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Durham Review (1897), 6 Apr 1899, p. 6

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3% bl, Lord Salisbury and M. Paul Cam- bon have signed a convention defining the Anglo-French boundaries in Central Africa. Britain retains the Baht-al- Ghzel and Dartur, while Franco gets Hm Court of Appeal of Quebec has coui i I mud the judgment on the superior Court awarding .1399 damages w the puxrnts ot tho iate Muss Alphonsino '1 Invade-an against. thr W. C. McDonald at Montreal. m whuao factory the girl was kllled at bite time ot the fire in Aprit, 1895. Lloyds has decided to bestow the silver medal upon the captain and chief engineer ot the Cunard line nteamship Pavonia. tor, bringing the chip safely into port after she had been disabled " sea. Exceptionaily ould Weather continues throughout England. varying from 10 to A) degrees of frost. There have been heavy tails of snow in the north, and neural deaths from exposure are reported. Similar weather prevail. on the continent. Lates to Dawson have been cut in two by the formation of a transport- almn combination, including vaxinus swuners running between beanie and titragway, the White Pass & Yukon huslmml. and the Steamers on Lake Bum-4t and the Upper Yukon. . Cheetsas-makesrn ot Russell county are forming an association with the object that all cheese purchased from manu- (aciurers by produce merchants shall be guaranteed before being taken from the hands at makers. They also in- temt advocating the, appointment of an official weight”, to weight 'he chew“) before it is delivered. GREAT 1Gu1'hrN. W. n Millnis, the artist, and brother of the late Sir John Everett Millais president of the Royal Academy, " dead. Rev. James A. eipurtteon, brother of the lam Rev. Charles Haulden Spur- gonn. was found dead in a railway cur- nuge at London. 'lhu IN oodstock, N. B., Town Coun- oil nun abolished the Lax of from 83 to bo nu Communal traseiler.s visiting that puma. u. hung the only town m Canada where the tux was made. The In alieued Toronto and Montreal ttouses. Enqutryislo b,, made into the tsuf- tieieney of exits in the large hotels and mansion: in London. suggemed by the xy .ndsur horror. At the banquet " the British Eco- manic Association, Prof. Ashley said the trusts were mainly the outcome of an attempt to get rid of the disas- trout- enacts ot cut-throat competi- non Bastian temperance societies are de- nouncing Sir 'rttomas Lipton for hav- ing aptried for licenses to sell liquor at his ten stores. It is said that the population of Mani- toba has reached the zlh),oJU mauk. '1 be last cumin taken In ityo1 gave the popu- hum: as 15:,000. This m an increase of 108,000 in nine years. 't he Quebec By-law Committee has deemed to anyone a tax of 8d00 on pesb- lam reading in the city and $100 on podurs reading outside. Price, the Manitoba young farmer, who shot Richard Boulten three weeks ago with murderous intent, was sen- teurod to three years” Imprisonment. J. I'.. Booth, the Ottawa mnmerman. guys that with the exception of a tsiught advance in boxwood. lumber pl‘uccn will be unchanged this year. Mr. P. W. tit. George, City Survey- or of Montreal, has res.gned in conse- quence of too much mluterence by Aldurmen in the work of his depart- (inszezak and Czuby, two Uniicians found guilty of the murder of a com- patriot and four children at Sum rtburn last fail, were sentenced at Winnipeg to hang on May ai. (Rhiannon in the meat. Representative. at tho Bank of Bri- tish North America and the Bank of Commerce no on route to Aliin to open branches there. any: are being taicea at London, Ont., to quash the city brlsw recently paxwd authorizing an increase in the number of liquor licenses. Maj rr-General Hutton is investigate ing a charge preferred by LieuL-Cul. “my, D.U.C., Montreal. against Lieut.- Cul. Cooke, of threateuing to thrash his tsuperior oHieer. . It is rumored that the controlling interest ot the Hamilton Street Rail- way Co. had been secured " a New trust company. The Moons, Manufacturing Cour pany ot Landon have advanced the wag.” of their no" hands 10 per cent. Londun's city account. show I de. fieit od ”1.000 for 2898. The Piains of Abraham have been purveyrd into building lots. The wrecked steamer Castillan is re- ported to have broken in two. The City Engineer of Hamiltop say! .hat tcl the, main thoroughfares In that my need repairs. Complaints are being made of the urgent need ot an Inspector of weights ttnd measure. at Atlin and Dawson. __ A big Mammal company ham ativttn0- ed the price of oottona, and it is expect- od the advance will become general. is, stove -manuraeturer. of. Hamil- ton will inn-ease the par of their moui- dors 10 per cent. on May l. The Sawyer-Massey Company aamxlton have inrreased their ployehs' wages ten per cent. Kingston fire, department will In" " aerial truck. CANADA. Non Scotia's estimates an Summary. dllt Recent Happenings Briefly T 'old. my ot I Sperial significance attaches to the Zallpuintment of Commodore Gifford to command the Britiih squadron in Ntw- lfoundmnd waters during the coming Timing season. His selection is p- gtrdetl as indicating a determination on the part of Great Britain to enforce a settlement of disputed questions in {this quarter by strengthening the squadron. John T. Graham, of Denver, who mvns extensive gold and silvar mines in Colorado, and Aew Mexico, has made I the simemem that the first an; made by the new trust would be the) John T. Shayne, the millionaire Chi- cago turrier, was phut three times by H. n Hammond, a merchant tailor, while the two were dining at a hotel. Shayne will live. Hammond is under arrest Domestic troubles. admin-e- of the price of silver ten per cent. A (ll-spawn hum Omaha reports the burning mi a building in which a lodge of lady Maccabees was meeting. They were cumpelled to jump from the win- dows, and two were killed and several badly injured. One fireman was prob- ably fatally injured. The story of the finding of Andrea's. hallo-n and three bodies proves to have been a falsehood. - it ls prupwed to 111136 a fund of wo,- 110:} for the family of Warren Union. the elerator nun at [he Mindsur 11.;- ml in New York, who refused to leave his pan and lust hm life in the. tire. New York’s Board of Aldermen tabled a resolution calling on the Commissioner of Public Buildings to hoist the national city and state tlags on all public buildings on May 2+. in houur of Queen Victoria's birth- (in). Mauritius in now free trom the plague. The Central Vermont Railroad was sold on Thursday under foreclosure proceedings and the entire properly way; purchased by Ezra H. Baker of Buswn, Chairman oi the L'ondholdera' Cummiltoe, fur 87,000,000. John Moore, of Hamilton, Kan., whose house was burned and his five children found dead in it, has been up At tian Francisco, Mme. Melba had a narrow escape from serious injury. the was hit on the head by a heavy bronze statue, which tell from a pod- estal. and was unconscious tor 15 minutes. rested charged with murdering the children. '1‘th bodies were not badly burned, but each skull was indented, and all but one had been stabbed in the neck, Moore tails a very lame story. Mrs Augusta Schmidt, who is serv- :ug a ten years' sentence tor murder in the indiana women's prison. has been panned by Governor Mount, but declines to accept her freedom un- til the Judge and jury which tried her acknowledge that she was inno- cent and that they were in error {vixen they passed Judgment upon let. In an interview Rear Admiral Samp- sou, of the United States wavy, ex- pressed the hope that the good feel- mg between Great Britain and the United States would be permanent. He says the United States has more to gain by a defensive alliance than Great Britain, and he rejoices that the re- cent chango of sentiment has taken place. The influenza is raging at Berlin, and the death rate is heavy. Maude Rirhardson, the alleged wile of Wm. Johnson, known as 'B'arry, the Valet," who was concerned in the rub- bery of the Dowager Duchess of Suth- erland's jewels in Paris last October, intends to personally serve the Duehetsa with a writ to recover the reward offered for the recovery of the stolen jewellery, she having betrayed John- son to the police. It as said that the passenger de- punmcul of the New York central will tun an independent. line to oppose the lib-lieu & Ontario Company tor the tit. Lawrence tourist traffic. UNITED STATES. Thc Cuban army numbers 13.219 men. Two men were kiIlod in a tight with Mvsieons at Laredo, Texas, the result of a duwus,iat over smallpox. Caiifornr, newspapers must now.at- Inch the name of the writer to all htcat mws referring to individuals. . l'niled States capitalists will spend $u'bG,r,00 in trolley lines about Niagara [Hula this summer in connection with th" Pan-American project. Over 2,000 pounds of smokeless pow- der exploded at the Dupont Powder Workr, at Carney Point, ml. instant- ly killing three wulkmen and injuring a number ot others slightly. Redford Beale. died of hiccuughing at Norfolk, Va. Fifteen days ago he hogan.- to hiccuugh intermittently, and for eight days he hicooughed uru3eatF ingly A millionaire, named Alfred Stern, mu oi the late Baron Stern. has been declared insane. He is said to be wonth 81/r,t1J0,00o and recently created a dis- turbnnce at Marlborough house, the town residence of the Prince of Wales. by attempting to force an entrance there under the hallucination that he is the Prince. Considerable dissension is reported between the Chancellor of the Ex- chequer, Sir Michael Hietrte.Beach, and the Secretary of State for the Colon- ies, Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, thu tor- mor opposing and the latter favor:- ing the African schemes of Mr. Ceca Rhodes. In reply to a suggestion by yr Charles Howard Vincent that .an In- quzry be held into the conditions of British trade, Mr. c. T. Ritchie. Pre- trident of the British Board of Trade, said aim there was no reason to re- gm! the condition of trade as other than satisfactory. Hm territorth north and west of Lake Tchad. It is proposed to start 3 movement for a national testimonial to Black- burn. the English chess player, in honor of his victory over Piisbury in the recent international chess tourna- ment, and in recognition of his serv- ices to the British Chas. Club. GENERAL. The Crown Lands report shows that 50,231 acres of Crown lands were sold during [he year for a value aggre- gating $20,353. The cullectiun on these and former year's sales amounted to $42,602. Mining lands to the extent of 48,911 acres were leased, $63,944 rent being collected. The total receipts of the department were $1,112,582 and the disbursements 8811,848. Fran) woods and forests $981,168 was received. The decrease in revenue amounted to 8345.- 953. The change in the law relating to timber will be responsible for a big decrease in the cut. PBOPORTIONAL REPRESEN I A l ION. l The representatives of three railway _ companies ask aid for their several en- terprises. The first request was for a grant of $100,000 towards a bridge ‘across the Ottawa river at Bawketr- ( bury, to connect the Parry Sound and Canada and Atlantic railways with the Great Northern, and thus give a trunk line from Parry Sound to the Province ot Quebec, to facilitate the direct ex- port of grain, and to aid the develop- ment of that part of Ontario affected by the lines mentioned. The bridge will cost half a million dollars, and the Dominion had granted $52,5t.0 towards it, besides subsidizing the roads. Coun- ty Crown Attorney Curry acted as spokesman, and was accompanied by J. M. Savage, of the Great Northern railway, and Mr. Barrie, of the Canada Atlantic, besides the Speaker and a number of the members of the House. WOitTmNGToN AND ONAPlNG. The Worthington and Onaping rail- way, a continuation of the North Shore and Manitoulin railway across the Nickel range and into the Vermilion district, was represented by H. W. Evenden, an English capitalist from the South African gold fields, and now residing at Campement dOura Island, Lake Huron, and Mr. John McKay, of the Soc. '1 hey preferred the usual re- quest of 83,000 per mile. To DEVELUL’ MINERAL LANDS. The third enterprise to solicit aid was also in the line of New Ontario development. it was the Bruce Mines and Alguina railway, to run 50 miles north iiom Bruce Mines, and open up copper and nickel tucatiuna, eventually tapping the U.i'.lt. main line. 'ihose present were Mayor Wile, Buffalo; Judge Holden, Sou, Mich.; u. W.Good- sate, Circago; M. G. Caryell. U'heaen- lug, Mich. ltAi‘ll) GROWTH OF PINE. Mr. Frank Hliday, Government Timber Agent at Parry Sound, was be- fore the i‘ublic Accounts Committee and he tort the committee some things about reforestry that were interesting Hr, chust contention was that the greater part ot tilt: unsettled lands of the mount-ti “hunt: the t.mher had been takcn would reiurcst themselies in the course oi oO yt-ats. the fact that the ground had been burnt over would not deter the second growth coming to a uieretrantablts size. NO tiMALu BLACK miss. 'llre. Game Departmcnt have taken ac- tion against a number ot 'i'oruutotioh tetlr‘ who hurt: lr en o.fering fursale iery eurall blaes bass this winter. The errtmvnt want tity hmilll fish left alone. 'ihey are too small to sell. the 1.epartmtetlt :aJa. Al, thrdtnlcrs have been "arued to erase buying these and]: lloll and uttering them tor sale. Maslciuonge will burnout-r beclied as u sporting (uh, and not its Ll (zom- tuerciat lists. this will int-nu that time of these fish may be taken by nets. Mr. S. Russell, East Hastings, mov- ed the second reading of his bill to allow municipalities to adopt propor- tional representation. The bill pro- sides that any city, town, village or township may pass a by-law providing for the adoption of proportional repreo sentation by any method which will result in the election of any qualified candidate who obtains at the election a quota of valid votes, the said quota being touna'by dividing into the num- ber of valid votes the number of coun- cillors, or alderman to be elected, ignor- ing fractipns; it any. Any municipal council may, whether adopting propor- tional representation or not, provide by by-law for the use at the elec- tion of any municipal officer, wherein only one office is to be filled, and only one candidate can be elected, of a preferential ballot that will enable, in the event of more than two candidates running for such office, electors to designate their choice not only by marking their ballot for the elector's first choice, but in such a way as to designate second and sub. sequent choices. in the alternative event of the first choice having been unsuccessful; and for such purpose may provide tor the utilization of such votes cast for an unsuccessful candidate by a redistribution of them after dropping such candidate in pro- case of counting, after the manner of tho Hare-Spence system, or other sys- tem as may he deemed by Said council most effective for the purpose. {ION MR. HARDY'S OBJECTlONS. The Attorney-General admitted that :he proposed method of \otlng might suit certain classes of electors; but be was nor, sure it would be the best for legislative aaremblies. In saying this he was. not disparaging its usefulness. He agreed that it was a matter that commended itseif to a large section of the reading and thinking pubiie. it had made considerable advance, especr iaily with those who care for philoso- (Mu-lion has been taken to the llllgl' number of permits titat were is- sued last year to those witstfng to ksil instsctwerotus birds for scuinrifio pul'lmsao'. Too many birds have boon taken, the department believe, for other purposes than scientific. As a consequunce there will be a. great de- crease in the number of licenses this season. Last year the total permiis issued to allow the taking inseciiver- nus birds and eggs was tro, white this year only 32 has been issued. CROWN LANDS REPORT. Notes ot Proceedings in the Local Parliament ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. N01 so MANY PERMITS RA ILWAYS WANT AID. 6NTARI6 KRCHIVES TORONTO A despatch from St John's. Nfld., ya.vs:--The seating steamer; L 'opard, with 12fH0 seals, the Vanguard. with 25000. and tho Neptune, with 33.40). arrived hm‘n on Wednesday. ’lhuy re- prrt tha' 'h- r"m!in:n'x i"rt "("S‘ldlf the northorn fire', M0 almes' mama, :In'l that the Wulrwc, will pmhahly erasure a full cargo. Tho fi~bury in Ii'-.ely to prove tho mm! riuveierqful on record. NM t-nly haw w’mnrt an the steamer: obtained fut! lmds hut the nulirv flvot will have rmurnw! hereby Suniav mar-t thu; snvinqt'h‘ Pxpenge of nwintlmins tho "ruin ‘15; i, usual, to adaie mach later in the year. STURGEON FALLS PULP MILL. The agreement of tho Sturgeon Falls Pulp Company with the Government was laid on the table, at the Legisla- ture. It provides that the company I: to buy out the (Mario company, and each year manufacture 5,001) tons. The company is to ereut paper mills coat- ing $1,000.80: and turn out 303110 tom; of paper yearly. In the first six months 82.50,000 of the money must be spent, and double that amount in two years, and the total in three. For all this the Government gives the com- pany the right to cut. spruce, poplar. tamarar, and jack pine along the Sturgeon river and tributaries. They are to pay 10 cents for hardwood and 20 cents per cord for spruce. The. com- pany have no rights to soil, and must not retard settlers. ALIEN CLERGY. The Premier's bill to amend the. sta- tute law was passed through commit- tee Among other things it legalizea marriages salt-mined in the past by foreign ministers. Xvwrr"tttmMtttt Fuller-y thr “an! yarn-rum: an Its-rum]. Mr. Gibson said the question of kill- ing deer in water was an old one, and had been before the House for twenty years. He himself wasn't sure as to the merits of the case; but it seemed to be pretty generally agreed that while bounding deer was permitted, the clause of the AN prohibiting the kill- ing of deer in water should be re- pelled. Mr. Reid, Addington, supported the bill, on the ground that it the deer were not taken in the water, many of them that had been wounded by hunters got away and died in the G AME PROTECTION . Mr. Gibson introduced his buiky bill to amend the Game Protection Act. Among its provisions hotels and res- taurants are prohibited from setting game. on their tables during the pro- hibited season unless they are in the possession of licenses to store game shot during the open season. For purposes of tracing the same the licensee is ob- liged to furnish arecord of all game stored. Other clauses provided that spurtsmen'e guides must be licensed by the game warden. This, said Mr. Gib- son, was designed to provide employ- ment for the Canadian guide and do away with the practice of introducing American guides. . . Hill respecting the village of Win- ohester.--Mr. Whitney.___ - - _ 1m”: confirming the city of Kingston and the Dominion Cotton Mills Com- pany.--Mr. Graham. - _ .Bill respecting the trustees of the Osgoodo burial ground.--Mr. Guibold. Bill respecting the London Street Railway Companr.--Mr. Gerpan. hill io‘ihéorbgrht; the village of Sturgeon Poittt.-.Mr. Fox, _ . BUT to incorporate the Western hos- pital of 'I'oronto.-Mr. Crawford, - Bill to incorporate the Bruce Mines and Algoma Railway Compart-. Mr. Farwell. Bill to consolidate the floating debt of the town of Brampton.-Mr. Smith. Hill respecting by-law No. 46:! of the town of 1Jundas--Mr. Wardell. “Bill to confirm uy-law No. 152 of the village ot_Tara.-Mr. powerr. phionl theoriea, but then were only in a limited sphere. He did not deny that proportional representation might work well in connection with friendly societiea. church organizations and perhaps election of school trustees. In all these cases he had no doubt the method advocated by the hon. member might be used with great advantage; probably also in township and city counci: elections. A The premier introdueed a hill relaI-' ing to tsontroverted eleetiona, in which' he proposes to get after what he (mils? "straw 'men" in eonneetion with elm-J lion potions. It provides that in all protests, save where the defeated can- didate is himself the petitioner, the proceedings must be taken by tour man as formerly. Bill to improve tho Iaw.respeetiug Public schools-Mr. Ross. Bill iespeetingUe town of Cobourg --Mr. Clarke. Bill respecting the 'village nt Enter --3Ir. Garrow. Mr. Richardson's bill to prevent camping on highways or uneaelosed land and to empower county con- stable to make arrests without e war- rant was read a second time. TO DECLARE QUALIFICATION. Mr. Lays secured the second read- ing of his bill requiring, in case of municipal and school elections, .1 dee- laration of the property qualification of the candidate to be made before 5 o’clock on nomination day. TRADING STAMP COMPANIES. Mr. Lumsden's bill. regulating trad- ing stamp companies, and imposing a yearly tax in proportion to population, was read a second time. The Hon. member tor Ottawa thinks it only reasonable, on account of their inter- ference with ordinary business con- cerns. that trading stamp companies shall pay a tax of 81000 in cities above 50,000 population; 8500 in cities with less than 50,000; 8250 in places where the population is 5000 or over. CHANGE IN RE-ELECTION PETI TIONS. BILLS BECOME LAW. The following bills were read a third time:- . He was afraid, however. that it would not work effectively in Domin- ion or Provincial elections. for not one-half of the electors would have ability to understand it. To ask the legislature to adopt such a principle was more than he could agree to. It was such an interesting academic question, but would not be understood by the people at. large. The order was then discharged and the bill withdrawn. SHIPS LOADED WITH SEALS. AIMED AT THE GYPfmils l remain; are, buying K‘pling's book: 3:1,; 1he result ofthe Emperm's recent imessage tothe poet. of [inquiry gnu-liar the ItuquOry lulu the Wreck " I." (“gallium A despatert from. Bhlifax. N.S.. says: -A?apLain Barrett and First Officer MeAffer, on tho wrecked Castilian, are censured by the Court of Enquiry which investignu-d the disaster to the Allen liner on the: Gauntlet Rook ledge, but the court refrains from interfer- ing with their certificates. The lut- tor course was decided upon by the court in view of Captain Barrett's long and successful service in Atlantic navi- gation and also in consideration of cer- tain eireurrvitamMvs attending the dis- aster whit-h had a partial bearing on its causes. l one of these was the exceptionally strong current running into [he Bay of Fundy a l the titne the Ca.stilian ran on Ilia rut-ks. The cuurt Hays this had sorntrbing to do with carrying the smuumr nut of Itor course. but not io plunge. it to such a serious extent. To Captain narretl's errors of judgment in nut paying sufficient attention to wundings the wreck is largely attri- bute-I in the derision. which w" de. lit arm! to-day by Commander o. G. V. Sham, R.N.R., chairman of the Court Another important step was taken by the decision to form a manutaetur.. em' association with tho object. of safe- guarding the interest of the tnanaftus. turers. _A proviglunal committee, oom- posed of -promiuent manutaedurtsrs, with Senator Drummond as chairman, was appointed. Largely Mir-dell Mrettrta of Vlaunfm'lnr rm [mile-r we President-y or senator lira-unload. Montreal, March 27.-A largely at- tended meeting of prominent manu- facturers was held here to-night un- der the presidency of the Hun. Sen- ator Drummond to consider the provi- sion contained in the new city charter to tax machinery employed in manu- facturing concerns. The proposed tax was strongly denounced as tending to prevent the development of manufac. turing industries in Montreal. and it was pointed out that it enforced it would likely result in the removal of aeveral big firms from this city. Mr. Ugilvie, of tho Ogilvie mills, has al- ready threatened to rewove his mills it the tax is put in force. It want do- cided to petition the City Council not to enforce the measure. A tuospatett from Vancounr. B.C., "ya:-iatralit1 is pro-tutu] by In- other but wave. B. C. Rune“. the Government astronomer. an that there will beno rain until the end of Marrtt or April. It this prove: true im- mouse pastures end tuning lends will wither up, eautrintt widespread ruin, One correspondent in the Sydney Mail says that a million sheep and hun- dreds of “nomads of horses and cat- tle ere dead from the drought. Set- tlers ere on the verge of bankruptcy. Th." correspondent says: "mum-ecu of Inspector» lave um Edmun- [on and Iii-lun- for a, New In; Illn- A despItch from Kamloops, B. C.. sarc---Fsws has reached this city that an exceedingly rich placer gold strike has been made at Tate Jeune Caehe, on the head waters of the Fraser river two hundred and eighty miles nonh- east of here. Three men. who have been proapecting in that district dar- ing the peat you. have come out and recorded eleven placer claims. Each man took out from 89 to " per day during the time they were at work. As soon us the news became public, a THREATEN TO LEAVE MONTREAL. "rret “the " Archdeacon McKay has gone in with a party from Donald. Five hundred men are reported as having left Ed- moncon on Monday night, and a large party left here on Tuesday. 'there "i a good road from here up the North ‘lhompson to the new gold fields; in fact. is the only practicable way. This route was cut out some years ugu by the parties who own the mica minus at the Cache. "Alreadi the gram has vanished an the tanks, creeks. and rivers are dry. I have witnessed some heart- breaking scenes in the struggle of lessees to save their stock. I saw men who had been working for so years to get their homes in paying shape left without a sheep or blade of grass and their homes destroyed eventually by bush fires. The black visitation in a. national calamity. and the drought has brought all the horrors of a plague with it. Thousands are living with- out meat and in a half-tstarved state, cattle and sheep being all zone or re- duced to akin and bone only. Members of Parliament are traveling through the affected districts, and each colony will cancel the rent tor public lands altogether or reduce it to a nominal W. N. Willis. of New South Wales, after a trip through the affected dis- tricts, says that 50 per cent. of the stock has succumbed to drought. Mr. Russell admits that the colony is m a dreadful condition. but says that the appalling loss of sheep is due to over- stocking as much as to the terrible PLACER STRIKE ON THE FRASER. tmm." new diggimgs. Excitement is running high here, and everybody is kwking for the rich find which practically “as at our door. d roughf. rt CAPTAIN AND MATE CENSUREU NOTHING EDIBLE FOR IILES. made tor'the locality of the South Wales». 9W? .eoritah6 In low I. Ae, Plum-d II $5,000.... lhnlflll " rename... A despatch from London, sRrw-Tt" Pall Matt Gazette was that the tore outu estimating the budget deficit tn be several nilllon pounds are falsified. The deficit, tho Pall In]! Gazette nyt will probtbly In - th- CHIN.“ Milwaukee, April 1.-N'hoat - No. i Te 1-2 to " Ide; No. 2 "Northern, Ti It Tt l-ye.. itre-No. l, 5t'at. liarley-~Nu 2, 47v; sampler Mi 1-3 In ths. Minneapnlix. April l.-Wheat - Mart-b.71 8-46; May, 7t 1-4 to 71 31%. July. " luv, on track. No. I tord,7t July. T:'. l-Rc; on track. No. l "urd,7t Ci-ttr, No. 1 Northern, 71 b-tev, No. 3 Northern 70 I-tle. Flour 'r-ee First ml. entu. ”.65 to .875; sun-mi parents $3.45 to 88.55; first duals t3:t'.6st m8:.7o. Bran-unchanged. Duluth. Apr” L-Wheat-No. lhurd cash. 74 l-8c.; Manh. 72 14%: May 7t 8-8r; July, 75 1-80; No. 1 Northern, can-h. TI I-ik, : No. 2 Nomhern. OT 74‘", cash. 71 I-ik : No. 2 Norlhnrn. 1377's.: Toledo, April L-Whoa., -N'rs. "3.1-3le Ti I-K: May, 75 3-40 "ye-No. :‘m-mh. 56v bid. Clover-d-Prime, rum. old, 88.25 taker]: new, cash. Mania. and April, ”.50. to aw; evaporatvd, " m we. in "null loo. Errmsy-ltound lute of (holes, deliv- ered hora, will bring about. 51-2 to Bet dealers quote from (no T: per ll... for 10 to (lo-lb" tins; and in comb " Around 81.25 to 81.40 per doze. section. Buffalo, April I.-h'prrng wheat - Dull but firm: No. 1 Northern, 815-80 Winter wheat-Dua; primes held abon milteaw views; No. a red offered TBe, through billed; No. 1 white, in storm, 79e. asked. Corn-Wrong: No. c'. yel- low. 106; No. 8 Fellow, 391-4 to 891-:.'m; No. 4 yellow. 88t-2c: No. 2 com. 391'; No. 8 corn, 84 to 88i-4e; No. 4 mm. 871-3e. oats-Dull; No. g "ttite, 840. No. 8 white, Me; Nu. 4 white, 82e; No 2 mixed. Me; No. a mixed, We. Barley --Duli. Rye-No. 2, on track, offered at 63r. Flour Dull; unchanged. Detroit. April t.--Whrsat -- Closed No. 1 white, cash. 74 8-hr, No. 2 red, cash. 751-80; May, Tr, T-ttc: July, " 8-40. av; lurKuys‘ pm: “1.. at" 1.15. Jtetur,-Ctv/we hand-p'ck-d henna no“ at $1.10 to CL”), and mmman at ti0iq 759 per Lust]. -. Poultry-The market is dull, Quota- lions are:---))-, per pair, 50 to 650; ducks. Mhs IO " gens», per lb., 7ta 81-; lurkuys. per lu., 9to IN. Dried apple-Uno-arf. Duh-n [my 4 1-2 to 50. for dried muck. deliver. ed here. and snrdl hols resell at. 5 1-8 to w; evaporated, " m We, in "nail lam. Honey-Paid lut‘i of (home, deliv- ered here, will bring about. 51-2 to 60: PRODUCE. Ears-Light deliverivs again to-dar, and dealers here are holding firm at yesterday’s top figure, 13v, and in sun! inutanves were. demanding l3 l-IIc. Ito. Iail buyers are holding all in anticipa- tion otadmp. Potatoes-pri- well maintained. Cu bts. Ontrack, are quoted at about 7‘ to 72v. for titritrrty 'chuice; tarmertr loads. Ontario stock. sell at around 75 to Silk; oUL of store dealers Bell all! ct-ts-Denier. here holding fi rm all choice at from 101-2 to 11 Icky. MARKETS M THE WORLD. to “Med SI riot ly 86.50 to " - Hoptr-5btvetryerst light. Dalian here Hell al Is to 20v: and one paying holders. outside, about luv. Butter-Steady movement for good clinice dairy, but ‘here is too much in. terior stock coming in. Creamery ttolds Mendy. The quotations are an fol1owst-Dalrr, tub, poor to medium, 10 to IN; choice, 14 to 150; large rollts, 141-2 to 150; small dairy. lb. prints. about 160; creamery, tubs and bone. 20 to 2le; lbs., el to 220. PM ot Grim. Cattle. Ghana. to. In the Lending lira. Toronto. April I. - What - The strong market in Chicago to-du cunn- od holders to uk more money. Huld- era asked from " bo "toe, north and west, (or red and white wheat, and 10. tur goalie. Expat-torn are still out a the market. [raisins being the [Humi- pal difficulty. Manitoba: tuning. No. l hard. North Bay, was held at 84 l-So to-day, and g.i.L., at K) l-ik. No. 1 hard is scarce. The wheat, it i., ltr- ported is not grading well, No. l lung May being scarce. 'e Straw-Feature;.-- Car In"; an quoted ar8t to 34.59, on track. Miuteed-coiinuea' scarce. Tun lou ot bran at the local malls are quuled at 814, and about: ttt 'tti; u-u lulu. at outside mills, are quoted at tlt L0 815 for bran, and at 'lu'. to tiT tor bin-1L1. "ye--suuvae. Export tprices, are null low, but same local demand cause» In- ter prim. Hulderu Inked 50c trr-dar for car lots, outside. Buckwhei--:riartse and higher, Cu 1ota.outaiue, ace. asked and o-u. bid. L'oru--ruanasr, in a) mpmhy with m. rise in wheat, Canadian yellow, thut. ham, in quourd at! " bid and We awk- ud. American. No. 3 yellow. track, It route, 43c. and mixed at 4.26. DRESSED HUGS AND 1'tt0VitiioNS. Smoked meats,--Hamts, Ila-my, 9 I-il to 100; medium, 10 to 10 1-20.; light, " 1-20; breakfast bacon, 10 1-2 to Ile; picatic hams, 71-2 to 7 3-40; roll bu- con, tl tu 8 l-4c. All meats cut utpto- kle le lem than prices quoted for smok- ed meats. Lard--Tiercets, ti 3-40; tum, 70: paile 7 I-k; compound. 51-2 to 5 8-4e. Buy being nuance. Ftour--teuagt. Exporters quot" ‘3 for straight roller. in bun-la. middle heights; and car lots for local no count mall It 68.10 to 83.15. Uaumsai--titeady. Car but of rolled onus. in bags, on track here, are quot- ed at $8.00 per but; and in hm... at "ht. - Peas-tReady. Car Iota. numb and West. are quoted u we. bid; and an“ tths is bid. - 1Hus--ts'taady to firm. Car lots ot white, north and we“. 29 1-20. and out " 80 l-Zu. Quotations no aa folluws i-Ury sult- ed shoulders, 8 lee; long clear bacum car Iota, 6 8-4e; ton Iota and case lots. 7c; and backs. 7 8-4 to he. Deliveriea of dressed hon Rory steady and lhe market fairly active, in pro" vision» the market in about tsteady Dressed hugs, car iota, are quoted. on track, an around 85.15, unwed weights, delivered, and 8.3.20 to 65.25 fur :wluct Northern hogs. On the streeL lumen loud: mid at Hound $5.25 to “Au for mixod iota. BRITISH DEFICIT NOT SO BIO. US ttay-Quiet and unchanged. choice. car lots, is quoted at $7.50 per ton; and No. 2 at DAIRY PRODUCE " If}. Peru-rm In. The very I “when wt mm: In int“. Icy: I. chargm Juliee urn h three rec kind the de; curried out, an: the tn Ind the po gravely des We that t are a " the jury no diet if they not iaructed u. The Mt Darling up try to put a loan pwfur - Tate nun“ IN , this” The latest day. when I an“ "id, b .tttum, wl a (alluighi. " in I cup It looks as n mpi- Juan the (lime-l “qu bus I inc [in he poly-Wu. ' Whatever we I great bone. Hun loo-e. “uni “we been q ”milled II can” mun-s ited to (rat Winn mall able is " the no“ br crimes. and l dreu were d manner. wit) the In- com id" ions " - the.“ '“IOI~ " Durlu; m Thnus'unh gain an Inn qtonfintaueut chops and wimp: nu n arc-33M. Inn " lame ty, III Pills tor tonic mar pills mak, tired ner lien. “I " active um - "I t the virtue. They [Inn has and t dehiliiattu Dual.- Hun Nature ml of! the poise the ".vtuem oeoplr Call I {Ivor " a tion to In- But you Williams‘ [milnliuns there arr t ations aye “Illiunwl. kt hours t bears Hu- Pink Pills 'role: duel Dr. Wiilia ville. "nt., ot "t gland an t CRATIH'IMI conic? Associ ll " " Mr. g “WISH ple n H M PERI HOW 27t

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