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Durham Review (1897), 13 Apr 1899, p. 3

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fame. Chm to we Marte. We ma a man a BM u the wan“ day. Ant-India. I. full Kant». and . WI WUBLI]. vmeynds in A!” don. have be.- - , I'roau. nuunt " ban-.- trade wan - " later]. and ttoth were inclined a gul it' nut“ to ml tts" slut! hold stto ormasamUd l“ t Sm'utro. in a!!!“ l Hunge- in LIN mic. and mic. a per tb., but wards ”an“ a heavy nu o! n be into-silica. " mun-m is noti- the national“.- I) A! In. , L Loads d at about " ' in [and do. " a good “I. pour tb.. and " " In vani we wanted bug with! Mains tttnt If. being In s" is Iba. th 46; and than ovcl' I) I) I‘ht‘d tilt g In Huh.- Lu $3.50 t: ew chain W“ 0°00! ac 1.10tt "I. at» 0101’ n .30 Tttt t 850. up no in 880 a " h 1m 8 to8 t our root 1 he OVOI a lunch Bu nt Taco s are O um 5 to 0033.5. NI char. 00 lbs. ‘wakins ms; the n PH”. tl unit. " bags. Inn-d to horn. ftt noun ll- In 4 u Marl) Hum ti Id 3» " hers 23-4. UH oo "I Git ttte at " 37H pe" wzll 2Sh'"rC"L"2 _ bran .0. no". no Worlds. loan In Expert .r.l “pianos-I“ Ann“... I. shine an a Pnywrlxht. Ill! like lamb WI“ Whirled by the Inclun. ot rnu- I". luv Infra-nil q land-h. A rerun cablegram announced that " Diebler. the famous public execu- Hum-r " F'rarwe, has resigned his post a lawn of his son. The history ot the man. bus. on the whole, been so ro- mantic, and his vocation is always so peculiar a one, that a brief review of his lot and the similar existencea of his kind may nut be inapplicable. l FAMOUS WlllWGlilfl, 6. DIEBLER, or FRANCE, BEHEADED THREE HUNDRED PEOPLE. The life of the man selected by mun-i leipal or national authorities to infllct the last, eternest punishment upon those who have been so unfortunate as to step beyond the pale in by necessity e lonely and unhappy one. Then, again. in View of the constant vacillation to which all countries are subject, the W!” of the public executioner is a very dangerous one. The most famous guillo- tiuer of the French Revolution was gleefully escorted to the block by tens of thousandn of the very mobs who had applauded his fiendish exhibitions, while in " Anne of Geierstein," Scot Iota forth moot graphically the man- ner in which all nibbles wait the chance to turn the tables on the wielder of the ax. Diehler, like Marat, started life with hr different ideas in his head. Marat, " will be remembered, was in his younger days an ardent opponent of eepital punishment. Diebler was raised to shine at the bar. but had private literary aspirations. He therefore ne- glected his law studies and his prac- tive. His. father, who had lived in the hope of 'weing him a great lawyer, died broken-hearted at his lack of in- tereat. The sun. unaccustomed tolook out for himself, fell into poverty and became u wanderer. He trudged over France from the Pyrenees to the sea, careless of the future and hopeless of qutmistence. Finally he fell in with a friend who was at that time the prin- cipal assistant to the, public execution- er in Brittany. He offered Diebler the shroud place, and the latter in deeper- ation. accepted. From that time until his resigning, a few days air", he was actively engaged in cutting off the heads of muleittvtors, under the law of France. From the beginning of his public 1 tamer M. Diebler prospered. Be offi- ' mated with more or less success at l SOME 800 EXECUTIONS. The first criminal he helped to dis- patch was ltutteuu, a Judge of the; Criminal Court, very strange to any! a legal luminary who suffered the Ji'; Heme penalty tor the murder of tl Woman. Rutteau perceived that Dieb- ler “as a new man, and he said to the trembling novice who was busy pre- paring the wretched man for the guil- lotine: " This is also my first appear- ance, but I should be ashamed to be; us nervous as you are." After assist-E ing at all the executions occurring} within that province tor two years he was sent to Algiers, in 1862, where he found constant work for the colony was not than an peaceful as it is now.| No eooner was the machine unboltedf in one place than it was put up ini some other town. Batches of five. six, and even ten per9rn" at a time, were! lent to the scaffold. i A LAST CUNFESSION. l His first notable work as chief opera: Nor was the. beheading of Lantz, the; famous parricide, who kept Judges“ lawyers, the public and juries guess- ing for over two years as to his con- dition of mind. He baffled medical men as well. To the very end he feign- men as well. To the very end he feign- ed to be a lunaliv. hoping that the President would haw mercy and com- mute the death penalty to a life sen- tetwe. But as he reaehed the scaffold ha turned toward Diebler and said: .. Listen. Monsieur de Paris, 1 um not insane. Now the lmt rtrmce is gone I dun’l want lo leave a possible re- I dun’l want lo leave. a [roe-Hume re- morse-m tlwiurors who sent me here. Will you tell them that I “as out mad when I murdered my father. and [um not mad now t" llielyler always disliked executing a? woman. No Woman died thus tlurtngl Carnot's reign. none under Catumrr: l'erier, and none under th" late Prom sitlent Fame. The ruto- of pardonittgl them is obtaining. Neither is he in favor of capital punishment at all In- deed he is convinced that future gen- erations will regard us HY t-rttel bar- barians for having in out munted civ- ilizatiun. not “My uppmw I. but prac- ticed it. He tells one slot) at the end of a young woman in whose innocence he believes to this day. Her name was Lure Fenayrou, a great beauty. 0n sighting the machine as she was be- ing t-ontlucted toward it from the pn- ot-theme official death functions in France are carried out without the 'prison walls and in view of the popu- late-91):- naturally started and became agitated. The assistant: thought that "tthe Would give them trouble, but " ter a few spasmodic attempts to re- lease herself she putiently submitted and peaeefully mat her end, loudly de- during her inn-wen” and praying ter- vamly the while It may haw. Men a miscarriage of justice. but nothing as yet has trans- pired to prove othrrwise. ANOTHER tNh'0cENT. Me also relates a similar one of a young man. who. on being led out in the presence of his distracted mother and sister, stopped suddenly, crying rout: f ee Heaven, you know lam innocent! “by is this permitted t What will then two women do without me P Me ultimately surrendered to his ha, remarking tttat " In W you. to u better In» MEAN l' TO HE A LAWYER . He has a recording album contain- m portraits of the criminals he has excuted. with a biographical notice at- fixed to eaeh. Among them is that or, the American youth, Seller, a cowboy from Texas, who went, to Paris on a trip to see the Exposition, and shot {down two polivemen who attempted to iarreat him for refusing to stop smok- t ing in an omnibus, for which crime he Lwas sentenced to death. M. Diebler .‘uiarrierl the daughter of his chief in iAlgeria, berause "in his pr?feraion," ‘as he once said. " they have to marry women familiar with guillotine work." The public executioner abroad is ',held to he a mysterious, dark person- iage. a sort of man-eater, aloathsome ‘mouster from whose presenve women 'lr.:r.ti.'.'el",'ily tlee A wife taken from :the world outside of their own (all- M. Diebler has always felt sure that these two vases cited are the only ones out of the lurgp number of death sen- tences that he has carried out in which the sufferers have been the victims ot fate. Neit her gave any trouble. which was unusual. . ing would GiiGhi, it is thought, mn- siderabl" mental torture; so they keep among Ihemaelves. Hun-m Tolls " "If Merlin-Ital Sta-Ines of Egyptian 03-min. M. Gaston Maspero, the well-known French Esryptologist, has recently written an interesting article on the ”speaking statues" of ancient Egypt, He says that the statues of some of the Gods were made of jointed parts and were supposed to communicate with the faithful by speech, signs, and other movements. They were made " " Just Now People Feet ll.“ lie the. often: Hollis of In!“ I loll" "tieat' Winter isthe must trying season of the year sofarastwalth is cunecrned. {(‘on inemvnt indoors and overheated guild Impure air, makes even usually strung people feel dull, languid and generally run down. . . l . A - ,1 ,A _..A.....‘ in Band Leader-You vnms mit der funeral? Ees it funeral? - _ - . - IUIIOIHI I stranger-No; it's the funeral of my brother. He was a private citizen. He requested that your band should play at his funeral. Band Leader, proudly-My pand, eh? Vy he shmse my pend! A . ' “I LID-\rvvvv n...“ w-- istranger--He said he wanted every- body to feel sorry he died. scurxun-J In" ‘vvvn. A tonie is, needed to assist nature in regaining lost energy. April is the monthof ullmnnlhs whenatonic is of the most service. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People isthe only true tunic medicine. They do nut purge and thus further weaken the already enlevblr-d omstitution. These pills make rich, red, energy-giving blood, ani Iransfmm lintle s, lilednndwurn- um men and wumon into smiling, he " hy. happy work-loving people. ll. Aims, ofthe Salvation Army, Kingston, writes. "At Ihe time I ordered Home of your Dr. Williams' Pink Pills lwns physically run down. ital "ii/i. of ia'ay, land always had arired feeling. After using your pills fora 1imel felt as well as ever I did Thousands-- some of them your neigbuors--hav" been made well by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.hut you must gel the ge-nuine, which are sold only in Mona the wrapper around which hears 1110 full name. "Dr. W‘il!i_aulw' ANCIENT SPEAKING STATUES. Pink Pills for 1'aiePeople." Sold by all dectlers ordirect from the Dr. Wil- liaavs' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 82.50. A pun, remarked the pedant, is mere- ly a play on words. Yes; answered the frivolous person. They call it a play; but as a rule it seems more like arduous and unnecessary work. THE CZARLNA'ty' BOUDOIR. Ttw boudoir of the (‘zarina at Czar- skoye Sela is said to be a spacious apartment. very light and very sparse- ly curtained. Masses of tropical ver- dure divide the room into several cozy apartments and give it a very pictur- esque appearance. The dado of the wall is formed almost entirely of pho- tographs. An easel in one of the win- dow recesses and a grand piano in an- other testify to the Czarina’s artistic wtastss; several of her own water col- lars hang on the walls and she is in the habit at sinkinn to the Czar the if: a: -og in; Gin count”. Iowa rum for an, " not no" can. Bl noo E crop until paid. J. lulhlll, lion: city. In. A DEPRESSING SEASON. WANTED ms BAND us to blay , military " Every Well Man Hath His Ill Day." A doctor's examination might show that kidneys, liner and stomach are normal, hat the doctor cannot analyze the blood upon which these organs depend Hood’s Sarnaparilln urifies, vitalizeo Ind enriches the blocs. lt cures you when “a bit off" or when seriously tuRieted. It never disappoints. Parr/ea" My husband had duper sin and iood’l Snrupuilla cured him. Our little boy was nervous and the baby had ulcerous sores. It cured both." Mn. Emu Bun. Portage, Pa. Taylor and Walliut Sts., Wilmington, Del; tttttAeon--" I could not eat tor name months on account of distress and indiges- tion. Hood'a Sarsuparilla cured me lo am {can eat and sleep well." M38. u. A. GUNTZ. Mrs Lash-What did you get baby for a birthday prtsentt _ -. _ - Clear and Convincing that Dodd’s Kidney Pins Cure Diabetes. in, -Mrs.itdsh--1 iook ten dollars out of the little darling's bank and bought him this lovely lamp for the drawing room Blff THIS PROOF Engineer - Graham‘s "tttr Wan l'n- nuanced Inc-arable by a bending “on treal Pttrntet'ot-Net load”- Kidney Pill- Cured " Montreal, P. Q., April 3.--'rhick and fast come the most convincing proofs of the really marvelous cures of Kidney Diseases, in this city, by Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Not a day passes on which we cannot read reports of several tmrerr--at home, right here in Montreal, at our own doors. - . . "WI-I “UVID. In the face of this vast mass of proof, ' we must believe what such an enorm- ous number of our teuow-e,itizents write on the subject, vim: That there is no other medmine known to science, that can at all equal Dodd's Kidney Pills, as a cure for Kidney Diseases of all types. , f Many hundreds of Montreal people have been cured of Diabetes by Dodd’s Kidney Pills, but there are. in the city, still, hundreds of other suf- ferers who do not know that: by using this famous remedy, they can be cured, positive.y cured, for all time and at almost no expense. That such is the case, let tho ex- perienee of Engineer James Graham, of No 50 Victoria Square, prove. Mr. Graham had Diabetes for six years. One of the most. eminent of iMontreal's physicians examined him, and informed him that his case was beyond all aid--inearahle. No wonder the sufferer grew desaporv- dent. But one day he read of a won- derful cure of Diabetes, effected by Budd's Kidney Pills. lie at once bought a box and began to use them. They caused marked improvement, and he used two boxes more. Now he is as healthy as he ever was, robust and hearty. -. 0 ...AL AL...‘ “Allah: Romp. rm. cunyver Ills , tho non-irritating, “Fill Ly. Isn't this proof enough that Dodd's Kidney Pills wil: cure Diabetes! It ought to be, surely! _RF.1.1ANnn: CIGAR La Iowan“! Itht. FAtrpottY,Moaurtsal. HE GOT IT. Fresh Young Man, at first-class res- taurant--What have, you horef waiter-Everything, sir. F. Y. M., Geerialy--Eversthing , Have it served at once 'iiricGr'," 'il/uint-Hash please, Petey-Pop, what does Eureka mean? Father-That is what the wisest man said upon the occasion when he ditusov.. ored his lost collar button. Miss Beautigirl-Doesn't a man's sec- ond love usually differ from his first lover Aunt ItrGdhead--Yes, she gen- erally has more money. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward to: sny one of 1"atarrtt that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Hire. F. J. CHENEY ' co., Props.. Toledo, o. We the undernignod. have known F. J. Chewy tor the last " years. and believe him p ~rloc ly nonorable m all business tunnel lens ind tinaheuslly able to carry out any obliga. lions made " [half ttrm. WRtrrei'ttCAx, Wholcmle Drugulsw Toledo.0. WALDING. litmus & MARVIN, Wholmlo Draught-I. Toledo. Ohm. -- . ., A --V n__..:- 0-1.-.. InOn-IIQ‘I' not. Urugumu-u. gum“... v“.-. Hall I Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, act- ing directly Lpon the blood and muc as unr- lacel ot the thwm. Prim, The. per bottle. Sold by all Uranium Testimoninla tree. Hall's Famlly Pills are the bent. Poor Challis! said the girl who was in a sympathetic mood. He can't say " no." m might shake his head, then, said the practical girl. No,Ioor fellow ; his collar is too high tor canine “in” at? aged}; ook a . . BABY 'S PRESENT “‘24” HOPELKSH CASE, How's This , "g'fgé'iigmu; 'li'i;'i'Ct(t)jii'iilit, for one, and I notice a coldness between you end Mrs. Nextdoor. What is the trouble She sent her little boy over yesterday for e. stepladder we borrowed of her two years ago. The artful woman let it stay here all that time so she could end for it some day and make me feel cheap. i. The fact that there is Iota of it in I the soil, does not meet the case, as like the other essential inorganic elements lit is usually locked up so hard that tour plants cannot assimilate it; con- !Bequently the valuable Thomas-Phos- phate Powder with its available silica comes to our aid, and along with It phosphate of lime, phosphate of mag- nesia and phosphate of iron, This, and the fact that grains, particularly :wheat, take their phosphates largely .as phosphate of magnesia, partly ac- ‘counts for the hardness and quality as well as the great yields of wheat, 2,77 bushels per acre, obtained from the For those who have thought that catarrh is uncuruble and m whom the constant use of snuffs and ointmems was almost unbearable, Catarrhozone comes as a sure and delightful cure. No need for fetid breath, broken voice, and dropping in the throat. Send for Calarrhozone and be convinced. Out- tit, 81.00. Sample bottle and inhaler, 10 cent a Chewing gum valued at $6,000,001) is annually consumed in the United Sums. Silicon is generally spoken of as the element of sand, and little thought of its value in grain growing enters into our usual calculations, yet in cunjunc: our usual CillUulleluua, JUL lu VU...J...... tion with the potash the acid of silica or silicic acid, forms an import- ant part of the grain, and through it we get the hardening. When we consider this. the amount of silicia re- quired to harden grain and give straw stamina is nearly equal to the total aggregation of nitrogen, phosphoric? acid and potash, over 90 per cent. and actually 47 1-2 per cent. of the total mineral matter of the crop, it assumes some importance-in the light of our softening grains and softer str‘avy. . Snowstorins have disorganized the Belgian teleuhone service. 'll DUSIR'IH pm nu Ir, umu...u. "v... _"-_.e"_ use of Thomas-Phosphate, an well as the stiff straw of the crops. Illlcl Poultry Grit is the wanna: In the lurk“ uunmznu BAND a GRAVEL Co., Hound. -- _-e-r-i- . Another attempt is to be made to int rqduce trarmaids to the drinking public of New York. For Over FHtv Years Mus. minnows soonxa HYRUP In. been [not] lit mum. for their chi! ran nothing. It loathe! ho ch M, when: the gums. tH,', all min. when wild hulk. And I the but "manly for “who“ 250. 3 boo " Sold by All drumiuu throngs}: the world. Be can and at he " In. While!" all" Syrup ' War Department ntficials believe the United States will have to fight the Filipinos for years. To CURE A COLD IN ONE - Tu. banning Bromo quinine! Tablet-u. All Drug It». refund the money I! it hula to cute. 26tt. " All kmds cured or Skin D'seases mum-y refund-d I ,, I" RumrmuAu' l, skeptic I'upue!r, 3le by "3.311.. Write Prof. Rooms. London people are agitating for a better night railway service. IF you a.” any Apnea. sown, EtiMttrPttttLYl" to whip, ship th, III to l The Dawson Commission ths., Limited, Ton-unto. Carbollc Disinfectantl. 50:19.. Oint- mont, Tooth Powdoro, oto.. have been awau- led 100 medal. mud diploma" for sure 'ior excellence. Th ir regular mm prove t “Menti- ons discus“. Auk your dos er to obtain a supply. Links mailed free on application. ONE NIGHT The " Dalmoral,” Frea Bus CUTTING SCHOOL"; llouue. on receipt " DR. RUUBYJ’ o.%A 3és, Mankind Rhetmtatism----/, 8tammerers? Dr. Arnott, I): rlin who will oouvinue you than} srurrra FiGGr.Ti," 310'Cruia HE. ' -Mairod, LAW - F. th CALVERT & co.. MANCHESTER. - . ENGLAND. An Easter creating. CALVERT’S c. & o. swoon. ’60:} Home“; HARD GRAIN N. C. POLSON & co. Kingston, Ont Tog-onto. MOYTRI‘AL to wmley' lud‘gs.,nic’n noud HI. W.. T oronw. Buggjntgrmejg-u, remgyen _Cun Bourrd in M noun Jyerttyrecthyey! hr. mi W. P. C. 983 , Corn Cure. Auk your druuu (mic. Price We 'Tailorl and Brena uyttmrh 3m! for yst Impound!) mono "slut have taiied o/iAuredil tshrsre, "in to Am. Pun 81.50t up L. U IrllirjL. LA thymetttfiuttintr 2&3“ 'v.ti' For Gentlemen! c m; ANDUTHHR HI'HAR Matti, tUry?. 1l,t,tit,!"'i"i'),ill1rr'f.i.1ri'/A', My svhon' in Torou. am me rers-lo mil be I' mr-l dur- Ing mytnpwu . My book will won be euusplrte. it In” give you tuil tttMrlAP Lions. Price will beth. W K. Btste,392 levgr ",,1'orortto Agents Public and High _tk2yyelrh1'1rrtuusl Routiue Felt. mui. (foul Tu. cw. ROOFING TILE 2t New City Build. luga, Toronto, done, t our ttrw). rm] Conlm'l, Cor Incas. ow. Estimate: urulnhcd for work compute on r paged!!! £113me {In} frtrt. of_t__hr mantry Phone 'ai Roonuc " " " r . " " Rmmxu aunt. in unit. goal-9r urtst;Pyt'",.' lyA"Tt!".A.ruy tltr: "Apply "iiiitTaid [Slipped to am purt of the wumry Timmy-71" li. outwit no“. Adel-Id. tlldmer "a.mtrtmte, Dominion line St John, N.B.. and Hailing to Liverpool, um- " Londonderry. [an mulls“ mm screw noun-{nu "LABMADOR." "VAN4‘0L'\'ER. “Shawna." Superior uooomlnodnuon (or First (mum. Sec- ond Cabin and Susan-age pavement. Rates ot ptv--rirtr) Cabin. 355.00; riocottd Cabin. $35; Swanson? 50 an upwards according to steamer an berth. For all information apply to been! AROHU, or DAVID Taurus”: & Co., Gen'l Agents. " tit. Smmmenc Br., Montreal. atpaliRt,yEirEltr, RowEiElii0ky H I Send name Ind .ddrrsr tsud we I'll! urn! '2 dot [on spe- cisl linen Pu tieedw, to It“ LI 100 per pun-huge Return In the mun-y Ind we "ill oend you \mya‘ a. at a Sun» wind Wale v, murmur. d human-aver, with Jam. FREE. in ERPRISE menu 00., Toronto. Paid-I‘D c-mul. . .. . F .” Rosana Punt .......... MI...” Hon: onlo- --To-to " “fortune. Ina-oh Imu- Numb... In. hummer, " "Po-IT! no mound " interest. mid or 00-- poundod In" ynrly grttio'N""ttFuhlsaued in Oumuv or Swim; with harm coupons Mmhrd. I». able In (tannin of in Incl-ad. Executor-n Ind *rust en um Author had by luv to invest in the Downturn ot thin CANADA PiathhhTryT Com my. "A"'l!'l Ai"'Ah'rk't' on Rn] Rum mud” n current nun and on “var-hie conditions u w ro- 'n,.'G"il'llta humid l Dobentum nu chad. r J. 'rdtitrll'f, MAaoN Man-3h. Director. TEAM.’ ont. GRIN um, CV, Montreal Lead packages. ELLAN LINE fitft,Th'P,el'a'N I. Juno 10, July It. CASTILIAN 4n"). " M, Jun- M BAVARIAN -trsor),W,w0 Tum. Twin Ban, July but»! 'Leelt khozsduw- . . "Gi/rn PAVE" -d's6.tkt in! annual. mum! "biu--'W.0tt Return 5% :30. tttrr-ttreel, Loudm. Gin-co For (who: Inlwnwon ”ply to I. ”unlit, " “use St" Toronto, or I. a A. MI. normal. Loan and Suvinzs Compnny. noun nun. In. Wfd'r' SUMMERS "33:3; SUMMER SAILINGS. t. Malling artieleon the mu Ill ket. Sell: in Peer) store. In. tory snd_hty'ue. Eula?!“ termini. ' " IRVII IRAN. " MtMthttttttMt new! buds“: l in [In-unwed Wstcr proof. Ash tor mun no other, lieu - ver Rubber Clothing Cu., Mantra). Wisdom in buying tea consists in buying the best. We give this fine 4-Blade Pearl Handle KNIFE for selling 12 ot our Bright Light Chemical LAMP WICKS at 5 cents each. Simply send your address and we will forward wicks post-paid. When sold. send the Go cents and we will send knife, with all charges paid. Address, can Novolty 00.,Toronto. Ont. Do all! cram mt."- Of Montreal and Winnipeg , an m f. a“ Incourunulu 1856, ALPHA-vault: A” nun. GANDHI DAIRY (lllmf (h, and Shut Metal Works. "GritrAttii:5" ARCHIVES TORONTO FREE GIFTS On Trial "will mu noun. J. w. nanny _ aa.' (High. L “old-fry. cmicadi and “mural ' iii}. well mid tn. C. W, BIYNT a CO. 10tt0NTO. WE SEND THE AYLMER 's,. SPRAY PUMP, ANDERSON FORCE PUMP, or. LAwnluc: new It, neuron“. To LIV‘R'OOL. CEYLON TEA. ROYAL MAIL STEAHOHIP. for mum tot rue tiOnl II Wanted The” n In; better oad: . yr . rot Young “on I Ilun may. I'uttuw v,r,c,,1'trt.L"l?,, Gum-ant. LEARN TO CUT, Sold tercttvtOr, Toronto cutting I“. m I". " tom Wo hum - up In. a» will n h annual! tuvor 'lml cum usnuhuuh on are now auxin. mfnrmr Immune-n MAC gelling than: on the rvpuution a. Can“, opl no made. Do not armband bl _., - _-__,._M-_‘ " " Inf- Germania Oil Co (Minna! [name lucmne Dynamo gill-g “III; on - I x gum-u...- -.- - -.e__ - -- op. svo made. Do not iiitP2"tttt2g my pone: who noommo a a “to nuke to be just. " good. The 2ea Roller! Top. no u an - loot u Atal wot-km“ on out. them. Whoa you order nut l Witte nu curring. builder o genuino Scuba; Route!“ on - u goo . New Tlresfl Griuaaou- i-- Wu. B. Noam/w, TORONTO, ( L. COFFEE & M., new In»! HARRIS Tun Arrteruiriir,' Pnonuc: Co., 88 Front St. 8.. Toronto. VII-Ionic only In!“ In, III you Diana Tel-pun "I. MATIOBD. ONT. We and: rod bx"t---o. int mum-n In M compulso- our and-um an - dun about Bud-u. Ion “mama on! rat. moo-mum: MM hut-0'. 'ijfiiitWllrt1, - “RIPE.“KNOWS um“! “swam :: most ia%iruiuiah, hum. Nerves, bunt. BI Budd". K‘dncyl. Bun: ad Brenna My n.. a- .m’n naval-nu Du tam" "-eenewyia, (mm-Id. m no no." a. - _., ___ A Ir----, --" In-|.;ln- Ln- - - - luv-nu- - ”nu..-“ -.__- -- V, _ “"117!!!le than Aixmnuud Deb-my In" I. IDA-ll who! mu. It am when n u at. food b "M an: 50 timo- in out In and-cm DOUBLE TUBE. mom. D to “I “are" tw- -.-..m -___-" - ' lnnrhblo Guam. 100.“ can Annul mm- a Conn-p. Man. l‘lnulnncy. “yuan-It tg'grt,tat1"alpgt"li Dim. lkouohum. lulu- uu. o. . nth-n. (kt-nu, Ptsleem, ”but“ lanol- mum. Hoopla-nun. Mundane]. - A .. ._,._n undo-n. w., an if?“ u Rue a. Gamma. u .11 Oman Ohm-u and Mom "when. " I-.. , .01.. 'x, by.dft. !gop} oat-my!!!" A Aka Br, , ‘Ill.. -.. 5.0.. I‘ll. am” _.. In" a Bovalmsta 3min In w A __ ..___. .n.-l|l!-n- -' . 7 if V 7 (”wind Bar & co 77 New: " mun. . ‘_;-_ w -1... in 91ml. Rue " Cullull'm- m. Tc/i9riGrii'arriiiisre, In that)? " nod m “kw“ not”. " Univ-(Tm FREE! Thi- low-2y hula may I Wurh. with "3rd or churning 'rt/her/ITF".', at our lul‘nmud Lune. - Dcyhrutloc mu. Indy I am nuHAlver Wank fondling i doa. Dot!iee in luau I. pram demgtt. The, "it " light. Writoaod wound M Film“. Sell than. mum: our tun-Id .. your.“ “WWII ‘ was. Pas d 401mg unboy’s Improved arriagt Tops .....r.. GRAIN AID GOIINUIOI HEIBIMITI. mum: - tau “an... TOBON To. ONT. EPPS' Bgtttakrasr-sUPPER. or OUR STUDENTS hue recently “in (col mum-u. amd {out pulmon- mun “and. CRATE, U L-COM FORTING. BUYS THE MOST NUTRITIOUI. 1lllt'/ [am New; (le,) Shannon Piuc'ewltu' 'lf). _Bo._rI-An_d A..p? " no ”In M m. D... mm m and m an Bt ' 'qtrtohtt. new”: Nev-lurid. . ""iii"iGii;.'iGk aa -iiisii,imr" ' - mum Gun. “on w do-, may!“ Ileana we “MCCOY - " '" 'MLI'I IN. "" SCRAP THE {All}! or 000A r.iG,1d hay“. - - u-w‘ Uaawruoo‘w ' s, a“ as, Mr, go. so & 60c. yr your tan “5'11.“ I builder II I. to In" Rollogl‘op. " Ilium» ., '" My St, Toronto. '.tTrtEgt rlNuL! ‘ .3 EL». pot ot var. T u __ Lmu run-.39 Jon L. corn COPPER IRAS! "you“ Pt some Ismail some! ' Limb! ONT, W323 lit Fl

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