West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Apr 1899, p. 5

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f the _ past West hers 7th. 8th. and days. splay his l 'e. for your MNU- Eiht IN USE. lulluiii IND (llilllill)llr., "wtt. OCK AM, ONT Tb] I.- Paris White, Ready Mixed Enamel and WINS. .llnllqg *YCLES that will ttt" "tbrtK." u "wrt " is rluyx. In! sighs Cuit a! t and a! Best White Castile SOAP 80 bar. Lamp BRUSHES at, 10e, 15c and 250 each. White Wash Brushes 1iie, we and 25c each BRUOMS lor. 150. 20e 25c each. Heavy Galvanized 14 quart PAIL 25c each. "In" LUV Um" III“ III IVIIII a Try " Pound. SALADA swag. TEA in lead packets. Black or Mid ' at 25c, we and 40c Pound. Come and Bee what a Lot of Tinware we Give tor 8t IO-in Granite PIE PLATES loc each. Granite WASH BOWI‘S 20e each. We always keep a full line at the very LOWEST PRICES. You want. to see our Woman's 81.00 and $1.25 ()xfprd Shoes before buying. THEY 10v. Men's Ruhberilié Collin (turf); down) Kic. Men's Rubberine CUFFS yard our best. Our 7c Flannaette is " snap. Men's TOP SHIRTS from 250 upwards. Men's under Shirts and Drawers from 25c upwards. Men's, I_t\l'BBERlNl-2_ (’0LI_.AR§ "(stand-up) CANT BE BEAT .' The very best values at 50, .%, 100 and 12ie yard. American Dress GINGHAMS at 7c and loc yard. BOOTS AND SHOES FLOOR OIL CLOTH. 6 feet wide. Nk. yard, Best Table Oil Cloth. 4bin wide. 21k. yard. Best Table Oil Cloth, M-in wide. 30 yard. Decorated Oil N H A DES. 37x70, Hollow. complete, All Curtaitm except 25c ones are Taped Edges. SPRING is here, so is House- cleaning time and you will need New Lace Curtains. Just read the following prices : MacFARLANE SI Ci) No "itfieulty in supplying your WALL Puma from our stock. Larger, Bet- ter, Prettier, Cheaper Patterns than ewr before offered. That describe. 'ent, and remember we Tam and de. liver them without extra charge. WHEN HERE YOUR WM". OUR PlHSlIRE l. FLANNELETTES from 5c up to 10c OUR NEW MEI Mi JIM Ill! THE BIG pair. 'tt 2i. Iltt N Jim Itil III M! yaw Is yards yards yards yards l'l'Priit TOWN DURHAM. BEAN & co. DRUGGISTS AND "EEDHMES, Ask to see our stock of Window Shades. We know it will please you. The new Wall Papers are making friends as soon as seen. They are Bright, Har.. monious and pleasing. Aesthetic, Pleasing, Harmonious. long, long. long. lung. long, 28-in wide. 33-h wide, 42-in wide, 48.in wide, 27-in wide, Opaque WINDOW Iyounted an Spring Durham, Ont 25c pair. 40c pair. 650 pair. 75c pair. $1 pair. By-Lair. And the Votes of the electors of the Municipality in the Town of Durham shall be taken on this By-Law on Mon. day the 8th (1:? ot May, commencing at the hour o 9 of the clock in the morning and closing " the hour of 5 o’clock the same day as follows - In North Ward at the Home of Nor. man Kelsey, by Clifton Elvidge, Deputy Returning Queer. In Eastr'Ward at the Tert,etll Ar. WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Town of Dur- ham has resolved to grant aid by way of partial exemp- tion from taxation for the promotion of the Industry of the Manufacture of Chairs and Furniture in the Town of Durham. Tnerefore the Corporation of the Town of Durham by the Council thereof e- nacts as follows t That the Assessment for Taxes to be levied on the land, buildings and Ma. chinery of the Durham Furniture Co. Limited, and also their stock Mana. factured and in process of manufacture Said land and building being situate onLots5and 6 on the north side of Lambton St. composed of 6 acres, shall not exceed the sum of Four Hundred and Fifty dollars for a term pt ten years from the passing of this wriiT, iroiiii u Deputy 9. On Tuesday, the Ninth day of May, 1899, at ten o'clock in the fore- noon, at the Town Hall, in the Town ot Durham, the Clerk of the Town of Durham will proceed to sum up the number ot votes given for and against this By-law. CoUNcnAhomats ) Mayor. April A. D. 1899. Clerk. 8. On Saturday, the Sixth (if; of May, 1899, " the hour of ten o'eloek in the forenoon, the Mayor of the own of Durham, will attend at the oftiee of the Town Clerk, in the Town ot Durham, for the purpose of appointing in writing, signed by himself, two persons to attend at the final summing up by the Town Clerk, ofthe votes polled on this By-law, and also of appointing one person to attend at each polling place on behalf of the dpersons interested in, and desirious of promoting the passing of this By-law, an a like number on behalf of the persons interested in, and desirious of opposing the passing ot this By-law. In North Ward at the house of Norman Kelsey, by Cleton Elvidge as Deputy Returning Offieer; in East Ward at the Town Had, by W. B. Vollett as Deputy Returning Offieer, and in West Ward at Mrs McCreary'o house, by John Smith .3 Deputy Returning 0ftieer. 6. This By-law shall come into force on the day of the final passing thereof by lllll Council. 7. The votes of the electors of the Municipality of the Town of Durham shall be taken on this By-lew on Monday, the Eighth day of May, 1809, com. manning " the hour of Nine of the clock in the morning. and clasmg at the hour of Five of the clock in the afternoon of the some day as follows: 3. The said Debentures shall bear due on the day herein-her appointed, for the coming into force of this By-luv, llull be IEOhEd wiib the Corporate Seal of the Town of Durham, be signed by the Mayor thence! and but interest at the ate of four per cemum per unnum tram the date tlteteof, until respoetively due no hereinbolote spemiUd, which Interest shall be payable yearly, on the first day of Jammy in cub yen. u the Standard Bank, m the Town of Durham. whore I130 the and Dobenturu shill he parable. 2. For that purpose it shall be lawful for the Mayor of the land Town of Durham to botrow Ten Thousand Dollars md tn mu. Debentures of the and municipality to said amount. in sums of not less than One Hundred Dollars etch puyublo at the and often years from the date on which this Brlare takes cal-ct. and to but interest " I nu not exceeding tour per cenlum per annum, puyuble yen-1y on the hrstt day of January during the currency ot and Debenmru. - ,___ -_- -..... All“ uuxuuul xuuuuure Compang. Limited," in the ereetiort"and completion of a Factory. for the manu- facture of Furniture within the limits of the said Corporation, by lending the said Comp-n} the sum of $10,000. repayable without interest in eight con- Iecutivu annual instalments, the first seven of $1,000 each, at the ends of the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh. eighth and ninth years, and 1 final instal- ment of $3,000 " the end of the tenth year. in accordance with the terms of an agreement to be onion-ed into between the said .. The Dmhnm Furniture Company Limited. nnd the Corporation of the Town of Durham, I copy of: proposed By Low which ha! been taken into consider-lion out! which will he 11- nolly pound by tho Council (in the "out ot the consent of the llama being obtained thereto” one: on. month from the ttrat publicotion thoroof in tho DURHAM sznw uswnpapor, the duo ot which tirst publieatiorp will lu tr. m any of LET“, A.D. 1899, Ind that " tho day and ham- Iud place- ntal therein for taking “a. veto. of the teetors, I',?, will be held. Dated minim: day of April, A.D. 1899. G o. RUSSELL, Town Clerk. ho foregoing copy M BY-LAW No 354, of the Oorpontion ot the Town of Dun-hum. is A two TI copy Mg prqponod tihrw yhich hll_b9¢n taken into oomidontion and which will be a- Company, Limited," in building and operating Factory in the Town of Durham. WHEREAS, a joint Sil‘izli' t'uliipnny has been organized Durham, known as 't The Durham Furniiure Conipnuy. Limiu pose of manufacturing fuvu,rure in 0w ’l‘um. nl Durham ; und l Company is desirous, of building a Factory and of having the and in running order during .he ya .r 1809 ; and wluweas the C plied to the Municipal Council at the Uni-pumiion of the Tom aid by way of loan. of the sum of $10,000. to the Company, m l the Nuns of an agreement herein all” tererntl to. And WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient and desirable, t sum of $10,000, to the said Company for said purpose. BY-LAW NO. 355. A BY- -L AW NO. 354 F:NIrt,o,,ai.d a,nd./y.ssist "The Durham Furniture) NOTICE. " mpnny has been organized in the Tuwu oil Furnizure Company. LImiud." for the pur- 1 iw 'l'vvu, 01 Durham; and whereas the said ; Factory and of having the same completml'i r 189!) ; and whereas the Company [us up- I the Corporation of the Tom: of Durham for I t.xpedierp and desirable, to loan the said true copy of A proposed By-Lew which hee been Men into trogmideretion. end which will be tin.il, penned " the Council (in the event of the consent of the Elector: being chained thereto.) um: one month trom the an: publioe tion thereof in the Dam 33m PeBrtW8r, the deb of which int pnhlieetion will he the and: any of April, A. D Moe, end that " the deyend hour end plu- ftxqd thenln for nun. the vote ot the Electors, polls will he held. Dated this 19th In, of April A. D. m. GEO. BUS!!!» Clerk he foregoing copy of By-Luv number 365, o T tho Cogpontion My? Tywn otpttrlmm, " u On Tuesday the 9th day of May 1899 " 10 o'clock in the torenoon at the Town Hall in Town of Durham the Clerk of the Town of Durham will pro- ceed to mm up the number of votes given for and against this By-Law, Passed this day of 1899. Mayor. Clerk. On Saturday the 6th day of May 1899 at the hour often o'clock in the torenoon the Mayor of the Town of Durham will attend at the offiee of the FOWII Clerk in tlw Town of Durham or the pu e o appointing in writing signed bymself two persons to attend at the final summoning up by the Town Clerk ot the votes polled on this By-law, and also appointing one per- son to attend at each polling place on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of promoting the passing of this By-Law] and a like number on behalf ot the persons interested in and desirous of opposing the passing of this By-Law. In the West Ward " the Hpuse of Mrs. McCreary, by John Smith as Deputy Returning Onicer. 366 63 331 98 295 95 258 47 219 59 178 97 137 82 92 b5 NOTICE , m accordance with L' umiture Alidoe.tors told Buick Hamilton. of West Jofrerson, 0.. “to: inform 18 months from Rock] Finn", he wool: die unless :eoutly operation wu performed. but be ettrerd hints]! with in box- of Bucklon'l Arnie: Sulvo. tho sum Pile euro on Ruth. and the but Bates. in the World" ”can: . box, Bold " our The lop price of "tnnttera" is 4tc per 1h l light are bringing 4c, and heavy tnt hogs sell nt not more than He. Saws are fetching Se per lb. Stags sell at 20 per lb. Stores are not wanted. Calves were plentiful, poor in quality, and weaker in rice ; they sold tn-dny at from 82 to dead), the latter being an outside price. Scarcely four hundred hogs were sent in today. but we are unable to announce any change in flgtttem We had a couple of dozen spring lambs. mostly of poor 1""2,; and they sold from 82 to $5 eac . Some better grades are in request. Yearling lambs were a shade more may to ay. and a good many poor 3 )ecimens were among the supplies. 'AT) heat grain-fed yearling; sold this morning at foom " 5 to 85.40per cwt.. and common “barnyard” lambs fetched from 84.25 to 84,60. Ewes are worth from 31 to 4c per 1h. Bucks Are fetching from 3 to 3le per pound. Shipping bulls, milk cows. etc,, quiet and unchanged. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. TORONTO. Difficulty in Theeucind space and un- certainty as to where t e mats will nil from, coupled with weak English cable- grams. is all injurinusly affecting the trad" in shipping cattle. Trada tn-day was slow, and prices weaker. with tie. cents as the best price. The. range in from " to 50. For loads of good tstuff scaling from 1,200 to 1,3001bs ouch. the price is from 34.00 to 85 per cwt. The supply of butcher cattle was nun-ce- to-duy, and the quality none too good ', but trade was brisk, and the good stuff was readily caught up st from 4 to 4le per pound ' and some extra choice lots sold at a. little higher figures. Several loads of good cattle. sold at from $3.25 to 33.75 per out. ; and some com- mon lots sold down to $3 per cwt. Stacker: continue may at from 83.25 to $3.75 per Curt.. with occasional sales of choice up to 83.90. Eggs, per dor. .-. . Hides, par cwt .. Calfskin: ... ..t Sheepskins ... .. Hay. per ton ..t Btuw, '. ... .. Potatoes, per bag Apples, per bag .. as this cannot be done, and as the directors are. and are likely to be, our own townsmen, there can be no ques- tion that the course. for every voter is to support this by-law, with a YEA vote and the heartiest good will. Discovered by a Woman. Another great (linemen has boon made and that too by a lady in thh country. “Disco" lasso-nod its clutches upon hor and for noven yearn she withstood in neuronal. "all. Im her vital organ: woro undormined and death nomad imminent F or throe mouths oho cough"! inoeauautly. and could not sloop. She tirmlly din-cover od a way lo nomvory. be purchaoing of no o boule of Dr. King'o New Discovery for Consumption, and was so much relieved on takinx first dose. that she slept all night. and 'tttit two how", hot: been ab- anlutoly cured. Hot name io Mm. Luther Luta. Thus wrilea W. C. Hammett Co., of Shell-y, N. C. Trial bottle: free at our Drug Sim-u. Regular size 60e and and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. 4 Flour per cwt .......... Oatmeal par sack ...... Bran per ewt ... ... Shorts per ewt ... Fall Wheat per l-nshel Barley, " Peas, bb Oats, th Dr'd Hogs. per cwt Hoes, live weight ... Lard per ll, ... Tallow' per ll: ... Butler par ttr, TO ... son, M. P. P. with great clearness laid before the ratepayers the steps al- ready taken and the motive actuating the promoters in pushing for an industry. Quite a number discussed the proposal, and there was practical unanimity when the vote was taken. Mr. G, Mekeehnie laid before the meeting the objections to a. loan and would have been pleased to see a com- pany take hold of it without. However 1londay night last the Provisional Directors of the New Company waited onthe Council with a definite proposi- tion, and the Council before committing themselves, called a public meeting on Wednesday evening Dr. Jamie- He Fools The Surgeons. NOW FOR THE BY-LAW. DURHAM MARKET. it ............ 'sack ...... ... 't ... ... ... wt ... ... per bushel ... I. ... b6 to. ‘I ... per cwt ... might ... ... III ... ... " TO ... ... Roll ... " ... ... ... wt ... ... I ... ... tttr bag ... Jag ... ... ”~90, Fl 80 to 82 15 2 00 to 2 18 80 to GO 90 to 90 90 to 90 65 to 66 0 45 h 0 50 0 64 to 64 " 28 to 80 4 75 to 4 80 4 10 to 00 10 to 10 04 to 04 0 13 to o l4 18 to 14 10 to 10 7 00 to 700 600to 000m 25 to " to WELL BRED DURHAM BULL d, will be kept for service, " MSG, n. 2, ll G. 8., Glenda, season 1899. 2tty, Tlhs., pyuble Jan. I, 195:). Pt I m g a. cow: will 1tgtrgts hum full 'tlg,'.'" TAB. ATKINSON ' SAVINGS BANK. Interest allowed on savings bank deposits of 'l.00 and up- wards. Prompt attention and every facility 'tfrordid customer: living " a. distance. J. KELLY, Agent. A general Baan business transacted. Drafts issued a collections made on all points. Deposits received and inter- est allowed at current rates. AGENTS in all principal points in Ontario. Quebec, Manitoba,' United States and England. CAPITAL, Authorized. . . . . . .82,000,000 CAPITAL, Paid up.-........ 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND ' ...w.... 600,000 W. P. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Hammer. Terms moderate. Arrangements for sales. as to dates. &c. must be made at The Review ofrice, Dulham. Corres- pondence addressed there or to 1'gti- ville P. o. will be promptly tttten ed to. Terms on applications to (llllllBil) BANK OF CANADA Thorough- bred Leg- horns. All Prize Winning Stock. Residence--HoPEVILLE. J as. R. Gun IS RELIABLE HARNESS. We want you to know we handle every- thing in the Harness line. Harness that is durable and fita a home com- fortably, will bring profit to you in the greater amount of work he will do. (littit Block . - .. IT--- In Ileavv and Light Harness, Collars, Pads, Bits, Blankets, Rte. A Spring Need The beet on the market. We can recommend these PILLS " we know what they contain, (which we cannot do with some largelv ad- vertised patent medicines). Try a box and test their value. GHERY AND IRON PINS! In liquid and pill form. Just what is required to tone and build up the system and take away that tired feeling. and other valuable. . . . DURHAM A GENCY. Sarsaparilla ' McPHA n. Price 250 a Box. OUR LINES or' TALISrS, GRIPS, ETC. ARE OF THE POPULAR KINDS. MIRIAM RI ft SINCE. ....Try a TONI CS Head Office, Toronto. SUPPLY D. lcPHAIL. Hopeville P. l or to C. RAIAGE, Dmham. BEEF, IRON AND WINE. C. LEA VENS DRUGGIST Licensed Auctioneer fot the County of Grey. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO box of.... Eggs! READY MADE CLOTHING. HATS and CAPS, BOOTS tad SHOES. Au and. I Spocidty. Call and See what we have & judge for yourself. Unequnlled bat-goin- In I" Departments The Greatest CASH SALE Of the Season #lnlffli'lil'8 We Sell all kinds at all prices. Also a Fall Line of WATCHES. JEWELRY, SILVERWARE. and STERLING SILVER NOVELTII‘B. “Call and see for yourself. “Prices are right. A Hundred good Fauna for tuue--Aitu, a number of tine Hanover Properties. .Go to him If you want to sell: Go to him if you want to buy. Be collects pales iutd accounts. and it beats every- ___ H V ...... nun-nun. auu " "will every- thing how he gets money out of old claims that have been thrown aside an wort bless. BUSINESS Tungleu. Snulu And Difficulties straightened out settled and adjusted without lawsuits, or ill feeling, by the use of a little tart and good judgment. If on are unuhle to par Mn cent: on the {he WI" mist you to arrange with your creditors Insulvem. Estates Bat. isfaetoriir wound up. writilsis EEEVIT}. Brenna; “Alvmys Prompt. Never h All business Strictly Private, l I Witt now buy 3 Seven Jeweled Waltham or Slum Watch in Nickle Screw Cue. We have Seven- teen Jeweled Waltham. " price. never offered before. M 0Farlane’s The Wheels srr'Ns, H. H. MILLER will have been awt yaw-x at the Minimum mart XMAS DA Y. and he KNOWS ROW fo get manual at Imam! pom'ble mm and out}: at privileges. That in uh the whole country goes to him. [It is (ending at s per call. and on lame loam: at 48-4. very long. Lawn; Town. 90 Round "it. “my (lit ll PMS, The] tl (lit 80 - PROTESTANTS and CATHOLICS. Ric/z Men, Poor Man, Grits, Twine and Patrons, ALI. DEAL WITH.... DRY GOODS. Dinner 'ttfeta-Pt/gd Mad-- Servant irl Ugly. The ancient clock did its beat-It is old enough wrest. Its gomg unlities have gone you want u (lltll Clock & Tem r Saver. We have them for 'dl' 50. You can save time and worry by buying one. IS OPENED THIS WEEK AT C, McARTHUR. These Prices will not last W. A. McFARLANE NexttoBank. UPPER TOWN. Sti5 BILL! catch & lrih ! . H. MILLER. The Hanover. Convevancev. Will now buy tt Seven 3. Miller HANOVER. l. GORDON, of .1: Tint ( DURHAM, ONT. With., and other “56¢" Negligent.’ ti L

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