West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Mar 1899, p. 5

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Ht y cheap 5553' SI es, sumo-ting extra. ill convince you. [I "I; "tlu"-"'), MARY Town. TOR pick &c SS Razors on market. esh stc IN! N, "t.qteo. ('ull of and a! hould An Inn/fun wet thim The C. P. R. will run special excursions to British Columbia and Pacific Coast points IF GOING ? ? ? Go via C. P. R. No customs, better services, better time, bet- tur connections. any kind. We are at your service. USF, [VS 3 MaGFARLANE 81 GO SPAC BEAN dl CO Come to us for information of It a specially reduced rate. To Manitoba and Canadian North " mt will have Toronto every TUESDAY during Match and Apri . l’nwvugvrs Handling WITHOUT LIVE STOCK should take train leav- ing Torsuito at 3.13 p. m. i’assengvre Ira-welling WITH LIVE STOCK should take train leaving Toronto at 9.00 p. m. oiionist Sleepers wili he attach- ed to each train. For full particulars and copy of .. Settierls Guide " apply to any Can. Pac. agent, or to THE BIG Settlers' One- W.ay Excursions C. E. IcPHERSON. Assistant General Passenger Agent, 1 King St. East. Toronto. R. MacFARLANE, In, This: Agent. Special Excursions Watch it Next Week. Owing to tt new arrangement with Grand Trunk we can now ticket yon direct from Durham and have your bag- gage checked through to destination. Mtl" MISTS cacao t.NHt snEDsMEX, sacae To M ANIT1 JBA, NORTH W PST Ol' DAKOTA, Durham, Out l, Parliament is once more in session although the business will not te seriously entered upon till next week. From the social standpoint the inaug- i’ural function was of special brilliancy, Ipartly owing to the fact that this was {his Excellency'siirst appearance on a T'similar occasion. The speech into (the, throne contained no startling sur- prises, the must important announce uncut therein being that a redistribu- tion measure Would be a principal "tern of the sessions program. The ipl‘ugressive condition of affairs in the [Yukon wrs given a special notice, {coupled with the two intimations (already given in those letters, viz. (that the district was paying its way, ll"? receipts therefrom more than inieeting the heavy expenditure, and ithat a Government telegraph line to Dawson City was in course of con- struction Changes In The House. The mutability ot all things mundane was startingly emphasised in the fine proceedings ot the House of Commons. The first incident after the speech had been read in the Senate was the in- trodttetion of no less than seven new members, who took the places at representatives who had been in their seats in nearly every case almost to the closing day of the last session, but even more eloquent of change was the wreath which lay on one of the desks and the Premier's fiinit speech made as it was for the purpose of paying a tribute tothe memory ot three well.. known members removed by death; within a very brief period. All who) have heard the Premier on occasions such as this will realize the impressive- ness of the incident, and the assembly was equally touched by the pathetic cialorsation of his remarks by the venerable leader of the Opposition. Senate Reform. Whilenotniotirrnisrl in the speech lroni the throne the question of Senate Reform will more than likely lind a prominept p'ace in the proceedings of the session. Whether it does or not it is certainly limling a prominent place in the nchpapcrs, and is everywhere leading us a topic of debate and dis- cussii n. While we are accustomed in Canada to clean cut and very definite dividing lines in most political issues it is interesting and significant to note how absolutely pronounced is the line (i demarcation in this case. The policy ofthe Liberal party as enunci. atod at the Ottawa convention in 1893 is being most emphatically endorsed in every part ol the country. The resolution defining that policy reads as tollows o--"'), present constitution of the Senate is inconsistent with the Federal principle in our system of government, and is in other respects detective, as it makes the Senate in- dependent oi the people and uncon- trolled by the public opinion of the country, and should be so amended as to bring it into harmony with the principles of popular government." The Same Policy To-day. This is exactly the line upon which the Premier framed his proposed amendment, namely, the introduction of a joint vote of the two Houses when a difference oiopinion arises between ‘them, and the manner in which the proposal has been discussed and en- dorsed everywhere is the clearest possible indication that the Libeial jorty are a unit thereon. Of course Ias to the details there are differences of opinion it would indeed be remark- , able if, in a party composed of hundreds lot thousmids of thinking- men, there (were not many opinions as to the best i method of procedure in arriving " the ‘common object, that object being to bring the Senate into touch with the democratic inihtenees ot an advancing age. or to bury it quietly and decently l where it might rest among the mem- l ories of the dear, dear past. The Opposition on the other hand. evidently recognizing the rapid growth of democratic sentiment and appreciat- ing the. value ot such a check upon the popular will, are hanging on in hysterical desperation, breathing forth into heroics upon the "Keystone ot‘theConstitution" end the "Found- ation otConfederation." Of course to some the sample proposal even to discuss the matter is suggestive of sacrilege and any attention paid to these will be time last, but between these irreconcilables on the one hand and those who are prepared to reform, even to the point of extermination if needs be, on the other are quite a numberof the electorate who are an- donbtedly favorable to action being taken, but only upon the direct man- date ot the people. The Mandate Has Been Given. OUR OTTAWA LETTER. The posiliui is undoubtedly well taken and is eheeriully conceded by the Liberal party. In 1893 the cen- vention unanimously adopted the resolution quoted above and upon it went tothe country in 1896, and that plank with others in the party plat- form was overwhelmingly endorsed by the electorate. But Sir Charles Tupper has declared that the majority of toe Local Legislatures should also pronounce thereon. Since that con- vention, Ontario has had two local elections. in both of which the Party of Senate Reform has been sustained by a handsome majority of Quebec Province has held one election with the result that a Conservation Premier was compelled to resign in favor of the present iberal administration, sup- porters of Senate reform. In Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, the party has been so emphatically endorsed that the combined Opposition in the two Legislatures have barely tn1ffieient numerical strength to form a eorporal's guard. In Manitoba the election held since the Ottawa convention has great ly strengthened the Government, strong advocate of reform. while in British Columbia. though it is frankly admitted that Federal politics have. little to do with the matter, for local issues rule, the Conservative adminis- tration of a year ago has given way to a new Government composed most largelyot men who are supporters of the Ottawa platform which includes the plankqnoted above. In lace of tin so facts, the unanimous endorsation ortluitpoliey by Federal and Local Legislatures without one dissenting voice that man must he blindly prejudiced who cannot admit. that the Government has received emphatic endorsation. Was There a Promise. The Executive Committee of the Dominion Allianee has paused a 1esohr tion, though put. with any striking unanimity, ehwessinw, "Strong dis, satisstaetion at the refusal of the Government to carry out the promise to take such steps as Wtuld give effect to the expressed Will of the people." Untortunately for the soundness of the position assumed in that statement its fundamental accuracy can be very saeeessfally questioned. A very great deal has been said respecting this alleged "promiseto pay" but so far there is an absolute failure to respond to the challenge to produce evidence of such promise. On the contrary the Government when questioned in the House declined very definitely to "go it blind," upon the sttitieient con- tention that no intelligent undertaking could be made in the absence of a knowledge ot what the result of the vote might be, when such an infinite variety of possibilities existed. Those unfriendly to the Government had of course fondly hoped that it would get into to an inextrible tangle, but they forgot that the man or Government is not easily trapped who has an honest desire to carry out an honest promise, definitely given without reservation or qualitieatiom That promise was, that the people should be given an oppor- tunity to express their opinion at the polls. That was all the promise made, that promise has been kept in every sense of the word. -e'riaeamsr-.:! A Thousand Tongues Could not express the rupture of Annie E, Springer, ot 1125 Howard St,, Puila. delphm, Pa., when she found that Dr. King‘s New Discovery for Consumption Itiuleompletely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. All other remedies and doctors Could give her no help, but she says of this Royal Cnre---"It soon removed the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely re- member doing before, I feel like sound- ing its praises throughout the Universe." So will every one who tries Dr, King‘s New Discovery for any trouble of the Throat, Chest or lungs. Price 60e and $1,00 . Trial bottles free at our drug Stores; every bottle guaranteed. 5 Mr. Jan, Glad is engaged with Mr. Wm. Smith for Illa summer months. Co. coxmctrnracascr.--Nomi nations for the vacant position caused by Mr. Gilmy’s adulation took place on Monday, Polling on Aprit3. Childrens servxce will be held on San day morning next. We are glad to any that Mr.Georgo Morrison is rccovenug after a. severe sickness. Miss Lulu .Cburchwnrd ls visiting at Mr. Walter Dunns at present. Jae. Bogle is on the sick list, but hope he will soon be aropnd again. " many cases the heart and veins her: power to gerfectly return the blood from the head an extremities for purificaHou. Then follow attacks of dizzivess, headache, palpitation, nervousness HOWARD‘S HEART RELIEF cure, such diseases. Ask your tirtV,rGis"t or by mail at 80c. per box a boxes for " oo. t s. w. HOWARD. Tt Victoria M., Toronto. The Blood is the Life. Siuggish Blood breeds disease,the seed of death. A strong heart is matures own invigotator anttthe, best purifier. 1.l.lli.i.lrtyt'irllieart simulation. ' ' Foiirll Heart Weak- ness and Imnertect Varney. 5Q-.. Reiiet Butchers' Cattle-haue was very slow, the offerings being much heavier than tuttivipated Prices for choice wept', Live Stock Markets. TORONTO. The heavy offerings at the Western cattle Market to-duy met With a slow demand, trade for even choice stock being dull. The supply in this branch was rather heavy for. the late market. The general tone of the market was steady. The feature of the market was the small supply of common and in. ferior grades of cattle. which generally are dumped into the late market. Export Cattle-Cables from Great Britain remained steady. The big supply of exporters was in very slow demand. The choicest were quoted at $4.50 to $5 and $5.10 per cwt for picked lots. Light were in ample supply at $4.50 to 8t.00 per owl. a little iirmer, being quoted at 8t to $4.50 Pet' twt. 'fheofhwiugs of cmnmnu grades were a little lighter than usual, but the demand wan poor and the prices remained steady. Motliumand common were uttotahle at $3.25 to $3.3Jaml $3.75 pet' cwl. Infeyioe fetched ulmnt $3 per (-wl. Eggs, per "or. .r. . Cltieken; for pair Ducks " Turkeys, per lb ... Geesse, per lb .. Hides. per ewl ..' Calfskins ... ... Sheppskins ... .., Hay. per ton ... tltraw, '. ... .. Potatoes, per bag Apples, per bag .. Slot-ken and Feeder -'lhuade in this line was slow, slackers for Buffalo being in moderate supply at f'wn, prices or $3.50 to $3.80und 8385 per owl fm selections. Light Markers were in liberal supply"! steady ptict's. There was practically nothing done in the feeder line, the market being a little tirttuw furelmiee, which were quotable at $4 to $4.25 per ewt. Sheep and Lambs -The mtwement. in this branch was brisk. the demand fur choice lambs being vxceptiottttlly good forlhelate market. Prices remained thm. Flour per bbl .........., Oatmeal per sack ...... Bran per cwt ... ... Shorts per ewt ... Full Wheat per bushel Barley, " Peas, " Outs, 'k Dr'd Hogs. per cwt Hoas. live weight ... Lard per lb ... Tallow' per lb ... Butler per tb, Tol, ... .' Roll Hogs-The run in the annex was fair- lyheavy, but the demand was good, everything being cleared our early at flrtn prices. Choice selevtions were quoted at $4.50 per cwl; light were steady at $4.13 per cwt andthick fat were in moderate supply at $3.75 per ewt. Sows were quiet at 83. A few sings fetched 82 per head. From ttreport of the recent Annual meeting of this body We extract a few paragraphs showing that this purely Canadian bod V . . , ts meeting witl 1 success l much The report of the High Auditors was a most. gratifying one. The vear open- ed with a halanre on hand in the insur- ance fund of 35925665,]. The receipts amounted to 8'252,'3t4,'30 an increase as compared with 18177 of $2401.69. Owing to the low death pate there was a de- rrease in the amount paid out, of $8.415.- 47. The net, result was to add to the surplus the sum of 8108.407.24, the largest addition in the Order’s history. making a net surplus at the Close of the year of $701,173.75. which amount with the exception of 87flil,08 deposited on current account. Is invested as follows '. Dominion Government Stork $1001"). oo, Loan Co. Dehentures 8270.000.00. Municipal Dehentures 8142,422,67, and Bank Deposits 812G,000,00. You SHOULD KNOW-- What Hood's Snrqapnrilla has power to do for those who have Impure and impoverUhrd blood. It makes the blood rich and pure, and cures scrofula. salt rheum, dyspepsia. catarrh. rbeurnntUm, new. oneness. If you are troubled with any ailment. caused or promoted hr impure blood, take Hood's tumapariiln at once. Rttttd'g Pills are prompt and 'rfBeieett, my to take. my to operate. At tho close of the your there were 661(‘ourts in tho Order, reorpspnping a. membership of 30.789. There were 449 Subordinate Courts in the Province of Ontario, 93 in Gopher. 12 in New Brunswwk. 21 in Nova Scotm. 2 in Prince Edward I,auanrl. 69 in Manitoba. 9in the North Went Territories. and 6 in British Columbia. The total amount of Insurance curried hv the Order at the close of year was 831.727.500.fl0 an increase for the year of $t'3.4G1.000,00. There were 1.327 oarrying $500.00 insurance: 27.830 carrsing 81.- OOO; 00 cart-yin: 31.500. and 1572 carry- ine $2.000. The average amount at risk was $1,030.48 as against $1040.91 a year ago. The proportion of surplus funds per memher was $22.77 and per 81000 of In. smanz‘e $22.09 home an increase of w, cents and 81.13 respectively. Bro. E, Gartumr. Superintendent of Organization. presented a very Carp- fully prepared report, givingr much valuable. and interesting statistical in- formation ralative to the growth and standing of the Order nutnprieall.v. CANADIAN FORESTERS. DURHAM MARKET. ul......... 1 r huggelir " ... 0 b6 ....0 " ... 0 r cwt ... 4 {lit ... ... 4 run: I: 0 Roll ... kin“ I: J ... l'. ... ... fl ... ... 7 , I: III 5 bag ... -0- 2 50 to " 60 l 80 to 2 00 63 to " 75 to tttt (so to 67 o 85 u 0 42 0 65 to 66 0 28 to 29 4 " to 4 b0 4 10 ta 00 10 to 10 04 to 04 0 14 to 0 14 14 to 14 12 to 12 25 to 3“ 25 to 'ite 40 to 50 8 to 8 a 05 to 0 05 7 oo to 700 gli to 39 M) to 70 5 oo to 6 00 o 00 to O 00 tro to 0 l4 14 12 3U 50 67 0 42 66 29 4 so 00 70 l, C. McARTHUR. (llliillf MI (MISS HIRE Returning not later than April 4th. Parties intending to go to Dakota, Manitoba, or North. West should call on us. Can ticket YOU via Chicago or North Bay. ms. R. GUN Residency ~ll()l’l‘l\'ll.LlC. Tetans ttiodetslte. Arrangements fur sales. "stodates. dw. "HM he made at The Iteview office, human). 1'orpere pondence addressed there ot' to "alw- ville P. 0. will he promptly attended to. Terms on applications to D. McPHAIL, Hope-ville P. O. or to C. RAMAGE. thuham. F AR-SEEING people are the most successful. They look ahead and plan what is best for their future, with this object in view get a DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING. HATS and CAPS, BOOTS nnd SHOES. Are rude I Specinlty. Call and See what we have & judge for yourself. Easter ONTARIO. This institution is the leading school of its kind in the Dominion. The bait. ness course is by far the most thorough and comprehensive in Canada. It has: also an unequalled Shorthand course. Send for Annual Announcement con- taining full particulars. C. A. FLEMING, Principal, Owen Sound, Ont. AT---- L'noqualled bargains In all Departments The Greatest CASH SALE Of the Season #lchffflll'fl'8 d2i)--waf7ittiit -.1" _.,i." Appl y to----- IS OPENED THIS WEEK AT USEFUL AND MONEY. MAKING EDUCATION. Good going March 30 and 31, and April I. . McPHAIL FOR FULL INFORMATION AS TO RATFS. TIME, Etc. UPPER TOWN. OWEN SOUND TICKET AGENT. Licensed Auctioneer fot the County of Grey. ONTARIO ARCHIVE; TORONTO e M tF' arlane's 'The Wheels 33%. “Call and see for yourself. “Prices are light. PLEASANT, PURE AND HEALTHFUL ?lllllllilLllfil _ t Rheumatic $ptilit PHREM LINE PILLS Go Round We Sell all kinds at all prices. Also a Full Line of Manufactu'd on Honor & Sold on Merit For sale by n. PARKER. Durham. I I Will now buy a Seven Jeweled Waltham or Elam Watch in Nickle Screw Case. We have Seven- teen Jeweled \anthams at prices never offered before. try. Free home and valuable . vilecee ellowed to the right ”an: Duties commence am of April. Sine experience end “my expected. V - children) prelerred, 'experi- enced in farm and duiry work to work farm i2 Bound townyhip.. Egir u!- my. Frog bogus aryt {tumble l THE CORBETT FARM, tad containing 93 acres. For patien- ll" ’nluire of --- -- -- l' Being Hut and West Puts of Lot number FIVG (li), in the 2nd Conces- sion, W. G. It., of the Tp. of Ben. tmck. known In We Handle everything in the Harness line, " right prices. CALL & SEE OUR 1hhlrtfll1i2 WATCHES ' J EW ELR Y, SILVER WAR E, and STERLING SILVER NOVELTI BS. Wt i, Bites, Whips, i: dx., &c. Heavy & Light Harness TO SUIT YOU. \Vorkmansllip Unsurpassed Find Choice in vulses, Grips. Horse Blankets, mm to. We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest Price Paid. THE GLOBE), TH!» ONLY ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE PREPARATIONS (IN THE MARKET Dinner 'Spoiler-Hashana, Mad-- Servant Girl Ugly. The anemic clock did its best-lt is old enough ton-st. Its going qualities have gone you Want a Good Clock & Temper Saver. We have them Por 86.50. You can save time and worry by buying one “dun. J. RITCHIE Port Arthur. The Leading Newspaper of the Dominion. W. A. McFARLANE Next to Bank. $5 BILL! FARM FOR SALE. TORONTO, CA NADA. ?flllllli1)hllill Medicines th LEAVENS H. PAIKIB. Durhum. of 2" Time. Collars, Pads, Guaranteed to oun- itlteutueititstu, Sciatica. Lumhngo. Gout and Neurulgin. Brights Dim-mun. Dink-10H. Paralysis 1hmvuliiotis, Heatt Disease. Ma. No. A sure cure for Meathwhe,rrizzitterss 1'otvstipatiptt, ludi- gestion. BilmuulIt-Sh DURHAM. ONT. "ee-ce" ' Muried - Catch 1 _ (withoqt H E} P)

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