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Durham Review (1897), 13 Apr 1899, p. 4

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6.5" int-hes. ltU inches. The heaviest fall of snow was on the '5th December, IS inches, and during the first ten days of December the fall of snow reached 16 inches in depth. Success comes to those whobersevere. " you take Hood's Baraaparil'.a faith- fully and persistently, you mil surely be benefited. Mr. Dan Greenwood had seventoon sheep worried by dogs Sunday night. sown] of the sheep will (he, rm on the " tax. Mr. Gain Williams has gone to seek Ins tottano in another sphere than Agriculture. He will probably try milroadine. The Hewitt family who have lived tor the. yam on the Avenue have recently moved to Bennnck who" they hue leaned a hum. Rev. T. H, Farr is home for a few days. Mr. J. W Firth was home from Owen Sound during the Enter holidays. Mr. Geo. Williams, tirtman on the Montreal Division C. P, It. spent the past week " the old homo, t'strametstown. Dec, Jun. Feb, as to rainfall and snowfall since the be- ginning of November last. The total is much above the average: over 15 feet of snow is n phenomunnl fall, though Owen Sound observers say that over a, feet has fallen in their locality. Certainly the east, has had it generous supply for the C. P. It. authorities never had such trouble as during the past winter to keep their tracks open. The lake levels, which a few years ago, had fallen over. a foot WPI'O last year noticed to he rising again. This winter's pturcipitatiot will help in the same direction. N Through the kindness of Dr. Gun, the omcinl observer here for the Pro- vineial meteorological authorities, we are able to present the following figures -The i' debate on the address" tietion is still "on ,, at Ottawa. The whole policy of the government, and a good deal more, is at this time dis- cussed, and dozens of members want to have their say-ot course. It is not edilying, it is sometime wearying, and only once in a while is it exciting when the leaders fire their big guns. Young Sir Charles T'upper's vague Yukon charges against Minister Sifton have fallen thit. They were not spccitie in the first place, he refused to make them so, and now his own party speakers are ignoring his " forts, and using other thunder to frighten, and destroy if they could their Liberal opponents. The gov- ernment hedge at nothing, they court inspection, but naturally want charges laid. The etreet of the great speeches of Laurier and Bitton have without doubt strengthened the con- fidence of the country in the present, administration. 1 bulln- ' our» taken it latherlv soleituue in their “entire, which may o; may not In: quite disinterested. Two rival native claimants for the throne divide the allegiance of the Islanders. One of these has the sympathy of Ger- man), the other has that ot the two Anglo-Saxon nations. Last week counter proclamations were issued, which is requiring some diplomatic efrorte to smooth over. There is little love lost between Germany and the States. The British government has appointed Mr. C. W. Elliot, C. B., British High Commissioner to Samoa, and a conference will likely take place. The Emperor considers that Germany has been ill used in the matter, and we will likely hear more -With tire and sword the Ameri- can are giving the Filipinos lessons in civilized conquest. They are do in: this however at a far more serious loss to themselves than ever Spain cost them. America is simply doing what she went to war with Spain for doing, and were it not that her strength is likely to make a better Che 91111131111 2mm. tl THE WINTER'S PRECIPITATION. mule-net Thursday, April 13, 1899. flu tl tlt Edge Hill Echoes. " -- - -0- - n Jas i'rr .c-.. rmam‘ A ov I We J an. Fol v. figures : M.sowt,'Act Nov. Is in M ua ap. 31 tVt 31 n inches. inches. inches. inches. inches. " h nPa Working Night and Day. Tho busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr.King'l New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of liealth,that changes weakness into strength. listlouneu into energy. brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25e per box. Sold by our dragging. 8 Jaa.Ho;kins for seven] years past foreman for Colin Blyth, and who for sometime has been suffering from up pendieitis underwent an operation, we believe a successful one, on Friday of hurt week atthe bands of Dr's Jamieson and Mullah. week. A number ot our young people Spol enjoyable evening last week with and Mrs. A. Marshall. Mrs, A. McIlvride, is at present visiting her son Andrew and family at Proton Sta. and may remain a few weeks. Miss Annie McKenzie ot Bentinck visited Miss L, Thompson) Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Jno. Morice is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Haulage at the Bum: otfiee this Did you hear stout the bee ? On Mon. day of last week a swarm of busy bees lit on the premises of Miss Lydia Thompson and all day kept up such a bum and buzz and tlytnsr, ml" tinger,) that at last two males (or (lrullesl Will and Johnny in sheer derperatson issued faith and attack- ed tht neighboring wood-pile. which they succeeded in hauling down to their own satisiac:ion and the uclmiiation of the buzzing bees within the hive. After spending a pleasant evening the been again took their fright leaving behind them A handsome quilt and a monstrous pile of wood, Jos. Marshall disposed of 7 head of cattle iuely, 5 two-year-old and '2 yeulhugs. for the handsome sum of 3240. Here is a case of quick returns and many ofuar farmers, might do worse than take a leaf out ofJuu's boots. n. Marshall purshased a. tine horse last week from F. Porter of Durham. D. Leith had a horse severely kicked by a stall-mate a short time ago. Miss M. Fae met With a rather uvore’ accident one day last week while breaking . bit of board, a piece ot which struck her in the eye, oudungerinu loss of sight, but we trust she may escape such I tnuiortune. ll, Monica took a hip to Hamilton on Darkness but week. We understand T, Wallnce has pur- chased the Day farm. Miss J, Foo spent the Easter holidays under the parental roof. l. McAllister and family returned re. turned retsutly from Oregon where they had spent the winter mouths. Miss Jessie James is engaged with William Boyd for the summer. Won't the slabs suffel ? Me. David McIntyre sold a horse for the sum of 875 last week. Mr. Donald Graham, was visiting at his sister‘s. Mrs. Don. McKechnie.one day lust " oak. Mr. Dan. McKe-chnie took a trip to Cvdatwille last week. Dan. has got the job of building Mr. Henry Hotrman's store. The wooden man is working on Arch. Ferguson's plains this week. Mr. Don. Ferguson mine up from Harriett)" to see a friend, hut the friend was gone. Try again Don. Mr. Davul McIntyre is starting up trough factory. Good buy, David. MI. Archie Ferguson left for Bolton last Monday to spend the summer theve. Mr. Dan. McDonald, cf Topclitf, was visiting at Mr. Dan. Mckechnie's, last week. Inh'm/rdj'ur lax! week. Mr. John Paton, of Pricevillo. is en- gaged with George Haw. for the sum- lm-l' mouths, .pr?riis-- 4f '0rmirr:'s/" (ii-lip' 15/0/44; / ,, ' V' a.t)ii'ircbiicieitvaiiFbiir tf l're-purm young iir men to take a y = in lire. Thisl 8 chew mun» busir V: lunsines than n bk. Ito,re or yivhool 3;. Funny-uro- mu- u i with that of ill 'ef itttervsted send 1;, t'ontitivin,t,r, full it C. A. FI 5:, Owen Hound. Wt )1; A, As at”; M Fittpetctetetgeig Prepares young men and W0- nu-n to take tt successful part in lit'e. This Institution tea- ches nmn- business and better btviines than any other Col- lege. m- Svlmul in Canada. (Haul-1r.- our (-wnw of study with that of any other. If irrouvsted send fur Catalogue ('untuining full particulars to Are largely due to the lat. of know- ledge of proper bushes; Ine- thods. A Htte,mess Course at North East Normanby. OWEN SOUND, ONT. Balsam Valley. MRI flll,llllit young people sport an )EMING, 'it Principal. cr Mr. " All itiona relaling to the grantin or ,,eil,t,t':'i,t':'! of licenses must be Ned MHZ the napector ot least four days before Apml 90, I899. Parties irtteriitrted will govern themselves tteeordin9ty. Durham, April 3rd, 1899. Of whom Charles J. Mosack of the Town of Durham is applyin ifoe a new License for the House any Premises, situate in the Town of Durham, known as the British Hotel. --IN THE-.. Village of Holstein. at Klempp's Hotel, at 10 o'clock, a. m. When all "pplieatiottsa for Licenses for the License Year of 1899-1900 will, be considered. The number of Licenses issued for war 1898-09 was .- Town of Durham Township of Glenelg " of Normanhy .' of Bentinck Se of Egremont, " of Proton Village of Dundalk Town of Durham Township of Glenelg " of Normanby .. of Bentinck " of Egremont " of Proton Village of. Dundalk 3 The 1g'ligJ,'1',",.t, for Licenses f t 9-1900 are as follows: NUT/CE is hrreby git-I'll Hull (In) Bum-(l of Ltrcttsr ('umInisxiuum'.» for Hu' Lil'l'usr his/rid of Soul]: (hwy II'1/l trrpel on lllilgtt tt 20"] (lit Mill”, M). T0 HOTEL KEEPERS, SHOP KEEPERS and all whom it may concern. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST CF the Durham Pharmacy Caldor's Block. Residence first door west of the Post Office, Durham. NOT/CE. Mr, Loainsier of Curlurhue moved to this locality Tuesday. Muss Sung; uo has been visiting in this locality returned to he: home near Chgsley Friday. _ 7 Miss M, Brautiean "Gai-io,,", from Ahffldt f'riday, Mr. and Mrs. L, Wagner of Alsfeldt called "e, friendtruere last. week. Miss Katie Watt is visiting friends in Henworth at present. Mins C. McKay. of 'tehiu/iiiieut the Easter Holidays the guest. ot Miss M, Snider. Min Nichol of Owen Sound, is visiting frigid}; Ingram. preset. Mr. and Mrm-(ieddeu spent part of last week with relatives in) [lanyard], Miss Mary Derby who has been at Hep- worth fun-sumo time returned hem» last week, Reportuf B. S. No. 9, Egl'emom for March '. Ith-Nellie Rim-heart. Sr. 3rd--Willie Hiscm-k. Frank Merchant. Jr. 3vd--Charlotte Ellis. Jas. Furlong, Michal Flu-lung. 2nd---Wardie Gallo- Wily. Ethel Hurshurgh. Jemima Horsimrgh. Part 2nd--Beatrice Eccles, Maud Eccles. lst~Mildred Christie, Alvin Eccles, Willie Coutt, Laura Erwles,.---E, E. Itawn, Teacher. Report of S. H. No, 12, Egrelnont for March.-4th Class Grorge Reid, Sr. 3rd ~Snln Patterson. AvthurLawrenco, Robert. Iteid. Jr. Ih'dTMm-y Patterson, Charles ken]. Willie McFadden. Sr. 2nd--Dowtuxl Hertry, Bell Patterson, Joseph Nelson. Jr. 2nd--Maud Humil- ton, Liza Patterson, Sarah Brown. Sr. Pt. 2nd-Gvacie Reid, Mary Brown, Palmer Patterson. Jr, Pt. 2nd~Mary Wilson, Herbert Lawrence, Maggie Hamilton. Sr. 1st-Holmie Kenna Mise Maggie Scott, Teacher. taker's} sulary $1”: Clark's '; ~illill')’ $17.50. Telephone Inmsugoljm‘; Hugh McKinnon, wood for town hall $2.70; C. Haulage. priming. 85.75: Win. Black, supplies for fire hall, $12.37. W, J. MoFm-lamu rods fur HH- hall, $3.55. Wm. “Tight. work on (mver. $4.30. Total $38.12 Meeting held April 3, 1839. Prrs. Mayor Calder and Councillors Livingston, Hunter. Moore. Kinuee, Gm-sline. Mayor read statenwnt front Standard Bank. Amount at credit. of the town, 30th March 1899 mm on current acct. $225]. on sipking fund $1.082AO. Amount owing bank on same date $4,222.45 due April 10. . Amount owing bank on same date} Miss Florence McKechnie returned $4,222.45 due April 10. . i home, after. over three years of faith- Gorsline---Livingston- -That account ful service at Mr. John McQueen's. of It, Bull forsum of 888 in connection i Florence lh ill he missed here as she was with gvanolithic sidewalks be paid.- afavorite with all. Lost, l Mr. James It. Wilson was home a The 3.9;“. and tlily-u bring culled tuv/trv days. 1tismderstaud he was in t'esiulted a, follows: yh'a'. Govsline, i tho Bal‘l'iv haspilui for full!“ days with Livingston, Nay: Hunter, Mum-c. "-,un "ttack of appvndiciire, init is "hout Khmer, Cuhlvv. ; ull ti,.dit iixruin. The following mus. were busy-(Iri The.Brmvm‘idgo scribe did tlot 'l? E. J. Havtford, gruH-ilingr $1.05. Can - _ anything about the litt'V ht'me-n lh . 'alcetAs l subtly 3i": r/irc,,, 's, stlatn' Sink-“(MM J, Niobium?” from J. M“. 817.5n. Telephone Inmaugviinc: Hugh ) [humid _s'. linwm‘vr. IN illie ('unw out McKinnon, “nod for town hall $2.70; t, ""y.."l"'yl ".""y, -1l. Haw first. C. Ratnuue, priming. $5.73: “311.3 ,ML“ .A.nui"ct'tnnvl and MP, John Black, supplies fur five hall, til2.37. W, l (“illnmlh “will to Proton on Thuisday, J. .\'(-P‘nrlalu~. UNIS for fire hall, $3.55. J ll r "W “Ty 'sol'l'Y to heat, of the illness Wm. “right. work U“ towep, $43“. i yr Mrs. Angus Mct'aunel. Pleurisynnd Total $53.12 i inflammation of the lungs is the mum ...,.. i We are pleased to Iran: that Mr. HONOR ROLLS. [Robert Smuii's lmdy is getting better Mir-' 7 l again under Dr. h'neath's cure. Bob is Report of S. S. No.12, Egremom for home again for " short time, and is bbtrch.--4th C'htssr--G'eor'ge Reid, by. l about taking the broad axe. Heisa ma _Rao, Dunn“... A..",.,..' -...........A good hand with the axe. Gorsline---Livingston-That account of It. Bull forsum of 883 in connection with gvanolithic sidewalks be paid.-- Lost, DENTISTRY. Dr. T. G. Rafi L. D. s. THOS ' HARRIS, Inspector. iideudett.fote (as! ween TOWN COUNCIL. Hampden. Tagern Shop Tayern SLIOP 10 10 " for At Durham Offices, Mondays and Court Days DURHAM OFFICE. CAI-DE" BLOCK, Entrance next door to Ron's Dental 0ttice) OFFTCE8-Bt Owen Sound. Markdue Durum. A member of the Brm will attend SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT. NOTARY PUILIC. COMMISOIONER, ETC. Omee, over Grant's store. L'ower Town ' DURHAM. LUCAS, WRIGHT ' BATSON. BARR/S TE R. Collections and Agency promptly attended to. “ills. Deeds, Mortgages, Lens B, Agreements, are. correctly prepared. Estates of deceased persons looked after, and Exeeutorsp and Ad- tuinigtratotw Accnunts d'l"'t'yc',ii, and passed. Surrogate Court Basin 8, Probme of Wills, Letters of hdrniuioratioti and Gatpliumsttiii Obtained. Searchea made in Registry once and Titles reported on. Company and private Funds to Loan on Mortgngea at low, at rates of interest. Valuations made "r acompetent and careful Valuutor. MONEY TO LOAN BARRISTER. SOLICITOR ”can" PUBLIC, courznucsn, ac 0mees---L0WER TOWN. DURHAM. ()FFH '}','7~1|1(-ln!.I/I'r' Blur-I: FOR SALEr~Ch8np for Cash. A first" class Genoml Purpose Horse. Apply at w. Black's Hardware Store. Mr. Willie Porter and sister visited at W. J. Wilson‘s on Sunday. MONEY TO LOAN-Low IAYu’EASY TERMB Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McCannel upent Sunday in Proton (Swamp Col. lege). Mr. Percy Lawrence, of -rnesheeton, was in to see his foreman, J. It. Wil. son, on Sunday last. We are surly to say that Mrs. Donald Mchnnel is not gaining but very slow- ly, after a bad attack of r, gripper. Miss Flora Clark and her two cousins, Misses Kate and Mary Calder, of Fair. burn, visited at Mr. John McMillan's on Friday but. Mr. James Hill took in the patty at W. J. Ricuardtron's on Thursday, ac- companied by a fair one of Swinton Park. Mr. John Calder visited at Mr. J. Mc- Queen's on Good Friday. Neil Alex says Topcliffe is the place for a good Scotch dance. They are taking Mr. Fraser's advice on that. question. _ Agent. Dan. Ferguson called here with a load of implements. After a careful examination of San) Todd's im- proved lull-row he, ordered a dozen of them. He mid that was the kind my farmers want. He sold Hugh McMil- lan a seed drill. Mr. Vim Hill has erected an uptight, saw in his shop. Mr. Albert Haw is getting a new shingle mill in order, Mr. Vint Hill is tnanufaetupet. of the wood work, Abe is quite n "utchit1ist, and can work a tnachineof any kind. His sun Dan. is the engineer. Mr. James Marshall's baby right ;=gaun. Me. Donald Mcilvride and his mother and Mrs. Mountain, of Durham. called at Mr. James idavshall's on Wednesday on their way to Proton to pay their compliments to the young farmer who has arrived at, Andrew's. Money to Loan at reasonable rates and on terms to suit borrower. Mrs. M. Reily and son. Frank, of Priceville. spent a few days last week visiting friends around hete. Miss Ella Kenton and Masler Arthur spent a few of their Easter holidays around here. J. P. TELFO RD, Mrs. Booth spent a day at, Mr. , Wilson's last week. lilo - ARC TORONTO BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. NOTARIES. CONVEYANCERS. dc arrister, Jtoear , Gon- veyancer, etc” in”... W. S. DAVIDSON. . LEFROY McCAUL. Boothvllle. ya... Madexate. (Orn- Me Bu nk is all Noble And take home what useful a kitchen. We are selling the manufactured-the "Wehand surprise you. We lead in all House-cleaning Articles, Whiting, Tints, Glue, Ete. Just arriv Paint, in all shades. Another shipm Tinware just to hand. Without doubt the lam not afoek ever she Fancy Colors, flext Trimmer}, and af pricey J once and secure bargaivw. Full (inn; of " prices that will surprise you. My Warerooms are now fully stocked with all kinds of Winter Goods.....cal1 without delay and get your pick of choice goods and secure bargains. . . . Cutters a Robes Mom'y to Loan af 5 per ttttt on Good Swan-1'11]. hum-(moo of all kinds pmmmily offended h Marriage Livetuwr, issued either. during day or We expect that this will be a marker of the era of prosperity, which is undoubtedly at hand. We extend a cordial invitation to all to be present on this occasion. CA LDER'S BLOCK, Our First Giant Spring Display :ItticiiicllUlUiirar_e"rrSr opening qt.llt. THEY ARE THE BEST WASHING MACHINES MANU. FACTURED, SO PEOPLE SAY THAT HAVE THEM IN USE. MMHNWW M aiiiiii, Come in PULPERS A large tdock of 3f"tote'ieffttvrix Rollrraml Ball Bearing Pulpnw. l’rirm Rmummblv. Staring Markham um! Organs the um“ brud lime Organ or Smring Mueh iate is itud before .. 'muu. 2 (Ivmmul I will I'mlm'o nrirm m um- mm! fun I'm ..-. " Jwinter Goods and see our Goods when WM. BLACK l largest 'folk ever nhqu‘n it} Du rhttttc------Latetqt . F. MORLOCK warm“ and Organs the 1111K bent fime 103mg?" u bring Machine " just before 'mnu. To ttteet fh i " trill reduce prices 10 per can! for the tttwt .70 days. on Good 5:01-11 ray usefu1_ articles F nrblclel. such as Alabaatine, Paris White, Just arrived a fresh stock of Ready-Mixed her shipment ot Granite, Steel Enamel and ICIC ever shown in 13urhuttc-----Lttetet tdglrs at prirra from 8.6.00 "emu.------'; of lines of Fur Otmoaln mad Robew and "I only aai; Vale," at n Mia, filll)lf AND 1llgllili)llf. . CALDER. BRuu:_ ALONG YOUR aces: to. evening. at One Look you ui . _ .'d'..h,r51lyre for you' April 6th, Tth, 8th, and following days. For 1899 Will DURHAM, ONT e BICYCLES prices that will in Town. ' Vitae, and tit ot Tinwarv , lO-in (inmin- Plr.' I Granite WASH In to kee nur “1mm Oxford ties Imfnl CANT BIC Bl and 2lk each " Me each. Heavy PAIL 250 mu h. rrr tl Puuml. TEA in lead P" at 25c, I”? and is snap. M.- 2lk upwards. Drawn-rs ti, m down! I It [Mil TIM We alarm kw very IAnvitriT Pl Best White. ( Luyp BEES”! yum mu Lam“). Rt'imiiitt NI 10v. Mm."~ BOOTS A Wk yard wide, 2tt tM-in " it “or KH l I H Atttet i and Im- All (‘urluius " are Taped rv. O cleaning ti need New Lac: read the follow Itol let " MacFARLA Easily managed, work it, and its fectively and th in general [150 ti the time to I... For those with x" do not care about ottttita we haw- MI" SPRA YI tttctit Evan you! S0 Sensation They are Over-wo: Eyes that Properly ony, 5 FLAN.NHI.ryl 00R Eli PRIME PRING fllllll'g [W ttil BllG [le Ft I” tic tire " VCO Should BBSI NI HELLO“ and MAM! RED MAN PROVEI) I BEET. am l'l’PEH 'IXY ll BEA White " "RtuaittiT "’ /'), 3 My ') Ci" AND sill-El TRY NOTE is h M IT ("I M H K IN

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