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Durham Review (1897), 16 Mar 1899, p. 8

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iii' mm mun” m urcss well It you ly i" iii New 5 i g ii',; U. A H4 t t} iii! CASH FOR PRODUCE , , -"""-------.. ' H . 5 l g; Union J a _ ' fff j. “I 'lllFlM5Wl5teyteg5teg5ieNDa5iaRBasi L'i Mr. It" can." Quite an enjcynbla that - Samuel Kennel’l last Me wood bee in the after boys a dance at D: their labor, me too. Miss Lizzie Pollock of Murdock ' been visiting friends here for tbr week Mr. John Wilson of our village has I spell ttmUr purchased a Cat' load of furniture. I to be or' John w. Jones and Phurnes Steven. 1 all ' mu left for North Dakota last Monday. Iii! Ettie Noni-on and Aunt, I. are (In! to IDOIIIIOH are some boner. Mr. Ronald Black trout thc, Quee ..Ci[y arrived hum: a lormigm ago and {will rennin nt the old homeaumd hir a time, Mr, Black In: not Geeu fading: very well ot Into but We are pleased to know In is impoying nicely. He Fools The Surgeons. Alldoetors told Reuick Hamilton. of West Jam-rum. o.. all” satfertug 18 tuouths from iteetttl Fistuin, he would die "REES: a eo-tly operation mu performed. but hecnred himself with tive boxes of Bucklen'n Amie: Salve. tLo unrest. Pile core on Earth, and the best Salve in the World. 25 coins a box. Bold by our dragging. ' 4 Mr. Jumv: 'Wiui.o and Jul!" Murdock gau- " mwu- On Friday mull“ Tce. girl. enme totottsslt In .ttrrut and Judging Mom the way tin-5 'towed they I”! not lorry lot it. ", at .un Wilson Jr. has given the act for the timber for the new miner-y which he is going to build in Fleshertma Stminn to humblan Me "ougall, Mum Maggi- Veni- And her mother vmled " M'ddlel-ona and Evan Int. week. Mrs, Samuel Kennel] of Brownsville, spent, Sunday with her parents here. Mr. charlie Middleton returned to Mandala on Saturday who": his en- gaged for tho summer. My: Mumm- \’ossio hm returned to her (1min In Paris Mter Ipuuding two weeks with her trnroutts here. Mr. Colin McMillan who has been hm] up with a sore- knee for some time is again able to walk. Mr. Wm. Rmuagc our church precent- nr is going to have a hymn practice in the church next Friday night for the purposv of making the congregation more familiar with the hymns of the nmv hymnul. Union J ack 'e5lr'irlllxlrleri=ilerieriesasasiernszgegigigsr W il Dromore. late-y Scotch Town. n mu John Iberp.oek 'iotted was spent at wk. He hada ‘noon and gave the .ght as a. reward for He might have taken Rocky. >1--. A. HUNTER'S Mr. John A. . McMillan has had a long got salely over the tueuslou Violet, and the weather. hut is nrvw nblo i that Mr. La Grimm kept his distance. " a little. We heartily wish them I -.--- 4&0», ----- i continua nee of good health. Discovered by a Woman. Mr. Angus Black who has spent the} Another y,reatditwovor, has burn mule, lustlew months at the parental home. Mid that too by a lady in this (wintry. Pomona, spent " day with hid umnyi"D.iTv" fastened its clutche. “ll-Ill her friends in this burg last week before re-Putt for ”You years she wutlnmoil its turning to Mamtoba where be by spent Pe"'" test.", bat her vital organs were the pastiew years. His mother Mrs, J. "tnibuuuiuud and death seemed imminent ti. Black and her little daughter Effie ac. lFoe three months the Caught-ll iucemuutly, campanioul him as far a, Toronto. where jand could not sleep. She tiuully .1. tivtt Mrs. Black will remain for a while with "rd a “my to 'eeovury, by purelrcuug ot Ut her daughter Mrs. John McDonald. andin bo'tle ot Dr. King's New Di curvy tist other friends. we wish them nll success Commtnptiou, and wan so mncu wing and toBie return. on taking first dose, that sho slow al Mr. John Mnrcueson gave as a call on Sunday on his way to Chain. . A.Mc.\iillnn and A. Mr.Donald no expected home from Guelph. Whnt bus btreumo of Violet. w. no no I in shading I o- budqets trom her you of late. Hope you I " Orreu Sound. We understand that Miss Stone has hit town, we predict that she will he miued by all. Menu-s. Jae and Alex. Black from 4th in rompnny wit!: Buffalo Bill ail the way from St. Calhoun”. are again wood run- tracting in tlm Vicinity. Mrs. Welsh had the tuisfottune of gettute her arm lurukru in) falling on mum slippery ice, our u-igh'm r uncle Dsis in. formed us of the accident. The captain did not get through to mass Sunday in Durham. Dul you break the shafts cap? In too hm], such is luck. Such weather on Sundays of late, An- gm says is terrible. Cau't do tt thiue but look sumh. . Mrs..7nI-n Mcrhersou ot' Pulmuu tyutesil at pram-mm um town-$2.0 carefully unwed by her dam-hue. Mer. MeMiilau. The sad look on Saucly‘s cmnteuauce shows plainly that his heart aehini,drentuts regularly and is discontented. Buy a ticket for Full; Ales, . Miss Maggie Sulliysm who has spam the past two months " the old homestead. Pumona, has returned to her luvontc up”! Dumiritrr, Mr. Jpn Alul’nersuu {rum “PM? Our- nelsupent. an " day in our bum last week, he u as I.ilely as in Jays ot yore. Mr, D. Graham dealt. n. horse fun " new wagon, while Mr. Arch. Benton traded a binder, reaper, two mowern. a good horse, And 1 big pile of dollars, for a new hinder, seed-drill and mower, all with Mr John Livingston of your town. Dr John Molnni: from Sanford: paid I brief Viait to his mother and friends lately, and onch them of In Gtuvpe in one night. Miss Kate Morrison is bums trom Tor- onto and warns her usual pleasant. smile. Its whispered that Kine will return very soon. Miss Jusio A. Beaton has been visiting Bontinck friends for the past fortnight, Miss Kat-e Black in company with her cousin Vaudilea McCormick all from Pomona are") our town. Taudited gaelic Action and other adventures came the evenings to pass wry quickly Dimne Dan McDonald and Irvin An- deuou are home from Michigan hoking halo and hourlyaud in their usual “and cheer. oassaszzzzzizzzinazmi'iii cap New Stock BOOTS & A" is is On Snmluv lad. the merwuu-i oi thc q Lord's Sgppm' was ulnar ..1 L. Law Po ttt hyterian cbmch ty this plum: in guano, on i, louonut. of the bad roads the cmwd was I not very large, howeo r Hum: who had a i love to heat. a gum! sound 5012mm prvuch- : ed on the neck-ion in tltetr moth, r l, lungunge made it a puint tn be than! There is momma that Inucluw t'm tv.tdsi 5 of the humtu hcart better than to hen:-E their native langu go and the gaclic ln-m; 1 a language that has a deep low, for tt 2 games away up from the bottom vi the!, heart, which makesit to be mum: “mum int, l ed ny the true lover of that ancient ! language. E Them me some iustauces " wnrlel fact in the locality. Those haw-mg. It should hp very careful of not, mingling with the public until the disease has disappeared. Agreat deal of harm is done by being tho uncle” in the preventiOu ufiufecnogs disrupts. _ . 7 Mud Juno: McDonald of the South Lino i. npondiqg n guuple of weeks with friends Mr. Neil McCunuel nut-11 AL x. Me- Pherson'a {mm mm: Ca, l-ru i', r Iwo 3mm In a Mr. Clark from Eugenia at a gum] manage. Johnnie Melt“) to has vhgugcd lur tia, summer with his uncle at Mum: for [he cheese making business. MrI.Neil McDonald ol 5mm: Glenn-i; secured the serum: at Pen-r L‘xIclut‘xrv, sou otT. b'. McIntyre of [but plac.. fur the summer months. Another great disoovor, has bum m ale, and that too by a lady in this (wintry. "Disease hsteuedits clutche. np-un her Ind for seven years she wutlhmo‘l its seven-ant tests. bat her vital “mans were undunuiuud and death Hcrmwl i,ntuitteut Fog three months she cmmhrtl incessantly, 39d could not sleep. She tiuuily ds 1-wa- Mr. Remy was un l-lhinH-s in tho, cily of 'Nrouto on Saturday let, The organizer of the A, U. U, W, u LiH‘ paid Pricov-ilu Judge 140, a visit on 11,ld. nuday evening the 18111 inn... and mm d- " three new niemmzn all young mm“. The order is um of the hm in exi-tro,ce 0nd eyciy young man than“ i . nil him- ulf of the, nuptiitunily " jniuiny. "hile he in young as they can mt. it mum "tmoist? and the num rtttinty uflife i, cquui to Hm oldest. ed a wuy to necovéry, by purehisiug ot us a bo'tle of Dr. King's New Di covey for Consumption, and was so mncu reiived on taking first dose, that sho slept all night. and Rttlt two boulm. has bum: ttle solutoiy cured Her mum in Mrs. Luther Lutz. Thus writes W. C. llaumnckék Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial [males ttuct at, our Drug Store.. lirgulu we Joe mu! and $1.00. Every Louie gutmmuui. 4 mg up Wilt come It, Will he altur, t {in im- pmaibility to get alum; for u muk ut' [Wm There are quite a few c mzluiniug of sicknes- which takes in Course in (litre-Wm forum, but the most of them are brginuing to get better. ‘llie weather lax when an villu- tum and again we are having it sum "y, The roads in some plans "re Md as' Hm .iri‘ts no so high that when a through lt uk- ing up wtll collie it, will he Mm.) i an im- pwaibility to gut. alum; for u wtck L't' {Wm r50 Pricevllle. $10155. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Tom McDouagnl! and Angus Meliecn uh: uh preceul. cumin: com “and 1m- C, mission” Chas. Moiiiuuoa, of Parr Wu heard {any rumors ul q we) take plum: in Um war tutare sunm went at this plaer tl vouch fur the trt1thfr' Go'lt but the parties I!" . We can suit. tltmrr .mcm " ‘“ wlmher or ”W t, “W of -'t A Inge qnzmu'l um‘hct from :5. the last tew days. Assessor Bell pun] Gleuelg ratepnyern in or a I ago. . A' the SnFl'dllleut will be dispensed in Euglhh in the Presbyterian clutch I ttP. on the Ish siblymn in April. AssesuorBeU pun] his annual Vin: to [VI . Mr. 'l'ophan " the Smith Line, Arte. mosL, moved to Mr. "lvts,3ieriinnon'a hum near Holxlun last wecli, ; owsoh.ee un Mun-h l was " glam! ,‘ sun-red. The night bvin,itihit' nnd the ll'muls good crowds gnllxwl-ll from all ‘quurters. Thechait wusahly filled by ; Mr. McDonald. Ed (‘lu-slvy l'Inls‘rpzirxu i' in his lmnmmus manner. Wllllt'gmul ad- i' (ll-Macs were delivered by link Burns 'i, and Russ, also Irrs. Smith of Dmmwl: and Bean of Fllmwoo,l and ll. ll. llc. Ianly. Excellent Illusic was furnishml ' by the C,eawfovd choir and My. Huihvr- ( land of Clwsley proved a gmul (-nn-z-min. ‘, or. Proceeds $56.50. ; The salu of Mr. 1vtn, FlauuiguiG' lii.st ( woek was well attended and pm es ! ranged high under the 1tatiuuvvoflluglt 5 McKay. We urulvestaud Mr. Flanuignn . will g0 west in the spring. Mr. Norman and Miss Small. McIntyre. , of G'hmelg were visiting ill the Alt-Dun- i nld families and m ighlmring “hands for l a few days lately. l Miss Jesuie A. Heaton of (ilmwlg spun! [in few (llys at, her aunts ILS. John i Hirown. The sat-mum» Mr. Harry Redford and his brother. in-hnv Mr. Yont is also domtt a rushing business at wood and logs. Mr. John Walker has purchased a piece of swamp from Wm. Hewltson and has started a small saw-mill with Mr. D. McDonald as head man. Mr. Dngald McDonald Jr.. 50! his kneclmdly jammed between two logs while unloading in Wiltson's yard. We hope a speedy recovery may follow. C. C. McFavdvn of Glentelg lmssg'd along the 8th last week m-lling fruit ll'oesand new seed pummes. nlso ad. vacating the suns of Srmluml music-(y. Mr. and Mrs. Allun McDougall lcft h r their home in Bettnwnu Numb Dakota last week taking with them a half our load of house furnishingz. We wish them every success, Miss Ilastie of Louise was for " short tinu- the lit-ginning of the wwk the guest of Miss Ellie Ledinghant. Jolly and fun-loving Chris Beheurman who has for a couple of years been roughing it in the vicinity of 'I‘oher- mory Point, is at, present. on a Visit of a couple of weeks durat ion me he “rooms a position on the boats for. the summer months. Miss Flum McDonald Is vugngtd at Her. Mr. Burns for the past couple of weeks. Mr, W. T. Doghrrly salesman for tht, Councillor MrKiunon made a few pleasant calls urounc. hon- last week and as a souvenir of his visit left a beauty of " new organ to enliven the the honwslmul of the Stewart family. MI. John Sivwml made his fitst. ap- peurunce in the village in many months, the result of a painful m-culunt, to one of his fort while handling fractious horses. Don’t furget the Fovesters mum-r: ml the 20m. A trout of " life tillw. IGutetiscope views of '1‘he\Vm- with Cuba. Burning of Bvooklyu etc. Edit- ors especially Invited. A number from lietv, "ttended Jug. Boyle's, sale last Tuesday. Pricvs of stock ranged very high. Mr. Buylc in. tends!” see part of the great North West during the summer tuouths and will invest if he considers the prospect suitable. The following Itev. gentleman Imm- lwrsnf the Presbytery com” Rm; hr. Snnwl'ville of Owen Snund. Rev. Mr. .‘veruhh of Kilsyth, und. Rev. Mr. Bur net of Kvmly, met in Dzrnm-h witlt the uuiwd congregations of (‘mwfuuL Wil- Iimusfm'd and Dnrnuch. Tho object of tlurip visit being to try and tv-adjust or arrange t he fleld, naruely, pm William»- ford and “munch lngvtheu 1'onsider- abh- discussion took phan- Iml an decision was arrived at. Mr. Donald Strwnrl is n hwy mun those days arranging affairs ere his de- parture for Dauphin Manitoba. Though sorry to [nut with Donuhl, as " “now ohliging neighbor ram not be found, we wish him health and prosperity. We are sorry to learn of Mr. Wutt's retiring frum fanning. the rmsnn. We suppose being his sons detetot'.uatitut to see Lho west. llcm'm’vl' we are p.Gd that \ll'. Wutt still intends to reside on t,he [unmask-ml though vetiring than an ive work. wiueriti 1". 111' war}, utled t, ure of am: mm delves in the mam-r and not itrs nobody ei-es Lusimss. ------io- ..-r Dornoch Crawford h this iot'rssit.y " Ira, ltea gong {Uh Mercuuio Hut.“ Jul' va tho sumcw duriu liu ., _ we» we!" tU HUI ure 10 .g.ii'aaritetciisss:ssat,as- ji?ielijl (irirlid"". Garden Seeds From the Old Country. The Seeds are from UX'IC of;'the best Seed Growers in Britain, and include the Ieadmngeld and Garden Seeds. f A lady living In a northern County town writes that Th ba 'Ire for seventeen years the was troubled with salt mama. R'il't',;2teortgytt2e11 wit: 2tltdriS She took doctors' treatments ard used 'Jtahe'e eczema-she tried washes reseribed b her pl: bi- without any permanent relief. Reading oft P, cures clan. and advertised at such 'lifadl'U', he made by Dr.' Agnew”! Ointment, she decided to try disease 1,Wn'dl'.C'lg'. Apar- Ointment was her It. The ma Ippllcadon may!!! the Irritation and ood Had; half u but and the bat, “and the irgfg',t'2h't, 'ttft, dings. Emmy dis. Taf,',"',',',,",,"".,,',,,': munch had his: the but e an w r wo s are been m. return Mit. year a no other his Inca WI . mt. AONBW'I CURB FOR THE "ART-c m1 Ii I I. "nst"tttn ""irtitneiort,htteetst--ese-sd DR. AW‘ CATAIRIIAI. -H tnthe tannin mm "e'-oteatag'ttesrg-uta--es-. a. A”! M%ttt "LIL-Stop 'Koen-h.-- -aetttthd-it0b-audG%ik'" “Mail's”. without any permanent relief. Reading ofthe cures made by Dr.' Agnew”: Ointment, she decided to try It. This first application dined the Irritation and the continued using it-the discus npidly dis. ed and now " two years them has been no tlirtf n return Mit. IR. A0383" 'rE1tfhy9ft, .m- "an“ Skin diseases from the merest pimples to the most obstinate eczema. “it rheum, running sores. are quickly, pleasantly end permanently cured by Dr. Agnew'e oirttmeat--3s cents. Who does not envy a baby its soft velvety panion until past middle life. and Dr. skin? How many suffer from distressing Agnew's Ointment has cured speedily and skin diseases-Do you suffer? Have you permanently. It is a boon to mothers tetter--salt rheurn-scald head-ring worm because it is a boon to baby1and--scald -eczema-u1cers-blotches on the skin-. head and its irritations, which are accom- chronic erysipe1as---1iver spots and what paniments to the teething period,arequickly not else of these distasteful and aggravating driven " end restlessness passes away... disorders which disfigure and " " v. and where torture reigned with discourage? Dr. Agnew's qiiiiiitttl. " baby this balm brought rest Ointment allays the dis- ' Tatgiii C ‘0 F', . and n cure-it affords in- trcssing itching, burn- ar, IT Eu2ll , . stant relief from the ing, stinging scnsa- I aBa , , "i I . itching distress. . . . tions which are part r Mg F "Fl e‘ Ri, l Do you suffer from and parcel of such ' _'e "t_), ‘ piles-itching/sad, troubles, and in I my: i,cif , bleeding or ulcer- thousand cases I . ated ?--No remedy where internal treat- ' IIE 'illijCl, . hasbrought soquick ments have failed to _ A 15 , . - I . , relief, spared painful heal and eradicate - * MEiia r j , surgical operations n: them it has worked e Illillllt,tfitillt'tlllll m Dr. Agnew's Ointment wonderful and perman- 'AN , Biirii6 c. a " 7 -.-it has proved itself an ent cures-and no skin dis- ' ‘” r"dllMlll _ absolute cure for piles use, no matter of how long ' in all forms and " all stages-- standing,has bathed its curative qualities. one application will relieve the itching. In cases of chronic eczema it had proved irritating sensation: in an instant- and its great .wor.th, and cases are on record long standing use: disappear liter from where this dread affection has been the three to five reights'tretynieitt-thepain and birthright of its patient and constant com- soreness quit vou And the tumnr: unnich A lady living In a northern County town writes that {or seventeen years she was troubled with all rheum. She took doctor! treatment: aid used man!I lotions whammy an! pteeetr.trif Reading ott , cures SKI N LIKE BABY'S Imucms'r A ND SEEDMAN. At PAltKElt's---. DRUG STORE. ueitirrygr:ttilr66:6t-.' DANISH SUGAR BEET' h PP, Sold by MFARLANE & co., Durham, ' 4 . o .71 --'_- an “.- Iew's T C,cv"'trdr,"ir: baby ill cr::.; a” . "Ile,,:'-,)'));),',', -', a" -G, . "7-4: -, x r _ 'A ' J “at v l _ " 1r ', 7 ' N , l tri, 'T tTU" 3ii 1| ill, r .'1 Sim 4‘ MI r f/ 'L-, 1",“ ' Pyjair liB68t ' 8 / ' 15, I; Pcrup)lrr _' j , / ' N' _ 4" J, C' 1 ., ' ' L --= dis- l . -, ”Ltd/J] abso ow Ion ’ ’4 "-" _" s'.. . Thirty-Eighth Annual I import of EOS H. PARKER CHOICE C I I ( JICE 53533553; in! CLOVER SEEDS. . TIMOTHY SEEDS Peer. I wt we. The Hanover C'oirveytinee.r offers the tollowing bargains: THASDALE FARM; lot 30, con. P., W.G. R. Bentinek. Will sell this fine lou acres for. but little more than was paid a few years ago before Mr. Teasdale built on it a large brick dwelling which he says cost 81000. llosmcn Funk; at Lmnlaeln, about 97 acres. good building. close to Post Ullicv, Store. Church and School. Will sell at a great baigairosvtvade. “lawn-s Elm: Rum, townshipuf Holland good form in German settlement. Will sell cheap or exchange. Cop. tains 100 acres, well improved. A 100 ACRE FARM in fton'tinee, pretty good lot, at say $850 should bring $1200. Who spe..ks first .9 Home AND Lor at Allan Park, tobe given away, comfortable dwelling, good sta ble - , piies-itching,biind, ' L ' l bleeding or ulcer- ~ ‘ ated ?-No remedy I L , hasbrought so quick fTf 7u Et . , relief, spared painful , . r ‘ " N ‘ . . F " t . surgical operations as _ a 'm '__ a Dr. Agnew's Ointment .- ' " _ . ---it has proved itself an k"al " absolute cure for piles - in all forms and " all stages-. one application will relieve the itching, irritating sensations in an instant- and long standing cases disappear after from three to tive nights' tteatment-the pain and soreness quit you and the tumors vanish. Money to loan at 5 per cum Hire, Life and Aeeident Insurance, Ocean Tickets " sale. Debts collected, all business attended to quickly and promptly. panion until past middle life. and Dr. Agnew's Ointment has cured speedily and permanently. It is a boon to mothers because it is a boon to babyUnd--scald head and its irritations. which are accom- paniments to the teething period.are quickly driven " md restlessness passes Rway-- and where torture reigned with ‘ ' , baby this balm brought rest b ’r"\\ and a cure-it affords in- a lii2ll . stant relief from the 7 - Y, itching distress. . . . L Fd A “S l Do you suffer from England & Russia At'each others throats would probabl raise the prices, '/,','/,//;/t,1t if. jig. Miller, The JTartover eorwegarteer, ' ' some in twin state to nmnuw my? luvwiuesu in t0iv (mu nu! urn-In “mutt”. It in mainly “like 1orit cox-11min! nt iuuttm. Sn f'l'\ t-tru'ldnt $901.6, year nnd trstsor--detut 'o, innuendo, no Inn-.11. nu lcrm salary. Mottuti, $75. ttr.tetettetrs. lint-mm m-lnmldmwd Stun Ped onvrl -|w.Herhert Fa.Horsr, New” new. M. chi “lat-- WOOD Wantedon Sub scrimion at my REVIEW ems: DURHAM, ONTARIO. H. H, MILLER til VERA]. 'rliUh'prtVtttT'trr PEI: 1899 Seeds Out. . 5L0!) bushel. .A.v, bushel. .hown to the motor in his I .totmeut.iotur on Jun-d Man-(II ti. ll Melon-d and emu-m Furrmlm died Inc-l and Wm itttertwd ufu'l'lllmn. "ered, hum. Canada. Ag {mm Regina to t) Iwn yeah.- ago. md waving m? “mural mvrnice,, thoditet i'i,ic::1'i'i? tilled with a ml: Jhu%w oMciarito,r the (Elm club rm: .. Aludc- With A' Light," with vulc remarks by Rosa: speaking in the hi1 charm-un- of deli-4 'meut Christians ( " woetttc8t of the M the Imus! loving} She had ‘m s', . te the H in...” to (and A “Hum Tum! Fern-Men clung“ John "mun. a” "sity 'iiitot.v. tl "tteneh ms a sqrecht T. and as Mt. w get cm! of " w He thet, ttt Int-haul with nu small di A '11quun I lVMs-ml deliver“! me. day last wee4 "nee whirl: he wil Me was tummy "ttertttptso" who, I .‘he "leigh lml " tux-unto iI-riqu-d t Human. Imam "(1mm ml the 1 for I” is a wipe-ci issued In rural I Jam cottditiott (I m-houl Imusv. {in 'u' rt-quirvd by 1 In he issued Ivy " him. and n-m-wd if the worthineq artistiNAIIy “nun; an of the be“ Tacoma. a! the; framing Mud Willi nu ull ham! oly s1 than. I Mu gnu-I Paperhatttri"w. .1 inc and whiteni ttte done wi.ll tl orders left at Me .tt my "widow-v. "Pper mwn. will wulhm. Cliff K nausea an Useful " parts mum Nat ("1an A N x I Ic'n Little, Cha hum u Sunny: mtttted " ymu who llu fttityattd pertil in heoefttmt. Hagar Fun-d Hum. Baum 1 by ti. Arrow»: hum. Prices "I “us-ran. Tet fiat“. hatattss, mum. Apply It thun- m- w. “in ' ite (a "and manning In wni is tstricken um“ We In”! hos. l‘ M health. Ir. J mam " tor Owen 8mm " the tettgettt l Irv l w ttttt Mr. II. H. Tey And Sunday wi "ttet TI Dr an I. A m hut Mt he [will III'HII 05.1 " Its Dl'ltla'll to th Mr TOWN AN It IZ~ $5.!” u-wunl fa lost lama» "INN VOL. 't lie a speci C "Witt " " Mien. " t0TO M'l'ln M u“ Appl It

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