West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Mar 1899, p. 1

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over Conveyance! bargains: 30, con. 2, W.G. ill sell this tine 100 c more than was .1 ago before Mr. it a large brick e says can ttun t Lamlash. about Ming. clam to Post arch and School. t bargain or trade. mmhipof Holland mm" unlrmrlt. exchange. Con. ll impmuu. Wmim'k, pretty 8W) should bring ks tirst ? \llan Park, tube . ble dwelting, 1013M tf?rmin g Foods - DURHAM MILLER FEST xrch from Britain. 5 per or”. Fire, Inim m nee, Ocean Ms collected, all to quiekly and éULES. I Cattle, Horses, two applications :er's Drugsjgrg. OFFICE Wanted on Sub wription ttt the , Fails to effect a iser should have t"srworrrrtt. throats would prices. 'Cl',',,',,',': an merit. tto Russia nu) tNt 'iller. yanccr, alumna. "', Herbert I PF, tt - new! in Mainly tmiqht F. N. No, 9.- Miss Large's Annual (mum-rt passed off, as was oxpm-tml. with gut-at H'lat Inst Tuesday M's-Hing. Not only wvro the pupils thnrnnghly pro- pared. thvit. N-li-(‘tiuns worn evidvully chosen with great Halo and their "ct't'Y trtovetttt'ttt.wits' nu vluqm-nl lestilunny to the able and 1leroted little teachov who shows " vuivtcity for ovgattizathut .Iml vxvrutinn very c,vldout o Walled mill never we think sutpussed. Mr, T. Me. Fadden \vus rltaivmatt, tlu. rmun 1vas rrnwded with pupils and frivmls ol' the section. who all. we ft cl Slll't‘ voted illn- evening a most stvvtssful one. Among the speltkors werv Imp. ('nmplwll. Mr. T. Allan. Mr. Irwin. Mr. Haulage and others, and whole. soulml patriotic unwit- wns ftumishvd in abundance by the scholars who marched to and from the platform like clockwork in the strains of the piano by Miss Large. Some of the children showed grert dramatic puwernml would have dorte'cveUit to city "boards." Fcom the progmmkind- ly furnislwd us by Miss Large we take the following names. all of whom did thanmlveu and their teacher credit: Mary Ritchie. Arthur Weir. Alice Law- renee. Stanley McNally, Martha Law- rence, May Aljoe and Don McFadden. (Dolly's doctor.) Fred Ritchie. Maggie McFadden, Sterling Matthews, and the performers1n the [dialogue “Women’o‘ Rights.” turn Lorre-ntsVotriatttAiien, _ when... tumaoth.a. Ellen iG7/ “Whom-it. The dialogue 01th! cow“ 'tttmee" and the WandlDrill was My Plea-ins features. E MAssv.Y-HArtms., Friday lust W. Calder, the local agent of this well known tion. had his spring delivery of farming tools. and our streets for an hour or two were again gay with the bright painted mtirleu. About seventy progressive farmers took home up- wards of a hundred articles of this film's make, and the agent informs us over $141!) worth of settlements were taken in that day. Mr. Baker. repre- senting the fitatr, and Distriet. agent, J. N. Robertson were on hand. the latter with Mr. (Wilder. addressing the farmers 1sriofiy from the Knapp Home balcony. thanking them for past favors and expressing appreciation of their contidetsee. A grouping of the teams WM made extending from the hotel corner northwards, and Mr. Browne secured a splendid photograph. With customary liherality the ftvns gave men and teal-N a tree dinner. 1nutrugt'cE.csrxo., As Ilu-ulmvo busy time is about with us. I Wish to unmmn‘ ce to the ladies of Durham and vicinity that. I mu prepared to do Painting. Paperhnnging. AhthnstininR, Knisomin- isur and whitvniog. Work trusted to nu- tlone with neatness, and despatch arden- left at McFiwlane's mug store on " my resident», npposm- Burnt-Vs More "ppm- town, will receive my prump al- teutiori.- Clift Fllvids,w. Scum”. Cohuo:ivr. _ -cSt Aberdeen. on Finlay evening last WM very success- ful, and " nice little sum was netted. Quite a. numlmr {min Durham were present and enjoyed themselves. The following lu't'utllll. of the "tfair is from Ne. Galbraith I [As we go to [in-sat the expected account of the affair is not. to hand.l GeA'rrFevsi. IMPROVEMENT. "My: face was covered with pimples and; blackheads when l hogan taking Hood's: s'arsaparilht, but after the use of this: medicine a short, time I was entirely! cured. I rannut ru-mnnwnd it too high. ( ly since it has done so much for mm"! nursaparilla. but. after the use of this medicine " short. lime I was entirely cured. I mum”! ru-uunm-nd it too high. ly shit» it has doneso much for IMP." Ma Y RYAN. Numb St. Utuwah, Ont. Hood's Pills mp tho nnly Pills to tnke With Hood'., s%rsaparilla. 25x. gives w Ret'vvNtapies. i'ouncillet. John Wil- limus, and some others. alive to the interests of their township, were sawing ice to relieve the pressure on the bridge- uu the 2nd can" Tuesday. The ruins and thaw of Saturday and Sunday have s” swollen the river before the ice Noauto:., 'Pill'lit's int-lnhted tn Wm. Black. hardware: "uuchaut will confer n. favor it they call and settle as their ttCt'Ottttty, ate all made out,---"'. BLACK. PABLO}! CostERT., The Indies of the IS. c. T. U. intend having one Of these concerts at the residence of Mus. Calder on Thursday evening the 23rd inst. A program is being carefully planned, Silver collection. I Sugar Cured, Hmnkml and Dried 11mm. Bacon and Shquds-rs, fur sale by S. Arrnwmnith. upper lawn, Dur- ham. Prices t'easonahle. Fon SALE. Al‘huice residence, lwauxti. fully shunted, finest of fruit und'orxm- tttetttal trees, -: of an acre. A great bargain. Apply to Joux ROBERTSON. ot 8.5.00 reward is “He ‘n In»: Ptttese with , Don't miss th ‘you will be ts TOWN tt DISTRICT NEWS. ay. 1mU---t,rl. hi 0 11 News. f of an acre. A great Apply to Junx ROBERTSON. I'd is "fret.ed for so with vulutttrle " PT vig lectt £63 m- to-night the return A Wosrrvmruu, UL!) CouvLK.--Pres. cult. Mwh.. Mai-r113 --sl nntahle event m-cnru-d at Logan, six miles from here, in honor. of the Wedding anniversary of Donald McDonald, aged 108, and his wife. aged 92. the oldest married couple in the state. The aged couple danced a Highland fling and sword dance, in the prosenreof all attending the remark- able affair. Highland Pipers furnished the music. The noted couple were mattied in Invtumesshuv, Scotland, 60 years ago. The issue of their marvi. age was 18 children, all of whom are living. They have 81 grandchildren and 2N great grandchildren, ‘Old Donnie'l' grandfather wag a brother of the histor- ical Flora McDonald. the Scottish heroine. The aged pair were the re- cipients ot many valuable presents. want it but don't let it crowd the local paper out of your home. Do the city papers say anything in regard to your locality ? says an ex. rhnngv. Do they contain notice of your schools. lodges and the hundreds of local tttttttees of interest. that. your honor paper pullishes? Not an item. Do they publish " word calculated to draw trade to your town and your en- terprises? No. And yet there are men who take contracted views in this matter, who think if they don't get. as many square inches of reading matter in their. home paper they are not get- ting the worth of their money. It reminds one of the num who took the largest pair of boots in the box because the price was the same as the pair that fitted him. Take the city papers if you “mum I'T.trt,--nlv. and Mrs. .lulm Hrmvu last Week received the sad intelli- gence that their daughter Jessie; (Mrs. T, w. Forester) had died in Beaver city, Utah. on the flth inst. Though her death waunnt unexpected. she having tauttovtsrl there for her health some months ago. it enxnes as n saddening leminder of the uncertainty of life. and when. as in this (use. it was an eminent- ly useful life. the negro-t, is the deeper. Mrs. Fhweutttt was a refined and public- spirited lady, active when in health in evm'y good nmvenient. and the sorrow- ing husband and parents have the sympathy of their many friends here. l Cosuutpolitnn shows. Those who desire (historical rwearch must be 'gratified, the practical man of the day will find ', food for thought in up-to-date business 'nrticlos. "Tramping to Khmdyke," ', "In Spam during the war," "Hetentiftt. . Mind Rc-ading"nnd the "clevevJapanese " Story" are all inturescing reading. ',) I'. o. F.~\Vhich letters stand for , "Canadian Order. of Foresters,” and Durham has a prosperous and healthy 1 subordinate ramp of the body. _\Voll,‘ last Tuesday evening the brethren met, in brother Kuapp’s Dining room to. the number of about 60, there to eat in Ill friendly and sociable manner "aeiv', anmml dinner. “I'D. Calder presidethl and as the press wan cout'teously in-,' cluded in the invitations. our reporter can hear personal testimony to the "scelletuvof the spread. and the gen- iality of the whole proceedings. which I “our umnarrt-d by any unlowm-d inmd-l out. The usual loyal and patriotic toasts wou- duly honored, and wit, and I wi-ulom played, round the tables in tho! t"'sl"rusvs. l 1'lovet and Timothy seed Farlmw's lh ug Store. 'le', . a“: _ 'e,' 553 as f (er, l A LEt'Tl'RE TREAT ChtyrrxG,--Mr. S. 'S, Craig, an able l‘umntn gentleman, 3 will lecture in the Town Hall on Thurs- iday Honing. llith March, uuder the 'auspices of the Public Liln‘nry. His Jupic is "The Social I’ruhlclns of the i Dav." This was recently given in Mt. lFurcst and has aroused pml'onnd at- i "union and much discussion, and (wen-y thinking man and woman should he i present. Admission only 10 cents. 1 A FIXE MAGAzvsrr..-, Seldom Indeed, oven in the heat, magazines. or in the 1'osntopolitav. Itself. has there been crowded no lunch of interest, and protit- alnle perusal as the March numberof the _ -- -- u.\aun v“ " "VIN" r ;' WAsTrus.--To plii‘cliaso 't good farm1 ------ ileum, harm-as. wagon, plow and haw; Pleaseexamine. We have with great I “an, Apply to J. imam, Port V _ cau- niade necesmiry alterations and ail- ! thur or W. lilH‘llli‘. Edgr, llill. Jiliiions once mow, and would it<k as a l Mr. llasiiv. om- of our oldest resident; : favor-that any su+sevihev detecting an." ( has born amminiml agent for Messrs. JOIHISsmn or irregularity, would at once risinr,,haus. i'o. of London. reliable Ttitiequaint us of the fact and we will i Inipovievs, and we wish him success. jgladly rectify it. . ', ric. lu'. o. Windsor, an i-xpcrl ini Weasked this severaltirtieslastyear, l organ and piano buildiiu.r and tuning l yet we have had four subscribers come iii-as in town last week and this. and (It the end of the year and say their r was the guest of Mr. Irwin, of the1atel was-wrong all the your. We are 1'hrvnicle, whose family near Thoru- i not infallible, but, we ask our subscrib- I bury. are neighbors of Ne. 1vindsot.Ptm to help In; to be exact. Our list; Having tietuwetl some business, he will l to-ay is .hettti' paid Ill.) than at any telttptt again. i"""'".".."." time m our i-Pginie. but, there . , ,are still far too many who allow their A [‘EFTI'RE 'IMEAT ChryrrxG,--Mv. '5i'srLiriitiii"ns' to get seriously in arr S. Craig, an able Nronto gentleman,[wars and these we would ask to! will lvcture in the Town Hall on Thurs- I change this position at the earliest op- day "vettincr, llith Mimi," "WIN ”‘9’ pot'tunity. We thank all for past. and auspices of the Public Library. His ' . h ' . ' . ..' topic is "The Social Pvoulvms of ij,?'/',C)1',t,ttohr;';',s,c'itt1 J." many kmdl Dav." This was vetwntlv lrivnn in Mr t Fust-rlu.u,i Farm Hursv. 5 years old fur sale. Apply at this (Mice. Good henlth is worth tttore than uny- thmgvlw toyou, and every bottle 0f Hood’s tiarsawtrilla does it. Wall palm remnants at, a great WI itive at MacFarlane',, Drug Store. at M N ac- : Principal Jordan, fox-S yours in change of Meaford Public Schools has accepted i a position in Proscnm Man initial salary ‘nt 8800. Ho ls well km wn to S. tGrey ( leathers. and will Ite greatly I-vgrcttvd , in Meafnrd. I OFF FOR THE ivrst--The annual , spring nmvement westward has begun. ', Among those leaving on Tumday's ex- l, cursions were Messrs. John Hopkins, i Moliachern and Alles. Also Mr. John me-kand sister, and Mms McKinnon. [ All from Bentinek, To REsT.--The Blacksmith Shop, and tools, vice, drill, anvil and bellows in Upper Town, With wagon and paint shop above. lately occupied by F. Nestor. Terms very reasonable. Apply tO'Jos. Sharp. Administrator. A stable in connection if required. ' ALLA." LINER WnF.cKEra.--s4tenmer, Calstilian on her Jivst voyage, struck on a rock near Yarmouth, N. s., and it is feared will he a total wreck. All the passengers were rescued, among them being Liettt.-Col. J. It. McLean, well known in town. We congratulate his mother and other relatives on his fortunate escape. . REsmNATros.--At the regular meet- ing of the Summon Presbytery on Tues. day, the resignation of Rev. Mr. Jansen was handed In and accepted. The sevemnce well take place at the close of this month; Rev. D. L. Campbell. Dromore. has been appointed Moderator of the charge during the vacancy. AUCTION SALE.. -Augus 1'atueron, lot, l, on" G, (llenelg, " ill sell his Slut'k and implmuonts on Wednesday, Mae. 22. Sale at 1 o'clock. 10 mus. credit. Hugh MavKuy. Auctioneer. Miss Ella Wilhtughan nf Lmnhtnn St. intends leaving Saturday morning fot Hmniltnn on " visit, to her. sister. Mrs. Wm. Petay and other. friends of that, Mr. 1vns. Suydm' and Jas. Putin lmugll left Wednesday morning to spmul the H “Inner at (iruntnn and Mt, Mary's ro- spectively Mrs. Allan lehmgnll and Mrs. Me. llwnin, of 1villiamsfovd. Wore tlw guests of friends in town this “wok. Miss Kate Mclhmgull vetuvued on Monday from Williaiusfotd wlwre she spent the wintcr. Mr. Thos. Swallow. our popular Inn-hwy left lust week fur Buffalo. He exptwts to lu- away fur a nmnth. Mr, Jas. 1'anuwou.- Toroulo, is humei uh " visit, to his' mnlhcr. l Miss Kate McKiunnn spent a week UL: Runesmn lately. ( . ___ *’.""".""'“"'"" T..'" '““J ttlive to the autumn. and will bv a unammous effort see that success tol- lows this attempt. Attend the meeting in Town Hall to-night at 7 p. m. At a meeting called by the Mayor last Thursday evening to consider a iproposition as to the establishment of 'i? chair factory in Durham, " commit- tee consisttng of A. 1leLaehlan, Wm. lLuidlaw, Mayor Calder and C). Knapp lwas appointed to solicit subscriptions lfor stoe' in a joint stock company. ‘They have met with great encourage- ment and at this writing have about 88 000 secured. The duty of the hour seems to be that there should be pee feet harmony in the steps being taken and every encouragexnet given by taking stock in an enterprise, which gromises so well tor this community. wen Sound last week, and Harristim lately were practically a unit in sup- porting large industries, and we hope the result will show that Durham business men and residents are fully] ace P. S.- -ihsn't foiget, the label. Postal notes are convenient way of remitting. Your Label, , iiiitittitttti, THE DUTY OF THE HOUR. DURHAM, THURSDAY, mAiidir"iiinigi, IS IT RIGHT 0R WRONG ? Very july, C. RA MAG H. Chair Factory Meeting in Town Hall to-night at? p. m. For the return of a purse- to REVIEW offltre or H. Parker's Drugstore. con- taining money and a valuable keep trtke. Lost in Durham about February 23th last. DIED. EwEx--On Feb. 28 at Moskegon. Mich., Jas. L. Ewen, aged trt years, son of Thus. Ewen, Aberdeen, and brother f of John and Robert Ewen of Leer Sangeen and Aberdeen respectively-.' F BORN. HARTFoRD.--In Dar-1mm. on February 23rd in Mr and Mrs E. J. Hartford, a daughter. Will be received by the undersigned up to Saturday. March 18th, noon, for the vacant position of Caveraktw uf Presbyterian church. . Duties to vmmncnce at once. The Rob Roy hotel. tngellwr with It” arm‘s of tillnble land, 15 :u-rps plowed and 4 acres of fall wheat. The house is a good brick building with good barn and stable sheds and good water. For fm thee particulars applyou premises to GEORGE RYAN, Rub Roy Hotel. Durham “and. ur Address him at Durham P. O. damage saving u slight shock!” their new“ Ru! tt broken shaft. was remixed. Mr. A. Hopkins Jr. has him" up tluty with Mr. lilytii anormauby. We mule!- smnd he intthls canning during the summrr muntlzs. A slight accident imppeneJ nu ' Hutton Hill last Friday. Miss L. Lander and Master W. and Miss E. Laidluw suddenly hnuad themselves, in a mow drift. the with-r having: Iii-en overturned. No Jattov,e Saving u slight shocklu their new“ au-l a broken sh III. was remixed. I'll-s ll, Hupkins who is now m Torouto has been ttuder the inninence cf La Grippe but is "W'.lu enjoying health, Mr. and Mrs. l'. E, Hutton visited Gin-slay friends lately. sister Mrs. D, McKay of Waliieriou, Durham, Mins B. Alexander tetnt'tted [mule wine “we "nu "rrr' " I.. ...I " ”an man I...- Mr. Wm. Noble purchased " bin-let fr: m nun "f the Durham agents. The park at. prrsoub is undergoing: im- provements. A great change is expected by the arrival of summer. Miss il. Lat, reuoe was the guest of Miss A Lawrence of Crlenelg recently La,t week wedding bells chimed menily in honor of the union of Miss M, Morncc of Novttuutb.y and Mr. Wm. Petty. We heartily join in wishing them a happy and prosperous life. We are pleased to hear that Mr J. Picket) is slowly recoyeuiug from the injuries which he received some time tt,'dO. On Monday last a half haliduv was grant- ed the rclzoul chiidren, that Mr. Reid might attend the funeral of his brother- in-law Mr. Edmonds. A number of young m bum-l guthelod at Mr. G. Hopkiu's one evening but week, spending a few hours pleasantly In each otluts company. Vr. T. Mountain lop: a valuable horse. and Mr. A. Alexander one of his cattle. We are rorry to hear ol lelr utisfottuueis. Hts, J, Metcalfe of Lululush waited the parental home a few duys ago. Mr, and Mtt.F. Noble of Northern Ontmiu are visiting for a short lime with the. formers numerous fiuemls, We under- stand they intend Lemming members of the Rob Roy community. Mm J. )Icllvride oi Nonmanhy was1 the guest of Mrs. G. Unpkins last week. , Miss C. Hutton returned last week [0’ Hanover to 1125qu her duties in the', Mdliuory Department. A number from here attended the funeral of the late Mr. Edmnmls cl Allan Pork. We extend our deepest sympathy to tho bereaved. Mr. Wm. Alexaud last. week. Mr. Sunucl Wright Jrnnf IIeufryn and Mr. J, atrl Mia: M. Wright. of, Proton Station visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. Si. Wright. ' $5.00 REWARD APPLICA TIONS TO RENT. Api' 'h llth, 1890. C. RAMAGE, Soc): B. of Managers. Hutton Hill. "I luv I. returne-I home with ' and l "tllltrnitas, no!) , cet ttil2, V. , _ I. _ ", a rim; V.- Eid,. k.” We take this opportunity ot thanking our oustomres for past patronage, and we are cogvinoed that the new svstem "Large Sales & Small Profits." iSiiBsrsisteeratarx . Our Piano and Organ trade is tfirmly established. Best makes. , Purest tones. ) Stoves Durban]. Aug: Do you want tt Sewing Machine? It the New "ir11l,iyer,rr: Ai,illttyi; price pai for Wood Gutters AT Edi At prices that will surprise. meri ti UPPER TOWN lMPLEMENt' WAREROOMS We beg to inform our' Custom. ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be in tsxohangrfiFiiiaE ONT/i With the Tea you are drinking ? If you are not CALL AT GRANT'S and get your Tea from him and you will be. R U Pleased ' ogdKTN"til" ON li), p U satisfied 'iiltoiit man the new system a t3ontitvoaaf.ne of the same. ADOPTED BY With the Boots you are wearing ? Are they comfortable? or do they give you corms? If you are not, then call call and get your footwear from Grant and you will be pleased. ' L. GRANT TORONTO " G. d; J. McKECHNIE. w. Dt II. '96. of all kinds, COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES, BOX STOVES do wn I Cutters and Sleighs of the best quality and at prices away ‘. MCKINNON. . Mlckechnie. WHOLE 110.1095.

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