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Durham Review (1897), 23 Mar 1899, p. 1

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In)! n. 2, W.G. tits tine 1le than was hetore Mr. seetls 1,1ilR Um“ bet M'L' 'srk, , “W! “bu! the u was hee named Inch-o filler c619“. 'anentty than“ y-relieve. In stage sla, F592 we! Mill! trh, "hon W to Pos " " remedy alum-m 115 as would S1 "he: " ra de 1D at n on " all .. Alum. With Mu," bb Lend. Kindly Light." with uulugistii- and consolatovy remarks by Rev. Pvrker, reviewing and speaking in the highest terms as to the. character of deceased. and one of the runes! Christians he had ever known; a woman of the purest type, and one of the most loving and devoted wives. .She had been ailing for some time, hut ,leupite the best care. and medical skill. euccumhed to fatal consumption. Every not of reaped and kindness was Jim» to the deeeued end Dr. Por. mm in his bereavement. The Bomt Acoustic” on casket were damn.” A “Yum TttHu-Ty: lo the late Mrs. Forrester. daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. John Ihown, appealed in last. week's Daily 'l‘rilvmm. Salt Lake 1'ity. Item t"omt'N' as a special from Beaver. and is dated Marwh N. It is a- follows: .. The beloved and esteemed wife of Dr. T. IV. Forrester died hue Monday at 7 p. In.. md was interred in the cemetery this afternoon. Deceased was hon: in Dar ham. Canada, April 7, IME, and came from Regina to Utah with her husband Iwo years alga. settling in Cedar City, and moving to Beaver in I“. The funeral services were held in the Me- thodist Kpiseopal thapel, which was _tliled with a select audience. Rev. Mr. Parker omciating. A quartette from the Glee club rendered " Rock of Ages," lisllt‘t Horsrct'i.riA.xusu;. u,. Ilwulmvo Imsy 'imo- is uhnut with u-. I wish to mnmnn' 11‘ to thc hulk-s of Durham and vicinity that, I mu prepared to do Painting, Paper-hanging. Alalrastinunr, Kahumlin- irut and whitening. Work trusted to zm- dnm- wish lwnllwss and despatch otultus left at 31cFatGue's thug More at at my l'twillc-m'r. opposite Burnel's stare uppe-r town, will reeeive my prump ai- vvmion; 1'litf Elvidge. Axxtrrry. r'l'hv illness of Mev Mr Little, ('lmlswm-th last week and this has cuttsetl his many frit-mls from Dur- hnn: to Chatsworth nun-h anxiety. He- parin-ulna imln-ullng that he “as at We point of death. but the latest ur- rmn'l Flinn, he- lms rallied, past the lung” point. 1vevarnestly trust this Ilse-full life may lung lw sum-ed. l1 Nr. Altman-k. Michigan. furmerly of Tortrursa, Co. Ruler, WM in town on '4aturdaylast. Ile is taking steps m netuH't' a lituutse tor the British Howl at 'ln- running hum-ling of the license "oatd nuxnl‘ q urea. miiuiwu and Dried "There has been ventoyed by death on "inns. Bacon and b'houlders, for sale the lst of December last, an old and by N. Arrowsinith. upper town, Our-l much respected Elder in the person of ham. Prices, reasonable. , Mr. Hector Brown, at the age of seven. "hsrrso., To purchase- "I goud fin-inity-tWO. He was long and honorably .team, harness. wngmi, plow and him connected with St. Cohtntha Church. mm. Apply to J. Ritchie. Pin-t Ar-fHe was one of the Hist lot of Elders Him or w. ltitchie, Edge llill. I elected under the miniitry of the Rev. . . . SN I t . , . I came Pas. Mrs. Harris left fur Totumto this: "rmm- MeLeod after he I' h _ . s mining to wait (m hm. w" Will who l, tov-which must. have been in t e, year ”I . ".' .' ','. EISIBUI' 1853. He would therwfote, It; is stricken seriously with the Grippe I . . , l . . . ','ahout, thirty-six vein-s an Elder, and " " trust het. (-ni'i- "an sou“ i'i-stni-o him .7 . ‘llu-m- were few, it mm better known illllt'Jllll. I . I , I jniul mum- tespected in that huveh than Mr. Mosuck. Michigan, fini'iiim-Iy uf’he siut'ingthat lung [ii-rind. There is, l'urnimu. l‘n. “rm-v. mu in town ttlt whim only one suvvivm. of thattlot Kuhn-day hut. Ht. is taking steps in 'uttsimgs.t us ttow, lhe tvst have all been! ,tiur'ts " lim-nw for the British Ibrrel at gsillii-i'vil to their fathers. I First-clues Farm Nurse. 3 years old fur sule. Apply at this office. $5.00 rkurd is ofreped for the return u! a lost purse with valuables. Mr. H. H. Townsend spent Saturday ”and Sunday with williarutsforu friends. Mr. James Brown left. Thursday last vim- Owen Sound. where he in employed in the cement works there. Sum-m comes to those who per'rerve. If you take Hood's Samparilla faith- fully and persistently. you will surely he isenefited. Sugar Cured, Smukod and Dried Hams. Bacon and b'houlders, for sale hy N. Arrowsmith. upper town, Dur- ham. Prices reasonable. TOWN AND DISTRICT NEWS I ' VOLr-XXI. N0 12 ”"" "' """""".':"Bioo nusneau-h aig luehd-Inuiuntir had an "peri-' chriosd, . wish to "VIM". Truth chi incl luehdun gawil hy Nt.. Wm. f A' ralol git codal nun nu los,' 'tt the back “f; (‘hu'n i so eriueh an sae'il.", "'av. lui. l. , nal WNW" “I The remarks by Rev. Me. Mclmou "d io PM" Mr. the pastor, were highly eulogistic :mdi Ivovs, MSW" to , classed it'" follows ' It is such elders as l ummulgut free. he that make the office of the eldershipi t'ses, and It Wats hmmmhle by making it a power forl tnd danger. I". 'guml in the cunmmnily. In his family) and by his friends he was loved and l the late Mrs. L revered: by his empluyers he was re- Mr. and Mrs.;speete(l and trusted. He satistied his in last week's earthly masters. because whatsoever ke City. Itemihe did he did it, heartily as unto the Beaver. and is _ Lord und not unto men. He has leceiv- ' fullnws: "The’ed the rewaud flll which he worked.; to of Dr. T. w. I He lived by faith and died in hope. He _ Jay at 7 p. m.. I is dead but he yet speaketh unto us! cemetery this :‘ wlm knew his consistent Christian life. a is bum in Dur- l May his life and death excite in each of i 1862, and emrelus the desire. that found utterance in) th her husband the words, "Let. me die the death of. in Cedar City, l the righteous, and let my last end bel in 19m. Thel like his.'" "Be ye also ready, for in; eld in the Me- i such an hour as ye think not, the Son: 'l, which wtts)ofman comet-h.” hpill'OIl ------- 6idntrir: m'vr whivh ht. was appointed. 'liin \isitlug lln- sick "nd itttlitil, and 'fhvlping than: by (-nunril and by such Inc-nus ips' he runhl rummnnd. The pum- ilku'v Inst in him n gt ml friend. and will I have (must- to mourn his loss." The article guvs on to tlvsrriht- Mr. "hown's l'lfnrls outside the church. ho (having lwvn the IIIUYiIH: spirit in the :l‘nrnmliun of a "(Garlic .\lis>iun" to llniuistt-rtn the large rlalss which the ‘1 church failed to rmu-h in the biggity. I “Mr. Bruwn belonged to the orange-[- l ical sichool. and had no sympathy with [modern innovations. Earnest consist- geut and (lovmu. he believe-d in the qood Mild way of his fathers. yet though lwlunging to the old and urlvhudox isclmnl he wns quin- willing to tit'ta iiinpruy»:m~nls in church services- he lwusniways for what was seemly, and inmu‘uvml that everything should he Home decently and in urder. He was ii-vspt-cted by all who knew him. and imm'h thought, ot' by his employers. for l he was in the sauna situation for fol-ly- ltwo years. He served his day and (generation well. and whether rich m- l pour. learnml or union! ned, I care not, ' I look up With roveroncu and respect to any hum. in whateyrw position, who ilwnrs u good character, to: after all ithisis the main thing. Hennwrosts from his Inimurs. and his works follow i him. To ItExr.--The Blacksmith Shop. and tools. vice. drill, anvil and bellows in Upper Town, With wagon and paint Ihop above, lately occupied by P. Neuter Terms very reuonable. Apply to Joe. Slurp. Administrator. A stable in connection if required. Mr. Paterson, n legal gentleman from Toronto, representing Mrs. Shepherd. was in town on Saturday last in the in- terest of her hotel property. NEW Sum-t SHOP er. Fred Peel has opened out. a Boot and Shoe store near the Postottice. A brilliantly painted signhoarU and well drawn! windows at.. tract the xmser-hy. . hvlnmzing to the old and otthodox school he wns qllilt' willing to Nee impnwuuwnls in church services-he wusalways for what was seemly, and For all that time Mr. Brown took an active and prntnim-nt, putt in the wm-k of the church He acted as Session- (Ylerk during the {nil-tron years the Rev. Robert Blair was "rrtrister, and Hind he wax " Sulllnllll St'lNNIl tum-hot :ls-oarly at least as January 1861. and perhaps cmlimu fun- I liml thete is il, lvlunk in the H-Hmls ml thts St‘llnt‘l fiom lml t01863. Ho mu mmt faithful in tliv discharge of his duties as Elm-r, vspm-inlly in the His lifeand character, as outlined in the obituary notice, must, have been a very valuable one, and his relatives, here in the sphere in which they have moved have be en equally loved and re. spected, Snow selections from the notice we append ' The Purish Magazine of St. Colmnha's Church, Glasgow fur Jnmuu-y 1899 has n lengthy notice of the death of Mr. Hector Brown. The deceased was a hmthernf the late Alex. Brown Post. master at Pricevillennd also 0er. John Brown and Mrs. Hohkirk of mefmd. We Isle HEGIOR BROWN. He illustrated his lecture by a. series of suggestive diagrams, the first being a. circle inclosing the ttve topics-- Politics. Economics, Ethics. Sociology. Thcology. which he said were equally Mr. Craig. revert-ml clergyman that he still is, expressed his appreciation of the church as a saving influence in so- ciety hut while giving it‘due credit for its good works, he charged that it had been too narrow in the part it had taken in human activities, while the State had been too indifferent as to moral claims. This want, of harmony and breadth made a poor contrast with Mosaic legislation. which covered both moral and mats-rial features, and even the decalogue recognized the duties of man to man " well as man to God. the Mr. (‘mig is a believer in and follower of Henry George, whose teachings as the years go by are winning more and more adherents. So many and so not- able have his converts become (hm, he 18 now freely looked upon as it seer he- fore his time, for whom the future has honors, denied him in his life-time, a common occurrence in the world's treat- ment of its really gr eat men. “Problems if the Day." It was a week-day xvi-mm] adapted for all classes, and drawing its inspiration from the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as liuly as a pulpit. deliverance. We could wish foe the whole omn- nmnily from its lumililesL nwmlwr to its must worthy minislel. a coutmeof lectures on similar topics. Lccturcs in Durham are nut. geneeally l'nvurcd “ith large audiences. Nome. tiinws the fact, is not very rogl'etnhle, hut, certainly if cver there was occasion for lcgrct that a lecture had ttot, a hot- tcr audience it was on Thursday night last when Rev. Mr. C'vuig spoke on the. MttHCtIANT.-lt, Holstein. nu Monday, March 13, 1899. suddenly. Mrs. John Merchant, daughter of Mr. Alex. Henderson. 16th can. EgI-oluont. children will miss a mother’s care. i There. "T" things '."' horrible m I iiitderu society in the sight of God as I A HoTet Home)“. The Windsor ’the Indian mother throwing her ehild hotcl,Newrtyrk,caus,rht.hure last week to the Gauges. The horror of the from the ignitryofa hwe curtain, ailsweatinw system for instance, and surprising to relate in these times (th many other almost, unmentionable. successful fhvfi,rr,htiur,r, in ten "tinuteslevils, Our present civilization was [was all ablaze, Accounts say over i"(1C"f1,t'lv, atheistic, and unless arrest- lives are lost. many injured, and the ‘ed by truer teaching. more of Feeling i hotel a \vreek. A St. Patt0k's Day Iland of Volition, and of thinking by the l parade was pasring at, the time and it ”linasses. the fate of aneient civilization I got dispersed in quick order. ,\\'olilil be ours. “Turn ye. turn ye, l .\l'x.\.\'l.\tol's Tous. J“... |,y_lm\.li-t('." was applieable to more things igi‘antiug a lone of $150M) to Hay Bros. i than y"' “""_)""""‘l sinner. . I to assist in rebuilding the ('liair factory l A Pe. equtlateral "iywl".Pd 'lllSlK'l‘I in " Hound was earried, the h's,rtulsifor' Hs "ary, and the "v".s.ims liberty being 798 to if). Tin-Hun says: “Thel'm‘l Equality: these working in liar- hum “f industry will once more bvi’inony produeed healthy organization. heard where. torso malt." Weeks there; l'he tt"iangh'. hoy"y', "Vti UN.) ft?) Wits the silent-e of desolation. Not, only i kt"".'keu aske'w. by Its three sales as“. totlrtvtwurophs but to the "Ott/tti.".'.??",',":" l”? fotatt of ln.iusliT, I‘l'iltltl_.] people t‘oriniles around the news that/lan". Ihu)ucity, ""o,eitryr ”ith“. 0111' thebvlaw had earried WHS more unmisoeial system made industrial slaves. "ii/mv." itliir money system. land tenure and . iint,viutatiovnl exehange were founded That Throbbing Headache. loo injustice. \\'e spent millions in ... iovereointiu; natural obstaeles. building Would qn-clily leaye Yi'"', f Jott used?! 1uils,rtss, tunnels. etc, to l'at'ilitate trade. l)r. Kin: s New late 1hlN. timimtiids ol i then “moped to reslriel, trade by erect- sufferers haw proved their "nttelrler.t, i ing fiscal barriers. merit for sick and nervous lieailacms., The faetors in the production of They ttsake purc Howl and slum: "Tel wealth Were Land, (the. base of the tri. and buial iipyour health. E .sy to take. h. angle) Lap."- and Capital. The right to Try them, Only 2,5e, Money lack if_the use of life implied the use of land, noteurtal. 51M b) our “rear-4mm. 5 land the lecturer. here struck out. at ------ .qMF.q, __ -____. {systems of political economy (so-tailed) BORN. "““l ptxrfessovs of silt-h. .. We have] . .. ' . 'puvel-ty because labor tsattitol get, to -“§.’::..':.-.‘:._"..,'iilf‘:i:::;"r<.:r:.TJ.'.:'.'-‘:t:.’..:lunar M... Want to old and. chant, a daughter. I thy,' MPH“ . . . . MILLsr--in Tillau-y East. on the. 18'b.l The Factoes ttt use distvilrution of the wife of Robt. A. Mills. twin sons. .Wealth were Rent [of Land] ttlie base). F'rutormos., -ln Durham on 17 inst. to i y'yys, I": Laltorl, and inteeest " Mr. and Mrs. D in Ferguson a daugh- , I “WW” l'he rent of land should Ko to ter. ithe public till, not to individuals. DIED. iSixty-seven per rent. of rent would MttItcuAsr.-lu Holstein. “I, Monday, pay all notes. As things are now Mon- March 13, 1899. suddenly. Mrs. John'opoly forms the broad base of an Merchant. daughter , of Mr. Alex. :iri-egular triangle. Capital one of tel Henderson, ltltheon. Egreiuont. isittes, Labor the other With its hack ----' o o o - - --- I broken and shrunken in size. , The burdens of labor to meet. re- ll 1illllillf [lillllif .vennes, Dominion. Provincial and . Aunicipal Monopolies of one kind and ---t V iauother, were enormous. He asserts Lectures in Durham are not generally , that 202 millions of dollais ape produced Favored it ith large audiences, Nome. i from labor instead of from rent of land, I Limes the fact, is not very rpm-emu”, land denounced the modern industrial but certainly if ever there was oeeasioii WYNIN" ah' " huge system of steal and For iegi'ct that a lecture had not a het.. I "yyuer'. There was it" '. Ours "Ito eon- Iei- audience it was on Thursday night i sider as well asa " mine " & 't thine," all last when Rev. Mr. Craig spoke on the ',' being God's. The "thus," the unearned "Problems " the Day." lt was a'yU"Tetnent, was stolen by monopolists Week-day sermon adapted for all iand our system lent itself to the fraud. :lasses, and drawing its inspiration iTh'a formed ll"? ty'ylle. of Ethics, from the life and teachings of Jesus while the Sociological tviartgle with Christ as only as a pulpit deliverance. juthevhoou the Irase, Fs'onehip "ndl , We could wish for the whole votn-iBrotheehood the sides would make on niinitv from its bumblest member tnjearth an ideal heaven, Were it not, that ts most, worthy ministei. a eourse of i our competitive system crashes out. the echoes on similar topics. i idea ot .. Brotherhood." Would qtrelily leaye you, it -sonused Dr. Kill: Fi New Life PHIL 'rnoi_rtudsi of sufferers have [unwed .lwir nmtchler-a merit, fur sick and nervous humlucms. They ttrtlie pun: Moo4 and slum: “(mugs and hum npyuur health. E .Hy to takr, Try them, Only 2iie, Money lack If not emu]. 81le bs our drug-4mm. 5 MICM‘HAN'I'. In Holstein, on Thursday. March”. In Mr. and Mrs. Jun. Mer. chant, a daughter. M!.rnor--.-iyt 1"rlyu.ry Engfuun the 18'h. l A HOTEL Hortrtott.-Tlse \Vindsm hotel, New York, caught five last week i from the ignilry of n Int-e curtain, and ism-prising to relate in these times of sut-eessful tirvfirghtinur, in ten minutes wasiallalrlaze, Accounts say over 20 lives are lost. nmny injured, and the hotel a wreck. A St. Patrick's Day parade was pus.siustat, the time and it got dispwstul in quick order. A l'xANlMol's Tov,x. __ The hy-lnw grunting n lone of $150”) to May Bros. to assist in rebuilding the chair factory in 0, Sound was en"ried. the figures being 798 to 10. The Sun says: "The hum of industry will once more be heard where. torso many Weeks there Wins the silence of desolation. Not only _ to the to\\'ns|ieople hut to the ('onntryi people for miles nronnd the news that the bylaw had carried was more than! wvlcome." VERY fi'sn.--Our obituary columns today record the death of Mrs. Jun. Merchant. who died very suddenly four daysafteru_rivirorttivt,h to a child and after onlynfew hours illness, To the Hut-rowing husband and relatives we extend our sympathy. Three small children will miss a. mother's cure. i DivisionC'ouvt on Wednesday next, Sittings begin at 9.3):1. m. Litigants ( will please take notice. Mr. E. Burnet, is pressing an arbitra- tion case with the town in regard to an entrance from the street. Council we. understand has engaged Barrister Bat- son to present, their ease, which will likely come off on Wednesday next. ploughing wd done. Miss AliceJohnston left on Tuesday of last week for S Dakota, on a visit lo hersister, Mrs. Moody and intends tn make her hmue with her foe some time. A BLrzzAms.--Monday and Tuesday were typical March days, snow and wind to the measure of a hurricane pre- vailing. To-day, Wednesday is spring- like. Last. year at this date much iiiititttrti, business of the church to'tnk'e DURHAM, THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1895 t i A striking triangle represented the ‘Theologicnl division on man’s activities l.t'a';,"e'. Father" at the lime. with Hon Iand Holy. Spirit its sides, a Trinity in il’uity and yet Unity in Trinity. i Rev. Mr. Jansen took the opportunity 1-ytrite? by the lecturer-to criticize (where he could not approve. The ilecturcr, he alleged had failed to point. Put a remedy for the depravity he had depicted. He scouted the idea of the [church entering politics, and asserted ithe remedy lay in the regeneration of Inmn and that through the faithful i teaching of theologians. He had listen. led iu'vain too to hear intempemnce idenounced as M. cause of cxisttng evils. 1and an interesting discussion followed: l,i,i:,itj showed that Mr. Craig was forti- fied in every point and would t'ather: enjoy a platform debate with " foeman 2 worthy of his steel.” Rev. Mr. Mc-i Gregor also defended the church fromi ‘whut seemed arpersions on its useful-i i new and Work, but warmly secondedi (the vote of thank: which Inspector] ‘Gnmpbell very ably moved to the able! lecturer. Should Mr. Ont; come again : he will receive is warm reception and ' much larger when. i linterest, in, and not. confine itself to [theology alone. Had the church and ystate both worked on broader lines we (would have heen saved from the. lnpeelru-le of corruption in politics, in- {dnstrinl oppression in great centre.4 ot population, and the. anomaly of sinking! masses with increasing wealth in the, hands of a few. “Christ never met a' material want he did not, renmve."nndj the church had not followed his ex- ,ample. His second diagram showed. Ithe dome of true religion supported by! “he two pillars of Theology. and 80-! tioiosty tthe latter including Political Economics and Ethics) and the church. had given too little attention to the: latter to make a substantial super- structure. e He then touched on our Edumtion system, alleging that, it was a failure, because of the three fundamental func- tions of the soul-Thought. Feeling and Volition-it had neglected the cultiv- ation of the latter two, {hm destroying that. on which a ntan's worth pests: personality. tti' tiibto fl? We take this opportunity oi; thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit a continuance of the same. Dlll'lIH-Ill. " "W. "t In. '96. "Large Sales & Small Profits." The Cash System . THIS ii/iii-ii/k"' 5 Do you want tt Sewing Hechipe? I b "..- Williams.---- Highest th'" per in exchange for goo . } Stoves grmhr. ytab1ithtsd. 'Best__i1;ke;. Purdit tones. Gutters V . "-----f g New Prints AT SlIIR'I‘INGS & 7rrrNNs, white and grey, are also in evidence. Our 5e3hey Cotton is a wonder. Better than ever. The correct thing for Overalls is PltlNTEi, MOLESKIN. The best thing for wear you can get. We can give you the BEST at 25e yard, and cheaper prices accordingl y. At prices that will surprise. We beg to inform our Custom. ers and the Public 1ie,e8tl2 that we have adopted the Cas System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be Our Piggq and Organ UPPER TOWN IllM'LElliEtli' WARERODMS (he ily (h 1808 gil fit Will te Ili) $lg ' -.d0KrlIl)il ON 'f), ADOPTED BY ., G, & J. MCKECHNIE. O. IcKlINOI. of all kinds, COOKING STOYES, HEATING STOVES, BOX STOV ES lilo AheHivttB- TORONTO Cutters and Sleighs of the best quality and at prices away down. We are showing some beautiful designs in our . McKechnie. Which are just to hand. You are. sure to like them, they are extra value. t. L. GRANT It WHOLE N0. 1097. a? the New . for Wood if; i3

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