do n um, ot ti! ’HE WORLD. I. avenhlngi.‘ new Albee“. 'nmy boun- M a up that ny district: I â€walnut heme Mt We“: ' fair may him pens New mute Id" hil- an . any sul "r. All) If. ttt n ha Mt In Scotland. 1896 Ireland, 1896 Denmark, 1896 ONTARIO AND THE WORLD. The following table would seem to illustrate the above. It shows the birth rates and death rates in different cannula: and states per mm popu- lation:-. Norway, 1890 ... Austria, 1890 ... Hungary, 1896 ... Switzerland, 1896 German Empire. " them settling in Manitoba, the North Wetst Territories, and British Columbia, leaving 9,595 for distribution to t...) other provinces. Making allowance for the migration to the North-West of 455 nettlers. and assuming hall of the 9,140 immigrants to have come to Ontario. there was an increase of 4,570. Anaummg than. that it is proper to druw such Auk-renew as may fairly be made (mm the» statistics, it must be nc.nuwledgod “uh regret that, after making every allowance for defects in the returns of births in Ontario, the canclualon seen! inevitable that tho birth rate in Ontario In newer than un- der normal conditions. such as. with the increase of population genomily,it would be. Countries. United Kingdom. 1896 ... ... ... ... ... England and Wales. Ore returns are almost complete. ac- cording to the doctor's estimate. ex- cept in the cities, where the registry tion only represents ebout one-filth of the actuai birth rate. PhittCENTAt.i; OF INCREASES. A: compaer with 1895, it will be euu from the previous tables that the levers! increases are:- 1896 ... ... ... Prussia. 1896 Belgium, 1890 France. 1896 Italy, 1896 - Canada. Ontario. 1897 waec. 1890 18.91 . . . . . . . . 2,114,821 1897 . . . . . . . . 2,283,182 There is a detailed discussion on the IllercL " birth rate. and the conclus- ions reached are as tollowisy- United Siltll. Maine, 1896 ... ... Con-trot. 1697 New Hampshire. Juasuwtruartts, mung. tr,tmo, va., per cent, or . total rate ot 30.5 per 1,100; marriages, 1,306, " per cent., or a total rate of Ci' per 1,000; deaths, 5,172, 23.0 per mun, or a total rate of 12.2 per 1,000. Total, rd,173, or 153 per cent. Must valuable tables are published Ihnwmg ttw movement of the pol uh. tum from the older settled countries tongue ‘quer pogtiona of, the province. 1896 ... ... ... ... ... 27.0 19.0 .80 Vermont. 1896 ... ... 21.2 16.5 .47 Rhode Island, 1890 25.7 19.6 .61 RrmemLering the remarkarly low death rate, which we irave reason to believe is nearly correct, .I appears that, compare with the New Eng- land States, the increase is satisfactory and indeed most satisfactory. when it is remembered that all of these have within recent years rereivod great ae- cessions to the factory population of French-Canadians, whose fecundity is illustrated by the statistics of the Province of Quebec. It is apparent, bwever, that the rate of increase is notably less than in almost all Euro- pean countries; although the marriage mm- is an awake one. The tables demonstrate, however, that Ontario has a smaller death rate than nay other district in the world. ANGLOSAXONS BEWARE. The report cemures we disseminn- tion of advertisements of preventive medicines through the newapupers and the nails. and addar:--ihat is still more remarkable is that the State rim-nan abusineu. and allows the druggiat to carry on. a traffic. with- According to the report of the Min- ister of tho Interior for 1897 the total immigrants arrisi g by wean Steamers in Canada was 27.209.01 these 19,304 had Canada as their destination. 9,709 l he (mummy figures show the popu- lation " Ontario In different 'ears'.-- 1810 . . . . . . . . 427,441 1841 . . . . . . . . 465,357 1813 . . . . . . . . 486,066 1808 . . . ' . n . . T28,822 1501 . . . . . . . . 952,004 18tit . . . . . . . . 1,396,091 Itt71 . . . . . . . . 1,620,851 1881 . . 1 . . . . . 1,923,228 18.91 . . . . . . . . 2,114,321 1897 . . . . . . . . 2.283-182 'ut let. or hindrance in every form of nogtru'.n and meehanieal appliance, travine for their end such prevention; Physicians. too, are approached, and it is hired many at times accede to the petitiwns of their clients to undo what nazure has asserted in u loci"! out- oolm of her Inn. The tottgl births returned in 47.323. nnd the total deaths 27,633, the dif- {ounce giving an actual increano over 1896 of 19.690. Thin increase, added to the assumed population 2.1 2,263,492 in 1896, give: a pupuiation of 2,283,133. or In increase practically of one per cent. of population dark; the year. The following returns relating to both immigration and emigration are qtvert:-- Dr. P. B. Bryoe'l report relating to the. registration ot births, marriages, an I deaths, in the Province of Ontario, has recently been issued. The report is one of the most nimble ever print- ed on the subject. and the returns are the moat complete in the history of the province. in population of the pro- vinoe on Deo. 81at, 1897 is estimated at 1.28am. The Dali-Into. Atno "BH-ar"".'" Baum " IM- 'tr.z"trar4emerat, Dr. Bryn Anal» Sula-I should be lion Prod- "If. LOWER THAN THOSE 017 MOST EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. UNTARIU'S Jilfllllfl-wlil, 1 . . . . . . . . g . . . . . . . . 8 . . . ' . . . . .1 . . . . . . . . ‘1 I . I l . I . l , . . . . . . . . Q . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . ural Births. Deaths. Inc. 40.5 29.0 37.0 29.0 20.9 'd4.9 22 9Vtty 28.8 18.8 20.8 17.5 24.2 24.2 17.1 17.1 16.9 16.6 15.7 20.06 1.852 18.04 16 07 " I7 5 .74 Nat- .70 1.48 1.52. 1.16 1.17 lot 1.62 l.15 1.21 1.26 " Mildredl" he called again, " when a lover he breathed her name. the sweetest in all the world to him. But there was no answer. .. Ah I" he murmured, " the dear girl does not hear her husband's voice," and he lay back in his chair and watched the blue flames dance in and out among the sparkling coals. At such a time memory weuvus cunning webs of soft- ened colors and sweet designs, and the young husband's thoughts flew back- ward and forward in the loom ot the past " Mildred I" It was the young wife's name which was called, and the husband was sit- ting in the cozy from parlor of their happy little house, reading by the soft light of the flickering gas burner, and resting his alippered feet upon the burnished brass fender in front of a glowing tire ot rosy embers. Mr. Wm. Goodnrd, a well known farmer living near Knowlton, Que., sarc--"A few years ago my health gavewayandl was completely prow- trated. The least exertion would use me up an make it difficult for me to breathe. I suffered from headaches, had no appetite, and tell oft in weight until Iwas reduced to 180 pounds. Finally I grew so bad that I was forced to keep my bed, and remained there tor several months. 1 was under the care of a good doctor, but he did not seem to he'p me. Orin day a friend urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and " procured two boxes. When I had finished them I could not sen much improvement and would have stopped taking them but tor the urg- ing of my friend, who said that in my condition I Could not expect to see im- mediate results. 1 continued taking the pills, and by the time I had taken a couple more boxes there was no doubt Hut they were helping me, and it need- eu no further persuasion to induce. me to continue them. In the course ofa few months Inot only regained my health, but increased in weight fifty pounds. These results certainly justify the faith I have in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. and I strongly urge thaw who are weak and broken down to give them a fair trial." More xveak and ailing people have been made strong. active and em-r- gecie by using Dr. Williams' Pink Pius than by any other means. Ihey fill the veins with new, vigorous blood, and strengthen every nerve in the body. Sold by all dealers at " cents abox, or six boxes for $2.50, or sent by mail by addressing the Dr. g‘iilians' Hodicine Co., Groehvilie, nt. Ttire. years ago he had been a moth- er's patted darling, with nu wish un- gratified, nu comfort neglected, no luxury forgotten. Yet he felt with- in his heart a under 10113111an amply voids, which so far in In: happy lit. had remained uniitled. Mildred tuy came, and the mulber‘a heart knew that the wife was greater than the moltt- er. A year passed and Mildred was his wife. Gentle, loving. beautiful, he took her to their new home, and for two years she had filled his mother's place. and made his home a beautiful ideal, a four-walled paradise upon earth. yet far above it. He was serene- ly happy and peacefully comfortable Mildred had given him her thought, her energy, her time, her endeavor-- and he was at rest. He awoke from his reverie with a start. "Mildred? he called. No answer. Ho [beanie alarmed. Waa it, then, all a dreamt And was he to be rude- ly awakened? . ' Alas, for the mutability of human affairs. 7 -rirridredy he called for the fourth time. - " Yea, Henry," came the sweet-voiced answer from a sofa in the turner. "Ohl" he said, in a tone of relief, "Are you there, darling T' "You, hubbio mine." “Won, love, the fire in going out; won't you so and get acme more coal 1" A Curb": Par-nor Tr": "on In Wu le- nurod From Alum-.0 Hopeleu Salton-g I. Complete maul. " Not much, petsy! I‘ve been doing the loving-wife slave business long en- ough, and if you want any more coal Foy_'lt have to get it yourself I" . .. iiiuirUri, mGiorr Rad been weaving a few webs itself while that tire was slowly getting cold. A MODERN CRUSOE. The Neues Wiener Tag'slatt, pub- lishes a sensatiunal report concerning the missing Archu'ike John, who took the name of John Orth, and was generally believed to have been lost in the wreck of the Santa Margherita, off the coast of South America. The wreck of this vessel was recently denied, and new it is asserted that the Archduke never was wrecked, and that he is living on a remote island in the Southern Paci- tie. There he is carrying out safer as poss..ule the customs and practicee of Robinson Crusoe. A Croatian rail- or, his former cuxswain, acts as his man Friday. If this report proves true the Arettdukts'ts relatives will en- deavor to reclaim him to European civilization. "It is manifested, therefore. that it the Anglo-Saxon race is to fulfil its destiny on the American continent. and pity the dominant part over inferior races in the march of progress, the ex- ponents of its assumed superiority will have to preach a gospel of patrotism to which trr-day they seem singularly b’ind. Social degerency has alwitrs meant social decay, and itis the sim- ple and moral 'itizens of to-day who will hold the supremacy to-morrow. The matter is one which ought to be of the Ifghest interest and importance to the teachers and exponents of public morals; although there may be sown in some directions a curious ano- muzy. whereby those who sanetify warring: and hold its responsibilities invio',uru'ss, should at tirnen fail to com- prehenl that the duty of protecting human life post-natal is at least an incumbent upon uq as when pre-natal." COMPLETELY PROSTRATED. WEBS OF MEMORY. Comes a Story or Disease Banished by Dodd's Kidney Pills. llr. Thou-u l. III»- fut-MI " Hull"! "ttedit',,?',',',',)",:,":,',',,"',',',','.",','),',.':,',)'.,'),' ox on... P r rm Be nu prev.“ in “lulu. After Vnrloln Sloth-II" I'.? on: db- Aukdour donor to CM. loc- Treed and "and 5te'-a"a"uiiioF List- mail free on "mung“. Kline) I'll]: "I!!! Mint “on. I r. c. "WEST & M., Kenna. P. o., N.W.T.--Even to. Wâ€! IAIOHIITI'. . . manna. remote point in our great Dominion†------ V A ------------------_ the fame of Dodd‘s Kidney Pills has t penetrated, pain and suffering have 'h JI.',',' "awn" l', #yttrtttam . . . e; run: (‘10. l I 'fe' V '. ict Iren driven out, an.d hgallh qnd hap- 3:5ch 27 suprrll ;hSwnfs-rn 2,T,'"Lr,'.'ri'ou, pmess have been gfven 1n thAr stead, loan in; ext-H ismagic intiaeueet rernth .1... cu, by thu, grand _rnsyliciye. . ï¬'ï¬ï¬‚iil‘fl-J‘I‘KZ5152723.?â€ï¬Tï¬Ã©â€™v‘S‘ELS‘Wï¬ FROM FAB KENLIS. Mr. Thomas L. Hubbs, owner and oe- cupant of Section 28, Township 19, Range ll, met with a severe accident about a year ago. He was thrown oat of his wagon. and among the injuries he sustained was a very severe strain of the Kidneys. taken all the pins hrs was "Sound as a bell," and not a trace of his old trou- ble remained. Mr. “[1be in writing of his case, says: "I live in ,ho municipality ot Indian Head and all who know me can vouch tstr the truth of this state- ment." A -. -... THE IMPORTANCE OF WATER IN MANURING. . Much interest attaches to the tmb- Ject "Manure and Manaring" discuss- ed by Mr. T. C. Wallace at Farmers' Institute meetings the past winter. He brought out many points not general- ly considered. Avery unique one was the importance of the gravity water to manuring--this is the free water so abundant in our soils during the (all, winter and very early spring. The soil is almost afloat in it, and so freezes up pretty solidly. When the frost comes out the earth is so lessen- ed that by a sort of polarization the parties and atoms of soil and applied manure; move about and coming to- gather form contact combinations, and so the foundation of plant food in pre- pared. lhe dung of the manure being very fine. is thus much more perfectly distributed than by murhine work. this he calls using one of nature aids in our work and both sav- ing labor and getting the work more perfectly done. This is po-sibly also the reason that in his business Mr. Wallace. so strenuously urges the use of Th?mas-Ph,ospha,te Powder iathe fall, winter and early wring months He explained with mmh clearnesa the action of 1tapilar- ity and the hydroscopio water in the 56H Soon after his mishap, his kidneys ho- Ran to make manifest the fact that they were unable to do their work properly. q Severe, stabbing pains darted across the small of his back. and a dull, terrible ache in his loius. kept him in continual agony†_ Various remedies were used, but non. gave any relief. The pains set-m- od to grow worn, and. hearing of the wonderful ettietscy of Dodd's Kidney Pills, he decided to try what they would do for him. m bought a box, and began taking the pills, going strictly according to the directions. Judge, of his delight, when, in a few days, he began to feel better. Day by day, the, improvement Crew more marked, yntil when he had Where Dodd'a Kidney Pills are used, Kidney Disease cannot exist. n is driven out swiftly and promptly, nev- er to return. Mistress-end remember, Mary 1 never aliow my girls to entertain their beaux in the, kitchen. __ _ the wrldrl “REV; "keGant--verr well, ma'am, What nights does your daughter use Calico print works use 40,000,000 doz- en eggs per year, wine claritiers use 10,000,000 dozen, the photographers and other industries use many mil- lions, and these demands increase more rapidly than table demands. Valentines make us see ourselves as others see us. Iowa I'm-mo for sale, " nor am can, Bu!- Inoe i crop until paid. J. Human, Sioux city, In. Keen the liver, kidneys," bowels Ind blood healthy by the use of Hood', Sar- Iaparilh, the, human blood purifier. Mfany people trust to luck to pull them through, and are often disappointed. Do not dilly-daily in matters of health. W it}: it you can accomplish miracles. With- out it you are 66 no good. Pf Dyspepsla-“I know a positive renal for dyspepsia Ind that I: Hood's Sui-up:- rnla. It cured me. My near-min also "opped." W. B. Bunny. 164 Oak Street, Biothamtton, New York. Tired Fooling - .. My appetite we! capricious, my liver disordered and I was tired. Hood’s Snrupullla relieved†all. It cured a friend at mine of female weak- ness."‘Mns. J 3881;: A. Mun", Clayton. Del. - Hond'p ptr., enro liven"; tttstron-trits; and only “think to who with New“ Bar-twins; __________.___4 "Great Haste is Not HAVING IT UNDERSTOOD. 1i'e'ji'oufLrt',iii!iheifgit?it,.e V‘""" me."'..'-"- -- / ' anob "txiii/uri/r fMyMG/f 1.1.1- M tv21,o I; Always Good fipeed. " USE OF EGGS owlth LOCAL APPLICATIONS, I»! they cul- . not reach the out of th Ginsu. Caurrh it t blood or eqtsgriitttlonal di-onu. and In order to enroll, you must, tab lnlornnl roundlu. HA I'. C'atarrh (Tun in team inter-Ally. uni ache it. rortly on the blood and n:ucou- lurflPOS. Hall'- Culnrrh Cure in not I quack medicine. It In“ pro-crilud by on? of the out physicinnl in Ilnln noun"! for â€an. and in n n-gular pmcrip- tion. t ll 'ompoud of the to". ionic» known. .otIthin.d w.» the has blood purine". aetini directly on ttto mucous Inf-cu. " he Forte' combine†of the two handle-ta in what 8:063le such wondorh‘ mall: in curing tarrh. Sud tor Lenin mm, a... 7 7 _ - P. J. CRtNIlF_Y I 00.. Toledo, 0. “at tree; the: [hr ‘wy lo linear! In!†: rid. . inu- mud , 27 superb photo ougrzr n35; uybouy can [an an exert a Inuit, 'uthaeuree t rer "tttpm, cuze " umnnd Mud hafull ttire tbe that ptsrltrr enunuiamen etr.r.i9erd ' lum- '? ngny l e .--losv.u_u_nr Ruin-5| Vet Viturll"d , I'll: fit day. e .4630 ulnar N1 ENE-hing I 'o ' Dru od, Roche-tor. N. V I Bunch, 1919 Madison Av... New hurt City, .0t.+l.M"%q%'t.-." nnvv TtTitie.trentby uni; on “aim at H DR. lt0UBY, P.O. Box W. Montreal Rheumatism--, TORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL. Carbollo Disinfectants. 80390. Ola!- nout. Tooth Portion. otqt.. In". been Mmrdod loo modd- Mud diploma' (or .upqrior â€all“... Their reg-Ir use provost int-ou- on: “noun. AnkJonr dealer h obesin u up)â€. Luu, mail free on uppHmllol. - Poultry tirtt " the heat dinner In the market LALWENTIA.N " ND h GRAVE]. Chr., Mauve“ &llfh". '"tNtt0-Fant itroort. "on but tum M â€d Annie-n an. (and. u . EVAPORATORQ yon MAPLE champ..n SYRUP L' album Inc. " " “RIM MFG. (‘0, I ntrnl. . - d Autumn no Chin --arueioaa at! who? PARA. 'ru'aer"A"r; 00.. Tom... Whoa hr I bl term: durin Jtutaar and l‘obruu'y. It.'iBh'f'i'ih%',' 1'hiltlll a: Bloeu.. CUTTENG SCHOOL-,1." Stammerers ' TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY PAR. Insulin: Bmmu Quinn-m Tour-en All Drug' (In. refund the money :1 it f " to can. Ma. Dr All pvx'mns are born happy, but in order tu continue so to the end they must die young. RELIANCE 0mm: " Totutana, too. F.' tyroitY.iuontreal. Treat I dog kindly, and he will not desert you when your money " gone. Mum Perhaps some people ask you foolish questions because they think they are the only kind you can answer. {he child, when: the 3mm, gm;- 311mm. mm wind g'nlic. And 'ts the but remedy for lurrhmv 250. I bot- “a. mm by all dnuzinu t'trort bout. the world. Be In" and a]: for " Mn. WirtMorr'q Il'otlt'dll Bymp." Many people suffer with catarrh un- til it becomes chronic, because they do not know how easily u. may be cured. Ten days' free trial treatment ought to be convincing. Send fifteen cents to cover cost of mailing outfit. Dr. Ray's Successful Remedy Co., Toronto. For Over PM†Venn MRS. WINSIDW'H 3007mm} HYRUP nu boa “sod pg gunners mime" Hail gym mam". " {my}?! r u 7 w -___re_- he Balmoral." Free Bus Mike Every time an actress makes a. farewell tour she usually does fare well. l To detect hidden cracks opening from the surface of metals, the surface is first moistened with kerosene and is then dried off with a cloth. It in then coated with chalk. After alittle while the oil works out of the little marks and stains the chalk. A sort of diagram of the hidden fissures and detects is thus produced. Have you eatarrht Have you often- sive breath? Have you bronchitis? Have you slight symptoms of consumption! Then send for a free sample of Catarrhozone. What is euarrttoaontst Not a snuff, wash nor ointment, but an odorous gas, which is carried by air directly to the diseased parts. It penetrates wherever air can to, and never fails to cure. We do not ask you to believe this until you have test- ed it for yourself. Send for I trial bottle gratis to N. C. POLSON & CO., King-nan, Ont. It is hard to Ct wince the father of twins that two heads are better than one. Sold b minim; -iraeie." -- Hum gun“: rm- no "di' bat. Anon. Berlin. who mu comma. you bu an can , DETECTING FLAWS IN METAL. CA LV F, RT'S Guam-h Cannot be Cured Evaporator- CATALOGUE trRF.P, ti. I. cum. Mtg 00.. Mantras]. C». " "ae" IRAN. " MIDI!!!“ never bar-lens t in unmanned “Inch prom. Ask f r it,uke no nth: r. Hut- 9 'or Rubber Clurhiutt Uo., Montreal, Some Plain Questions. II V'""""'_n: Ah" and fur an ‘. a D. barium. co.. Momma. nay-mun Cure manna in 24 hours. 'ailors “d Dru Ivor-cull; than I: bo bur "iled My be nun-l was where, unto ttt 511361;; SW DIPO'JTC u. mom! a inurest, paid or 'x"- male-1 In! you†DIUIIII’IM bum“: Gunner or mull-g with bunnuu’ou ttttMare, in Curd. or in Kabul. human . nun.- In author Ind by " to In.“ In tho Batman". of um ' t/ttit IONS. AOVLIQ'BIQ on 33.1 by“. mud†n -iiaai nus And on (nonbi- oondiuom u G M "4:32:12, mm 'Detr m M ' en " ure J. than" when M. M. "Mills BUYS COPPER SCRAP BRASS Within}. only Willi“ 't., Toronto Long Dish-mo Tommy)“ Itt9. Wu. B. Nonnuu, TORONTO, ONT. ‘- Limited, - - ' I†All IM tur St. Tulane Funny : Kenn-that. CANAIM PIiitNhh'll?AT' v.“-""'-' " - itGV,t;cow. and trr, [have spent (On-nut and, on) "1th trerrairt habit Como and .stiMrrourirro Nn'ilk W. R nine. Spock: in. 392 Gaul-(o Sm. Tarot-to RITURN. I“ ONE WEEK. W0 want good Button lgâ€. “can't eh Ship to In. nod yo. W1.l'nvr)our Cum n " week or hail TH E AI s" KN H HAD PRODUCL co., 88 From Bt., E ' Toronto. 8tammerertt New Tires Skin Diseases 9? “septic Yolanda. 't.00 U m sit. szi’m PharmuOt, sto UN: Ht, MoutmU, LAW We give this buuuml - Gold Plated Chill: Intel“ in l dainty plush-lined REE one for ullmg " of our Fine Linen. run-mm lboyllel at hr. Om‘h. lid?“ and prettiest "In! ; no tun um. “rue, and w. lend doyhn, punmui, mu our big Premium Lin. tiell them, "turn us 81,20 and me u nun-“mun! your hard" we. mum: eotmiaiotrupmterrtxi. Unsaid My!“ rewnnblo. LINEN MIL! Co.. DE". 2.1".n-u.'ls , T.Wr=r'il"'-ri'T'r-iri7" ' r .3 _ . ' I i _ _ .1 a. .4 V -- .. 1i"cff/itteitir'is': M, , '7 ----.--- L.". f -,‘Z,-. tre, tec, 'r ‘--.§-'- '.tiUrr_-T F’ 'ir) Mi :7 v-i'.4ti.a-"c" 'y',e'rit'".iri?fri ï¬r: Cs2c?: 'tit,':,,,' - " _ m. h , ____ _ . 9., .. r ,.-,’ "‘.-v’ 5'.'cA V I" I --'------rf------- h a " L'i?ir-..':ic 1t"ktrtrsrsf'1artpc l __._._.___< - T""'T,7 ". - T t MP _ C...?..". (ii'td A 1.. “a.“ 5 .upcrusd' r! ‘f e> LUDELLA [IOUIIOIATID 1855. Poul-up Capital . . . .. .08.". Fund. .......... “Home. '-ffec-vtrro"tr, 0:119:3110; Loan 3nd Sawing- Company. DOUBLE TU] In. 0 o. D to uy Mirn- Will mu union ll rogue-Md COCOA EPPS'S GRATErUL-coMroRTiNG. Lead packages. TH It MOST NU TR H1008. Used Everywhere. Sold Everywhere. Avoid Substitutes. '"tItAKrasT-sUPPtuL 'iiijWgitirhT mam? I. In“ 0mm “par-ton. ALP"--- am A» nun. MIAMI 9mm SUPPLY til., Of Montreal and Winnipeg I Colo Agent. for Osman. Thu only perteot Ilium to! Run in. nun: a lid midi-cu“. 3 slanpl.uiuttit-.-. ' I CARD INDEX in; mm: , tstad midrm Sdmplc Lu: t mm, . ___ .. " Tttq tttnoe â€many My. 00.. On Trial mun mow noun. J. w. AIDEIIOIL - FHTHKR mum}; per 07 r, TUBE pr. w . I an I Incl... Ml". A Halo. Iiarr'twertt,etc.. reuovod to Wale] my... Riots. no“ m. W., ' qrot"= LEAD WE SEND THE AVLMER 's,. SPRAY PUMP, ANDERSON FORCE PUMP, In." Inn-cm glam um ml] tall it All k ndn cured or mums] (crunch (L DrLBmu'. " ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO CEYLON TEA. l Ram. mu. P'",,%'i' smnwus “321231 I SUMMER SAILINGS. Rio-tony. Fisk,: luf'nn an. tdt'Alt ' mmvnn." .. So ttttfa nun-int» for nut (24 on an“: new man on. Itt'Nt t fn'iSt','a"d, grow t =tt'g'a'.'t n var-do um n "a rth. For 'di 'tttttte " Atet at Dunn out-Air 'aTfffl'Nhl2lir.u'i 10.. I Du Bar & Go 99:“; A Me n " Hm. Immiun. w . Iii , m Pa’iv. 14 Rue de Cuhzhulr. And .0 all Grown. “Luau". md Sta " -verrwtt-re, In tins. in. 3 ' M.. C: ' 8,b., " Sam (wrung! free Also Du Ian's hula-ms Btbqusta in mu. " m ud‘m -auiaiiur-.eur. â€1:00.. l‘iwmfmnu Dominion Lino that has lnvdid- sud mum. “d tho Benn no- 'at.tht Ink-nu than Almanac-“0‘. Mill!) In" ro- Wdt In»: mutton, hm Uta .11 will!“ Food In tenant um M) mm" in out in medium I hut. obi. Hue-u LION ears Alanna} Cures, of Cam wi. I] in. Vinnie-nu. â€invfy-Il 1rtdieuoa,0onaamMiots, Dunn.“ lirouchml. Imm- - . . _. "a -- _'. ---, â€Huh..- GriaTiiTaiTiEiFGTNifk FArr'towii, otdr m... nervou- Downy. Blame-mu. [unmade-q. n V V . . " " 3001mm out: H. mm. Hydra; an“; uucxmuum w. "my Putz†" Sch-oh Towmw awn... ':1. Pal, a...) ' no noormn "Luau Nun nu, "mm. ' ‘I‘onnto, In. t out Gm; new Gum-p. Cor I“... Balm».- numbed [on nut can Ute or on â€and: mlp:vd w u. an " (I. (mutt) Atu' “I! .umuu. on. 'rdWil"a%t'l'J; Iâ€. Iona“ L. COFFEE & to, HEALTH RESTOB ".0 'Tritt.",",','.,,.".":?,'. nor. disordered Stomach. Laws. New... Liver. Brood, Budd". qidrrerss, Bnin And Bretsth by an no rm’n Reunion“ , a I ta tht Barry 3 a'r'l'ltll'"r'lod, uw..u.n.v - "mu-p. nu.)- Jun-I n nvumw (um. mm in... 1w In". an I. and I only durum“. Cabin I...“ 76.35..) and upmbraU. b.0004 Guam "S', W Rotun- " so. am hummus:S Lumim, tab-gov. L “on“. uQumuuwn. 0.3, _ 1|:qu hull were U I I-v 688:0! Germain Oil 60.. t36 m on, Toronto. and " t m. R 00 Fi N c Booting: L'e,tyrty.e ALLAN LINE amine 011ml†Inc. we! fil,tt'iii MAMRD. ONT. '" “och mat huge-in H haunt-museum In fur competition our 3min“. An- and: dun chosen Bulim- In npnm'mk out ‘orl. But Colt-emu! School in M Emu a"; Agents l' It I“... I.I.. up! lulu“. " Lnokul, omlu " ettta kax~nmf "" 'm we. nut-m . warm." .. Seaman: atta .rgt-od"ioo tor 71"“an "- l 2Pb'edlittan man on. Ron» of we, _ t fiti'iht','a't gonad can. I: â€can A a"tse Hardin. to t "o m " ythet.t'Y apply . nun-“u Dunn out-um: & Co.. “I! Jun-ma I... Mound. for tuning: Inturmuon mly to CALIFORNIA)? Mar C. Juno IO, July ll. SAA.rl!elA_t "V {new}, tfer NLJuu- " On In": Al “so “We. won order your ttttter. “In“... win r.mrsrtr'Uq. b “It!" titat " In to have a genumn than; KOIIII‘ Top, A: unawa- tort Am! tt BO“ ILL l BUR: ll. mum. " Yong. St., Toronto. or tl. it ALLA“, Introâ€. Cantor. "tom hm: to†In. an. with In u univesrsa: tneor mu othe' munufnctllb or urn now making mfvrlor humanl- uld sedan. In": on we r--p" Mon tho Cuba! Tw- have mug. Do u 't b. Nunavut“ tg . N In"! I who rec \mmoud- w mm lake to be just no good. The (km; w tt u or To,- uro In Ina-r pat- loct n ski. od workmen on unto them. or OUR qT'UDENTig in. My Man (on. Mom-II In“ " in“ “HIM, Touch 1'O, ONT. Wat/A GRAIN All! OOHIIINOI HERGIIMITI. situation». not (out when. run-in Mufti. TAMMERERS. 1ullmy's Improved arriage Tops r........ (â€I'm h Conn“ tor tttq y','rgtgt Ivcry pin: a! Pt,', dotoqt EIMNIII In Touch. 1" to "and uuUlOl'n AUTO VoCI Welll trt'rtt, I PM. on, tomato. he.“ (i'lli1'ri' In" hull... lining-n “when. _ BURY . Chung-l Month-l at " tn; nude on (In Int- t “ill: m L"ry More. ter “new“ "an mount AVA. " In: â€an" um an. W. J. ELLIO'I 1’. Principal. as. so. 40, so & 6oe. at. “WRINOI Roo u, mourn; " to mum-00L. Joll L Cor In mum-4 ml ROYAL I‘ll 'ly Wanted Mum mm .38 i310“ WSW tri