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Durham Review (1897), 16 Mar 1899, p. 7

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LUNG WALLS DESTROY A KING STON SSTABLIStmENT. Police about “I: ha I} WAREHOUSE JnlWlilll trot non " "I "u." ue be we Horsey of Kingston .'ut_t" tut of May We n the Phat office Do. nn hue been extoll- I'm-l #20,... In on In: IIIO‘I' ttte Mbrh folk” q 1|qu 'ttartwtsa III-u. iLery in the Do. be erected in the ll , be eat!!!- l . Tut-mm NTON h II Ila-um rt TND, t “rrh' h .\l wu on Mar. wnd storey: Invent we" nun».- ton trttrs:--d L 5.10 o’clocl IV I. (IMHO! I u come! for I JI ug ght n "IC 0. " WALL veto ca r. he was: ttst M an Harrison furnntun building M M rum-n i "ueit titer tttg lfa'low! Lhe dam Mm " n" " A u yr t " I'ho Ill I. Tttq violent s It!" {new In) NS no fur n [All] " " 'rod In: he and WEALTH or' THE COMMUNITY. I \uuuht an interview with the Hon. J. G. Ward, the tax-Treasurer of New I '1; 1nd, und recognized in London as th, kin-Men. financier in the colony, and a: horns as a great political econ- nmm. H, has been in active politics in ,\ -w Z--alantl tor eleven years, and tf, opinion is regarded most highly un-wnver he is known regardless of “Lilla“ affiliations. Saul I: "Mr. Ward, has the New Zea- land Parliament, in your opinion, en- ach-d any law in the line of social leg- i-lation that the people of your coun- try would like to have repealed t" "Then as to our early closing move- ment. At first this also received a great deal of crificism, and a consid- erable amount of opposdtiott-partieu- larly trom the shopkeepers. They be- lieved. and in the sbsenco of practlcnl trial such belief was not to he won- dered at-that early closing m Bo- ing to be inimicnl to their welfare and detrimental to their business. It has not proud to he so. On the contnry, the "feet of legislative enactment compelling Auk-Eagle's: __--- ""'-t" kits CERTAIN HOUR, has trrsatttht the business conditions of u] to I moo level, and so reduced 'For instance, take our conciliatory and arbiitation laws. At first they w-rt' very stoutly Opposed; it was a mini-fought political bath, hut suc- r- ‘3 followwl. In practice the law has bu"): the means of ameliorating the amt», um, from tune to time. must m-cwsnrily arise between the indus- trial clubs-s and their employers. In th, so cases-and they have been many --!trat have some up for consideration in all parts at the colony, it has brought about 1 workable and econom- ieat solution, of the difficulties which, under other conditions, would have de- wloped into strikus-the old method of settlement, ruinous alike to un- ployers and employed, I feel quite certair that no appreciable percent- egi- of either class would now allow any part of this legislation to be re- pealed. or for s moment tolerate the suggestion. Any action will be in th" direction of improvement and ex- tension. "There are not many people in New Taland," said Mr. Ward, "who would now suggest any “tempt to repeal any of tho social legislation we have placed upon our statute books." uxzn' \Iunus ready, according to the htss so buy the land at the guessed ' mum-u and pay cash for the name. Many largo tracts have been bought by thr government in this way and sold out to small farmers on oredit_at a wry slight admnce on the Price paid. This has operated to greatly do- v. mp New Zealand's Large tracts and add-d very materially to the gener- al hi m mm ti xtw itealand is dubbed "the country of overlegisletion." that in, by then vithin her borders, who-e interests u, not served by her legieletlve acts, . those outside whose education in "un economy will not permit them to 'teve that some of the peculiar laws. this remote land will stand ""'. " of every-day practical use. "/fft Martin Miller from Christ- mulch. "w Zeeland. Asrtiuug New Zenlend is a British cuvouy she warns herself independ- rncly of the 'ther country. This Is oUol as true, owever. of the other h fowuf‘ls of untralesla. But in (trw (“fuming trt nd tampering with ;,“;II:"$;:IIEU 2,'ftzt, .Zoaland has at m. utucr Lui2eliy than any 1.5.1:, at the lord-fr and has been any» El» tlve pioneer int of alt mun" L) Um“) propit, “expo?“ is termed N um.- neural legis- nurmptuyeu Mun. based munity of l mm unable um. Such in ATw Zeal: dulgvnce in “has are Liberals am former the "evils. of bad erals an]! kt Ne seem to t leading new: Curr., n at iv" Is the Liber No Curpora enutmous tll e-lur- uuiess SOME INFOBHATION ABOUT SOCIAL LEGISLATION. LAWS ill? NEW ZEALAND. "___-e - Ti'", wan "."'"."""'. “lulu. td "We have very strict factory regu- M“ “WI“: are mined with rum, lotions. Since its enactment the con- lit allhlllUn to several srnall lands dition of factory employee has great- “an: at. ut-tjendencles, haw z‘lund ly improved, and some of the largest 'rt its.rir A two large Maude, ”cl-“Lad factory owners in the colony are fully I f a cliunutn'-Couir'ts 11rtit--Ftu'i'i; in accord with the principle of the acts. tt, "is': at the narrowest Put. Indeed, bona ride factories are help- 'l, "' un- ceded North and South r. ed, for the old loose system worked mm ‘H ltr latter being a little th largely to the benefit of the sweaters. .l C' r Ilu: total area is 104,471 who are now rigidly kept under, Of 7- Utl'> lll.xt‘J. New Zealund has four purse, friction occurs at times, but -l[stlt mum, namely Auckland, Wel- lat is inevitable. . nu. l nu dm and Christchurch, all Touching now on the question of _;,u .3, “all a population of about OLD AGE PENSIONS .3 nus “ml. The distance across the ,haV‘you definitely settled your policy 1 I m m an t, between New Zealand and y? PM matter, Mr. Ward r" "Yes, de- Auvl ma {Hopi-r, is 1,200 miles. The fipitL.' We have established the p,,'wl..tlton at New Zealand, in round seheme' It is too elaborate to be Bur- numb r " is 750.4le whites and 40000 ched hdetail now; but, briefly. every n , r, lil .»., m Maoris. man or voman in New Zealand over n l» l n'ly there are the use 0-65 will henceforward be tup. :.o LAlhuPL0YED. .tit.led to mansion. the maximum sum it N.rs Leland. That is to say, the heme: K'18, Bo, yvurly per individuel “r ”4.44m uilnculty--the grave pro- pynsloner. o. coulse there are co.n.di: m tit, idlm‘ll on the presence in a com- .uour. The Pa‘ties must have resided mums, of large bodies of able-bodied In the colony 'or twenty-five years n. umbm to obtain work-does not 2l,n..tly1.fP1ly-.-tht necessity for su!sh r'-.. s'm,iv'n Hum-Inn tn It- Okl. .J..:_ tho " PB...., .-.r. _‘ . _ - ll u Its a country far In In ll K ix of the world, but lefg, mu Au mluml resources; ”dealt. um): uuu coal, Precious "tals mun cs'cnk, are mined with roti ttt uuullwn to sovaml small ilti Muck an, dependencies, New "Ai' L'I‘lu‘nl'lwz'i two large islands, ttNNI, 1,, u manna-Cook's titrait-tins mun» “up. at the narrowest I An yt' we ended North and Sout “mix (hr latter Damn a litrim l t h 'VUJIIE “I“ .m y o t e tther coun: Jual as true, owner. if coluullfs of aural“ II' 11ul',1','ed','pe In I L " all] e . u a: mum more it: td of tlr.. other colonh I Hegln at ttus lord-(t: me» as the pioneer “Lt by many proplu "expo", stt,iolr" u " is a count" far I hm! “In-n- Turn Are No Clo-played, ”tam ttet. "otarq It "her A" DION, um: Tina-r0 .mllxell Old People Art runwa- II. u i, based on the presence in e com- .ty of large bodies of arblo-bodied unable to obtain work-does not . Piui1lt seems to be the plain tact 'H 'Zi-aiand, without the least in- 'ttcry in hyperbole. re are two political parties, the his and Conservatives. To the t illv latter attribute all the u: bad legislation," but the Lib- s 1ll keep in power, and the poo- <HU lo be with them, although the u; lit'WMJIDGIS of the colony are “in" and "with the rich men," l Libuxals say. payout! ton or individual can own A.' u, tracts of land or other real nu an he pays the "penalty of ss."' 'lh:= railway and telegraph ilr- (mum by the government. .5..l-it!.llr:d land tax has been in in. for some time, and the l , of thr, government claims that nkx admirably. According to ,l ' Ll" laborer who owns a very I name, or the farmer who has a war! of land he is struggling .glrmv. pays the lowest rate of tun. The man who owns a little prupvrty than either of these is a degree higher, and so on, un- i llldn who is very rich, with his "mis of acne, would pay the high- tr, , in the schedule. The govern- ice A its assessing in its own it any one is dissatisfied and m valuation is too high on utar property, the govern:- 1 the great 1mderfuliy ""'ticu!turti, lam, to l "oiit. l?jiiise _ land 'tH: led ITS Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure be- cause they supply the blood with its life giving properties and strengthen weak nerves. All diseases due to either of those causes are speedily cured by the use of this medicine. Sold by all dealers or eent by mail post paid at Me. a. box, or six boxes for 82.50. by addressing thte Qr. Williams' Medicine my household work. When doing any kind of work which required a standing position I had to provide my- self with a high chair as ameans of support. The medicine which the doctor prescribed for me did not seem to afford me more than temporary re- lief from the pain and I was gradually growing weaker and weaker. Finally the doctors suggested that I should use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and act- ing on his advice I began to take them. I had only used a few boxes when the agony I had suffered fur months began to abate, and ' began to regain my strength. I continued using the pills for a short time longer, and was again in full possession of my health and strength, and able to do my household work. I have never enjoyed better health than I am dojntr_tyt, present." Co., Brociville, Ont. A Shandy That "I'lfh Llfe “must lT-bear nhte--A Nova scou- Lady Trt" law " “are " Mrs. Frank Minard, of Milton, N.S., is a. lady who possesses the confidence of a large circle of friends. Mrs. Min- ard has been a sufferer from spinal disease and attendant complications, and to a reporter she recently gave the particulars of her cure. She tsaid:-.- " As a result of the trouble I suffered terribly. At times the pain would be confined to my back, and at other times it seemed to affect every nerve in my body. from the top ot my head to my toes. As a result 1 was reduced great- ly in strength, and was unable to stand upon my feet long enough to attend to 'ENURMOUS CONCESSIONS. in our colony in that way, but they have all been made up with one ex- ception. We reduced the island post- al telvgraph rate from ls to 6d some time ago. and so far the loss sustain- ed in that connection has not been fully recovered, but I have no doubt that it will be. The old-age pension sch-me are ', represses the evidences and harder aspeets of pauperism and kmps the aged in their own homes, in some. measure of independence, will add to the health and tone of the social fabric generally, and so prove in time to be the remedy of its own apparent defect in the matter of cost." "Hut, Mr. Ward, what at the cost of all this?" "The. cost will be con- sulerable. One hundred thousand Pounds 11 year eventually, I suppose; not so much at first. It will come from the consolidated revenue. Once it is recognized to be the duty of the Mate to make provision for the aged the revenue must be adjusted from time to time to make proper provision for the purpose. But 1 shunld like to my as to all th Be questions that where a necessary and salutary law is made, at whatever cost, there are always t'ompaviating elements. In a very few years' matters right themselves, and we are recouped for any revenue renewed in the first instance. We have made some the friction of protitless com tition Ctll that kind. I have been poignally insured by many shopkeepers in all ?parts of the colony that neither their .?l,"lu1t.rsyor their takings have dim- .nished Since the system has been in- augurated. On the other hand, it has been the means of giving to a large wction of our workers-the shop em- ployee-more reasonable hours, great- nr. time for personal recreation, larger leisure for the acquirement of person- al culture; and that very (act, has, incidentally. enabled the employee to give better results to those who em.. ploy them. I am glad to say that the great majority of shopkeepers now re- cognize that the early closing legisla- tion has been of material benefit, and l feel persuaded that they would not care. to revert to the former condition of things. The provisions of the act are strictly enforced, but, in noting that, I should add that the general recognition of the value of the law by the shopkeepers is such that inter- ference is seldom needed. No real hardship has resulted to anybody. Of that I am confident. The act is auf- ficiently elastic to make provision for the needs and peculiarities of differ- ent classes of business. Certain ex- ceptions are made in the cases of hair- dressers, fruiterers, and others con- cerned in the wants of travellers, and so forth, while hotels do not come un- der the act at all, being properly sup- ervised under-the licensing acts. Of course, the weekly half holiday is with us compulsory, as is the observance of all public holidays. Where, how- ever. a week includes a holiday, the granting of the, regular half holiday is not enforced. clause is obvious-and {he-1y must be really in need ot the money; if they are capable of earning £52 per year Ill J are not considered in need. Heal- ly the object is to my that no man or woman who, through no fault of his or hers, is in a condition of poverty, stroll be starved or le needlessly paup- orized. Under our scheme few new officials are to be appointed, if any. The money will be distributed to ap- proved pensioners by 'he postal offi- Cers No new department will be created; the act is to be administered by the registrar of friendly societies as executive officer under the minis- ter." DISEASE OF THE SPINE. "Under the influence of applied phosphate, the clovers will work with redoubled energy and store an ample supply of nitrogen, together with an accumulation of humus, after the fashion of farmyard manure, but more perfectly. On such a foundation as this the supposed maximum producing limit of land is greatly extended, and hitherto undrenmt of yields be- come both possible and probable. I have from time to time Been results which have fairly set my hair on end, and investigation has invariably dis- closed a big reserve of humus well seasoned with phosphate. For this top-dressing of the clovers the Thomas-Phosphate seems perfectly well adapted. I do not know how far: lime of the phosphate may help, but certain it is the clovers respond more luxuriantly to the Thomas-Phosphate than to any other application. I therefore have no hesitation in recom- mending an immediate application of five hundred weight of Thomas-Phos- phate per acre to all rotation seeds and clovers, irrespective of soils or circumstances, and I am fully assured that this foundation laying will not only be remumtrative in itself, but will simplify all future opera- tions." _ A _ "Extract from lecture before the Southam Farmers' Club, by Frank Wallis. Agricultural Instructor. When a married couple or a pair of shoes are exactly alike they fail to make 3 fitting pair. RESULTS WHICH SET ms HAIR ON END. Many an ignorant man ls credited with superior intelligence simply be- cause he doesn't try to show off. Motto of a club man: " Late to bed and early to ryes." Many people suffer with catarrh un- til it becomes chronic, because they do not know how easily it may be cured. Ten days' free trial treatment ought to be convincing. Send fifteen cents to cover cost of mailing outfit. Dr. Ray's Successful Remedy Co., Toronto. not. reach the I m of th dim-axe. Churn-h in I blood or com itutional (ii-one. nud In order to cum it ynvu muNttakaiutereml romvdieu. "if: (‘nmrrh run is taken inLoruAHy. an] 80”! di. rerlly an the blood and mucoun surfs-cos. Hull's Cuurrh Cur _ in not . quick medicine. It WM prescrihsd by one of the Mat physicians in this count? tor years. and is I regular prescrip- tion. t, ha ’ompnscd ot the hem Ionic: known, enm‘ninod mm the hut, blond puritura, acting dirculy un the m‘monu nurfucou. The perfect combination of the two iugrediemb' In what 'rodrrceo such wonderful results in caring l?iollll'i'l Send [urinal igpgpjglmhtgoo; _ - _ No man ever gets so poor that he can afford to have holes in his pock- eta. Letters of credit may be properly termed capital letters. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with my“. .apnucA'Imes. " thet qua. The editor desires to inform his readers that he is authorized, through the courtesy of N. C. Polson & Co., Kingston, 0nt., to offer each one sub. ing from eatarrh, fetid breath, bron- chitis, ete., a simple outfit of Catarr- hozone. Catarrhozone is a liquid which, when inhaled, roaches every diseased spot, cleansing and invariably (Hiring catarrh and all nasal and throat diseases. For a short time these sam- ples will be given free. It never fails to cure. So write at once to the above address. Breakfast is another name for the oatmeal. YO OUR! A COLD IN ONE DAY Thin Luann; “mum Quinn‘s T';stpets. All Dot In!» refund the menu A! it (an. to cum. Mo. Iowa Farms for sale, " per are cash, Bul- Inco l crop until paid. J, Human. Slam: city, Ia. Never hit 1 man when he’s got you down. Agodg WWW-WW" AWMxL; " Sold b Imam-s, priée’m'c." - Hall‘s kll'il'l,n Pills Are the belt. it“! um}, ,v..._..v.. -u..-\.--. "'""l"MooTt, U. u. Rheumatlom - " Myself and a "hand both suuered from severe attacks of rheu- matism. Hood'. Sarsaparllla cured both. ye would not ttt,rit..tyr1st_lt." War. H. The thorn point of disease Is an ache or pain. But the blood is the feeder of the whole body. Purify it with Hood’s Sarsapart'lla. Kidneys, liver tad stoth will at once respond t No thorn in this point. Blood "eaoetirttr--i" The surgeon and when he took out the bran she)! received In wound at San Juan Bill two week- before,' that it would have poisoned me it It had not been for my pure blood. I told him it was Hood’s Sarsaparma that made it pure." GIOIGI P. Coons, Co. G, 25th U. B. Int, Washington Barr-ch. Washington, D. C. {1931‘- Pill. eun Hut Illa Lthtylttettthtyrtr, gm "Ci-----------, -- --reii -.2LUL7P. TCU enigma so uh wlglLHood'l Sun-punks. ----. a-.. an u-vuuuu It. "I. , 66 Leonard Bt., Fall River, Mass. With Point Forward. " Ihr, Comes Forth V. t.rriH i,Nhrk"cij.yi'oudo, o. To OUR READERS. l "Hello! Is this true that I have been reading about you being cured of Rheumatism. by Dodd's Kidney Pills?" asked his friend. "Why certainly it's true. Otherwise 11 should never have permitted it to be lpuhlished.” answered Mr. Cole. ' I "Antldid Dodd’eKiuney Pills really cure you, or was it your doctor's medi- einet "I was taking no doctor's medicine. I wasn't using anything except iDrdd's Kidn"y Pill 4. 'lherelore it could Hm nothing else but Dodd'a Kidney Pills, that cured me." Ionouro comm: scum. - - I I " I I: I V I N"-', iGiUGi wig}; od laces-m. toil, the fruit ot new bayou". Call or If... W. R. BLT], Spmiuim . 332 College tw., Toronto $9122 szoetelmm ti.ur.hse.Hiuta.a,rr ua tsstirrsiry. BI c0RtttdkiCriihiaiiiih.' FREE 'Bal.dnear, laminae Ind Cure,' mailed free. Di. recuom to 1143: falling halt. cure 'lq't',i,,ititi'r, mp! grow hsir on bai hm is. Dr Whit" ow Hi0 Grower Cer, Chicago and Mammal Your trouble nu am me re rs-wn " ved " 1.... I Dun “ant an In" ammo p, made. 31.90 by mail. wrcriiir." 1%GG, Pbunmcmt. 370 Cm. St ' Manned. "_....-.." u new toecitic he“! by mail on receipt of .1. DR. ROUBY, PAY. iiGWi, Momma. w you i." In, I’M.“ town, not or "III"! to strip, ably them " The Burton commission thr, limited. Toronto. Skin Diseases Onrbollc Disinfectams. Congo. omt. monk. Tooth Powders, ntc.. have been nwnrded 100 mean]: nu! diplomu for superior cxnollonoo. Thrir regular um prevent; inacti- on: die-nu. Arrit sour doa'nr to obtain I 'uprlr, Liam mum "on on 'tppliontitm. 'tttttttttttttisnt---: Champion Re" no: " arm-Icon the mm Agents brt “(Ha an nary Hum. In.“ tlll tor, and tum" Excluawe terrdorr, Dunn” I . [luv-.1: ... . .. "I soon began to feel easier. My sleet) came back; the terrible pains vaniuhnd. and four boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills made my cure complete and thorough. I cannot speak too highly of them, and I shall recum- mend every sufferer from Rheumatism to use them, knowing they will posi- tively cure." HELIANI'E CIGAR La Tottoana, too. FAs"roity,Montretd "Not by any means! It was, on the contrary, an exceptionally severe one. I suffered more than I can describe. I tried several of the remedies that were recommended as being 'sure to cure' me. But though one or twoot them gave me a little temporary re- lief. none went anywhere near curing "When a friend urged me to try Dodd's: Kidney Pills. I demurred. I believed they were no better than the other remedies I had used. How- ever, I bought a box, and began to use them. It is said that riches have wings; the price of ostrich leathers would in- dicate that wings also have riches. htt ___. "II‘- II‘ VHS - We want good Butter. Eggs. "witty, ow. Ship to an. and you will run: your rush In I week or low THE AIR ENHEAD PROD LICK co., 88 Front tit., E., Toronto. LAW By Md'n Kldley "I“ When Every Olin " ed Remedy Incl "ttrd-ms Case was Eareegrthrnn1tr Severe Ill Quit-In) "Ielded to Budd's Kidney Pubs. Windsor, March C-Mr. If. G. Cole, whose case was reported in the Cana- dian newspapers, last week,, was met by l friend on the street, a couple of evenings ago. tism?" CUTTING 80M0i.-/ MONTREAL [he " Balmoral," Free In. Matte The Report of His Cure of Rheuma tism " COLE EN HORSES It Is told of a certain learned man that he spent half his lifetime acquir- ing fluency in ten different languages, and then went and married a wife who n.everyrives him a chance to get tt word in edéeways. ROWELLKEBEY {AHMBI CASING! F. c. CALVERT ' M., Human-run, . . manna. as CA LV E RT'S" G.‘H "RIM 'tiiccu ' M57335 i. trMmttr-xe,r Fmpnn-tlou In"! Enetish 33d Alum-an 1,T9.e.t,Nrrttiyay goods II n DARK I! An an" ,M - _ Evaporator- CA'I‘ALnuUE FREE tt. ll. cum. Mfg 00., Montreal. i9 " BEAVER BRAND " MRtthirttttett RETUREO IN ONE WEEK, it amild case of Rheuma- a Annncnn [in Cu! r-reliable "aa 'ABK. 'il's'aT'W'Alr, I 00.. Town... “I "P"rPP'"rusu.rs, 40ml fur on! c. 1k_0t?CH001. CO., Moutrent, new" hum-nu * is guaranteed Water- proni. Ask l r intake no other. Ber var Rubber Clothing 00.. Montreal, EVA POKATOIIS FOR. MA PLtl cm BONOP :3an- qsttnooetrt'es, Is/v/i-tUA/ei/Tr/aG-iii to Wfts:lt,Bltyrs., Riots. mend SEW” Tax-6&5: yum. Mill. ' Halo. fhtro assured in 'M hours, Chncugu and iioutreat W. P. C 962 ‘Tsilon mad I)...“ nmney refundx d. Dr._Ristnetsds Am All k‘nda cured or Wanted vital}; tg Cure til form of value“ In “that no: uln- Ing from In?" blood. duo-cod bone. or in- povori-hed nil. W. the but. an opnnudty of mum; the “It; doclon who u not- no but gig]; of o medial“. Thoiaaiduaddttiirerg no “iii Fiavuiiu [gut ttyuth by up: Gagging“! Piqmrlpf ion, Cthdr'UiiUGdhGkisroiiu"ti "diildsiil 11.35;; Bend "50 for I Bonn IDLI'I I'll"... the now only roooxnlud mm local-tu- and In“ tub. and we will mril you . can at.” to refund the money for My one of Bonn] begun, nu} owed!!!" mung Q10 nodlolng. A Cure Guaranteed Germania Oil M., 13¢ Bay St, Toronto. winner {name Mucmne Dynamo “If. I“, In. and lulu mam. ' ---7r--e-tN".Te" The beat Dinner in thr mnrkrt. M it LulJLL'III til no» Oxide of Iron. Limo In , Mum-nun. which "a all man- our: to thr hrnl h undyruductlum-ua of Poutrr. IAl‘lel'mlnl al“'; An, .Vnntv'I' l-n POULTRY KEEPERS smo- Pouring: Imo- Poukry am n the, 1w . ”my " LAURENTIAN SAND I GRAVM, u Dr Arno“. Berlin. who will comma you Edi-.115; y"; Stammerers Con-1dr the gaunt.” of I family which in there voinme- our one uhioh Ina not, or which hu . duo-p. three or four volume, uumXiable,» enltrd cucycloptdh. When inlornntion la wanted by mum. or uhndran. have It In cloa- " hand. and above all it in rriabre The members ot the “wily became wcuutonud t ' refer tn In rue- ; in a few your: the? DOD... I fund ot knowltd‘o torch - “an m pr on at the work. l In additinn to our ex’ 1mm" Amariem b‘xpplement Thin nppoudil volum tiskes . an impurunt true in the cork and given ull the knowledge that " an or menl’ Humming it, ht%i,t,'i'.rittl,"p, down to due. It] cum-Inna In 52 New urn. irtcludmg the new Gown:- ment Imp of Klondike. hwaii, Cuba. Thus, with our‘ supplemental volumu. a. Brxunnloa become. mm Inn-st " well u the 3mm. ABSOLUTELY COMPLETE-Thin edition aunt-im‘ oven on. of the 3.000 illustrtsuoms, tw may. Ind 25M” nrliclu found In the origin“, and whlke .1 Ian than :30;th tttettrieo, it In equal to the revised origin-l t on. TRI“ NEW EDITION of thr. pmpuln' Allen Baprlnt of this famous work in supp“. I I tn . EleSE l)itytlqlpi)ia Britannica. HUB ©ull1li1fll UPPER Ill CANADIAN (lflllfjlt m ttiD mm swan slum vowuu. so an arm. A MILLION Milli LlMlt8)r_F0it $30. in. BOLD man”: 00.. a. an: n. loot, tuna. _.j:.ia,,,,,,UDlliii,lL,LA HENRY G. ALLEN I 00., Publishers. 150 Fifth Aves/ttew York. LAURENTIAN SAM! iriitthVr,if, ih, 13 tlt. John Bt., M 'nh'tul‘ m 6 me _ no Careful attention to the smallest detaifn enable uniform production of quality and fuvor. Try l T no. I!” Dun rum.“ om'hlio"ilriihT! tG)2fltW'/f't1lir., TAMMERERS. NEW COMPLETE APPENDIX VOLUME u u) LON [EA Load packages. 25, 3o, 40, so and boc. "As A woman minim? Ollylnnnnllua h thud. for It. mn- (I "or, plane of - infect. E-IsbIkM-d Jef'Arj?ytirut..tN "9'ng (queue-21 THE wiift.gE or , Pambroko ttL," fisrGii0iGine. l S htmmtl0low lumen”, thou who tVsrtrtdimd to be cum! emo than. into to ONTARIO ARCHIV! TORONTO 801nm lam Misa 068W M mm“! Bomlnlon Line '.tttthttitttt " Rue de (Baal-u... I... guy __ - gnu-gig“. 'rdftore evtrrrhot.i'"t.er £37173". iriTriiT iiGGiiriUe" In. 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