West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Apr 1899, p. 8

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Quite A low ot our young people attend- L od the Fuewell surprise party " iii) Angus Cmmn'o, Among otbm we" Charlie “a Tom, who danerrd and in other my. onjoyod themselves so much that they aupt the next ar tilt the unl m MI in a the window. (a with: llas been our motto, and We ask yr.u to give the " ALL UASH " aystom your careful consideration and show Jour appreciation by giving it your hearty support. This is the only way to encourage buyers to pay a. GOOD PRICE FOR GOOD BUTTER, As the market stands to-day put all receive tlu, same price. This ia not fair to good butter makers. Sup running Jul you say My. Editor, well we were thinking that the maple had either forgotten that spring had come or did not intend to give as any of its sweets this year. Although quite a number have hung mill to the trees to remind them. Mr. W. Firth, Mr. w. 1hsylor and Mr. W. Greenwood and a few others are hoping to make it few gallons, but none expect to equal the make of W. Firth, who is an old hand in the sugar bash, and known old baud in the sugar bash, and knows how to make it run. 31.. Newill F-lkinghnm and his better hm have moved into Holland Township to take charge of . (arm belonging to Mr. John Ritchie of Port Arthur. Much” Cotton is hired with Mr, Dan Greenwood of Edge Hill for the summer months, Dan knows when he hastguod mu), and Charlie knows the difference betweeua good place and a bad one, We Always Lead Mr. John Colbert met with a misfortune one day his: week, one ot his horses took sick and died in a few hours. This is the third he he: lost in a little over n year. Our friend sweets to be about discouraged as it is near seeding time and horses ere very dear. We understand that there is likely to be a new store built n Trevor-ton this summen and we believe with the right kind of e man in chase it will be e IF OUR OPPOSITION pays more for BUTTER in goods than it is really worth in cash he must. take the difiereuee from you in the price of the goods. We commenced buying wool this way some few years ago (iel paying cash, and we are able to any to-day that not one of our many wool cun- Lonwrs rwr faulted us. but on the other hand complimented us and showed their apruteiatinn by dealing with us on the all cash system. Bring your Butter and Eggs to the All Cash Store and GET YOUR MONEY for them. Mr, G. Blair has hired one ol Councilor Lamb‘s sons for the summer. Mr. W. Edwards is still drawing saw logs and says he intends to any with it as long " the snow has. It leaves you free to purchase at any store in town, and no more than you want. It is not many years ago since people were afraid to ask the store keeper for a few cents cash on the butter and eggs. To-day we ask you to take all each from us, and then when you have your money, turn mound and buy from as. or any one else for cash. This places you on an entirely different footing. We don't ask you to thank us for taking this pro- gressive step, as it is one we should have taken long ago. We have decided to pay Spot Cash for all our Produce from First April. SHl MR CASH AND lllf FOR CASH Illllll YOU WAN] . A. HUNTER. Zion. Take for instance your friends near the city, they would never dream of trading BUTTER for goods. T hey sell their butter for cash and buv their goods for cash. Every sensible thinking individual _ knows that the only correct way is to DEPARTMENTAL STORE LOWER TOWN, DURHAM wanted for Sash EGG CASl%' SUPPLIED FREE. : Skin Ehmm'; MT“; GG%iGird if n box. Cm gun-nod. Sold by , - "ati6. 3 Miss Minnie Ball of Hampden is spending". few weeks with her sister Mrs. Geo. Pollock Jr. of Murdoch P. o. Mr. J. Allan commenced his new lllll ies with Mr. Thus. Brown of Holstein, nu the lst of April. We are sorry to 1osvJohn, as he was our trustworthy librarian. Mr. H. L. Chapman supplies his place. Rev. Mr. Ity an held special service in the School House Good Friday aftetnoon. Miss Katie Baird. daughter of Mr. Geo. Baird of Winnipeg is at present brightening the homes of her many tvlationsaud intends renminmg fol a couple of months. Miss Mary A. Govdon spent a couple of weeks m Holstein assisting Mr. Kodsloy in the Push of tailoring. Our popular launcher Mr. w. L. Dixon held a public school exam. Thursday afternoon previous to Easter holidays. Allthetlustees and a goodly number of the vate-payers being present, and found the school in good standing. Miss S. A. Coleridge assisted Mr. Dixon principally with the work, Miss Cole. rulge's easy manner in teaching a. class showed she was right at home with the work. Mr, Geo. Sharpe accompanied by his wife and family visited his mother last week whohas not yet recovered from her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. D, Coleridge Jr. also visited the latter's mother on Sunday. Mr. w. tiirr Jr. sold one of his team of horses to Mr. J. Hoef1in of Orchard, purchasing one from Chas. Gray to replace it. Red Hot Prom The Gun. Wu the ball that hit G. B. sandman of Knuth. Mich., in the Civil War. It "tttred homblo U100" that no trauma!“ hglpod_ fer 20 yup. _ Then Batman's Ar. Mr. B, Slum-p in company with a gang of men tini<hed hewing the timber of J. 11. b'harpe's barn last week, Mr. Morrison and family of Glenelg who recently purchased the Black farm moved their effects onto the premises last, week and has now taken possession. Mr, Rom. Mead had themisfortune to lose a valuable horse last week. " -..-..o -- Murdoch. him. Their Business Booming Probably no one thing but “and such . mom ruin! of hula " our drug atom so their giving on) to then- many automor- of no may In. his] but!“ of Dr. King'- Now Discovery for Conn-m- Mr. George Furneaux has two men hired cutting wood just now. They say they are pntting up four cords a day, but when they get through we will measure the pile, count up the tinge ans) send In the correct report. Mr. James Barclay has S. Cooper engaged taking out timber for some additional building, while W. Rear ney is similarly emplgyed. Brave Men Fall. Victims to stomach. liver an! kidney troubles as well as Women, and all (in l the results in Ions oftsppotite, poisons in the blood, backache, nermuenem. heulache and tired, listless. ran-down feeling. Bus there's no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner. Idaville, Ind. He says: "Electric Bitters are Just the thing for a man when he is all run down, and don't care whether he lives or dies. It all run down, and don't care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than anything I could take. I can now out anything and have a new lease on life," Only 50 cents at our drug stores. Every bottle guaranteed. 3 We have all kinds p) weather in one day now-Snow, Sunshine and rain. Snesll--Diekson - That the Scc‘y notify all the teachers in the Tp, at least two weeks previous to the day appointed for such visitation by said medieal practition- ers requesting them to urge upon all tutytseeinnted persons in their respective sect‘s to avail themselves of this oppor- tunity and present themselves for "eeination. Carried. Ctutltieid-Allan-That we adjourn to meet " the cull of the chum-mun. Carried. D. ALLAN,Sec'y. Mr. Tom Hartley is engaged with Mr. J. McCarty for the spring months, while C. R. Watson is hired with Sandv Ellison for seven months. Both are fine fellows and sure to get work where ever' they go. Dtektron--Snell--That the Sec'y " the Board of Health notify the Trustees of the various school sec. to clean out the well in connection with each School at least once ayear and report to Board of Health. Carried. Allan-Caulfield-That we consider it our duty to remind patents and guardians of their duty regarding the vaccination of their children. For this purpose the Board of Health have entered into an agreement with Dr's Snenth and L'mwn to visit all the schocls in the township upon stated days (of which due notice willbo given) and then and there to vnccmate all who present themselves at a. fee of Wie each to be paid by each ap. plicant. In the cue ot all poor persons the Municipality shall pay said fee, and also for the vaccine used by such medical prnetitiouers, Carried. Mr. Robb Ifat%ty and his mother are visidng friends at Owen Sound this week. Mr. Din. and Miss Flora. McDonald Sup_day_gd with friendy at the IIplloysf. Board met April lst, minutes approved, The Scc'y read a lengthy circular from Dr. Bryce on vaccination. requesting municipalities to prepare for any emerg- ency, Said circular was laid before the council. but it was referred to the Board of Health. The chairman reported upon the water supply of school sections Xo's o, 10 a 11 and presented eertitieateg from Trustees or Secy's of said schools show- ing that the wells had been properly cleaned which was highly satisfactory to the Board and elicited commendation to the chairman for his vigilance in the matter. Mr. Mekeehnie has again made his rounds buying and selling stock. He sold an old horse to Bill Bartley for 850 while he has bought a two- year-old heavy draught from W. Bell for 875. He also bought cattle the sar_n_e lay. - -- -- Aghost either imaginary or other. wise has been seen. It so alarmed one young man that he walked the road all night rather than go home thtjgugh_a_ _smgill piece of woqu. " This cosy little hamlet in the Rocky Mountains. Anyone calling at the Blue Hole will be treated to the best thteotyttryIan 1fford. _ - Mr. Ladirhlan has traded one of his gingskto Mr. Mekeehnie for a. fancy ac . Hood's Pills Rouse the Liver EGREMONT BOARD OF HEALTH. Gii'sGiifii" Gatiires, and while gentle are reliable and e cient. They Cure Sick Headache, Bil. iousness. Sour Stomach, and Constipation. Sold everywhere, 25c. per box. -utrrcaaroootum"liM"a, - _ .0. Smoky Hollow. - 'err-ora-mt-s RAMBLEA WA Y. Na. “on. Munch h imply amon- in this very nimble remedy. from the foot that It than cum cod no": disappoint- Coughl. Colds. Autumn. Bronchitis. Croup,nnd all tttroat and lung dimm ure quickly cured. You on test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free, large lilo 50c, and '1.00. Every bottle wunnud. 3 ”Eli; "cdiiiinui, 'uncharikédQ -sAii't"iii'e" old complaint of too many light hogs being sent in. We had a good supply of Markers. some of very inferior quality. and price prices ranged from 3 to3lc, with Tit. for the best grades: fur a feWse- lected lots five to ten cents mom- was occasionally paid. Shipping hulls continue weak at from 4 In 43c per ll). Feeders of ten to eleven hundred Rounds are worth from 4 to " per IIs, Not, many here. Calves are unchanged. with a steady enquiry for calves of a [mum quality. which will sell up to 88 and $10 each, if of the right kind. Yearling lambs are fetching from " to 5k, and for extraf-hoice 3.he per' ll); with a steady enquiry for the best grades. For ewes the price is unchanged at from 3 to 3lc per ll). Bucks are fetching from 21, to 2it new pound. Very few spring lambs were here to- dag, and they: IS prawgically .no enquiry. The top price for .. singers " is 41,le per lb; light are bringing 4c; and heavy fat hogs sell at 32c as the outside price. Sows me fetching 8e per lb. Stags sell at 2e per lb. Stores are not wanted. Mr. Wut. Orchard of London is visit- ing his uncle and other friends fun a few Jays. Mr. Herb and Missznnie Doupe re- turned home an Thutst.ity from New- bridge where they Wore visiting their nun! and other. ft ieuds. Born. to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 3 on Thursday oth, at (Laughlor. Jacob Smith and Alex. Stephens left on Saturday for St. Mary's when! they have secured situations fur the summon . Mrs. Wut. Ellis visited friends in Mt. Forest last week. Me. and Mrs, Geo. burrows of Conn visited the farmer‘s mother Mrs. Wru. Burrows on Sabbath. Trade in butcher cattle was any; choice selections sold at 4 to MC per llc loads of really good cattle fetched around 4r: secondary sold at, from .3t to 33c: and inferior stuff down 102k per ll). . Roht.Henry Jr. has 'returned {mm Toronto after. purchasing some spnug goods. Flour per ewt .........._ Oatmeal per sack ...... Bran per cwt ... ... Shorts per ewt ... . Fall Wheat per bushel Barley, " Peas. t6 Oats, bt Dr'd Hogs, per cwt Hogs, live weight ._. Lard per lb ... Tallow' per lb w.. Batter per lb, Tnl, ... oxpnrr stuff from 4 lo 430 iret' lb. The weakness in the Old Crututry markets - reported in our Liver mnl cable of this morning (Fridaylihml a. down-lug ef.. fect on purchasing. and the cattle was not. all sold. Ed .u', sou of Mr. and Mrs. A. Henry. also FQ/I')', son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown are under the (IUCUH'S mm at present, I "tended for Mat week. Mr. Wm. Brown is able to be around again after a serious illttraror. Mr.Juo. Allan, Sr. u also imprming after a few week‘s iudoptm Miss Mama Wilson is expected to got better when the warm weather comes. 'roitoNTo. \Ve had fifty loads again to-day, and while the run was only an average one, it was too much, and prices gave way from 20 to 40e per cwr. all round on shippers' and butchers" cattle. This statement will not, erhnps please some of those dealers WY“) want, " had mar- ket always reported as a good one. but the statement is correct. Of course the inferior grades of cattle felt the weak. ness must acutely, and some prime stuff was sold at apparently unchanged figmv. For prime export, cattle, the quot- ations ranged from th to 5r pm ly: liglrt Miss N, Sec” is spPuJing Easter huiiduys til home, Thus Brown Ind tt wood bee lust Sat. nrda': and same good work Was dune. For thin (reek. Miss M. S'cott has returned to resume her duties in S. S. No. 12, after spending her holidays with friends and velatives in Glenda. Eggs, per dur, . . Chickens. [er pan Ducks " Ttwlieys,per ll, . Geese, per lb Hides. per ewt l Calfskius ... . Sheepskins ... . Hay, per ton . Straw, .. ... Mr. Jnu. Henry plant Sunday but mth Normauby friends, which moans that his foot is getting better nmwav. It may mmln more, Potatoes, per Apples, per bag 3 you. Luuttm.--in Durham, on Sunday, April 0th. son of Jun. Barker. and IO jiTt"tt' l ' TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKETS. DURHAM MARKET . Henry's Corner. ............ " 'ck ...... ... 2 r bugger: bb ... 0 tt ... o " ... 0 r cwt ... 4 tht ... ... 4 run: III 0 Roll ... ;a'.," ..r. n 'V 'i'. ... ... 11 ... ... 7 Iraq Holstein. DIED. " b0 to 62 2 00 to 2 80 to 90 to w, to 0 40 tn 0 o 64 to 0 28 to t 75 to 4 4 10 to 10 to 04 to 0 13 to 40 to 50 8 to 8 " 05 to 0 (If; 7 00 to 7 00 25 to 350 50 to 75 5 00 to " oo 0 Cro to o 00 75 to til) 50 to 70 13 to 10 to 25 to McFarleu. 10 04 0 l4 14 10 U 4,5 64 29 80 15 66 it ciplcs atroasonablo was. ( ll also run-d Im- of dyspepsia. from MISS SHEWEL 1 twhii.it I “as Mdl'ming at the linu'. so what I feel ttttW Iilu- a m-w mun. 'u""'ne,dtt,ttr'ygfiiog,"."'" the . I Imvvlriwl sewevul tvts,idies fut rheu- - ' ' _ Wtatitun, 54mm of whirl: did nu- " certain mThv' MIIY '""r"" u"""'" "‘““' Eamon”! of good, hut nothing that I _ - . 'hun- talom has don so nun-h for Im- ax DURHAM ililll PM sewme !your Phvenoline, and I have mun-II plun- . sure in vecotutuendins,r it IoolIu-r “If --- _ fol-s. WELL BRED DURHAM BULL; You!" \‘n-ry truly. will be kept for service, at Lotmi I iyii;.werl) JA MEN ( 'A “ROLL. Con. 2, ID. G, ft, Glenelg. season 1899. l Foveutan ol Works. Ihle-au caual. TERMS : "me.., payable Jan. I, 1900. 1 1yit.rit':y.r,t,o,t. returning. or disposing of l For sale by li. PARKEit, Durham. cows will be charkeu fall prlco. Field and Garden Seeds From the Old Country. The Seeds are from one of the best Seed Growers in Britain, and include the leading Field and Garden Seeds. Would intimate "not she will continue the Furniture and Undertaking Business estab- lished by her father in Durham in "" and will endeavor to give all old and new custom era the some entire satisfaction. Furniture of the Best Make Undertaking and Embalming on latest prin- ciples at reasonable "'" ' MISS SHEWELL DRUGGIST AND SEEDMAN. ALWAYS ON HAND. PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIALTY At PARKER'S DRUG H'NItr'.. DANISH SUGAR BEET -I'ULL LINE OF- 8old by Hummus a co., JA s. ATK I A fit LN , H. PARKER” - CHOICE CLOVER SEEDS CHOICE TIMOTHY SEEDS 571 St. PATRICK STREET. orrAuu, July 3lsl. ms. Tailor Phre"uline Medwitte Co., Ltd. ()Huuw. (Inf. “ENTLEWEN. nu the mh‘im- of " friend tried one bottleof yotwftttttout. theutttatictwuted.v. Phrvnolitus. and to my surprise it run-d nw of vheumatistts, fqsttt whichl have sum-red for many years. Rheumatism & mppix Band. DURHAM, ONTARIO. l899 Seeds SUI) bushel. t.ti. 75 bushel. couple. with hit at. the funerd. made it impoul' he pe-ee". and .impk- niigiom and an". f 'et:reter'.V. I huslumd. PM“ ovet' 40 you! Uefotw cunning nnl‘ (hummer Bum-n. of L NHNAHESAK‘ fen-ed to the l the father and kechnie, (“on hml it.) Hincv wus "uriod on Mt'. \VIIMIII " Tmmry and building "WW raw. just Wes! that is a 'qtrit the puree. i building all u have thing: in making ch: SII'VPIM w my Hahn“ Mas with [mink aw at the "in hridt feet. a much the dam. do show ("mud The Hung“ week. Hutu Jun-In. of vid new uf .. u rt and is ttttri m-ever/tt y of II sum». In thi: motnet hing " hol- thetw h mentioning.“ "ver00, It“; almdhhw in l n t hen-(l lumum HUI ml 'it Tolunmu'u month's of Toronto em the “In! Mm OCR Sum aidem. of the is in town " with Huyur “Mt-walks. "racen by u in good urdq snuditinn. Ihr:" tN Jacksion, hi! dull. died " April I3. ti St. Emilia A was alum! td at Covemdal m " banks In To [New ttrricult m al will he norm May bit incl Rev. Mr. "Mo. will pulpit for t r'xu llllllc In» Jenni titeenwood) A ruin“! Mutation u "on's, um" For 'le 0m. 6! "t Snalcmsu 1 up“? this "i pun-hm”. Hood's Pills TIN Two full at. art "It“ 'vetaowi" Mm. TIM You Numb PETER " FnHatte, tir in " "u ttett llll "um by = fir alrsl!,' \nul Huwmillu Wd "Inc yuu} sf MrKum V0 lilll 4f "hid ll

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