West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Apr 1899, p. 1

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Seeds Seeds m SHEEP KILLLVH. A _stute of affairs uxistx on the 3rd ('un. w. G. ll. (llenelg Hid near it which. ”New remedied will become “one. This is the killing .tnd wortyinguf :-heep by dogs. Last Thursday Adam Weir had I killed and \ome worried, Saturday night Jas. Mc. Ctackert had 2 worried. Monday Dun Greenwood had l killed and 6 worried, and some of these may die. and also on Monday. [Mu-an hit-Nah had one badly worried. Tlieonly Ieinedy possible is to kill the dosts.and no one can be too eittt'e that his dog is not, "in it." It is- well known that dogs with predatory: habits will lead others astray, and inn-i less checked the practice will result in ' the loss of much valuable pro rty.i Far better kill the dog in time 'l'iol"iWil his hide made into somethin useful! than to have to pay a hill of samurai to a neighbor for sheep destroyed. In the muntIme vigilante in the sheep-l (old: is the right thing. ' I understand you stood for a. whole hour in the doorway talking to the policeman. Biddr.' ' Share, you would not have In. more for on hour and say nothing. m‘nm.’ Evening Herald of n-m-nt date, "Mr. J, M. Stanlon Mm was recently taken ill with pnvnnmnia tlied on the 2Ith of Feb. he followed the occupatiun of "longshoriututn and was about 10 Yeats of age. Besides a wife he lmu‘vs behind at family of son-n children. 19eceased was at Inmnlwr of the Hiuerninns in which cmlor lu- hvhl an insurance policy for will), ill~U and insurance for $1,001 in sun)» Minneapolis cum-Mn, The fun- "ral left the house at 9 o'clock, runsunusnvss Is very striking. and mm! in addition to heredity. he the I emit, of regular and well spent lives. [HI-m IN Ihtt"rii, A The following reftuvnce to the late Me. J H. Summon. formerly "ell known in Bentinck, “our Evening Herald of J, H. Scanlon wlm ill with pneumonia Feb. he followed "longshoreman and No?cuirisAttiANs, Nut when (ls) we: liml two of the same family reach such} " Im'm'un- ot' yvm's as has Inn-n attained,) by the father. and aunt of Mr. Don. I Mckvchnie. Bentim-k. nem- \Velheck. . 1'he former IS in his mth your while hisl sister. Mrs. Campbell is m and both Hr; joy a fair measure " good health. Both l .n'o. cared for in the hunwnf Ms. Donald} Mckechnie. Such a spam of healthful; runsunusnvss Is very striking. and _ Ewan. Hm thl- prnpo'l by his in" in llur IV) his family " a S The deceased full lad and in his muthvr In 0'. E. A Inn-ling of tlw on-rulin- of ri.Grwy Lawn] l'nimf of Christian Ell- .lt-nvnr will he hold in the Pres. Church Durham. On Saturday. April 22, at 2 p. m. All Presidents of Epwmth immune. limlvavul‘ Sm-ivtii-s 01- Young People'" l'ninns arr mambo-rs of the Executive. nud all ('lt-rgyuwn who lake an inn-HM, in the work are made wel- value. The chief Imsim-qs is to pro-pare pl'ngl‘nm fur. and arrange place and rlate ot' summvr numling. On riot ill-clay of lust week, Mr. John Ewan. Mucky Salim-on I'm-rived through she [Il'npo-l oftiviaN the beneficiary left by his mu Holn-a-LJM. Ewan who (lied in Ilu West nu ().-t.27!h last. This l horde“) YittrEs,srti.. Among the houduates (mm " Mantra-ml seminary, appears tho mmw of Now. I). Mt-Vit-ar. B. A. (Into of llrmnm'v um] Nurlnnnhy) who has passed " private study, the first half of tho- work fur the B. D. Uegree. We mmgrntulun- um- nld friend on his suc' rows, accotuplished while tillittg it pus- turul chnvge too, which is in a healthy “onlhlilm. Jas. McIntosh, Con. o, Bentinrk lost. a. vnlmible mare last week. An accident from a nail nr slab of a Pitchfork in the ststie joint caused a decay of the hone at. the joint which made her use- less. and so on Saturday last. Mr. Jno. A. Black was muplnyc-d to slaughter it. The nmre was in foal and such a valu- able animal can not Mr replaced but, for " good ruuml mun. A binsTA.sTrAr. GAIN, "I was wry weak and hardly aisle to walk. My hlnml was thin and I was as pale ils‘ alwuh. living told Mun", Hood's Har-: supavill" I he; few mnnllls "mink in weig until I was m Mills, Dresden. Hood‘s Pills l Ulu- Inillim-xs all report good business Fore Nair-Horse G years old -W, H. Lemon. Varney. Hum (Hum: Funtu. . A cavload of, Manitoba Flour just arrived at A. S. Hunter's. t'"r_ttt-', t Local and District News. t t“~“ss~“t~.s$d policy in the lmlopendvnt Order "sstets which the dveeased had uut ”hunt 7 mos. Lefore his death. :seea.sed “we an industrious unre- iund in addition to this lwquost to VOL. ti rho has " nice little balance hundreds in the hunk which will in clm- (-mn-sv secure. taken fruw the Duluth thr. l well a ' Unhll'i Ill‘t' INHISQ‘H m taking it and in " had gained twenty H. I kept on with it w-ll as vvvr." Arthur N0 15. ulsu'ln m' tlu, Messrs. Jus. and Frank Coleridge (late vtsittul rulatives at, the lleview office has during their visit home Easter holiday it 'iiiii1tt ittit To REST; The Blacksmith Shop, and tools. vice, drill.»nnvil gmd bellows in Upper Town, wttlt wngnn and paint shop above, lately occupied by F. Nester Terms very reasonable." Apply to J OS. Sharp. Administrator. A [stable in connection if required. House. CLEANING.--, As the above busy time is about with us, I wish to announ- ce to the ladies of Durham and vicinity that I am prepared to do Painting, Paperhanging, Alabastining, Knlsomin- ing and whitening. Work trusted to me done with neatness and despatch orders left at McFarlane’s drug store og " my residence, opposite Bumet’a store upper town, will receive my promp at- tamtiom--Clift Elvidgo. Mum's»: CoMstirwsIoNErts.- This body tum-ts fovtheantnutl granting of licenses for this county. on Thursday of next, week at Klempp's Hotel in Holstein. The personnel of the board is the same as last year Messrs. Caldwell. Poehlnmn and Phelan, A STEP FORWARD. VM'r. Jas. A. Hut:. tm-lms had installed in his big store this ssuwk two cash carriers, which will save many " step from the door end of his t'otttttet's. The Ingenious things I1t'e uell worth seeing, and will nudnuhtlmn saving of time when a crush is on. -.. phone. Admission 101-. 1 A NARA-A may Tuesday night Mr. lt. Sm)“ saw a fluttering nean- MeAr,thut's stun- and un going near to investigate, (lismwrml it was a carrier-pigeon, evidently bewildered and lost. No nu-ssugo was attached to the rowing "wastage stranger. A pie social will he held in S. S. No. 12 ngre-munl on Friday 21 April, A prugnun is being prepared. Mr. S. T. Orchard will he present with his granni- plume. Admission 101'. I A rm-mn issue of the "Rose Lawn Iteview" Indiana. has drifted to Our snnvlum. It, is Vol. l. No. 5, and among us that advertisers we see Ernest Leeann. M.D,, and Fred w,Leeson, Dtugs,ritit'sairent. We notice they are alsotukiug part in the social and m" ligious lite of the place, Success to our old boys. Nov. In. Mollnhhiv. who will again m-rupy the Presbyterian pulpit here on Sabbath next, met. with old Tilsnnhmg frimul“ in Jewellvr Gordon and Mr. D. Mc6'yiu, who both warmly welcomed Inm. Mrs. Vnie, Sebringvillv, and Miss Maggie Gun, l’rvshyleriun India's College, Toronto were guests with Mr. and Mrs. lI):.)A1tlnn- Gun, Woodstock, CrVt't tho [Castor holidays. Woodstock Svlltinel lhview. ll. McFarlmw, Sun. is opening up n Implt'nwnt business at his old stand, l'ppvr Town. and Will nnxt week have ltis,vlvertisiettwnt In thvltrivrrpnv. Look nut fur it. We trust Mr. MT, plum-prin- m-uv lw rmvurdvd. Mr. Walden, Palmerston, travelling t'oeClave Bros, Preston. was m town Monday In the interval of business he t.enewed an old atrquainratutssltip with Me. w. Black and family. IliwovEitlyui.- Ive are glad to he able to announce that MI. Wm. Harris. whoseserious; Illness last week caused grout. anxiety to his huuily. is recover- ing and it is only a question of time hefnw he tegaius his usual strength. I Mrs. Jun Mun-ice. Nurmanhy. is a j guest of Mrs. C. Rnnmge foe a few days. Miss 3lenaqh left Tuesday morning ( fur Moosmnin In the North West, where ' she has been engaged to teach. j Me. Jim. A. Black returned tron) Cltesley hut week. bringing with him his grry colt, which promises to ho n. [ "thew“ with same training. Ml". Jas. Sum-Ilia Who has been at Smut Ste. Marie. Out., fur some time munu hotrte last week, and will he mound home tor sumo time. (luring week. Mr. Juttsen's, lm-tnrv on Holland on "ru-Ulu)- evening was an entertaining affair. Pvocevds 8ti.00. Our account of it N (-l'mwlmL out thi , Wot-k. Rev Me. Jansen, late Presbyterian minister herv. occupied the Methodist pulpit last Sunday evening. . Mr. w. Orchard. dealer in coal and wood of London Ont.. spent a few days with his uncle Mr, S. Orchard. Mr David Smith canine as near as he wants to having a serious scald with molten metal Tuesday. A farewell social is to be given to Rev. l Mr. Jansen, (wright. Tea served from l The event of 6 to 7.30 p. m. In the church. Jar as a large n Spring at last. Hon-ilrh- roads in the country, but my. (tout we enjoy our sidewalks as they canw into view 'e Miss Blanche Hunter left, for Toronto this morning. The rooms are very tastefully laid out, lace curtains arranged tent fashion, hung with ribbons and loops, and alum- dance of plumes, ribbons, laces. jets and fancy straws indicating a determination to do a huge. business. Entering the establishment of MR. WM. LAIDLAW. we find Miss Carson in charge and she has surrounded herself with shapes and forms of beauty which het experieucs and tastes amply fit her for, From the arched skylight is suspended an open umbrella inverted and every inch of it is covered with fiowers of every shape and hue. The British flag and the stars and Stripes lent 1rri1iiancy and senti- ment to the surroundings. Amongst the many "creations" was a turned up hat in cymnia shade, two pair of white angel wings shooting prettily from the rim with tilmttt of purple violets in front. and tuahed " beck to nettle clueer on the hair, and held With steel . A "Juliet," hat, of fancy straw first (took onreyc. It had satin trimming :covered with gold chiffon, a drop brim. 3 with a round crown. beautifully covercd , with holly, and to our cyo suggested the ‘drooping,r huts in usc in thc East Indies. This "3GOa" hat has lacc lcuvvs, odgutl with fancy ribbon. with heautitul 'frosted foliage. which must haye bccn igot up spccially for this spring. A hat. I to take tlu, fancy was onc in all ccrissc land chiffon. with rosc foliage and I uds mm] with the prcyailing fancy straw cdging. The "Ideal" is onc of the now- iost, ideas from New York. a black ‘crinklcd toque in fancy straw. with a {curtain OVt't' tlw hair lu-hind clasLyc-d I with a pearl and rhino-stonc buc ’lc, {and (raving nodding ostrich tips. A ilurgelcghorn had many admirers. brim turned up in front, thrcc ostrich plumes ifor trimming with a bunch of ccrlsso "lowers. There was also an elegant. (white "Itosedale" made of white chiffon 'osprcy and ostrich plulncs fastened l with the large gilt pin chnructeristic of i the season. Another of the same style in crocns shade with lovers knot of fancy straw on crown hrim. This had found a purchaser right away and was out of the way. hut we had a peep at It, with its fancy cars edged with fancy straw trimmed with wreath of poppy and army. golden buckle and clasp. A lilisses‘ hat in Nile green was one of a few similar in make up, It was turned up in front trimmed with chiffon, green tips, with bright steel buckles. Another hat, the "Jessatuine," is very pretty ltis of cream straw, crown and rim edged with valenciennes lace. faced with chiffon and rosettes of cream silk. The "Harlequin" hat with shirt-ed rim and crown. trimmed with chiffon and lace,nnd lillies of the valley is (it/lr. adapted for children. It, had red sil . ties. There were several other 'natty' things in hamlets which will well repay a visit, and the prices we are. assured are only from a half to two thirds the price in the border cities. The "Falka" with toque. black and whitestraw, crown draped “'th the new feature of lace ours with buckle claspitv,.,r the large ribbon hows in front. i The day of our reporter's visit was. ’ontside, more adapted for a "fall" Inillinery nprning than n spring one, hence the contrast from snow-lmnked streets. and falling snow to the "howets Hif beauty” inside was enough to startle Iand almost take one's breath away. ‘Otn' rrportrr however is not, new to the iluvsineksand summoning up "very bit [ of courage he possessed he walked right i in to the ladies' paradise. and pvoceeded i with tho cont-trons help of the ladies in ivhnrgv. which in "very cast- was frm-ly igivrn, tojot down what sec-mud must attractive. now. or desirable. As we (said before, to he upprrriutrd they must hr soon, and Wt' ndvtm- all our lady n-ndvrs, who “my not yt't hart. sot-n JR!!! fashions to do st without delay, 'and to stituulate thrir (-nriusity we give -n sketch of annu- of the chief and pleas- ';ius,rtyatwtes, asking the irululgrurve of mur Indy friends if our descriptiun is i found far hrlmv the rrality. i N. F. MORLOUK. into which wefirst gnu-red and where we found in (-harge n lady whose ur- tistiv taste gratified Durham ladies " years ago: Miss Hoffman. She is us- sisted by Miss Frances Saunders, n young lady who could now give us more pointers on rihhons and things than we could give her on "ritlunetic and gratin-nor a few yea” ago. The prevailing colors are this your in reliance. cmens, blue Mid green. Some very pretty dotted veilings are seen, while the lrinnnings have seope enough in fiowevs, chiffon, uspreys etc., with some very pretty elfscts in fancy straw. Theseave well represented in the fine display room's of We may preface our remarks by observing that the display “must be seen to be appreciated." We have seen it. Our masculim eyes haw behold the gorgeous coloring, the crushed and battered shapes, the lovely Iluwers. the elegant rllmnn and the rmu-entrated essence of everything "tivrtetive In make up and get npand art ist it arrange- ment and display. The event of last week in town, as far as a large number of the ladies was concerned was the annual spring dis- play of attractive feminine headgear, which was to be seen at the three establishments in our midst. tlllllllM (hllllillt DURHAM, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1899. tht Wm. Reginald Armstrong, the vener- able Clerk of the Peace for the County of Grey, died at the residence of his sister, Mrs. T. C. Stephens. 101 Bay St. Owen Bound. on Monday evening. in his 79th year. His death was traceable to an accident inst. January. He was a prominent luvyer. and something of an author, and ha been Clerk of the Pence for mung years. He was buried with Masonic anon. The openings are past, but visitors ape always welcome. Go and see them and you will say the half has not, been told. Such ingenuity, lynch recklessness of design, such profusion of frills flowers, feathers arid fal-de.rals is sol- dom seen. We trust the ecstatic ex- perience we have tried to reproduce m ty not unfit us for the. ordnmry affairs of life to which we are about to descend with all the grace possible, thanking our stars that no such trying ordeal falls to the lot of masculinity as the selection of a new spring hat. MARRIED. BAmiisut--Uor.viLcF.--In Torontu on April Ith by the Rev. P. Nichol of St. Marks church, Emma Colville eldest daughter of Jas. Calyille Durham Cnt, to T. Barker, Toronto. A white panama. rolled vim, bum] of violet velvet round the crown. and under. the brim at, the left behind cor- ner, " bunrh of violets, and on the opposite front corner a huge bunch of sweet pens. A wreath of foliage round the crown. with foliage and flowers. eunghtnt the front by " brass buckle. This was A l. A but with rmwof black fancy straw, with putt of chiffon between the straw on the brim. with o nodding plumes in front of a, sequin crown etc. A panama. "sailov" with burnt orange mouse cars. black [HUN ury wings, with hunches of black velvet. ribbon tucked under the brim at the back. these must lurel ' he mentioned. Miss C. is assisted by giiss Collinson of Aberdeen. and between them they have made a. little Eden of ml ordinary room. Miss Culbevtson's tioeal bicycle IS "two [ lovely for anything." t Leaving here we made any way to i' MISS CUIaHh'ltTs'ON's' V a "crutvely expecting that our eyes could ( take in more of fonnninv adornment; Hm! morn tluwe was to lake in. and l those who wish to he llmmughly posted I "tt unto-date millinory Will not neglect f Miss t'ullrtwtson's, just uhnw- H. Scott's lslm'u. Heee we found a black and (steel bonnet, "mouse" ours trimmed, Another loglunn lurnvd up in front was hurdto pussuml our pmwil ham. it, lt" cotded, Faced in front, with cream chiffon. two large plmues spring from hehindthv turned up front. and fall gracefullyover the udgo at the side towavdsthe hack. both are white, but omz is tipped with burnt orange color.. ing, It is filled in with tucked chiffon and fnnry pins. A fancy old-gold ribbon caught in with a buckle adorns the front. steel bonnet. "mouse" ears trimmed with rut-hing. steel buckles and trim- ming and white ospreys. but the striking and chief feature. very fashionable. and very rare here as yet, are the ties of black net. with circular t'rill at, the bottom. decorated with black and white baby ribbon. A spray of black silk flowers rises gracefully from the. front. Another of the. same was trimmed with gathered baby-ribbon edged with steel colored vuching, also with net, lies. And then there was a. white Leghorn. which we never can pass, and this bad features we never saw before. Inmgine, a brim out half way round behind, and then turned over in front of the crown. The turned over part and front "ref.uced with black and white chiffon lace, and a blnrk and white :tigrette (a happy thought} rises from the rrown, Large white chiffon rosettes fill in between the blims. and two barge bltnehesof t't'l'ititt silk ribbon at the back where cut, away. A toque in black straw; fancy straw crown with armgof roses round the upper side‘ of brim looked pretty. having 3 ostriehl tips standing straight in front. Below the rim in front " twist of hlack silk ribbon is cyusdu. in _witb a buckle. gbuckles. Another favorite is a huge 5 black hat turned decidedly off the face iirittnned with appleque lace. roses on :face and brim, and finished at top of ') brim with two large French roses. It iis conumsed of a Neapolitan crown, lblackmtrich tips and osprey falling ; back over the. crown with a Bott roll of f tulle on upper edge of brim complete! inn elegant. affair. A bride‘s hat is I 1 tliingof beauty, and as this opinion is ‘shared by Dr. Burd and ourselves, we [ present it with ccntidence. it has two striking ostrich plumes, shin-red rim, with tinsel net tiiinining tinished " ‘crown with blowed rosette of chitfond A green fancy straw toque, trimmed] high in front with burnt orange rosettep having black lace insertion mixed with it, was a ladies” delight. To the right of the rosette is a pair of white mercury wings, finyshjng the front. The crowni is made of foliage. with two pair of black wings falling over the crown. and finished off at base with a loose bunt-hi of violets. We should mention also: child's Dutch poke in shirved white net trimmed with rosettes and white violets with lace ties. Ive are fond of Leghorn’s and one trimmed with cowslips having 'eats' edged with chiffon was to our taste. A mirror surrounded with tinsel lace and spotted veiling would please the tHost fastidious. Miss (Vii-eon is assisted by Miss Maggiol Munro. m b tiltgitt We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit, a continuance of the same. Durham“. ‘vxug'. "t II. - " I Done want 9. Sewing Hachine? 2r the New t ssitt9rilh%ns---. Highest arm pai for Wood in exchange for goo . G. 'llht$tMlMltqlig. FAT ': Stoves Our Piano and Organ trade is "Irmly established. Best makes. , Purest tones. Gutters _ . "----f “r; bmA‘m’a "iRi:'AvEs TORONTO urge Sales & Small Profits." e"----- A At prices that will surprise. ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be We beg.tpjnt'orrn our Custom- Cash system UPPER TOWN IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS . wddKTlfltil ON 'fl ADOPTED BY ed,, McKechnie. Their fit and wearing qualities are undisputed. We sell them at about the same prices as you pay for poorer (mes. Fit the Father's Purse Mother's Head, and the dren's Feet. We have to fit the Parents also. " G. d; J. MCKECHNIE. of all kinds, COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES, BOX STOVES lliit (ill) Itlrt (ill MIME lt Ile J. l KIM (h. (jl WONG. M KING'S are il ill)ltlllll)li) WORD. Cutters and Sleighs of the best quality and at prices away down. OUR gi, til SHOES . L. GRANT WHOLE N0. 1100. , the Chil- them IE» th n ti

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