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Durham Review (1897), 23 Mar 1899, p. 2

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Every railway or company which was 'l line or part of a line of telts. graph operated in the province shall pay " tax of one-tenth of one per cent. uponme amount dcapital invested in the telegraph line or works. This amuse m added to the bill:-.. ‘Every gas company and every elec- (no lighting company in any oily in the province shall pay a tax of one- (emh of one per cent. on its paid-up capital, but this shall not apply to any (as or electric works owned hy a mu- mcipality and operated for the pur- poses of the municipality. Hm telegraph companies will not pay as much into the treasury as pro- posed. They were in the bill to con- tribute ones-quarter ot one per cent.. hilt now they are only taxed one-tenth A reduction has Teen- made in ex- mfg: opulpaniel, from 88,000 to 82,000. Sleeping cars by the old bill “are lol, paw $3.000 per year. Their: tax will} (may he as follow: Every onlnpanyi doing business in thts provinco by pllhrr leasing or hiring slenping vars or parlour cars to a railway cnmpany or 'o railway companies, or whose duping or parlour corn run upon or no used by a railway company of railway companies within the provinco shall pay the sum of one-third of one per not". upon the capital of the com- pany invested in cars and rolling stock and in Ontario during the preceding "ar. STREET RAILWAY TAX. The clause relating to atreot rail- wars has been remodelled. Roads under a) miles are to pay " per mile; from at to 30 miles. "i; from 30 to 50 miles, $16, tnd from 50 upwards, 881) per mile. A clause, which reads thus. is also sddedt--"Where the receiptslrom pre- miams of a life insurance company Whose head ottice is elsewhere than in Ontario are less than 0:30.000. and where such company lends money on security and has invested in this pro- vince “(01300, or more, such company dial! pay a tax of one per cent. cal- culated on the gross premiums and omwfourth of one per cent. on the in-. come from investments received by, such company in respect of the busi-| new transacted in the province during'; the preceding year." LOAN COMPANIES. The Government have seen tit not to change the tax on loan companies having permanent paid-up capital. The‘ alternation is made in connection with! the cnmpunies having withdrawahle ori terminating stock. By the original bill there wan to be collected .50 [mull capital from $100,000 to $200,000; 875] from 's'00,000 to 000,100; 0100 from} 0500.000 to $1,000,000; and $50 for} each additional million. Now every‘ company will be required to fork out.l Mir, for every 8100.000 capital. except-l mg the first $100,000. I on life companies. All other insur- ance comwnies will have to pay two- thirds of one per cent. on premiums in Ontario. These companies were by the bill introduced in the House not at onts.tralt of one per cent. Mutual fire insurance companies. which re- ceive premiums in cash. by the new arrangement will be required to pay the tax on the new companies. By their protests to the Government the railways have done much. as the tax has been reduced from " per mile to .5. Tliis tax is to be levied on all roads and not alone those roads helped by the Government. '1 one per cént. No Ehango is made id tabphone cpmpanios. l'rust companies coma within the chungea, as the amendment provides that "every trust company shall pay a Lax at one-third of one per cent. up- on the paid-up capital stock of the company up to and Including 8300,000, 'And the sum of .65 on every additional ”00,000. or fraction thereof, of paid- up capital." The change also comes in the - dule of tire and other insurance com- panies. There is no change in the tax In: is 0750. JVeweries with a .100.- can to 8150.000 invested will be requir- " to pay 81.”). and those from 8150-, 000 to '20tt,tm inn-cod. the tax "ill be Notes of Proceedings In the Loan Parliament In the tax on banks than in I change. Originally they were to pay ogtetegttit of one per cent. on paid-up capital up to 82,000,000, 825 for every 0100.000 up to $6,000,000. and .15 for no!) additional 8lN,000. One of the changes is that the 815 levied on capi- tal above $6,000,000 is out out. TAX OF INSURANCE COMPANIES. my; “vans LICENSES. l Chlngee have been made In the) MVern licenuee. They hove been ii; Ansell from the original amount pro-3 pan-NI by Mr. Harcourt. but there still‘ will (‘llml' considerable revenue front than. In Toronto hotellnen will hare) " ply 310! of an increase. instead 00 OH». " proposed at first. In Hamiltonf Ind Ottawa the license fee has been' maul-ell trout 82:50 to .225; in cities tron 20.000 to 40.000. also will he pawl and not 3200. while in other places the lam-ease has been reduced from 81t50; to elm. In otherl avern licenses? to 3130. In other urern licensee there is no change Iron that provided lo zhe Provincial Tree-areal bul. The tax on brew'oriu in shared eon- 'ridera'ulr, but not umil after the .20.- M el us is passed. On brownies with ”.000 to 50.000 iumtod. n tax of all) is levied; on broworiu (ton “of M to 3100.01». and not to tho old bill provided, (tom .40.!!!) to in.“ the REVENUE BILL CHANGE. The bill to supplement the revenue! end the one relating to the licensee cl breweries, dietilleriee and other Industries has undergone great changer: nines introduced in the Legislature by Hon. Richard Harcourt. All wholemles will have to pay the increased tax. and not alone the cities. to " first pm. ONTARIO LEGISLA'IURE. Mr Irrrdy pointed out, that. in all raw" a verdict would :20 again“ the Pmployer. even if the. proof that the 'ronuirttmertts had not been ohservod 'wr/v, forthcoming. '18 thorn are three or (our propositions to be e-tnhli.uhed he.. furn the plaintiff could get a verdict. It might. for inutanr‘e. be shown that tho workman was guilty ot contribu- torv nm-liwnco; secondly. that, it was (not owirur tn the (New in the ma- "hitwry u fed which SZ'lVR rise to the action. In view of these facts it was proposed to throw the onus of proof 'upon tho owner. The court will timid» tho (-ffcct otrho. (mm. The other principle is the [Painninl and ',sirrtplitytne of the mat of litigation. :Th" Plaintiff his ttt days to decide Iwhi‘thar or not he moons-as to how an ,,ttrhitration. In case ha does, the do- fervlant may accept arbitration or ap- plv to 1 judge of the. High Court in tf‘hnmhnn for an ordnr showing that I ths- matter involves difficult question: [of law. thnt complicated queqtions of fuer arise, in which case the judge may order the matter to proceed by action in the ordinary way. Itis left (to the plaintiff todecide whether he twill proceed to arbitration or hr Hurt-n- and jury. The costs are to he at in the County Court: 810 will bathe (,i,i,i)',n.i.i', fee that will be etrurqed for arbitration and the few; of tho court Swill he the ordinary County Court face. iThPro may he an appeal to the Divi.. wiunnl Cottrt. which is final. 1 TAX ON NATURAL GAS. WORK OF THE HOSPITALS- uunerli nuptial OE ournwnu. The report ot the hospitals for the LAKE SIMCOE'S WATERS. province for the year 1838 shows that A deputation composed of the reeves P.'""' people than "" were treated. of Bradford waited on Hon. E. J. the number. of patients treate.d was Davis and Hon. A. B. Hardy. The pur- 21,838 'lhia tt5 2,211 more than m “I" pose of the delegation was to bring to former year. The death rate was be- the attention of the Government the low any other year also, the total num- question of lowering the waters of ber being 1,129. This is about 5 I)", Lake Simcoe, that a large amount cent of the patients, upder. .treatr might be reclaimed. This is an old ment.. .The report “a” that it " not question and has often been up before. surprising that the public in.“ un- The Dominion Government considered bounded confidence in enmraittintr the the lowering of the mouths ot the river. Sick to the care of our hospitals, and Severn. to reach this result. Those Iha.t they contribute moat liberally of who were present urged the Govern- their private means tottre maintenance went to do something. The Ministers of thm institutions. There 'N"? alto- promised to bring the matter to the grther " hospitals receiving aid from attention of the other members of the the Government. Those placed on the Cabinet. list during the past year were St. Mike‘s Hospital. Ottawa: General Er??- - -- pital, Cornwall; and the Oruhopedit' THE FORKS DAYS NUMBERED. 1oy/,tt) Toronto. The report Cie',',,",',',',' - t P not that in some cities rim trwn" I , there are too many hospitals. The! Not "'"T,',',, to "h'td'.e,,'/"" Faster divide the work up too much and YY'.- " " " ' . ple the efforts of institutions which A despetch from Rome, trartr.--AI- are kin ,fu'rd',','l, way to ff' mam: though the Pope is alleged to be so wor . _ e Government sit gran year was 8110.000. Formerly the hos- far on the-road to. recovery that.no pitals received " the rate of 30 cents more bulletins are issued concerning per day per patient. This 8110.009 '3 his health, it is learned from aprelate 1i,',1t,',f, ltietwgen 2t 1e,e.utirt,vhtllr," high in office at the Vatican that the con in o t e war one. ur , . . . the T6510" says that it is hard to say utmost anxiety continues to prevail how long the grant will continue. it among the papal entourage concern- will remain, however, until the NEW!" ing the condition of the aged Poutiff. as 'l,'); in shatter /',',h', tttdl,',',":'),','.),", now turns out that the growth, emse res, Wit o rive e 965. ., . . ' New hospital: k','.),',',',',,,'.',',')]; atairvst G‘s-i0!" tuutour, removed from the Popes tahlishinir, believing that the Govern-Ap, was otamaLgnant, that is to say. merit will always grant aid. Thu aver- I at a cancerous character, and there me one of a patieht rernnininq in 31.091 many people. eapecialiy those inaposi- pital win 27 days. while altogether the 1 tion to know the true iaers.ot the dayn numbered 578/399. The ti"v'irakeltr1ys, who look upon the amazing Vit- cost per patient was 80.7.0 vents. Hilly. displayed by the Pope since his AQKING FOR mo l'. "ilar'l illness " the final flicker of the . ' J' 'ltrttndle. It is true that Cardinal The Government was waited '1pi.'rtlG'reglia, the cumerlengo, has return- by t1 "oputation from the Teymt.o:ed to his residence in the city. and no P,oard of Trade, oonsiating of IlTsr-nonger spends the nights at the Vail- dent A. E. Kemp, A. E. Ames, William can, but he arrives early in the morn- Stone, th W. Botti. W. E. Massey and I ing and remains the whole day there, Wm. Tttess, jr. They “HIM tho, 'lo.eiutio, the Pope's physician, who until ei‘nment to construct sline " rail- 5 the operation lived in the city, has not way at onttit from Toronto to tht. C. , left the Vatican since the day it took P. R. at Siioibury. The deputation phwe. thought the Government should grantt It is asserted that the pope. apart such aid as was necessary to get (hoifl'iim the malignant rhumoim' ot the road built, as it would open "P 't sr,rtst (growth whivit was removed, sustained tract of land and would also give {a shock by the operation from which shorter route to the.North-wr'st. ‘he is unable to recovor. and his mo- FO!t INJURED WORKMEN. 'man of vitality and t.trvrfulrtess are . followed invariabl l, the most in- Mr. Hardy ‘introduced for ‘the Iirttr, tense depression, the Ld,,",.' becoming readin: the (;o/"'nm"rtt.': hill. wlth ro- more and more acute as time goes by. We" to the compensation at wgrk- M --"ee --- men for injuries It has two len inst; ' . - prirwiplen. It provides that in trinlsj HOVEMNG AROUND THE WRECK, or nrhitratiorv4 to recover compensation, --I for iniiiries. the onus of prrsvirvr, that: Four$tt"utred Men Loon-ii; the lit-fortu- thrs machinery which is required beyd mite steamer l'usllllalll. 'he law to be kept in a particular . " ' . atate or condition or whirh in deemed! l despatch tron; "t,lbt:'.i:',1' 'e/'1.',C n, he of a particular "rt racter iaGirri--'rhe Marine am is """"'. o tiriils ine errverinp,r, it in accordance with the, here any that tho statement is ridicu- trfJ,",,ic',r,t',rej,". of the Art shall be upon) to,“ that if the lilonde ruck buoy, which i to omp over or upon the personown- 'N,' N sgi h t S , . - in- the rr.achirrtv, lt does not film. 7.1 C), 'Ct"',,?) l 'e..,i1tyy'.,,e"',re-, F.ttorts are being mnde io have the Government “on” mum of tho re- quired rut-nun- out of the natural gas mmmniv-s doing business at the west- ern boundary pf the province. Thole making the effort any that these com- panim “ho are piping the gas to Detroit should be taxed to the ex- tent " at least 825.000. and not 87.000 in provided in Mr. Harcourt's hill. FOR A DAIRY EXHIBIT. The Government was interviewed by gentlemen Connected with the But- ter Cheese and Dairy Asmciation. It is well known that accommodation at the industrial Exhibition grounds. Toronto. in not at all equal to the demands of this important industry. A building is urgently needed. and the Government will he asked to “gist in the construction of a. hall specially adapted for the exhibition of dairy products and improved machinery for " production. THE GAME ACT. Hun. J. M. Gibson stated that a bill will be introduced this session giving effect to the recommendation of the Fish end Game Commission for the re- peal of the section of the Game Act, prohibiting the shooting of deer in water. Mr. Gibson further stated that the revenues from licensee ex- ceeded the amount expended in admin- istering the law. Measures for the protection of deer have already shown the aviation of their authors. Mr. Gib- son tella us that deer here largely in- oreaeed. that moose rarel seen in Ontario east, have so multfplied that next year, perhaps, an open season for e week will be proclaimed. $1,500. and from '800,000 upwards the tax is to be '2,000, and not 81.500. " originally proposed. RELATING TO DISTILLERIES. Another clause road: "The Lieqtep- tnt-Governor in Council. “here a} Is hown. that the sale by any .dittilltr was the preceding your less than 10.; J00 gallons ot proof spirits and ttyt the sale will not exceed t.hat It,1hifd during the calendar year in wh.itsh t ' license is to be issued, may ttgtuMt a Distillers Provincial License at} , sum not less than one-third the Impl- mum charge tor e Distillers Prawn- cial License." Enquiry law the Aden-Idem on II. I. l Tel-rude. A despatnh from Portsmouth, Eng.. tsays:-)" inquest we opened here on Thursday into the circumstances of the death of the atoker of the British first-class cruiser Terrible, who was killed by a boiler explosion on board the cruiser while aha was on her war" from Melts to Devonport. The evi- dence showed that during’ the course of the homeward myage lire steam- pipes burnt, and that at various times the fires had to be drawn from under three of the boilers in order to prevent a disaster. The stokers and engineers were almmt in a state of panic, and were afraid to go on duty, not know- ing at what man an explosion mihtrt occur. Four "'otdred Men Loottrsq ttttt [Inform- uule steamer ("us-[Illa I. A despatch from Halifax, N. S., says: --The Marine and Fisheries officials here say that the statement is ridicu- 'ouw that if the Munde ruck buoy, winch was out of posi Linn on Sunday morn- 41;. had been in its proper place the (‘u-Lisian might have been saved. The steamer is 3:) miles north of Blonde rock. The steamer is not submerged at high tide, nor has sue a strong list. she is sitting almost upright and as straight as if afloat. Inside her deck is thrown ainidship, caused by the swelling of the grain. {he water at high tide covers her main deck about one foot. The live stock has mostly been saved, although the poor brutes have been subjrcted to a long fast. When watered and fed ashore the Pio- ture is an animated and pathetic one, as but a little can be supplied at once. L0U1'ls'fts' Al' WORK. Weunesday about 61) small vessels with a hundred or so dories, and too mun were hovering about the wreck carrying off whatever they could reach, some to be delivered to the pro- per authorities, and some no one knows where. Sad havoc has been made of the elegant and sumptuous fittings and furnishing: of this palatial steam- er. The Aberdeen went to the wreck an Wtsdneadar, but remained only a short time. Complaint is made that she did not arrive sooner and remain to keep off the looters. There was a heavy gale on Thursday. but as the steamer is firm on the bottom her en- tire length, tto further damage is Im- mediately feared. These orders-in-Oonnoil hue been approved by the Lieutenant-Governor and have been presented to the Legis- lature for ratification ...-Bruee House of Refuge, 04.000: Kent Home of Re- fuse. 34.000; Norfolk House of Indus try, $4.000; County ot Peel House of Refuge, '4,000 ; County of Simcoe House of Refuge, 84,000; Home for Friend- less Women and Infants, Kingston, [on Government aid. A despulch from Montrenl Barr.-- Mr. John Hope, the well-known mer- chant of this city, and who up to the time of his retirement from active bus- iness was of the firm of John Hope and Co., has given his native town ot Peebles, Scotland, S1,000 for the bene- fit of the root. The money it ia ex- pected. wil be used tor the erection of a cottage hospital. It is said that Mr. Bopo will add to his gift by an en- dowment .of dl1,000,. and that he will also add £500 for the furnishing of the hospital, making his gift £2,500 to his native town. Munro-a! Isn't. cm to tttr Poor of Peebles Three hospitals have been placed on the list for Government aid. They are St. Luke's General Hospital, Ottawa; Home for Incurables, Ottawa, and the General Hospital of Cornwall. LAKE SIMCOE'S WATERS. A deputation composed of the reeves of Bradford waited on Hon. E. J. Davis and Hon. A. S. Hardy. The pur- pose of the delegation was to bring to the attention of the Government the question of lowering the waters of Lake Simcoe, that a large amount might be reclaimed. This is an old question and has often been up before. The Dominion Government considered the lowering of the mouths ot the river. Severn, to reach this result. Those who were present urged the Govern- ment to do something. The Ministers promised to bring the matter to the attention of the other members of the Cabinet. 312.500 FOR HIS NATIVE TOWN EXPLOSION ON A WARSHIP. AID IO INSTITUTIONS.. U" IHr‘IV "I - I. u - TORONTO .13; - w .. FrT, i'." "c 's"hHc ... 'fd c", "., 1.” “I f " ' A Public whoul caretaker In Hum ilton, Mrs. Robbins, of Westworth, street school, has been dismissed tor using insolent language to the chair- man of the Internal Management Committee of we School Board Kingston license holders have dus- covered that tor many years past thes have been paying 850 annually more than they should have paid. An effort will be made to aecure a re-4 turn of the excess amount paid. The Canadian Atlantic workshops in Ottawa am to bu operated by electric- ity generated It the Chaudioro Falls. A contract. has been closed between Mr. J. R. Booth and the Canadian General Electric U"o. tor the appli- ances. The Kingston Penitentiary will be equipped with a printing prass. and all the report forms and binder twine tags will be printed in the institu- tion. In the forthcoming edition of the postal guide it will be stated that the class of mail matter hitherto known as fourth class has been; dons away with, and that the former fifth class will in future be the fourth. It is proposed to clone the Royal Military College in the second Week in Jana, so that the cadets in the two senior oleaees may be able to join bumps ot instruction as aubelterna. The College will open a week earliea in September. Mary Doran, of the Union Hotel. Guelph, was fined 810 and coats for selling liquor to John P. Redwood, son of John Redwood, while he was in a drunken condition. The father had notified the hotelkeepers not to sell liquor to his son. Interesting Items About Our Own Country. Great Britain. the United States, end All Parts of the Globe. Condensed no Assorted tor Buy Reading. It is reported that the Belleville electric railway has been sold for 385,- 000, and that the line will be extended in many directions. The Manitoba Government is to com aider a redistribution bill, giving W' presentation to the oewlrmsulod dis- tricta in the North. A bill prohibiting the shooting ot prairie chickens this year on account of scarcity is to be brought before the Manitoba House this session. It is rumored that a large paper mill will be established near Ottawa by a syndicate of New York Publishers. who ary feeling the oppression of the Am- exlcnn paper trust. The following new poatoffices have been established in ontario:-d3renmsn, Nipissing; Elizabeth nay, Algoma: Gal- Iingertown. reopened, Stormnnt: Hun- gerford Hastings. Col. Ilerchrue.r, commander of the Northwest Mounted Police, has ar- rived in Ottawa on his annual visit in connection with the affairs of the force. He wants more men. The uoverumenla lease of the his- torio Plains of Ahraham at Quebec expires in 1901. and it the lease be not renewed the land will he sub-divided into lots and will be sold tor building purposes. At Dundee, while Steven Clark was working on his lathe the tool caught his left hand in such a way as to draw out the cord. from the elbow to the tip of the little finger, and wind it around the arm. As a result of the analysis made of samples of quinine wine and tincture and Hamilton purchased tr, " London and Hamilton druggists, Chief Andy-t MncFarlane recommends that the ven- dors be prosecuted for selling adul- terated preparations. THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. London wants a new drill shed, and will send a strong deputation to Ottawa to press the matter on the Govtsrnrnent. Mr. David Baird, nightwatehman at a T., H. & H. crossing in Hamilton, was run down by a yard engine and killed, on Saturday. The Brandon City Council has de- cided to ask the Manitoba Govern- ment to guarantee for fifty years the interest on Brandons bonds, amount- ing to 8500,030. The following articles have been placed on the Cenndien free list by an order-immune“: Safety bate and tan- nin to be used exclusively in the tan- ning of leathers in their own tanneriee; cotton yarn. polished or gleaned. when imported by manufacturers ot Show laces. The Montreal City Councll will con. alder the remarks made by Mi. Pubs. manager of the Merchants' Bank, bo- tore the Legislative Council. that the condition of alt-in) in Montreal was astoishing, and it would have to stop. [he end could only be deLadonco and It is expected that railway labor will he in demand in the northwest this summer at good wages. The London street railway manage- ment in considering a plan to provide seats for the motormen. While the population of Montrqal is increasing the number of marriages and births is decreasing. Lord Strathcona has donated 81,000 towards the payment of the debt on Christ 3 Church, Winnipeg. . . .-. ita An Eastern firm has gauntlet} I willingness to contract. with Manuel)? farmers for one million bushels o flaxaeed. Mr. w. W. Olgivle, the big miller, says he will move away from Montreal rather than pay the new taxes on his machinery. A Postoifiee itusIrettior' Jturntrun of Toronto will shmly be superannua- led owing to the unsatisfactory cun- ditiou of his health. Provost, the condemned murderer, at- tacked his jailot at Port Arthur on Fri- day with a slugshot and then tried to escape, but was overpowered. The Quebec Legislature has been prorogued. It is reported in Quebec that a large hotel is to be built shortly in the heart of St. Rocha. [HE NEWS ill ll EEll. A shipment of Crown, Neat Pass coal taken to Esquimalt for a test by the navy is said to be smokeless. CANADA. A Wuhinzton despatch ton Buffalo paper asserts that serious troubla is imminent between Canadian miners andthe Alaska authorities inthe Por- cupino district. The dead body ot the M. David, of Port Worth. luau. was found on Wed- nesday night on the roadside, ueer Axle, allbhrd in I horrible manner. The woman was a leading witness in e sensational murder case to be tried " the present term of court. An English firm bu ordered from the Netional Tube Works Co., of Duisburg. PL. ten miles of 28-inch “to: pipe, to be used in the Rand gold mines in Jourutesburg. They must be shipped in four mouthswhen en order for eight mite, more wilt be given. There was a private test at the ----_----- Navy Yard It Washington on Thurs- dar, of a new magnum rifle. the in- vention of S. M. Mobile. of Cleve- ai2'te1,N'rpahtt, “tum” of tttq land. The new gun use: the and I MM' run, generated by its firing to operate tho Afesetelt from Hellman My? tbat mgazino mohanism. It can be no 9yEus.t."e ttttest. m tgran, dl“""" arranged that one pull at the trigger‘d Britain But. Africa. empties the main. or it an be! A ‘19“ quantity ot mth, overhangitut tired " slowly as (is-ind, the ttttto..! the , Alufe of Rucaeria, uar Album.- mtio arrangement ejecting the vmplylSpam ft L de-troyinz tnatty boutou mm. reloading and ooekiu. the 91000 iatid killing eleven poop“. Ralph Seither killed himself in New- ark. N. J., on Thursday, because his M-rear-old daughter Mary had been arrested for stealing .15. Mrs. Catherine Murray committed suicide in New York, beceuse one of her daughters married a bar-ten- der. Zeinn H. Carter, former president of the Chicago Board of Trade, in the Republican nominee for Mayor of Chicago. Despatches trum the Middle. Eust- ern and Southern States indicate that the usual spring freshen are in full blast United States Adjt.-Gen. Corbin In. issued I statement giving the number ot deaths of soldiers enlisted tor the Spanish war and the causes thereof. His total is 5.731 up to the end at Feb. ruary Int. . Great Britain and Russia have 122mm It is said. amicably settled the in- Chwang loan question by a direct ex- change of views, and the two Govern- ments are now arranging a scheme whereby their relations in the East may be permanently regulated. Vice-Admiral l'hLlips Howard Col- oml, lecturing in London on 1he Spam ish-American war, said that hereafpar gbereey in war was impassnble. ome to the vigilance of the newspflpersv also that the United States Victgry would not hue been so easy if Spain's equipment had been up-to-date. The British Railway Association have arranged to send five prominent railway officials to the United States to investigate the facts upon which the Government bases the bill com- pelling the adoption of automatic Couplings, the measure which would 8W0 the Board of Trade power five years from its adoption to compel British railroads to supply the whle ot. their rolling stock with thi., de. vnce, at an eatimutod cost of 610.000,- At Pawtucket, Ithode Island. Ado- line Harvey, M yuan old, was ur- raigned on 3 charge of trying to kill her father by mixing poison in his tood. She pleaded guilty. Austin Bidwell, one of the men who by means of forged securities in 1878 trot 05,000,000 from tho Bank of Eng- land, alter victimizing other banks in Europe, died at Butte, Mont. At a meeting of the manufacturers ot wort-sleds in New York, on Friday it wus decided to mmbiua Lheir inter.. ests and formed the American Wool- len Company. with a capital mock at 350,w0.060 Twelve hundred men employed on Alaska's first railroad. the White Paul and Yukon, have gone. on strike be- cause the company cut wages (rum 35 to 80 cent: an hour, and added an- other hour to the, day's work. During February, the emigration: to Canada. consisted of 594 English, " Scotch, 80 Irish end 7 foreign. Those who emigrated to Cape Colony num- bered 1.6.10 and to Australia 802. It is said that the Duke ot York will not be given his promised com- mand until early next year, when he will hoist his flag on the Crescent as Commander-in-Chief of the Austra- lian station. Mr, John Henniker Keaton. who in- augurated the chess match played by cable between members of the House of Commons and the United States House of Representatives in 1897, " arranging another international tour- nament between the two Houres. Governor Smith, of Montana, has vetoed the bill passed by the late Legislature legalizing boxing con- teats. Human Walsh died in Lincoln. " braska. on Wednesday. It was he who flew a kite Across the Niagara gorge. The kite string w“ (allowed by n heavier cord, that was (allowed by [09453, and the ropes by cable: out of which grew the first suspension bridge. Sir Edward Fry, formerly a Lord Justice of Appeal, is suggested as the successor of Lord Herschel! " British re.prytsnrtstivt' on the Joint High Com- 1111881011. Four thousnd Walsh settlers _1n the Argentine Republic are Bending home bitter complaints about their treatment in that country. Delegates are now in London and efforts are being made to convince them of the advantages of removal to the Cana- dian Northwest. The citizens of Fort Wrangel. Al- aska. are drawing up a petition for “so cesaion of their town to Can- I u. Mr. Choate. the United States Auk bassador. is being [ionized in London. The British battleship Glory, 12,950 tons, was launched from Leird’s ship- yards at Birkenhead on Saturday. Sir Douglas Salton, formerly Presi- dent of the British Association, and a high authority on sanitation. is dead. Tom L. Johnson. the electric rail- way magnate, of Cleveland, proposes to build an electric railway system in London, Eng. perditioet. 'Y hue been told an: e large proportion of them are bribeble. have accepted bribes. oe, course. we live in a democratic up. and we cen- not protect ourselves! GREAT BRITAIN. It is reported in London that Mr. Kipling is to be made a. Peer. UNITED STATES' "I have been tot4 [Inga 19Ats. I l "oins. ti, Butur--coming [onward freely. but market in being kept pretty well cleaned up. u anything there tN B nightly Quiet Keeling. The quotalmul lure as totloi--Dairr tub, pour to mdium. 10 to Igc.: wholes. 14 to Ic.; largo rolls, 15 to 16's.; small dairy, lb. prints about 16m; cmumvry. tub, and boron. 19 to 2lhe; "N 20 to in: Cows, each. Calves, out-h. A despatch from Malibu: up tbat tuning in prevalent in many distrlvn at British East Africa. Ewes. per t'wt. . . 3m Yearling, per out. . t Mt Btu-ks, per ewt. . . Zn!) MILKHILS AND CALVES Choice hogs, pm -.w.' r, :5: Light ho ts, per s' I . , new, host, purcvst. 800 A deapateh from Montreal. sum» Henry Muller, i German. what has seen aervioes in the United States arm). wu ttrreatod here. on Monday nigh an complaint at the United Slates Uunsnl for having (hemmed lo kl” In“: dent Mrkintey, Muiler wrote Lo Prear dent Ansell. of Ann Art-or l'nivew any. that he intended to g” lo “new ington and kill McKinley Immune hat was hostile ttt the German elvmenl Cheese-Prices weil ma i u t umvd Choice stock ia quoted at 10 to 10 1-3; DRESSED liOGS AND PROVISIONS Osman. March 17.-Wheat nu rket firm. No. lhnrd.88|-2c. No.2 red, *2 HM No.1 northern 87c. Corn steady: No, 2yellow, “a; No.3yellnw, 42; No, t mixed, 41 1-20. Oats firm: No. il, white 87e; No. a white. 36 l-2c. Harley nur- kot continua ' uiot: (Mama, 830. " 'tle; western. U,', to Poe; no 1mm unions reported. Rail freight» to New J"ec"2r'iartt rye and barley. MY 1-20, not 1 lb. Store hogs no not wanted. Folqwing in the "use of current quotations _ shipping, per cwt. . $425 Butcher, choice do. . , 75 Latch-r nvd., to go d. 325 Butcher, mirrior. . g F7, Market for dressed hogs n-Iut steady. The offerings an: fur and dealers hero buying (toely. Car lain are quoted on track at, Mun! “.90 10 35. mixed uoightu, derivered. and a traction honor for selects. On 'he street to-dar {armors' loads sold at around 65 to 05.80 tor mixed luLll. Prpvislous about steady. Toledo. March l7.--(‘lmo - thl quiet; on!) Tt 1-40, May " tue, July 1lit "tv, No. 8 Holt. We. Corn, cash 340. my 85 IAC. Oats cash and May 280. tytt41esatstr8A.i7, March and April 8.75s Oelt, ober H.25. All In.» Ger-n ("and at ‘unlrrnl Stockeu no B little better, Heulug from 8 1-2 to ' T-ik per pound; good stock"- In wanted. Shipping bulls are steady and um changed since but Tuesday. Good mitten will sell up to about 350 each. Here are we at today} tui1ea:-- A load or export cutie, average 1.200 lbs. sold at ' F4e per pound. A. load of butchei and export mule, average 1.0% that. cold at (1-81: per med» . w A ----. Several load. of butcher rattle. mix- ed with a few heads which would do for light exporters, sold at from 884 to ttUK per pound. . _ - Quotationn are salted shoulders. Te. on iota, To; ton lots to 71-20; and hacks, There was not much mchluo-nl, m shipping cattle; the but is “and: {rum 4 8-4 to be per pound; but must of m. deals her to-dny were in light shippers " from 4 b.4sto 4 5-80 per pound. A' load of mixed dultle. average mm tba., sold at 41-49 per pound. Yearlings are worth from 41-2 to 434: for choice. and for anything ex- tra ehoitay tie was paid (May, and will mommy be paid on Friday. Ewes and bucku are unchangad. Hogs are “and, and unchanged tty. day Quotuionn are as - follows-Dry saltod shoulders. Te, long ulnar bacon. car iota, To; ton lots and cam lots. 7 H to Ti-ttev, and hacks, 8 to 81-40 Smoked meats-Hams, heavy. 91c2 " lor; medium, 10 m 101-20; light, Ile; breaktut bacon. 101-2 to Ito; picnm hams. 71-2 to 78-4tr, mil Moan. 'sl-4 to 81-20.. All meats 031 of pickle lc km: then prim aided for smoked meats. The latter wan can! back In the " . ed Slates authorities hrre, and In” Ind Muller arrested. It in nuItporo'd that the an: in inuno. All told the receipts were as) loads, consisting at 1.700 hogs. 650 lambs and sheep.’und . tow when and milk. on. Choioe butcher cattle fru'heu from a to 4 IAe per pound; the latter figure for selections; loads of choice stuff an worth (run 3 8-4 to 40 per pound; neo- ondlry and minor grades are unchang- - Fifteen export cutie. average 1,115 lbs., told at 4380 per pound. A' load of butcher, cattle, average: 975 then. sold at 81-20,. and um dollars on. Good caNea are in active demand, up to tan doihru each. than prices quoted for smoked moans. "rd-Tieroea, Te: tum, 71-4 to Ti-eat pails TIC?. to 78-40. compuund, 51-2 ttt tn the Loam: Ions. Toronto. March 17.-Wa had o fair nut-kc! here to-duy. with no change m prices; buying was a little slow, as ntutt was being held back for the mum regal“ market. Still there mm a moan-Jo amount of steady nadum, MARKETS [IF THE WURLB, Prices of Grain, Cattle, Cheese, ke THREAT TO KILL M'KINLL'Y. SHRED AN D LAMBS C'AT'l LE HUGS 2.511) 2 00 825 36t ttn 1-2 tiz.t .301] 10 03 500 ill) o “ruminants an in Canada was had Called: an d than: alum Wert Ton-now leaving "or, t. ottwr prminu (or the only: of 455 nettlers. “be 0.140 “mm. Ontario, there Tue retuxns I cording to ttet, new in the at tion only up ot the actua: l tha menu-e "ft Ibould be. ONTARIO A The (olluwln‘ llluuuu- the a! birth tater amit mutua- ud ( Utioear-. " n (hum: um. mo ... ... . Canada. Onxano. M utwttre, "69 United tit Muir, [890 Canadian: _ bum ”8-195 “Vern. mc. tea the returttt, Mr (minimum ml birth run II OI: Tho ”ti-lau- A of Ike [and Anglo In - "Ha gin-n Cttt I”? ... ... Museum:- 1896 ... ... de There is Gum-act ot ' and“ Alumnus and draw such mtei made trom the! .osnowieatgrou 1 making every , Bum. ti, total rate " W, " pm (.7 [our UM Ih'rWAn‘ tlt. uou Gum u to the new." " w tt ttot mm in one of the od on the nut Intact- giving new at 19.09:). the assumed p ttMt, gives I p n iucmus'c on in” Th (onlwm‘ mm. " Human 1840 . . . IS“ . . . 1848 . . . 1848 . . . 18.31 . . . ttttil . . . 1871 . . . 1881 . . . um . . . Mttt'7 . . . and moe is new mmv- "me It hour of her In LOWER "“1 EUROPE Dr. P. B. n the. reqristrrti, an! deaths. in both provinoo Vince on 8.283.182 the The tou ind the u UNTARIU' PLACE Th, H Accordi n 'uum run-s papal“ trrm most men recently be tt com“ 'r tt ot "m (In m the NI Dee we B. Rn mm; bu " I'OH p [he int

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