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Durham Review (1897), 6 Apr 1899, p. 1

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t Sill 30 w bushel me of the m: Field don Sub no: ish ! as 75 bushel eds ll " n eeds collects II Sum settle .\'.|I.l I] ht admit. fur reltnin prucet-ds of St-html lands which were wt apart under the l ld Pavlianuaut nt' Canada. when the provinces Were llllllt'ti, and the vottunis. sion is endeavm'ing to adjudicate equit- “My these contending Claims. To inform themselvm As to the value of these lands. a numbernt the old pioneers of this district Were invited by this Com. mission to meet them in Toronto recent- Irand aim-lust the number Messrs. Jab. Edge. Jun. McCallum, Duncan l‘amphell. Thus. Clark. G. Mckechnie, Henry Brigham and Thus. Brown from this district. No doubt these could ‘how that the. self denying efforts of “may settlers had made their lands "hat they am now, and that whatever at value was in them was not due to the power of any parliament or province hut to the prowess of the men who entered the wilderness with brave - Ind sharp axes to subdue it, The Laurie! government is acting wise- ly in pulling a -sttleagtmtt of a. dispute cooking allowed to reunions: irritant mwmwwbmthm meeting the ,waalrtteeus-rtortesaGntimmtiiistu- ofthe prosperity of mu farmers limit our live implenwnt agents smell- all to he busy. As I.sTFatEsTisi, REMINDER or Tm: PAter, A (‘ommissiun hasheon a long timeut existence to settle a dispute between Ontario and Quebec extending hack hefore 1'tmfederatot. Quebec makes claim" which 'Ontario does not V l.\n-I.i:.\n:.\"r DELIVERY. Last Hutu" 'tay, Agent" McKuuson Of this town. had his annual Spring delivery of farm- ing machines and itupleutosts. Again wrn- mn- stpeets busy with pl'nspt-ruus tittmtcts taking home machine!) help in nni' shape m- another. The Bearing linn supplies the harvesting Inuchinrry. ArtRr:cin'rrur., Monday night last a few of the neighhors of Mr. and Mrs. \ngus Cameron surprised them by inva- ding their house and after making move Staple-s chailnmn. presented the Won-lily couple With two handsoum- vmy chairs .-Iml an an addrvss as u meme-Mo of good m-lghluolship for many years. A pleas- :ml and trrotitaltle tiurewus, ctuu? spent in social intetvoutsv. Mr and Mrs I'atn. pron and family move into town to-duy. \Vmim-stlny. occupying ('lt-rk Rnwell's house m-nr the station. We extend to thtutt a hourly welcome. Tur: RYAN SALE. -Auctioueet. Mack. I " chance to Show Ly Lad n w-ry successful sale at the Hub] fore long get, in I Roy rumors mi Mummy lust Having drifts. ' ln-vn wvll mlvrr‘isrd a large crowd iii?) THE Wertoy; win-(l um! bidding was “risk. Cows went; poet sings: u I: {rum .W.u uh. Mr. T Mott.sott buying a} when the thaw pmligrc'i'll animal fur 80!). 1'wo-.veat' olds . mimic freely an l'rnnl ten up. she-0p. 88, chickens Mccuts ; when mud is m t pair-. "orses. wettt a little slow. ‘slnnes shine bare [humus Irtr.:. Nr. Jas, Movice last week lost " valuable Inn-w w-ry smith-n- 'o' owing apparently to nervous collapse mun-ml by a fright. Mr. Jim. Watson, Proton Station, wvll known hue. also had a Inn-so valued at anon. drop in his tracks last Saturday without apparent. t'attnt'. These ltt't' heavy losses at the lu-ginnlng of " 1atespriug. KILLED AT MA.xitar.A. ~Nuwshas (-01:19 from Hamlin that Runwirk Lax-khan. a m-plu-w of Jnlm and Alt-x. ('nutts, Brn- tinvk, hm mm his moth while tiOrutg in tlu. ranks ot' the Atntwican Army. "t)olonsrtul in the Isl Montana ragi- nwnl. "is futile-'- lives in Wa0uwton. KILL] from ll "ephew Huck. h A NOTE" LEf'Tl‘RI'IR is W. k. (hunky. of New Yolk Me is in the voly front tank of those who advocate investigw tion and rhangv in mu- social and indu~drinl~nyslmm "lung the lint-s laid down by lit-urch-m-gv. He lectures. in Mt. Forest nn Friday night. Mr. Alex. McLachlan opened out this week a large crate of crockery. trc., di- revt from the pottery district, of Hanley Ntatrovdshive. England. This is his ftrst, ‘rrnss m-mm ' 'shipment, and we hope it may prnvt- a profitable one. Fun 't'Arw..--rheap for Cash. A first- ( rluss Genernt Purpose Horse. Apply at) w. Mlack's Hardware Store. I Rev. Dr. Mekohhie. late of Shelhurne I wilt m-cupy lhe l’roshyieriun pulpit here for the next Iwo Sahlnuhs. I Hum (mam-z l-‘mrn. A l Manitoba Flour just .utived Hunter',,. --- o ' t Local and District News. t ts.~s‘ss“‘sss§§d VOLs-‘XXI. N0. 14 cavload of at - - O. _.-- - Honor Roll of Durham Svhonl fun Ilu- munth of March. Fir. I' Class-Allie Blackburn, Hannah Lawn-euro. Bert Mockler. Maggie Hun- ter. Fred Ryan. Jr. V t'lass-Neilie Moran. Ethel Linlin. Annie Lawrence, (‘assir McDonald, Laura Hutton. SP- IV Class Shirley McIntyre, Willie Itvowu, Jessie Laidlaw and Harry Be tt tou "tut., Aggie Lawrence, James La- velle. Jr. IV Class --Allie Gun, Arthur McC'riv, (Clara. Aljoe, Esdon Wolfe, Andy \Villiums. Mary Sharp turn.,) t'lareuce Willis, Melvelle Storrey. Sr. ll Class-Alisa) McDonald, Willie Laidlaw, Edward Kilmer, Arthur KniS- ley, John Lloyd, Charlie Moore. Jr. liClass--Eddie lanes, (Annie Daniel, Mary Daniel, Fred Smith and John Nadiger aeq..) Carl Browne. Br. I cuss-EG Kinnee, Marion Carrie, James Vollet, Melville McKay, Doyle Braithwaite. Intermediate I Claw. Sadie Kress, Earnest Noble and Foster Saunders tteq. Jr. A Clam-mob), Campheil,Jnmes Walls. Jr. B Clau- Fred Torry. Lou hulk. Owing to Miss Bull's illness there is nonportlor (Mulch-see. _ A Piosruut. A well known Gaelic l prcachcr says the Port Elgin Times Irma-d away in (imicrich on March 11th in tho pclsun of lhw. Alex. McGillivray fathvr of Rev. Donald McGillivray. of llunan, China, Hr was seventy-five ycaxs old, Wcll known in Bruce. having lu-cn settled at Itipleyconsidtwalt time. Furthclast 25 yours he ministered to thc Garlic mission acar Goderieh. Mr. 3lvGillivva.v's preaching was warmly appreciated by all who had the pleasure of lumwinghim. lDeceased was a former resident ot Buntinck and was well and favorably known. He was an uncle of Mrs. John A. Blank of this town. His son is pastor of Cote St. Antoine, Pres- byterian church of Montreal, and his third sou, Rev. Malcolm is preaching in- British 1'olmubia.l (when the thaw sets in .the gutters gurglo frerly and the, ice guts thin: v‘wlwn mud is "vet' shoe tops and the :slmws shine Intro. the sunlight, sparkles ‘gnyly in the height blue air. The Ral' {turns up his trousers and the sum“ ihoys wade: all the girls go un their 'tipioes, of the slush afraid. Cold wea- ,tlu-r is furguttnn -tVt' pal-(hm winter’s {sin fu. it is good to he alive when the 'lhmv 'tttis' it." 0h, let it, he soon! TH!" LATE Mus. .\lc\'lc.\.\'. Tuesday f of lust, week was laid to pest in Maple." wood (-t-nwtcry all that, was mun-ml of! the "hove duct-used. An attack of grip| (nu-rind Iu-I' ulf suddenly. Het. husband diyil nmny years ago and her family to whnm shu was much attached, will miss l the shrewd and kindly cure and counsel sllv husulu'uys givvn. Thtve sons and tluve daughters remain to mourn her 1 loss. Mrs. Wm. Marshall Jr. Varney, Is : " daughter of the deceased who was a. I sisttw of Mr. Wm, Marshall s.., and I; Jun. Marshall Sr. Nul'lnnnhy. lt i A LATE SIGNS“: Nothing ulsv can be [ t'XIrttttul now. and l'urim-rs are busy i looking up horses, tools. seed grain eta, I to Ire in rmulim-ss for svt'dG,roptwationa, i when the prim-n! "‘llssle between win- i tar and spring" as " lady cotn'esptmdent i happily Ic-rms it. is dvcided in fm‘m' of ithe latter. To-day, Tuesday, slvighing in still brisk. but the sun is now getting i a chance to show hiss power'. and will be- “or? lung get. in his wvrk on the snow ', d, ins, . Tur: \me'umc Srmxu Trntw.--A poet sings: "It is good to he alive i Hor-sy):.)-..- As theabove tbsy i time is ulmllt with us. I wish to unmann- (1- to the ladies of Dnrlmm and vicinity that, I am prepared lo do Painting, Pttptwhans,rins,r, Alahastining, Kalsoniiet- hug and whitening. Wovk trusted to ma- tlone whh mmtnvss and clvspatch “uh-rs left at 1IcF1aplatw's dtug starch! at my residence. opposite llnrlwl‘s st9re "ppm- town, will pvceisw my [trump at- tunliun; Cliff Fllvidge, 1 ONTARIO EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. " The thirty-eighth unnual Inlet-ting of :the Ontario Educational Association is in session this week at the Normal School, Toronto, April 4th, 5th and 6th. during the Easter holidays. Mt tho public veception on the evéninq of April 4th. the Premier of Ontario md Mini-stew of Education (nu-h delivered an address. I Trumps FOR s'ALE--At, 50. n bushel. Apply at the Hardware Store to Tans, Bunk. LF:catRF. UN iurrmAso.--ruuler)the auspices of the w. I'. T. l'., uev.jMr. Jansen will deliver his famous lecture cm "Holland and the Hollanders" in the Town Hall, on Tuesday next, April llth. Admission 10 cents. As this is probably the last opportunity the pub- lic will have of heaving this lecture there will likely be " large attendance. Kw. A. Mvkay, Toronto. preached tol Miss Lena \Volfe is Dun-nm-h and Rocky Sungeon congrega- I week at her home here. lions oil two preceding Sundays. _ Dr. Arthur Gun mad it (ittiitittrii, , Dr. Arthur Gun maiden brief visit to Me. w, I h I l Durham Hus week. week. ms eu', Miss Large is spending her Easter Mr w ' .holidays at Urzmgeville. ; A . ', ' nth: t Councillor McQueen reported upon investigation the dangeious‘ state of Arthur':, bridge. lot Erm, con. 8, caused by councillor Mrlnnis. Carried. l Me. and Mrs. Dowling. Holland. and By-law No. 112 for. appointing tence-IP'. Bourne, Grand Talley, visited at viewers and pound-keepers passed the’the Let".' homestead Varney, last usual readings, etc. The following t""Y. Miss Millie accompanied the named persons are appointed to iboth IDowlmgs on theie 'Y.""r to spend a offices, viz.: Geo. Hephm n, Thos. (‘ald- :few days among old friends. well, Duncan Robinson, E. Johnston,) Miss Alice Johnston, who left here J. Stevenson. R. Burrows, J. Gardiner, itwo weeks ago. arrived safely in Nemo, Wm. Wallace, Thus. Gordon, w. Pat. South Dakota, at the home of her sis- terson, w. Caulfield, H. MeDougall, ter, Mrs A. Moody. She writes that Br., J. Stewart, N. McArthur, Br., Jas. the found travelling very pleasant, and Sim, Jas. Calder. Ed. Henderson. J no. i! enjoying a climate which she thinks; Adams, Allan McDougaul, Wm. Ram- mm, though residents say it is colder} age, Jas. McDonald. lthan usual. She found hex-{friends u." l Mernuis-Hastie--That having heard the report of the Cletk re printing Auditors' Reports, Ete., we consider his action satisfactory, and recommend payment of Mr. Itamage's account, of $6.30 for printing the same. Catried. Hastie-McQueen--That we grant 87 , to Geo. Reid, indigent, to he expended l, by councillor McInnis. Cart iod. l, Resolved that Dr. Bryce‘s (-umuluni- cation Ire referred to the Hoard of Health. Carried. Mcuuevn---SGvp- That, Mr. Kerr be paid at the same rate for his gravel as nthcr parties are along the 0. S. ll. Cattied. 1'ouncil met, March 27th. Minutes cottfirttwd, Couuuunicationss received, J. Kerr re gravel, Dr. Bryce Pt' vaccin- Minn. To RENT; The Blacksmith Shop, and tools, vive. dvill, anvil and lwlluws in l'plwr Town, with \vngnn and paint lalmp above. lately occupied by H. Nestee “Perms vol-y veasouahle, Apply to Jos. lSlmrp. Adminiwtmmr. A stalrle in lrunuet-tiun if required. 'hiiuiAtt,--'.,?,0 lbs. (hmmlnlvd Sugar for 81. at. Parker‘s. 1friiIrtov., In Glenelg, "" Friday, Mst, Mun-h. Mrs. Mt'Killop, aged 70 years. (See Pviveville cor.) -----_-- - o V-------- to submitn hy-law to the electors foe a loan to the (-nmpnny. When this is carried, active operations will begin at nnn‘ and a prosperous your will no doubt follow. . Golxu.\1m.\n. '1'heC'ltavtev fur the Factory has been granted, and the pro- visional (lira-tors havvsevured " site in the Jackson property near the Slnliun. which hols. itself admirably to the convenience of building. We under- stavnltlw company will ask theeomuul Pitor'ErvrvCiiAsrrEs,-Mv, Jas. Hep- burn has purchased Mr. A. Little's residence. and Mr. Littlels planning to build another. Mr. Elliott. Chatsworth Stage-driver has we understand. Put" chased the Austin pmpm'ly. \Ve have heard that owing io a kmd ot'dox-in-the-ruans,ret. policy by builders of cemem lands Imu- town. the works will have. to he established at, Yummy. This is not " creditable state of affairs. Assessor Vuliell has cynspleted his roundsnud thinks when his summing up is done his Assessment. will be higher and population larger than usual, Hurst: Cro:Asrstr.--Alahasrinv, Kal. smnhw, Paris 1Vltitv, Wltitiug, Glue Colors. \Vlnte-wnsh Brushes, "te. at Parker‘s Drug Store. 1vA.Nausus, A good mun to sell Im- plements. Mo. apply It. McFarlzme, Nv., upper town. Town ll this week. ‘. Last Saturdnynnd Sunday the town .oxporit-nced a deep thrill of sun-row as lnows got around that Mr. \Vm. Harris was slruggling for Inc in Toruntn. His fntlu-rlofl Monday motntitig and only to-day, Wednesday, has ve-assuring news arrived that, he is imprnrml. The warmest wishes fur his complet" Pec'ov- my em- owryn-lwrr (-xprms‘ml. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McAllister and children rerun-um] last. week from Oregon. where they spent the winter with Mrs. MeAlligter's parents and friends. They like Nm'munhy farming best, yet, so did nut settle out West. Inspector Campbell and Messrs. Allan and Mills are this week in attendance at the Educational Association meet- Ings in Toronto. Mr. Scott and Miss Culbertson spent Good Fridag'lat tlrhataworth, the guests of Mr. and rs. Kingsbury. Messrs C G my, Jr and Wm. Matthews left Tuesday, the former for Brandon, the latter foe McGregor. Manitoba. Mr. D. 3reKinnon,Tovonto, visited his mother at the Rocky and other friends in town last. week. Misses Maggie and Annie Scott, teachers, are holidaying at their home in Glenelg. Continued on page 4 EGREMONT COUNCIL. fuum-il minutes crowded out DURHAM, THURSDAY, APRIL "6.3539.- DIED. is spending the] ay the town of sorrow as Wru, Harris brunt”. His and wants the comma; of THE REVIEW in the Black Hills. e hope she will keep her promise and give us a short sketch of the country when 'he sees more of it. Miss Alice Johnston, who left here two weeks ago. arrived safely in Nemo, South Dakota, at the home of her sis- ter, Mrs A. Moody. She writes that she found travelling very pleasant. and is enjoying a ehmate which she thinks wsrm, though residents say it is colder than usual. She found herttrienda well lnsp. Campbell and fmuily spent Good Friday with Barrister Campbell of Havriston, brother of our Inspector. They were accompanied by Me. Camp- bell's sister Mrs. Henderson and her husband of Kandy. Mrs. McComh. Six, returned home on Tuesday front Palmerston. after an ex- tended visit to her son, who lately met with n, severe accident. The oldIIndy though at the head of four generations. is hale "and hearty. Rev. Mr. Campbell, Dronwro. officia- ted in the Presbyterian church here on Sunday lent and formally road the e- diet declaring the pulpit vacant. Rev. Mr. Jansen occupied Me. CattFl1's pulpits. Miss M A Twmnley. ('rnwftml. is this week staying with Mrs w Gndd Isuule lon st. Dr Park performed a delicate throat operation on her t'eceutlyand she is progressing favotably. Mr. John Robertson mum: up from Toronto Saturday night, to spend Easter Sunday with his parents hero, returning Monday morning. Miss Allie fivant and Miss Mary Gots don came homo inst week from Owen Sound Collegiate Institute, and now in ighten up their respective homes. Wah Lee took a Imp to Listowel last wcek, leaving his business in charge of another celestial helper' from Montreal. Miss Ella Kuhn-[son is 110nm from Guelph Business College to spend a week's holidays with her relatives. Miss A. Gun is spending [MN ot the holiday “'va with Miss McCalmel and other friends in No, 10 Glenelcr. Mr. John Lavvlle mm“- hunw Gorrd Friday and stayed (we:- Easler. He roturnvd to hisduties Monday morning. Mr Duncan McDonald, who Was on- ewated on lately for :mpt-ndicitis. is. we are glad to hear, likely to make a omn- plete recovery. Mr. Harry Day. of Toronto. lately of Kent. England. is Visiting at, Mr, James Md'mL-kon’s ”war the A venue. Mr. E. Mm'luck. furnwrly in Irusitust, in Mt. Forest, will strengthen the staff Of his Itvothet'sstove hero after. May I. Miss Maggie Crawford left the Queen city last week to spend awhile in our loyal town, Misses Polly and Amy Wright visit. ed their uncle in Hanover the tre, ginning of the week. Dr. Jamieson, M. P. P. came hot Thursday last, h is parliamentary 1 being over. Miss Annie Mckenzie is home from the Owen Sound Collegeiate Institute for Easter holidays. Miss Maggie Derby, of Priceville, spout her Easter holidays with friends in town. Mr. Arthur Laidlaw mum- home from the sehoolof Pt action] Srit-m-e. last week to pass the holidays. Mr. Emerson Kinnee loft Monday mmning for Acton, wlwl'n he has Flt" cured a situation. Mrs. It, P. Legate, Ceylon. and son Robert, paid Review ft iends and others n visit on Saturday last. Mr. James A. Huntmw wont to Toronto last Friday, combining business with Eastm- attractions. Mr. Archie McKinnon is learning the art of tailoring with Mr. Jae. Allan. Mr. John Cochrane is spending at huli~ day pleasantly muting old friends. Miss Hazel M CG rcgor has gone to visit. a Friend in Bunessan this week. Mr. w. K. Reid. son and daughter, visited Mt. Forest on Tuesday. Misses Lizzie & Bella Morrison. Edge Hill. were visiting in Toronto this week. Mr. John Burhet left Wednesday morning for Detroit. Me. Charles Ryan, of Mount Forest, spent Easter with his parents here. Miss Milton Cooper, of Palmerston, Sundnyed with friends in town. Mr. David McNiehol was in town Good Friday and called on a. few friends. PERSONAL MENTION Rumhnugh is in town this P. came home on .Iuties We' take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit, a continuance of the same. Durhzun. Aug. oth. . "Large Sales & Small Profits." 't Stoves Our Piano and Organ trade is Lirm1y established. Best makes. Purest tones. Do "gh,t.rtnt a. tuwi1tt1liiaNhipe.' 15tthtt.Aor, Gutters 3 C. L. GRAN T t---cd""itd"':LCCi ( o,,.) Wiiihiiiiii f iiiiii.2LL' 2iiif'iiiS"ii5is p23? G' m exchange for goo a. O. McKINNOI. AT f"'"'----, A At prices that will surprise. UPPER TOWN IMPLEMENI' WAREROOMS ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be We beg t9_info_rm our Custom- Cash system 3mm . JOKINN ON 'fl, ONTARIO ARCHIVES Their fit and wearing qualities are indisputed. W e sell them at about the same prices as you pay for poorer ones. ADOPTED BY tJ. McKechnie. Fit the Father's Purse, the 1Iother's Head, and the Chil.. dren's Feet. We have them to fit the Parent's also. of all kinds, COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES, - _ BOX STOVES " G. 86 J. MclK1ilcmmil. may IR lligt tl Millie lt llt J. l Itt (l tl "HOMO. gil KING'S (HE ll MSEHOH) WORD. Cutters and Sleighs of the best quality and at prices away down. OUR (ty SHOES WHOLE N0. 1099. for Wood (TI P)

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