Q IA letter from Crawford giving an account of the Presbyterian tea-meeting an Mmch lst turned up in our otrice to-day. Tuesday. March 28. It was posted in Crawford on March It, and should have got here in time for last week anyway. The tea-meeting was a great success. as usual we might say, an excellent supper was followed by an excellent program tho chair being ably Mrs. George Rustic and family lo" a couple of weeks ago for Bridsh Columbia to join her husband who is speed-ting in that country. Mr. Study McDonald who was tuader the weather for a couple of weeks is able to be uound until). Messrs. D. and H. McKinnon “tended the sale of Mr. Angus Cameron. Glonelg last Week, also visiting Bunaaaan friends, Mr.Arcbio Brown and Mr. John Me Kinnon left about two weeks ago for Bonineau N. D., while Mr. Thor. O'Brian will seek his fortune in Manitoba. " than gout. are xenon] favorites with the fair onos their presence will be greatly missed. Quite a number of delegates from hate me: mth the Domoch and Rocky con- gregatioas about two weeks ago to so. if it was thought advisable to join Crawford and Rocky tields together. but no decision was arrived at. Mr. Thompson Boyd who was a victim of La (hippo followed by inhmmation of the lungs we are glad to II, is improvmg. Mr. Hugh McKinuon spent 1 us, days! at Shallow Lake lately. Any at'"a'etioni Hugh ? Tho thunder ind lightning storm. of last week is something annual at this season of the year. which indicate: a late aprnng according to prophesy. Mr. and Mrs. Dugnld McDonald visited Bucky Saageen friends, and ex. eouneillor, i'uterLuap,h lately, J J A. HUNTER. to-day you all receive the same price. ll IS been our motto, and We ask you to give the " ALL 'JASH " "ystem your careful consideration and show your appreciation by giving it your hearty support. This is the only way to encourage buyers to pay a GOOD PRICE FOR GOOD BUTTER. As the market stands .n IL.-- A.,,, _st - . .i . -- _ Bring your Butter and Eggs to the All Cash Store and GET YOUR MONEY for them. IF OUR OPPOSITION pays more for BUTTER in goods than it is really worth m cash he must take the difierenee from you in the price of the goods. We cmnnmmed buying wool ahia way some few years ago (iel paying cash, and we are able to any Ln-day that not one of our many wool cus- [MDPW H’H‘ faulted us. but on the other hand complimented us and showed their appreciation by (killing with us on the all cash system. We Always Lead It leaves you free to purchase at any store in town, and no more than you want. It is not many years ago since people were afraid to ask the atom keeper for a few cents cash on the butter and eggs. To-day we ask you to take all cash from us, and then when you have your money, turn around and buy from us, or any one else for cash. This places you on an entirely different footing. We don't ask you to thank us for taking this pro- gressive step, as it is one we should have taken long ago. (lfll [OR CASH AND lllf M CASH illlllf YOU Mil We have decided to pay Spot Cash for all our Produce from First April. Crawford. Take for instance your friends near the city, they would never dream of trading BUTTER for goods. They sell their butter for cash and buy their goods for cash. Every sensible thinking individual knows that the only correct way is to DEPARTMENTAL STORE LOWER TOWN, DURHAM wanted for Gas]: l I "tcnded for last week. I The entertainment of the season was lgiven in the school house here on Tues- day evening Mth, by the Epwotth League _of the Methodist church. It consisted of singing, recitationa, dialogues and tableans all of which were well rendered. In "The Model Church" Wm. Dickson made an ad- mirable old mam and Miss Meredith a moat charming old lady. As an encore they gave "When Yon and I were young Maggie." In a dialogue entitled “Polly Ann" Mien Martha Queen showed herself as Polly Ann to be well acquainted with the one of men. and proved her power to subdue that obeunetn mine]. In “Baton and After" Watt oppured to be e yer! l Remarkable Rescue. Mrs, Michael Curtain, Pltu'ntield, Ill., makes the statement, that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for tt month by her family physic- ian, but grew worse. He told her she want hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King’s New Dis- covery for Consumption, she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benetitted from first dose. She continued its use and after taking six bottles. found herself sound and well. now does her own housework, mm is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this great Discovery at our drug stores. Only 50 cents and 01.00. Every bottle unmanned n (ll":! by Mr. Wm. McDonald of the Chesley Enterprise. Rev. Mr. Burns, always popular there, wave the address of the evening, and ood addresses were also given by Rev. ft Ross, Dr. Smith and Mr. Bean. The Crawford choir furnished the music and the proceeds were $55. The workers, among whom may he mentioned Messrs. Duguld Mc- Donald. Angus Brown, Alex. McDonald um; Jas. llolukirk, are much gratified at its sum-('55. [Editor's condensation.} EGG CASES, SUPPLIED FREE, This is not fair to good batter" -miiiri; Eyery bottle guaranteed -.r.r_-- - O . O ----- Orchardvllle. Y“! Our mail carrier Mr. Martin deserves credit for being so faithful to his duty Miss Mary Wilson spent a week with her sister Mrs. Hm?!) IN ilson Singhamp- Mr. J. McQueen spent a. few days last week visiting his wife and friends in Stayner. - Who were the three boys that went to Bwinton Park party. Mr. James A. 1Viltsott arrived safe at his destination after a pleasant trip. One of the most successful meetings held this winter was held m the factory on the 9th. Mr. John McMillan was called to the chair. and explained the object of the meeting. Messrs. Stewat t of Flesherton and Stevenson of Vietona and Wilson of Dromore addressed the meeting. Our blacksmith Sam Todd has a large number of orders for his patented Hal-rows, he Was obliged to take in an apprentice to help him. _ Harvey Anderson is spending a week at Mr. D. Mcilnnnel's. Mr. DanMcf'annel spent Sunday at the 12th can. and had it hard time getting home before Monday. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand. but Skin Eruptions rob life of icy. Bucklen's Arniea Salve cures tlwm,a.lso old, running and fever some, ulcers, boils, felons. coma, warts, cuts. bruises, burns, scams; chapped hands, chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only Mets 3 box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by our druggists. 6 There isalot of tall: going on among 1 low outsiders concerning an tttfair which happened recently and now we advise those people to drew it mild IS both parties involved in it are quite capable of attending to it themselves, We are sorry to state that Mr. Thos. Fisher‘s eye Sight iq improving but ulowly if any. Sty J. McM would it not be better to draw the curtain next time. Miss Sarah Livmgston of Priceville was the guest of Miss Tana McDonald last Tuesday. . Mrs. Malcolm Mchail who has been ailing for some time his fully recovered and is once more able to attend to her domestic tdfairs. Mr. Rol,ert McMeeken Jr., is at present engaged with Mr. D, McIntyre ot Balsam Valley, The Stouellouse and Liviugatuu crew who have spent, the latter part of the win, ter in the vuunity of Berkely have returned home and the corners are once more enhyened by their presence. The only thing that Is bothering the minds of the sterner sex is that the fair ones may go back again, and that to stay. Mr. Colin McCall of Wolftown and Mr. Dan McKechuie of L'al,.atn Valley visited at Mr. Hugh 1leDouald't, last Sunday. Messrs. Charles and Neil Mekiuuon have returned home from Mich. looking halo and hearty,Mter their four mouths of lumbering, and we are assured by the smiles of the fair sex that “my are wet. come home. lulmulul for lot trrck. We are may to hear that Mr. James Fisher is very low at present, so low that his life is dispared of. ( Story on. Slave. I To be bound head and foot for years by ( the chains of due-so is the worst torm of s'syery. George D. Willisms. of Men- chester. Michigan. tells how snob a slave was made free. m says: My wife has been so helpless for tiyo years that she could not turn over in bed alone. Alter using two bottles of Electric Bitters she is wonderfully Improved sud able to do her own work " This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervous- ness. sleeplessness. melancholy, headache, backache. hunting and dizzy Spells. This miracle working medicine is n godsend to weak, sickly. run down proplu Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by our dru,exists. Ii Last week’s Globe Inueunoes the death of Thou. Abraham. In ox-wnrden of the Co. of Oxford. He died at his home in North Norwich on the 18th thut in his: 80th year. He was Reeve ot the township for 20 yearn. and was an uncle of John Wells. a tanner teacher in our uhool. affectionate lover, but a very negleclful husband. In "A Lesson to Learn" the want. of respect for the aged and good, who do not make a display ot this world's goods, was shown to be very unjust. and the contrition of the wife showed how bitterly she regretted her conduct. towards one who had befriended her husband in former years. John Brown is always a favorite, This we; the last of a. series of anemia given by the League for the pur- pom of paying Orchardville’s share of the repairs to the parsonage " Holetein. There is a. balance remaining which is to be appliedto the purchase of books tor the choir. Boothville. " Top Cliff. ..-. Our Nurseriga comprise over 700 lures. and growing stock In large quantity enables us to son It the closest possible titptrst. Mon duccecd will: (I: who have Fault-d with Olin-I. will cost you nothing to Ion-n what we con do for you. we, farm-II all nuppIk-n free. We Invc- the large-II Numeric-I In the Dom- Inlou. "'e pay but III'II')' and co-mlulou. '" engage either whole or part "me men. We guarantee all our unlock We lurnl-h punch-wr- with .atrt"rate. Iro- Govern-em ill-mun III ling our Sleek In tree from Sm: Jone mus. Orunyone desiring to better their position and increase their income should write us. The de- mand 'orhotnemrown Nurserv Stock in on the increase. Weneed moremen. Ityou want steady, paying work, write us. Nursery Stuck Agsnts ! Bunk Agents! Agricultural Implement Agents I LII'N'HELI. - -ltt Sullivan. an the 18x11 inst. the wife of David Mitchell of a daughter. Prutu-In Sullivan on the 18th inst., the wife of Frank Prcb, of 3 son. McCumuu- "tt Glenelg on Friday 24th to Mr, and Mrs. A. Mecuaig, it daugh- tor, MARRIED. Nam.» Mullwmnm -At the vesidence of the bride's parents 3rd con. Nur- nmnhy, (m Wvduesday, Mar. 22, by the Rev. D.1, Cmnplwll, onmm-e, Mr. R. Noble, Gouvock to Miss Grace Mellvride Eggs, per dor, ... . Chickens. yer pan Ducks " Turkeys, per lb .. Geese, per lb .. Hides. per cwt .. Calfskins ... .. Sheepskins ... .. Hay, per ton .., tttraw, '. ... .. Potatoes, per bag Apples. per bag .. Flour perbbl ..........1 Oatmeal per sack ...... Bran per cwt ... ... Shorts per cwt ... Fall Wheat per bushel Barley, " Peas, gb Outs, " Dr'd Hugs, per cwt Hogs, live weight ... Lard perlb ... Tullow‘ per lb ... Butter per tty, Tub ... Mr, Henry Hopf of Cedarville spent last week at his uld home. Miss J. Watters who [ms been in Cali- fornia tor eight vears returned home last week. Miss Tillie Bl'autigun is this week Visiting friends near Alsfeldt, Mr w. Hopf returned home fmm London last week, Mies Savage of Chesley is visiting friends in this locality at present. Duncan McDonald who was opperated on ttw appendicitis on Sunday the 20th, is getting along as well tti, could be cXpecled. The home oi Mr. A. McQuaig was again brightened by a daughter cu the 24th inst All doing well. Mr. James Fisher died at his residence on the south line Glenelg on Tuesday morning the 213i. inst. Mr. Fisher was a. native of Yorkshire England. and left his netiye land in the your 184.5 settling in the township of Atlgole where he rennin- eil till tlu. year 1856 when he moved to the south hue Glenn-lg. linking his home on lot 47, mu 2, S. D. R.. where he ended I his days. Mr. Fisher was untried twice. hit tirst wife shed in the )eur1874. he married "gain in 1876 to Mrs. Duuvnn Ciiiuerou, better known its Janet Black. who died in July 1886. Mr. Fisher we: . quiet, inoirvusive man, aud Could 'alwnyts be relied upon us he was true to his word in all things. In icligiou Mr. Fisher originally belonged to the Engliuli church but there being no English church in the locality, he joined the Presbyterian. of which balms beeu a member ever since. Mr. Fisher was sensible to tho last, a. few minutes before he died he asked for a drink, which was giveu him hv his son Robert. and after partaluup, thereof. he laid down his head saying “that will do me llll I get home," and in a low minutes [ he oxpirml.so he had his mind centered l on his future home, He Was buried he. tween his two WIVES iu the Priceville cemetery or. Weduesulay the 22nd. Her. I Mr. Matheson offieituur.,, at the house and grave. A large crowd followed the re- lllitlllh to its last renting place. Jaimie Cockliurii is Very low at present I and nut much hopes of him getting better. TORONTO all winter he missed [but two trips through all this rough winter. Mrs. Vint Hill and her sons James and John visited at Mrs. Willie Marshall's, Willie is m charge of the Gadd farm. At thetinie of writing Mr. Jas. Mar- shall's infant is out of danger. We are pleased to see Dr. Sheath on his rounds again. MIS. Booth is also better and able to be out of bed, this attack of La, Grippe went. hard with her. Stone & Wellington TORONTO. DURHAM MARKET. Roll BORN. Hampden. g: Priceville. 25 to 50 to 5 00 to O oo to 50 to 0 (55 to Us 0 28 to 28 4 75 to 4 80 4 10 to oo 10 to 10 04 to 04 0 14 to 0 14 14 to 14 10 to 10 25 to 30 40 to GO 8 to a t) 05 to 0 05 7 00 to 7 00 p, 50 to 93 60 1 80 to 2 no 63 to 75 75 to tio “U to 67 0 35 u o dip. gt) to 75 70 75 For the return of a purse to REVIEW "ttice m- H. Parhev's Drugstore. con- taining muney and a. valuable keep sake. Lost in Durham: ahout February 23th licst. A few weeks ago the correspondents of Balsam Valley, Boothville and Scotch Town met. at the Knapp House, your hum. ble servant was there. but was not admit. ted to their compnuy. The Home of Refuge seemed to be the topic. Mr. Neil MoFaydeu has recelyed from Montreal sample watches and prices of Elgiu and Walton watches, anyone wish- ing for a good cheap watch mll do well to call on Mr, McFaydeu and get u bargain as they are good tune keepers, We are pleased LO say that our sick is getting better. Mrs, McDonald is attend- iug Mrs. Donald McCaunel who was very ill from the effects of La. Grippe. Dr. Park of Durham was in attendance. Must. of our young men are away for the summer. Arch and Alex. Ferguson are away to Cedarville. Neil MehUyden " engaged with Alex. McQueen, Neil Ile. Keuzie " hired again with {when Kennel, Dick Alclnesou is away to North Dakota. Mr. Thos. Weir ol New Englund passed through here en route tor Priceville with a load of wheat where he got the highest price. A week ago Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald took a. swilt drive to Proton Swamp College. Angus is a pupa now, We would like to know If he has to walk the floor at night. The young people of our line had ar- ranged to take a surprise party on Thurs- day night to Mr. Atehie Clark's, but it was a. disappointment. Them " unothcr night, in view. From the Old Country. The Seeds 2 best Seed Growers in Britain, and include and Garden Seeds. iii, SEEDS .r..r9'99'o:9oaa:sas:s:a:9s:s9.a' $5.00 REWARD t'ttttttt:e.t:6,st DRUGGIST A h'It SEEDMAN. At I’ARKER'S DRUG STORE. DANISH SUGAR BEET Sold by MacFARLANR Brownsville. H. PARKER CHOICE CLOVER SEEDS.. CHOICE TIMOTHY SEEDS if. .3714. Miller, HANOVER. “Always Prompt. Never Negligent." All husim'sn‘ Strictly Private. ', ff. H. MILLER will Intro been .‘II Eyedâ€: (It the ("mint-ks mart XMAS iDA Y, and he KNU IVS HUIV fo gr! {money at lovers! jumniblc' rufm and >101â€! bmt privilrgm. That is "I thc whole country game to him. p,, in: lending of ii per and. and ml [tn-u" Deeds, Mortgage-z}, Wills, and other. Writings careful y prepared. If on are tumble to tray 100 cents on the the Will assist you to arrange with your creditors. Insolvent Estates sut- isfuctorilv wound up. Go to him If you " ant to sell; Go to him if you want to buy. He collects notes and accounts. and it, limits everv- thing how he gets money out, of old claims that have heel: thrown aside as worthless. BUSINESS Tanglcs. Snails and Difficulties straightened out, settled and adjusted without humming or ill feeling, by the use. of a little tact and good judgment. A Hundred good Farms for tiale--Ait,o a number of fine Hanover Pruperliem loam: at may tt ll hr, may tl SI]! 80 WOOD - PROTESTANTS and CATHOLICS. /lich Men, Poor Mom, Grits, 79min: am] Putrous tLL DEAL WITH . . .. The Seeds are from one of the I., Durham, REVIEW OFFICE DURHAM, ONTARIO. catch & Irish ! i du.' - - Ne . The Hanover Cuuvevatu.c, per end. and on Iurgy ..... ... ..$4.(l) bushel. L...........31.75 bushel. ".. MILLER, l899 Seeds the leading Field Wanted on Sub scription at the 'show that the 50-†'iett.vl mu-ly settlers had nmdu "hat they aw mm. .md II at value was in them “an power of any parliament; hut to the prowess of t rum“! the Wilden-um : henna and sharp an: 1 The Laurie! government. i! ly in pushing I We!) too long Med to mung Ween pavilions. than oumhrmnnd dd I'm-linnu-nt at Hm provinces Wet't' lllllll‘d. at miott in: endvuvoring tn add " lily theme contending clad themselves as to the v l:undn. R number ot tlw u this district wvw invited mission tn meet (hum in haunt! aunungst tlu‘ m Jan. Edge. Jun. Md‘ul I‘Muplwll. Thor. Clark, ( liq-m'y Brigham and Thus this disuk‘t. No doul thow that the self deny party settlers haul mud ohnt they are now. and licuvm exixta.uce m 9401 Itetweett Ontario and Hue hack hefote l‘uufmlnmu makes claims wlm-ln 0m admit. for certain puma lauds which wen-v set a“ dd Parruu"ent of Hum since. n funeral pr. lu-iuguu God tic-m ofthe Winn-ii y of live implement a“ busy. AN lsrF.tttss"rtsei “an PAteT, Al‘ummiwinn h tatattets luking I am- shape m- a linu supplies tiw while drills. um l 'uul! ltnrd. Sup" “Humans {mm . 1: terminal on the Y" editor had the little with the pm ot' knowing how Kimmuk um-nvv IMl'lJ-ZMEN' day, Ant-nu had his mum imz machines '" " 1 m social ttttet'coutm NH!" and fmuily m \Vednmdny. nu-ul Immu- near the tit " APetttwi.ot:tt. few of the tteittltu Angus ('uuwmu Mu ding their Imun- tttt Staples chait man. I unqu with two h. and an an whim-u ; nelghluu ship for an Tar: 'ttis Nun-q A "'9 [and n Very Mum-">4" Roy corners um Mum!" been well advertise-d " I oewd and bidding was h from 831 uh, Mr. T M: pedigreed animal fur M from $21 up. sheep, 8ti. I " pain "opses wemt u ll'llll‘l" ml an ly owing ummn-ully In vaunted try " fvisrlu. M Proton Nation. xvvll R but] u Inn-w valuc-d al I (rm-kn luv-1 Hahn-day w "tMetre. Tttese an- lu-q twinning of a tatc tsto" "'t'f tttent A Korea, laa'rl'm-n of New Yolk He is i Hunk ofthorie who ad Han and vlmngr in indmlriul sysIo-ul. al" down by "rm-y Geo in Mt. Forest cm Hide; KILLIm from Mau m-plu-w lt tinvk, Inn in the rm Me Iu-lunu Mr. Alex. Aidan-Illa week a large crate of l rad hunt the pottery c Ntatrot6shite. England 'tttttstr- 0mm: , shipme it may ln-nu- a prrtfitat Fott HALE. _ flu-up ulna General Purpose IV. Black's Hardware Rev. Ur. Ml'l‘uhhiu, will occupy the I‘m-sh for the next two Ham Hum (Mum: Hm Hulilnlm Hum jusl "tttttati. â€unsw- In: , Local and his tss$§s§so - IMMEN'I‘ In our .4: luau-l y Isl VOL. XX l\'l ml- “lul I S." Mckum "HI itt MAM†that It. HI (In l 'Ic cud-III ' th tite ll“ than tot, hit M I " pl it "nti tt