c a_.yap11: 'ii, TONIC fih00ii mu! a=--a. "-..le" - SHELF _ '611; ‘01le! 8e The chile/tsought/pt and put Best. Table OIL curl' H. URL" ”FIST?! up SEEDSMEN, LA DIES’ BLACK WOOL MIT'I‘S 25 Ctm. A PAIR The Effects of La=0rippe gm ii'jif"if I DURHAM UPPER TOWN Durham, Ont HAVE ??? b; the Pilot Mound Sentinel to haw. declared that, "With such a high protective tariff as had existed " the past twenty years it must he Pemetn- bered that it wns a tlitliettlt matter to make a revolution without paralyzing certain interests. but more reductions should be mode. and his iufiaerwe would be used to that end." There can be little doubt that this is a senti ment very largely prevailing. namely that much has yet to be done before the tariff is down to where it ought to be, but the present Government is admittedly so thoroughly in sympathy with all convenient haste, and the splendid buryancy of our commercial interests which has been manifest the last year, and which n's undoubtly to a considerable extent attributable to the relief already given, and to the con fidenee which both capital and labor have in the Administralion, wpl great ly assist in the further prosecution and development of the work of reform. An Optimistic Forecast. At a recent meeting of the dairvmen of Glasgow Mr. Scott Dickson, Q C. made on interesting forecast as to the part to he plnyed by Canada in the f‘od supply of Britainr-"The v9.3: rolling prairies of the, North West, the older settled provinces of Ontario aid Quebec, not to speak of the rapidlx rising area of British Columbia with its rich and fertile plains, are all now contributing their quota to the food supply of the mother country. Year by year that supply is increasing. and iroking to the practically limitless acres of our great North American colony, it would be difficult to hazard even a guess usto what that country will produce in the way of food supply say ten years hence, or approximately what our imports from the Dominion may be. But one thing is perfectly clear, that our trade with the Dominion is practically in its infancy. Practical 'Nriff Reform. It is frequently charged by the 0p- position that the Government has faileo to implement their anti election prmnis esof taiitfrefurni by any aprwecuable, reductions. and' in support of this Contention the criticism in nltrafrce traders within the Lbemlranks are approvingly quoted. One of the must pronounced low tavift' men in the House rs Mr. It. L. Richardson of the Winnipeg Tribune, but Mr. Itiehardsm has, on this question, a practical know. Iedgeof ttft'aipg and appreepates the difficulties with which theGoverument has had Incontcnd. Spcaking to his constituents at Cartwright, Man., the i? hey day. Mr. Richardson is reported Every year the hardy Scotch emi. grant imbued With the eharaeterttstie business capabilities of his countrymen sees in the markets ot the Old World his nearest and most certain road to that. independence which he desires so much, and he hrs been grvady aid, d in his efforts in finding markets in this country, by the nnw rapid journeys ot rrntlern steamship; and the grant advantages of the cold mirage 97. a em, by which the goods are bmught into theeountvviuos frvsh and sweet 3 eoudition as when they leave the quay in Montreal. Venezuela Boundary Commission and on the High Joint Commission will be mostdiftiettlt to ful, for his great know- ledge ot the subjects under eonisidera- lion, his keen legal judgement. his diplomntic experience made him an ideal arbitrator and counsellor. T ac almgvther unexpected death of Bani] Hersciwll, at Washington this week has come as a terrible shock to the English speaking world a shock intensified by the sadness ofthe attend ant circumstances. The deeeased statesman, one ofthe torn-most in the Cottneilsr4 the Empire, had dosh-pd personally to return home some weeks ago but his strong sense of duty de. tained him. Few men have left behind them a nobler reenrd of service for their country: and few are more sincerely mourned hy all classes, those who knew him best regret his loss most deeply. His place bo.th. on the: Prom an Occasional Corrwpondant. M r. David MeInzyre spent I few days in Tr-ronlo htut week. -- .. . . .A .I 17-”-.. I!) l"lvu-v ------ "v..." Mr. Oscar Knnnld has left the Valley and gains to Berkley, win-re he is engaged cultiug cordwoud. Oscar in a husllur. Mr. Charlie Ferguson has bought Mr. Suckers old stage horse. Billie will think he is late for the train pron) often whm naming germs the uiderond. u “I."Il "'Illh I-v- 'Iv' -_v- V Mr. Dan. Formica hay gone to Harris. ton for better times we think. . ,:.L n-.. lull II-l llEyLv. W..-NF'" -._ "V 7," Harry has Men engaged with Dan. Mekeehnio cutting wood. Dan. kept three pulls of the saw ahead. 7 A -- . I . - __a -...0. nun-m "ulna v. any n... _..-,._,, Mr. Dan. McKezhuie is engaged with Duguld McCumel taking oat thriller. Dan. swings the bromine while Harry strikes the line. _ A . . - .__ "-s Mr. Colin Lamont lost I tlttat bone while he Wu down It Colborno. Mrs. David McIntyre, who has been ill for the past month, we no glad to hm it reeoverine. OUR OTTAWA LETTER. Lord Herschell's Death. Balsam Valley. ,rrE3"tE9ii 'NMS m ' l ' " - How " mmrsr.-Rhentmatitmt, with its sharp twinges. aches and pains. Do you know the cause? Acid in the blood has accumulated in your joints. The cure is found in Hoods Sumparilla which neutnlim this avid. Thousands write that they hare been cuuipleu-ly cured of rheumatism by Hood's Stu-ap- arillu, , Hood’s Pills cure nausea, and: headache. I biliousneu. inditrertion, Price 26 cents. Mr, Jun. McIntyre. Tiverton. is spend- Iug the! letter part of the winter with lriends around here. We have been silent no long that we hardly know how to begin or what. I mum- to give for our delay. I snppnse we may as well out with it, nnd any that we were lazy, but we will be more attentive to “ll-amen: in the future. Mr. Norman McIntyre accompanied In his Rtler Sarah [mud a visit to friends in '16. wound Mulack an! Crawford last week. Sarah says "he is mum: back again Miss Minnie Anderson of Scotch Town sul present. the gut-st of Mrs. Snlliynn. Mr. Donald Molina and Bert Patton aro- lilac suiyyinp,there, they are engaged In vumug good, We expect when Miro, Anderson leuvrut hum it will be to Price- ville she will go, Norman McIntyre um] his sister took in n concnt. held in Fuirbuiru school last week, They report in good tune. Mr. Jun, and Sandy Stonehmtse ae. compmned by Mr Jrlm Livingston are It pre-ent engage-ll in cutting wood atlloeky Mus. Tena b'tonehousts and Kale Living- stone are alao there to prepare to satisfy the (-ravingn of the inner man_ They are a jolly crew and are much missed urounn the corner. ' - Mr. T, J. Hooper of Enulewood in wintering at Mr. A. Hoopertc Mr Dugald Mol’hnil of Yellow Vulon is the guest of Mr. Duncan McDonald. Sacrament. was administered in the Presbyterian church Sunday last. On the previous Fridny service was held in the church, the Rev. Mr. Miller of Holstein, Rev. Mr. Morrison of Cedar- ville, and Rev. Mr. McDonald being present. Some new members were added to the church roll. Ton. If any we of the farmers around here need any closer "red, just call on that noted farmer Mr. Arch. MeQuaig who has been threshing the name for over a. week he can supply the mod ofyon. Miss Ann Jane McPhaxl yisited her comin Misa Cris McPhail Inst week, Miss Tucker ot Port Elstin, is visiting at Mr, J. Eckhmdt's of this place. Mr, Hugh McDonald took a trip to the tenth line last week to Btr8 hisbrother who resides there. Mr. Albert Haw has purchased a shingle mill and is putting it in the building with the chopper. - We, would like to know if tht, people who tonli in the caveat in the town hall have arrived home yet. Perhaps the B, T, scribe can inform us. Mr. John H. Richmdson returned home, after travelling a week with ha bride. She was formally a Miss Crun- ston from near Belfast, not Belfast. in Ireland, hut in Huron county. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson have settled down on the old homestead. One of our business men is securing two loads of furniture that will be trte posed " at, a. future time. Messrs. Charles and William Dczell have purchased the steam saw mm from David and George Scott. They intend to move it onto their farm on the 9th concession and put in a. shingle mill. Wonder it N. and D, not storm stayed “In south one evening lust. week, Mr. Thomas Manrvn's two suns came from Dakota to stay out He winter. Mr. Robert Russell, of Hepworth, stopped at few days to see his friends have. Mr. George Smith. of Luther, has moved into our village. Colonist Sleepers will be attach- ed to each train. For full particulars ard copy of " Settler‘s Guide " apply to any Can. Pac. agent, or to . Pusst-ngur: travelling WITH LIVE STOCK should lake ttain leaving Toronto at 9.00 p. In. To Manitoba and (‘umulizm Novtlrwrst will have Ton-mm) th'ly TUESDAY (luring Mun-h and April. Pusseng’vrs Unveiling WITHOUT LIVE STOCK should tuke train leuv.. ing Toronto m 3.15 p. In. Settlers' One-“Way Excursions Assistant General Passengpr Agent, 1 King St. East, Toronto. C. E. McPHERSON. Hopeville. Top Cliff. Cattle tttarkvt to-day we had a small run of stuff, as all told only 40 loads came in, including 500 hogs. about 100 lambs and sheep. and a few calves and milkers, Business was brisk. prices wore strong, and nverything was sold out hy 11 o'clock. Shipping cattle were selling well to- day Rt, from 41 to tie per 1h. In several cases a little more Was paid for selected lots, but as such figures would he pos- sihiy more misleading that represent- nlivo we refrain from quoting them. Butchers' cattle sold very well to-day: choice stuff fetched easily from 4 to MC per lh.; in fnct it was quite 10 to 13e per (-wt. liettnr than yesterday. Very good lands of cattle sold from 3; to '3te per lb., and medium to interior .sold down to 3c per 1h. Smokers Were a little firmer at from 3 to 390 per lh. Good stockers are in fair demand. Walton. per hag Applee,per bag .. Cr.Icioj.-: l” (7: Duds .. t'nrlceys, per ll, Gvese. per ll, Hides. pvr owl Calfskin“ 'e' Sheo-pskins ... Hay. per ton tltraw, " ... their Christian names. surnames. ad- dresses, and description, and particulars with proof of their claims. statements, and accounts and the nat me of. the se- curity (if any)held by them. And fur- ther take notice that after the said 15th day of March A. D. 18!) the said Ex. ecutm- of the said Estate will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the persons entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to such claims of which notice has been received, and the said Executor mil not be responsible for the Meets or any part thereof so distributed to an y person of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of such durtrihution. Dated at Mount F amt, the 6th day of February A. D. I“. Good feeders m-duy fetched up to 40 per Ib. Good expm't hulls sold at from 3R to 4A0 verily; light bulls are worth from 3g to '31c per lb. Pursuant. to the Revised Statutes of of Ontario 1897 notice is hereby given that all person or persons having claims or accounts against the said Peter Clark Moody are to send by nuil postage pie- paid or to deliver it to Robert Ornnston Kilgonr. at his oftice in the town of Mt. Forest, in the County of Wellington, Solicitor for Colin McMillan of mid Township of Egremont the Executor of the. said deceased, on or before the The supply of lambs was small, and choice lambs tit, to export, were scarce. Too many culls are coming in. The best grades of lambs were a little newer tn-dny. and sold at. fl om 4.5 to 410 per ll). Shipping sheep are worth from SC to 3he per ll). Bucks are unchanged at from 2; to 2tc per IIs. l5th Day of MARCH, A. D., 1899 Unwm per -a Bran per mm. Shah l er ewt Ful'. Wino: gu- Lard par 1 We had no change in hogs to-day, and prices are fairly steady. Choice hogs, per cwt Light hogs, per cwt. Heavy hogs, per (-wt Following is the range of current quo- tations t Shipping. per rwt . . .. ...8 4 25 Butcher, choice. per cwt. 3 50 Butcher. medium to good 3 12h Butcher. inferior .... ... 2 75 Sheep and Lambs. Ewes.porcwt........... 325 Lsmhspercwt... ....r. 440 Bucks,perewt.-.... 250 Cows, each. . Calves, each. Di fr, TAM‘VORTHS and other breeds at reasonable prices. Apply at lot 9, con. 2, W. G. R., Bentinck. (2) In“ t _ I) In the matter of the Estate of Peter Clark Moody, late of the Township of Egrcmont. in the County of Greg, Yunnan. Deceased. Notice to Creditors. dim-5' pm I ttter per lb (NIT ort' lrld YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE! W113. per cwt live Wright . pn- sure R. o. KILGOUR. Solicitor for the Executor. Live Stock Markets. TURUNTO. DURHAM Milken: and Calves. 1‘rillih'llb H. ALEXANDER. PROP. In!» ll Cattle. Hogs. MARKET $425 8500 350 4124 f) 05 to 0 05 7 oo to 701) gli to 80 60 to " 5 00 to 6 Off o 00 to 0 00 tio to 65 50 to 70 o 6.3 0 80 o 3 Nt to " t 12h 40 to 8 to ()0 to 10 to It) to 04 to 12 to vo 68 M (:3 in to to to U to to to Cd " 42 a; 31 f, ()0 oo It) 04 0 13 Ill if: so 50 470 2 75 375 c?, I EH ‘4 _'",),,') easox if: 1 2:1: I pm 75 l C. McAlmilUlt. DRY GOODS. READY MADE CLOTHING. HATS m6 CAPS, BOOTS 3nd SHOES. Are undo; Smithy. Call and See what we have & judge for yourself. PINE SYRUP. JAS. R. GUN Unequnllod hat-gums In all Depunmenu DRUGGIST Calder's Block, DURHAM th T. R. Ticket Agent The Greatest CASH SALE Of the Season ONTARIO. This institution is the leading school of its kind in the Dominion. The basi- ncss course is by tar the most thorough and comprehensive in Canada. It has also an unequalled Shorthand course. Send for Annual Announcement con. taining full particulars. C. A. FLEMING, Principal, Owen Sound, Ont. MCARTH’R'S Terms moderate. Arrangements for sales. as to dates. &c. must. be [nude at The Review omce, Dulhaln. Corres- ppndepre addressed there or to logs ville P. u. will be promptly amen ed to. Terms on applications to D. lcPHAIL. Hopeville P. O. or to C. RAIAGE, Durham. Residence-HOPE/LE. I most successful. - They look ahead and plan what is best for their future, with this object in view get a AT------. 1af'rftrtf'4? ( , IS OPENED THIS WEEK AT IPSOLIN E. 'ONIC COUGH SYRUP. For Coughs and Colds. PUT u P BY 'OILET BAISAM. RIP CAPSULES. HILBLAIN CURE. A Guaranteed Remedy. BERRY BALSAM. ALALINE. USEFUL AND MONEY. MAKING EDUCATION. 'AR-SEEING pteople_are _th_e . McPHAIL UPPER TOWN. easonable GOODS OWEN SOUND 'i':' A sure Care for LaGrippe. For Colds in the Head Licensed Auctioneer fo: the County of Grey. For Chapped Hands. For Cold Sores. TORONTO “Call and see for yourself. “Prices are tight. Almost a MIRACLE You MI I)“. THE “LC/JP: ”an day god SANDAY [um-mum t, r damn the“... {who a you but to pay formuy of the smaller do It. THE WEEKLY GLOBE..... In. Inductors] now foaturx" add-d. In. " the I.” of the '0 k m cannon form, and be t. ”In “on Much with ovary put of t: world. and mm especially our on: comm-y. snug-[won m. and full nautical"! on in haA_ a by a... of thiy. pnpgr. my ”than!" or M oF'arllane's The Wheels st'Na, With in It or a nun svuy tummy. in mung“ u lament. no any "new tenur- -r ton Burro: but! Sketchy Arman» lac-Ida. “Vin. an uncut not: of the dar, bu boom-o 5MB. an! to tho but mnnthlv mug-Jinn. IT " GINA '3“. ORKITIOT ”(WIPAPtR. We Sell all kinds at all pnces. Also a Full Line of' WA'NHFS, J E W ELK Y, SILVERWARE. and STERLING SILVER NovF%'rIFS. The Saturday Illustrated.... To the Phrenolinr Medicine Co., Ltd. (Maura. thettT'raorerN.-I hardly know how lest to express my "ppre1Gtiptt of your valuable rheumatic remedy. Phrennline. My son Gordon, who u. 9 yeam old, has been a sufferer front itttinttmtntory rheu- matism for the past, two years l was so had at times that he had to he eat-vied about on u math-um: was attended " two city doctors apparently without the slightest Itettefit l spent 10 days " Caledonia Swings. came home with no marked im movement l took three bottles of a i'l'2','1",'l,fi'/l,i, remedy now heng extensivelv advertised. which did not relieve him in the least. I was he- gmning to give up all hope of his I'm-tn” cry. when hv chance I mentiuned the case to R friend who slrnngly advised me to give Phrennline a trial. Go RO-lnd THE DA I LY I did so. with the result that when my ho had taken only half a Imtlle he was able to get on his luc.vcle and rule like any other hay around the black. I certainly feel that I cannot my too much in "use of vmu- medicine. and flit!" do a“ I can" frt null" “W" ‘I its value lo Ull.l‘l.~. l mm very b.1ltt'lt‘l}. For sale by H. PARKER, Durham. Blankets. Ae., to. We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest Price Pun. THE GLOBE, TO SUIT YOU. Workmunslilp Unsurpassed Fine Choice in Valises. Grips. Home If Will now buy a Seven weird Waltham or Elgin Watch in Nickle Screw Case. We have Sun-u- teen Jeweled Walthanm ttt prices never offered before. EI &c., 8:0. Heavy & Light Harness CALL d; SEE OUR We Handle everything in the Barnes line, " right prices. Dinner f5poiled--Httsband Mad-- Servant Girl Ugly. The ailment clock did its best-. It is old enomrh tonst. Its gonna qualities have gone you want a Good Clock & Temper Saver. We have them "or $3.50. You can save time and worry by buying one The Leading Newspaper of the Dominion. .33. our ILOOO non: - circula- - t on tvmoar 'hua It hm In um, and --u-tt 4.ooo man than one you no. It one“ slum: " PM. IT HAS ALL YrEE KIWI EVERY DAY. y W. A. McFARLANE $5 BILL! TORONTO, CANADA. (Signed) REUBEN (LARK. Gr ’uud’dtr'oci. to' C. LEAVENS OTTAWA. Sept. 9th, was. of 2: Time. Collars, Pads. Bites, Whips, Next to Bank. DURHAM. ONT. mac-mm. 'ters:

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