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Durham Review (1897), 30 Mar 1899, p. 2

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"An owner shall mean and include the owner or possessor of any real or substantial interest in lands whether held in fee simple, fee tail for one or more life or lives or tor a term of years not less than ten, the executor or ex- ecutors of an owner, the guardian of an infant owner, any person entitled to sell and convey the land, an agent un- der a general power of attorney tur. thorizing the appointee to manage and lease the lands, and a municipal cor- poration as regards any highways un- der its jurisdiction." The act is fur- ther to apply to the drainage of all lands required to be drained, whether for agricultural, mining, manufactur- end for other purposes. PAYMENT OF TAXES. The Assessment Act is known well by J. R. Stratton, M.P.P., and as a re- lull he has altered an important amendement. He has now a bill whirl: will require in cities. towns and Vlliltt's. the payment of taxes. includ- ing l' i' " ,mpmvcmczit assessments. scan rents and rates, and of other room or rates pay-tide as taxes, to be made into the oliice of the treasurer t-l' collector ty any day or days to he namtd therein. in bulk or by instal- mm. "r lllll may provide that on the .-.. .i.! ptyment of any instalment :l.- ' me " payment of the remain- ing 'ttst,t'.tlivttt Ur instalments shall be extended to a day or days to be named or my provide that in default of pay- ment of any instalment by the day lulled for payment thereof. the sub- muent instalment or instalments ghall forthwith become payable. The "uot registered in tull" as the case may be. in this act the word "lessee" shall include the assignee of a lessee, and the word "lease" shall include the magnum!” ot the lease. ANOTHER AMENDMENT. h'. F. Pardee, M.P.P., for West Lamb- ton. has a bill amumlinz the Ditches and Wtatareourtsea Act. It givesth following dchnltiup of an owner C-- in the abstract index in the case of the registration ofovery team here- after whether the same has or has not been 'egisterrsd in full by marking opposite. the same in the abstract in- dex the words 'iretritttertsd in full" or Is nearest to said lands, of the intend- ed sale, stating. it known, the name of the person or persons, who placed eucli horses, cattle, sheep or other ani- mals on the sand lands, the amount of the indebtedness and the name ut the auctioneer, and giving so far as pos- elble a description ol the hon-tel, cat- tle, shop, or other animals, and after the sale the owner of the said lands may apply the proceeds thereof in pay ment oi the amount due him in feature! ut paetumge supplied and the cues! of such advertisement and sale. and shall pay over the surplus, if any, to the person entitled thereto on ap- plication being made by him therefor. i'lciish'ttA't'toN Oh' LEASES. With regard to the registration of team-s, J. R. Stratum has . bill. By it it does not become necessary to It‘glhler the lease in lull, but simply to eon-r it in the regular book keptat the regiatry office. Registration this Way ehatl have the same tallest as it the whole lease was copied. Under this new system the fee payable for regis- tratlou at any lease not including more than foul; distinct Wtreels of land hav- ing sepamte heading in the abstract ~ndex shall be one dollar, and for each made under separate bending in the additional lot requiring entry to be abstract index live cents. After the registration of any lease the registrar upon the application of any person claiming to be interested in the de- mised lands and upon payment of the tees provided less the amount already paid tor registration, shall cause such lease to be copied out in full in the book kept for that purpose in the regis- try ofturt. The Registrar shall imitate 08,000 was needed towards maintenance expenditure. The college expenditure amounted to $43,395, and the receipts to 08,471, leaving the cost M. 834.914- Farm expenditures were ..--Farm pro- per 86,521; experimental plots and feed- ing, 07.636; experimental dairy, 85,156; dairy school, 07,012; poultry, 01,184; horticulture, $0,171; mechanical do- parunent, 81398. Revenues were c-- hUrm proper, 56,345, experimental plots and feeding. 31,537; dairy, 82,- UU; dairy school, $3.828; poultry, $2.93; horticultural department, 870; me- ohunicel department, 8172.. The total not expenditure was 8.16.961. BILL ABOUT toAtiiU1UNG. A btll which reeds as follows has been introduced by I'. l). Hoogins, Minn, (or East Miodloeex -Eosry person up- on whose lends horses, cattle, sheep or other nnunale are placed {or the purpow of putureae, shall have: lien upon such horses, cattle, sheep or other nmumle hr the amount. due in respect of Mich putuuige supplied, and in ad- ditiou to all ether lemedies provided by law bhull hue the right in use any part or" such amount remains uo- paid tur the space of two weeks to ecli by public, auction such horses, cattle“ sheep. or other animus on swing two) published in haul municipality, in a 1 newapaper, published in the municipal-1 ity in which the said lands are sink; Bte, or, in case there is no newspaper) published in said mtinicipultiy, in ij, newspaper whose place ul publicationl in tho regular course 87 per cent. won from Ontario, T 1-4 per cent. trom tho other provinces, and 53-4 per cent. tron other countrios. Their "" "Hind iron 16 to 31 years, and nor- Wod go. The dairy students Were homo- what older. Increased dormitory ao- Oonmodntion was needed, and also two new buildings, one tur a physical late oratory and the other to embrace the library, reading-room, and a medium- oiud hall tor meetings. The whole would cost about 'so,000. Another Notes of Proceedings in the Local Parliament. EXPERIMENTAL FARM. The annual report of the Ontario "rieuitural College Ind Experimental Farm, was presented to the Manila. ture. The attendance was the largest in the history of the college. with 838 on the roit-228 in the regular course. nnd 110 in the dairy course. Of those ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. - _. _ .: feu'r"Vrr-STtC7',iTdLr These provisions will be retroactive in their action. Ne stock or shares shall be transferred until the duty " paid on them, and any corporatxon allowing a transfer of any stocks or shares contrary to this section shall be liable to par the duty payable in respect thereof. GAME LAW AMENDMENTS. A clause ia added whereby the Gov- ernment will be enabled to collect the tax on property which has previous to the death of the person who owns the estate, been transferred. The court may direct the person to whom the pnpcrty way conveyed or transferred by deemed persons to pay the amount of the duty to which such property would have been subject. 'The immigiation report hes just been issued. 'l'here Wad a decrease in the nunwer ot steeruge pasotuiWsrt' settling in Canada last year. The to- tal numher “an opiso, as against 3,718 in mil. Both in mechanms and ia- hourere there was a dare-nee. lin, humour ot immigrants settled on the free lands now is 29,“. During the past year iM) children were brought out tri this number we were under the direction ot' Ur. Bernardo. The cost per head was $2.11. In»; UuAuNAGE ACT. A bill introduced " Air. McKay seeks to have the section relating to the notice to peisons enema in the municipm Drainage Act rcpehled and a clause added so that upon the liiiug of thc enguieer'ts report WILD the can: of the munlClpullly, the clerk shall, by letter or postal curd, notiiy the par- ties assessed at such easement and the “noun. thereof, in case more than one municipality its inteicsted in the pro- posed wont, the clerk oi such other municipality or musucipalivitss shah torthwtth, upon the thing of a copy ol the euguuser'ts report in their ethos, notify the parties obsessed of such as- sessment and the amount thereof. TREE l’LANllAU LAW. J. A. Auld, Mutt, tor South Essex. has introuactsd a tru amending the Ontario ’liee Planting Act. According to the present Law incorporated vul- agos blue power to grant bonuses for tree planting. Mr. Auto propoees that this strait extend to police Villages, when not less than bt electors peti- tion tor it. 'lhe police trustees of such Village shall uppo.nt the inspector of trees pluviueu tor by by-iaw ot' the 'lown:h.p council, and the amount re- quired tor the payment of boutises for tree planting under such by-raw, and the remuneration of the inspector shall be when by rate levied upon the, pro- party liable to assessment in such police village. bC'uoul. ELECTIONS ACT. Col. Legs, 1u"..f'., for London. in- troduced a bill to amend the bill respecting mun:cipal school elections. It provides that every person proposed tor an ottive, the holder oi which is re- quired to have a property quardiea- Lion, shall on the day of the nomina- tion or on the [allowing day, or when such last named day is a. holiday, then on the succeeding day, tile in the of- fice ot the clerk of the municipality not later than live O'Ciuck in the ather- noon a. statutory declaration chat he ponsesses the necessary qualiiication, and in default at so doing, such person shall be deemed to have retired and his name shall be removed from the list of candid-ates and shall not be printed on the ballot papers. SUC'UEpitslt9N DU'llES ACT. By Mr. Hereourt'u bill tto amend the Succession Duties Act the Government wil' be able to recover any sum that is due them in court. Such an action may be brought for the payment of duty under any of the sections of the old act. With regard to Mr. Charlton's hill to amend the game laws, Mr. Gibson SCHOOL ARBITRATlONS. W. J. Hill's bill amending the Pub- lie Schools Act provides that in case of an arbitration between tsclsool sec- tions, each section may name an ar- bitrator and the inspector will be the third. By the present law each Beth. tion names an arbitrator and the il- apector the third. Ershl1Hrh' OF POULTRY. The Lepuitment at Agnomture bare deemed that there and»! he u. large union ot poultry It the next hut Stock Show. During the past two years poultry has been dropped en- tirely. how more then who tn prizes will be given tor dressed fowl. 1'here will also be poultry prepared tor ex- port These witl be troru the Expert- mental Farm at Ottawa. There will be men interested in the trade pi'eeent to discuss the question of import. REPORT ON 1h1NiGitA'1'tON. Cities having 3 population of less than 40,000 were to pay a fee for It"- eru and shop licenses of $200. _tio.w the ciass has been so divided that In Chick of 20,1.0) population and less than $381) they will be called upon to my THE LICENSE BILL. Another clung. has been made in the License bill. The amount of rev- enue whlch the distiller: of the Prov- mce will pass into the provincial treas- ury has been altered. By the chants. distillers with 850,000 or less will par a tax of 31,000, which is the same as the former bill. Three thousand dol- .lars will be paid by the distilleries hav- "W invested $50,000 to $125,000. Pre- vioasly it was $3.000 from 1pi0/l00.to 8100.000. In the new bill, dlstillenee from $125,000 to $200,000 will contribute $4.000. It was formerly 84,000 from 8100.000 to 8150,000. Five thousand dollars will be the amount collected of distilleries having invested 8200.000 to tiY)0,000, and from 8500,000 upwards the tax will be 86,500. Before they were to pay $6,500 from $400,000 up- wards, and 85,000 from 8150.000 to $400,000. Council may nlso by by-law allow n discount for the payment of such taxes or any elm. or of any instalment thereof on or before a day or days named and may impose an additional Percentage charge for non-payment of such taxes or of any instalment thereof by u day or days named, pro- vided that no greater percentage charge than five per cent. shall be imposed on any instalment of taxes or on the aggregate amount of taxes; and such additional percentage charge shall be added to such unpaid tax or assessment rent or rate or instal- ment thereof and shall be collected by the collector or otherwise. as if the same had been originally imposed and formed part of such unpaid tax or us- seesment. rent or rate, or instalment thereof. - A force of 100 men were at once set to work to dig it out, and while they were so engaged a second and smell- er avalanche occurred and buried twenty of the men, One man. Latel- liar, was under the snow for an hour and a half, and when rescued was in an unconscious condition. from which he did not recover for seven] hour-e. A despatch from Quebec tsayts.u9ion- day afternoon as an I.C.R. freight train, consisting of an engine and Bev- eral cars, was passing Hadlow, Levis, about the spot where the great aval- anche of last year occurred, an im- mense snowslida took place and con- plately buried it in. A Rare War In Male River Gunny, Ark. tuna». A despatch from Texarkana, Ark., sayB:--A race war is on in Little Hi.” Co., and during the last 48 hours an indefinite number of negro“ have met death at the bands of the white p=putntion. Seven are knowntohavo been lynched, and ther work is not yet done. The bodies on victims of the mub’s vengeance are hanging to the limbs of trees in various parts of the county. It was not until Tuesday that the trouble assumed a. serious aspect. It then developed that carelully-laid plans had been made by anumber of negroes to precipitate a race war, and many white men had been marked for victims. It is learned that 23 negro- es were implicated in this plot,and the whites are now bent on mating out summary punishment. to the conspir- tors. m: Slide on the Intel-colonial. Near Imus. The country is in astute of the most intense excitvment. White men are collecting in mobs, heavily armed and determined, and the negroes are thseiag for their lives. age, causing endleas trouble. He says he himself ordered the demolition. Lord Crraner endorses the statements of Gan Kitchener. III-pl!" to the (harm-q "mica of linden Hlnughlt-r of lit-"hum. A dea-patch from London sayrc--The despateh of Lord Cromer, British dip- lunatic agent in Egypt, embodying the reply of the Simian Gen. Lord Kitchen- ar, of Khartoum, to questions regard- ing the alleged mutilation and useless slaughter of dorvishes in the battle of Umdurman, has been laid before Par- liament. The Sirdar says that the only wounded dervishes killed by his troops Vie-re those who feigned death in order-m obtain 0pportynity tor kill- ing 'Whatever was done," he (mu- tinues. "was dope with all possible tronsiderations -of humanity." The Sirdal justifies the destruction of the toml, of the Mahdi and the disposal of the prophet's remains, on the ground that, it the mausoleum had been left intact and unprofaned, it would have become the centre of fanatipal pilgrim- On the day of the murder there was a quarrel ot unusual bitterness. Place left the house in anger, and after he had gone the woman discharged the servant, and then proceeded to the roam of the girl, who was just sixteen years of age, threw acid in her Gee, and afterwards choked her to death. She then lay in wait for her husband, and when he returned met him in the hallway and struck han twice with an axe. He escaped, however, and inform- ed the polle who broke into the house in time to prevent her taking her own life by asphyxiating herself with the fumes of illuminating can. The crime for which Mrs. Place died was commuted on bebruury 7th, 1898, and was the outcome of Jealousy. She was first married to a man named Sav- acuol, but the union proved very un- happy. and tiny were finally divorced, afwr a sun had been born. Mr». Piles was obliged to become a servant, and entered the family of William W.Plaoe a widower, with a little daughter, Ida Mildred. She afterward married flat... and her trunks-cut of the child, to whom she had previously been kind, changed. The girl grew up, and her father frequently went riding with her. Mrs. Place became jealous, and quarrels became tsequent. Mrs. Place went calmly to the chair. leaning on Warden Sage’s arm. Her eyes were closed, and she seemed nei- ther to see nor hear. She murmured a player. Two Wamen attended her, one a plison attendant, the Other tl phrsv. clan. Mrs. Place was calm beyond ex- pectation. No one has walked into the death chamber as serenely as she. Dealt. came with less struggle than was ever witnessed here before. Death was instantaneous. The I‘m: Woman to ole In In Electric (hair. A despatch from Sing Sing, N. Y., saysz-hlrs. Place, the first woman eleotroeuttsd, died at 11.01 on Monday morning, She made nowcene. The first shock lasted four seconds. The voltage was 1,760. STARTING SEPARATE SCHOOLS. Hon. G. W. Ross introduced a bill relating to Separate schools, to pro- vide that in unorganized districts Separate schools shall be on the same footing as Public schools, as regards organization. At present a tieparate) school cannot be start“ until [no dtF triot has been organized mumclpally. while I Public achuOI may be started by ten heads of houscholds. said he had no objection to making the law clear as to an owner’s right to shoot his own deer. He would not, however, commit himself to the pro- posal to remove the clause which makes the accused I oompellabi1s witness against himself in breaches of the game law. The Government had a bill in hand dealing with the game laws, and he therefore suggt :ted that it, in com- pany with Mr. Reid's bill to permit the shooting of deer in the water, be re- ferred to the Legal Committee. This suggestion was adopted. ARE LYNCHING THE NEGROES LORD KITCHEN ER'S DEFENCE. TRAIN BURIED IN SNOW. MRS. PLACE EXECUTED. TORONTO Bir Julius Vocal. K. C. M. G., for- merly Premier of New Zealand, in dead. Re led the Government that atartod a mail and“ to 89- Fran- Liverpool will erect s memorial at.- tue of Gladstone as the foremost Eng- lishman, native ofthnt city. Our '15,- can has alrendy been subwribed. "Willie," brother of Oscar Wilde, is dead at London. It wiki be remembered that he married Mrs. Frank Leslie, of New York. The Right Hon. Horace Plunkett, M. P., for the South Division of Dub- lin County, has broken his thigh inn bicycle aooidont. The British Govern-lent has decided not to grant a. Roman Catholic unwor- sity for Inuit. GREAT BRITAIN. 'lhe Wrmen'ts International Council will hold their congress in London, Eng. next June. The London Retail Grocers' andr Retail Clerks' Associations are making a combined move for early' closing, and are soliciting the Comp-3 eration of the general public. It is proposed to make 6 p. m. the latest! hour for taking orders each night, ex-i cept Saturday and the nights before) holidays. Upon the latter the hour; to be 9 p.m. The hour for closing' stores it is proposed to make 6.80,I with the exception of Saturday and: days before holidays, when it will be 10 o'ciock. l 00 I The Inverness & Richmond Railway, running through the oval region on the west coast of Cape Breton, has been purchased by Mackenzie, Mann & W. and Peter Ryan of Toronto. The new ayndicam have purchased and bond- ed nearly all the coal areas, with the View of working the. on an snow" seal. It has been decided to make a general advance in marine insurance rates on the St. Lawrence as soon as the season of navigation opens. Mr. W. B. Ferguson of Toronto has been appointed City Engineer of vi? toria out of a list of twenty-five appll' cants from all parts of the Dominion. In order to avoid such disgraceful scenes as took place recently at Ste. b'tsholastique, a bill will be introduc- ed at the commg session of Parlia- ment to make hangings private. Only oitasere of the law and newspaper ro- porters will be admitted. li Limprecht, Clerk of the munici- Polity of lthinelund, Man., shot him- self when about to be summed for a shortage in his accounts. He may die. The Hamilton Fara-co Company have aimed a lease for iron ore mines on the line of the Kingston & Pem- broke Railway. and will commence mining ore at once. A prosecution of an Indian for polyg- amy, was tnetituted at McLeod, Alber- ta, and it is said to be the Govern- ment's intention to put down the prac- tice among the northwest Indians. It is said that hotel rates inOttawa may advance before long. There is an agitation on tout among some of the leading hotels proprietors to form a oombine and fix a standard of rates. At St. John, N. 13., Prof. Hesse, a music teacher, sues the Street lair. way for 8t00,000, for the iota, of a foot in an accident in which atrolley jump- ed the track. He says hie occupation as organist has gone, because of the lost foot. It in being alumni at 0&3an that the Government are“. n tabla in the Parliament buiklings to the new! of Lord Herschel]. Active operations will be commenced shortly towards developing the peat lands near I3roekville, owned by the Brockville Peat & Power Co, A special cable announces that a large Finnish immigration into Canada may result from the recent Russian at- 1tt,t, upon the ancient rights of Fin- an . I John Wilsun has received a. verdict for 8700 against the Lincoln Paper Mills Company for the death of his son who fell down an open elevator shaft in the mills. Thu Winnipeg Grain Exchange has passed resolutions condemning the mix- ing of wheat at Tort William, and Ink- ing the Government to pm u atop to the practioo. It is alleged that n scheme Is being broached in Ottawa for the exchange at the Leeward Islands tor an Alaskan strip. Furtier's cigar factory at Montreal will be removed to St. Therese, Que., which has offered a bonus of $47,000- A farmer residing about 25 miles from Kingston has captured over 100 foxes since the first of the year. Mr. James Ronald of Listowel got a verdict against his son Robert at the Stratford Assizos for $50 for slander. The 48th Separate Company, In thr Wego battalion, may spend Queen's birthday in Kingston. Sing Hung , a Winnipeg Chinaman. has been arrested for selling Chinese whiskey at his laundry. William Taylor was struck by a: Michigan Central train at Glanworth and instantly killed. Dr. L. B. Clemens, a well-known practioner at Berlin, 0nt., died very suddenly. Sergt.-Major Morgans, ot Kingston, has been appointed orderly to the Gov- ernor-General. Premier Marchand of Quebec deniga the oft-repeated stories that he " about to resign. The Brantford oil and gas syndicate is boring for gas near the old rifle rungs in Guelph. The “0,000 boon- to tho new smelter Tamed ainoot unanimously at Mid- Ind. Interesting Items About Out Owl Country, Great Britain. the Unlted States, and All Parts ot the Globe. Condensed m I Annual tor Easy Rendlng. The medical staff of the St. Cathar- Ines Hospital have resigned. Mayor Raymond of Brantford has been appointed Post-mater. THE VERY LATEST FROM MA THE WORLD OVER. (if NEWS _C ANADA. N ll llll'lgll, Waui tar advent“ in the tied navy list was "or before appointed to this com- mand, he being the senior of every of- tits" in the British North American fleet except Admiral Fisher. Hie ee- lection is regarded as indicating a determination on the part of Great Britain to enforce a settlement of dis- puted questions in this quarter by strengthening the squadron. Ill-Ital- u lint-Ira a Settlement of Sew. foundland "him: ”Input". A despatch from St. John's Nlld.. raytr.--49petGl significance attaches to the appointment of Commodore Git, ford to command the British squadron in Newfoundland waters during the coming fishing season. No officer so The Paris Matin says that the trans- formation of the French artillery has been completed. "Thanks io the new arrangement and the powerful guns which have been procured." the paper says, "the French artillery Is now unrivalled in the world." would supply the natives with funds. It is reported that a contract has been oonciuded between the German Government and Mr. Cecil Rhodes for the construction of teicgmph lines through German Ezwt Africa. It is also reported that a railway contract is on the point of conclusion. Mrs Henrietta Schmidt, a proton- tsional beggar, wu found dead in her apart-cut in New York on Wodnor dar. In her m- tho police on» qmtb found in bank book, tshow- ing that she hi 88.0“. The New York State Sent. has be- fore it a bill providing for the incor- poration of the Salvation Army. It vest: in the incorporated body the right to establish humus. hospitals, shelters, colonies, etc. Rev. Dr. Iuinstord, of St. Geurge'l Church, New York, has followed the example of Bishop Potter, and come out straight against prohibition. Its principles, he says. are false, and its practice and policy rotten. Ar tit. Louis an unknown woman called at the residence of Mrs. M. F. McVean. a widow, and threw vitriol in the latter's face, blinding her and causing burns that will result fatal- ly. Several weeks ago Mrs. McVean received n box of poisoned candy through the mails, sent, she thought, by a young wuman who was Jeal- one The Japanese Government is consid- ering the wholesale ctuustianiziug of Japan, making Christianity thu offi- cial religion. - President Kruger, while retaining the dynamite munopoly, has lowered the qualifications for full burgerrhip from fourteen to nine years' residence. Spain may appral to the powers against Admiral Dewey’s "mom pro- hibiting the awn-ssh agents from [my- ing the Fiiipittatrs a raw]. fer Spanish prisoners. Dewey tints the ranso- 'lho United Staten authorities will take a census of Cuba. The Queen-Regent of Spain has sign- ed the peace treaty. The Italian Government has re- ceived warning that Anarchism Gon- template blowing up the Parliament buildings. Harry Eckley, the Pennsylvania rail- road telegraph operator, has been held by the coroner's jury at Altoona, Pa., criminally responsible for tho recent collision near that phone. At Palmetto, Ga., a mob of masked men stormed the little house doing service as a jail and shot down nine negroes. Four were killed outright and the other five badly wounded. The negroea have been held fur the burn- ing of the town, three tires since January 1 having almost entirely de- stroyed it. Lucchiui, the murderer of the Em.. press of Austria has broken down under the strain of solitary imprison- meat. lhe Duluth, South Shore and Allan- tie railway in covered with ice for a (gimme of 80 miles near St. Ignace, ich. It is said at Washington that 'tego- tiations for reciprocity treaties with Germany am} Franear lysye been resum- Both the Czar and Curing are well. yepons to the contrary notwithstand- mg. Princess Kaiulani. at one time heir apparent to the throne of Hawaii, died on March b' at Honomlu. France Militaire reaffirms that the recent mngazine explosion at Toulon was not an accident, but an atrocity Discussing the naval estimates, Henry Labnuchere argued that the Government was "playing the game of beggar my neighbor" against the whole world, and declared it "foolish swagger to boast ability to build more ships than any other country." Great Britain, he asserted. was not richer than the United States nor than France and Russia combined. UNITED STATES. Smallpox la steadily lncreaeing In North Carolina, being prevalent in 17 counties. ed, alsr' with Great Britain, covering the British West Indies. Spain propose. to reconstruct her navy. Franco has given an order for ten 1otuanotives to the Baldwin Works, at Philadelphia. The United States War Department has decided to muster out and bring home all the volunteers now in Cuba, with the exception of the volunteer engineers am. immunes. Lady White-Ridley, wife of Sir Mat- thew White-Ridley, Secretary ofStaIe for the Home Department, and daugh- ter of the first Lord Tweedmouth, is dead. The Japaneae battleship Asaupi was launched from the Clydebank shipyard Monday. She is 425 feet long, 0(15,200 tons displacement. and 15.000 indicated horsepower, nudism develop a weed of 19 knots. A newly organized brewery company at St. Louis, Mo., purposes using elec- trie refrigerator street can instead of hauling heavy waggons. Tue Pennsylvanin Tube Company employing several thousand. has ad- vanced the wages of all employes ten per cent. SIGNIFICANT APPOINTMENT. G ENERAL 2Wyi f _ _Kiug Oscar of Sweden has just had hits lute insured in the Swedish Corn- puny. Norden. Tho premium is t7.crul I "ar. Although it in not "butieverd (but the explosion was the no.“ of bul play, [rut excite-eat know“. It is rumored that tho Emperor of Austria will - Prince-n Marie Isa- belle do Franco, sinker of the Duo do Oriana. Chief Engineer Viol. Awistam En- gineer D'Ouviile, and " third offuitl were injured. All tle “JUL-w." in the 'tasighborhood were 5.13-5.11. and con- nidorqble other damage was done _ label-em Anne“ I. the "at bop-rt Inc-I Blow. Up. A despetm from Paris sa.vr---Thrt series of exploeione in Government am- munition depots Whirl) cummi-ucwi tt/ h the terrible disuter at La Goubron near Toulon. followed on Saturday " ill explosion: at Bourgee and Marseille wee continued on Tuesday eve-mug when an alarming explosion occurred in the laboratory of extrlotiive al- tached to the War Dewrtmvnt, mhere experiments were being made with a new kind of gun-powder. -- Duluth. March 24.-Wheat--bV 1 hard, cash. 67 5-80; larch. MW; May 693-80; July, 701ch No. 1 Northern out. 65 580; No. 2 Northern, Oil-k. Minneapolis. Much 2t.-Wheat - March. 661-4c; May, 6i'rl-4tr, Ju y, I' l-le, on track; No. 1. hard, 6hr, No, _ Northern, 66c; No. 2 Nurtbern, 641-go Flour-trut teats, .356) to 88.00; Fer and patents. tt'tl to "WP, tin: titan. “.l) to 02.610. Bran, in bulk-tll tr 011.50. Milwnukee, March gt.-whesat-No i, Northern, 67 1-4 to 67 8-4e; No, ' Northern, (b'r 1-4 to 66c. lu'e--No. , 58 has. Barter-No. 2. " to 4Te; sam- Plt, 89 to 4tht. U lqs are (notably -hotted u from 41.4 to 4 Hie pa pound tor "ang- en" but it mat he clearly undu- stood that I We in quite the top figure and is only likely to be paid tor the best aelectious; if thin is made clear it may save disappointment on ur- riving here. Other quotations are:- 4 to 4 Mia for light hogs; 31-4 to 37-8c per lb tor fat heavy stuff ; Be tur ans, and 20 for sugar. Store hogs are not wanted. i Following is the “use of current quotations:-- Cattle. Shipping, per cm. . . W.25 $5.00 Butcher, choke, do, . . 8.75 4.25 Butcher, med. to good. 3.25 360 Butcher. inferior. . . 2.871-2 3.12141 Cows, each. Cal Yes, each Choice hugs, per can. . C25 Light hugs, per cwt. . 4.00 ngvyr busy: per cwt. . 3.00 -A load ‘of shippers, uvoi'agé 1,250 lbs., sold at 84.83 per cwt_. - Detroit; Much 2l.--Wheat-Closed-- No. 1 white, cash, Tots; No. 2 red, cash TO 1AK; krrr, 7l_1-tle:rJulr, tpl 1-29 Toledo, March "-Wheat-A?atsh. Tt I-N; Mar, 70 5-80. ttre-No. 2 cactt " 1-20.. Clover-i-Prime out, old 03,”; new, cash. May and April $3.50. Here are sonic of tho chic! ale: to- day:- A 7 - - Twenty-ton} cattle. Iverago 1,091 Ity., Gold " 41-4e per pound, Twenta-tour butcher cattle. average 1.02.5 lbs., sold at 8.1.85 per cwt. Fourbeen export cattle. Iverage 1,. 125_ lb!s., sold at 43-4c per pound. Good yearling; are wahtesf, and wen a hula stronger today at from 41-2 to tic for choiu. Ewes, per wit. . ', Yearlings, per cwt Bucks, per cwt. . Heavy hugs. per cwt. .3110 3 #7171 Buffalo, Much 24.--tiprrng whtur- Butt, but seller- firm; No. l Northvra, Ths. Winter whesat--titeadr; No. 'd red, 740; No. 1 white, 24e; No. 2, extra red, 720; No. 8 red, 71 l-Sc. Cora--. Strong; No. 2 yellow. 37 3-4.; No 3 yellow. 87 1-20; No. 4 you", " 8-4 to 870; No. 2 com. Wo; No. a corn. " I-i'. to 86 8-40; No. 4 corn. 351-2 to, Me. Oi-Strong; good demand; No. 2 white, 83c; No. a while, 82 l-4c; No, 4 white, 81 l-2c; No. 2 mixed, a» Icy: No. 3 mixed, 28 1-20. Barler--Beld me high for buyers; nothing doing. liyrs--. Quiet; No. 2, on track. oftered at (“.ch Flour-Weak and lower; beat pate-m spring. '4.25; bikers' straight sprxng, 84: bakera' clear spring, 83.15 to 03.5 I, low grade spring, 31.75 to 82.23: pu- em winter, 84; best family winter $8.50 to 03:75; 9rtham_retst, $35.0 Twenty-two cattle. 'Iverage 1,10t [by cold It 81.60 per ewt. , There is no clunge in export buds. feeders or milkeu. A low good Innk- ers are waned. - _ - _ _ We had I light supply of stockcre in to-day. and price: were a little bet.. ter al from 33.60 to 33.00 per cwt. More would have sold. One load of butcher cattle, average Wat tba., sold at 41-40. per pound. Prices of Grain, Cattle. Choose. an; In the Leading Harts. Toronto. Much tw-we had e fair market here this morning. for I day on which there is euppwed to be at. market. An told about forty loads ot stuff came here. including some twewc hundred hugs. W yearlings and bheep and a few calves and mum. Praetiealir than: was no change in anything. and while trade appeared . trifle slow, link-It everything here sold. only two or three loud; bung held for tomorrow's market. Sun, tor anything but tho but grad.» oi shippers and butcher cam. the tend. ency was fur guier quotation; Butcher oattte cells at from 3 3-4: m in for loads ot choice tstuff, witit 4 1-40 paid for selections; good medium but- chm' cattle all at around 8 l-2c, and "ttarius down to 30 per pound; and tor very poor stuff I little Ions. A Shipyard ot the but quality an worth “an 4 H to tie, and tor um choice selections a shade more “in in paid. Light shippers no worth trum 4.1-8 to 4 1-20 per Mm._ _ MARKETS fl? THE WORLD. ANOTHER FRENCH EXPLOSION Byeep m unchanged at 81-4 ta 1eutiirwartiosasspor Sheep and Lambs Milken And Canes Tf iM% r 'BB, .2100 45.00 10.00 TIt pre I ll “1d lin my quL ”on of on "Algal " I " I)!!! m! the fare dare Gee ture" '01 Illuude "'l’hnt'n No doubt lhut he I to“ inthoq. low t bnt‘l'. "Ver lbw U1" him; tor when a mu hn tuit,uuderrscood I "AM- in all (”NY “In. who wan I w" Control. "I have no the whens. and h' the” ducal, sorry to: I have proved my out of he! 'bdtr-m .11 (when! that M you in withdrawn. choose. Wilt 'ou u (a) and been. any or um you remun wi II u. I hum-I s, days! than us no a (a my 'rltertutiv.. _ :urnod away at window. turning m. young man. (mom went and a. ha Ft dag " quite (nu. u: (my. "blue in IMO“! ctrarmiue--d, by my unwittingly raked ' [our mind, at In In {wing m 0 many pretty, nggd, mor his daughter. hriumn. ttuit “an“... ranged mum ms pining“. at our lunar. an be In run In In) trid 00! Ola “I”. I ch Mi _ necass,it , autumn: In can [a If“; troy 0d a up In b [he tiv, um ticu m r1 ll “I. ebern 1mg nun Al shoulder as u Y. mama blowout. , u no ugh I that lid hat (h can h Diam h [HIE [can u V. I In n m he Ill} cert nu An [l ey mm: ma PT l n clung. so" nu 1h! “OK ii M

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