West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 30 Mar 1899, p. 1

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"in: a: of heart road. Juan " but" I has or. is ttietim. EU 9 MI " acute 11! LU eeds ma LER Ht Seeds “I! bu uld Insisted nm of doors. the tire was gc umlvrruntrol. thu. rumn is Well gutte. 1nd several others are greatly Injurw hy fire and water. The loss will be con side-ram». and Mrs. N's housecleanint will he earlier and heavier than slu looked for. Mr. and Mrs. M. desire h than}: all who lent willing and valuable aid. The Brigade turned out promptly, hut were not needed. A ifitty: I-Zxrileuxm. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nilligan will not forget for a while the tire-titrrttitsgthey did last. Monday. M r. M. was just home at his usual after. umm hour. when his wife hearing some- t. hing fall upstairs and gum}; to invests gate. gave the alarm of tire. In some way fire had got from the chimney to the ceiling lath and huruiug that I through it fell Into the bed room and! hefnre discovered had burned a bureau; and mmtents. destroyed same xalunhlei .‘luthiug. and in a few minutes move' would have hecouteunmaitasreabie, Mr. ( Nmisran, by desperate etrorts kept it in _ diet-k with pmls until help arrived. and,! "fter. much furniture the. had been I _ with the g ing quality integrity uf Hun-y plant, " Ferry" s mailed free t "irt haw " meetix: mi 'HY. We minim! too strongly not' (00’0" Snturdn often urge- the Stlpl't‘lnt‘ importance of] meet. with planting sc-mls that :m- perfectly pure, Dal” S'ey and fresh. Yieeds that sm- offered ar,"""""'.' the cheap prices are ulmmt invariably of -- .lnnl-Itfnl origin and ”non-min my» Hump Dunn»- _ men t ion .. a "I’ ._. 'late. to-day, \lem-sday. 'mowing and blowing n hurricane, rmuls and streets with winter (Irifls un. “Our Lady of the Slums .. is showing off: and giving the .. late Imm .. n. chance to get his lugs in. Not nm- of our tNtt'ttsnotulrantu " member we would he apt t had got a tilt lull tet'ty "tscit pau'in tteration tWT TM F." Brzs'r Shun-l w lit" 1lays got hunger. we the sun untl, higher mum hy noon, see Mr orsline {who has sewn a robin) prepai- wins: fur Horticultuvat distribution, 1- mxr millilwrs talking springupen- gs. sew the rush to Manitoba begin. ti mm- than-gm. Wrrrner: ARE WE Ills. ll M u Hott "77‘ --v -v-uuu Ill - II. a ""Nerrattott service. The toph. will i, peace, without spotand blameless." l... taken I“. Miss Meentwlt. ,' His last service in the. evening WM . l attended by a large number from all” Sugar Cttred. Smnkml and Dried I chufchea in town, who from v a “an”, nacon and Shoulders. fur sale i motives wished to hear Mr. "ttsen ‘vv N. Arrqunith. upper town Dur., lwfnrelexwmg. Seldom l.ty theehitteh . . , i been 90 crowded, The aisles were teat.- lrun. Price,, t'vasonahlv. fed with chairs and even standing room Ms-, ( 'ulltcrtstm whines to :unmunm‘.E in the Irody of the church could "ot te ttt h” tttitIt _ r t 'tt '1 . t I .9 .; . f secured. Intense Interest. centred In _ , ' l P" H tts lit my F Wm" i the discourse for. it was freely exmled l Milliroty ”penning luluu Irluve all Thurs, [ thut Mr. Jansen would maken refe'tncei My :Ilul F'rid;t.votuvxt week Arrvilltkr 7 Mn Hm uit,,.,..'.,.. n. .A L , . _ " . Sugar Curt Mam.u. [Moon by N. Arrows Inn). Prices l HIS WAsTen.-Ts, Purchase 1 good farm “it; sun: Neat", harness, wagon, plow and liar-l. “WEE rows Apply to J. Ritchie, Port 'ipT", pointee thm. nr W. Ritchie. Edge Hill. ih.etiven a" righteous! Henwmlner the League Monday nightly-(mt com April 3rd. in the Methodist It."'.:.?,;'),',:,':,:?',?,',., "ottsecration service. The topic wilrlptaee, wid Iu- taken by Miss Memmnln. l Hit, last qle l ' h ul origin and uncertain age. sun- so the phtuterdisappointnient and The lhuughtfu! planterG only lit-s in buying seeds sent out by a otiou.c, and tt ustwnrlhy house. mnulwr of g:u'do~m-r- lmvu (and ul for Yours) thr, nil-hm" ....s.et., First-(13H Farm Nurse. 5 for sale. Apply at this (mice. Our ecngratulatiorv, to Mr, Noble on entering on married North E IrK MI ht "" saw gnlurly HIST Sal-ms A nsnl.UTE1.\‘ NEH-:5- We mmmt too strongly nnr too gr the Sllpl't‘lnt‘ importance of II pans until help arrived. and I furniture &c. had been of doors. the tire was got ol. One room is well gutted tt TOWN AND DISTRICT NEWS I Aprul Fool Saturday March goes out like, «la that beat. th n.. WituNor, I): ( of planters the time when I um “Tc-k cuntninmg Hit. “"IL trim-K gnu! speech In reply to "go-s of s'irl'has. 'l'uppvr on the f tlu. l4"vt't'ntrtt'ttt, It is. marked] rily and vigor. thruughuul. and '1‘t‘sszn'y titfsvtus to reckless and Ii lurly planted by thousands. Tt'atest faith in the unwary of the weak and in the tht, "tu" that grow them. n-r. whether. "lvtody a buyer ml Annual forruxt. l, is " any one who writes in] it. n Thu, George Ryan, nl will have an on farm stock, inmk v, April 3. Nine I tilt putting us in 'ontinuour, sleigh y. Wvdnvsdav. Nt', Iron goes out like a lion It gning to he winter al ry rmsnlmhh 1eltuinistrau, n if rq-quirml. mp rnnnin Wtt hm VOL.-XXI. N 0 Inn-Iv Its Nor manhy cor.) t-n-ryw “(To ful. mm» if the IV. " um gun”; to invest; Ihstovruten.-The gratifying inielli. m nt'tiro. In mmc‘gmu-e Cotrtes that Rev. Mr. Little is Irttt the clturme.v to making a satisfactory recovery. Sun- and binning that any last he persuaded the doctor mal- the bod mum and low him to take the morning service, ad lnunml a bureau and this tonic would, no doubt, do him uyml some xaluuble good. The Chatsworth people, as well rm- n'inulcs more in his old charges. have all shown a 11rutr"itu.s,rtlle, 3Ir. warm sympathy for him in his illness, tie emu-ts kept. it in "tttgd will rejoice at his iestnmti-m _ room is Well gutted are greatly Injured The loss will be con- N's housecleaning ti ll, "ttvi, With w hl tt uslwm warm-rs the mm -m' the nu r: AT 'f - If Wt' did not lnngc-r. we the sun m hy noon, we Mr. soc-n a robin) [Hepar- Ryan. of the Rob Roy ‘- an "xtensive sun-tin!) -k, inurletneuts, etc. on i. Nina,- months' ct'vdit, "otttdiscourtt. “nah " think mu' old earth an. of th tll nxtensi M ulc-I “up." m ttpied by rt in , , ”mu. '" out-n :u they left the church. IA'TFH,Y Alert-2s- l ' . . ‘, . I _ ‘mee ting of the session IS to be he.“ "WEI." WW too l on Saturday at, 3, p. In.. when they will itnpm'huu'f‘ of) meet with the into: im moderator. Rev. pt-rfo-rtly pure; l,) y,. s1.'y,1p.Yh.p.t,oG..diii,' who will also m- . l "" le' .-. ---- -- ' . inns to Mr, and Mrs. on married life. (See vt't ts in the arctic vighing up to v. 'mowing and ads and streets "Our Lady of HI winter all sumnw on vspondents mum- I). M, F Tlu, present mm hardly Fhwry"s Symls 't* vach vent' ttit PM out by a rthy house. haw (and lust multid- mith Sh. tt hes to ammum-o I 121$: that her Spring 1 the di i plnm- an Thurs- , that I Week April " &7. ' tp the \pply In ll with " sup Inst pmvml twithr.ed and . I'. should fot it dd N'thws in uul paint stahh, in F _ - __'.., ""-TfT' I15 goon effects in , Bismarck's Iron Nerve. m: the mw of my number. She has taken _ Was the result of big splendid health. t't tt when she was weak and her health [Indomitable will and tremendous energy m- was Poor and she says she knows “fare not found where Stomach Liver Kid. 'e nothing better in build herup and make (neys and Bowels are oat of 0'11" if you le ' ' s' . "r." g . is" . . t ly r fe el F mm!" 89f": M. Knowlo ' {want these qualities and the success they tl I pper Ix and Harbor N. b'. (t, . D _. ' - LT ill 'le, Hood's Pills cure Alli/hm ills. Mailed ring, use r. Lugs New "t Pi ', ‘y. i for 23c by C. l. Hood & Co., Lowell. They develop every power of brain "h Mass. :body. Only 2tie " our drug Item. 6 the pom It years old 1vusr SHE Baum Hood‘s Sarsaparilla is ' because I have seen its the case of my mother. it when she was weak was poor and she say: nothing better 94; build her feel strong." Beg Hugh New April ith. College c to any Person inter, quest it. Youngy 1 better than spend " f practical institution. Principal. Igues right through wit Easter Novelties at 3racF'arhuuecs. ( It is none of your slat-s Drug Stow. ( but. mmformbly uplmlste Stll'mNs (wines to thow who Pet"ievetv. ggcnious and convenient, In If you luke Hood's 'i:itsitpavilia faith- ‘u-voi'y appliance of conifer t'nllymul l"'taiisttmtly, you will sm'el.s"tetttpt ono to travel. o 1... lio’wfitm]. of tmvmpeople inspected .\'o'rn'i-:. -Purtits, indebted to 1vm.i'tntl wished the tTele Blm-k. huvdwatv mmvlmnt will confer a 'journey, -.utet' disposing t'm‘ut'it'tlivy tctll and settle as their find “looking around " I ut-rmmts me "ll tuade out,-N'. BLACK. , intends to return. Laidlaw; Millinorv 0 oenin will Cake' . . l)l:lt't' nil \Ve-(lnvsdny Hind Thgursdzty of The Public labia-try Boar new! woe-k. April 5tlt and 6th, whert 'alarsreordevt'opned "ook the latest in "trto-date millinery out: Two full packages of ft, tittiur will he on view. able gall-(1m) Seeds for 5c The Nortln-ru Business C'ollege, Owen lane's Drug: Store. Sound. opens for the Stu-inn 'l‘nrm "" ., uni US OuSnnduy morning last, a PPWY . gation fuller than usual assembled " "lit't' f the Ptvshvtetiuu ohurch here, It Iva' tt'r, I ld Rev. Mr. 2ansen's last morning SGI‘VICP. _ ' "ml to stun» country members the last ~occasion they would have of listenlzg 1 livs Ito him who faithfully has dischllg . . .'. I the duties of pastor' for the last tteven (Nee I years. l The Itevevend itentleman took his farm } text. from 2 Peter 3: 13, 14 and very th ' (and eloquently, and with a WINK}! t hats I',':",,).:',,",". by tlttypproachirw sepamtmn 't Ar.l te, pointed out the way to that "new 1 heaven and new earth wherein dwalleth . _riehteoonesis,"dnij hoped that in the ”minim-mt common meeting place of ttpe, lurch. l future the? might. “be found of him in 1 hand of Janswn's den will yet meet. other field of "rtrangement of so it is Inc-vet charged ot' Christian zeal or or pulpit. duties. I Mr. Jansen was a n when-he could mi Roy. Mr. Jansen has, during here. endeared himself to Innln ,7 t... ..,nnlu‘ IV'll ""'"""MY and gum] will tug” forth to meet per- sm-utinn. \vnsplncml in strong ('nntmt " to his 1m in 1'xptwitxutus, whore he charged ln- Wits lming driven away hy pvt-secu- Iltion. With great vimu. and intense I t (nu-nostm-ss he ro-vie-wml his scum yenrs' ‘ work ui Durham. claiming that though liar the law! two yum-s he hud endured int-rmwutinn, he had not thtled at all ‘timvs to the Itv.st t.rfrtisalrilit.v to declare .untn tlwm the whole counsel of God. F lle-justiliml his e'r'tt'tu'stutssand devotion , g to the mum- of tempor'ance. 'and assum- I fin; that his "ttitude nu this ullleion [ hml must-(l offvruu, tnsnnw. he regretted .it t'nrthvirsukr- hut could not l'l‘CPde jhimsolt'ft'nm any position ho- had taken 1m that burning question. “0 deplored ‘with a fullness approaching to hitter- tnrss, an alleged luck of sympathy he I hmln right to t-po-t, and honed the! future mightyet bring him tulings of! results lot-20ml tmoenhle to his Work :unnngat, them. Mule thus ('lmrgin n few with derelictmn of duty, Mr. J?! wry wisely refrained from mentioning , names. l3 In the , ed with chairs and even standing mom 3 in the body of the church could not be 5 secured. Intense interest. centred in i the discourse for it was freely exmted that Mr. Jansen would makea refe'énce to the situation that has brought “but the severance of the pastoral tie. And so he did. His text was from Act! Mt, 17. where Paul sent for the elders, who repreuentetl the Chvistiau people of l‘I'vlnw'os to hid them good bye. The) warmth and the pathos of that WINNI- tixm. " llt'l't’ the "posith. left harmony and good will logo forth to meet per- w-t'lttloti. \msplnced in strong: mutt-out rss I.'. . -- _ ' ' - _ H , ".5. IJrlulllll Ilnl' 1 been an crnwded, The aisle 5' ed with chairs and even sun I in the lmdy of the church en 5 'secured, Intense interest ‘ the diamurso for. it was free, thut Mr. Jansen wnuld makf I mu: HELIEVES. “I believe hrsapm-illn is a good medicine. I have seen its good effects in of my mother. She has taken she was weak and her health r and she says she knows of better to hlllld her up and make no "Inn-o. and Ive hope that Mr. nuk- devot ion. ability andex patience yo! meet. with "ppt'eeiation in some " field of usefulness. the afternoon he took leave of the children airtetioyatetv shaking the of each :u they left the church. 'lm-ru Businvss 1'ollege, Owen t-ns fur the Spring Term on College circular will he sent rsnn interested who will re- Ymmg people cannot do REV. tt JHNSEN'S fllimll. uuwrvm-e m opinion exists as doin of his resignation and of the last few months, there I Imnnir‘nity in good Wishes ""'V .,.......un-, n In! wut pulpit the following day. l at his restoration. BELIEVES. "I ' 1|st indphtod to Wtn. are mom-hunt will confer a HI" and settle as their tll tuade out,-N'. BLACK. [illinm‘y Opening will Cake dnvsdny and Thursday of a few months in this on. I'. A. FLEMING. hv'hsul not failed at all 'teit ufhisnhilily to dectare ' whole (-nnnst-l of God, . friends in Town My morning last. a congry- . q ler than usual assembled m Miss M. Gard run-inn (’hm'ch here, It W113 (S. Coll. Inst. last ansen's last manning servwe. I . . , no country members {be last . Miss Annie 5 my would have of hatemgg Is ugliest at Mrs, I0 faithfully has distill!!! _ 1m.“ T, . -- an , Mr. D. Kinnie spent t Long". friends in Toronto. ' S" . a ' h . "l:,,,,',',,,?,?]) in] Miss M. Gordon crum- here, It Iva" IS. Coll. Inst. last weak intend, [and his sister ha. upper town, will receive tention.-tTifr Elvidge. Hursr CtEAscst,.--hs theabove busy time is about with us, I wish to announ- ce to the ladies of Durham and vicinity that I am prepared to do Painting, Paperhatwink Aialmscining. Kalsomin- ing and whitening. Work trusted to me done with meanness and (lespatch 1 orders left at 3icFiwlaue's drug store ot I at my residence, opposite Burners store i sole agent for this district for hmted Danish Sugar Beet. an enormous size. Sold in packages. H. PARK DANISH Sun RE." Tore-ui, sole agent for tl hmted Danish S "'t .. 'v" u. yutll' many triends and I opp yon THE w?'s'r.--Tuesday fore. i neighbors desire in some small way to inoon by special train Mr. Span-ling, Mr. l EXPI‘PSS our "pptet'iation of you by I Shiere, and Mr. Donaid Stewart. Wei- ; something tangilsle. (i:'.),');',. left for Manitoba. The former During your' long Fabien?” in out. , takes with him 27 head of horses. the imidst, we have learned to know and re- 2latter3. makng three cars from Dur- {spec-t yotl foe the many trails. of ham. At Holstein f Ot' 5 more cars character you possess. Wehave always Were to be added. An object of intet- l found you kind and ohhsrins,r to friendS, est was a Colonist Sleeping Une which $9119"le and affable to ull. goes right through without change.) No doubt it is a matter of business ) n is none of your slat-seated affaire, ithat concerns ,v,','y,yy,r1t1hay.yes".d, _ but cnttifot'talrly "pholsteved, with in- ‘you to remove from our tuidst, and it. is genious and convenient bunks. etc. and _ business in everyage of the wotll that i every appliance of comfort that would I has been the chief pioneer in the march] tempt one to travel. Quite a number;0f tuan's civilization. Blessings follow of townepeople inspected the concern (everywhere in its advaucmsr footsteps. and Wish?“ the travellers a pleasant) It travels over no blomlstained fields to journey. After disposing of his stock; secure its noble ends. but e\'er_\'\\‘here/ and "looking around ,. Mv. Swirling brings man into friendly and harmoni~ intends to return. (ous intercourse. It removes local ..~.. .. ‘prejudices. breaks down personal an- The Public Library Board has placed i tlpatlnes and binds thc whole .f'u"ily.or t large order for new book. ," man together by strong ties ot itSSlK‘lil- Ition and of mutual and independent Two full packages of fresh and ren'fintercsts. lt brings men together. and tble 'rat'desn Seeds fov 3c at ""'F"'siitowits and cities are built, it, makes man atte's Dun: Stole. lventnre upon the. seas and ships rom- 19Asusu Stu-U! BELT! ru,,nov,p,/tnepceoti, the World. and m-"--‘ w' "ru" m-r. mu- mnn stock and imple- ments, and will try farming: undvv the Slum and Stripes. She disposed of her fatm In Itldmslie at, a good figuve hotnm leaving. Hornmny friends will wish her. success under the new conditions. Crew FOR THE w/am-Tuesday fore, ||n1.\\ I.-. a» _. ' 4 . ‘- Mvs.T. It. Smith. late of l hut formerly of the-2nd con. of B, left two weeks ago for Mich., with hev, her farm stock and ments, and will try farming: my Slum and Stripes. She disposed ’Km-ky. his wife having pi'om'ntrd him l with a fine little dmlghtvr. ’ Mismlnnet Watevs, who has heen in 1(‘niifnrnin for seven or eight yours. ar- l, rived at the rmnionre of her cousins, [Min and Mrs. John Keir. ttt'ttt' Vm-nny Jun Thnradny last. and intends making her home for. a time with her aunt Mrs, 'L. Mannghton. Mr. Thos. annhull and Miss May Mr- Cloeklin left, Tuesday morning to attend the wedding of his cousin, Mius Minnie,I Turnhnll. near Paisley. on \Vodnesdnv. I Miss Lottie. Bouton and Miss Maria I Wehttot, also “9m, to nth-ml the same) interest ing event . l (week attending: the wedding of tlwir cousin. Miss Minniva-nhull at Queen ’Hili. Tp. f3riu.e. Mm. Andrew 1l,tvshull returned Mun- day from a lmmthy stay with her lwnthor Mr. Ruhr. Marshall of the Rocky, his wife having proseulvd him with a fine littlr, m,orvi,i.o, Druggist Mr. Win, Canuwo, nmrning for Butlinmun tho summer. HM'r-rnl mm ”mm. Mr. C. Spat-ling. brother of our Coun. vihnan, was in town Monday on a visit 1seiove his brother loft fur the “MM. Miss Hoffman. of Strut! charge of Mr. S. F. Morlock's department. Mr. Neil Livingstone, of was in town Tuesday, lonkin ter a very prosperous year. Miss May Harris has retm Toronto. r-fu-I' an oxtvndod , friends there. a...“ Hume Stewart. of \Voodhmn, I is " guest at: M rs. Sparliug's at present. Miss Jessie McArthur left for Toronto lust week and will be absent foe tt few months. _ Mr. Neil _McGillivr-uy, Elmwood was visiting his cousins mo Misses McKen- zie's last week. 1 Mrs. J. D. Kenny and Miss Fleming, of Guelph, are the guests of Mrs. J. anelle this week. M t', T. U' Mr. C, , Coll. Inst. last week. Miss Annie Stewart DURHAM, Tammi, MEEH' 56 ittitittt tltis district for this cele- Sugar Beet. Grows tc size. Sold in 1 pound H. PARKER. and Seedsnmn, Dut ham. --- AR 1mm! IMPROVED PERSONAL MENTION Tm-nlmll of Rocky Sn 1' Mary E. Wt't'tt awn ling: th,, weddiur: of MinuieTuvnuun at i have been appointed Catnepon left 2nd can. of Beutini. my promp at. and has placedi' oks, i fresh and veli-l Ge at Mnanr-l? y late of (‘hosley Mich., inking of his te, of Glascott, lonking well " Sund Sunday with On Friday eveuittg last the 1'anadian yh'tler of Formters gave an oyster sup- home from o. {per in honor of three of their members Him! are leaving for the West, They rf \Voodhmn. fare Brothers T. It. Tribe. Duncan Paul :’s at present.' 'and N. Itoxel, whom we are sorry to see‘ . ileum us. The Brethren with their! it far annntn i ___. _ Tuesday In spent] Mat ives Sn 112mm G' this, . I , thou-I Queen i Durham, March 58:759. Parties not rdt.drtiiik,"oi: Tip; cows will be charked full price m will be kept for service, Con. 2, fl G. R, Glenelg, sex TERMS: 75e, payable Jan. Parties not retnminr- __.. As, Ii Ive trust that this business, . into which you have already (“may proved fully up to 3 sanguine expectations. now r out special remind for you, , you with these Time Piec them. not for their, value itr 'lmt in good faith given, and [that the "Great Giver" may ly bless you and your' famil distant land, and may you . reach that land where 'time' i oned by hours. Signed on the contributors. affairs of men mighty, filmy death claims, and the lomwt ‘ltleath ratc of any other mcicty of its 'Ikind. lie was sorry that the Brothers \vcrc leaving us. hut if they could do rllu-ttcr in the West by all moans that was the place to go, and he joined in lwishing God's Messing to he upon them I in their new home. [The foregoing: was Ithe omitted correspondence ve crrett l to last week., _ EDITURJ. f Off for the West -N. Hozel and ifanlily and M. McGillivm-y with two wars of stock and household effect and lllarry Caldwell with a car of hogs, all . for Dauphin, Man. To M r. and Mrs. T. R. Tribe. Den r Friends- Having learned of yum departure from our midst at we, " few of your many tl neighbors (“Nine in some 5m; express our "ppteciation n something tangible. WELL BRED DURHAM BULL urill In: I.-.“ du.. - . DURHAM llllll fir (hte ada, with its large " surplus of m pay death claims. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION, l Ir., Gle.niskGi'diiri"'i'i'/G': l payable Jan. 1. 1900. r , the world, and makes {ANDREW SEMI (H. HAM. its large membership and of "vet' $700,000 to claims, and the lowest, of any other society of its ite in some small way lo "pptet'iation of you by your' family in that 1. ATKLN SON, 19. Prop. " you, we present 'inte Pieces, accept value intrinsically. be; digpogigggg m msiness enterprise Llready embarked Ip to your most ;. now in token of or yqu- purposed nidst at vnllydute many friends and ' and we pray. Holstein. , 1899, t. at Lot56. abundant- the 'un- , Do you want a Sewing Machine? A mun-..” “' .. ,,,,__- “u.“ vague“ usauc ls (sfjrmly established. Best makes. t Purest tones. j,, Stoves; fWe take this opport [thankng our Gusto: past patronage, and convinced that the ne W111 maria a anntim Dul'hzuu. xkuu' " TIL/IS" WEEK SYStem " V ""0 "a"----.....' AT W1%iiiG, 'ft""-----, At prices that will arge Se "H --..w.. mung, wr uvcralls is Pltl.V MOLESKIN. The best thing for wear you can We can give you the BEST at 25e yard, and elm prices accordingly. SHIRTINGS t COTTON: also in evidence. Our be}: Better than ever. Ihur?i,ays, aryl Organ trade i New Prints UPPER TOWN IMPLEMENI" WAREROOMS . _ ”we, ..-..v-.uuu; Ag but: "ttw l.iatntv-r-- Highest [frice paid, for Wood m exchange for goo s. O. McKlNNON. ONCE ily IB 1808 [NIH fig It'll USE lit 0MB! ----._ v“; quDUILl' ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and "hat our ers We be t . Ann 071% edgfqng fl11r Custom The correct. thing for arr“ .... . .iRmfhem. ' olldrrlg N ON 'fl ONTARIOA ARCHIVES TORONTO man me new system a teontirvoaaibe of the same. ales & Small Profits." of all kinds, COOKING fiT0VEii, HEATING STOVES, BOX STOVES ADOPTED BY down.' Cutters and Sleighs of the best quality and at prices away dnmn . 91h. “SH; " G. & J. McKECHNIE We are showing some beautiful designs in our surprise. Opportunity of customers for '"vuw uuu u. Motto will be - McKechnie. are sure fo like them, the are extra value. Which are just go hapd. You TONS, white and grey, are 50_Grey Cotton is a wonder. . L.. GRANT Overalls is PRINTED WHOLE No.1093 WV. you can get. the New are a per [I E! OJ

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