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Durham Review (1897), 13 Apr 1899, p. 5

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" vs Iliiciii ds oi AND Mll)llf. ch IA.ht, Eht IN USE.. WINS "" " 7th. 8th. and AM. ONT YCLES " ris White, idy-Mixed lame] and ne vour will My”! II of ot fl) , Come and Bee what a Lot "est White Castile SOAP 6c bar. Lamp BRI'SHES 50. 10e, 15c and 2tic each. White Wash Brushes 15c, 20" and 23c each BRUOMS 10c. 15c, 20c 25c each. Heavy Galvanized 14 quart PAIL 2Gc each. We always keep a. full line at the wry l.0\\'EST PRICES'. You want. In met' our Woman's 81.00 and $1.25 (mfg-ll Al"ttt before buying. THEY CANT BE BEAT! of Tiuware we Give tor 8t lit-in Granite PIE PLATES loc each. tivnnite WASH BOWLS 200 each. T: y a Pound. SALADA CEYLON TEA in lead packets. Black or Mixed, at 25c, 30c and We Pound. BOOTS AND SHOES All (‘urmins except 2Ge one,q arr Tuped Edgvs. Ihunrruttul oil Opaque WINDOW mill HUN. ::T\TI), nmunlvd an Spring Llllrs. "im+lt'itl'r.5c. FUN)“ (tll, "LOT”. " feet wide, ",ir,, Hui. lh-st 'l'ulllv Itil Cloth. Erin SPRING is here, so is House- cleaning time and you will um! New Lace curtains. Just maul the. following prices : The very MaCFARLANE t 60 Aurericau Itre nu! Inc yard. 11-pin managed, any boy or girl can work it, and its gets in its work ef- fq-mm-ly and thoroughly every time. SPRA YING Should become much more in mun-ml use than it is, and now is Hm tinn- to be thinking about it. I" l those with email orchards or who tin In»! rare about the more expehsive “units. we have They are Nature's warnings. Over-worked eyes demand rest 011R NEW PRINIS ARE MI Ill! EVANS fl.fGllf SPRHYER [NIH BUG fl(lillllllMll Ill $|.00 THE BIG w BBS! N tglil 180 in M! YELLOW INTERMEDIATE and MAMMOTH LONG RED MANUEL. also IMr I’RDVED DANISH SUGAR BEET. and FIELD SEEDS. l'l’l’l'IH TOWN DURHAM. anon: exi an“ mls "us Ink "als BEAN & CO. DRUHGISTS A N D 'iKED.9tEN, 1 its enviable reputation last It you have not tried it do 'nis strain has stood the high- mt: years back at the experi- yard. '. 3t) yard Il'lll TRY ONE AND NOTE RESULTS Saw Log Mange], fully best values at and 12le yard. 5% Tired "rye,.,-.',.?,',;.:,),',']") Eyes long, 27-in lung. 28-in Inlng.1€2-ill lung. p2-in lung. W-in es and guarantee satisf we easily call for help. usted glasses afford the I, "LOT". " feet wide, st T,ulrle Oil Cloth. Erin 1hsst Tnhlt‘ Oil Cloth, :'NN ist for our guidance. We k (SINGHAMS at Durham, Ont oss wide, wide. w ide. wide, wide. 3c. “a Ji k ( Gc $1 eue c x pe ri pair pair pill! puit pair vmg ac. Ir)e, it lie wcnt over the record ofthe "un- i been ruthlessly tlu-own out scrupulous scoundrels" who had jutlgment of the llouseand ”robbed and tvrannized" over the 01”"10'! and may know by.“ . .; $6 . . they did not before-and 1t hapless Klondiker acting m ever)”, admitted that they are mi; resp'eet dishonorably and corruptly, to learn-that there's preei and showed by the blue books that likelihood of the new accucal many of these officials were old civil "'12 a better (flatct. They. d servants originally appointed by the ttl2llfxt'lyhchll1, (Ll-gang, Conservatives and he showed farther be better to dangle them 1 that every man had been specially country " few months before selected for his fitness for the parti- iinally swept into oblivion. But the answer came quickly when the opportunity did arrive; it did not take the House long to tind out what the Government was going to do about it. With a care‘nd thorough- ness that overlooked no possible detail lion. Clifford Sifton went over the ground covered by his antagonist and took up each charge, even when the said charge was nothing but the mer- est rumor, "without form and viod" --fatlrcrless and motherless without so much as a distant connection even by adoption to own to it, the good hearted Minister took it up and gave it rleecmt burial. The week has been given up to the Wearisome debate on the Address which since Sir Hibbert Tupper's wild and rabid attack on the eve of the Easter holidays has practically tttth rowed down to a more or less acri- monious discussion of the policy of the Government in the Yukon. For months the country has been surfeited with charges against the Administr- ation and its oitieials in the far-oil' gold fields, until newspaper readers were nauseated with the subject and editors hesitated to give it further space. Now, however, the whole mat- ter has Come before parliament-the only place where practical results can be arrived at as the outcome oi the discussion and it is interesting and in- structive to note the course of the debate and the progress the develop- ments of the week have witnessed. The Story of The Fight. The scrimage opened with the five and a half hours attack, principally personal upon the Minister of the In- terior and his work, by Sir Charles IIibbert Tapper, in the course of which he raked up all the old stale newspaper rumors, and the indefinite yarns ot disappointed prospectors, and , digniiying these with the name of "eharges" he hurled them one after another across the floor of the House and then wanted to know what the Government was going to do about it. This done and having finished his speech at midnight on Thursday, the discreet ex-Minister of Justice, took the very next train for the Patil coast and was nearly 3,000 miles away before the man he had so reck- lessly attacked could get an oppor- tunity to reply. IN hat Became of The Charges. /s'5%seiaisus-aiseosiseteaisote-xveo,,s.e,o a The James River Valley of North Dakota ti OUR OTTAWA LETTER. SEE FOR YOURSELF THE ADVANTAGES IT IS A PhlVlLEGE you must take advantage of now if you would secure lands at a prim: hardly more than the rent you p.21) furore single year at your present home. Stamina“. La Mauve. Wells, Foster and other counties in- rite you to secure a 16), Teo or W) acre farm a: tour tn eight dollars per new on easy payment down, long time and low interest. IT .13 A BREILEGE you Will you be one of the thousands of homeseekers to secure a farm and home this spring from the fertile lands of the James River Valley of 'North Dakota ? These new rapidly growing Counties offer you for grain and stock raising. Take advantage of the half rate iandseekers excursions ot April m. and 2hth. Fort FURTHER INFORMATION, maps. and pamphlets, address , II. A. HUNTER, F. w. WILSEY, Minneapolis, Minn. Eastern Land Agt., N. P. Ry. Co., St. Paul, Minnesota. A card to'that effect is found in the pocket of each garment. You do not find such cards in the pockets of ordinary clothes. Now do you? the money he pays for it is really on deposit as it would be in a bank. It the clothes do not prove to be satisfactory in every respect! fit, finish and workmanship he can go back to the dealer and get his money back. What more can you ask? This guarantee is a part of every sale of Shorey's _Clothing. When a man buys The Money you spend ls still to your Credit. been ruthlessly thrown out by the judgment of the House and by public opinion and they know by this time if they did not before-and it must be admitted that they are mighty slow to learn-that there's precious .little likelihood of the new accusations hav- ing a better tate. They don't want them examined into and reported on before the House prorogues, it would be better to dangle them before the country a few months before they are finally swept into oblivion. The charge that constables and others took bribes to facilitate mail lde'ivery was shown to have so little foundation that detectives employed for the purpose had not been able to discover a single instance; Referring to otlieials taking up claims the Min. ister showed that under the old Con. servative Administration this was perfectly legal and constantly done, that Captain Constantine was the first offieial to stake a claim in the Yukon six months before the present Govern- ment came into power, but that on his, the Minister's recommendation, [ the practice was now " the lirst time in the history ot Canada made illegal. The famous waterfront lease at Daw, son was mentioned and it was shown that public tenders were called and lthe highest bidder given the lease, l subject even then to termination at a {Death’s notice. The accusation of ,mrproper trailicing in Liquor permits }was demonstrated by documentary evidence to be equally without foand, I ation, and so on and so forth; through out the entire list there was not one ,charge that was not turn to shreds, and indeed everyone realized then what the Globe remarked next day that the Liberals could want no better campaign Iiteratuie that the speeches ot Sir Hibbert Tapper and Hon. Clit- ford Sitton, published and perused side by side. Sir Hibbert Thrown Over. What was the immediate result of this complete and masterly refutation ofthe allegations rehashed by the ex- Minister of Justice? Why, the simple but somewhat startling expedient was adopted of dropping the whole busi- ness and starting lresh. Mr. Bordon, of Halifax, followed the Minister of the Interior and presented a brand new set ot charges, " which had come I to hand since Sir Hibbert Tapper had spoken" though Sir lIibbert had been the last speaker on that side of the House. Col. Prior also had a new string, ignoring his leadep's charges entirely, and then came that experi- enced politician, Dr. Montague, who deliberately and in so many words repudiated Sir Hibbert Tapper's speech thusly: "It the charges made by the Hon. Member for Pietoa were not speeifie certainly that cannot be said of the speeches of the hon. mem- berstor Halifax and Victoria." That is all very well, bat the Opposition are not so simple as they appear at first sight. They Know Perfectly Woll that it IS an impossibility to send de. tails of these new and until now llll- heard of charges up to Dawson City, have them investigated and the result returned to Ottawa before Parliament I prorogues. Their first bill of indict-l inent, the evidence to support which I they took no trouble to examine, has l cular duties required at him. SHOREY’S Ready Tailored Clothing, SHOWROOMS: over S. Seott'e Store. TRIMMING in any style done to ordol‘ on short, est notlct'. As 1 have latrly visited the city mil, lincry establishments in the interest of my patrons, I am prepared to give the Latest Styles at Lowest Living Prices, my expenses being light. See my Specialties in VElLINGS and CHILDRENS HEADWEAR. Subscribe for The REVIEW. to intimate to the ladies of Durham and surrounding coumry that she is prepared to supply them with the latest in 1'v-To-DATr: lhLLIsrmv. MILLINEISX MISS CULBERTSON begs ‘to “batter, shatter, pound and pul- verize " the Opp sition as Hon. D. C. Fraser aptly described it. Mr. Max- Well. of Vancouver, for instanee again reminded the House that the Govern- ment had done everything in its power to get evidence in support of the charges and read a circular sent to every Senator and member of the Commons in British Columbia begging them to prepare and submit any evidence they eou'd secure' This the hon. member followed up by asking how it was that all the alleged charges. all the so called knowledge of wrong doing came to the Opposition while the Government had utterly failed to secure anything tangible upon which to Work l " surely " added Mr. Maxwell, " if there are griew ances to be redressed those most like- ly to be able to redress them are the men in power and not the gentlemen on the Opposition benches. .. "Pr“, . Dr. Montague Drops It. lite speech of Hon. Dr. Montague, already referred to was without doubt the most effective contrilmtions from his side of the House and one cf the best speeches of the entire debate. It was noteworthy for more than one reason. Not only did he practically repudiate Sir Hibbert Tap r as men- tioned above, but he to Geirntae'ntl and purposes dropped the Yukon question entirely. Dr. Montague is one of the most experienced campaigners in the House, he recognize the weakness of the Opposition attack in this direction and it his advice prevails in the Coun- cils of the arty, methinks the whole miserable Easiness will be allowed to die a natural death. True an amend- ment is threatened dealing therewith, but I venture to predict it will bee very hollow affair. While ot course the main interest of the week centred around the mag- nifieent effort ot the Minister of the Interior, "who speaks like a British Minister, and not like a shrieking demagogue,'them were many good things uttered by gentlemen in the ranks behind him. who ably us_siste_(l Spring and .....Summer A CALL SOLICITED. ’ulbertson 1899 SAVINGS BANK. Interest allowed on savmgs bank deposits of $1.00 and up- Fun-Id: 2ptht attention and Merv acn y a or custon . . . . distance. new living at a A general Banking business transacted. Drafts issued and collections made nu all points. Deposits received and inter. est allowed at current rates. AGENTS in all principal points in Ontario. Quebec, Manitoba," United States and England. CAPITAL. Paid up. ...-..... will”) RESERVE FUND ... .... ft00,000 W. F. OOWAN, President. GEO. P. REID. Hunger. CAPITAL. Authorized. _ . . . . .8t2,000,000 (lllllgllll) BANK AA CANADA Terms model-MP. Arrangvnwuls fur sales. as to dates. Aw. Inner he mum- at The Review office, Dmham. Curl-os- pondenve addressed there on: to More ville P. o. will be promptly nth-m ed to. Terms on applications to Mistress (angrilyy _. See, Bridget. I can write my name in the dust. on the mantle-piece. Bridget (admirirwly)-- 'There nothin' like eddicatiou, after all, is there. mum ? . D. McPHA n. Resident-e ~HOI’E VI LLE "'"-"" 1"" horns. All Prize Winning Stock. I T--- In [leavly and Light Harness, Collars, Pads, Bits, Blankets, Ete. IS RELIABLE IIARNFSS. We want you to know we handle every- thing in the Harness line. Harness that is durable and tits a horse com- fbrtably, will bring iwofit to you in the greater amount ot work he will do. J " R, Gum’s DURHAM AGENCY. OUR LINES OF VAMISI‘B, GRIPS, ETC. ARE OF THE POPULAR KINDS. Head Office, Toronto. Spring Need SUPPLY Seeds D. McPHAIL. Ilopeville P. o. or to C. RAKAGE. Dmhnm. XIV/13 PACKAGES FOR 5c J. KELLY, A gent. C. LEA VENS CALDER’S BLOCK, DURHAM. ONTARIO. Licensed Auctioneer I'm the County of tirvy. CHEAP GARDEN From Thoropgh bred LK Eggs I TORONTO IO ARCHIVES DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING. HATS and CAPS. BOOTS nnd SHOES. . Are made n Speciulty. Call and See what we have & judge for yourself. Unequnlled hnrgnins In ull Depurtmenu hllchllTll'll'8 The Greatest CASH SALE Of the Season Also a Full Line of WA'ITHES, JEWELRY. SILVERWARE, and STERLING SILVER NOvHLTIIis. “Call and see for yourself. “Prices are right. MtFarlane's The Wheels t?"au . . w ill now buy a Seven Jeweled \Valtham ot' Elgm Watch in Nickle Screw Case. We have Seven- teen Jeweled \N'althams at prices never offered before. Go Round ‘9'. We Sell all kinds at all prices. J14. At. Miller Deeds. Mortgages. Willa. and other Writings carefully prepared. . “Always Prompt. Never Negligent.“ All business Strictly Private. A Hundred mind Farms for sale Also a numlwr of tine Hanan-r Propet-ties. Go to him Ifynn “ant to sell: Go to him ifyo want to buy. Hecallects notes and :n'cuunts. and it hunts vu-rv- thing how he gets muncy out of old claims that have hum thrown aside as wtwthless. lll'SlNESS Tmuglos. Sum-ls and Dinicu1tie,4 straightened out, settled and adjusted without lawsuits or ill feeling. by the use of a little tact and good judgment. If you are unable to pay 100 cents on the ' he writ assist you to arrange with your' creditors. Insolvent Estates mat.. isfactovily wound up. HIE! tt ll PHYS. HIE! all tt 80 " W'" t NH " " - PROTESTANTS and CATHOLICS. Itirh Men, Poor Mm, Grits, Tories and Patrons, ALL IDEAL MHTH.... Dinner fl iled--Httaund Mad-- Servant (Fig! Ugly. The ancient clock did its beat-It is old enough wrest. Its going 1elittt have fl'll' you want a , Clock & emper Saver. We have them for 88.50. You can save time and worry by buying one. rs OPENED THIS WEEK AT your}, at [mm-x! ' will (we! privileges. I ole, m " n f ry gum: orlitt.tt a! :7 Irrt' tw, II. II. MILLER will 1mm C. MCARTHUR. '3' UPPER TOWN. W. A. McFARLANE $5 BILL! catch & Irish I "I thr Inun'm-ux m, um! hc KNtt IVS m . ff. MILLER, The Hanover Conreyaneer. hymn! voeiyh, {why htoti"ctoe mgr! XMAS KNO "'s' Rtt H, In yr! HANOVER. n 4.7. "g of ill' Tint tl Next to Dank. DURHAM. ONT. Thy! in ""311 tfy I! in: 'ee." (mm: if "I" yr '.e

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