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Durham Review (1897), 9 Mar 1899, p. 6

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Intended for last week. ; Mr. J. Noble had a wood bee Inst} week and the neighbors complied; leadin to his call and aided him in! h.tttintr the wood to Durham. I The. anrticn of pics came. tho beauty of pies (showing taste of young ladies) to" gather with Reeve Staples fharirut descrip- tion of them made the boys hungry. Hence bidding was lively and enthtuGatie. Pie. nuging from 2-50 to 850. About fifty were disposed of Mr. Philip McKechnia was kept busy with cash while Walter Middle- _ ton anislod by Misses Fletcher and Mc- Kechnio had to but]. lo grunge pies nmly for auction. Justice gin-a to all nut came the "ting. 1nd the boys i,') clued thnt the pin were all worth money! they paid for them. Proceeds unmounted? " Ibonl 023. F were kvpt l-usy, Al out " (1'le ck, Reeve Staph-s took tho chuir air! discharged his duties in a very appropriuta Wny. Mr. S. T, Orchard with his granmphone enthralled the audience. Ile also gue a cmple ot splendid belec- lions. The well know J.A. Hunter of Durham mug a number of excellent solos and “in: such an assuming and taking mannn received oncomr. Miss Via Nestor charmed the audience. with Ur sweet solos. Mr. Goo, E. Staples. us usual rendered some mouth organ solve-i tions vol]. Means. J. Wilson and S. McLean lacked nothing in their yiolin selections and had to respond. her {or rs Shortly alter 6 o'clock the school begun to fill and by 8 o'clock it “u crowded. From Durham, Yarney. Dornoeh, Travers- ton, Mull Garner‘s loads came. The door The pie and box social held in School- house on Fridey evening Feb. 24, won acknowledged by all to be 1 grand eueeeee. The evening turned out most gloriously tine and "onud every opportunity to these who had I deeiro to get there. The school In! nttuticelly and beautifully decorated, showing the tact and elnll of the committee who spend no meme to, make it a euccess and indeed it WIS. i Mr. Ferguson, our nnller. has been laid off work for name time. with I severe attack of Ln Grippe. He in improving and will noon be at the stone- mun. Mnlhslipuve no glad to report is getting better. Tho debate this week ttt to be, whether it in good for tt man lo belong to a lodge or not. Hm Annie Ritchie, Durban. visited at her grtutdfttther'ts Mr. Nathan Dnnamore. In: week. Miss Lizzie Firth waited " Mr. John McKeclmie'n Inst week. The Pie and box min] was a grand nuceou, 023 being taken in. Our teacher, Miss Cmio Fletcher's Pte gonng the high- est " Me. Albert Middleton in on the sick tint. He is ill with pleurisy turl water on the Inngu. We hope poon to hear of him being well attain. lulnuled for (as! week. Clmr'ey Middleton. Markdnans spend- ing two weeks with his mother and Rocky friends. Messrs. lchimmu and Me.' ean Mutton Hill. Rocky. Efififlflflmmflflmflflflflflflmflflflflflg , [ An itinerant blind show man held a , conceit in Corinth achool house lust week 9 with n view of making I legitimate living, ‘As his bhndnul prov-Ma him from doine A few of the boys were awning them- selves on Thursday night last ringing the bell on Clark's school. when a strong pull brought the bell to the ground mth I crash, which fortnnuely did not break but rather nub-nay to replace. l Mr. Minn McDugali and family left for I their home new Botiucau N, D., although 1 minus the young awn reported in the Hanover Post and copied in the Review, which was a false nlurm. We presume the writer must have had wind in his head " the time of writing. 1 Mr. Neil McDougall and family left Inat‘ week for Botiuean, N. Dakota, where he Intends making his home. having rented his farm in Bentinck for ten years. Neil got his first tyurinst of the Yankeesiu Dar-l ham, by having to pay so much duty on his goods, Mal, McEachern purchased tifty gen 3 on the 7th con, {mm Mr. Hugh McQunrrio of Michigan Messrs Duncan Clark and George Recl- ford are taltine time by the hte "ml getting out when for u bulll they me to lruild in the summer of 1900. The rumor: of haste is while it in easy gumg through Smith's swamp. Messrs Sparhng and their saw mill from Klnud and are busy cutting ties. Mr. Duncan Meliitmon i, beating fius,usr, “Mei: he says Is ful. It is not true. that n v southern trips he bruised it. Mr. Esra O'Neil left for his home Calgary, Alberta, where he is ranching the Don River district. Miss Jessie A. Benton, of Gleuelg Cen. tre. is visiting her Inna, Mrs, John Brown. Mr, J88, McIntosh, spent Sunday last at home. The day ul course was w-rmy. Messrs. R. and w. Reid were the guests of their uncle, Mr. T. Reid, of Durham. Mr. J. Morris has taken up his abode on the Dargavel farm. We extend our welcome and congratulate our- selves upon again claiming him as one of our community. Last week a. number of the Hutton family attended the funeral of their uncle. the late Mr. J. Williams. who resided in Bruce county. Some of our young people attended the pie and box social which was held at the Rocky school house. C The Misses T. and H. Wright visited Hanover friends lately. Mr. and Mrs. Donnelly, accompanied by their family, attended the wedding of the former's brother. Mr. M. Don- elly. who wan united in the bonds of matrimony to Miss Ferguson, of Nor. nianhy. I There has been but few in our l vicinity who have escaped the clutches of Lagrippe. hut we are pleased to Pe- port them on the highway to recovery. Last Friday fire had commenced its destructive work on the dwelling of Mr. T. E, Hutton. but a passer-my no- ticing the flames gave immediate wurn~ ing and a helping hand. The ftautes were soon extinguished without any serious damage being done. i Mr. A. Hopkins had his foot cut some time ago. He is not to resume his former employ: der Mr. A. Armstrong. unlock. no-.. _ 7 ako. He is not yvt oi, former employment un- is rang-hm: an ' Mr. and Mrs. Samuei McCain!» viricavl ”he latter's mother, who has bum: under i, nursing tcthe. weather fora Lime. ti Is ycry PM"? Miss Kate Mcliiunou of Bruce, wont lk il WPS' on Ins I couple of weeks With the, McCormick lum- 9in of late. innit: movcdi Mr. Chas, Kcnntnly Jr.,started drawing no freeze-om I enw-logs inst Saturday. Charlie ly a l hustler you bet. George lied-g Miss Mary Brown of the Garner‘s is Is...' um] getting I spending a couple of weeks in line Gleu, 0 to build in! Quitea number at our um}. um] ”may :zzn-u of 'tttie').'),), u pleasant evening an Il r. Thus. ough Smith'sI McFadden's lust \Voinesduy. They on- joyed themsolws during the ova-nine: iu, d tifty acrnslmusic. siuginr,,wunes aux] mlmr amuse-i ah Mcharrio meuts till the hour was gcmug late, and In“ returned home weil plea‘ul mm the ( nun'ly left to/rc",',,";.',, amusements. ' 'i’x‘q Mr. Geo. Peckover and wife leave to- day for Manitoba, after spending a , couple of months wirh friends here. IS') Mrs. Robert Waddell, formerly of ',,'2fl, this place but now of South Dakota, doing istioitina friends. as verel y ll! Mr. J. G. Bendull. while loading logs in the woods, had his foot. crushed by one rolling on it. Mr. J. McBride. Jr., had tune to fall on a fence he Il one day last week and put. out of joint. . Mr. Samuel Robb, u rented his shop for n tm a Mr. Donnas, from me who moved in on Wedne, Mr. W. L. Duuiels bf Hammer, W01 day recently with Mr. Thus. .uzk'cmb. ..----,-, 970-7 ~~-- 1y mm her mother, who was sick, but we are glad to hear is getting around again. Mr. Bcu Firth of CRcvelmpi returned home last Saturday, Inukmg halo and hearty, and none the worse urn-r spending nearly " year down In sunny Ohio, = I”! mm: JUI' last trerk. Mrs. Wm. Brine" spent a week hr with her mother, who was sick, are glad to hear is uetlimr urn-nu Working Night and Day. The busiest. and mightiest little thing that ever was mmle is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill is " augur-couted globule ofhealth,tut changes wvuknes: mto strength, linoleasuess into energy. brain-hw into mental power. 'I'hrty'te wonderful in buildingin the health. Only Me per box. Sold by our drugglsu. 8 V -'"".*H-V88e." "rHuttHaut (lair 'ced to the tune of over twenty dolhuu. How gratifying it was to th we yuan: men to know that they rendered [mu ruch a service, [and how plenum to native! that the blind shownmn will he so much he- hind in his way of living, and how umnv concert- the poor man will have to hold bolero he pays tlre hen ho. had to gin: in!) his gramnphonc to sottln mix little julza any had. No wonder two of the witnew es returned their witnew fees, w-.. "mu- “as 'tttly carried our. The doorkocper seeing m munv in fiehttne trim awaiting hm drew " tm phlul and proceeded to defeml Mun-elf. No powder was burnt or liver: endangered. Inn those braves know It wan contrary to law to carry concraled weapons. and formth proceeded to lay information: against him In Durham. Resmlt--the drfemimn 1lttu, cad to the tune of over twenty dullnra. How gratifying it was to th use young men to kllnm ".... Alurw . _ - ‘50 like men who have their nighr. he took thus way. A few of the mmut mung men f‘pmulully sumn' attended. uml wirluuu to have some tun, proceeded to annoy the door keeper by pretending to may in With- out paying. until the dam keeper put Hum: out. Hostiliues than Immune c autumn. when MOI)“: of the party lhrunh-nod to attend to this man when the canon was over, which was duly carried nun. The docukocper seen“: so mum in tiehtine trim “waiting tun drew u tor phlul and proceeded to defend Mun-elf. No powder was burnt or lives endangered. but than Graves knew It “mu (Winn-urn b.. I.... ‘- Intnuled for last H -- -..-.-. rug-r. “U Tiloli A few of the nmutt mung men umrL' attended. "ml wirluug to fun, proceeded to uunuy the by pretending to may in With- uutil the dour keeper put “new ill..... Aq__, ' mnnou of Bruce, s'ii't'IU n, (, Sclu-nley Park excels, both in natur- i' Nllll Hm McCormick lmn- '. al beauty and extent of territory, all l l public grounds in the state of Penn. l muly Jr..y,tartvd (luminu' with the possible exception of the; villl'diw Charlie Is " I grandeurofPhiludelphia’s. Themoel inifieent entrance and stone bridge,! 'wn of the Cornet-T, is l with the Panthow Hollow lake in ' , of weeks in tise Glen. l Junction Hollow, has greatly added to , r ot out'.vtuit't, ut.ul "'"my I its ttttraetiveness. The park was a evL-ning at Mr. 1'hos.i',r.rjt to the city of Pittsburg by Mpg: Weo.'nesdur. They en- l Mary fl. b'ehenley, of England, a , dutiug [no rye-Him! in I native and former resident ofthis city. f "ties atrl "m” augtls'e- l Naturally the park was called after;' N “If" “in”: law, and her. The torlnal transfer of this i "we" plea,ul mm 1he l portion ofthe old Scheuley estate to? {1:1th Hummer, spent a l the city ofPittsburg was made Oll‘UCt. I Mr.Tlr,s. Mutant). , 13, 1889 under the direction of h M. I -7.-, ---- iBegelow, Director of the Department, Robb. gar Public Works, to whom the people! "_----- i of Pittsburg owe much that they now i tolrlr, blaeksmith, has l possess in the line of' breathing places. i for a. term of years to ( The original area in the gift ol Mrs. , tem near Shellnurne. I Schenly, was 300 acres, bat the park l \VJedm-sduy lab". : bv recent purchases by the city now I a r., had the nusfur-‘ - I , fence he was crossing ,1 has an area ot over 439 acres' a Rob Roy. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO his elbow recon t, i The Park is beautifully endowed by _ , nature with retreats of rare beauty, l f and its natural advantages have been ' I enhanced appreciably during the last l i six years. Among its attractions are : the magnificent Carnegie Library 3 where free musicales are given. It is i the gift of Andrew Carnegie the “Iron i King" to the city, costing $800,000, the 1 beautiful Phipps Conservatory, where.! lly John Catuplrell, furmelly a Glen clg Buy. Brave Men Fall. Victims to stomach, liver and kiuueo trouhlvs as well at, women, and all fuo l the rusulm in leis oftsppotiur, poisons in the l blood, backache. nervuusuesu heulucllo l and tired, listless, run-down feeling. Bun there's an need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idavillc, Ind. He says: “Electric Bitter. are Just the thing for u mun when he is all run down, and don't own: whether he lives or then. It all run down and don't cart, whether he lises o: dies. L did mare togive me new drungth and gnnd nppetile than unwilling I would take. I Cull now eat anything and have l " new lease on life," Uni) 50ecm, nt m.) l drug unreal Every with: guumntm-ii. Jo' l The secretm'y of the South African Union is Miss Lucilln Sprigg, the daughter of the ex-prime niiniuternf the Chtpe of Good Hope. For some months she has liven living in a Kattiv hut near Lovedaie with two other ladies doing mission Work. This is hut one instance of the practical working of Christian Endeavor in South Anion The (‘mmdinn calm-Minn to he. hold in Montreal during the first, week of Octob- er. of this year. promises to he the largest and host in the history of the movement in the Dominion. Both the Ontario and the QIIH'IN' unions have decided to withdraw their own conven~ tion and join in making this first Dom- inion convention a grand success. Already Christian Emlenn I a beginning in the Philippm t'iety has been started in Mal Henry G. Mtttthvwson. of I States army. A squad of DistricL of Col deavorevs held a meeting in t, es hafnrv Santiago, With tln the whistling Mauser bullets cumpaniment to their hymna these Endeavorers went, on! meeting to join the white-rub alutve, The next Intel national convention will he held in Detroit. The dates, are fixed for July 5-10. and the meetings are likely to be held in the Belle Island Park. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR Domes, There is an Australian moiety w seventeen members, all of one tam That is "Family Endeavor" with a v geunce. mum and cause unfold sunning. Mood'. 8atsapnriuit is the greatest and heat blood purifying medicine it. in possible to obtain. It in what. the millions take in the Trim; It will purify and enrich your loud. create an appetite, tone up your tif."""'. and give you sound. robust. heult ' This is the season when your blood is loaded with impurities. accumulated during the winter months from close yeyuhtment, rich food. and other causes. These impurities must be driven from your system or they may breed serious disease and cause untold sunning. Hood's Saranpsrillu is the greatest and best blood purifying medicine it. is nnsnihln on an..:- _ - Thou m The Month: In Which to Purify the Blood. THE PARKS 0F PITTSBURG Ice-harvesting is the whole go now. It, is a good (-rnp. A number of the farmers are thinking of buying cream apparatus. and it would save the hard labor of packing ice. Mr. Alvin DUI-rant attack of Pleurisv. Ln grippe has had quite at few in ol grip during the. last two weeks. huti with " good supply of hot lemonade, whiskey. ginger, pink pills and other mixtures it has left without thinning our ranks. ' a": March, April, May. an Endeavor has had I Philipprnes. A 90- Med in Manilln by Mr. t hymns. Some of went, out of that vhite-ruhed thmng of (‘ulumhiu En- ng in the trench- Ith the music of bullets as an ac- is laid up with an the United one family. with Yen- " all the beauties ofthe fiowety kingdom'En land & Russia, " are tobe seen, costing 81 10,000 the gift g . , of Hcrw.sr Phipps Jr., tt 'i'iiiiii,ti.'n'Tt each others throats woult house was added In 1806, making a fprobabl raise the prices, ',',"J2,.'g,": . totoloft150,000,also donated by Mr. _ Phipps, the electric fountain. famous inl B. H. MILLER f itselt for its magnificent waterfall air. The Hanover Conveyance} - playentrtine 810,000, it being presented ‘of’fers the following bargains: F bv the Pittsburg Traction Company, T LE FARM lot 30 con o WU . .. . i. ' .-, . t and can be seen only on special ocean-1 'i'il"l'd;fJfg'/. 'iii, sell this fine IO , ions when there are conventions of‘I acres for bat little more than wa: visitorstothe city,Saturdav nights ex-l Paid a few years ago bctorc Mr I eepted. Then Panther Hollow, Pun-I 2,"etl.',tj,ti.Irlt it " hirer. /Ttil . . il t , the) t we PCW Me I ie says cost . , . thet F/te, and mm ls do" [linemen “an; at Latnhtsn, about I Zoological Garden. "blob hy new” 97 acres. good building, close to Post been combined with the Zoo ot High-g Oftico, Store Church and School. land Park. There are H miles of ex.'; Will sell at a great btuyr.ttirertrade. cellent driveways and about 25 mites; ”mu; Ham: '.1'ie"'ist:r,,i:tyte,'/bl,iit,i] . , . . r M' ' . 't. p ' of bridle paths. The Serpentine drive) a?” willnehchp 'ol?"]':,'),,',',',')','; "Edn- with its splendid stone wall is one ofi tains 100acres,' well improw ti. the finest driveways in the country. A 100 ACRE FAR): in Hendrick. pretty The new steel arch bridge, erected at gadolotw; say Egg should bring ' ' . . 26 2 . tO spot. " rst. the entrance to .3" my“ ttr 2400388: House AND Lor at Allan Park, to he long and80i't. WI eran eotrt8 . . given away, comfortable. dwellings, The stone arch bridge also " the good stable Forbes St. entrance eost8110,000. The Irene}; 'I long at i' per cert. ole:,', , tl M' Hollow blid P. is one of the! t.lrt an ec' ent IISUI'IIIVCP, can Pan [J . .2 . ‘thkets for sale. Debts collected, all tnostaitistic small bl ittgesin the 'ei1nhii','iife"i's. attended to quicklr and try. There are two bronze _iytyyl)'rell'l)"tt.v. . at each end. The bridge cost $165, eon. Then the city has reeentiy pnr- Jh? g J)f' 21 'clmsed another plot of ground and . . , 9r. erected a bridge known as the Bouquet ( _ entrance. This cost many thousand fra. Alanover (%nvevaneer, dollars. Daring the warm season, the Whftrrrw 1lilPf!tArTtituirwonrHy Prnt. park is tlu'onged with bicvelists and We:.1"..t.':2*:.'.:'.f.13"..'::.:~.':.".~'.i:."';';";:*‘:';::..‘.': pleasure seekers. Director Bigelow 3361‘:$3.“.-fifiii'ZQISIIJIJSL'ATH..'.‘.',“l‘.‘.‘.‘....:§5.“.,“.‘.‘.". arranges a summer theater, both after. mow-n" 1m "II-ry- “nutm- "fr. Hahn-aw- . ' ' Enmuvnll-MdmwlltnutrelleuvelI'm-JIM'IWH noon and night, so the people ate E"""ci'"ctrireT/T.'ri."i'ii'i'iiiJll. furnished with amusements free of ----. -- -e_ charge. On Sunday sacred concerts . , , are also ttiven free. So the one park WOOD £11333 "YN', alone. represents a small fortune. i . (Tobe Continued.) . REVIEW "leer-. Deut9ersrasemosaraa, - - ---A C ondition owder of First Class merit.... ---A Good Tonic and Appetizer.... 'tis Comptrutyied from Conceptrated F lesh-formin Foods , ind ingredients. 3, tIli' tif:) E, WW Ground Oil-Cake in :00 lb. Bags, $M0. Import of Field and Garden Seeds to arrive in March THE Pt..RAtulllr'.. POWDER 1ir0wPr,,r)UlroI?r, PQWDER~S l; CAPSULES Morgan’s Dry Murrain Powders“ lilll%l HORSE 81 (W, ---For Chronic" Indigestion in Cattle --cure when given in time. Every --a package on hand. --Sheep, Airs, GifirGii': ---has the desired effect. Sold by heFARLANE Easy to gii'e_a;1ci've1:;1 effective. 11,fiyNRKER, , REVIEW arm; i The Hanover (Jonveynncer 1 offers the following bargains: I: Tnasmu: FARM; lot 30, con. 2, W.G. R. Bentinck. Will sell this tine 10) f acres for but little more than was I Paid a few years ago before Mr. -l reasdale built on it a large brick ,I dwelling which he says cost $1000. 'Illosnacu Man; at Lamlash, about " 97 acres. good building, close to Post I Oftiee, Store Church and School. . I Will sell at a great bargain nrtradc. I‘ ”mus Fame Faun, townshipol'llolland y, good form in German settlrtntatt. /l Will mil cheap or exchange. Con- I laim i00 acres. well imprm-c u. A la) ACRE FAR! in Reminck, pretty good lot, at say 8850 should bring 8t200. Whospeaks first? House AND In? at Allan Park, to he given away, comfortable dwelling, good stable Money to loan " 5 per cert. Fire, I Life and Accident Insurance, Ocean I'I‘ickets forsale. Debts collected, all business attended to quickly and lpromptly. -__ -.v- I'- I'!’l|lr . ' sum. in thin stale to “1'.“an nnr in. their "Wt: and Iu'al'lu "ottntire. it " cum M-rk oouJuMod r,t hom" Rainm- OWJ- yearnnd e.xPettrr--def1-o. hon “Joshua his many. Mnutlnl- :75. " Elam-- telr-aud_ed m." um! cave] ope 11.11933. Peat., Dept. M. ('birnuo. M-for Lice on Cattle, Horses, xltry. One or two agaplications :. On]! at Parker’s mutate. L, Durham. Ont Cattle. Never Fails to effect a Every Stock-raiser should have Tl/i SPICEW in March from Britain. - - DURHAM nnJm-‘u our Inn-horn; in ”Anni". " In mainly hum» Balm-v Amish! ._A.AA.. ., . _ - would " PM "Ella Mt4iirr as as [may Bobbi! "Wax Fianna-1' " Mt Dwight titt" kttowr time. is Mum! on to Hm Ian“: that I am y Pawn-hanging inc and whit, cured. I ly sittce MAY Itt have wan onu- hUwkheads “hi .%arsutpaviiht. h undid“! a sh Nood's Pills .14 With Hood',, HM if fut-mi tttrw will Il‘ll I-f "do! I”! May c-n-nim ful, and " "in Quite a numl Ite-ttt and u following MT"! Mr. (Balm-aim "spected sun-m haunt] t'tiet Iimn Ni uul "If IN MAs lil .. In [In IV! GRATIFVth 1w! St'llm pl it, 1tUmbid um- s“ my” tt RP" TU“ -n, Ntoviitt ~rs in am Hum Love Wit a! (In hilly ple VOL. ll mm [m n H H MI

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