West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Mar 1899, p. 5

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G ff trtt 'ti' 'iiiil/' " '2,f inds or Mil, ‘l‘uwn. pick thte W to buy an To mrd Mia ' AU (hiya. Ln! "test a! tea -~-('alfat ks and at xtra. )nld An g»: BEAN d? co 't 'a_;'irra,wrs,aryo,ytar,teoii'i' Fiéi'aCFAELANE SI Cl) ( 2 " BIG 13%8929 si/tsie. oi?ci?ceit%iii?iig DON'T FORGET TO CALL! CEYLON TEA. M BOOTS & SHOES Muck Figured Lustres, 30c and Mc a yard. Heavy Plain Black Lug. We, 5Uc. a yard. FLANNELETTES " have a good line from Soup to the. For a very heavy twill, 32-in wide, our Tc liannclette is a bargain. . Fancy Figured DRESS goods, 4C-in wide, 25e a yard. 1y kind. We are at your rvice. USE US Y IN SH} 111C Heavy Double Fold Drcss unis, 18e, :cle and 25e a T,AI9Hilyl' BLACK ,2 V. (NH. MITTS ii 'er, crr, A PAIR "i w " DRITGGISTS AND sEEmMEN, Dun One Special Excursion )wi IN on DC Nil l mality or price us for information of tAPS 011 TIC NG u W l tic 2! DURHAM OHS 'to a new arrangemen Hmml Trunk We 0-11 ickct you direct fmn m and have your bag nmnu Hum; We (“m ickct you direct from m and have your bag- elueeked through to 1tiou. Mr . . not be m R. will run a spccial tincrease l to British columbia/d) the Coast points; Rem” ei to a c a yard. . CLOTH OIL CLOTH. H t TUESDAY NEX ZIST. INST. ca ITY to UPPER TOWN Joe lb, 11y reduced rate only this dav. n from I. SALA DA , Women. They ean't " M ANIT( JBA, N f)RTH W EST or DAKOTA, Durham, Ont trt the Nt ll ,3 'ti un 11 - OCT. ll orhmirvs, our exports to New South Wales Wele of the total value ofonlv A5.5.itrl but tive wars later that trade had increased to 3936,01), while Can- nrin’s imports from that colony ruse in the same period from ie00toi'57A01 If this is the recmd ofjevelopment in the ormpamtively minor markets of the far-off' Southern Seas, what Would a fast Atlantic line, fully equip- ped with the mosrmodem cold sconce rpphancps. do for our trade with Great Britain ? years ago. and that new election which has been held since, has gone tremendously in favor of the party having that plank in their platform. A Striking Object Lesson. A striking object lesson upon the important part that rapid and well- equipped transportation facilities have upon trade, will be found in the Statisties published in the New South Wales your book which has recently come to hand. In 1892, when there was no direct line of transportation between Canada and the Australian 1 Taken at His Word. I Considerable excitement has been ".. i‘creuted in the ranks of Her Majesty's iLoyal Opposition, by the tact that the {Provincial premiers actually took Sir . [Charles Tupper seriously when he de, clared, in Halifax a few weeks ago, lthat the local Legislatures must Dro- znounce in furor ot senate reform before any definite steps in that direction could be taken. As was only fitting, the baronet's own Pro- lvincc of Nova Scotia was the first to iact upon his suggestion, and by vote id thirty to two, that legislature has ll‘vsolvcd in favor of reconstruction, falling the lines proposed by Sir Wil- Ural Laurier. The Ontario Legislature (is still considering the subject and (will make a pronouncement thereon ishortly ; there is little doubt, but that lthe other Provinces will follow suit. l lw this is very inconvenient for Sirl Charles Tapper. He had no intention ot inviting so emphatic an expression I of opinion. The truth of the matter is that during the last three years, he has become so accustomed to talk without responsibility, that he did not :stop to consider what would be the l. effect of being taken serieuslv. il While on the subject ofsenate re- !iorm it is perhaps worth pointing out "hat it was one of the prominent} iplanks in the Liberal platform upong (which the election ot Jane 1896 was i 1ionght. Many people holding the! View that So important a constitutional ( im-zisurc should only be dealt with! upon a direct mandate from the pt'nplc, forget that such a mandate} ; The "tree breakfast tiiLF'"ii' ghee-n a talismanie phrase of great upotency for many years, and has ob, ftuined such a hold upon the British Epublic that the Times is led to re- 3mark: "It is miehievout, to encour- !age the idea that it is the privilege of h 1' British subjects, like trial by jury and i habeas corpus. " i W here Canada is Interested. l The impcrtanee to Canada at this (ipossihle departure in Imperial econ- iomies, is in the fact that it suggestsa , possibility ofa preferential tariff with. (in the Empire, n step which was Qmaniiestly impossible while absolute ziree trade remained the foundation 'iprineipie. "Canada" says the For- fnnto Globe, "has led the way in "establishing the principle of inter- fimperial preference and could with- 9out presuming, sound the home illovermnent on n still further exten- (sion of the idea. We have by no means exlmlls'ed the distance which {we might be disposed to go in the direction (.l pieferenees to the Mother- iland, and there can belittle doubt that if once duties on grain were iresorted to as a means of revenue, gresortea to as a means of revenue, ‘the probnailities of getting a prefer- ence on Cl loninl grain in the markets of the United Kingdom would be greatly increased. To gain so desir, able an end we may be sure that every intluenee in Canada would at the proper time be brought to bear upon the Government under whose auspices so memorable a change took place." ,,_-_.... “nu-ulna liof the London Times and nok being gseriously discussed by the British fin- iveiers. The exigeneies- of imperial ideveiupment make it imperative that some permanent source of inczease 'revenue be found and this need can- , not be sufficiently met by a temporary iincreasc on the income tax, whinh in”. I The serious proposal from the lead- ling journal of the Empire, to meet the big defieit in the Imperial exeheqner by the re-imposition of a tax upon iwheat and sugar, rather takes ones ibrenth away, but such is the sugges- 5 tion advocated in the editorial columns " AL, ' . __- most rmphaticully given three} The OUR OTTAWA LETTER, re on the income tax, which has he favorite expedient. of suc~ ', chancellor's of the exchequer. "free breakfast table," has ' talismanic phrase of great rfor many years, and has ob. such a hold upon the British that the Timur; is led to re- "lt is michievous to encour- idea that it is the privilege of 'FW,tiil The Appetite of a Goat IS envied by all poor dyspeptic; whose Stomach and Liver are out of order. All sneh should know that Dr. King's New Lift, Pills, the wonderful Stomach mul Liver Remedy. QIYOH n splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily tab” that insures pnri'ect health and great energy. Only Me, at our drug stores. 4 and cheese plate, Me. and Mrs. Wm. Davis; table cover and china cake plate, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Brown l Tea. pot, Mr. and Mrs. Wtu. Scarf; linen table cloth, Mrs. Ann Johnston, Strat- ford; l doz. silver spoons and bread knife. Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald: crystal set and fruit. dish, Miss May and master J, McDonald ; linen table cloth, Miss A. J. Davis; 2 pair lace curtains, Miss L. Lawrence, Toronto: linen table cloth, Miss A, Lawrence, Toronto: .5 doz. silver knives and forks, Mr. John Hewitson '. silver butter dish, Mr. Tom I Mightou; linen table cloth, Mr. w. R, McCracken; china berry dish, Miss Madge Collier; fruit dish. Mr. Frank and Miss J. Collinson; bedroom set, Miss Agnes Chuk; colored fruit dish t and servers. Mr. and Mrs, P. Lawrence; i colored lemonade, set and tray, Mr. J as. i and Miss Mary Mc-liitosh l Messrs. Geo. _ and Albeit Lawrence, rocking chair; crystal set, fruit. dish and pickle dishes, Mr. and Mrs, Harrison: china cake plate and custard set, Mr, Wm. Mc- Fadden: china cheese dish and pepper and salt cruet, Mr. Tom and Misses M, l and R. Scarf; crystal water pitcher,! pepper and salt dishes, Miss Rose Law- rence; china berry divh, Mr. Ed. and Mos, Alice Boyce; cake stand, china- cnp and saucer, Messrs, Tom and Ar- thur Lawrence; pair linen towels, Master Walter Clark: Cream pitcher and butter dish, Master Burt Lawrence. t Colonist sleepers will he attach- ed to each train. _ For full particulars and copy of " t'settler'.q ~Guide " apply to any Can. Pac. agent. or to . HS _ To Manitoba and Canadian No: th.west will leave Toronto even! TUESDAY during Match and April. l’msengnrs travelling WITHOUT LIVE STOCK should lake train leav- ing Toronto at 3.15p. m. Passengers travelling WITH LIVE STOCK should take train leaving Toronto at 9.00 p. m. Tea set, Mr. and Mrs. John D. (‘lurk ' clock and pulruf wimlowshades, Mr. and Mrs, John anroncv; white lmd spi'ead, Mr. and Mrs. John Davis: pair of towels, Mr. and Mrs. Jun. Little: Fancy colored glass dish, Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Cullinsun; China Fruit. dish and china cake plate, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. (Frawfnrd ,' silver pickle dish, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKinnon ', fancy parlor lamp, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Heslip; pepper and salt crumb and cheese plate, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Assistant General Passenger Agent 1 King St. East, Toronto. Settlers' One-Way Excursions “they left wished "llgood things to Mr. and Mrs. Lauvronro. Thelist of prvsents following shows the esteem in which the young' couple were held: The vows having been plighlwl and emigratulations over the guests nusem- bled to partake of the wedding supper', which was prepared by Mrs. ('lnrk, for which she received great praise. The evening Wm: pleasantiy spent. by ynung and old with music vocal and iv.sirtutwntal, und various games which were kept up on into tho night. and each asthey left wished "llgood things to Mr. and Mrs. Lawn-lim- R. MacFARLANE, The bride war, attire with cream silk, the also dressed in gm)" ty silk. Last wednesday evening many of the friends and neighhors gathered at the home of Mr John n. Clark. to celebrate the marriage of his youngest daughter. Mary, to Mr. Wm, J. Lawrence of Dur- ham. Rev. J, Little. Chutswort h, was the othYutting minister, and at 7:30 the bride, supported hy her. father. came in and took her place beside the bride- groom. She was supported through the trying ordeal by her sister Miss Agnes, while Mr. Geo. Lawrence assisted his; brother. l bset, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Clark ' and pauud windowshaues, Mr. and John Lawrence ; white had spread, and Mrs. John Davis; pair of 5, Mr. and Mrs. JIM). Little: Fancy LAW RENCE~CLARK NUPTIALS. C. E. McPHERSON. t. w. woman, " Victoria St., “km , " FOR ALL “gar! Weakness or Pain "muster, and at, 7:30 the cl by her father came in place hesldo the bride- as supported through the attired in gray trimmed ftsRrt FD, t'; _ k B u _ , i1 5:!" L tNed' 2-. 11.1 Th" .13- n'mil with full directions .er box. 6 boxes for $2.00. Ticket Agent. he bridesmaid was trimmed with pink HOWARD'S F3113!" is a perfect od to flow annually, , .1' :agnation at hand ml ocvmuu’med at 'Ty‘infn'; uigestive ' and Rampant-s: cart sum: tt can- Me's-‘5 d.." E _ 4 .. cu bra g ranch in Texas. The percentage of in- lcreuscand weight in the nmth tally I pays for extra feed and shelter. T Vflny can he put, in stock in largel I meadows for 25c a ton to' fond fr out I There is plenty of government land in central and western North Dakota. and the Northern Pyeifie railroad owns ' Now for horses, they will live on range four winters out of five, and do Well Without shelter, or any feed hut the range grass which I find far better than blue grass, as it seems to help them stand the cold. All stock do better after the grassripens in the fall, and I my experience is that. they make larger ,gains in October than in June. Tho l grass cures on the ground before frost, and having little rain after September it retains all its nutrimenl, through the winter, and the snow does not injure it as it does in more southern climates. i . l All the snow IS generally gone by the g middle of March, and the stmk in Git. i condition to stunt out onto the range. i As fut-sheep raising, I have tried it i and found that my profits Were Msllllu'll i for the same amount of money invested i asacousin of mine, who has " sheep. ranch in Texas. The percentage of in- i creasennd weight in the mum on”... l Having been asked by so unny men to Illinois if cattle can he rai-ed success“ fully in North Dakota I will write a short letter for you: paper' so all may have achance to hear about. as good a cattle. sheep and horse country as there is in the world 1Ve don't feed on an nverage more than a hundred days in a year. and a great many winters not more than sixty days. I have known five Winters in the sixteen years that I have lived in North Dakota when no feed was required, other then the native grass, thecattle running out all winter [ and doing hotter than they do In Iowa 1 on hay and stalk fields. I Ed imr Register-. W. E. Perkins of N. Dakota, an old resid_ent of Igwa. Tells what he Choice hogs, per cwt, Light hogs, per cwt #r Heavy hogs. per cwt Cows, each. . Calves, each Ewes, perch. . . Lam bs, per cw! . Bucks. per cwt. Shipping, per owl . . . . ....$4 Butcher, choice do.... .. .. 3 Butcher. medium logood . 3 Butcher. Inferior. . . . . . . . .. 2 Sheep and Lambs. Following is the range of current quotations '.-- There is no change in hugs. For the best 4830 Pet' ll, is paid a: a top priw: light hows go no higher' than 40 and heavy hogs Ming at the best life per ll). Saws and sings are unchanged. Srnvlwrs sold to-day at hom $3.30 lo $3.60 per cwt. We had a fair demand. Feeders are worth ft am 31 to la per llc, with 10 to lik per mm. for prime. Milkers to-day was a fair trade, sell.. ing up to $500.10]: for the host. Good milkers are wanted. There was good market foe hackers, stuff, and the best beef sold at from 4 io4lcperlls. A few lots of hutchers’ cattle. good enough for export, Sold at from 84.23to8ri,i0 per ewt., but these are not. tn be taken as tvpr'esentative qumntinns. Medium cattle sold from 31, to h'iv per lh, and inferior. at, from 3 to 33c pm- Ill. Live Stock Markets. TORONTO. Trade was brisk. and prices ware firm, and in sonnet-uses higher. ihan last Week. Evvtsthinir worth buying was sold bo. fOre noon. There Way a good deal of grumbling :leut the quality of tho stuff hero. and the proportion of really good cattle was small. Potatoes, per Istrs.r, Apples,wtr bag .. Eggs, per 1102 ... Chickens. [m- pm: Ducks bb Turkeys, per ll, . Geese. per ll, , Hides. per cwt . Calfskins ... . Sheepskins ... . Hay, per ton . Straw, .. ... . I DURHAM MARKET. Flour per bbl ............ 5 2 50 to " 60 Oatmeal pet sack ...... ... l 80 to 2 00 Bran per cwt ... ... ... 63 to " Shorts per cwt ... ... " to 80 Fall Wheat per bushel ... 66 to " Barley, 6h ... O M u 0 " Peas, " ... o 65 to 66 Oats, $g ... 0 28 to 29 Dr'd Hogs. per cwt ... 4 75 to 4 ttl Hoes, live weight. ... ... 4 10 to co Lard perlb ... ... 10 to 0 Tallow. per lb ... ... 04 to 04 I Butter perm, Tub ... ... 0 14 to 0 14 I qk Roll ... 14 to l4 l knows of a great country, From North Dakota. Milkets and Calves, small Hogs. New Rockford, N. D. Cattle. $4 25 4 IW,. 3 oo 3 12.1. 25 to 50 to 5 00 to o 00 to 50 to 50 to 66 to i", 0 M u 0 4i o 65 to 6t 0 28 to 29 4 75 to 4 " 4 10 to " 10 to A) 04 to O4 0 14 to 0 l4 14 to 14 12 m 12 25 to i-yd 40 to 5U 8 to t 0 05 to " o' 7 no to 7 ot) " 85 00 4 25 p, 75 437 400 ; .7 - i __ - . _." .n. -I.IIU "TY? I do not write thN to boom the 6'oun- I Dutlez: fi',,",',,",',',',','?,',', (ia'lt, of April. State try, hat simply to unswn questions in 1 experience an 3" ary expetstmi. the easiest manner. w. E. PluKINS. ' Address, J: RITCHIE, Port Arthur. every alternate section forty miles on I each side of their right of way. This ”and can be bought for from $2.00 tot $5.00 an Hero on ten yuan limo at six 1 nor cent. Most of this land is good ( farming land, well watered, and fine for I i grazing, besides being ablc to raise- all i kinds of small gram and vcgi-tublcs. i The Missouri slope country has less! isnnw than the country farther cant, i I where I live In Cetttrnl and 1Vvstovn l i North Dakota cattle run out all winter. I , the country offering good shelter and t good feed, the percentage of loss lit-Eng I very small. The Nortiwrn 1%eifie road l ‘runsthmuzh this land, and they will1 run excursions through this muntryl this spring, on the first. and third Tues- i days of each month. furnishing tourist I Sim-pars and atop-over privileges at all points north and west of St. Paul. For further information! would ndviae all tnen who care to see this country to write P. W. Winn-y. Eastern unit I ' Agent. Northern Paritk Rr.. St. Paul, _' t Minn.. or H. A. Hunter, Minnupolin, I I Minn. _ ‘ 6 00 o 00 o 14 " 12 3 w tml 03% 5.3:; a 05 0%; eason 15 rel tj'-', {10 (2) 65 70 TAMVVORTHS and other breeds at reasonable prices. Apply at, Id. 9, con. 2, w. G. R., Beutinck. ONTARIO. This institution is the leading school of its kind in the Dominion. The busi- ness course is by far the most thorough and comprehensive in Canada. It has also an unequalled Shorthand course. Send for Annual Announcement com taining full particulars. C. A. FLEMIN‘}, Principal, Owen Sound, Ont. AT-. I most successful. - They look ahead and plan what is best for their future, with this object in view get a Terms modern“). Armngemenls for sales. as to dates. ec. must he made at The Review naive. Dulhmn. Corros- pondenn- addressed there or to lit:- ville P. 0. will he pmmptly atten ed to. Terms on applications to D. McPHAIL, Hopeville P. O. or to th RAMAGE. Durham. Residence-HOPE VI LLE. Cald ar’s G. T. R. Ticket Agent JAS. R. GUN YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE! USEFUL AND MONEY. MAKING EDUCATION. 'AR-VSJEEING ptyople_are the PUT UP ny 'ONIC (DOUGH SYRUP. . McPHA n. II’SOLIN E, 'OILET BALM INE SYRUP. For Chapmd Hands. HERRY BALSAM. OWEN SOUND RIP CAPSULES. A sure Cure for LaGrippe HILBLAIN CURE. A Guaranteed Remedy, ASALINE. Block, DURHAM eagonahldo, H. ALEXANDER. PROP. 1703717591, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Arttty *’ ARI-aw- For Colds in the Head GOODS '()l DRUGGIST Coughs and Colds For Cold Sore children) prclerred: experi- enced in farm and dairy work tn Work farm in Holland township. Fair sal- ary. Free house and valuable pri- mares allowed te theyleht, parties. and containing 93 acre In” 'nquirc of 1)Nh,1li11ill. 112mg El number Fn lion. W. G' unck. [mum THE GLOBE, Blankets. Ae., ac. We do the trade in Raw Furs Price Paid. TO SUIT YOU. Workmanship Unsurpassed Fine Choice. in Vauses, Grips. Horse CALL * SEE OUR ii Collars, Pads, ' 1! Bites, Whips, i &c., dx. Heavy d Light Harness We Handle everything in the Harness line, " right prices. I . Will now buy a Seven eweled \Vallham ur Elgin Watch in Nickle Screw Case. Ive have Sew-n- teen Jeweled 1Valthattss at, prim-s never offered before. BEWARE OF SPURIOU‘ IMITATIONS For sale by n. PARKER, Durham. Try our Rheumatic Specific or Kidney and Lin..’ Pills THE PHRENOLINE RE MEDIE S “Call and see for yourself. “Prices are light. The Leading Newspaper at the Dominion. We Sell all kinds at all price Also a Full Line of' WATCHFS. J EW ELK Y, SILVERWARE. and STERLING SILVER NOVEL'l‘lES MolF'arllane's The Wheels app-N,., FARM FOR SALE. 3 knnwn Ill Dinner i!ettiier-.mtend Mad-- Servant Girl Ugly. The nncmnt clock did its best-Lit is old enough ton-st. Ins Cotntt qualities have gone you want a Good Clock & Temper Saver. We have them For $45.50. You can save time and worry by buying one. THE CORBETT FARM TORONTO, CANADA. They are absolutely pure and healthful. Guaranteed In cure Rheumatism, Ficiatien, Neuralsrin Luunlnago, and all forms of Kidney and Li var troubles. $5 BILL! Take the lead everywhere. We are working day and night supply the demand. Our correspondent-e shows tl hundreda upon hundreds of " sum-rem are being "rritot'tsd health and happiness daily. I" (lit, in the ‘. A. McFARLANE C'. LEAVENS Round h. PAIKEB. Utrhtutt I" ot the W. DURHAM. ONT. of Mime} Next to Bank T1). of Ba; "set" In: of Lot 1m!" HM Married Cnnple , (without ' Highest " It M " to to ll " it}: é: it

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