.!ttttii,iiistte! . a. limp: In. III my tt. Sum 1Wuer pant In: He may. he ir .iuiu: I scnle up in Riyaryiow. Stephen tluakes had a painful operation pain-mu] on him lust week. The flesh "t I'm foot Inn-l m Le Inn-cod and the bout: seminal. He haul his {out Iwzeu tCNUtt martin 3;.0 which may be the must: ot the duet-ed tune. aisle! IO Ilnyr yieinity, l Lumin- out at yresen’. i, buns Hull last. warn. We " y,l ul to lent Cult, .0 rttit. u CURES EUARAEETEE h1iij1.ti?t, in“ 21.2 HINT. iiii' "ir/ir/Iii/ri/td."" ar. A. Humwmï¬ï¬, iii-i' 1°;xiii-:5:1-25-21431-:EEEEMMEEEHEEEEEMEEMEEEEEEEEEEEEï¬C-DMMEEMEEEMEg3 Ws heat m2 we: 'C:'ck"3t0?ye'. "I YAMFW'EL'J. s) Haunt, "tFN. E; stmc’r: trt", t:e.'i'rr';'.b'rY. ".W'lteT 'res mums l xxx-1 RALIHSCHARG- w'. In mm M: K.':utdrerp0titeei. 21WuUrsTATUAN rang. mum FREE - if 8518 tVGii." wiitiCrii; ilt.,'.tt't1'.tirluBLANK toe HOME ttttti', =l'get,t, ll' yr)".- Consul; pod“). w venue Pa :Icstnd o 'itls14l'llta"/l,t,'.tgyyyil;t, UnrNEW METHOD TltEAT5leG't' will , "i tive.', can you. One thousand don Ir" for s can wo'nccopt for t eminent. we canon-21:0. brraismodssrstel./iU. â€Thousandlpf your}. and middlengml It: pro Xingu. their suual nun! Ind vitality continually upped by thin du. euo. The, no frequently tncnnsritmv _,'retSgfW,,tlt'i,i,iitji,ii,ih5i';' Henenl Weakness. Yunnan rrisclsare, inl. In. England. Xen'oumnl'. Poor Siem- ory. Irritnbiritr, at than tiqtattittg Fri ntion. Suntan Eyes. with dark (in-In. Wat Back. General Depression. Lark of Ambinon 1y..rfeoeshy. Shrunk-r. hm. on. can uni arm: n m: mybotho canâ€. Don't crawl} mum), Mn. u they have no erg-enema in than speck] diam-r -,lo,u's .110: Mite “Milieu! or? yvn. Consult Thousands of you“: an: 13:13: . “mumbled withthi: ui. L'N_e:-t, noon-dough. They nut) h: n: w -... in. mutton. "nan. tummy s-u pharp cumin: In]?! tat times, slit)". chm. digit!" " In commencing, ' 0mm. cmmionu, and .12 the gym-M of nervous debilitr-ther have b' I G' TYRE. Pe.'t let 'lyettrt experimn £55985 9E??? gm. Our NEW Manon Tun-AT. EXT .trsortm tho ltricture trrmee: 't1tttteovestyotriefr'iritirE.uiiGji.'r." It can never return. .\u pain. Bo .tr.e-. int. no detention from Muir's! by Crt: method. '0-xrsatoctttitrtsrertrFut'ii md. The nerves no inviaontml. and the blin- of manhood returns. III um; Specialists at [@3527 20 Years In Beirut 250.03:- cm. 1mMttSTtt,i..t'ty, "L s'" you. , cutting. punching: isiri, you. . ‘hiswill not can sun. " it iv gmhmg NEW Mango!) In 'iICl"'llrrlfl)"t Att, Ltdll/ hl , ihmp 0! MII ill 5 IDS. It)! $i.25. ing the wholesale profit. Wish (l New Shoe Must Go a New Hat! {h uruicrtMnttii a rink-user! Dr " horn. d w Emu. that Dr, Snead†is hut. In his cutie: again. no scureity of Dr's. in our l um]. rsLmJ that Jack is lvlnlt'nsevi Dr. Hi. patient Dromope, "I a Hail Inst week. ', busiuem an a Mtge vlt'Tolll' L'I'IYIDN TIC.“ lY:n:-.'r.1"| I ‘1 C:"C"x a!“ 3:: 'c' " '..,u. I Itub' winkâ€; ' I 95. sl'cir: I _ enciur, ' 29‘ , the urn-J an I,, have 5 I Hi" .8C. xpevicryitor, 't Ir, or t"."i:'.g P, " [ t.trsit will r; f )1) /1'r':',';',i,':-iy"c, :ture t'ette: .l 1 porvc.taertlr. F'. l ti.rs.rr, "erm. i"'g sums; by c".: i,' 'prtsrtrtugtr's c,, menu-J. aad 7 , a. , , , LE ET P,, ' , Y middleagod 3'1 3 II “(or 3nd .77 l by thivlir ' unconsrumv " ms. (Sacral & 1mm. Psil- Bl, .Ynnr liem- - v martin; Fen- dork (new. = onion. Lack a ' Nhrnnker, rT TRIF'H NF. , 'tsalt fataiiy . l 22mm in I .hat'g Inâ€. = I Ts (Maw); - I ' Henna o -_ . . Unlrxg“' p, E F wil trea' Cart ' and duh 'rl' 3'73 ' :Izmcnt am: “:5 I tefvrs..ve. ffi E I’. a _ J. l i' . $.35 ' a y nu n n...- ka ' 32:331-333. A†l A «mm. E, I cs no 60 Pairs Men's Extra Heavy Plow Bals (laced boot) with heavy exten- sion double sole. 3 rows pegging and a row of slugs. Regular price 81.50, opening price 8l.33. m Pairs Men's Split Babs, regular $1.25, opening price 97e pair. ti) Pairs Wotuan's Pebbled Lea- they Oxfords, patent Tips. A common T? Inuhiury. on. of the Rain. on the nickn- be“. loan. cud on hot mik- (he Cnidarin tanning MI Il‘. in I Il‘u.. Ho 'lllullis zlningio mill . [on du- .29, and in muting some at the Casualiue~ hate lreett quite mum-run! iu the villngo- uHatr. Wm. Swami!) in naming a nun foot from the offectu of . hone Mom in: "tt it. omiuml In w-v all 2 .mgr- of manuscript here is W'- "My have Je. euul of the Furn-‘lcr'x entertainment“ w,, [mum at. the first flail soup-luv. E-l._L'.I-b swungmg lay Mia Lena Muir, Instru- ru-utu’ br .vi,s “the! Sharp. y mhnu by Mu- TC. F.. 15 mn. min rial 1-" Elisa Jenniv “calm. IS rut I. We ll, " Rev, Mr. Mngmun! luiug called on said he “as pleased to l-n “ill: the Forester', and sun] ‘I am not a mmnlmr ufthv- Order Int "tay " as I um fasora'ole, b, we order, ms It " built upon no ptiuciyles M" the I) MP. [join in with Hu- othrts in “Mung tho It that "we iravittrr, prosprri'y in their Iu-whume. Mr. Triu- mid “In: In? had ttoi {soul the t-\'erin:'~ enstertuiutuetu; and honed that Court 11r,lstr.t" may e antinuo to rum. Mr. 1tozel made u -I.o.l march in which he said if nuy " the. people of Holmein came on! to Dauphin they would he vwlmmw. Aft-w an instrumental by Mi s T. Orchard, the meeting claw] in whirl, he said if any cf the people of Holstein came on! to Dauphin tiny Wank] he “CIMNIID'. Aer an inMrumonlIl by Mi a T. Orchard, mm meeting chad with tho! â€annual anthem, all going: [Mme wetl pleaw-i with thr evening'u cum-nah- m-m. John Thomas and sister, wile car of stock and houwhol I . fr, ca ' v Ft " Juan. for Kdottan Mun: Mr. Swim†va "suur, also f. r Killmmn'. Man; J. W, [\fnivv and flirt-m Ihmimg I-u' i..-.'. .u Hmâ€! I\. W. T. Mis., .lr-,t,ie Hm» t, r urs-tsir. N. W. T. Wilhe SIM-rs h-I M r: .I:!:r ham (or 0n 'l'ueuluju. a 'Pte') [min from l’a’meruon came np lo Hwy away some of our must respected citizens to dilfereut parts ofthe 'rest 1'ltomts who left were Peter Reid and family. with a cur of atocA and household effects for Red Deer, Alberta, N. W. T.: Thou, ll. Tribe and Imuily. Frank smith and famiiy with two can of stoek twd implements nnd nonst- hold Afeci.n to mac, Alberta ; Duncan Patel and family. Mrs. Paul Sr. and huuily. John Thomas and sister, win, our of 51.00“ and thvhuv} I . ff, (rm io., " tt u ‘hrlu. W"ltcu. Ruhwick and Dick Alclmsou Inn for Novus Dakota 't'ucsday. A wry sad sh, I!) uccured in llalitein last Sn olay up Hung when the wde of John Melchunt. :llnl wry suddenly. She hal l-unl unj win: her luau] health up to “was d...“ leforc. her death “he-- she gave birth to a child. She leanes many lurmwiuu trtetuls,aud her husl-uwl turl chiuireu lune thr. uum‘e sympatin of tlu: eouunuuitv Her l‘t'lnlllls Were itrtetrred in Amos Gunnery, Droumre. ----A IdlNF', “LACK IqiLT HAT, all sizes, for We. -----1HOi'rR, FINE FEDORAS, regular “7.4.25. tit, We (221 ---- MEN’S FUR FELT h'rilX)ltAti. Newest, stvlns ---llOrs" CAPS at. We, IM, and 25e. MEN'S Cf; -----1HOirc, HEAVY CLOTH CAPS at 250 each. In: mud pound in Land Packing Holstein 4 in. v-tcur;)' have 2u1gr- of Inaxum'l'ipt have the and of the ll. fr, (3.; i.e.s, Ft " Juan. ', Mr. Spittrl' vtol ri-IPI'. Man; J. W, Main and New t NO BEHER Ill [GI â€18 MONEY. 30 Pairs Men’s Fine Gaitius and Balls, bought to retail at $1.51). To make a noise we say $1.22 pair. 25 Pairs Ladies' Fine Kid Button:- ed Boots and Bals, at sizes 2l, 2;, 3.1. m clear out at 73e pair. Some of these shoes sold ot $2.25 pair. ot' One docs not look well without the HAT. Our sr Hats are all imported from England, direct to us, thus For the return of a purse to REVIEW office or H. Parker's Druusun-p. con- tnining money and a valuablv keep "tkr. Lou in Durham about February Elli lust. Durham. March 11th, m Hnwkin v. Townshin of Euphrnsia- - damages for injuries sustained by reason of 3"â€de defective rum] t Jud- gement. reserved. Lucas. \Vrinht & Bataan for plaintiff; "'i'onuor & Evans and J. S. Wilson, Menfurd. for defend. ants. Judge Rose “durum! n. 1'ovouto by the early morning train "II Saturday. ('I'nwfurd V. Shh-Ids seduction, mule. fs-mlm]. vevdivt for trluitttiff for t"dOh Armslrnng & 'l't-lfm'ul. Pllrs. so'iritovs. Dury v. Mrl'hu-hervr slander, parties live in tnwnsllip of Proton. [rial post: poned on account, of alumna-u uf wituoss and set down for Guelph Hi1! ing nu 27th inst. MncKm'mnl Sampson for plain- tiff: w, H. Kingsmn fox-(lt-fnndam. McIntyre v. Township ot' Arlenwsin ~ damages for injnrirs rm-uivml ly driv- ing into a cut in " mm] undergoing: repairs, judgment "esevved. Mackny & Sampson or plaintiff: Lucas. “Night & Baum" fur defendants. A Frightful Blunder ; Willofteu cam-e a humble burn, scald. i eat or bruise. Buckleu's Aimed. Salve.’ the best in the world, will kill the pain} and promptly heal it. Cures old sure». I bver sores, ulcers. I:oil-. felons. cums. all I skin eruptions, Best Pile rnru tbl) c-anlL ,' Only Me a box. Cure 'duut' .nyqu $4.1 j by our drugei+ . 5 I Mr. Thus. Orchard hot a yuluuhie horse the other Juy. Lsfrautitiou of the lungs being the cause ot its death. Thus aud J. H. Blown Wale in Toronto Int week, Herbert Smith of Wiuterbouvu is re- nownug old aequtuutauees in the village this week. Mrs. Armstrong of Mt. Fun»! was the aunt ofJ. H. Brown on Sabbath. Ben Schell of Red Buy is shining Ins sister Mn. A. Holsbuugh and other relative. for a few day. thi. Week. Archie Smith, mm of Julm G. Smith, was cutting wood in the bush when lny u. mlatalu: of the an: made a. gush in his foot which will give him an enforced holiday. Rob Main, son of Wra. Main was in the an of splitting wood in the yard when the axe gluueed mlo his foot, which will cause him b, keep the, home for u week or two, ing Mr. Calder nu the an“, cuminâ€; an ugly \vunud, Dr. Blow“ haying to pm In a. number of stitches. GREY COUNTY ASSIZES. i?l.:.?5, at We each. Newest stvles and shades, from ttl.25 up I MEN’S CLOTH CAPS, Patent Lcathe 25e much. -.-- .‘-DO 9.. REWA RD CAtill FUR I'llOlJCitri, lite" worth Hin- tit NONE (,if'ill))i' EH ! You can unh- ii', “LO Ilu' Cvel'y day tt "l I hhATtr.trp.v 12.1.l’s" In}: " " nlmut the samu prime :us TUI lun- Ir pey 1:1me ot :hu unnu- r tuiliesr TA3lW0itTHs and othey breeds at 'vasonaule pviees. Apply at lot f). mm. 2. w. G. R.. Beutinck. (2) H. ALEXANDER. PROP. «A b "ipiiou 1211M. mm inâ€) had It tIto otrwe of ' l:u " i" ', .. punt-qutvr IJ‘lt‘u-l l neat to THE WEEKLY GLOBE Wo THF,' LHLYN . TORONTO Hat, Ill-l sv-H'l'al I ic. m n: oi the m.- L w " ".osi" clam Fr, \m-LL At ', mare we 1 thw Nursnirn, ramp; in: 0ch 700 tar-r: t. and zr'nxiw.‘ Min-l; it, haw quuII‘ in l Hahn-s try (u sell et the dun-:4 pussibll' Ii :ul'u. “1-64; " uh n" “null-o " t, '1- " r hawr th, Inn-Jed Nun-v ' Ir- "4 "" "o"t- lu.uu. " r p." moth mN'ttto and r mini-clan. " * Hagar r51!" r " haste. " "as! Linu- Inn-u- " r ginn- Ann-r nll Jar plan u we. lurai-Fn purrim-s-r. "nth e't', LIII‘IIII' urn-u l-‘nn l'.l ~u-ul "qua-nun wanna our Inc-k In In r Cass" Sun Jan 5r...“ (I III 1-:(2I'mu- . W 1min. w n'k 1 on Gun-Nu! with IT- Nursery Suck {gents E Book Agtnts ! Agucuitmi Impl-szrnf. Agents! YOUNG HUS FOR SALE! N " "ll IT " SANA ‘:A'S GREATEST NEWSPA PER “1") "' 12.000 MORE 'rvuUt "i-cult, _ in " EVERY oar 'tt Au " n' " It M117 uml W1“) -.-.-»0 mam than unc " .. as“. 3 up In Ce..,. _ 'P CHAR":- e, PRING g; HATS iifi I" Gttt r pw, k, in: In III-Hm- thru. pmizinn and I mom hi! ' 'lt “Tim us. 'l'lte Jr‘- - “an: Nnru-rv Shirk i. 0.4 II... '.' st umrruu-n. ttyou haul su'truy, 'llv "rt, ,., with our". “a n- “we IT IT " " , EVERY I c'-'?, Wellington TORONTO. "I (c, we 'lui', (21.011! W wlon lm 0r Fluke! h Ili-zuhu‘a can _ "my-a1 tttlet. [mug i sav- PLEA!“- tti m Yo. ('ANADA Ut MA of thr h F. Wh' ill _ - - -_....,.,..u. VuL. utter Inning been treated " nnmcnt physician, for heart dint-no of tive ears' standing. was dis, I (ganged from the hospital Is I hopeless mew-Lie. She suffered from acute pain and Pahtftation, her feet and Inklen swollen, and there was every tmdeucy to the dropsical 'prmorheari disease, but the lad pro- cured Dr. Aenew's Cure " the Heart n she declared, as I last LT". One dose rel" vcd her of: very acute spasmtn leutlun thirty minutes. and three troutes cured her-Ui a symptom on)» trouble remaining Comm-Ton WILLIAM G. Lucas. of the N. a W.R. and living At !a!agarstown,tikr, “Herod for years with acute ulna-511m: of lean disee--cot0Gi' man "Har9"troiii " ttatt dud. on the foul. mdhespemnmallyfonunehm-M’mwtthhut WhMOfewreJndnuendodtndl-m-mmunm rittruduai )endtednoommendedDr.Aï¬ww‘IthrtheHeut. IfttrediViraG"a"it n I‘ll-(Ind canton Mill-Iodine] . caflthmuulethlil’t-odqh‘eweflm 'trom “an, 'Tll'flnu'N"tt',"tff, Ion-highly“ humanely.“ . AMT fl,1','M',llg,rT=er-iaGiiiaiii'"ia%' alluding in M0 ,'llti(/l,'l'llrifd%Wggt um IR.AWI CAYAR8tttat. WMWHCOUR 'me-as-...- -oetatttbbrmtarid 'i'ttieeeyiiit?iiiii5ti'il'r'lW2rdat,' bl. 1h'lWgite m on. "."ththa, ï¬le“ “can N----.; " a“ a. Subscribe for The REVIEW. The Mrs, W. Geddes has been very sick for the pan, lwu week. Mr. g, hu L, feore “Inn has been visit- mg friends tit he vteirity of .Xlrl'cldt r turned Aidav. Mr. l) M. sum. r spent, [nut " hut week with friends in Miltlumy. Mr. Geo. Nichn! of ()wvn Sound in visiting friend-t lit-re at plewnl. Mm Clara 3leKillop is the gm st of her mun Mrs. Thou. Young at prawn“. Mrs. J, Young and Mrs. J. Niclm " Own. .crusud nre via-icing "slntives new at present. I wt. wwk Miss Maggie on the sick list ylcased to hear pleased to hear i, recovering. Mr. Nicholas Hunt" 1st Thumluy for Lnndou. t " In} un-Nguqc. ()ur couneil Itrtts E‘WUL whoâ€); thi, Inn-ling thi., “wk Suction y-‘ulllll m SV Mr. George SmEIII, who mural here two wwks ago, had now moved to Art'- mzsia township. A qunher of on: petOr here Want to Dunlnlk on Saturday hm to attend land slum ltere--ouo I. t by ".xt'ttutorg and one l -t m un-rtguqc. Diseases of the heart are by far the to old and young ttlike-not insid Mr. Wm. (“mister has Wnte to Tor- onto where he will work at his iradc--. lwieklayiui,r, Minn S. Scarlett lmu returns-d from '1'oponm, nftm' s'nying tt month “ill: Int sister. I What a boon to may e men or new "this were "bully '.---Bete myepmh en but» because We "rtleithr organ I: shackled by disease-au yet how my. “nee be: Br. Agnew’s cure tor the Need brushed Against the grim - end robbed Jun et Me victim. ni-nu-r.. hf eh. I-... __..- c, L -' From the Old Country. The Seeds t best Seed Growers in Britain, and include and Garden Seeds. RS Mr. J .2ii"a:ir:'a:'aaaara:a'a'a'aa9,a. 'ttttttttttea-t DRUGHXST A x1) Sal-:mux. "She Carries Her. Heart on Her Sleeve" {IN Wart took At PA R K ER 'S DRI 'G' mym H. SEEDS DANISH SUGAR BEET Bold by NacFARLANE & 00. Hampden. Iihiter,wd win.» has been for Hill)" time. we we Hopeville. uni Ct Vr trout " LI Ip to Urpwarl l, "Kit: t Mus. Jsto. FITZPATRICK. “Gun-neg“. Ont. him treated 1).. t "bllfrheutl usm- been. dis- 's'ilp11iri'/2tittt,'g/d' u I ham]..- U.'.'..)?" W“! "e, - Va" ,...... u. - the heart-sickened patient is how to get relief and .1 cure. Dr. WI all. for the m snags pre- eminently ttrdayas the star of hope to sufferers from heart trouble, and so farpast the experimental period that thousands to-day ptoclaimJn no uncertain sound. the belief that were it not for this great remedy they world have long ago passed into the trreat beyond. Most eminent doctors, whom heart cases have bailed. have tested Dr. Agnew's claims, and todar they prescribe it in their pmvtice as the quickest and safest heart remedy known to medical science. What are the lymptoms , Palpitauon. nut- tering, shortness of truth,“ Ind irregular pulse, swelling of feet and ankles, pain in the left side, chilly sensations. fainting spells, washes in sleeping. dropsicnl tendency And u many more indications that the bean is dematet. De. WI Calcium†is than Bprseifictnttd 'toeasetooacute to find relief from it inside of thirty minutes-a powerful cure. .Msts. Pas. Prrzn-rucx.ofG-n-mn- ' 47 - . _ - Fl PARKER CHOICE CLOVER SEEDS. . . . .. ......84.UU bushel. CHOICE TIMOTHY SEEDS. . . .. .....Rl.75 bushel. It 39 troula'e. N' haw, a I’m: a new i, Money to loan tit, it pw an. Fire. Life and Aeeident Insurance, Ocean Tickrts fursale. Debts collected, all business attended to quickly and prom ptl y. J14. 554. mmâ€. j paid a few )1 an ago lwlurc Mr. l 'lVasdttleltuift 'tll it " large brick l dwelling: which he says cotstt?1000. iHosirtcn Rum; at Lmulash. "bout. i " acres. good building, close to Post 1 (Mica. Smut Church and School. l Will sell at u gnu-It. bargain urtmdc. â€awn: Elm: Rum. totvsishiporHollttnu l good lurm in German svttlomem. ', Will sell cheap or exchange. Con- ( . tit,iyti/flyc.'7t' w.elCimrTtnvt. A 100 Mum. FARM in Ron'tinck, pretty good Int, at. my $an slit-UM bring SILT!) Who spanks tipst? llama-2 Arm Lor at Allan Park, to he given away, cmnlhrmblu dwal'ing, good stable EWOOD offers the brllouung 'l‘msmuc Hun; I It. Henriuck. ll At each others throats would probab! raise the prices, ',',1.'/'ii'/1: England d; Russia “(Eros " q Durham, ond Ah'tuiis tilO EH.“ REVIEW OFFICE DI'RHAM, ONTAltIO, as in mi. as... Fanover (i?orwesraneer, ' . f) MILLER hum; In! 34', or“. 2, W.G. wk. Will 5?†this tine It†but little mow than was w y1at's ago helm": Mr. are from one of the , the leading Field l899 Seeds “Mm d 1:le Wottrtt Y PF." u nu.nmfc- our business in 'utttt, ies. It in mainly t ttotue. than") shawl-t mwm limdr. bl-Iruthlv. no ha I'Clt it Wanted on Sub scriptiun at the wi] )KHCAH' " 'rlM-rk with pulls until lwlp nfm' much ful‘niluu- &t hoitittsuout of doors. the amdercontvol. Otter rum“ i Md sovvml others un- 2w 'trthw and wntep. The. los dderuhlv. and Mrs. M',, In 'ill he earlier and heave bolted for. Mr. and Mrs. - all who lent willing A “I. The Brigade turned on “were not needed. A iftttF. Exrulmcxt u. lid. Millimun will nut fun; the lire-lighting Hwy did Mr. I. was just Loo", nl ll noon hour. when luv: wife 6 hing fall lip-tain- mud gun “Me, gnve the alarm of It why tire had an! hom the the veiling lull» and in through it fell lulu the In Int-{om ditwovetwd had hunt and (mm-uh. destroyed " clawing. and in " [my w would have become unmum â€illignn. Ivy deupevate efro; Ham-k with mum until Iu-ln "Tery Mann-I . " Fort-y'a- Need "wilt-d two In M -- with "I". ing quality ink-gm y of geuerumm ot plum ram-0M" tho I imo wl were not an unlc- "ttq'V Tror.Berer Sun-nus Ana et'AteW. - We mum"! (am anâ€! urge the nun-mm "lamina: seeds that um and fmh. Need, thnt rhea") twices an- nlmm doubtful origin and mm In valvu- the plunlm'dim loss. The llmuglltfu! surety lies in buying m-u "rttrcietttiomi and n um t'llvrul ion mum inn remains. Cotttin date, (0-day. Ive. hlowing u hutric with winter drift the Snows .. is sh the "Ute, mun .. Mr I"! wins a uvcomury quid vague chm-gm; Wrrreree ARI-I we A use the days got lot vlumh higher mum Hartline (who has Nee pu‘ing for Hortic"irt we uur millilwrs tal inure. we the, l'tln‘ll In we would Ue apt In th had trot, a tilt [mum regions. Cotttitittouri date, (0-day. \lemv tWN We [Dr-mam I plenum! this w frid Lulu-in". t the clttwgets of lmlwy of the U' by tsittcevit S" m Amp 'Urove, lately 4w Terms Hwy n-nmnul Sharp. Adttoistra wmumiuu if mud“ Very rim-rem! t.ito ladies " have an"! Inn Sugar Cured. Hams. Baum M1 hy S. Arum-amid "an. Prires n-mu Minn l ‘ullm'lmm tuber nmuv mm Millittory â€In-mug t day and Friday"! " Mr. Gesstw. “ya "owl. will have. an mate of farm Mock. Mmulnv. Atreil x , M Rnnvmlu-r the 1 April 3nd. in the d'otttteemtioet new Ito ' Ivy Miss 1 'wAsren.-ro u 1mm hummus. w: “N's. Apply to J dum- or w. Ritchi r"it'tit-cla_s Fave for "ale. Apply n Ottr rcmtrat,uhtt Noble an entering North E Nominal ulinx ul fun tttttttir ttte "MIA TOWN A NO April Foot Hutu "and: [an out Sh ll. gain" to he at one at rulavls ls th up runnin Wi Wtt VOL. my ulw wt tt \m " rirmu " hm est mu tho MN firm Ila; showitt, Mit \‘vrmd M hill nul‘ M