'dit rs', u tf " Angus Mc'l'uvish who disposed of his farm to Cohn Blvth lately, gave his “with: Farewclt patty Thursday night otlast week,and with his parents will shortly move to Mt. Forest. hr nulln mty heard " m ad. Owing to the storm there w vice in Knox chm-ch Sunday. were badly blocked in places. While leading a spirited colt one day last week R. Marshall bad the misfortune to reeeiye a not very gentle salute from the beels of the same. We are pleased to know Bob is able to be at work again. One of our noble young men, whose thought tend, towards grace, made a splendid tttterupt to win a bag of wheat on I wager lately. In view of his responsi- bilities of the near future it is too bad he did not succeed in his one-handed effort. Perhaps D. will coma down handsome. W. Carson recently purchased a team of heavy llmnglzb horses. One night last week one ofJas. Webber’s “one: came out of a kicking mulch in a badly damaged condition. TWO weeks ago Miss H, Fee and friend spent Sunday with the farmer's sister, In the vicinity of 1%lluuustord, an" Ieporiod the roads in a very bad Condition. Hard to turn out "tearcrs you know." At tln, late date We presume any refol- eure an out' putt to tlte Dottuelly---Fergu- sou nuptials is almost tutperitotts. We howewr talue the opportuuity to wish nut. and Mrs. Donnelly much happiness, also to remark that if We may judge by the wrapt attention oi one or two ot our young people paid to every detail of the ceremony soycral such events tun-t be on the tapis R, Monica has disposed of his threshing outfit b a Mr. ankins of Bannock. and ban purchase-d an adjacent .30 acres from m Jas..uartslrall, an, and whole is a gainer, and not simply cities & towns especially, where, head others are situated. Topunto stands to lose a very great deal and will likely oppose it. Most of the head ottiees are there, and the tax on their inaane, derived though it is. from all over the province, has bene'itted only the city. am The Province, and particularly Tor- onto, has been set a talking owing to the new scheme of Prov. Trens. Har- court toraise a revenue to meet the shortage occasioned by the restrictive timber legislatou recently introduced. it was a forgone conclusion, that restricting our lurests to Canadians only, was bound to cause, .u least for some time, a decrease in revenue, and it is only common foresight on the part oi our government to provide for ti (In: glurham iliittittt, pan ot our govern"): this emergency. Saturda Thursday, March 16, 1899. tr val Citt North East Normanby. Intended for last tree}. A NEW REVENUE LAW. I "tettdrd for hm! tret vnight two of our young men awards the land of the rising as they hare not since been " it may be necessary to organ- at tw tala H , man's burden," while the tie Land is his capital, has escaping. While the tax returned to the various :5 it sprung iron), the next 3 that the province as a tre, fe w L Jim we W ci'l " b 0.0 also wen ll] Ill amt. measun We I ce column: )usiness it r ' " and (HE :omplaii on ban one per Mum put ttst tin IT fair sham :11," while cut tu other day, ‘13 no Mr- The roads, " Increase listillcrit tyr my n M (if any b' and 1:2 ll) cent u it “HES. his ll will luv' etc 0 n o t, S tire d ob n-s as tt lhpml of S. Y, No. Ir, Glenelg,--i5th :,i4is.\~Lizl;iu Scull, Sr. ith-John Mc- Iiirr, Ahcv Lawrence. io'ella Main-r, [ilk-n nun-once. Maggie McFadden. Jr. Ith _-i3iiinit, McUirr. Sterling liar. 1hL-us, Albert McFadden. Yr. 3vd-- " wiry McNaHy, Fred Matthews, How- ard Lawrence. Jr. 3rd--littte McNally, May Aljov, Edith Williams and Willie Laurence, “I. Sr. 2ntt--3as. Ector, Maggie McUIrr, Murray Ritchie, Dan McFadden. Jr. 2nd--Fred Ritchie, Ida Wilson. Albert McGitr, Martha Lawr- ence, Arthur Weir. Pt. 2nd--tittutley McNally, Annie McGirr, May Hopkins. Mary Ritchie. Arum: Ritchie. Sr, lst --cuatitt Nctiirr, Alex Aljoe, Henry NNtllaur,iuvn. Jr, Ist-lun MattheWS. Willie Aljoe, Willie Staples, .Averag5 attendance 35. Ma: y Lttrge,tmetser. Gin, Ellen Jr. 4th thaws. Mr. Gorsline, Rev. Mr. Jansen, Mr. Gilbert and Mr. Neil Mekeehnie and Mr. E. o. Windsor were each called on and expressed their pleasure in the lecture. President C. Firth at the beginning of the meeting made some apprcpriate remarks, and chairman Irwin, of the Chronicle, cemented the whole. A hearty vote of thanks was given the lecturer. A chart, with parts of the flower enlarged, was an interesting accessory. Glorious News Comes from Dr. D. B. Curgile, of Wash- Ita, I. T. He writes: "Four bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrotula, which had caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face. and the beat doctors could give no help, but her cure IN complete and her health is excell- ent." This shows what thousands have proved,--That Electric Butters ts the beet blood ptuntier known. ICs the supreme remedy for vczema, tum-r, salt rheum,’ ulcers. bulls: and running sures. It annu- ulncs liver, knueys and bowels, oxpeis poisous, hops digcsholn, builds up the sir-113m. Oniy Events. Sold by our Unggnt. Guaranteed. 4 Insiwctor Campbell made a few laudatory remarks on the lecturer and his subject, and spike on the happy change he had noticed in the rural districts in the dozen years he had moved among them in the matter of floral taste and decoration in the home, and spoke suggestive] y on what could be done for the streets of our towns and cities. s:-curc cheaper transportation of fruit. and urged that all should make full use if their privileges as members of the, Ontario Horticultural Association. " topic was, "The Manner ol the Fertilization of Flowers. " Ile, showed the practical value attaching to Dar- win's writings, especially his " Origin ot Species." He went fully into the different methods nature employs in iertilizing plants and succeeded in making very interesting the wise and remarkable process nature employs in reproduction. He proved an inter- esting lecturer and tells.a good story. A handful of citizens met. in the Turn Hall on Monday night to listen to a. lrcturc by Mr. McNeill, represent- ing the Ontario Fruit Growetg Associ, ation. He prefaced his lecture by some useful and trite observations on the value of horticulture as a refining influence in the home and society gem orally, and spoke of the value of' anion and instanced the success at- tending the fighting of San Jose Scale. Eftorts were at present being made. to The Greatest i, CASH SALEE Of the ', Season I Iharquaihd bargains In all Departments MCARTH’RS DPA' GOODS, READY 121A HATS t Is OPENED THIS WEEK AT l and See what we have & C, MCARTHUR UPPER TOWN. '_, judge for yourself. CADY MADE CLOTHING. HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES he made a Specinltv. -- ___ 'qi------.-- HORTICULTURAL Ullllmnm -'""" --- Honor' Roll Subscribe for The REVIEW 36, S. 30th St., Pittsburg, Pa. The city boasts of an excellent street railway service. By boarding a half. dozen different cars and going through different sections of thc city you would be surprised to find yourself at the same destination you intended to go to. It is only to be seen to be appreciated. JNO. CAMPBELL These parks are tree to the people & in summer are one mass of humanity. Rich and poor, young and old, here are found mingling. The sacred con- certs havea tendency to attract the residents and add to their pleasure. West End Purk, in the extreme west of the city, is reached hy Electric llail way. It contains 19 acres. llollitlay Park, on Duquesne Heights, is also a part of the SeuthSide Park System, and is a beautiful tract of land. Its arm is 31. acres, bounded by 4 streets. near the Duquesne inclined plane, 35th ward. (lrandview Park is on the hill, top in the 30th ward and overlooks the city. I contains 17 neresnntl cost the city 562,00). Ilvrron Hill Park com- prises 13 acres in the centre of the city, overlooking the East Liberty Talley. This also hos a reservoir. Central Park lies in the heart of the citv, on the bluff', on Redford Avenue, overlooking the Lawrenceville district and the Pennsylvania Railroad Yards. It contains 5 acres. Second Avenue Park is the smallest of all, being only M2 in length by 40 iirbreadth. It is an attractive little spot in the centre I the city and in summer is, properly l speaking, only a fiomw garden. i column, facing the entrance which is 40 feet wide, is " woman holding a torch. these being supplied with inean. descent. lights. Flanking much of the columns is an ornamental bitlustrade, ending in heavy newels, which are stwmounted by a bionze spread-eagle. The cost of the entrance was 845,CO). C'ontiuveelf'rovt lusi wee/r. Next in rank is Highland Park at the extreme northeast of the city and consists of 300 acres. The iiyst, pur- chase for this pork was made in 1872, from James McCully and was 46 acres. Yearly additions have been made to the park. It contains owooftheltu'g- est city reservoirs and another is about finished. Its attractions are an excel. lent view of the Allegheny Rivet' Val- ley,--rdt'orded Irom Mt, lligelow, lake Carnegie and the Brilliant' Station Pumping works. The new entrance ol granite and 1111mm, designed by G. Mm‘retti of New York nnd erected by the Bernard Bronze Co., Was completed in one. It Consists of two doric col- tnns, surmounted by twogroups of he. role size. representing Welcome. In. cluding the pedestal, the entrance is .34; feet. in height. At the base of each column, facing the entrance which is z." 'rrjrgitra'li"',egit Pills By John Campbell. fox-nwnly a Glen- t-lg Buy. Constipation, Headache, Biliousness, Heartburn, Indigestion, Dizziness, 2.) cents. Said by alt medicine damn. THE PARKS 0F PITTSBURG. Indicate that your liver is out ot order. The best medicine to rouse the liver and cure all these ills, Is found in ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ony», designed by G. York and erected by (P, Co., was cmuplctcd sists of two 1lopie col- 7sBRit OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharmacy Caddor'u Block. Residence fltst door west of the Post office, Durham. At Durham Offices, Mondays and Court Days DURHAM OFFICE. CALDE'S BLOCK. Entrance next door to Holt‘s Damn Omce) Bath " m Office, over Giant's store. LowcvTown, LUCAS, WRIGHT 8 BATSUN. BA RRIS TER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT. NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSIONER, ETC. Collections and Agency promptly attended to. Pills. Deeds, Mortgages, Lotsicsf, Agreements, &e, 'ig,rt,'),l?i,J",yJgr1,: Entntes of deceased persons looks after, and Exeeutore' and Ad- tttittistratora' Accnunts prepared and passed. Surrogate Court Busitopss, Probate of Wills, Letters of Admiuimration and Gtttrtpiittmrtsip' Obtained. Searches mude itt Registry 011109 and Titles reported nu. Company and private Funds to Loan on Mortgag s at low at rates of interest. Valuations made " ucompetont and careful Valuator. MONEY TO LOAN BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. â€can" PUBLIC, couvxnuvcsn, ac. 0mee--L0WER TOWN. DURHAM. OFFICE- 5191mm? mek. ' MONEY To LOAN-cow RAT:S"EASY TERMS ET!" only 'trnt-rtn" "urn In town Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. Undertaking and Embnlming on Eaten prim olples at reasonable “HMS. Would intimate that she willeontinuc. up Furniture and Undertaking Bttsittvr.s, ennui» iNlted by new father in Durham in 1858 and will emu-aver to give all on! and new Curie In one the mine entire satisfaction. Furniture (ri" the Best Make arrister, A'otar , Gon~ ' vegancer, ate†- te..... Mongy to Loan at reasonable rates an on terms to suit borrower. OFFICES-nt Owe DENTISTRY. J. P. TELFO RD, '."r'-'a"'a"u"A's-"._"e'oeh6almBmre=toaas' MESS SHEWELL G. LEFROY McCAUL. Remember the 'tand-opposite the Market. Durham. titehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhti MMhhhhMAhhhWhhhhikf g g I 1WWZf 3%? A BUSINESS IS cif?f2giL, ts. BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS NOTARIES. CONVEYANCERS, d PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIALTY tt)ivyyyyyyyt MhMMMM8MMMMlllMMMMttstha,s; W. S, DAVIDSON. n. ember of tt Charges Moderate. MISS SHE WE L, l ALWAYS ON HAND Dull HAM -PULL LINE Ot?-- {I 3‘“ / WE ARE POPULAR in every sense ofthc word. Through Mu, / qourteous treatment and liberality shown our patmns and our slrlmtlv zusiness methods we have earned the respect. the confidence. "uni the- goodwill of',t e trade in general. . WIS/(ARE POPULAR from the fact, that our stock is by far the large†h, General Dry Goods in town, the correctness of our gomlsh umlnuhlcd. The vuhu, in every line, in all departments, is the, strong "7ru.uyl. that strouglhons ulH' popularity. It. is ever in evidence, more so at this pin-Ind of the Ecztsnn, when \w are kept busy dating the usual dull months. Calder's Block, LOWER TOWN or cheaper than those ofour eompctitm? .we would not so.“ so man;~ o! “mm. poLrpy is, buy for cash in large quantities and sell at a reasonable puma Hm ing okowherc BOOTS AND SHOES. firm will attend Sound, Markdnle and (Over the Bank. Buys," Kuee Pants s,roinq at Odd 2 Mr! 3-1’5009 Suits, six ‘14) 27, wei'irtl ar. . . . . . . . . .. READYMADE CLOTHINQ. Tweed Huits Tweed Suils Tweed Suits- Tweed Suits Twvvd Suits Black Ver,, t The great and increasing growth of our business, parti- cularly during recent years. is ubuudgtnt proof'rfour populazitv in tlu. tNde throughout Durham and many nnlcs around It. . iruar..........,... .Piece Suits, size?! ialat... .. ...... 1h'uits going an... A few more handsome STAND LAMPS selling WE KEEP THE BEST CANADIAN AND A-ERICAN COAL 01L. of READY-MIXED PAINT: and Scissors which are w SapPails and Cream Cans Just received a very superior be inspected at once immense stock .of . Sung; 5371.- 22 Without doubt the Iur es! Fancy Colors. Itest 'r,'.,",',',,',:,', (u once and secure bargains. f'" price» that will surprise you. My Warerooms are now fully stocked with all kinds of Winter Goods.....Call without delay and get your pick of choice goods and secure bargains. . . . Pu LPERs A htvtw Mam]: of Jlussqpll Roller-and Ball Bearing Pulprrs. Prices Rum“ _ Sewing Machines and Organs Me rem law Organ or Sowing Mar/line is just brforr I-,,',",',',':' demand I will reduce prices In per (Till for th, Money Io Loan at Jper can! on Good Srcuriiy. Insurance of all kinds promgztly (“fended to. Marriage Licenscs issued eithei. during day ot' (vetting. .:6t:.:6'ti.:6:..t.tt:rt.t.ttt.t.tt:rs,tc.tr,,a,. 'est Gutters a Robes GREAT going going gning giving wring Knit & "aaas:sa:saaa,ra:s.sassr.e,sssr.i,r:cr3 NOW OFFERING AT THE HARDWARE STORE. "I at, " t at at at Vest, Ian}? tp hand this week Z$lBARGAlNSWE§ Come in and see our Goods . fir. MtNPLC)Ct,vrt Jwinter Goods RULPERS 2.00 $3.00 4.01 D 5.00 0.00 7,00 8.50 Lal Oar stock is well assorted and pri It will pay you to see them both“ Bound Edgvs. gains: at 13 Meu's Bl'k Clay “Nu-um mungut.....,........., 22 Men's Tweed Pants gain; 10 Mm’s Tweed Pants gain; 30 Men's Tweed Pants gain; 20 Men's Black “Unusual cloth usually sold at $l.2 Pants ready to Wear ttt 18 Men’s Black Worsted (-lnth usually sold at Mr Pants ready to wom- at " Business is Business. " We know tmletis our garments “'crc either I, WM. E3LACyiri, this week. We now have :1 fr INT. Sole agent for CLAY.K re without doubt' the best stock 01 Late RAMSAY & MORLOIJK Our stock of SILVERWARE is w! A look through our show cases will c ,, 7.1v-wvv ___ .4-‘1 .'_.Fr.."'-e.trrrPt 'r.'l"o and of ,f/1,7"A',?"/ 82.5.00 tuurtosds.----tili a! Full Huts of ur Overcoat» and â€wins and at WM. CALDER tlock: ever shown in Durham stock of CHURNS whl by intending purchaser: {a just trefote Toe. "'t To nu 'iv/i.,, when in Town. of Jfmexey-rfarcis Prices Ramonablt'. titt very chc best ti "" Mar! Mt dug/u La test ufylcs " an ’II DRESS HUI